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Brand new for January 16!
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Sponsored by Dez Burke, author of Tough and Tender

10-in-1 Bad Boy Romance BOXED SET ALERT!

Have them all: bad boy bikers, race car drivers, billionaires and marines!

Tough and Tender

By Dez Burke
Pick your pleasure! Why should you have to choose only one when you can have ten?

Dez Burke is today’s sponsor of our Fire giveaway! Just subscribe for FREE at BookGorilla.com. Scroll past the 12th book to find the entry link in each day’s BookGorilla alert!

Today’s Bargain Price: $0.99

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Everyday Price: Over $10 when purchased separately!
Categories: All Romance; Bestsellers

Brand new for January 15!
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Sponsored by Helen J Rolfe, author of The Friendship Tree

Is running away ever the answer?

The Friendship Tree

By Helen J Rolfe

Tamara Harding left the UK – and life got more complicated than she could ever have imagined.

Helen J Rolfe is today’s sponsor of our Fire giveaway! Just subscribe for FREE at BookGorilla.com. Scroll past the 12th book to find the entry link in each day’s BookGorilla alert!

Today’s Bargain Price: $2.99

Deal Ends: 01/16/16
Categories: All Romance

Brand new for January 14!
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Sponsored by Denise Moncrief, author of Deceptions of the Heart

Multiple threats from her past shake her fragile hold on mental stability…

Deceptions of the Heart

By Denise Moncrief
100% Rave Reviews for this intriguing mystery!

Denise Moncrief is today’s sponsor of our Fire giveaway! Just subscribe for FREE at BookGorilla.com. Scroll past the 12th book to find the entry link in each day’s BookGorilla alert!

Today’s Bargain Price: $1.99

Or FREE with
Categories: Contemporary Romance; Romantic Suspense

Brand new for January 10!
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Sponsored by Joshua Guess, author of Victim Zero

The plague was born from hope…

Victim Zero

(The Fall Book 1)
By Joshua Guess

Fast-paced zombie action story you don’t want to miss!

Joshua Guess is today’s sponsor of our Fire giveaway! Just subscribe for FREE at BookGorilla.com. Scroll past the 12th book to find the entry link in each day’s BookGorilla alert!

Today’s Bargain Price: $0.99

Or FREE with
Categories: All Fantasy; All Horror; All Science Fiction

Brand new for January 5!
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Sponsored by Donna McDonald, author of Carved In Stone: Book 1 of the Art of Love Series

They say you marry a person and not a family, but tell that to a Larson bride…

Carved In Stone: Book 1 of the Art of Love Series

By Donna McDonald

Yours FREE today!

A year has passed since his ex-wife remarried. Now Will Larson’s adult sons have decided he needs their help to start dating again … maybe even with the high school art teacher, Jessica Daniels….

Donna is today’s sponsor of our daily Fire giveaway sweepstakes! Today’s entry link’s about 12 books into today’s alert!


Categories: All Advice and How-To; All Romance; All Women’s Fiction; Bestsellers

Brand new for January 4!
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Sponsored by Rebecca Mead, author of My Life in Middlemarch

Brand new for January 3!

Enter our Amazon Giveaway Sweepstakes to win a brand new Kindle Fire tablet!

Sponsored by Joanna Penn, author of How To Market A Book

96% rave reviews!
Focus in on the values and marketing principles that will help your long-term career as a writer:How To Market A Book
By Joanna Penn, bestselling author of STONE OF FIRE (as J.F. Penn)

Marketing isn’t a skill that most authors have, and there is little formal training. This book is for authors who want to sell more books and for those writers who want to think more like an entrepreneur.

Joanna is sponsor of today’s giveaway of a new Kindle Fire tablet from KND and BookGorilla! We give away an awesome prize every day. To enter, just sign up FREE for ebook deals at BookGorilla.com and open each day’s alert for the entry link!

Today’s Bargain Price: $0.99

Everyday Price: $5.99
Categories: All Business, Investing and Leadership; All Nonfiction; Bestsellers