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Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Andy Gavin’s The Darkening Dream– 4.8 Stars on 25 Out of 26 Rave Reviews – Just $2.99 on Kindle!

The Darkening Dream

by Andy Gavin

Gavin … gleefully transforms a story of teenagers battling vampires into something much more. The story turns into a mash-up of Greco-Roman mythology, Judeo-Christian imagery and the occult, making it a fresh take on the overdone vampire genre. Gavin’s writing also hints at a wonderfully twisted sense of humor … and the action throughout is fast-paced and compelling.” – Kirkus Reviews

4.8 stars – 26 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

Visit this link to read a free 2,000-word excerpt at no charge.

Even as the modern world pushes the supernatural aside in favor of science and steel, the old ways remain. God, demon, monster, and sorcerer alike plot to regain what was theirs in Andy Gavin’s chilling debut, The Darkening Dream.

1913, Salem, Massachusetts – Sarah Engelmann’s life is full of friends, books, and avoiding the pressure to choose a husband, until an ominous vision and the haunting call of an otherworldly trumpet shake her. When she stumbles across a gruesome corpse, she fears that her vision was more of a premonition. And when she sees the murdered boy moving through the crowd at an amusement park, Sarah is thrust into a dark battle she does not understand.

With the help of Alex, a Greek immigrant who knows a startling amount about the undead, Sarah sets out to uncover the truth. Their quest takes them to the factory mills of Salem, on a midnight boat ride to spy on an eerie coastal lair, and back, unexpectedly, to their own homes. What can Alex’s elderly, vampire-hunting grandfather and Sarah’s own rabbi father tell them? And what do Sarah’s continuing visions reveal?

No less than Gabriel’s Trumpet, the tool that will announce the End of Days, is at stake, and the forces that have banded to recover it include a 900 year-old vampire, a trio of disgruntled Egyptian gods, and a demon-loving Puritan minister. At the center of this swirling cast is Sarah, who must fight a millennia-old battle against unspeakable forces, knowing the ultimate prize might be herself.

UK CUSTOMERS: Click on the title below to download
The Darkening Dream

About the Author

Andy Gavin is an unstoppable storyteller who studied for his Ph.D. at M.I.T. and founded video game developer Naughty Dog, Inc. at the age of fifteen, serving as co-president for two decades. There he created, produced, and directed over a dozen video games, including the award winning and best selling Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter franchises, selling over 40 million units worldwide. He sleeps little, reads novels and histories, watches media obsessively, travels, and of course, writes.

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Exciting Kindle News From Worldreader: Read A Book, Feed A Mind

(Editor’s note: Kindle Nation readers will remember Worldreader.org from our previous posts found here. We’re thrilled to introduce Worldreader.org communications director Susan Moody Prieto and team member Dani Zacarias with some great news about the organization’s efforts to connect kids around the world with some Africa-based children’s book publishers. — Candace Cheatham, Associate Editor of KND, Editor of Kids Corner @ KND)

By Dani Zacarias

There is a book famine in Africa. But it won’t be fixed by pumping in books about snowmen and skiing from the developed world. It can only be fixed from within, by fostering the established publishing sector and by creating a demand for locally relevant stories.

To this end Worldreader, an NGO founded on the mantra of bringing books to all, has been digitizing stories from Africa and making them available on the Kindle. If you go to Amazon and type “Worldreader” into the search bar you’ll pull up all of Worldreader’s books. They run the gamut from children’s storybooks to decidedly more adult stories. They tell the story of an Africa different from the one we see on the news or in infomercials. Theirs is an Africa full of stories about heroes, histories and, overwhelming about ordinary people living ordinary lives, the fabric, nuance, beauty and sometimes tragedy of which has been captured in print.

We’ve chosen to feature 5 titles from the Worldreader list here that caught our eye.

Hugo Hippo’s ABC Fun Book in Africa written by Gail A. Porter and illustrated by James Okello. Published by Jacaranda Designs.

Bright, beautifully rendered and fun illustrations help children learn their  alphabet while also learning the geography of Africa. Great for the Kindle Fire, but it works on other Kindles as well because the illustrations carry well over in gray scale.


 Fatuma’s New Cloth written by Leslie Bulion and illustrated by Nicole Tadgell

This is the kind of children’s book that both adults and children can’t help but fall in love with. It handles the complicated topics of beauty and self esteem with simple elegance while simultaneously introducing readers to elements of East African culture. It even comes with a delicious recipe for East African chai!


 The Canoe’s Story by Meshack Asare. Published by Sub-Saharan Publishers.

Meshack Asare, one of Africa’s most beloved authors, recounts how a canoe is made. Told from the tree’s point of view, this thoughtful story details the tree’s journey from forest to ocean and the hard work of the fishermen who make it happen.

 Let Me Tell You edited and compiled by Sarah Forde. Published by Storymoja.

Follow the lives of a group of real Kenyan coastal girls as they battle through the trials and tribulations of adolescence. In addition to what we would expect to see – infatuations, the desire to fit in at school – there’s also more complex issues to be handled – those of absentee parents or early marriages often rushed into to escape situations that are not so much escaped as replicated.

 Faceless by Amma Darko. Published by Sub-Saharan Publishers.

Amma Darko, widely seen as a successor to some of Ghana’s greatest writers, weaves a dark story about the collision of two worlds: that of a middle class woman and a group of street children. Definitely for an older audience than the previous offerings it’s a beautifully written story full of tragic and compelling characters. In a strange reversal of roles children often sound like adults and adults often seem to be children.

The profits from each book go directly back to publishers in Africa. A portion helps to fund Worldreader’s projects in impoverished schools in Africa.

To learn more about Worldreader visit: www.worldreader.org

Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Author Richard Davies’ End of The World Thriller THE HEIRLOOM – Just $2.99 on Kindle and Currently Free for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library!

The Heirloom

by Richard Davies

4.8 stars – 4 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:

Due to a perfect storm of resource depletion, terrorism, disease, and civil chaos, the technological world descends into catabolic collapse, providing fertile soil for a Native American revolt and a return to the old ways. In this first novel of a trilogy, we follow Ben Naiche, son of Harris Red Moon and Kathy Naiche, and Dr. Jerome Naiche, a physicist at Berkeley as they come together in North Dakota.

Dr. Naiche has a spirit vision that shatters his worldview, causing him to abandon his technological life at Berkeley.

Harris Red Moon is his minder, driver, and a technology lover who denies his heritage and tries to maintain the tech paradigm at all costs.

Kathy Naiche runs an heirloom seed farm in North Dakota in partnership with U.S. Homeland Security and in conflict with her own ideals.

Ben Naiche discovers that he may face a heavy burden and wonders if he can live up to expectations.

Emma, Harris’s former girlfriend, an Earth Liberation Front activist, has her own vision of a vast army sweeping through North America.

About the Author


Richard Davies teaches English at Wichita State University. After a stint in the Army as a tank driver in Germany, he worked in the oil fields as an roughneck, owned a bar, freelanced as a writer for CBS and many others, and eventually settled into the life of the gypsy academic, better known as the lowly adjunct. He has two children, three cats, and an oil painting habit. He is a great fan of Derrick Jensen’s work and philosophy.


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A Brand New Kindle Freebie! Shadonna Richards’ THINK AND BE HAPPY

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And most of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here is a book that has just gone free by an author who has already proven to be a favorite with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab it now if  it look interesting to you, because it probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Thursday, January 26, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.


Think and Be Happy: 365 Empowering Thoughts to Lift Your Spirit

by Shadonna Richards

4.2 stars – 4 Reviews

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:

A gift book filled with more than 365 happy thoughts to empower you and get you through each day.

About the Author


SHADONNA RICHARDS, R.N. is the author of more than 250 articles & inspirational stories, former newspaper columnist, and a registered nurse. Her work has appeared in the Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, MetroToronto Edition, Word Magazine and the Scarborough Mirror with a combined readership of 2 million readers. She also has a BA in Psychology and lives in Canada with her husband and son.
(This is a sponsored post.)

Heads Up! Hours Left to Enter This Week’s Brand New KINDLE FIRE Giveaway Sweepstakes, Sponsored by Donna McDonald, author of Created In Fire

Feeling lucky?

Did you win a Kindle Fire tablet this week?

If you are Allysen Lovstuen of Decorah, IA, you did. Allysen won hers on Wednesday in last week’s Kindle Nation Daily KINDLE FIRE Giveaway Sweepstakes, and when it arrives at her home Friday she will become the 16th citizen of Kindle Nation to win a Kindle Fire from us in the past few months.

But we’d like for you to be one of about 50 people who will win one of these Kindle Fire tablets from us during the remainder of 2012, and all you have to do is follow the extremely easy steps at the end of this post to have a great chance to win.

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Donna McDonald, author of CREATED IN FIRE

Like each one of our weekly sweepstakes, this week’s giveaway is sponsored by a talented author who has proven to be a favorite with our readers. Created In Fire author Donna McDonald is springing for the Kindle Fire that could very well end up with your name on it, so it only makes sense to pay it forward and stimulate both your karma and your imagination at the same time by chancing $2.99 to grace your Kindle with a novel that is averaging 5 stars on 1 rave reviews from discriminating readers like us.

Here’s the scoop on Created In Fire:

Created In Fire (Art of Love Series)

by Donna McDonald

5.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Despite a dating past littered with the broken hearts of women they both knew and worked with, all 34 yr old Michael Larson sincerely wants is to marry Carrie Larson, the mother of his future child, and love them both forever. The other women were had been at best practice, and at worst merely substitutes. They were partly Carrie’s fault anyway. Instead of dating him, Carrie married not one, but two other men, and all because of something that allegedly happened in college which Michael can’t even remember. Dating other women was all that kept him sane while he waited three years for her to come to her senses. Even though he truly wants the baby they created in the fire between them, Michael really doesn’t care how or why Carrie is now in his life and his bed. His sole focus is how to keep her there no matter what it takes. He definitely doesn’t have any intentions of honoring the prenuptial agreement with the divorce clause she’d insisted on. Michael won’t—can’t—let her go. He’ll never survive if he loses the only chance with Carrie she’s ever given him.

At 32 years old, Carrie Addison wonders how many more times she’s going to let Michael Larson into her bed to wreck sexual havoc in her life. He is the most talented artist she’s ever known, but also the most frustrating, womanizing man. Maybe her two divorces were a hard way to learn that other men couldn’t provide enough distraction to cure herself of her desire for him. That’s still no reason to become her mother and give up control of her life to a man who will make her miserable over and over. There is no doubt in her mind that agreeing to marry Michael is a mistake of biblical proportions, but all she can do for the rest of the pregnancy is cope because she promised Michael legal custody of their child. Even if she is stupid enough to love him, she was wise to make him sign a contract stipulating that their bad situation wouldn’t last forever. Carrie flatly refuses to live like that. She will give Michael the child they created, but she is never giving him her heart to break again.

About The Author

Donna McDonald has been a writer all her life and managed to complete her first novel in August of 2010. Her idea of success is to be on an airplane and see a fellow passenger reading one of her stories. If the person is laughing or smiling, she will consider it a bonus.

She lives in Lexington, Kentucky with her fiancée, Bruce.

Her work history covers everything from housekeeper to business owner to college English instructor. It also includes an eighteen year stint as a technical writer, publications planner, and information architect in the corporate world. Her current career goal is to be a prolific, multi-published author for the rest of her life and write stories readers will love to read. She thinks a little travel and adventure would be nice, too.

And here, just in case you forgot are the details on how to

Enter Our KINDLE FIRE Giveaway Sweepstakes:

  • There’s no purchase required, but we do need you to go to our Kindle Nation Facebook page and “Like” us if you have not done so already.
  • You’ll need to do this on a computer rather than a smartphone, and you should give the page a few seconds to load, because for some reason it takes a little longer.
  • Then just follow the prompts to enter the sweepstakes, and you’re done!
  • Limit of one entry per weekly sweepstakes, but feel free to enter every single week!
  • This week’s sweepstakes will close at 12 noon Eastern time on Monday, January 30, 2012.

Good luck! And happy reading!

Kindle Nation Bargain Bestseller Alert: Our Readers Can’t Get Enough of Richard Bard’s BRAINRUSH: THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY, the long-awaited sequel to Richard Bard’s Bestseller BRAINRUSH … Just $2.99 and currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Through the Kindle Lending Library!

This just in from author Richard Bard:


Buy 1, Get 1?

Doesn’t matter what we call it — it’s just a great deal to make sure that everyone has a chance to read both books in this great emerging series from one of the most successful indie authors of 2011 … and now, 2012:

That’s right. Buy Brainrush II, The Enemy of My Enemy, and you can receive a FREE Kindle copy of Richard Bard’s bestseller Brainrush I, a Thriller.

Go to http://richardbard.com/promo/ for all the details!

BRAINRUSH II, The Enemy of My Enemy

by Richard Bard

4.9 Stars on 133 Rave Reviews!
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

 *  *  *

Kindle Edition: $0.99 and currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Through the Kindle Lending Library!


Here’s the set-up:

This is Book-2 of the highly-acclaimed bestselling series. It is recommended you read Book-1 first. On sale now for only 99 cents, or borrow it for free in the Kindle Lending Library.

Praise for Brainrush, a Thriller (Book I):

  • “Brainrush explores the bonds of friendship while pushing the boundaries of science, creating a compelling, action-packed thriller with a climax that’s a knock-out!”- CJ Lyons, New York Times Best-Selling Author
  • “A terrifically entertaining thriller. Especially successful is Bronson, an amiable, low-key tough guy able to rescue his princess, survive brutality, and retain a sense of humor.”- Publishers Weekly #1*
  • “Rich characters, crackling dialogue, and a climactic sequence that is stunning, enervating, and innovative all at once. Richard Bard is a voice to be reckoned with.” – Rebecca Forster, USA Today Best-Selling Author
  • “An inventive and compelling hybrid of science fiction, adventure, and political thriller. Rather than end the novel with a simple rescue operation, however, this author provides a far more intriguing and unexpected conclusion.- Publishers Weekly #2*
  • “Coming out of something stronger is usually a good thing, but Jake Bronson quickly realizes some things are just as much blessings as they are curses. “Brainrush” follows Jake Bronson as he comes into new cognitive powers, but finds him targeted by both sides of the war on terror, as he embarks on a worldwide journey to save his daughter, and maybe humanity along the way. “Brainrush” is a fine and hard to put down thriller, recommended.” – Midwest Book Review, Carl Logan, Reviewer
 *Publishers Weekly review based on the unpublished manuscript.

Jake Bronson returns in Book II of the acclaimed thriller/adventure series by bestselling author, Richard Bard.

Former combat pilot Jake Bronson believed the worst was behind him. But when a sophisticated terrorist cell shows up in his home town, he’s drawn into a conflict that threatens the heart and soul of every mother in America. The bonds of love and loyalty are tested as Jake and his friends are swept into a deadly chase that takes them from the beaches of California, to the depths of the world’s longest underground river, and finally to the remote jungles of the Venezuelan rain forest—where Jake discovers that it will take far more than his enhanced abilities to prevent what is coming.

About the Author

In 1976 young Air Force pilot Richard Bard was diagnosed with cancer and learned that he had only a few months to live. Thirty-six years later he’s still going strong. Now he writes about second chances in the Brainrush thriller series. He currently resides with his wonderful wife in Redondo Beach, California.  “BRAINRUSH II, The Enemy of My Enemy” is the second book of the series. For more information visit RichardBard.com.

(This is a sponsored post.)

Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Our Readers Keep Requesting, So We Had to Bring Back Lauren Clark’s Stay Tuned – 34 out of 36 Rave Reviews! – Just 99 Cents, and Free for Amazon Prime Members Through the Kindle Lending Library … plus, a special bonus: Novelist Lauren Clark’s Top Ten List for TV News Junkies!!


Stay Tuned

by Lauren Clark

4.2 stars – 36 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Novelist Lauren Clark’s Behind-the-Scenes Top Ten List for TV News Junkies!!

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s really like to work at a TV station (the glamour, the money, the fame ….), check out this top ten list for the real deal by author and former TV news anchor Lauren Clark. If you like the list, and crave more behind the scenes action, pick up a copy of Stay Tuned today!

10. Reporters make tons of money! FALSE—Reporters at small television stations are paid a little more than minimum wage. They are required to have a college degree and often “One Man Band, ” which means that the reporter carries the camera, shoots the footage, does the interviews, then writes and edits the story.

9. Reporters meet famous people! SOMETIMES—I was fortunate enough to meet Vice Presidential Candidate Geraldine Ferraro who was smart and so nice. However, I also interviewed Eliot Spitzer while he was NY attorney general. Now that’s just creepy!

8. Reporters get lots of perks! SOMETIMES—Reporters do often get sideline tickets and backstage passes to events. However, it’s often a reporter attends only AFTER her or she covers the actual event, which means working for at least the first part of the concert, fundraiser, or dinner.

7. It’s always glamorous! NOT REALLY—Often, reporting took me to crime scenes, car crashes, bad neighborhoods, dairy farms, voting polls, and raging fires. My most unique assignments included finding a lost Emu and covering cattle judging at a local fair.

6. Reporters have people to do makeup and pick out clothes! FALSE—In smaller markets, you do your own makeup. Sometimes, the television station might give you a small clothing allowance, but a few hundred dollars doesn’t go far when you work 5 or 6 days a week.

5. Viewers call in and tell anchors how wonderful they are! SOMETIMES—I admit, I did get fan mail and it was pretty fabulous. But, most often, people called in to complain about (1) an outfit someone wore, (2) a story they didn’t like, or (3) a story that didn’t get covered.

4. Interviewing people is hard! FALSE—I loved that part! I thought it was so amazing to talk to people from all walks of life and find out why they were a farmer, a policeman, or a teacher. The hardest part for me was working 2 am – 10 am. (This meant getting up at 1:15 am every morning!!)

3. You always have to dress up! FALSE—On the weekends, in smaller markets, it’s pretty common for anchors and reporters to wear a formal suit or top and jeans underneath. I’ve known sports guys to wear tennis shoes or flip-flops on set!

2. The camera adds ten pounds! FALSE—It’s actually more like fifteen or twenty! People often commented on how short I was or how much thinner I was in person. (Sigh!)

1. Anchors use Preparation H under their eyes to reduce puffiness!? TRUE—I’ve done it, anyway. When you’re working 2 am – 10 am, there’s only so much coffee can do!

So there you have it! Overall, it was an amazing opportunity to work as an anchor and reporter at two CBS affiliates. I hope you’ll check out my novel, STAY TUNED, for more crazy fun and behind the scenes action!

–Lauren Clark

 Here’s the set-up for STAY TUNED:

  • Stay Tuned is as faced-paced as a real-life newsroom. The drama on the air and behind the scenes will keep you racing toward the last page!” – Devon Walsh, News Anchor for WKRG-TV
  • “Loved it and you will too. Lauren accurately portrays life in a television newsroom…the personalities, the pressures, the pace. Stay Tuned captures the drama that TV viewers seldom see. The book will draw you in and leave you wanting more.” – Anne Richter, News Anchor for WWNY-TV
  • “Stay Tuned is a great read! The story of a career woman juggling life and love and finding herself along the way. I couldn’t wait to get to the end to see if my suspicions were right about Chris. Author Lauren Clark writes so well you can feel what the characters feel. And it’s a very true representation of the TV news industry!” – Lauren Davis, News Anchor at WVLT-TV
  • “The characters in Stay Tuned grab hold and demand you live the story right along side them. I found myself wanting to steal Melissa’s best friend Candace and make her my own-even if that means having to put up with an endless slew of quotes from Dr. Phil.” – Emlyn Chand, Author of Farsighted
  • “Stay Tuned is fast-paced, fun, and a downright treat. Trust me, you’ll love Melissa’s hectic life and want her best friend (and Dr. Phil devotee), Candace, to give you all the right tips for staying on top.” – E. McDannak, Author of The Inrugian Chronicles

*Winner of the WritersType First Chapter Competition, October 2011

For TV producer Melissa Moore, crisis management comes with the job. From employee disputes to her high-maintenance boss, there’s not much she hasn’t seen or can’t handle.But no one–including Melissa–expects a fistfight during the ten o’clock news. When sexy-but-crazy Alyssa Andrews lands a punch on her co-anchor’s face, Melissa jumps on set to help. She’s determined that WSGA’s reputation won’t be destroyed on her watch.Both anchors are fired and Melissa agrees to fill in–but not before polishing her look from haircut to heels. While the new Melissa wows WSGA viewers, her personal life starts fraying at the edges. Melissa’s husband is away more than he’s home, leaving cryptic Post-it notes in his wake. Her mother’s antics spiral out of control at the nursing home and a stalker decides Melissa is her next target.What happens next? Stay Tuned to find out…

About The Author

Lauren Clark has been a voracious reader since the age of four and would rather be stranded at the library than on a desert island. In her former life, she worked as an anchor and producer for CBS affiliates in Upstate New York and Alabama. Lauren adores her family, yoga, her new Electra bike, and flavored coffee. She lives near the Florida Gulf Coast. Visit her website at LaurenClarkBooks.org.

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