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Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Zuleika Arkadie’s Parched, A Paranormal Romance (Parched, Book 1) – Just $2.99, and Free for Amazon Prime Members Through the Kindle Lending Library

4 stars – 9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

Parched (Parched, book 1)

“Baron Ford, he says and pauses to pick apart my expression, attempting to read how familiar I am with that name. I nod stiffly to give no indication I know exactly, who that is. I’m shocked to hear that name in this setting, at this stage of my life, the one far away from Cambridge, Massachusetts over five years later.”

Advertising Exec, Clarity Parker thought she’d never see Baron Ford again. Five years ago, they shared the date of her life and then he literally vanished into thin air. Now he’s back and has asked that she, exclusively, be assigned to his multi-million dollar account.

On the day the fog rolls in, not only can she no longer avoid him but she can no longer avoid herself. See, Clarity has an ability that she’s run away from her entire life. She’s learning an ability like hers doesn’t come for free, and something or someone is trying to make her pay for it with her life.

Her world is soon turned upside down after she escapes to a place called Enu. It’s here Clarity learns who and what she truly is. She also learns that Baron Ford is Baron Ze Feldis; he’s a vampire, and what bonds them runs deeper than anything she can ever imagine.

Their bond is further tested when they end up not only battling Baron’s psycho ex-vampire girlfriend, who wants Clarity dead but also “the evil” as they journey in search of the book which holds the Prophecy of the Seven Seeds.

One thing’s for sure, from this point on, their lives will never be the same.


Parched (Parched, book 1)
The Seventh Sister (Parched, book 2)
Quenched (Parched, book 3)
The Fifth Sister (Parched, book 4)

From the Author

Parched is my first real paranormal romance novel. Like all of my novels it took me a year or so to conceive the bare-bones of this story. I knew what sort of power I wanted my main character to have and what the end game will be. I struggled to write it for a while. Until one day I sat down, closed my eyes and began to think. What Parched is now came out of that process.
This novel is an ambrosia salad of my favorite genres; chick-lit, the sexual tension in romance novels, love stories, action adventure and fantasy. I absolutely love almost any story set in New York City regardless of what genre it is. So adding all of these elements to my story was a no brainer after I engaged my brain!
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