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Can she hide her dangerous double life? Confessions of a Dangerous Duke (On His Majesty’s Secret Service Book 3) by Patricia Barletta

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Confessions of a Dangerous Duke (On His Majesty’s Secret Service Book 3)

by Patricia Barletta
4.5 stars – 51 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Arianne de Vouvret, the most sought-after modiste in Bath, is hiding a terrible secret. Caught in the clutches of the sadistic Frenchman, Henri Pinard, she must spy for him, as well as be the charming lure in his plot to destroy his enemies. Pinard holds the life of her father and her little son in his hands. Arianne will do anything to keep them safe. But when she meets the dashing Duke of Lythmore, her past sins clash with his beguiling pursuit. Can she hide her dangerous double life? Or will she be forced to commit her worst deed yet?

Cameron, Duke of Lythmore, an agent for the English government, is an expert at sniffing out secrets and destroying spy rings. But this time, his mission in Bath is personal. He is determined to find the mysterious woman, nick-named Marguerite, who lured his brother to a tragic end. When Cameron meets Arianne, he is immediately drawn to the beautiful modiste. Surely, a woman who creates such charming designs could not be the cruel Circe. Or could she?

But there is one more secret to be revealed. Will it destroy them forever?

Develop the power to learn and master any skill! Learn, Improve, Master: How to Develop Any Skill and Excel at It by Nick Velasquez

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Learn, Improve, Master: How to Develop Any Skill and Excel at It

by Nick Velasquez
4.5 stars – 431 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Develop the power to learn and master any skill.

Do you dream of excelling at a sport, music, art, cooking, writing, public speaking, or anything else? Learn, Improve, Master will help you make that dream a reality.

Through a combination of learning science and strategies used by world-class performers, this guide will teach you what it really takes to master a skill (no, it isn’t talent or 10,000 hours).

You will learn HOW TO:

  • Use your memory like top memory champions and remember anything you want
  • Optimize practice like elite musicians, chess players, and athletes
  • Build training habits that stick
  • Overcome obstacles, setbacks, and plateaus
  • Choose mentors and coaches that will help you develop your potential
  • Accelerate learning and become a master of your craft

Featuring examples and words of wisdom from Leonardo da Vinci, Usain Bolt, Ernest Hemingway, Michael Jordan, Garry Kasparov, Simone Biles, Stephen King, Michael Phelps, Martha Graham, Tiger Woods, Jiro Ono, Serena Williams, and many more.

Are you ready to enter a “new normal” of God’s power, miracles, and revival? The Mechanics of Miracles: How God’s Invisible Spirit Manifests Tangibly by Jonathan Brenneman

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The Mechanics of Miracles: How God’s Invisible Spirit Manifests Tangibly

by Jonathan Brenneman
5.0 stars – 11 reviews
Everyday Price: $5.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

I probably have more than two dozen healing works on my shelf published in the last few years. Some of these works are quite good, but I don’t think any of the authors have gone where Jonathan has gone. I would consider him an expert on this topic-Pastor J.D. King, Author Regeneration: A Complete History of Healing in the Christian Church

I highly recommend The Mechanics of Miracles. I believe that once you are done reading it, any confusion you might have about the spiritual life will be cleared up-Shawn Hurley, Founder Happy Hands Ministry and Sarah’s House

Jonathan provides an extremely in-depth exploration of the principles of healing, backing every insight with multiple Bible scriptures and real-life examples…Your faith and boldness will increase with ease as you engage with and act on this guide to achieving healing results-Fielding GoHarvest, Missionary & Healing Evangelist

Are you ready to enter a “new normal” of God’s power, miracles, and revival?

I heard God shout, “I have a new normal for the church! It should have been normal all along. It is a ‘normal’ in which the church does the works of Jesus.”

After years of powerlessness in prayer, my thinking changed radically. I’ve now experienced miracles thousands of times over the last 19 years. Many Christians think these are mysterious superpowers called “spiritual gifts.” Others think miracles happen occasionally if God chooses to move. I understand these supernatural events simply as manifestations of Jesus’ Spirit released through our words and actions. Few comprehend God’s compassion, generosity, and desire to act.

What stops us from experiencing heaven’s abundance? The Holy Spirit manifests God’s invisible nature in tangible power through our communion with him. This happens by certain dynamics, which we call The Mechanics of Miracles. Paul wrote that he didn’t want the Corinthians to be ignorant about spiritual things. Ignorance about how the Holy Spirit works hinders us from partnering with him so that God’s love and compassion manifest in power through our lives.

Whether you’ve never seen Jesus heal someone through your hands or you’ve been ministering healing and deliverance for years, I want you to experience a New Normal in Christ beyond what you’ve ever imagined! The Mechanics of Miracles contains nearly one hundred supernatural testimonies, hundreds of scripture references, and powerful metaphors to help you partner with the Holy Spirit. Includes:

  • Why God’s power is indispensable for all Christians
  • Common causes of powerlessness in the church
  • How to avoid annulling faith and disqualifying yourself from God’s promises
  • How to walk in communion with God
  • The dynamics of how God’s power is released
  • How to cultivate the garden of your heart and increase your capacity to carry God’s manifest presence
  • How to prepare your heart to minister
  • How to form and maintain a strong heart-mouth connection
  • How to walk in immunity to witchcraft
  • How to recognize God’s voice and minister with prophecy, words of knowledge, and interpretation of tongues
  • How to challenge your own unbelief
  • Practical tips on how to minister

The perfect house. The perfect husband. The perfect lie. The Dream Home: an addictive psychological thriller with a shocking twist by Theo Baxter

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The Dream Home: an addictive psychological thriller with a shocking twist

by Theo Baxter
4.0 stars – 77 reviews
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FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The perfect house. The perfect husband. The perfect lie.

Ashlyn thinks all her dreams have come true when she moves into her beautiful new home, designed by her talented architect husband, Mason.

But her perfect world is about to come crashing down…

Several women go missing – all of whom bear a striking resemblance to Ashlyn and her sister, Karina. Ashlyn’s concern turns to outright alarm when she becomes convinced that a van is following her every time she goes to the city.

Mason dismisses her fears – you’re imagining things, it’s just a coincidence. But then Karina disappears.

As the search for her sister intensifies, Ashlyn’s relationship with Mason becomes more and more strained. He spends almost all his time either at work or locked away in his basement. What is he doing down there? Is it possible he is connected to these abductions?

When Ashlyn goes looking for answers, she discovers the truth is more shocking, more horrifying than anything she could ever have imagined…

FREE today in Sci Fi Fantasy Adventure! Proud Pada (The Last Lumenian Book 3) by S.G. Blaise

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Proud Pada: Sci Fi Fantasy Adventure of Lilla uncovering the biggest conspiracy in the Seven Galaxies (The Last Lumenian Book 3)

by S.G. Blaise
4.6 stars – 112 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Lilla is on her next mission as a Sybil,

when she must travel to the Pada world following the trail of a ruthless murderer.

Navigating deadly politics turns increasingly difficult,

when the Teryn emperor goes missing.

Now the Teryn empire is heading towards civil war,

and Lilla must uncover who is behind the conspiracy before it’s too late.

Unfortunately her success depends on the Proud Pada.

Potent medicine for those who feel aggrieved by the current state of affairs… Deliverance from Stupidparty Land: How to Eradicate the Destructive Forces Destroying American Democracy by Patrick M. Andendall

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Deliverance from Stupidparty Land: How to Eradicate the Destructive Forces Destroying American Democracy (StupidpartyLand Book 3)

by Patrick M. Andendall
4.6 stars – 182 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Deliverance from Stupidparty Land seeks to explain the inexplicable, to place landing-strip beacons on the fading yet undeniably attractive runway flying us permanently away from snake-pit USA 2018—illuminating how as-yet-undiscovered trends can secure deliverance for a splintered, exhausted electorate that now simply lacks the fire power, the will power, to disrupt the seemingly irreversible trend into a dystopian future. How did the US voluntarily arrive at the doorstep of its own demise? This homemade manmade Handmaid’s Tale, where falsehoods and transparently mean-spirited claptrap trump facts and common decency—subverting naïve yet positive innocence into a malignant supremacist and myopic nationalistic agenda that is now in inflaming the planet’s already rising temperature of self-harm? All this to cloak the true aspirations of the identified malevolent Oligarchs, who no longer lie quietly waiting. The first book in this trilogy (Math v. Myth) exposed the blatant myths that now overshadow reality. The second book (Who is Jeb!!!) uncovered the horrible histories of the Bush dynasty—revealing how America, beginning with the JFK assassination, began its descent from being a force for good, to now having zero moral authority. Allies hold us in contempt; enemies nurture us. We must understand the problem in order to visualize and actualize the solution. Since I fear the solution is unlikely to be enacted organically, we must prepare to seek a ballot-box-inspired intervention from a higher power—we must seek deliverance from our own collective folly, not from the heavens but from our own homegrown saviors, whom we created in the image of own inescapable delusions.

Add ‘Catch a killer’ to your Christmas to-do list! The Christmas Walk Caper: A Mac and Millie Mystery by JB Michaels

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The Christmas Walk Caper: A Mac and Millie Mystery (Mac and Millie Mysteries Book 1)

by JB Michaels
3.7 stars – 285 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99

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FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Add ‘Catch a killer’ to your Christmas to-do list!
Meet Mac, a retired hero cop with writer’s block and a penchant for trouble. What holiday hijinks will he get himself into?
Probably a murder investigation.

Meet Millie, a local banker and former college athlete who may have a trick or two up her sleeve. What Christmas conundrum will she be brought in to solve?
Again, a murder mystery.

In this delightful cozy mystery set in downtown Geneva, Illinois, our sarcastic and savvy sleuths will seek justice for the untimely death of the owner of the beloved and charming retail mansion: The Tiny Wanderer.

It’s time to stroll on Third street. Immerse yourself in beautiful Christmas décor. Drink some hot chocolate and help solve the Christmas Walk Caper.