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Michelle Obama’s book is set to become the best-selling memoir in history

Michelle Obama’s memoir “Becoming” could become the biggest-selling autobiography ever, its German publisher said, expressing optimism that husband Barack’s forthcoming account of his two terms as president will also be a hit, according to Reuters.

The former first lady’s recollections, for which she received a reported advance of more than $60 million from Bertelsmann’s Penguin Random House division, has sold 10 million copies since it came out in November.

“That makes it our most notable creative success of last year,” Bertelsmann CEO Thomas Rabe told a news conference, reporting a 2.8 percent gain in annual revenue at the 183-year-old publisher.

Order your copy of  Becoming by Former First Lady, Michelle Obama today!

Read full post on NBC News

Amazon is the drunk online retailer of choice

People are buying ebooks and tech devices from Amazon while drunk and Michael Kozlowski from GoodeReader takes a look at the stats.

We have all been slightly or totally inebriated and purchased something online. Sometimes there is a bit of regret once the credit card bill comes in, but sometimes a shiny new Kindle will ease the pain. A recent survey found that drunk shopping is an estimated $45B per year industry and the most popular website people visit, is Amazon.

The Hustle recently found that the average respondent reports dropping $444 per year and 88% of the spent it on Amazon. Women were slightly more likely to shop drunk: 80% said they had done it, compared to 78% of men. But men spent more money than women on their drunken purchases: an average of $448 a year compared to $441.

Amazon is expected to account for 47.0% of the e-commerce market in the U.S. by the end of 2019, up from 44.8% in 2018, according to eMarketer. The Jeff Bezos-backed e-commerce giant has lured in consumers with its Prime subscription membership which costs $12.99 a month or $119 a year and offers free two-day shipping; free two-hour delivery service in some areas; access to Prime Video and Prime Music; and discounts at Whole Foods. It had 101 million members as of January.

Nearly half (48%) of Amazon Prime members shop online at least once a week or more and nearly three-quarters (74%) shop online at least every few weeks, according to a separate report from Feedvisor.

Read full post on GoodeReader

Will you buy the new Kindle with front-light and Audible?

Amazon announced last week that a new Kindle was going to come out in the first two weeks of April. This is the first entry level Kindle with a better e-paper display and an adjustable front-light to read in the dark. It is going to retail for around $89, which is a solid price. Will you purchase the new Kindle?

The entry level Kindle e-reader features a 6 inch E Ink Carta display with a resolution of 800×600 and 167 PPI. This is the first Kindle with a front-light display, which allows you to control the brightness using a slider bar. It has 4 LED lights that are on the bottom of the bezel and project light upwards, so it is not shining in your eyes.

Read full post here.

Pre-Order the brand new Kindle here!

Tips to develop a reading habit little by little

Many people lose their habit of reading for a long time regularly in their lives. It is usually due to lack of time, fatigue and discovering new hobbies. Over time, they may get back their interests in books, but not everyone is able to recover easily. Today we want to give you some tips to reintroduce the books in your life.

Do not feel obligated. There are people who feel a certain social pressure to read because of their family or their friends. However, the result of reading by pure imposition is often counterproductive.

Choose your readings well. This does not mean that you should throw yourself for the classics of Russian literature, but you should start with the stories that you want as others do. You have to read for pleasure, especially if you are going to read little by little. Adventure novels? Maybe. Romantic? No problem.

Always carry a book with you. Although many say that the best time for reading is before going to sleep, the truth is that we must take advantage of the free times of the day all the time. Maybe it’s better to read a few pages in the lunch break. Or maybe you could have a gap in the middle of the afternoon… You must listen to your own needs.

Incorporate reading in your family. Even for a while, this does not hurt. Turning off the TV for half an hour a day does not hurt and changing cultural leisure is always advisable. Remember that, if the little ones see you are reading, they most likely understand that reading is something else to do, and not a mandatory school task.

Discuss your readings with family and friends. Talking about what you are reading helps you see the strengths or weaknesses of your books. You may even end up encouraging someone else to read again with you. By the way, take notes, it’s also a good idea. You can also look for reading groups in your nearest library. There are several levels and it helps a lot to see how other people read and share their experiences.

Do not be afraid to reread books that you liked. If you have not read in a while, it might be interesting to go back to the novels that you liked in the past. Then you just have to go and look for similar books and build your own reading itinerary.

You do not have to set goals for yourself. You don’t have to finish a book every week or month. Just read whenever you can at your own pace. After a while, you will realize that the more you read, the faster you go and the more time you can take to read for a while.

Read full post on Medium.com

How to Read an Entire Book in a Single Day: This may seem daunting, but it all comes down to simple math

You’ve been putting off reading that book for weeks, and you’re supposed to have read it all by tomorrow. Whether you’re cramming for school, or trying to avoid looking like a lazy bum in your book club, don’t lose hope. Patrick Allan from LifeHacker explores how to read an entire book in one day.

Reading an entire book in a matter of hours may seem daunting, but it all comes down to simple math. The average adult reads around 200-400 words per minute. The average novel ranges between 60,000 and 100,000 words total. If your reading speed is right in the middle of the pack at 300 words per minute, and you’re reading a middle-of-the-pack novel at around 80,000 words, you’ll be able to knock it out in around five hours or less.

That might seem like a lot, but it’s totally possible. And you can do it without any skimming or speed reading trickery, which can be bad when it comes to truly absorbing information. For the most part, it’s possible to read at your usual pace, absorb information at your brain’s preferred rate, and all you have to do is buckle down, make the time, and get started as soon as possible.

Read full post on LifeHacker.com

Get the Most Out of Your Kindle iOS App

The Kindle app lets you read your ebooks purchased on Amazon, of course, but it has other useful functions you might not know about. Patrick Allan from LifeHacker explores these functions:

Study Terms and Key Concepts With Flashcards

If you’re like me and are constantly highlighting passages in your Kindle books, and making notes on particular sections, you can create flashcards out of those for studying later.

Look Up Definitions, Translations, and Wikipedia Pages

If you see a word you don’t know, a phrase you can translate, or a person, place, or thing that isn’t familiar to you, the Kindle app makes it easy to look up. Simply tap the word and hold for a moment.

Make Reading Digital Magazines Easier

Simply tap anywhere in the magazine to bring up the view options, then tap the text-view icon up in the right corner (it looks like a piece of paper with writing on it), in order to adjust font.

Use “Send to Kindle” to Save Web Articles for Offline Reading

The Kindle app can also be used as a web page clipper, similar to apps like Instapaper and Pocket.

Fill Your Kindle Library With Free Classics

If you’re looking for free stuff to read, there’s always the classics that are now in the public domain.

Read full post on LifeHacker.com.


Is your Kindle feeling sluggish? It means it’s time to reboot it.

Is your Kindle feeling sluggish? Does it seems like it takes a little longer to change the page then it used to? That doesn’t mean there’s some technical problem. It means it’s time to reboot it. Thorin Klosowski from LifeHacker shows us how:

Anyone who has ever used a computer is well aware of the “turn it off and back on again,” IT joke, but a number of people have told me they’re thinking about buying a new Kindle because theirs is getting “slow.” It seems silly to even mention this because it should be common, but Amazon tucks the restart option so deep into menus that it’s a troubleshooting tip worth mentioning.

So, the next time your Kindle feels a little slow, whether that’s taking forever to wake up or the pages seem to flip a little sluggishly, restart it. From the Home menu, tap Menu, then Settings. From the Settings Menu, tap Menu again, then tap Restart.

Read full post on LifeHacker.com.