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Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Thursday, January 6: SERIAL, a novel by J.A. Konrath writing as Jack Kilborn, plus … 29 straight 5-star reviews for EMBRACING THE NOW by Gina Lake (Today’s Sponsor)

Bestselling thriller novelist J.A. Konrath is widely known as Exhibit #1 for why authors need traditional publishers like a fish needs a bicycle, and the novel — written by Konrath under his “Jack Kilborn” pen name — that tops today’s 200+ Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert listings is one of the most frequently downloaded books in the history of our galaxy. If you haven’t downloaded it yet you are in for a scary treat….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Embracing the Now achieves a perfect 5.0 rating because of the power of its message that “Attention is the secret to happiness!”

“Gina does it again!”
“Great spiritual primer for the Seeker.”
“Like the pealing of a bell — clear and beautiful.”
“Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better…”
“Very practical tools to help you be more present!”

Embracing the Now: 
Finding Peace and Happiness in What Is 
by Gina Lake
5.0 out of 5 stars   29 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.
Here’s the set-up…
The Now-this moment-is the true source of happiness and peace and the key to living a fulfilled and meaningful life. Embracing the Now by Gina Lake is a collection of short essays about the Now that can serve as daily reminders of the deepest truths. Full of clear insight and wisdom, it explains how the mind keeps us from being in the Now, how to move into the Now and stay there, and what living from the Now is like. It also explains how to overcome stumbling blocks to being in the Now, such as fears, doubts, judgments, misunderstandings, distrust of life, desires, and other conditioned ideas that are behind human suffering.

From Embracing the Now: “You don’t have control over what arises in any moment, but you can control where your attention goes, and that will determine how you experience the moment. Any moment can be an experience of peace and contentment or an experience of upset and dissatisfaction, depending on where you put your attention. If you put it on thoughts and emotions and identify with them, you won’t experience peace and contentment, but if you put it on your senses or on what is arising from Essence, you will be content and happy. Attention is the secret to happiness!”

What the Reviewers Say
“This book from Gina Lake is a collection of essays packed with practical advice about how to find happiness by living in the now….Gina understands the ego’s nature very thoroughly and examines it in many different ways in these essays….she leads the reader into analyzing it, exposing its many pretenses, and then shredding it….Gina’s purpose in these essays is to help move her readers beyond the pain that is cause by the ego. To do that, she points to another voice, one more subtle and quiet, one that sometimes requires spiritual sensitivity training to hear: the voice of essence. Essence–also known as Awareness, Being, Self, etc.–is who you really are. As Gina says, `You know essence when you experience it, just as you know the ego when you experience it. They feel very different and are very distinct.’….
Gina offers guidance on developing sensitivity to it, such as by meditation and by the simple but powerful act of noticing. By various means, its presence gradually becomes obvious, so much so that it can actually be felt, and it becomes an anchor for living in the now. Gina’s writings have an especially notable characteristic. When she discusses the nature of essence and how to live from its perspective, her words take on a special life and energy. There is a feel of essence speaking through her. In this set of essays, that voice has come to the fore, speaking ever more strongly and with the authority of understanding. And that may be an understatement.”
— Dennis Trunk, Editor, Third Millennium Gateway

I highly recommend this book, in fact all of Gina Lake’s books, that I slowly collected over the last several months. This gem serves as a very practical tool out of the ego and into living from Essence, on a daily basis, warning of all the pitfalls that can befall the seeker, and leaving said seeker eventually behind by making him/her obsolete. Essence is all that remains and false perception is corrected. 

All of Gina’s books retain the high quality she’s known for and never disappoint. I also had a reading with her that was hugely helpful, and it is rare among today’s many spiritual teachers to find one that stays true to her message throughout and doesn’t deviate. Bravo, dear Gina, once again a fabulous book that helps one stay centered in Present Reality!
–Maren Springsteen, Author

I too have read several of Gina’s books, and I have to say I was more deeply affected by this book than I expected. Many times while reading, I had to just stop for a few minutes and let the truth of her words envelop me. However you want to put it: doorways of conscious opening, limiting beliefs being eliminated, old hurts being cast off, feeling profoundly in the flow of life, awareness of Presence. Quite a gift. I love the format, I can pick it up anytime and choose a subject, or just pick it up and read the essay it opens to. Gina does it again. 
–Follow Your Heart

About the Author
Gina Lake is a nondual spiritual teacher who is devoted to helping others awaken and live in the moment through her books, counseling, and intensives. She has a master’s degree in counseling psychology and over twenty years experience supporting people in their spiritual growth. She is the author of eight books, including Loving in the Moment, Embracing the Now, Radical Happiness, Living in the Now, Return to Essence, What About Now? Anatomy of Desire, and Getting Free. Her website offers information about her books and consultations and free e-books, book excerpts, a monthly newsletter, a blog, and audio and video recordings: www.radicalhappiness.com.

Click here to download Embracing the Now: Finding Peace and Happiness in What Is (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store 

Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

By: Jack Kilborn
Added: 11/21/2010 9:01:58am

The Pioneer Woman: An Early Excerpt
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Boyfriends, Burritos and an Ocean of Trouble
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A Woman Called Sage
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Sophie's Secret
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A Horse to Love
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Avempartha (The Riyria Revelations)
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Dead Men Kill
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Don't Die, Dragonfly
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Fools Rush In (Weddings by Bella, Book 1)
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Oleander House: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 1
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Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:41am
Medicus: A Novel of the Roman Empire
By: Ruth Downie
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The Centurion's Wife (Acts of Faith, Book 1)
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Daughter of Joy (Brides of Culdee Creek, Book 1)
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Lose Weight WITHOUT Dieting (Animal Kingdom Workouts)
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Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:28am
Light of Eidon (Legends of the Guardian-King, Book 1)
By: Karen Hancock
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:24am
Against All Odds (Heroes of Quantico Series, Book 1)
By: Irene Hannon
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:21am
The Apothecary's Daughter
By: Julie Klassen
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:17am
Rough Cut
By: Mari Carr
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:12am

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Tuesday, January 4: Four Brand New Young Adult Freebies! plus … a perfect match for readers young and old in Treasure Lost by R.G. Cordiner (Today’s Sponsor)

The great news about those Kindles we got for our children and grandchildren? With Kindle Nation Free Book Alerts you can fill them up with great Kindle reads, like today’s brand new listings for teens and tweens, for a song! Grown-ups will also find a historical romance featuring “a female bounty hunter with a chip on her shoulder” right near the top of today’s 200+ Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

“If you came for treasure it lies within,
if you did not, what you treasure lies beyond your grasp.”

Two brothers get a big lesson in adventure on their whirlwind trip of betrayal, daggers, self-discovery and a giant reticulated python!

Treasure Lost
by R.G. Cordiner
4.2 out of 5 stars 5 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

“If you are a child (10+) or even an adult who dreamt of pirate adventures as a child — THIS IS YOUR BOOK!!!! ” –Anne Marie

Here’s the set-up…

What do you treasure and how far would you go to find it?

Peter and Farren are two brothers who think adventure is sneaking into a pub or going rabbit hunting. Little do they know! Soon the youths are on a whirlwind trip of betrayal, daggers, self-discovery and a giant reticulated python!

Somehow they have to find a way to stop fighting with each other, avoid a sadistic Navy Admiral and a mysterious cloaked pirate captain, whilst remembering to tap the biscuits on the side of the ship – maggots are never good for breakfast!

What the reviewers say
Although the obvious audience for Treasure Lost is probably 8-12 year old boys, this rollicking journey has something for everyone. What boy isn’t up for a little swashbuckling adventure? When I read this I was looking for something entertaining and a lighter read than a typical adult novel, which it was. Yet the story was still engaging for an adult. As with the author’s previous book, Candy Wars: The Tooth Fairies vs The Candy King, there are valuable lessons and morals hidden in the story – things that even adults can stand to be reminded about.

Another talent the author has is the ability to communicate action with sound rather than description. This technique has to be seen (or read) to be understood. Young readers have a great time reading these sounds aloud while they unknowingly practice their teacher’s admonitions to “sound it out”. Just when you’re convinced that “Treasure Lost” couldn’t possibly come to a satisfying ending a few loose threads come together for the perfect conclusion.

–Big Al
“Treasure Lost” by R.G. Cordiner is an adventure story about two young brothers who find themselves in possession of just a fragment of a clue about where a treasure of pirate plunder is buried. Unfortunately, there are other much less savory characters who want that fragment of a clue, and the kids find themselves thrust into a life-or-death quest in which they are pursued through the Caribbean by mean-spirited pirates with a stunning secret and a British Navy Admiral who is as relentless and cruel as Moby Dick’s nemesis, Captain Ahab.

The action and situations develop and change at a non-stop pace, and the vocabulary and plot are far and away lively and intriguing enough to hold the attention and interest of the cliché ‘children of any age.’ An especially unique treat is Mr. Cordiner’s phonetic rendering of sounds; it goes well beyond being merely onomatopoetic and is hilarious while being quite convincing. You can feel the PLLSH! from a cannonball as it plunges into the waves next to the wisp of a boat you’re clinging to for dear life.

R.G. Cordiner has written a book that is reminiscent of the tales I devoured and fantasized about when I was young, but it was thoroughly entertaining to me as an adult. I read this story and relived some of those fantasy afternoons of my youth without being made to feel like I was trespassing into a realm meant only for younger people. I would not hesitate to recommend it for kids and ex-kids.


Talk about going from the frying pan into the fire…these boys certainly know how to do that. This is a fast moving story that should hold a kids attention. It’s long enough to get into but not so long that they’d want to do something else. Good for several reading sessions I would think.

About the author
R.G. Cordiner is a teacher and author residing in Australia. Treasure Lost was his first book. He has subsequently released Candy Wars: The Tooth Fairies vs The Candy King, Bug Island and is now writing Candy Wars II: Sweet Revenge. He is married with two step-children and three psychotic cats.

Click here to download Treasure Lost (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store

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Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Monday, January 3: Steam up your Kindle screen with Rough Cut, plus over 200 more contemporary free Kindle titles, and … Lose yourself to love, French wines, and art in Daphne Coleridge’s Purple Lake (Today’s Sponsor)

“When the screen fades to black, all that remains is love” for the hero and heroine of the title that sits atop this morning’s listing of over 200 Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Come with us to France in this new novella by Daphne Coleridge….
See the art, drink the wine, but most of all, find love….

“A lovely book for those times when you want something positive to read.”

–Christa Polkinhorn, Author of Love of a Stonemason

Purple Lake
by Daphne Coleridge
4.5 out of 5 stars 2 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Here’s the set-up…

Amelia tries to escape from the bitter fragments of a relationship into the charming French countryside in search of peace. What she finds is Alain Traynard, whose tragic past has thrown him into the solitary life of an artist. But are two weeks enough to restore the vitality and passion to more than just their paintings? Enjoy the scenery of Normandy and the Kentish countryside as Amelia follows her heart.
About the Author
“I am a writer and artist living in Kent, England. I write romances set in the lovely countryside of England and France with an artist’s eye of the world. I mostly paint alla prima, taking my easel and oil paints out to create spontaneous landscapes. The cover of Purple Lake is based on a watercolour of a Brittany sunrise at five o’clock one August morning.”

–Daphne Coleridge
What the reviewers are saying
Purple Lake is another one of Daphne Coleridge’s charming novellas about art and love. Heartbroken Amelia escapes from a love gone bad and tries to find peace in a village in the French countryside and devote her time to painting. Across from her cottage, the French painter Alain lives an isolated life after a past of loss and pain. Their common interest in the arts brings them together and soon the feelings they develop for each other go beyond friendship. But, as in all true romances, there are all kinds of complications. Amelia and Allain are flawed but lovable and convincing characters. Their feelings are vividly portrayed and we can relate to them and sympathize with the characters. As in The Artist’s Model, Coleridge’s earlier novella, the authors greatest strength lies in her beautiful and lively descriptions of the French and English countryside, which allow the reader to see the environment through a painter’s eyes. Purple Lake like The Artist’s Model shows Daphne Coleridge’s passion for painting and the arts. A lovely book for those times when you want something positive to read.”

–Christa Polkinhorn, Author of Love of a Stonemason

This is a lovely novella-long romance set up in the French countryside. It’s atmospheric, rather than plot-driven, and offers to the reader an accessible world, easy to approach and recognize. Purple Lake offers glimpses in an artist’s mind and heart, and allows you to feel Daphne Coleridge’s passion for painting and art in general. This is a pleasant read and a great choice for a quiet weekend when you have time for yourself and can spend time in the company of two enjoyable characters, Amelia and Alan.
–Gabriela Popa, author of Kafka’s House

Visit Amazon’s Daphne Coleridge Page

Click here to download Purple Lake (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store

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Rough Cut
By: Mari Carr
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:12am

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Sunday, January 2: Can You Fulfill Your 2011 Resolutions Without Dieting? Find out in the latest addition to our 200+ Free Book Listings! plus … Discover Lindsay Buroker through her brand new novel The Emperor’s Edge (Today’s Sponsor)

Is it a free book, a free lunch, or both? You can find out without spending a dime on this morning’s latest addition to our 225+ Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

It doesn’t matter whether it’s steampunk, noir, sci-fi, or literary fiction. What Kindle Nation readers love are great characters, great storytelling, and relationships that are full of promise and possibility.
Which is why The Emperor’s Edge has future bestseller written all over it….

The Emperor’s Edge
by Lindsay Buroker
5.0 out of 5 stars – 2 Reviews
Kindle Price: $2.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Here’s the set-up:
Imperial law enforcer Amaranthe Lokdon is good at her job: she can deter thieves and pacify thugs, if not with a blade, then by toppling an eight-foot pile of coffee canisters onto their heads. But when ravaged bodies show up on the waterfront, an arson covers up human sacrifices, and a powerful business coalition plots to kill the emperor, she feels a tad overwhelmed.

Worse, Sicarius, the empire’s most notorious assassin is in town. He’s tied in with the chaos somehow, but Amaranthe would be a fool to cross his path. Unfortunately, her superiors order her to hunt him down. Either they have an unprecedented belief in her skills… or someone wants her dead.

About the Author
I’ve been writing fantasy novels and short stories since I was seven. I’ve been finishing them since… well, that’s a more recent development.

I’m a professional blogger for my day job, and I live in the Seattle area (“area” is code for ‘I couldn’t afford a house within twenty miles of the city limits and my neighbors have alpacas’). I have two vizslas who are as spoiled as most people’s kids. Occasionally they let me leave the house to play tennis, go to the coffee shop, or take a yoga class.

My Goblin Brothers short stories are available on Amazon, and the first novel featuring those characters will be out in 2011. I have two more fantasy novels coming for the Kindle. Check back!

What the reviewers are saying
“The Emperor’s Edge is a unique blend of steampunk and warrior caste fantasy with a dash of feminism. Amaranthe is one of the first women allowed in the Emperor’s guard, and is eager to prove she has what it takes. But a chance meeting with the young emperor also draws the attention of the head of the guard, who sets her an impossible task in exchange for promotion–kill the world renowned assassin, Sicarius. Her attempt fails, but not before she realizes the task was meant to be impossible, and part of a bigger threat to the empire. Now Amaranthe is on the run, with a price on her head, and she turns to the one man who might be able to help–the assassin who spared her life. Backed with a motley crew of misfits, Amaranthe seeks to find out the truth and clear her name.

“With tight, clean writing, crackling dialog and a lot of spunk, Buroker’s tale is fun, fast-moving and engrossing. The characters are well-drawn, the world intriguing. With a hint of magic and romance, The Emperor’s Edge is an entertaining read.”

“This is a mystery/adventure fantasy novel in an urban setting that reminded me of an 1800s London or New York. I wouldn’t call it steampunk or swords & sorcery but it has elements of both. The story is fairy fast-paced and there isn’t a ton of the world-building you often see in the fantasy epics (religion is only lightly touched upon and magic is mostly in the hands of the enemies so it’s not a big part of the story), but I didn’t mind. The characters were what made this an enjoyable read for me. I was pleased when I read the epilogue because it was clearly setting things up for future novels with these guys (this works fine as a standalone story though).

“Amaranthe, the main character, started out as something of a goody-two-shoes, quoting regulations at the criminals she was arresting, but she grew a lot as the story went along, and she was the one leading the team and coming up with the schemes in the end. I liked that she was a strong female character but not boringly so (no uber skills that let her hack down legions of soldiers single-handedly). She can handle herself in a fight, but she’s just as likely to scheme her way out of trouble.

“Sicarius, the other main character, is everything you’d expect from an assassin, but he felt quite original as well, and I was even more intrigued by the mystery surrounding him than the main plot mysteries. One of the big questions about him does get answered by the end of the book (I was close with my guess, but didn’t get it quite right), but it left me with new questions that better be answered in following books! The author did a nice job making me like him and sympathize with him even though he’s arguably still more of a villain than a hero in the end.

“The relationship between these two was what I really enjoyed. I have to admit I was hoping for a kiss by the end, but if things are going that direction, it’ll have to be in a future book.

–Amber Miller

Visit Amazon’s Lindsay Buroker Page

Click here to download The Emperor’s Edge (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store

Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

Lose Weight WITHOUT Dieting (Animal Kingdom Workouts)
By: David Nordmark
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:28am

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Saturday, January 1: 12 Brand New Freebies to Begin 2011! plus … A different ending for the Cold War in “a very accurate depiction of the power of indoctrination” with Cliff Ball’s The Usurper (Today’s Sponsor)

What could be better than finding out at the last minute that we begin 2011 with a dozen brand new freebies to add to over 200 contemporary titles in our automatically updated Free Book Alert listings?

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor
“Ever wonder what would happen if our worst fears were realized and we elected someone who was willing to destroy the USA, even if he was destroyed himself?”

Tom Clancy meets The Manchurian Candidate in a novel that explores that premise….

“A cold-blooded, Clancy-esque political thriller; The Usurper is sure to entertain.”
–Nurture Your Books

The Usurper
by Cliff Ball
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Here’s the set-up…
Ever wonder what would happen if our worst fears were realized and we elected someone who was willing to destroy the USA, even if he was destroyed himself? The Usurper is that novel. It is a fictional account of what would happen if the Soviet Union and KGB were given the chance to take down the United States from within. They use the American political system, education system, terrorism, and commit environmental disasters to achieve these goals.

The Soviet Union and the KGB refuse to let the purging of communists in the United States as a whole by Senator Joe McCarthy, and the House Un-American Activities Committee, deter them. Soviet Premier Khrushchev authorizes the KGB to embark on an ambitious, decades long plan to destroy the United States from within through the corruption of American politicians, the American education system, terrorism, and environmental disasters. Gary Jackson, the main character, is the fulfillment of the KGB plan to destroy the United States from within. They raise him from birth to hate everything about the United States, indoctrinate him, and introduce him to terrorists across the world, where the KGB dictates all terrorist attacks. When Gary is a teenager, he is sent to the United States to assimilate and begin his mission. Nothing will deter his goals of completely and utterly destroying the United States.

When the Soviet Union dissolves, he is given a choice, and he decides to continue with the mission. A terrorist organization ends up filling in the gap left by the absent KGB, and they, together with Gary, conspire to destroy everyone in the United States who doesn’t agree with them.

Here’s what the reviewers are saying
I just finished reading The Usurper and enjoyed the book. I love the concept of this book and the ending caught me totally off guard. The Usurper is a quick read. There are many correlations with the real world that most of us can relate to. If only they had turned out differently. The book smacks of conspiracy theories. Who knows, this book could possibly be one of those that, in a few years, will make us wonder, “How did the author get so close to the truth?”
–JC Phelps, Author
About the Author
Cliff Ball is the author of The Usurper, Out of Time, and Shattered Earth. You can find his author website here and his blog here.

Click here to visit the Amazon author’s page

Click here to download The Usurper (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store

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Two Rivers
By: T. Greenwood
Added: 12/31/2010 4:01:13am

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Saturday, January 1: Twelve Brand New Free Kindle Books to Begin 2011! plus … “Tom Clancy meets The Manchurian Candidate” in The Usurper (Today’s Sponsor)

What could be better than finding out at the last minute that we begin 2011 with a dozen brand new freebies to add to over 200 contemporary titles in our automatically updated Free Book Alert listings?

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor
“Ever wonder what would happen if our worst fears were realized and we elected someone who was willing to destroy the USA, even if he was destroyed himself?”

Tom Clancy meets The Manchurian Candidate in a novel that explores that premise….

“A cold-blooded, Clancy-esque political thriller; The Usurper is sure to entertain.”
–Nurture Your Books

The Usurper
by Cliff Ball
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Here’s the set-up…
Ever wonder what would happen if our worst fears were realized and we elected someone who was willing to destroy the USA, even if he was destroyed himself? The Usurper is that novel. It is a fictional account of what would happen if the Soviet Union and KGB were given the chance to take down the United States from within. They use the American political system, education system, terrorism, and commit environmental disasters to achieve these goals.

The Soviet Union and the KGB refuse to let the purging of communists in the United States as a whole by Senator Joe McCarthy, and the House Un-American Activities Committee, deter them. Soviet Premier Khrushchev authorizes the KGB to embark on an ambitious, decades long plan to destroy the United States from within through the corruption of American politicians, the American education system, terrorism, and environmental disasters. Gary Jackson, the main character, is the fulfillment of the KGB plan to destroy the United States from within. They raise him from birth to hate everything about the United States, indoctrinate him, and introduce him to terrorists across the world, where the KGB dictates all terrorist attacks. When Gary is a teenager, he is sent to the United States to assimilate and begin his mission. Nothing will deter his goals of completely and utterly destroying the United States.

When the Soviet Union dissolves, he is given a choice, and he decides to continue with the mission. A terrorist organization ends up filling in the gap left by the absent KGB, and they, together with Gary, conspire to destroy everyone in the United States who doesn’t agree with them.

Here’s what the reviewers are saying
I just finished reading The Usurper and enjoyed the book. I love the concept of this book and the ending caught me totally off guard. The Usurper is a quick read. There are many correlations with the real world that most of us can relate to. If only they had turned out differently. The book smacks of conspiracy theories. Who knows, this book could possibly be one of those that, in a few years, will make us wonder, “How did the author get so close to the truth?”
–JC Phelps, Author
About the Author
Cliff Ball is the author of The Usurper, Out of Time, and Shattered Earth. You can find his author website here and his blog here.

Click here to visit the Amazon author’s page

Click here to download The Usurper (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Friday, December 31: Pour the Champagne with 6 Brand New Free Books for New Year’s Eve! plus … Can an Angel Love a Demon? Her Warrior Angel by Felicity Heaton (Today’s Sponsor)

Would you choose to spend New Year’s Eve with the Perfect Woman, the Queen’s Dollmaker, a Mistress by Mistake, or a Louis L’Amour-style Western? The choice is yours with six new freebies atop this morning’s latest additions to our 225+ Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Can an Angel love a Demon?

 Ring out 2010 with this great mixture of the dark and the seductive that asks and answers that question….

Her Warrior Angel (Her Angel Romance Series)
by Felicity Heaton
5.0 out of 5 stars   2 Reviews

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Prolific and popular romance writer Felicity Heaton has been fascinated by the paranormal, preternatural and fantastical since childhood. She puts her fantasies to good use in this novel one reviewer describes as “scary good”…
Here’s the set-up:

Einar is one of Heaven’s best hunters and he’s on a mission to uncover why an angel was working with demons. When he finds the first demon fighting a beautiful woman named Taylor, he intervenes and saves her life. Taylor has spent her whole life protecting London from the lowest demons and she’s not about to let an angel waltz into her city and take over her job, and she’s certainly not about to fall in love with him, even if he is gorgeous. The reason why she can’t is simple—she’s half demon.

There is no love in this world more forbidden than that between an angel and a demon.

Sense tells Taylor to get out before she gets her heart broken, but she winds up convincing Einar to partner with her instead. Einar is certain that working with Taylor is a bad idea, and not only because he can’t focus when he’s around her, but he can’t let her go. The mission leads them deep into the city’s underworld, where old flames burn Taylor while new flames of passion and fear of the consequences consume them, and the threat of Einar’s demons hangs over them both.

Can a love so forbidden ever have a happy ending or are they destined to break each other’s hearts?

What the reviews say
I love all of Felicity’s books and this book was no exception. I loved all of the characters in this book. Taylor, even though she is half demon, she still saves London from other demons. She doesn’t like that Einar has come to take over her job. Einar and Taylor partner up and Einar knows that it is a bad idea, but the do it anyway. I just love this book, even though the characters for the last two book are not in this book. It is still a great book. Everyone should read this book. —AmberPreer

Her Warrior Angel is good! Like scary good. It is like the other books in the series and talks about Angels. But what I liked about this this, is that it also has a demon in it as the main character and how a Angel can love a Demon. Pretty good story. Give it a try! —E. Chung

About the Author
Felicity Heaton is a romance author writing as both Felicity Heaton and F E Heaton. She is passionate about penning paranormal tales full of vampires, witches, werewolves, angels and shape-shifters, and has been interested in all things preternatural and fantastical since she was just a child. Her other passion is science-fiction and she likes nothing more than to immerse herself in a whole new universe and the amazing species therein. She used to while away days at school and college dreaming of vampires, werewolves and witches, or being lost in space, and used to while away evenings watching movies about them or reading gothic horror stories, science-fiction and romances.

Having tried her hand at various romance genres, it was only natural for her to turn her focus back to the paranormal, fantasy and science-fiction worlds she enjoys so much. She loves to write seductive, sexy and strong vampires, werewolves, witches, angels and alien species. The worlds she often dreams up for them are vicious, dark and dangerous, reflecting aspects of the heroines and heroes, but her characters also love deeply, laugh, cry and feel every emotion as keenly as anyone does. She makes no excuses for the darkness surrounding them, especially the paranormal creatures, and says that this is their world. She’s just honored to write down their adventures.

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