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When life gives you lemons, kill zombies turns out lemon juice neutralizes the undead.

After a failed attempt at running away, best friends Nathan and Misty return home expecting to face angry parents. Instead, they discover the military has destroyed the bridges out of their rural town and everyone’s fled–except a small horde of the living dead. The stress of flesh-eating zombies may be more than their already strained relationship can handle.

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Their only shot is something with a lot more punch. Something like the Super Zombie Juice Mega Bomb. But even if their friendship survives, there’s another problem: Someone has to lure the undead into the trap.


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Free KND Excerpt Featuring Storm of Love – A Historical Romance Set During the American Revolutionary War by Nathaniel Burns!

Last week we announced that Nathaniel Burns’ Storm of Love is our Romance of the Week and the sponsor of thousands of great bargains in the Romance category: over 200 free titles, over 600 quality 99-centers, and thousands more that you can read for free through the Kindle Lending Library if you have Amazon Prime!

Now we’re back to offer our weekly free Romance excerpt, and if you aren’t among those who have downloaded Storm of Love, you’re in for a real treat:

4.5 stars – 2 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Massachusetts, 1776

Young Abigail suffers greatly the way she is being raised by her mother, for whom a woman’s only place is in the kitchen. At the same time, her father’s dedicated fight for freedom also ignites in her a passion for the American Revolution. When news of her father’s death reaches her, she has a falling out with her mother. Soon after, Abigail goes on her way to fight for freedom and independence like her father had done.

On the way, she encounters the young English deserted Edward, who has come to the realization that he went to war for the wrong ideals and who also wants to join the revolutionary army.

Soon, the two discover their true feelings for each other and in the turmoil of the American Revolutionary War begins for them a time of uncertainty, of hope and of terror.

Is the burning torch of their love strong enough to withstand the storm?

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  And here, for your reading pleasure, is our free romance excerpt:

1 Abigail

ABIGAIL SAT PATIENTLY at her window, tending to the day’s sewing. Backstitch at the moment. What a pitiful stitch. Forward then back, forward then back, no progression, nothing changing, but then somehow a line is drawn. Pitiful, indeed; circular and inefficient at best, yet somehow resulting in a finished line of which one could almost be proud. Never too proud, of course—that would not befit a lady.
The current climate was much the same as a backstitch, really. Some idea of forward motion, some direction, some half-conjectured finished state of things, but always looping back to the former point before making any headway. The rebels, as they were called by the British—patriots, of course, to the rest of the colonists, for whom the idea of freedom resonated as necessary—were barely recognizable as an actual army.
The troops needed a leader. Abigail knew, of course, that she couldn’t be public about her musings. To anyone passing by her quaint home, glancing in her window, she was simply a well-mannered woman, tending to the day’s chores, fixing her mother’s dress, knitting her father’s socks. But to God and herself, she was for all intents and purposes a rebel as much as any man ill-suited and poorly armed awaiting a leader. Just one good man to lead the troops and I would join, thought Abigail, rebelling without a word. But who really cared about rebelling? Was not every patriot a rebel, anyway? Hadn’t everything proper been thoroughly done away with the second the Massachusetts militia dared to stand up to the British army? One shot. One shot and the entire whole of society as it was known was changed irrevocably. For better or for worse, nobody could yet know, but revolution was underway, and Abigail had better intentions than to sit and sew through it.
“Abigail!” The sharp voice cut through her thoughts.
Internally sighing but outwardly giving the charmed smile of a colonial woman, Abigail lifted her eyes from her sewing and addressed her mother, the source of the voice that had no doubt used her own name to warn her that more chores were coming.
“Yes, Mother?”
“When you’re done there, the laundry needs tending.”
“Yes, Mother.” She smiled sweetly at her mother, who returned the expression, neither of them any the more sincere for having offered it.
Tensions had risen in the household ever since Abigail’s father, Joseph Warren, had gone off to fight for the patriot cause. Of course, there had really only been one battle at the time, when the shot that changed the entire course of life as she had previously known it was fired over at Lexington Green. It had only been eleven days since that fateful firing, and the day after it had occurred Mr. Warren had decided to join the patriot cause, but not with the whole militia—rather, with a few militiamen her father’s friend Ethan had thrown together, and rather unceremoniously at that.
Of course, Abigail’s mother had been less than enthused at this gesture. It wasn’t so much that her husband was fighting for the patriot cause, no; it was that he wasn’t with the patriots. He had decided to take off with Ethan Allen to join what Allen called The Green Mountain Boys.
Abigail personally felt that her father was much more patriotic by joining a group that actually did something instead of one that ran to the front lines only when called on to do so. Colonial militia was a façade, and everyone knew it. Half of them only came to roll call when they were asked to, and the other half eventually went back to their farm work as though the illusion of countryside life would save them from what was to come.
The Boys were planning something. Abigail was keen enough to piece it together, but her mother, Fable, had not yet done so. Fable was mortified that Joseph had joined this “foolish rebellion,” meaning The Boys, instead of joining the “noble cause,” meaning the patriots. As if the patriots were being any less rebellious.
Joseph and Abigail had always gotten along quite well, as Abigail shared her father’s sense of adventure and meaning and he had always supported her less-than-demure attitude, at times displayed toward the British. “You, my dear, were a rebel before there was such a thing and before it was entirely proper to be one, even for a gent,” he said to her with a wink. While her mother was out tending the gardens and horses, her father would engage in conversation with Abigail about the British. Even before it was acceptable to speak out against the Crown, he did, and even before it was altogether mused about in the town square, Abigail and her father were discussing revolution. Just ideas, of course, foolish ideas. But now who would call them foolish?
Abigail knotted the final stitch in the scarf she was hemming for her mother. The seemingly pointless circular masquerade of the backstitch had finally reached its end, and there was nothing further she could do to delay her duties in the washroom.
Smoothing her apron with her hands and doing the same to her cotton dress as she stood, she gracefully and predictably walked into the washroom to begin the laundry. A curious thing that laundry is so demeaned as a woman’s chore but so altogether necessary for the carrying on of suitable and civilized life. Word had reached some of the neighbors that there were patriots on the battlefield, or whatever there was of one at the moment, who had opted not to wash their clothes, preferring, apparently, that the clothes mold to the patriots’ own flesh and rot before stooping to the level of a chore so feminine as washing clothing. A curious thing, indeed, that such an essential task be forfeited purely for fear of being seen as on the level of a woman, clearly a handicap at best.
Abigail let a rare smirk cross her face as she picked up the washboard and began to fill the wash bucket with water. As she washed her father’s shirt, she secretly wished that she was out on the battlefield with him. What could he and Ethan be planning? Would he tell even her when he came home this evening? All she could get him to divulge this morning before he set off on his mystery trip was that he and The Boys were discussing a venture with one Mr. John Franks.
While doing her chores in the washroom, Abigail mused about the adventures her father was having and allowed her imagination to fabricate heroic deeds and victorious battles against the British. Her father could easily lead the patriots. After all, he was a doctor by trade, and that had to be good for something when placing oneself in eminent danger for a cause. Her father had spoken of nothing but revolution since the incident at Lexington Green, and Abigail took him seriously, which was a far greater act of charity than her own mother could muster.
Abigail very swiftly discovered how her mother felt about the idea of revolution—and particularly about her daughter speaking of it—the very first time she had dared utter a word about it. “Do you think there will be a revolution, mother?” she had asked with real curiosity before the Lexington event had even occurred.
Her mother, a reasonably formidable woman standing at five feet eight inches with severe features and a rather pointed face, had spun around so quickly her dress had barely enough time to settle before Abigail felt the blow across the left side of her face. “Don’t you dare speak of that again in this house, do you understand me? And don’t you speak of it anywhere else, either. Heavens, Abigail, are you trying to bring reproach upon us all or are you merely so simple that you don’t understand your place? You are a woman, and your only concern is the household and children if by the grace of God you find a man who is willing to fend with you for the remainder of his days.”
Since then, Abigail knew better than to discuss it further, and had she any reason to assume it was a good idea, her cheekbone, which throbbed incessantly for nearly a week, reminded her not to. Her father had been furious that she had been struck, and this gave her some ounce of pleasure. The irony was amusing, anyway. She had been struck for expressing ideas unbecoming of a woman, and her father’s argument against her mother was that she herself had been anything but ladylike to strike a child with that amount of force.
This argument between her father and mother had taken place while she was preparing dinner and acting as though she were not present in the room, but because it gave her a beneficial position from which to hear her mother be thoroughly reprimanded by the head of the household, she did not bring it up. Of course, part of her wanted to protest her father’s description of her as a child, but he was making her point, so she let it be.
The argument ended as abruptly as it had begun, and of course her father had the last word and her mother curtly apologized, barely veiling the contempt in her voice and altogether abandoning any attempt to conceal the sheer hatred in her eyes.
The sound of the door opening brought Abigail once more into the present, although this time she was much happier to be brought back. Her father was home! She swiftly finished the last of the laundry, ran to the door as quickly as was acceptable for a woman, and gave him a hug. At least that was still acceptable.
“Father!” she beamed at him.
“My princess,” he smiled down at her. “How was your day?”
“Just fine, thank you. What did you and The Boys do?”
Her father glanced up and back at her so quickly it was barely noticeable, and his expression became stern, though she did not believe it to be sincere.
“That is not for you to know, young lady.”
It was obvious that her mother must be standing behind her, and, indeed, shrill confirmation came in the form of her mother’s voice, as she thinly veiled the disdain she had long held for her daughter. Joseph greeted his wife, and once she had turned around to fetch supper from the kitchen, he glanced down at her with a wink. Abigail would hear the whole story later, she knew, once her mother went to bed, which she did, blessedly, nearly two hours before the rest of the family.
After supper, her mother went quietly to bed, taking her candle with her, and when they both felt it was safe, her father began to tell her about the events of his day. Abigail looked up from her sewing, a nearly impossible task by candlelight, and excitedly but quietly rushed over to his desk when he gave her a subtle nod and a half-smile.
“So? What did you do today?” she asked excitedly.
“We talked,” he said, his eyes glittering with humor, purposefully making her beg for information, adding to the suspense.
“About…?” she said plainly, as though she didn’t know what he was doing.
“Well, since you persist so,” he winked, “I’ll tell you.”
Instantly, Abigail was chin in palms, waiting for the story her father was about to tell, knowing before he had even begun that it would be a good story. It always was. And this time, with a revolution that had already begun to take root, it was bound to be even better than usual.
“Ethan and the rest want to go to Ticonderoga.” He said it as though he were telling her they were going to the market.
“Ticonde—” Abigail’s hand flew over her own mouth as she realized the volume at which she had spoken her words. In a more hushed tone she continued on. “Ticonderoga? That’s…that’s in New York!”

“I know, it’s quite a ways, but we’re sure we can take it.”
This time Abigail really was confused.
“Take what?”
Her father laughed under his breath. “The fort, child, the fort!”
“Fort Ticonderoga? You mean to tell me that you and Ethan and Mr. Franks are all going to waltz into Fort Ticonderoga and take it?”
Joseph feigned an expression of careful consideration and then glanced at his daughter and said, quite casually, “I suppose so, yes.”
The candles were flickering in the wooden room and her father’s eyes looked even more excited and sparkling in the dancing candlelight. She ran her hand lightly across the wooden table where they sat, eventually dropping it slowly to the bench beside her, following her hand with her eyes along the way. Finally, she looked up at her father to see if his expression indicated that he was joking. He was not.
A smile broke out across Abigail’s face. Patriot leader, indeed, though her mother had placed her head so firmly into the heavens and into her housework that she hadn’t had the faculties left to understand. She reached over and embraced her father as they tried to be quiet in their celebration.
“Do you think there’s a good chance at it?” she asked.
“Actually, yes. They won’t be expecting it. With all the fuss in Lexington and Concord over the happenings there, New York isn’t even on the map for most of the British. But Ticonderoga is essential. We have to take it.”
“You will,” she responded without hesitation, still beaming from ear to ear with excitement. “When is it happening?”
“Soon. We’re drawing up the plans, and that’s where I’ll be for the next week or two. We have to ensure that not one mistake is made, or it could cost us everything. But Franks knows well how to plan for this sort of thing. It seems reasonable to assume that he is our best bet at taking Ticonderoga.”
“Of course he is valuable for the task,” concurred Abigail. She had met Benedict Franks just once before, and while privately she held a slight distrust of the man, for reasons she could not describe or place she felt him to be generally good and certainly qualified to lead her father, Ethan, and the rest of The Boys on a successful mission to Ticonderoga.
Silence fell between father and daughter for a moment, and she thought briefly of what her mother would think when she found out. Then, not wanting to spoil the happiness of the moment, she forced herself to think of other things. Her father was about to be a hero in no small sense, a true patriot fighting for the cause of freedom, regardless of what anyone else thought.
“This is revolution, Abby,” her father said, suddenly a bit more solemn.
“I know,” she whispered back quickly, still smiling. “It’s good that we have revolution. It’s good that we’ll show England who we are.”
“This is true,” he responded quietly, with a half-smile reappearing, “but things are bound to take a turn for the worse before they result in anything good and noble. Revolution is not a glamorous thing, child, and it’s not a storybook pre-written by fate. We’re fighting against England. We’re writing our own history, here. We’re making up the rules. No law, no covenant, no decree, no set of instructions, no rules of engagement exist for the thing we are about to do. We can only pray that it goes as we hope it to. We must succeed. I would rather die fighting for a successful revolution against England than live to see the condition in which we would all exist if we failed.”
Her smile had faded slowly upon hearing these solemn words from her father, but she knew he was right. This was not going to be easy. But it was the right thing to do, and her father had always upheld the cause of good before worrying about what would happen to him for doing so. She reached out and touched her father’s hand, and his downcast eyes once more met hers. They exchanged a smile.
“All noble things require sacrifice, isn’t that what you always told me?” Abigail swallowed hard so that the tears forming in her eyes would not show.
“Indeed, child,” her father said with a nod and a smile, his attempts to hide his own emotion, if there were any, failing as his eyes ever so subtly glistened with a tear. “Indeed. Revolution is coming, but for now, it is a late hour and we both must get some sleep.”
With that, they both left for their separate rooms. Abigail picked up her candle and felt her bare feet on the wooden ground. She crossed the small house to her bedroom, set her candle on the nightstand, and changed into her bedclothes. Quietly, she slipped under the cotton covers, entertaining thoughts of revolution as the dwindling candlelight flickered and soothed her to sleep.



2 Loomings

SHE AWOKE TO THE SOUND of her father’s heavy footsteps along the wooden floorboards in the hallway. Shortly after the footsteps paused, she heard the unmistakable sound of his gun and satchel as he picked them up from the pine table in the kitchen. In her mind, she could almost trace his path through the house based on the noises she heard him make.
The sun had not yet reached through the curtains to wake her, so she knew it was her father’s milling about that had caused her to stir from the sleep she had previously been enjoying. He was getting ready to leave, and by the sounds of it he would not be back for a long while. She waited a moment longer, almost holding her breath, to see if her mother was awake yet. She had only yet heard one person’s clamor and decided it would not be unsafe to slip from her room out to the kitchen to give her father a parting good-bye.
Almost without disturbing the arrangement of her covers, she slipped out of bed and, with equal stealth, exited her room and made her way down the hall. As she entered the kitchen, where her father still stood packing food for—by the looks of things—three weeks, she stayed silent and waited for him to turn and notice her presence. When he did, he seemed startled to see her but then immediately smiled as though relieved it was only she who had interrupted his morning routine.
The kitchen was small but it was enough. The walls were made of brick that had been painted white, though by now it was beige and covered with dust and charcoal where the fire pit was. On the wall opposite the entrance was an arched brick oven with a fire pit inside. A cast iron, three-legged pot stood on the floor inside the brick portion behind a little wall-like ledge of the same kind of brick. Father had built up the ledge so that the hot coals would be less of a hazard to the wooden floor. When she was a small child, Abigail would march her index and middle fingers along the top, like a soldier, her mother thinking it was simply play. She supposed, now that she thought back on it, that her mother likely thought she was pretending her walking hand was a proper woman strolling down to the market, or perhaps a child skipping down the street. That’s the thing about imagination. Nobody has to know what you really think or what your actions truly mean.
The ledge kept the charcoal and ash nearly completely out of the kitchen, and the arched frame above the oven was well designed, too, keeping the majority of the smoke within its confines and guiding it effortlessly out through the chimney. The top of the brick oven did not reach the ceiling, not nearly. Above the masonry oven was a wooden ledge, another of her father’s creations, which ran along the front of the oven and then along the right side, where the oven portion of the wall extended further into the room than the rest of it, and ended at the wall.
On top of this ledge was where her mother kept her main cooking tools. Pots and pans hung from the right corner, and various herbs hung from the ceiling, drying on specially made hooks. Along the left wall, wooden shelves were affixed to the cold brick, holding bread and vegetables, and a bag of potatoes hung where the stove met the wall.
On the far wall to the right of the stove there was a small window that looked out over the gardens, and the right wall also had a window, though smaller and much higher up. The only person who could view the front of the house through this window was Father. He was only five feet eleven inches tall, but Abigail and her mother were both five feet three inches and had no occasion to look through that particular window, anyway.
The floor was uninterrupted wood throughout the entire house. There were, of course, planks that made up the length and breadth of the floor, but it seemed as though rooms had been built upon one large floor base separated only by walls, instead of each room having a floor of its own. Her father was currently standing by the wooden table in the center of the room. Underneath the table and all around it were baskets of fresh fruits and vegetables her mother had picked just the day before from the garden, and three loaves of bread were on the table, wrapped in linen for her father. He had taken an entire basket of potatoes, though they still had three remaining, and his pack was so full she could not form a guess as to how he would carry it out the front door, let alone the many miles to Concord.
She had woken early on several past occasions to see her father off as he headed to work, but this time would be much different. There was no telling how long he would be gone. Though he was only packing three weeks’ worth of food, she knew it could be far longer before he returned, and that it likely would be. They stood there, looking at each other, without saying a word. No words were necessary. She was standing in the doorframe, although “doorframe” was a misnomer, since no door existed between the hallway in which she stood, the front room on her right, and the kitchen on her left. In front of her, if she stood so that she was directly in line with the hall, was the front door of their home. Soon, her father would be walking through that door, and she had no reasonable guess as to when that might be.
“Did I wake you?” her father asked, finally breaking the silence but still speaking in hushed tones.
She shook her head.
“No,” she smiled, rather dishonestly, but it was a harmless lie. “I was awake and heard you packing your things so I came out to bid you goodbye.”
“I am glad that you did.”
They were both smiling, but neither believed the other’s expression to be sincere. Rather, there was no point in being as transparent as they usually would in a situation such as this. Smiles may be the only thing they would have of each other for a long while, so there was no sense in spoiling the moment too soon with the inevitable tears that accompany such occasions.
“Are you headed to Concord?” she asked, knowing the answer already in her heart.
He nodded his reply. Both of their faces abandoned the false smiles they had held so far, and solemnly they both allowed their gazes to fall as they privately pondered the events to come.
They lingered there in silence a moment longer, and she watched him turn the same potato over a hundred times it seemed, idle hands engaging in repetitive motion so that there was something, anything, to break the silence and delay the time between now and the moment that would arrive too soon.
Finally, Abigail could no longer stand it, and she disregarded her role as a composed and proper woman, ran across the room, and embraced her father so tightly that air audibly escaped from his lungs. He chuckled slightly, but the moment was no less heart-wrenching. Tears poured down her cheeks and over her lips as she sobbed openly, willing her father to stay but knowing he had to go.
Taking both of her shoulders gently, her father held her out in front of him as though he were looking at a piece of art, examining her, in a way. His eyes were narrow and sincere, and it was as though he were trying to remember the smallest details of her appearance. Lightly, he wiped a tear away from her eye and straightened his posture, tucking a piece of her brunette hair behind her ear.
“You are a strong woman, Abigail, and whatever others may think of it, I admire that about you. Don’t ever allow yourself to bow to the ignorant slander of those who think your strength unbecoming of a woman. You were made by God to be strong, and to bow to the will of those who would confine your existence to a preconceived box would be a sin. One day, you will have the chance to show the world how strong you are, and I pray you will take it.”
He swallowed hard, trying to keep the tears from his own eyes as Abigail abandoned any attempt to keep herself composed and together. She didn’t even give a thought to what would happen if her mother awoke to find her in such disarray. All she knew was that she did not want her father to leave. Neither of them would dare to speak the thoughts in their minds, but in a way they both felt that it would be a miracle should they ever see each other again.
She heard Mother stirring in the back room, no doubt getting ready to awaken and see Father off. He and Abigail embraced one last time before she left for her bedroom to pretend that she had not yet woke. It would have been improper in her mother’s eyes for her to be making such a scene. Emotions were to be kept in check, if they must be had at all, and anything other than calm, cool, even detached composure was not acceptable in Mother’s sight.
Father and Abigail had always agreed in their disagreement with Mother on the matter, but that did not stop them from fearing her wrath. Father understood that while Abigail would have lingered by the doorframe until he was long out of sight and the sun had broken the surface of the horizon if she had had things her way, it was best for both of them if she retreated. Of course he understood. Father always understood her.
Her bare feet silently stepped across the floor and into her bed where she slid beneath her white cotton sheets, waiting for the sun to peek through the window and inform her, without a word, that her appearance was acceptable. It was always at dawn that her work began, though her mother began hers far earlier. If she had thought for a moment that she would obtain any more sleep between the hour that she retreated into her bedroom and the hour she was allowed to reappear for her day’s chores, she was mistaken.
Murmurs reached her ears through the wall behind her as she lay on her right side. Her head was facing the right side of their home, if the front door was considered the front, and the kitchen was located immediately to the right upon entering the residence. Then, to the left, was a large open room separated only by one wooden step. The upper level, close to the front window, was the front room and sewing area, and the far side was the den and dining area all mixed into one. Her father’s armchair sat in the corner by the fire, and the long wooden table with affixed bench-like seats where she and her father had discussed revolution just the night before was placed almost to the wall.
To the right were the kitchen and her bedroom, and across from her bedroom was her mother and father’s bedroom. As she lay staring toward the back of the house, she wished she had a doorway she could simply walk through. She would escape past the farm, past the crops, and take off into the forest to the back of the home. Revolution would be hers as much as her father’s, and she would not have to contend with simple, lady-like chores while their country’s future was forged by the men.
Instead, she stared at a wall with only a high window and a desk. Her desk was wooden, much like the wood that made up most of the house but a bit lighter and not as rough. It was of simple construction, but it was the only place in the world she felt she had to herself. Studying was forbidden, of course, as education was of no use to women, according to her mother and most others. But she would still sit at her desk and write. She made sure to hide her writings well in a compartment beneath her desk. Nobody knew the compartment was there except for her, so when she found it she began to store things there that were her own. One day, she promised herself, she would take those things that were hers and hers alone and escape her life of drudgery.
Upon her desk sat the only thing she was allowed to display save for the brisk decor of the room or flowers from the garden, and the only thing she now had of her father. He had once used a compass to hike in the mountains and came back with a handsome kill. We ate for almost the entire winter from that single hunting trip. Her father recounted to her in one of their conversations, which stretched almost until dawn, about how he and his hunting partners had almost become lost in the woods. When she asked him how he found his way home, he said his heart and his compass led him there. He then gave Abigail his compass and told her that he had another one, but that if she ever became lost, she could use her heart and his compass to lead herself to safety and home.
The front door of the house creaked open and she could hear the curt, short tone of her mother’s voice and the calming response of her father as they exchanged final goodbyes. Part of her was jealous of her mother for having the last goodbye, particularly because it was so undeserved. Her mother was responsible for so much of the tension in the household, and yet she stood there like the dutiful wife bidding her husband goodbye while she no more cared about the revolution than she did about Abigail, at least after her chores were complete.
With three heavy boot steps her father was beyond the reaches of the home and headed off toward danger, revolution, freedom, and bravery. Abigail knew her mother would never understand. She knew she would always resent the both of them for their wild ambitions and that somehow any ill that might befall her father would be swiftly blamed on Abigail. In that moment, she resolved to ignore whatever her mother said, knowing somehow that she would not be kept in that house much longer. Revolution called Abigail, too, and when her time came, she would fight.

Click here to download the entire book: Nathaniel Burns’ Storm of Love>>>

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Drowning Mermaids

by Nadia Scrieva

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Here’s the set-up:
To escape the war in her underwater kingdom, the noble daughter of a murdered king must flee to Alaska. Doing all she can to keep her younger sisters safe, Aazuria tries to assimilate and work among the Americans, with her feisty red-haired bodyguard at her side. This refuge holds pleasant surprises, for the princess meets a somber gentleman in a dark corner who promises to show her his world.

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Here’s the set-up:
She’s been held at gunpoint, stuck in a burning dumpster, chased out of a grocery store, caught impersonating a police officer and almost run over by a wayward vehicle. How is that for a first day on the job as an amateur sleuth? Along with her friend Annie Mae, Cat investigates the brick-paved, oak-lined streets of Savannah to find their friend’s murderer. To say the very least, it is not smooth sailing for these self appointed detectives. Will they catch the killer before the killer gets them? Or will their first case be their last?

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4.1 stars – 28 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
Travel writer, Daisy Blanchard has just discovered the worst news ever. Her boyfriend is now engaged to her best friend! And to add insult to injury, she learned about the blessed event through a Facebook status update. Daisy escapes her life in shambles by accepting a last minute assignment to Martha’s Vineyard where she immediately catches the eyes of billionaire Belmont Jaxson Lord.

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She had promised herself that once they left the fjords of Norway, she would not look back. After three long years of scrimping and saving to buy tickets for their passage to America, Roald and Ingeborg Bjorklund, along with their son, Thorliff, finally arrive at the docks of New York City. It was the promise of free land that fed their dream and lured them from their beloved home high above the fjords of Norway in 1880.

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Here’s the set-up:
Love sucks. Lola Carmichael’s known it since her boyfriend broke up with her the night she expected him to propose. Only with a deadline looming for her next romance novel, she better find inspiration fast.

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by Elise Daniels

4.2 stars – 4 Reviews
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Erin Cassidy seemingly has it all. Wealth, a faithful best friend and more than a few boys to choose from as she comes to the end of her last year in college, but something has always been missing inside her since losing her mother as a girl.

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4.0 stars – 2 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
Kris wants to take a slow, traditional approach with his future Mrs. Claus. Night riding in the sleigh. Drinking the elves cocoa. Distributing toys to good girls and boys as friends for a few years. His father though, isn’t doing too well in the magic apartment, and Carrie’s world loses the protection of Santa Claus.

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Many Christians find themselves mired in past regrets or future fears, but the name of God itself reminds readers that God wants them to live in the present. The more readers understand and apply God’s I AM statements from the Old and New Testaments, the more they will realize God’s peace and joy. Then they will be free to live, serve, and know God more richly in the present tense—which is just where He wants them to be.

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KND Freebies: Fun fantasy adventure THE JOURNEYS OF JOHN AND JULIA: GENESIS is featured in this morning’s Free Kindle Nation Shorts excerpt

“…cool new series…Anyone who is a fan of Heroes will definitely enjoy Genesis.'”
–Tim Kring, creator of TV’s Heroes and Touch
Fantasy fans of all ages are falling for the first book in this entertaining new series about magic, friendship, and adventure, where a seemingly mismatched pair of teens cracks open the door to another reality — and nothing is what it seems.Now just 99 cents!
12 rave reviews
(Reduced from everyday price of $3.03 for limited time only!)
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Meet Julia Livingston-Banes: Her dad’s taken off to start a new family, and now her mom’s decided to ruin her summer, too. Instead of cheerleader camp, Julia’s packed off to her grandmother’s in the nowhere town of Cedarwood Ridge.

There she finds that her usual ice-queen act won’t cut it with her childhood friend John Freeman, who’s a lot cuter than Julia remembers and not half the geek she thought he was. Definitely a romance in the making, if it weren’t for the visitations from her grandfather’s ghost and John’s infuriatingly open response to such phenomena.

Plus, a group of magical beings called The Twenty-Two are secretly watching over John and Julia and making big summer plans of their own. Including John and Julia’s future role in saving the world from their nemesis to be, a beyond-evil corporate overlord named Niem Vidalgo Oten. Not that Julia would believe any of it. John, however, would find it way cool.

5-star praise from Amazon readers:

I loved this book!!
What an amazing journey I took reading this book!…beautiful imagery… transporting me easily into all the worlds, earthly and otherworldly…Thank you, Aurelia, for sharing your imagination, humor, and wisdom.A PERFECT BOOK!
“My daughter read John and Julia first and then passed it along to my husband and myself. As a Mom of a voracious teen reader, i’m always hoping that my daughter will read quality; a great story that entertains but one that also has meaning. in John & Julia we find that PERFECT BOOK…”
an excerpt fromThe Journeys of John and Julia:
Genesis, Book I

by Aurelia 

Copyright © 2013 by Aurelia and published here with her permission


The conference was scheduled to begin at 11:11 PM, sharp.

The conference room would appear at 11:00 PM behind the old amphitheater.

Eleven minutes would be plenty of time to get the invitations out and for everyone to arrive with time to spare.

It wasn’t really an invitation though, it was more like a directive and no RSVP was necessary. Everybody just had to appear. It was a duty. It was non-negotiable. It came with the territory and no one had ever questioned it.

It was highly unlikely for unwelcome visitors to show up in the area at that time – the sites of a conference were always chosen with the greatest efforts to that effect and the old amphitheater lay abandoned in the middle of a vast ancient forest with huge virgin growth trees. Most of them were more than a thousand years old, beholders of events almost too fantastic to believe. They say that the occasions on which human beings stumble into their midst are rare. They reason that a few old stones arranged in a half circle with a big slab of rock in the center and by no means spectacular enough to attract attention is all someone would see. They conclude the site is ideal.

On this particular moonless night, the creatures of the forest were the only witnesses to what was going to happen.

At exactly 11 o’clock, a slight movement disturbed the calm of the scene. In fact, it was more a blur than a movement, really. The dark night air behind the amphitheater became alive, quivered, warped, wobbled, emanated a strange hissing sound – all in astonishing disregard for the laws of physics. To the uninitiated however, it was no more than the wind in the trees. You had to strain your eyes really hard to notice the conference room emerging out of the empty space between the amphitheater and the bordering trees. It blended so well into the landscape that it was hard to determine whether it truly existed or if the remote forest in combination with a black night triggered the imagination into seeing things. Therefore, despite the fact that the absence of any human being could not be totally assured, the chances of being detected were negligible.

Any of the twenty-two members of the group could summon a conference, and each of them understood that this privilege was never to be abused. It was an unwritten rule that without a good reason – genuine or subjective – no one was allowed to initiate a meeting.

Actually, there were twenty-three associates, but everybody thought of the Siamese Twins as one person. They were not twins exactly – Siamese or otherwise – they were a couple.

Nobody though could recall them ever being apart and that fact had earned them their nickname.

Today Theodore Cliffton had placed the call. He was known to behave foolishly at times, but all his colleagues would show up anyway and the conference would happen, no matter who sent out the invitation.

Here he was, a young looking man, dressed in a uniquely patterned colorful shirt, khaki-shorts and sturdy hiking boots, a safari hat lying next to him. He sat on the center rock of the amphitheater, very still with his eyes closed, in deep concentration. Not a muscle on his entire body moved. He could have been part of the landscape – that’s how still he was. Just before he opened his eyes, he nodded to himself as if affirming something in his mind. Then he stretched his legs and got up.

As he looked in the direction of the conference room, an opening appeared in the wall closest to him. He knew he had only a few seconds to enter before the building shifted sixteen and one-third degrees counterclockwise and the door would disappear. He picked up his hat and swiftly moved through.

The nondescript exterior of the hall gave no clue of what was inside. The structure was round with a diameter of maybe fifty yards but held only one room. There were no windows, yet the room felt wide and airy. It had a high dome ceiling with all kinds of strange symbols painted on it. The walls were a funny looking metal structure – they resembled a gigantic honeycomb. The metal gave off an iridescent glow, filling the whole room with a soft, shimmering light. There was not a single door.

In the center of the room stood a huge round table with twenty-two high-backed chairs evenly spaced around it. They were beautifully crafted, and each of them looked slightly different, including one as wide as a bench.

Aha! That’s where the Siamese Twins will sit, Cliffton thought, while he performed his duties as host, inspecting the room making sure that everything was as it should be. His dazzling blue eyes reflected the luminescence all around him as he looked up to the ceiling with its many symbols and a pleased smile crawled over his face.

That same moment, as if responding to his smile, a magnificent red and golden feather separated from the ceiling and slowly descended towards him. It stopped only inches away from his head – then moved horizontally towards the table. It circled the table three times and finally came to rest on the back of one of the chairs. Merging with the wood, it created the impression of a chair with a red and golden feather painted on its backrest. Cliffton approached the table, pulled back the newly decorated chair and sat down. All he needed to do now was wait.

Because he had closed his eyes again, he missed what happened next. Twenty-one more symbols began one by one to protrude from the ceiling, slowly gliding towards the table and attaching themselves onto the chairs. Just like the feather had. There was a golden wand with pointed tips on each end, a beautifully woven piece of fabric that seemed to be nothing more than a radiant beam of moonlight in one moment and completely opaque like a pearl the next, a rose, a crystal ball, a pair of keys – to name just a few. Each of them found its place as if directed by some invisible force.

Would there have been a clock in the room, it would have shown that this whole affair was completed in less than thirty seconds. But time was of no consequence in these surroundings. Everything happened in a special rhythm the way it always had, the way it always must.

Theodore Cliffton’s silent contemplation was interrupted by a low purring sound. He opened his eyes and saw exactly what he expected to see: The humming noise meant the mysterious mechanisms of the hall were getting ready to allow the next person in.

Sure enough, just a little to his left, a door appeared and his esteemed colleague, Doctor Chester Magnussen, stepped into the room. He was a tall, ordinary looking man of middle age and seemed a little bogged down by the black pilot case he carried in his left hand. The eye-catching, ankle-length crimson cape he wore, gave his appearance a certain old-fashioned dignity and suggested that he had either been on his way to the opera or to a costume ball, when the invitation reached him.

“Hello Avi,” he said cordially, placing his bag on the table. He pulled out the chair next to Cliffton’s, the one with the golden wand on it. “Nice job you did selecting this site. Must have found it on one of your travels I reckon?”

Cliffton smiled. Avi was what his friends called him, and it was short for his nickname, The Adventurer. All of The Twenty-Two had known each other for what felt like eternity and with a few exceptions, they hardly ever bothered to use their real names.

“Hi Mac, good to see you again. How have you been?” Cliffton replied with his smile now reaching all the way to his voice. “I stumbled across it, while investigating some rumors about a Bigfoot living in these forests. Made me really curious. Only, then I got sidetracked with – oh listen,” he interrupted himself as the low humming sound started up once more.

“I know Avi,” Magnussen mumbled to himself, “of all your wonderful traits focus surely is not one of them.”

But Cliffton was no longer listening to him. He watched the door reappear just a little bit to the left from where it had been before, and a spectacularly beautiful woman, covered from head to toe in a long flowing gown, made of some shiny silver-blue material, walked in. Despite the fact that she was carrying a sizable ancient looking book, she moved with such easy grace that it seemed as if her feet didn’t even touch the ground. It was impossible to guess her age – one moment she looked like a young girl and then, only an instant later, as ancient as her book. But looks were of as little consequence in these surroundings as was time.

“Good evening MaDame” Magnussen welcomed the new arrival with greatest reverence. “May I help you with your book?”

“Oh come on Mac, don’t treat me as if I was an old grandmother.”

Mirra Prestessi shot Magnussen an icy look, as she threw the book on the table. “Besides, I know you know that I would not let you or anybody else handle the book even if I was feeble which I am not so thank you very much.”

“Ah Mirra,” Magnussen answered, an expression of alarm on his face, “it just makes me nervous to watch you throwing the book around the way you do. I think of all the things that could happen if – “

The arrival of more people interrupted their dispute, and soon the hall was filled with the humming of the appearing doors and the laughter of old friends.

Most of them were loosely in touch at any time, but for all of them coming together for a conference was a big deal nevertheless. They clearly enjoyed this opportunity to catch up. A beautiful lion with an impressive dark mane walked around the room greeting everyone by rubbing his gigantic head against their hips and was purring with pleasure like a kitten. He belonged to Leona Strong, and in her presence the big cat was usually well behaved.

At exactly 11:11 o’clock, everyone had taken their assigned seats according to the symbols on the backrest of the chairs, and the conference could begin. An anticipatory silence fell over the room.

Cliffton cleared his throat and got up.

“My dear friends,” he said, opening his arms wide in a gesture of warm welcome. “Thank you all for being here tonight.”

Then, true to his style, he jumped right to the heart of things without noteworthy preamble. “I must introduce a matter of great urgency. I was contacted by a girl. She is thirteen years old, her name is Julia and she is in dire need of our help. She is not aware of her reaching out, yet the emotional intensity of her wish to have a different life is so strong that I even lost interest in chasing that Bigfoot I have heard about. And there is no need for me to tell you how much Bigfoots mean to me. They are the sweetest creatures and they – “

Chester Magnussen realized, as did everyone else, that Cliffton was dangerously close to losing sight of the proposed subject and, finding his friend’s leg under the table, he gave him an as he hoped discrete, yet firm kick to the shin.

Thankfully, today this nonverbal suggestion was enough to bring Cliffton back to his proposition. He was filled with childlike curiosity and it was quite natural for him to explore any new situation at the snap of a finger. As consequence of such behavior, he lost himself as quickly in a labyrinth of stimuli. Needless to say, keeping up with him posed quite a challenge for his friends.

“Er – where was I? Er – yes, Julia. Her parents recently separated and a few months ago her Grandfather died. Her world is upside down and she suffers deeply. She wants to change but aside from getting her parents back together doesn’t know what and if she knew that, she wouldn’t know how. She is not aware of the fact that the emotional intensity of her sincere wish to have a life without pain and full of happiness is like a prayer. I can’t explain why but I strongly feel we must let her see that every prayer is answered and that reaching out is never ignored! So I invited you here to look into her case and to get your valued opinions, as to how we should proceed.”

Regardless of his little deviation into the world of Bigfoots, it had been an unusually lengthy speech for Cliffton, and this fact was enough to convince the group of the validity of his claim. Even before he sat back down, the group was already discussing the information. Everybody talked at once – someone even yelled across the table.

“Please please my dear Ladies and Gentlemen,” shouted a stern looking man over the noise. “Let’s have some discipline here.”

His steel-gray hair lay so tight around his head that it resembled a helmet. In combination with a beard that covered almost all of his face and a pair of bushy eyebrows, he looked as though he wore a visor. His piercing gray eyes rested briefly on each of the members as he glanced around the table. He radiated an aura of unmistakable authority. As if muted by remote control, there was instantaneous silence.

“Er – yes – thank you, Herr Kaiser,” said Cliffton, noticeably relieved that the burden of restoring order had been assumed by someone so much better suited to the task. “I shall gladly answer all of your questions regarding the case. However, I was hoping Mirra would be kind enough to help us get some clarity, by affording us a glimpse into her book first.”

Mirra Prestessi, at the moment wearing her young-girl-look, had not participated in the general conversation. She sat with her eyes shut and seemed to stare at the closed book in front of her. Any stranger would have thought it very odd at best, that someone could actually stare with their eyes closed, but the people in the room had long become accustomed to Mirra’s way of looking. A common joke among them was that she really possessed a thousand eyes and that she used her physical ones only as a show of social graces. Despite these efforts to not intimidate with her eccentricities, by far not everybody felt comfortable looking into her eyes.

Half the time they were of an unclouded dark blue that bordered on purple and inflicted a sensation of being pulled down into the frightening unknown of the deep sea on a calm day. The rest of the time, they changed to a silvery blue, reminiscent of a sheet of arctic ice or the smooth panel of a mirror. On these occasions, there was no way to penetrate their glassy surface and everything they looked upon was reflected back in a threateningly clear way. Whichever color they were, caught in the path of their gaze, even the most carefully projected mask, pretense or wall was stripped away. In the presence of those eyes was no room for any perception other than truth. Mirra Prestessi was a strange woman indeed.

Without anyone touching the book, it suddenly flew open. As if by magic its pages started to turn; slowly at first, picking up speed with every turn of the page, creating a delicate breeze that made Mirra’s dress move in patterns resembling the concentric circles of a stone thrown into a pond.

Everybody in the room watched the process with fixed attention. It always was such a treat to snatch a peek into Mirra’s book, and it was by no means certain for the book to comply in all cases. The level of excitement in the room could not get any higher without becoming audible even to human ears, when Mirra finally opened her eyes and the book came to a stop.

Anyone unfamiliar with the workings of the book might have wondered why it had stopped at two blank pages – but then again, said person could have flipped through the whole book without finding so much as a single dot of ink in it. To the uninitiated, the book contained nothing but innocent blank pages – page after page after page. Such a person might have thought the book an unused journal perhaps and his guess would not have been far off the mark. Just some journal he never dreamed to exist.

Although the members of the group were aware of the special powers the book possessed, Mirra was the only one able to obtain information from it without the help of Chester Magnussen. By nature of her being, she practically was the book. With those weird eyes of hers, she had seen everything that ever has happened and stored it in the book. And – as if this was not fantastic enough already – her eyes had seen everything that ever was going to happen and stored it in the book, too. And alongside everything that ever has happened or ever will happen, the book stored all the things that could have happened but never did and maybe never will, too. In short, Mirra’s book contained every imaginable possibility as well as every unimaginable probability – past, present and future.

No member of the group however, found this particularly noteworthy. After all, time was of no consequence in these surroundings. And in an environment where time is of no consequence, anything is possible.

“Well,” said Mirra while aging slowly and not minding it a bit, “looks like the book thinks there is something to Avi’s claim. Mac, would you please?”

Chester Magnussen was already on his feet, fiddling around in his pilot case. He was obviously looking for something.

“Somebody tell me what we want to accomplish here. Visual only? Tactile? The whole shebang?”

Although his questions were not addressed to anyone specific, everyone respected that this was Cliffton’s call – so he was in charge. For now, anyway.

“I suggest we first go into visual-audio-sensory-mode, Julia only, time vector alpha-457.9-present with some explanatory narrative for off-screen goings-on if necessary,” Cliffton answered, reading the numbers off a scrap of paper he had taken out of his shirt pocket. Aside from a pouch around his waist he never carried any baggage, but seemed to produce everything he needed miraculously from the depths of his shirt. “Based on what the book shows, we evaluate the data and then take it from there,” he continued, looking around the table for response. Everybody signaled agreement.

“Then this is all I need,” said Magnussen, pulling a bizarre looking object out of his bag. On first glance, it might have been no more than some ordinary stick; colorful and round with smooth edges on both ends, about twenty-two inches long.

On closer observation, the colors came to life; swirling shapes, moving in a dark-violet medium of peculiar viscosity bending and contorting with the motion of the shapes. So, although the idea seems extreme, it looked as if the wand contained a condensed version of the universe.

Magnussen removed his crimson cape to reveal the floor-length toga of dazzling white he wore underneath, held together by the most awesome belt in the form of a snake biting its tail. With a movement of his galaxy wand as swift as it was elegant, he touched the book, and one segment of the honeycomb-structured-wall lit up like a screen.

He slowly lowered himself back onto his chair, as if not to disturb the swirling motions of his wand. Mirra closed her eyes again – not out of any necessity, she just preferred to look with her eyes closed – and the honeycomb-wall-monitor displayed some static. From the metal frame around it, bright-green flashing characters indicated the marker ‘alpha-457.9-present-Julia-VAS/n’.

Magnussen adjusted the position of the wand with the tiniest tilt of his fingers, the static cleared, and the face of a pretty girl with light brown hair cascading in smooth curls just below her shoulders appeared on the screen. Her eyes had the subdued blue-green color of the ocean on a cloudy day. Specks of gold, scattered around the iris like motes of dust in a ray of afternoon sunlight, matched the healthy golden glow of her skin perfectly. Framed by long thick lashes, those eyes were the most outstanding feature in a face otherwise obscured by traits partly still belonging to the face of a child and partly already to that of a woman.

“May I introduce Julia,” said Cliffton, his voice vibrant with a tinge resembling the pride of a craftsman presenting his masterpiece.

His remark was quite superfluous, because as far as anyone could tell, Mirra had always been accurate in finding the proper blank page in her book.


Julia was in her room, staring into the mirror above her dresser, moving her head this way and that while studying her face critically. With a pleased smile she turned around and grabbed the phone from the side table next to her bed. Sliding it on, she quickly speed-dialed the number she would have remembered in a coma. She sat down on her bed, one foot tapping impatiently on the floor.

“Finally! What took you so long? I miss half my life waiting for you to pick up the phone.” She listened intently to the voice of her friend on the other end of the line – her tapping foot picking up speed.

“Ok, ok. I see. Just why you think we have those scientist geeks inventing all this micro stuff if you don’t take it with you everywhere?” The impatiently tapping foot seemed to have infected her free hand. “Listen, all I wanted to tell you is, the stuff we bought at the mall yesterday is fan-absolutely-tastic! I put it on before I went to bed and it wiped this pimple completely!”

Phone pressed against her ear, Julia got off the bed and started dancing around the room.

“Yesss! Another victory in the battles of adolescence! My life is totally changed! Now I’m so ready to go to camp and face Miss I’m-so-Wonderful and her homies.”

She stopped her spinning in front of the door and put her free ear against it.

“Sorry Kellie, gotta go. I hear mom coming up the stairs. Probably because I didn’t respond when she called. Keeps her in shape,” Julia giggled. “Twenty stairs less on the stair-stepper at the gym tonight. Talk to you later. Sure. Bye.”

With her usual display of excess energy, which she tried to work off in the daily gym routine her daughter had hinted at, Julia’s mother knocked at the door, and by the time Julia had a chance to answer, she was already sitting on the bed. She wore a dark two-piece suit and pumps of the same color. Her auburn pageboy hair, beautiful enough for shampoo commercials, bobbed around her made up face. No doubt, she was all geared up to go to work.

“Wow mom,” Julia exclaimed, closing the door behind her mother, “sometimes I think you’ll be the first one to break the faster-than-light-speed-barrier.”

Under normal circumstances, Julia did not allow her mother to violate the fragile structure of their mother-daughter-boundaries by rushing into her room without being properly invited in. But this morning, she still carried that glorious sense of well-being, originating in her triumph over that nasty pimple and consequently, she felt rather generous towards the world. As a sign of just how deep this generosity reached, she surprised herself by extending it to include her mother.

“Julia I have to talk to you,” said Elizabeth, dropping her shoes on the floor and pulling her legs under. “Why don’t you sit with me for a minute.”

“Sorry but that sounds way too serious for the space I’m in right now. Whenever you start without saying any of those nice things mothers are supposed to say – you end up saying something I don’t want to hear.”

Julia walked towards the mirror, scanning her smooth, unblemished skin in an attempt to hold on to the blissful feeling, which now was fading fast. “I’m in such a great mood and I won’t let you spoil it with your mother-daughter-intimacy stuff.”

“Oh come on, darling,” her mother sighed, fighting for composure as she recognized the dreaded if familiar feeling of tears pushing behind her eyes, her usual emotional response to harsh words. Julia’s in particular. “It’s never the right time for you. You’re either depressed about something or too busy talking on the phone or off solving mysteries with your nose in a book and we hardly talk at all anymore.”

“See, now you’ve done it. Thank you very much. This is exactly the reason why I don’t want to talk to you. It’s all about you and your needs.”

Julia turned around, the golden specks in her eyes shooting phasers in the general direction of her mother.

“First you come busting into my room with no regard for my privacy whatsoever, then you lay that speech on me, guiltying me for the failure of our relationship, when the truth is that you’re jealous because I have a life and you don’t.”

She tried to read her mother’s expression and decided to top her speech with some authority. “Doctor Kline told me I have a right to my space.”

“I’m glad your therapy is working,” Elizabeth stressed every word. She was torn between sympathy for her daughter’s plight, resentment for her daughter’s behavior and self-pity for being a single-mom stuck in a disintegrating situation, “but if you think I pay a thousand a month to support a conspiracy between you and your therapist to abuse me, you are mistaken.”

“Great! Now it’s a conspiracy. What’s it gonna be tomorrow? Voodoo? I think you’re paranoid. No wonder dad couldn’t stand living with you any longer.”

Horrified, Julia listened to the words as they tumbled out of her mouth.

Mothers do have a way of driving innocent young adults crazy with their stuff, claimed a furious voice inside her head. Yet, underneath the soothing warmth of her anger, she felt the notorious, spindly finger of the guilt-monster reaching for her conscience, causing a throbbing sensation somewhere in the back of her head. You’ve gone too far this time, it suggested, hooking her, trying to reel her in.

Ultimately, this time her anger won. She stomped her foot on the floor in an effort to scare the guilt-monster away as much as giving emphasis to her next words, and in the hidden landscape of her mind, she transformed into Stepmother telling Cinderella that she couldn’t go to the ball. Throwing her head back while at the same time rolling her eyes towards the ceiling, she managed to give her voice a haughty pitch. “I’ll be so glad to be rid of you for a while when I’m at camp.”

There was a moment of silence that could not have stretched more than a second yet seemed to last way beyond the tick of a clock.

Finally Elizabeth’s sigh broke the spell. “I’m glad you mention it – because you’re not going.”

The way it frequently happens in situations that extend normal perception into slow motion, Elizabeth noticed that, in spite of her feelings of frustration, she was able to speak in a fairly calm voice. She attributed that fact partially to shock at Julia’s hateful words and partially to relief that at last she was able to inform her daughter of the changed situation. Some of it anyhow.

“Grandmother called yesterday. She wants us to visit and the only time I can get off work with that big project and all is during the time you’d be at camp.” Elizabeth spoke fast now, eager to get it over with. “I informed Ms Vabersky already and she promised to make the necessary arrangements. She said she’ll even try to get us a refund for the retainer.”

She watched Julia with some trepidation. Waiting for her daughter to respond, she started picking the cuticle of her thumb with the nail of her index finger, something she did whenever she needed to keep it together in situations beyond her control.

Julia tried to absorb what her mother had told her. It didn’t make any sense. Her mouth fell open as if to take the information in that way – it was no use. All of her senses screamed that what she had heard was bad, yet the meaning eluded her, as though the synapses in her brain had stopped firing before she was able to interpret the message. She stood paralyzed. With her anger spent in the quarrel preceding this fatal blow to her summer plans, she began to cry.

“Oh no Mom,” she sobbed, “you can’t do that to me! You tell me all the time I don’t take enough interest in my school friends, now I do and I really want to go. I worked so hard to get on the all-star team to make this happen. Please, can we talk about it? I didn’t mean what I said about you and Dad!”

In an attempt to turn the situation around, she moved towards her mother and threw herself on the bed next to Elizabeth.

“But of course we can honey,” Elizabeth answered, gently stroking her daughter’s back. “We’ll talk about it tonight. I gotta run. I’m late as it is and I have this important presentation today.”

The second she heard herself talk about the presentation, she remembered that she would take her clients out to dinner and would not be home until late. Unable to deal with more of Julia’s disappointment at the moment and afraid that Julia would notice her annoyance, she added quickly: “Why don’t you call Grandma and tell her how excited you are to spend some time with her?”

She got up and kissed Julia lightly on the back of her head.

In a balancing act, Elizabeth put on her shoes, as she advanced towards the door. She always struggled to cram as many things as possible into a single moment. She called that managing time. One hand on the doorknob, she looked at Julia and announced in a voice a touch too chirpy to reflect her true feelings: “I’ll leave you some money on the counter. You can go to the mall and do something fun.”

Julia listened to the sound of her mother’s footsteps disappearing towards the garage. As soon as she heard the door bang shut, she reached for her phone to call Kellie.

“Something terrible has happened, can I come over? Thanks. See you in a minute.”

For a brief moment, she considered just slipping into her sneakers and rush over to Kellie’s without bothering to wash her face or brush her teeth – then decided against it. No matter how big a crisis she was in right now, her getting another pimple or, god forbid a cavity, surely wouldn’t help the situation. She trotted into the bathroom and took care of her morning routine.

Back in her room, she pulled on her favorite jeans and T-shirt to band-aid her bruised self-esteem, slipped into her shoes and went downstairs. In passing, she snatched the money off the kitchen counter, stuffed it into her jeans pocket without even counting it, grabbed her keys off the hook by the garage door and left the house.

A big gray cat with a fluffy fur coat got up from his sunny place on the front lawn to greet her. Yawning, he gracefully stretched each of his limbs separately – the way only cats know how to do – then walked right in between Julia’s legs. In a major effort to stay on her feet without stepping on the cat, Julia bent down to scratch him behind his ears.

“Hey Twinkle Toes,” she purred, “something terrible has happened this morning. I’ll fill you in as soon as I’m back. Gotta run now. Kellie is waiting.”

She opened the gate carefully as to not let Twinkle Toes out – a bit in denial about the fact that a waist-high fence is no real obstacle for a cat.


The members of the conference watched Julia stroll down the street, and Mirra opened her eyes as if bored with the lack of action.

“What do you think of her?” Cliffton asked anxiously, addressing everyone in the room at the same time and of course, everyone shared their opinion at once.

“Please please, let us not start this again,” Herr Kaiser’s voice thundered above the din. “I am sure we can discuss the matter in an orderly fashion.”

As before, the commotion ceased immediately. He looked around the table and noticed several raised hands.

“Now now, this is much better,” he growled his approval.

With a slight bow of his head, he prompted the regal looking woman to his right to speak. Despite her majestic poise, she radiated a motherly quality of warmth, kindness and understanding. Her words carried the simple grace that comes from a benevolent heart full of love for all there is.

“I think Julia is a nice enough little girl. She’s merely going through a normal adolescent separation phase.” Her wonderful smile brightened the whole room, her breath smelled like roses. Everybody was mellow and relaxed as she continued. “I recall that Julia recently had her first menstruation, so of course she will be in conflict with her mother. Let us not forget that this is a necessary step in growing up for a girl. How else would she be able to define herself as a woman of her own? I can help her with that easy enough. Let me just –”

“Regina I warn you! Don’t you dare mess with the situation before we all reach an agreement,” Herr Kaiser interrupted her sharply. “We all appreciate and respect your desire for harmony but there are certain rules even you have to follow.”

“Of course my dear, rules made by you and your kind,” Regina retorted without changing her expression. “However, I guess you’re right for now. Because your vision is not tainted by desire, you do excel in an indisputable kind of clarity. And no, you don’t have to remind me of what happened the last time I interfered without your consent. Just promise me to return the favor and not discipline her without consulting me first.”

“I’m sure King Arthur still remembers too, what happened on that occasion,” Mirra chortled under her breath.

Herr Kaiser, missing Mirra’s comment, seemed pleased at Regina’s relenting so quickly. In his presence no one was entirely without reason. And there was definitely no need for him to promise Regina anything. Actions caused reactions. If this indicated punishment to her, there was nothing he could do. He turned to the woman sitting at his left.

“Counselor what is your opinion? How do you read the situation?”

Dora Bell, The Counselor, was a tall thin woman. Her already longish features were augmented by the way she wore her hair. It was of a deep orange red and must have reached all the way to the floor. This of course was pure speculation, as no one had ever seen it undone. She always piled it up on her head in three tiers like a wedding cake, causing the impression of her wearing a pointed hat. In between layers, she had stuck decorative golden and silver pins with three-leaflet ornaments dangling from them, creating a most delicate tinkling sound whenever she moved her head. She must have spent hours every day to get it done just so. But because time was of no consequence in her surroundings, that didn’t really matter.

Her neck was long and slender, providing ample room between earlobes and shoulders for dangling earrings, which repeated the three-leaflet pattern of the ornaments in her hair and echoed their sound. Her dress, in the same color as her hair, was unadorned as not to take away attention from her head.

Her fingers played with a pair of enormous old-fashioned keys on the table in front of her. Their clinking added another score to the symphony played by her jewelry.

“Nobody likes to admit failure but let me be frank. I have tried many times to get Julia’s attention, to no avail.”

Her lovely melodic voice chimed right in with the rest of the tune. “Julia is only one of many children of this generation, whose imaginary capacity is swatted by this overload of sensory input so readily available to them through modern technology. Just remember what we saw in her room: a telephone, a computer, a TV, a sophisticated sound system. At times when I tried to contact her, I even resigned myself to using these devices. But there is just too much going on for her to notice. Sometimes she talks on the phone, while looking at something on the Internet, with the TV blaring in the background. And now with her grandfather dead, who was the only person in the family with moderately evolved senses of intuition, I don’t see how there’s a chance for my being heard at all.”

Dora slumped back in her chair, raising her arms above her head to signal the group her utter helplessness in the situation. The sudden motion provided her ornaments the opportunity of jingling into a crescendo.

“Maybe we could contact her through a dream,” Mirra suggested. “Luna, what do you think?”

Moni Lunaluna, a round-faced woman with short silver-blond hair and shimmering complexion, answered: “Dora asked for my help in the matter a while ago and so I tried. But Julia likes to wake up to her music-alarm-clock set at a bothersome loud volume, which instantly produces more information for her senses to absorb. There is simply no time for the subtle vibration of the dream to float to the surface and to penetrate her waking mind. Therefore my efforts have been lost as well.”

Cliffton thought it wise to say something in Julia’s favor. The discussion was not at all going in the direction he had hoped it would.

“I monitored Julia on and off since she reached out and asked for our help, so I am aware of the place she’s at,” he offered, doing his best to communicate competence in the matter. “This is exactly the reason why I summoned you. What I am about to propose needs to be sanctioned by all of us.” He looked as if he had been asked to jump off a cliff and as he continued he did not sound quite so reassured anymore. “Er – there’s only one way to say it so I say it: er – I was thinking, maybe – er – we could make direct contact with her?” His voice trailed off as he cast a timid glance at his colleagues, then he added hastily: “I admit this is unorthodox but she is in this phase of transition and I am convinced it could work.”

The level of tension in the room was high. All of The Twenty-Two seemed to hold in their responses in a combined effort to avoid another one of Herr Kaiser’s reprimands.

Finally, Brian Liebermann, the male half of the Siamese Twins, broke the silence.

“What you’re suggesting is risky business,” he argued, looking grim. “I realize it has been done before, but never with someone so ill prepared as this Julia. What is your feeling about it, Helena?” he inquired from his wife.

Helena Liebermann tilted her head as if the space above held the answer to her husband’s question, a mannerism her friends were quite familiar with. It was like a pavlovian response – you asked for her opinion and her head turned upward. At last she spoke.

“I agree with Avi insofar as Julia definitely needs some guidance. I suppose she would not feel so lost if her father were still living with them. She trusts him. She listens to him. Perhaps we could do something to get her parents back together.” She casually glanced around the room, seemingly with no intent other than reading the expressions of her colleagues. When her eyes reached Regina, the slightest movement of delicately chiseled eyebrows provided the response she was looking for.

“They are such a nice couple,” she continued her assessment, “what a shame they lack the insight necessary to grow together as husband and wife. I suggest we –

But no one heard what Helena suggested nor if she made a suggestion at all, because Regina had left her seat and moved towards Chester Magnussen and his wand.

The proximity of Regina and her rose-scented breath sent a pleasant shiver through his body, and for a fraction of a second he lost his focus, causing the wand to lift off the page. A fraction of a second does not sound like much, yet in surroundings where time is of no consequence, it presented just the opportunity needed for Regina to carry out her plan.

Before anyone had a chance to intervene, she exhaled deeply and the page in the book turned. The wand settled back down, and the screen showed Julia and her parents in the kitchen.

Julia and her father sat at the table, ready to start eating breakfast. Elizabeth stood at the stove, impatiently tugging at a strand of long auburn hair that had come loose from her ponytail. As she had done many times before, she asked herself silently, whether she would ever find the courage to cut it off.

She had always thought she would look great in a pageboy, and short hair would be so much easier to deal with. But Peter just loved her mane. In endless arguments fought out inside her head, she unfailingly succeeded in convincing herself that it would be unfair to show up with short hair when he had fallen in love with a woman who had locks right down to her waist. Yet deep down the feeling persisted that her whole life would be completely different, if she could just get rid of that hair. With a sigh she took off her apron and put the last batch of pancakes on the table.

“Mmmh honey,” Peter said, smiling appreciatively, “breakfast smells delicious as usual. Surely I’m the luckiest man alive to enjoy a gourmet breakfast in the company of the two most gorgeous girls on the planet.”

Sitting down while pouring herself a cup of coffee, Elizabeth returned his smile with an expression full of love and contentment. Gone were her thoughts of a different life.

“Thank you darling,” she said, “you know how much I enjoy our mornings together.”

Peter took his wife’s hand into his, squeezing it gently.

“And how about you, princess?” he asked, addressing Julia. “You seem unusually quiet this morning.”

Julia, startled, looked around the room. It was filled with an almost unnatural brightness but aside from that, everything appeared to be quite normal – no different from any other morning, as far as she could remember. Yet she felt weird. It was hard to put her feeling into words; a vague sensation in the pit of her stomach, maybe a faint idea of something being out of place…

“Must be the aftershock of that terrible dream I had,” she said when she finally managed to speak. “I dreamt you guys were separated. Dad, you had moved out and Mom, you were some sort of big deal in corporate world. I think you owned one of those environmental companies. You took care of the planet but left me home alone all the time with lots of cash to throw around for comfort and all I’d do was hang out at the mall. I was terribly unhappy and wished with all my heart for my life to be different.”

Speaking these words, the knot in her stomach tightened, but Julia chose to ignore it. “And there was a fight I had with Mom and I said awfully hurtful things to her. I think there was more, but it’s all slipping away so fast now, I can’t remember clearly what else was going on.”

She took a sip of orange juice and let out a deep breath. “Boy, I’m sure glad it was only a dream though. I never want to feel so lousy again – ever!”

Both her parents had listened attentively to her story. Peter opened his mouth to give a – no doubt – comforting reply, but no one in the conference room paid him any attention. In fact, since Regina’s intervention no one had bothered to watch the screen at all. The inside of the circular hall with its beautiful decorations bore no resemblance to the well ordered meeting it had housed just a fraction of a second ago.

Everybody had left their seats, frantically trying to move towards Regina, shouting and gesturing wildly. The very instant Chester Magnussen’s wand had reconnected with the book, the metal structure around that segment of the wall, which served as monitor for the book, started to blink furiously on and off – a deluge of neon-red light, emitting a penetrating beeping sound. In between beeps a computerized voice announced “Reality Breach at vector alpha-457.9” in endless repetition, as if to communicate the urgency of the matter to the members of the conference.

That was of course entirely unnecessary. Everyone of them was painfully aware of what Regina had done: she had single-handedly altered Julia’s reality while Julia was in her normal, waking consciousness, a measure strictly reserved for only the most exceptional situations. However even then, all of the twenty-three had to agree unanimously that all other options were exhausted and a shift in the individual’s chosen reality proved necessary and beneficial not only to the individual involved but was to the highest good of all life everywhere. To ensure the least impact on the psyches of all concerned, it was only done after careful planning and preparation. Full compliance with predominant systems of belief provided a strict frame of reference for every action that needed to be carried out.

Of course those extra precautions merely needed to be put in place since humans had abandoned their belief in magic, and incidents of this kind had either been banned to the land of fairy tales or diminished to the world of horror stories.

And because all of them longed for the time when it was normal to be in direct contact with the outer world, no one was totally innocent of the kind of trespass Regina had caused. In the course of eons every one of them had been tempted to interfere and some of them had tried. This fact, however did not justify the violation in the least. The situation was serious.

“Everybody, everybody take their seats and Chester, turn that thing off before I forget myself!” Herr Kaiser roared, face red, bushy brows a straight line. His voice sounded like a sonic boom and the cacophony of outrage subsided quickly into silence with everyone tiptoeing back to their seats as ordered. No one wanted to see Herr Kaiser forgetting himself!

“Of course Willhelm … at once … what was I thinking?” Chester Magnussen answered as if coming out of a trance. With visible effort he pulled his galaxy wand away from the page. The alarm stopped and the metallic structure reverted to its usual opalite glow. The screen went black with a small, slowly blinking red square in the lower right corner as the only visible reminder of the fact that the very structure of reality had been upset.

The book jumped a few inches into the air as if violated by this sudden disconnection and shut the moment it hit the table.

“Hey Mac, whoa!” Mirra’s voice as cold as her glare, so cold it felt like icicles reaching for Chester Magnussen, “how often do you think I have to ask you to not pull your wand without proper shut-down on my part first! You pull that thing so fast you shape-shift into a torturer pulling toenails. Now there’s an unbecoming identity if there ever was one! And FYI, you weren’t thinking at all! As usual you just couldn’t resist Regina, now could you? All she ever needs to do is to get close to you and you lose focus. If I had it in me to feel disgusted about such behavior, trust me I would!”

“Thank you Mirra, thank you, but this is quite enough,” said Herr Kaiser, still trying to compose himself. “We are all more than capable of imagining what that must feel like for you and I’m sorry for your inconvenience but,” his voice gaining volume as his speech gained momentum, “we do have a reality breach at hand and we have to find a solution to that mess. You all know the longer it goes on the more difficult it becomes to re-instate the proper time-line.”

“Be assured you have no idea about my feelings at all,” Mirra unimpressed. “And honestly Willhelm, I don’t quite understand your fuss. It’s all in the book anyway – so it’s all the same to me whether they’re back together or not, whether they’ve ever met or not, whether they –

“Of course it makes no difference to you,” Herr Kaiser cut her off. As much as he generally enjoyed a neutral perspective, on occasions that required action he had very little patience for Mirra and her philosophical detachment. “It does make a big difference to them though and you know it. Just to refresh your memory,” his sarcasm as sharp as a samurai sword, “in the time-line where Julia’s waking consciousness is right now, she didn’t even reach out to us for help!”

“Hurray to that!” Mirra unbothered in her knowledge that she was pushing it, “I’d say the meeting is adjourned and we all go home.” Then as was her nature, reflecting Herr Kaiser’s sarcasm right back to him, she added, “Please Willhelm, enlighten me, what was it again that happens in the time-line where she did reach out?”

Herr Kaiser, engulfed in his anger, was blind to her provocation and charged right ahead. “Great that you should mention it, because as you very well know, if we would not be blessed enough to operate within surroundings where time is of no consequence, we’d all be transported back to who knows where the moment the wand hit Regina’s turned page. And nobody but your blasted book knows exactly what happens in that other time-line. So why don’t you do me the favor and shut up.”

Taking a deep breath he turned towards the Twins. “And Helena you of all people know better than trying to eliminate choices from people’s lives. It is their birthright to figure out truth and consequences of their decisions. Did you forget that this is how they learn? I will have no more of this interference business. Do I make myself clear?” His voice reverberated off the walls, creating a sound like rolling thunder.

“Crystal clear, dearest,” Regina Green exhaled slowly, sending another whiff of roses through the room. The energy changed instantly back to peace and calm. “Julia asked for a different life and in a way, she got it. And all this rehashing of what we already know does not bring us any closer to a solution of the problem. I suggest we look at the facts and then decide what we can do.”

“Oh blast! I don’t want to hear another word from you!” Despite Regina’s attempt at restoring harmony, Herr Kaiser was still mad at her. “Of course Julia has gotten a different life but we don’t know whether this is the life she would have chosen, never mind that not a single being in her environment – and that does include her cat – had a choice in what happened. And as much as I would like to explore all the different vectors that could possibly grow out of this incident, we do have to take responsibility for our screw up. So let’s get on with it. How much time has passed in the outer world since the breach?”

“That would be 92 seconds and counting,” said Mirra after consulting the index of her book, which of course, to everyone else was nothing but another blank page.

“Good, good! Then we’re well within the limits of our 5 Minutes reversion rule,” said Herr Kaiser. “Get ready! Mirra, Chester, please. Let’s get her back to vector alpha-457.9 with a 94 second reversal extrapolation to make sure she’s not missing anything there. Come on now, do it!”

Mirra, looking not older than fifteen at the most, went into silent communication with her book once again. As soon as it opened to the appropriate page, Chester Magnussen inserted his wand. The metal frame displayed ‘alpha-457.9-ex94r-Julia-VAS/n’. The blinking red square disappeared as the image of Julia leaving the house emerged on the screen.

A big gray cat with a fluffy fur coat got up from his sunny place on the front lawn to greet her. Yawning, he gracefully stretched each of his limbs separately – the way only cats know how to do – then walked right in-between Julia’s legs. In a major effort to stay on her feet without stepping on the cat, Julia bent down to scratch him behind his ears.

“Hey Twinkle Toes,” she purred, “something terrible has happened this morning. I’ll fill you in as soon as I’m back. Gotta run now. Kellie is waiting.”

As she opened the gate carefully to stop Twinkle Toes from leaving the yard, a feeling of familiarity rushed through her body. For a brief moment she felt disoriented. She shook her head as if to clear her mind.

“Wow Twinkle Toes,” she said, “did we not do all that just a few moments ago? What a weird day this is.”

This remark brought a total recall of the argument with her mother, and the emotional impact of her personal tragedy pushed any memory of everything else that had happened this morning into the depths of her subconscious mind.

Thus, as the members of the conference watched Julia stroll down the street, her consciousness was safely restored to the here and now.

The synthetic voice streaming from the shimmering metal frame informed the members of the conference that ‘particle beam download at vector alpha-457.9-present-Julia’ was complete and the room echoed with the sound of applause.


In the big city, in another dome shaped structure, another conference room. Very different in more than one way from the conference room of The Twenty-Two, it towered over the city at a staggering height of 1500 feet. The pitch-black interior didn’t give any clue as to what it might look like and the only source of light was a large screen that seemed to hover suspended in mid air, displaying the bigger than life-size face of a man. An artificial voice announced “Constellato for Mr. Oten” – “Constellato for Mr. Oten” increasing the volume and thereby the urgency of the message with every repetition.

At last, a disembodied sound from the darkness suggested, “Go ahead.”

“Mister Oten,” the face on the screen came to life, “I just noticed a random particle beam download at vector alpha-457.9. It caught my attention because it has an overlap of 94 seconds in real-time. I thought I better let you know.”

Niem Vidalgo Oten stepped closer to the screen. Staying in line with the black theme of his surroundings he wore a black suit and black turtleneck sweater. With his black hair, thick black eyebrows and dark eyes the dim light of the monitor upgraded him from disembodied voice to disembodied face. “And what exactly does that mean?”

“I cannot be sure,” Constellato, rubbing his right eyebrow with the middle finger of his right hand, “do you want me to speculate?”

“No, your simple opinion will do,” said Oten, adding the feature of disembodied hands to his physique. Judging by the movement of those hands he pulled a black chair towards him and sat down. He looked like a spooky pantomime in a black box performance.

“Someone at this vector has experienced a déjà vu of 94 seconds.”

“A déjà vu?” white hands patting back a stray strand of black hair on white face. “How can that happen?”

“Like I said I honestly don’t know,” Constellato’s voice showed signs of unease.

“Then use your million dollar brain and speculate. And you better don’t waste my time.” The hidden threat in Oten’s answer provided a perfect explanation for Constellato’s apprehension.

“A tiny rupture in space-time is the only logical conclusion. Created by a moderately high-energy wave and it’s not coming from our side. I already checked.”

“Can you give me a visual?” asked Oten, leaning forward in his chair.

Without answering, Constellato’s hand seemed to reach out of the screen into the room pointing at a three dimensional holographic version of Julia carefully opening the gate and leaving the yard. They watched how she shook her head telling a big gray cat with a fluffy fur coat, “Wow Twinkle Toes, did we not do all that just a few moments ago? What a weird day this is.” And as Julia strolled down the street Constellato pulled his hand back from the room into the screen.

Oten let out a suppressed sigh as if to mask his relief. “Thank you C. I don’t think we have to worry. Some random energy fluctuation, no more. If she would have powers she would have been more excited but she seemed rather depressed to me.” And emitting a scary snorting kind of laugh he added, “In any case we have her readout and should it happen again we know how to tag her. For now we just leave it be.” Unaware of the fact that symbolically speaking, his decision to leave the girl’s identity unchecked boosted the trouble-factor of his life by the power of twenty-two, Oten snapped his fingers, the screen turned black and the room returned to impenetrable darkness.


Back in the conference room of The Twenty-Two everyone was cheering, clapping their hands and dancing around the room in demonstrating their relief at a disaster averted. Even Herr Kaiser showed the pleased victorious demeanor of a job well done.

“Alright! Alright,” he said at last, “now let’s not forget the reason why we assembled here to begin with. Avi tell us what you had in mind.”

“Er – yes – thank you Willhelm, er – Herr Kaiser, er – thank you all for your input,” Cliffton stammered in a nervous attempt to gather his thoughts. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “As I was saying, I am aware of Julia’s disposition and I realize the risks involved for us to seek direct contact, yet I strongly believe the attempt would have great merit. Especially now with the – er – incident – er – I feel we have a lot of explaining to do.” He swallowed hard. “My original idea was to establish some support for her. There is a boy, John, a childhood friend who lives by the Lake. He is sensitive and very interested in all things out of the ordinary. Mirra, maybe, if you would?”

Mirra sighed and closed her eyes focusing on the book. The familiar process of the book turning its pages started once more. Because the wand was still plugged in, a multitude of images flickered across the screen.

“How would you like it, Avi? Same time-vector? Same mode? Some of Mirra’s omnipotent viewpoint if it helps with clarity?” Magnussen asked.

“Yes please, if no one has any objections?”

Magnussen interpreted the ensuing silence as consent.

“All right, then I’m all set.”

The very instant the pages came to rest, the metal structure framing the lit up section of the wall read: ‘alpha-457.9-John-present-VAS/n’, and the figure of a boy became discernible on the screen. The twenty-three watched curiously…


… as he entered the kitchen of his parents’ ranch-style home. Bare feet a little bit too big for his height stuck out from pajama pants a little bit too short. His blond hair reaching in curls below the chin, still tousled from sleep, added to the impression of innocent clumsiness so adorable with puppies.

His mother looked up from her morning paper – h

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Top-selling thriller THE PINEVILLE HEIST to become a big screen movie in 2014
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4.2 stars – 80 Reviews

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Here’s the set-up:
  • Movies based on books, suck?  What if they are directed by the author?
  • Having garnered private funding from solid and passionate financial investors, The Pineville Heist is heading for principal photography in 2014.  Writer / director Lee Chambers will be at the forefront directing to ensure his vision for Pineville is maintained.

What’s the Story?

Seventeen year old Aaron stumbles into the aftermath of a five million dollar bank heist gone wrong. Hiding under a canoe, Aaron partially catches the murder of one of the robbers. In the chaos he sneaks away with the money and heads straight for the closest place of safety, his high school. Terrified, Aaron tells his shocking tale to Amanda Becker, his drama teacher, but it doesn’t take long for one of the psychotic robbers to show up. In the locked down school the pair are relentlessly pursued in a quest to get the money back and wipe out the evidence.

Here is what the media outlets are saying about The Pineville Heist:

  • “Smart narrative served with a side of engaging mystery makes for one seriously good page turner!” DOLLY MAGAZINE
  • “With its slick plot and rapid-fire cinematic rhythm, you’ll read Chambers’ bloody Boy’s Own thriller in one sitting. School’s never been more deadly – or more fun.”  THE WEST AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER

Lee Chambers is an award winning writer, director and producer who has received critical acclaim from Total Film Magazine and Fox Television.  His work has screened at top festivals, such as the Cannes Film Festival and the Edinburgh International Film Festival. His projects have received support by top directors such as David Croenberg, Peter Farrelly and Jon Cassar, as well as Academy Award winners Denys Arcand, Roger Corman and Paul Haggis. In 2012 Lee was awarded Screenwriter of the Year Award by the Music Film and Motion in Canada.  2014 sees his award-winning screenplay, The Pineville Heist, which he crafted with his buddy Todd Gordon, headed for principal photography with a stella cast of international actors.


For more book and movie news follow The Pineville Heist on twitter @pinevilleheist and on Facebook.

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