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Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Jenn Thorson’s THERE GOES THE GALAXY is Our eBook of the Day at just $2.99, or FREE via Kindle Lending Library, With 4.4 Stars on 17 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample!

It’s the age-old tale of boy meets alien abductor. Boy meets stun-gun. Boy learns he’s the only one in the Universe who can save the Earth from extreme world makeover by inter-stellar landlords. (Yeah: he thinks it’s a bit much, too.)

Like everyone else on his planet, Bertram Ludlow hasn’t paid much attention to fluctuations in the intergalactic real estate market. But as a cognitive psychology grad student, he has given some thought to what a complete mental breakdown looks like. And this is pretty close.

Now he’s discovering space is a mad and mind-boggling place where interspecies communication rests on the power of a gumball. Where androids demand better work/life balance. Where crime is Art, technology still has its bugs, and lasers don’t go “pyew-pyew.”

It’s also surprisingly easy to get on the Universe’s Most Wanted list. So with the weight of the world on his shoulders and the cosmic law on his tail, can Bertram outrun, outwit, and out-bid to save the Earthling squatters from one spaced-out redevelopment plan?

From the reviewers:

Love the book! It’s fun and reminds me a little of the “Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy.” I’ll buy her next book!  –  anneli toppfer

HHGTTG meets Discworld.  I kept finding new humor page after page. Very enjoyable, tongue-in-cheek romp through a universe that may well be out there…and if it was…we may well wouldn’t want to know about !!  –  “stevep”

Great, light-hearted read! Jenn certainly has the skills to keep a reader like me engaged and entertained. There weren’t any slow pieces, the action was non-stop!  –  Dennis J

There Goes The Galaxy is such a cool and funny book. I’ve read a few SF and this certainly has its own unique twist. I found myself laughing out loud, nodding or stare in shock several times. The writing is witty and fast paced and I found it difficult to set aside.   – T.L. Lubrano

Jenn Thorson always knew she wanted to be a writer; it was the C+ in Penmanship that initially held her back. By the age of 11, she’d written her first mystery novel, Key to the Blue Moon, which her secretary– er, Mom–was good enough to type up for her. It was a raging hit among the two people she knew.

Spurred by her dramatic success, she went on to write other works, an experience that found her cluing into the Mystery genre, flirting with the Melodramatic Teen style, and becoming better versed in the Embarrassing Poetry of Which We Shall Never Speak Again school of writing.

Yet, oddly, no one stopped her from attending Carnegie Mellon University for Creative and Professional Writing. And it was here she discovered that humor was in her heart.

This was a surprise, since the funny bone usually gets so much press.

Soon Jenn graduated from Carnegie Mellon and, with an inconvenient bent toward eating regularly, she took a job as a technical writer for a software development company. In the years that followed, she would move from the joys of explaining where the File menu was, to managing the marketing of the company’s product line. Marketing, she realized, involved a gleeful combination of Making Stuff Up and Actually Getting Paid for It; so she became a full-time marketing writer and project manager in a local advertising firm. She also continued to hone her fiction, and her first published story, “The Last Great Play of Rosie Cosnowski” made its way into the Timber Creek Review.

Since those days, Jenn Thorson’s stories have been published in the Humor Press, the magazine for the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, and Romantic Homes magazine. Her humor blog, Of Cabbages and Kings, has a regular following of readers–fine folks who are simply too polite to ask why the posts are never about monarchy or leaf vegetables. There Goes the Galaxy represents her first published novel.

Jenn is currently working on a second book of her character Bertram Ludlow’s adventures, which is great fun for her, but less so for Bertram, since he’s already been through quite a lot at her hands.

Jenn Thorson lives in Bertram Ludlow’s hometown of Pittsburgh, PA, but is definitely mostly sure she’s never met extra-terrestrials there.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of THERE GOES THE GALAXY by Jenn Thorson: