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Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Sunday, January 30: 5 Brand New Freebies including After the Leaves Fall, a 5-star coming of age novel with a Christian twist, plus … “a skillful blend of naughty humor, irreverence and compassion” … and an undead daddy! … in Donna Butler’s Manifesting Daddy (Today’s Sponsor)

Prepare yourself for the totally unexpected — if there’s any way to do that — in today’s latest additions to our daily, freshly updated presentation of over 200 free contemporary titles in the Kindle Store….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Melanie has a mean case of depression. But life only gets more complicated when Daddy returns from the dead – and moves in next door!

“I think it would make an awesome chick flick with someone like Hillary Swank or Sandra Bullock as Melanie.” –Limey

Manifesting Daddy
by Donna Butler
5.0 Stars – 1 Review
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Here’s the set-up…
In Manifesting Daddy, Donna Butler explores death, rebirth and reinvention with a skillful blend of naughty humor, irreverence and compassion.

Melanie Brodie is suffering from one mean case of depression. She’d love to end it all, but she has kids to consider, even if, in her mind, they and everyone else in her lousy, stinking life would be better off without her. Her shrink- a young, Chinese grad student who looks and talks like a skater boy- and her best friend, Juniper, who looks and talks like she just stepped out of Woodstock- are both eager to help. Sure, Dr. Park might curse or call her “dude” every now and then, but the kid makes a lot of sense. And when Juniper proposes a Manifesting Daddy ceremony, Melanie knows the poor woman means well. But only Juniper would think they could actually connect with the spirit of Melanie’s dead father-reincarnated no less- and draw him back into her life so that he could cure her depression. Only Juniper would consider that a perfectly reasonable solution.

Melanie, a self-described pushover, goes along with it. As does Marisol, her other childhood friend, a sexy Latina who attends the ceremony just for the chance to bicker with Juniper- something she’s loved to do since they were kids. Weeks later, when someone moves into the vacant house next door, Melanie assumes it’s just coincidence that they own an antique desk that looks vaguely familiar. And later, when she meets that new neighbor and he literally picks her up when she’s down, it’s still too soon to make a connection. As her friendship with Austin grows, her marriage falls apart, and still she refuses to question the intensity of their relationship. Only later, when faced with a glimpse of her own mortality does she realize where she’s seen those eyes before. 

If what Melanie suspects is true, all of the sanity and success she’s found, thanks to Austin, could go out the window. Because in coming back into her life, he’s come between not only her and her husband, but between her and Juniper too.

Five Star Review
The author is new, but there’s some really good writing in this book. Excellent characters. Very touching story. I think it would make an awesome chick flick with someone like Hillary Swank or Sandra Bullock as Melanie. 


Click here to download Manifesting Daddy (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store 

Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Saturday, January 29: Ruth Downie’s Medicus Explores the Salacious Side of the Roman Empire, plus … Kindle Your Creativity for Just $2.99 with D.D. Scott’s Muse Therapy (Today’s Sponsor)

Publisher’s Weekly said that “the salacious underside of Roman-occupied Britain comes to life” in this morning’s latest addition to our 200+ Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

(Ed. Note: About a year ago, acting on a recommendation by Seth Godin, I read a remarkable book entitled The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle by Steven Pressfield. It was a pretty remarkable book — all about removing or avoiding the sources of friction that were keeping me from getting done as much as I would like to get done — and it has had an effect on my life nearly every day since I read it.

But it was a bit dry in places, and I suspect that it was also a bit of a guy’s book, if you don’t mind my saying so. Neither of those was a deal-breaker for me personally of course, but I remember daydreaming at the time that it would be great if somebody could come along and deliver a similar message that might be more vivid, more lifely, more fun, and more accessible, including, of course, to women.
And so, now, along comes the woman of my dreams, or of my daydreams in any case, to write an incredibly smart, funny, and truly inspirational book that could be the spicier sibling of Pressfield’s book. And I am here to tell you that, like The War of Art, D.D. Scott’s MUSE THERAPY: Unleashing the Inner Sybil is going to have an effect on thousands of people’s lives nearly every day once they have read it. –S.W.)

“D. D. Scott is a creative dynamo!
–Misa Ramirez, author of Living the Vida Lola, a Lola Cruz Mystery

Muse Therapy: Unleashing Your Inner Sybil
by D.D. Scott
5.0 out of 5 stars 3 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Great Read For Writers & Readers!
Must Have If You Are A Writer!

Ignite your Creative Fire!

Here’s the set-up:

MUSE THERAPY utilizes fun and fabulous tools to inject life into writers’ tired and/or stressed out muses. By showing you how to analyze your muses’ funks, rein in your creative divas and ultimately up your page counts, D. D.’s created a writer’s go-to-manual for “muse disorders”. She’ll help you dig deep then deeper still into your writer psyche.

Why is she helping writers the world over? Here’s the scoop…

Once upon a time her muses weren’t ticking. They were ticked off. Why? Because they were too damn tired and stressed out trying to find their way on the Yellow Brick Road to Publishing Oz. Screw the Happily Ever After. Her creative divas couldn’t produce past page one.

Saying that writing-for-publication is tough is the bolder-than-bold-faced understatement of the new millennium. And with today’s huge economic and technological changes, it ain’t gettin’ any easier.

But once D. D. shows you how to recognize, acknowledge and accept your muses’ afflictions and teaches you her tricks, tips and “trips” to treat the word witches of your writing world, you and your muses will be cranking out pages with gusto.

Plus, you won’t be alone in your journey. Her MUSE THERAPY tips and tricks continue to be apropos no matter where a writer is in his/her career. By sharing fantastic and at times roll on the floor, laugh out loud anecdotes she gathered – either interviewing or attending workshops given by the romance genre’s hottest stars – she proves this assertion.

What the Reviewers Say
DD Scott is a creative dynamo! Muse Therapy should be on every writer’s book shelf/ebook shelf. Get inspired, channel facets of your creativity you never knew you had, and energize your writing self.
–Misa Ramirez, author Living the Vida Lola, a Lola Cruz Mystery

I don’t know how D.D. Scott does it! Going from fiction to non-fiction writing and making both so much fun to read!!! As a writer, I was beginning to get ‘stuck’ a few times. When I found Muse Therapy, I did the exercises D.D. Scott suggested and my “lazy Lucy” went from the couch to the keyboard in seconds!! Now she’s “lucky Lucy,” and doesn’t fail me AT ALL!! When she does get lazy, I break out my Muse Therapy and read a couple passages to get Lucy back at the keyboard.

I’m not a writer, BUT, as an avid reader, this is awesome, too, as it gives you a great insight as to what it takes to creatively write a book. D.D. Scott has a great voice, & she is funny too, so the combination makes for a great read. You can learn so much & have fun doing it! Buy this one!
About the Author
D. D. Scott’s romantic comedies are all about sexy, sassy, smart, career-driven women and the men who complete them. They’re a bit chick lit with a gone-country twist. She’s agented, and her series The Bootscootin’ Books – think Sex and The City meets Urban Cowboy – debuted with book one BOOTSCOOTIN’ BLAHNIKS in August 2010.

She’s a member of RWA as well as RWA’s Chick Lit Writers of the World, Kiss of Death, ScriptScene, ESPAN, and IRWA Chapters plus serves on RWA’s History Committee for the National RWA Board. She’s been a guest blogger on Romance Writers on the Journey, Inside the Writer’s Mind, Daily Dose Fantasy Romance, Romance University, and Romance Lives Forever. She blogs with group blog Savvy Authors the second Friday of every month, is linked to on Romancing the Blog and also has an active blog of her own on her website at www.DDScott.com. In addition, her first RWR article was published by RWA in the July 2010 issue.

Also a Writer’s Go-to-Gal for Muse Therapy, D. D. debuted her Muse Therapy Live Workshops this past March and April for GCCRWA’s Silken Sands Conference in Florida and RT BookLovers’ Convention in Ohio. In addition to MUSE THERAPY: UNLEASHING YOUR INNER SYBIL (the book version of her Muse Therapy Online Classes & Live Workshops), STOMPIN’ ON STETSONS is also available. For updates on her books, her sexy, sassy, smart neurotic writer’s life blog, and for a schedule of appearances and Muse Therapy Sessions, visit her website www.DDScott.com. While there, sign-up for her mailing list for chances to win fabulous tchotchkes.

Click here to download Muse Therapy: Unleashing Your Inner Sybil (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store

Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Friday, January 28: Two Brand New Freebies in Spinward Fringe: Origins and A Child al Confino, plus … Daniel Pyle’s twisted thriller Dismember (Today’s Sponsor)

A stirring memoir from the edge of the Holocaust and a fictional broadcast from the Spinward Fringe are this morning’s latest additions to 200+ Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

At seven, Dave survived a gruesome mountainside car accident that left the rest of his family savaged and dead – but now, twenty-three years later, he has a plan…

It’s one of those books you won’t be able to put down. If you like a good thriller, you’ll enjoy this.” –Scylla

by Daniel Pyle
4.7 out of 5 stars 3 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

An edge of your seat thriller!

Here’s the set-up:

The summer he turned seven, Dave Abbott survived a gruesome mountainside car accident that left the rest of his family savaged and dead.

Now, after living twenty-three years with the twisted backwoodsman who pulled him from the wreckage, Dave is carrying out a plan to replace each of his lost loved ones with members of nearby, unsuspecting families. He has prepared, he’s stalked, and now his chance has come to get his family safely out of the mountains once and for all.

Whether they like it or not.

What the Reviewers Say
I originally bought this book in the digital version and I had to sit at my computer to read it. I hate reading on the computer but I couldn’t leave the screen, I had to finish it. I then bought the Kindle edition, to read again. Now I’m going to have to get the hardcopy just so I can lend it out. I’m not going to say anything about the plot and give the story away. All I can say is I highly recommend this book. It’s one of those books you won’t be able to put down. If you like a good thriller, you’ll enjoy this.

DISMEMBER is the worst twenty-four hours for two young boys, Zach and Trevor. It also lightly chronicles the worst twenty-three years of Davy’s life. It’s a mystery/thriller that takes us into the mind of an abused and battered soul who, in turn, reaches out and batters others with the hope that it will ‘make things right again’ for himself and his family.

The story is solid and beautifully written, and you will definitely enjoy the author’s descriptive prowess, but this is a story that you read for the sake of the journey, not the ending, since there really isn’t much of one. But more on that in a minute.

The strength of this book is the powerful expression of the parent/child bond, and it does that extraordinarily well. For a gore fest, I found myself enjoying the tender moments of DISMEMBER above anything else. The divorced parents of six-year-old Trevor Pullman try as hard as they can to make sure that both are a part of his life, and their actions show that love in almost every scene.
–Ronnell D. Porter

About the Author

Daniel Pyle is the author of one novel, DISMEMBER, and many short stories. He lives in Springfield, Missouri, with his wife and two daughters. Visit him online at www.DanielPyle.com.

Click here to download Dismember (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store

Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Wednesday, January 26: A New FreeView from HarperCollins, plus … Hero Kurt Vetter and a secret agent named Amanda fight to stop the unthinkable in The Patriot Paradox, a 99-cent page-turner by William Esmont (Today’s Sponsor)

Honeymooning! Is it a yarn? a short story? a preview? a brand new Cypress Hollow offering with bonus material from HarperCollins? Apparently it is all of these, and it is also free today and sits atop this morning’s freshly updated presentation of over 200 Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

A loyal brother, a trained assassin and a shadowy figure struggle to unearth the truth in a desperate bid to prevent the unthinkable from becoming reality, all for just 99 cents!

“Reading The Patriot Paradox was no different than sitting in the theatre watching my favorite political thriller; I was glued, popcorn in hand.
–Jeff Bennington, author The Rumblin’ and Killing the Giants

The Patriot Paradox
by William Esmont
4.6 out of 5 stars 5 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Good book with interesting plot
An intelligent & absorbing read
Waiting for the next episode

Here’s the set-up…

Conscience can be a killer.

A plot to kill a nation, hatched by a secret cabal of ex-cold warriors intent on finishing the war that defined their existence.

One man, who in a crisis of conscience, passes information about the plot to his brother, a shattered soul living on the edges of society.

When Kurt Vetter learns of his brother’s murder, he has no idea how far he will travel, how much he will sacrifice, in order to uncover the truth. With the help of Amanda Carter, a shadowy figure from his brother’s past, he races across the globe, staying one step ahead of a trained assassin, in a desperate bid to prevent the unthinkable from becoming reality.

What the Reviewers Say
Reading The Patriot Paradox was no different than sitting in the theatre watching my favorite political thriller; I was glued, popcorn in hand. The sights and sounds of explosions and gunfire came to life in this conspiracy theory, intelligently and meticulously crafted by William Esmont. Without spoiling the story, I liked Kurt Vetter and his relationship with Amanda, the secret agent with whom he finds himself stuck, via a letter he receives from his deceased brother. After losing his wife and child, Kurt handles his grief and life in a very realistic manner, even though he is thrust into a conspiracy where he does not belong. The technology and modern methods of intergovernmental agency surveillance appeared to be spot on. A very enjoyable, fast and easy read. The ending seemed abrupt, but knowing that there is a sequel only makes me hungry for the next installment.
–Jeff Bennington, author The Rumblin’ and Killing the Giants

Great story from a new author. Fast paced action thriller. Lean, get-to-the-punch-line writing style. Can’t wait for Episode II of the Kurt + Amanda series. Definitely a good-read!
–Uncle Duke

I would recommend this book. The story line was gripping and was compelling in its thought and was hard to put down.

Click here to download The Patriot Paradox (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Plus, don’t miss William Esmont’s latest, Self Arrest, at the same great 99-cent price for a limited time!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store

Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Tuesday, January 25: Jacquelyn Cook’s 5-Star Novel Sunrise is brand new to our Free Book listings this morning, plus … John Grisham meets Carl Hiaasen in a newly released JAKE LASSITER novel, FOOL ME TWICE by Paul Levine (Today’s Sponsor)

The true love story behind one of Georgia’s most famous antebellum mansions is this morning’s latest addition to our freshly updated presentation of every single contemporary free title in the Kindle Store….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Miami Herald  readers heard that it’s “a fast-paced thriller filled with action, humor, mystery and suspense.” 

Chicago Tribune readers heard that “Jake Lassiter is attractive, funny, savvy, and brave.” 

But Kindle readers heard it here first: 
there’s a newly released JAKE LASSITER book 
in the house!

“Take one part John Grisham, two parts Carl Hiaasen, throw in a dash of John D. MacDonald, and voila! You’ve got Jake Lassiter.” 
– Tulsa Sun

Kindle Price:     $2.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

“Wildly entertaining blend of raucous humor and high adventure.” 
– St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Here’s the set-up…

A grisly murder case takes Jake Lassiter from the beaches of Miami to the slopes of Aspen in the greatest challenge yet for the linebacker-turned-lawyer.

Lassiter helps Blinky Baroso beat a fraud rap, then gets stiffed for his fee. Not only that, when an associate ends up dead, Lassiter is the prime suspect. If he doesn’t find the killer, he’ll face a murder charge.

The trail leads to a search for buried treasure under the Colorado ski slopes. With his 12-year-old delinquent nephew in tow, Lassiter encounters the twin dangers of a mysterious ex-girlfriend and a rancher who’s handy with a nail gun and will kill anyone between him and a priceless artifact of the Old West. Is the “Silver Queen” statue real? Or, like the “Maltese Falcon,” is it merely the stuff dreams are made of?

The characters converge in an explosive finale in an abandoned silver mine where Lassiter confronts his checkered past and his precarious future.

“Hey, Lassiter. You ever hear the expression ‘Fool me once, shame on you?’”

“Sure. ‘Fool me twice, shame on me.’”

“Nope. Fool me twice, you’re dead.”

What the Reviewers Say About Fool Me Twice
“Wildly entertaining blend of raucous humor and high adventure.” 
– St. Louis Post-Dispatch

“A fast-paced thriller filled with action, humor, mystery and suspense. 
– The Miami Herald

– Los Angeles Times

Paul with author daughter Wendy Sachs 

One of the great pleasures of our citizenship in Kindle Nation has involved following one-of-a-kind hero Jake Lassiter through thick and thin in one great yarn after another.

Now, in FOOL ME TWICE, the search for buried treasure takes Jake to Colorado and an old silver mine located under the ski slopes in Aspen. Oh, and there’s the little matter of Jake being a suspect in a murder case back in Miami. Those two stories come together nicely. We meet a rancher who’s obsessed with finding a priceless artifact from the Old West…a guy who’s a little too handy with a nail gun. There’s a femme fatale from Jake’s past….something the author uses perhaps a bit too much, and a hilarious client named Blinky Baroso. (He blinks whenever he tells a lie, and usually his eyes are flapping like Venetian blinds).

One of Levine’s best. A scary ending. Highly recommended. 
-Frank Kingman

What the Reviewers Say About the hero Jake Lassiter
“Mystery writing at its very, very best.” 
– Larry King, USA TODAY

“Irreverent…genuinely clever…great fun.” 

– The New York Times Book Review

“Just the remedy for those who can’t get enough Spenser and miss Travis McGee terribly.” 

– St. Petersburg Times

“Jake Lassiter is attractive, funny, savvy, and brave.” 

– Chicago Tribune

“Genuinely chilling.” 

– Washington Post Book World

“Take one part John Grisham, two parts Carl Hiaasen, throw in a dash of John D. MacDonald, and voila! You’ve got Jake Lassiter.” 

– Tulsa Sun

“Lassiter is well on his way to becoming a star in the field of detective fiction.” 

– Dallas Morning News

Click here to download FOOL ME TWICE (The Jake Lassiter Series) (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Authors, Publishers, iPad Accessory Manufacturers:
Interested in learning more about sponsorship? Just click on this link for more information.

Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store 

Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

By: Jacquelyn Cook
Added: 01/25/2011 3:01:06am
The Truth About Perfecting Your Presentation Skills (Collection)
By: Michael Solomon
Added: 01/24/2011 3:01:23am
Antibiotic Resistance: Understanding and Responding to an Emerging Crisis
By: Karl S. Drlica
Added: 01/24/2011 3:01:16am
Business and Competitive Analysis Methods
By: Craig S. Fleisher
Added: 01/24/2011 3:01:13am
How the Saints Went Kicking In
By: Jeff Duncan
Added: 01/24/2011 3:01:09am
How to Make Money Marketing Your Business on LinkedIn
By: Jamie Turner
Added: 01/24/2011 3:01:05am
Goodness Gracious Green
By: Judy Christie
Added: 01/24/2011 3:01:02am
Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips (Crazy Sexy)
By: Kris Carr
Added: 01/20/2011 4:01:01pm
Septimus Heap, Book One: Magyk Free with Bonus MaterialEPB
By: Angie Sage
Added: 01/20/2011 11:28:12am
By: Tom Payne
Added: 01/18/2011 12:17:09pm
Necromancer: A Novella
By: Lish McBride
Added: 01/18/2011 12:17:06pm
Dead Drop: A Lawson Vampire Bonus Story
By: Jon F. Merz
Added: 01/18/2011 12:17:02pm
Origin Scroll
By: Richard S. Tuttle
Added: 01/18/2011 12:17:00pm
Just As I Am (Just As I Am Series #1)
By: Virginia Smith
Added: 01/15/2011 2:55:10am
Craving God eBook
By: Lysa TerKeurst
Added: 01/12/2011 2:01:52pm
Spy Killer
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Added: 01/11/2011 4:01:49am
Heroes, Zombies, and Sausages (A Sampler)
By: Various
Added: 01/07/2011 4:07:37am
The Pioneer Woman: An Early Excerpt
By: Ree Drummond
Added: 01/06/2011 4:01:04am
Dead Men Kill
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:53am
Don't Die, Dragonfly
By: Linda Joy Singleton
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:49am
Fools Rush In (Weddings by Bella, Book 1)
By: Janice Thompson
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:45am
Oleander House: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 1
By: Ally Blue
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:41am
The Centurion's Wife (Acts of Faith, Book 1)
By: Janette Oke
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:34am
Daughter of Joy (Brides of Culdee Creek, Book 1)
By: Kathleen Morgan
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:31am
Lose Weight WITHOUT Dieting (Animal Kingdom Workouts)
By: David Nordmark
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:28am
Light of Eidon (Legends of the Guardian-King, Book 1)
By: Karen Hancock
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:24am
Against All Odds (Heroes of Quantico Series, Book 1)
By: Irene Hannon
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:21am
The Apothecary's Daughter
By: Julie Klassen
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:17am
The Blood That Bonds
By: Christopher Buecheler
Added: 12/30/2010 4:01:23am
Catching Caroline
By: Sylvia Day
Added: 12/30/2010 4:01:19am
Happily Ever After (Deep Haven Series #1)
By: Susan May Warren
Added: 12/28/2010 2:01:31pm
The Justice Game
By: Randy Singer
Added: 12/28/2010 2:01:28pm

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Monday, January 24: A “Sweet Seven” Bundle of Brand New Kindle Freebies! plus … Travel with us to 2110 for a big sweeping story told with a master’s touch in TAG by Simon Royle (Today’s Sponsor)

Psst. Over here! Please keep this on the low, but we know that Kindle Nation readers cannot live by business, leadership, and marketing titles alone, so we’ve surreptitiously slipped a brand new free contemporary romance to the top of today’s freshly updated presentation of more than 200 Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor
Simon Royle delivers a big, sweeping story with mastery, taking us to a 2110 world where vacuum-tube trains make it from London to New York in 35 minutes and the compelling characters engage us in a timeless story of love, murder and conspiracy … all wrapped around brotherly love…

Tag has an excellent plot that would translate well to the big screen.
An impressive debut. Highly recommended.”
–Vicki Tyley for LitFest Magazine

(The Zumar Chronicles)
by Simon Royle
4.7 out of 5 stars 6 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Enthralling reading
A compelling read!
Nice fast paced read with a twist or two

Here’s the set-up…

On 15 March 2110, 6.3 billion people will die.

One man’s vision to make the world a better place.

From a world where the concept of violence has changed, and where personal privacy has been forsaken, comes a tale of conspiracy, love and murder – and the bond shared by brothers.

What the Reviewers Say
Imagine a future where privacy is almost non-existent. A future where even your thoughts aren’t safe. It’s the year 2109 and every citizen is required by law “to carry upon their person an electronic device containing the means to broadcast their Personal Unique Identifier (PUI), and authorizes the monitoring of the identity, location, movements and actions of any citizen, without prior cause warranting such monitoring, by satellite or any other means…” But then a new “tag law” is proposed, one where the only difference between it and the old law is that the PUI is to be embedded in the arm.

In a race against time, UNPOL (United Nation Police) arbitrator Jonah Oliver is on a mission to save the lives of 6.3 billion people.

This fast-paced technothriller paints a scenario so plausible, it’s actually quite terrifying. Though action-packed, the relationship between Jonah and Mariko adds quieter moments and balance to this big, multi-dimensional story. The sense of place and time is vivid, yet there are no wasted words.

Tag has an excellent plot that would translate well to the big screen.

An impressive debut. Highly recommended.
–Vicki Tyley for LitFest Magazine

I don’t want to give away any spoilers because the plot is detailed and there’s lots of little hooks that at the time you don’t realize what they are until they reveal themselves later. But I can say that the plot is a big one – a conspiracy to kill of two-thirds of the population which in a hundred years from now (when the story takes place) is 9 billion people.

Although the author has labeled the book science fiction it really isn’t science fiction, just our world one hundred years further on. I really liked his ideas about technology, (he describes how trains could run in vacuum tubes and take us from London to New York in 35 minutes – I thought that was far-fetched but checked it out on the web and it is possible) how the world operates and how society has changed.

The characters are interesting and each is well filled out with enough detail to give you a strong sense of who they are, and why they are doing the things they do. I don’t normally review books because I don’t think I’m that good at it but I wanted to give the author a pat on the back for doing a good job. Glad I picked this one up, the story moves along at a fast pace, flows nicely, and is a real page turner. This is a book you can sink your teeth into.

–Pete Northrop

Life is irrevocably changed for Arbitrator Jonah Oliver the day he’s called in to work with a mysterious runner, Jibril Muraz, who seems to have no past, and an amazing ability to avoid the potency of the truth treatment. Jonah is not sure why this strange and alien being is asking specifically for Jonah’s services, and things become even less clear when a telepathic message is received directly from Jibril that hints at secrets and betrayal. With little explanation, and much confusion, Jonah is thrown into a race against the clock to stop a terrible plot designed to eliminate two-thirds of the population. All the odds are stacked against him, and he soon finds that his past is not what he thought it was, and his future is even more uncertain.

In his first novel, Simon Royle has managed to create a riveting thriller that kept me up much past my bedtime. From the first chapter, I was engaged and eager to discover the secrets of Jonah’s life as they unfolded. The book is set a century in the future, and the world looks much as we may expect; it is different, but somehow exactly the same. In line with the human tendency to shorten words of common objects (think net for internet, phone for telephone, TV for television), some of the important terms of this century include, amongst other terms, dev (device), trav (travel), and cred (credit- monetary units earned by “contributions”). Although common travel has extended to the moon and the world is now united, at least in theory, the people and the experiences are recognizable and definitely feasible. The idea of “tagging” humans with their identity numbers is perhaps not even as far in the future as the timeline chosen for this book. This fictional reality is extremely realistic, and the implications of such a future really demand to be considered.

The characters in this book were interesting and decently developed for a thriller. I may have enjoyed some additional development when it came to some of the relationships, particularly between Jonah and Mariko, to really understand their connections. In a fast-paced storyline like this, however, it really is more secondary to the action, and the action was well done. The writing style was very engaging and readable. I really didn’t find myself rewriting any passages in my head, and that’s always a good thing! The plot was well-paced, and it really compelled me to read the whole way through, especially as I began the last half of the book. The book switches from first person (when Jonah is present) to third person (when we’re with everyone else), and it made me do a quick double take once in a while, but that is probably my fault, as I have a tendency not to read chapter headings, and that is where the time, place, and characters were clearly spelled out.
GraceKrispy, Reviewer

About the Author

Simon Royle was born in Manchester, England in 1963. He has been variously a yachtsman, advertising executive, and a senior management executive in software companies. A futurist and a technologist, he lives in Bangkok, with his wife and two children. TAG is his first novel.

Click here to download Tag (The Zumar Chronicles) (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

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Goodness Gracious Green
By: Judy Christie
Added: 01/24/2011 3:01:02am

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Sunday, January 23: A Bonanza of Free Kindle Games! plus … You could say “think Gone with the Wind meets Brokeback Mountain,” but I’ll just say it is one of the best novels of the year for any grown-up: Unmentionables by David Greene (Today’s Sponsor)

Your Kindle can’t do everything, but one thing it can do is let you take a break between chapters of a great book like Unmentionables: A Novel to play some very enjoyable games absolutely free….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Editor’s Note:

I don’t go out on a limb like this for one of our sponsors more than two or three times a year, but I hope you will read David Greene’s novel Unmentionables, because it is a terrific, life-affirming read.

David Greene

I could care less about the little controversies that some will associate with it, because this book is so much better than you might expect if you focus on them. It should have a place in every reader’s library, and the sooner you make time to read it the sooner you will share the great experience I’ve had the past few days.

I’m not going to pigeon-hole Unmentionables by saying “think Gone with the Wind meets Brokeback Mountain,” because that wouldn’t do justice to the novelist’s achievement in recreating a historical world that seems to suggest the impossibilty that he might actually have been present for everything that happened just outside Margaret Mitchell’s earshot.

This book is already the #1 bestseller among over 1,700 Kindle books in its leading genre list and challenging authors from Ken Follett to Jean Auel on the historical fiction bestseller list, but the surprise for some in the publishing industry will come when it emerges as one of the top indie crossover hits of 2011. I hope you will join me in discovering a remarkable new voice in fiction.

One reviewer wrote about recognizing, in David Greene’s prose, a style similar to that of Anthony Trollope or other 19th century novelists. Although that frankly did not strike me, I will say that one important element of Greene’s triumph here is strikingly reminiscent of the great tradition of English novelists from Eliot and Hardy to D.H. Lawrence. Part of what made the English novel of the 19th and early 20th century so compelling was the existence of class and social barriers that locked characters out from opportunities to live their dreams.
American culture has often tended to homogenize our experience and deny the existence of such barriers to focus on less compelling personal idiosyncracies, but the barriers are there, they have always been there, and in Unmentionables Greene gives resonance to those barriers, to their human cost, and to the passion and nobility that such barriers can inspire in “ordinary people.”

-Steve Windwalker

Unmentionables – A Novel
by David Greene
4.9 out of 5 stars 8 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Great and thought-provoking book
Took my Breath Away!!!
Fantastic Epic
A Must Read !

Here’s the set-up:

Unmentionables is about two pairs of lovers in the Civil War south. One couple is straight, white, and wealthy. The other couple is gay, black, and enslaved.

Field hand Jimmy meets Cato, a house servant from a nearby plantation. Jimmy, who despises whites, mistakes Cato for a white man. But soon he learns that Cato is only half white. Cato is the illegitimate son of plantation owner Augustus Askew. With time, Jimmy’s fascination with Cato grows into a love for which they know no antecedents.

Unmentionables is also the story of Dorothy Holland, whose parents own Jimmy. Dorothy does not want any man to control her life. When she falls in love with Cato’s half-brother, William Askew, she must persuade him to agree to her terms, and to betray his role as a Confederate army officer.

What the Reviewers Say

“…surpasses the majority of Civil War novels by bringing together two enthralling love stories. Superb historical fiction with a contemporary angle; an enlightening look at the hidden elements of our past.”

–ForeWord Clarion Review

This book was fascinating from beginning to end. It is one of those rare books one never wants to end. The story is one never told before, in a situation everyone can learn from. Part of what makes the book so enjoyable is that the style is very reminiscent of 19th century English novels — Trollope, for example. Highly recommended.

–Constant Reader

Unmentionables by David Greene is set in the American Civil War south and recounts the intertwining stories of two couples, Jimmy and Cato, who are gay, black, and enslaved, and Dorothy and William, who are straight, white, and wealthy. If this time period and subject matter seem a tad too distant to relate to your present 21st century lives, fret not. History in this work is used masterfully to transform the specific into the universal. Unmentionables is about love – romantic and otherwise…

Mr. Greene’s great appreciation of all that is sensual is equaled by his intellectual understanding of relationships that cross established racial, social, sexual, and political boundaries. In a style that is straightforward without being encyclopedic, poetic without being over-embellished, and informative without being didactic, he achieves that balance of form and content required for a successful, and, in this case, beautiful work of art. When Erastus explains to Dorothy why he has chosen his itinerant lifestyle, he states:

“As I said before, so much that is beautiful in life happens in an instant. But one must contrive to be in the right place at the right time and have one’s eyes open.”

For me, one of those instants began when I received my copy of Unmentionables.

–James Viloria
Click here to download Unmentionables – A Novel (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

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