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Over 180 Rave Reviews & Now Just 99 Cents For Bestselling Paranormal Romance… Testing Fate (#3, The Mystic Wolves) by Belinda Boring
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Testing Fate (#3, The Mystic Wolves)

by Belinda Boring

Testing Fate (#3, The Mystic Wolves)
4.8 stars – 186 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The Mystic Wolves is a BESTSELLING Paranormal Romance!

Nothing burns as bright as the flames of the refiner’s fire.

Moments after hearing the Council sentence her enemy to life imprisonment for attempted murder and illegal use of magic, Darcy is whisked away by the Fates—accused of tampering with destiny. The cherished dream she shared with Mason has been called into question, placing doubt about whether they are actually true mates. To resolve it, a price must be paid—the Heart or Death—a grueling series of tests designed to reveal a person’s worth.

The stakes are high and Darcy finds herself facing the unknown in conditions that leave her more vulnerable than she’s ever been. Separated from Mason and her Pack, with Devlin as her only companion, she is pushed to her very limits. She must succeed—or lose everything.

Will she crumble under the pressure or emerge stronger for testing fate?


“Belinda Boring really is the queen of swoon. Testing Fate had all the elements to stop my heart and keep me guessing until the very end.” ~Jessica Gibson, author of the bestselling Boston Witches series.

“After finishing Testing Fate, I have a few monikers of my own for the “Queen of Swoon”: Sire of Suspense, Countess of Cliffhanger, and Administer of Emotional Torture.” ~ Justine Littleton, Bex ‘n’ Books.

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