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FEEL THE RUSH! BARGAIN BOOK ALERT! Buy One eBook, Get Two Bestsellers Free!




Today’s Bargain Book Alert places the spotlight on author Richard Bard’s “Feel the Rush” promotion, which is designed to be a win-win for everyone: you get three books for the price of one — including two Kindle bestsellers! — and Richard gets a chance to find another fan for his novel BRAINRUSH.


And if that isn’t reason enough to give BRAINRUSH a try, consider the fact that this page-turner of a novel has already garnered 15 straight 5-star reviews from Kindle readers and, as Richard relates below, it has scored kudos from at least one celebrity reader:

Show of hands—How many of you are Crosby, Stills & Nash fans?  If you’re over 30, you’ve got a hand up, over 55 and you’ve got two hands up.  And you younger folks…you’re fans too, even though you may not know it; you hum along to their songs everyday on the radio, never realizing the artists behind the music are the voice of three generations.


I’m a big fan—always have been—so imagine my elation two weeks ago when I received an email from David Crosby telling me that he absolutely loved my debut thriller, BRAINRUSH.  And he wasn’t kidding; he even gave a shout-out at the MUSE benefit concert at the Shoreline Pavilion in SF on August 7th, with the likes of Jackson Brown, Bonnie Raitt, John Hall and a bunch of others on the scene.  Now that’s a brain-rush!


Nothing would make me happier than for you to share David’s excitement over my new thriller.  That’s why I’ve come up with a unique promotion that gifts you two (2) Bestsellers from the Top-10 PAID Kindle-Bestseller list when you purchase BRAINRUSH for $2.99.


Here’s how it works:


You purchase the BRAINRUSH eBook for $2.99. Then just email a proof-of-purchase in the form of a screen-shot of your order confirmation, or simply forward the order-confirmation email you receive to Promo@RichardBard.com.


I will then immediately send you a gift certificate for each of these Kindle bestsellers:

As of Aug 22nd, they’re both in the Top 20 overall in the Kindle Store!


That’s it! No Tricks… No Gimmicks… No Obligation. Do I hope that you’ll read BRAINRUSH first? Sure! Am I keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll let me know how you feel about it by leaving a review on Amazon? Of course! But that’s entirely up to you. Happy reading!


Richard Bard


(This is a sponsored post.)




Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert! Can you afford to laugh? Can you afford not to? It’s time we all laughed, and with these works of eccentric and sublimely brilliant comic fiction available now on Kindle at just 99 cents each, it’s not even a tough choice!

We all know that the wittiest of writers in the world today tend to hail from Britain, and Andy Tilley would certainly seem to be taking some mighty self-assured baby steps in the sizable shoes of such brilliant comic writers as Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett.’

Amazon top reviewer




by Andy Tilley

4.9 stars – 7 Reviews

Lending: Enabled

Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.



.. energetic, imaginative, relentlessly and unabashedly vulgar….funny enough to make a cranky reviewer laugh out loud. This belongs on every eccentric fiction fan’s short list of oddball black comedies where it will share space with John Ridley’s Everybody Smokes in Hell Michael Dibdin’s Back to Bologna and great chunks of the works of Carl Hiaasen, Donald E. Westlake, and Barry Gifford. Gaughan, Thomas…”







by Andy Tilley

Lending: Enabled

Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.



Rose Williams is young and beautiful with a love for life that not even the sleepy village she lives in can dampen. When Cristian Chevalier unexpectedly comes back into her life her dreams fill with thoughts of how she can rekindle their childhood friendship. But Cristian has changed during a decade spent abandoned by his father. Something strange is stirring within him, an ancient and powerful entity with a darkly different view of the world. As evolution’s true intent slowly reveals itself Cristian is faced with a dreadful choice. Succumb to his true nature and join the ranks of the Silkie or fight for the human heart that he’s pledged to Rose?





by Andy Tilley

Lending: Enabled

Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.



Danny can’t understand why his life is taking so long to get started. And the biggest pain in his over analytical butt? A love life that makes Mr Bean look like a sex god. So it is that Danny devises a score card to take the risk out of dating and this soon roots out his dream girl, Geraldine. Bright and pretty she ticks all his boxes but when a violent explosion blows away Danny’s superficial values all that remains is an innocence that challenges every decision he’s made so far.


by Andy Tilley

Lending: Enabled

Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.


Frank Carter has never taken the time to understand women. And why should he? Middle aged, happy and very settled but when his marriage unexpectedly ends, Frank starts to wonder why he didn’t see it coming and resolves to understand women better, unravel the rules of engagement. But will the insight gained from prying into the comic yet troubled lives of his friends be enough for him to entice and hold on to the beautiful Jane?


(This is a sponsored post.)



Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert: From Bobbye Terry, a hot new release from Turquoise Morning Press – Start reading THE MARRIAGE MURDERS (A Briny Bay Mystery) with this inviting excerpt, then download the whole novel to your Kindle in under a minute for just $2.99!

(Ed. Note: I know how much many of our readers enjoy discovering great new writing talents with whom they will be able to stick through entire series, so it’s a special treat to have the opportunity to introduce novelist Bobbye Terry’s latest — The Marriage Murders — the second in her Briny Bay Mystery series that got off to such a spectacular start with its first installment, Buried in Briny Bay (4.8 Stars on 9 Straight Rave Reviews, Just $2.99 on Kindle). You can start with the first book or, if you’re ready, we’ve got a nice excerpt to get you started on the second. Your choice, but either way, enjoy! – S.W.)

Here’s the set-up:
Roxie Turner is back in the hot seat when the bridegroom of her latest wedding is pulled from the bay, apparently drowned under questionable circumstances. She’s dead on the scent to find his killer, but has other things to worry about, like the femme fatale who opened the naughty lingerie shop and the witch’s former connection to boyfriend, Greg.Things heat up further as more people die in Briny Bay, and all from the same wedding party. Is Roxie’s career headed for demise at the same time as her love life?

An excerpt from The Marriage Murders by Bobbye Terry:

Copyright © 2011 by Bobbye Terry and published here with her permission

“Well I can tell you one thing for gosh-darned sure, I’m getting sick as all get-out being questioned by our local detectives.” Roxie collapsed on a stool in Trixie’s diner.

“I don’t suppose I should suggest you keep your hands off all murder weapons, should I?” Trixie grabbed for her apron behind the counter. “Whatever happened to poised, controlled, and calculatingly clever? It was more like spastic, spontaneous and spectacularly stupid.”

Turning as she tied it on, Trix glared at her. Roxie swallowed hard. “The gun was right in the way of my checking his pulse. Poor man could have needed CPR.”

Trixie shook her head. “Alex had a bullet right between his eyes. The only thing the poor guy needed was a body bag.”

Roxie refused to look her in the eye. “Another thing I’m getting sick of is my own brother giving me one of those snotty uppity stares like I’m as low as pond scum.”

Leaning forward on the counter, Trixie stared her in the eyes. “Well, I have to say you weren’t exactly floating on the top. Besides, have you ever thought Jack may be fearful of losing his bread and butter? Chief can’t be too pleased his number one officer’s sister keeps being dragged into the station about yet another murder. Pretty soon every man on the squad will be able to recognize your fingerprints”

“Don’t forget you were dragged with me. Again.”

Trixie’s mouth turned into a grim line. “Yeah, talk about things people are tired of. At least I have the God-given good sense not to put my fingerprints where they don’t belong, especially since it now seems your prints were the only ones on that gun except Alex’s.” She cocked her head. “Which, if you remember, we found out only because Jack is our thoughtful brother and leaked it to us. That he did only because he still loves us even though one of us doesn’t have a lick of sense.”

“Oh stow it, and grill some burgers, make coffee, anything.” Roxie leaned her elbow on the counter.

Just then the bell on the door sounded and Greg walked in. “Word has it the two of you have been to the police station again.”

Trixie placed a hand on each hip. “Who has the nerve to gossip about us? We’re usually in charge of that department.”

Greg smirked. “True enough, but Jack was kind enough to fill me in before I got here. Men have a special bond, a true need to stick together, particularly when they have two loose wires in common, like you ladies becoming embroiled in murder cases.”

“Can you keep it down?” Roxie glanced up at him. “It was bad enough Butch’s death made the obits, but once Alex’s is in there, we don’t need any further bad press about Trixie and me being, shall we say, caught red-handed.”

He sighed as he eased down on a stool next to her and patted her knee. “Didn’t you listen when your mother told you to keep your hands to yourself?”

She grinned. “Depends on where I was aching to put them.”

He raised an eyebrow. “That needs to be explored further at a later time. For now, I’m referring to grabbing the murder weapon.”

“Oh that!” Roxie waved her hand in the air, as if dismissing his comment. “Purely circumstantial. Perry Mason would have that thrown out in a heartbeat.”

“Well, believe me, it doesn’t do much for your credibility rating.” Greg cupped her chin in his hand. “Do not, I repeat, do not try investigating this murder anymore. I will work on it with Jack. That’s enough people involved.”

She nodded. “All right. At least you can tell us what you found out from Glynnis.”

He quickly filled them in. “So you see, it may be both men had a gambling issue.”

Trixie gasped. “Do you think the Mafia’s come to town?”

Greg grinned and shook his head. “I doubt it. They wouldn’t have left the bodies in such obvious places.  In fact, with the Mafia, many times you never find them at all unless they’re sending a message to someone.”

Roxie’s forehead creased. “You sound like you’ve dealt with that before.”

He exhaled. “Look, my past is behind me. Suffice to say I’ve always been on the right side of the law. Now, what I think I need to check is sources of money, as in Butch’s and Alex’s. Especially Alex, seeing as he was supposed to have inherited a bundle.”

The door opened behind him. Without turning, he waved his finger in front of Roxie. “Remember, no messing with this.”

“Just what is Roxie messing with, hmm, Greg?”

Roxie stared up at Marlowe Malone, her face blistering. She just called him by his first name.

Greg turned on his stool and stared up at the woman. “Never mind.  Marlowe, sweetie, I heard you were in town, but I hadn’t seen you yet. You look the same.”

The woman lowered her eyes in a sultry look that could scorch. “You always were good for a woman’s ego. You, likewise, are as handsome as ever. My, my, how quickly you seem to have gotten acclimated in this small town. A lot different than New York, wouldn’t you say?”

He nodded. “But as you remember I was from Raleigh.  I wasn’t in New York but for a couple of weeks.”

“Um, forgive me for interrupting y’all’s trip down memory lane, but could you let us in on all these memories?” Roxie poked him in the side.

He turned back to Roxie. “Oh, right. I met Marlowe when I was in New York City for a training seminar. How many years ago was that, Lo?”

Lo? The hair on Roxie’s arm stood at attention.

Marlowe tossed her mane back over her shoulder. “Oh dear, at least ten years ago.” She winked. “It seems like only yesterday.”

That’s where it’s going to stay if I have anything to say about it.

Greg laughed nervously. “Marlowe was still modeling and we met at a hot spot.”

“It was very hot.” Marlowe’s lips curled up in a satisfied smile. “Why don’t we go out for dinner sometime this week and talk about those times long ago?”

He grinned, apparently caught in the woman’s spell. “Yeah, well, we’ll talk about it later, okay?” He patted Roxie’s knee again. “Gotta go right now. Remember what I said.”

Roxie bit the inside of her cheek as he left with Marlowe Malone trolling behind him. Not a chance in hell I’m gonna forget a word.


Click on one or both of the titles below to download more from the Briny Bay mystery Series:

Buried in Briny Bay (4.8 Stars on 9 Straight Rave Reviews, Just $2.99 on Kindle)

The Marriage Murders (Book 2 in the Briny Bay Mystery series)


Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert! Summer Reading from Booktrope, with Plenty of Money Left Over for Sunblock and Beach Parking!


No matter your genre preference, you can find your next read from Booktrope – committed to readable, high quality books at affordable prices.  (Everything mentioned here is just $2.99 on Kindle!)


How about a light beach read? Check out our chick lit offering, THANK YOU FOR FLYING AIR ZOE by Erik Atwell (yep, chick lit written by a guy!)  A heroine who’s old enough to know better, but young enough to do it anyway.   If you are an 80’s music fan, or ever wondered whether it is really too late to tap into your inner rock star, you will love this book! Fun and funny, and thoroughly tongue in cheek – a good time will be had by all.


Or maybe you are craving something hopeful and romantic with a dash of intrigue? Come visit with the residents of River Valley, Oregon in RIVERSONG by Tess Hardwick – you won’t want to leave their lovely little town.


In the mood for something paranormal? THE PRINTER’S DEVIL by Chico Kidd brews up a good dose of magic, a cupful of romance, and some history for good measure.


Or check out the most recent novel by award winning author, Terry Persun, CATHEDRAL OF DREAMS, a dystopian sci-fi novel about Newcity – where everyone is content, or else.  Outside Newcity, trouble is brewing and just maybe, a new world is being born.


Are you a YA fantasy fan? Don’t miss 17 year old Nicole Persun’s debut novel KINGDOM’S POSSESSION.  An escaped slave girl possessed by a goddess, rival kingdoms, magic and romance.  (Yes, that last name Persun is correct and yes, Terry and Nicole are father and daughter, looks like there’s a gene for enjoyable writing in this family.)


For something really different, download THE DAYS THE DOGS TALKED, an illustrated modern fable that makes you think about the real nature of dogs or is it the nature of humans? (Oh, and don’t worry, the pen and ink illustrations look fantastic on your Kindle!)


BTW, all these interesting new books are published under Booktrope Publishing’s new model where authors work with independent creative teams and get a bigger share of the revenue, while Booktrope maintains selectivity and commitment to quality that readers can rely on for enjoyable, well produced books.

Check it out at www.booktropepublishing.com.
(This is a sponsored post.)

Special KND Free Book Alert! The Making of Legend (Cerebral Network) by Richard Barrs – 4.2 Stars on 13 Reviews and FREE on Kindle!

“A man who survives a civil war carries more than the scars of war; he carries the guilt of every friend and brother who dies.”  ~ General Andrew Biman, speaking before the Inter-Planetary Congress, 3774.
by Richard Barrs
4.2 stars – 13 Reviews
Lending and Text-to-Speech: Enabled
In the year 3747, a scientist performed a dangerous experiment on his son. It’s now 3773; political corruption, betrayal and deception are rife, and the son, General Andrew Biman, is now a man.
The populace loves Andrew for his stunning military successes; the queen favors him and invites him to lead the Opposition Party in the Inter-Planetary Congress; he is a star on the rise.  But when he publicly announces his intention to lead the charge in returning the Fifty-Six to its republic roots, Andrew finds himself framed for murder, branded a traitor and on the run.
Stealing a prototype warship, Andrew flees his home city, rescues a sarcastic princess from pirates and ignites a civil war – alienating his few allies in the process with his crushing arrogance. While he clashes with the princess, his envious first mate, and a promiscuous navigator, external threats continue to increase.  He receives unexpected assistance from the Western planetary leadership, but there’s a slight string – they want Andrew’s aid in defeating his former home.  Reluctantly, Andrew takes charge of the meager Western forces and success follows.
After a devastating ambush orchestrated by him, Andrew is crushed to learn of his best friend’s death.  His remorse is compounded when an enemy prisoner he’s grown to admire dies from his aggressive interrogation.  He comes to question his every value and decision while enemies amass.
Vulnerable, Andrew strikes deep into the heart of enemy territory with a fool’s hope…until he discovers his father’s experiment, implanted within him a lifetime ago.
The Making of Legend is available free on Amazon.com, BN.com & iBookstore.
For more information about the author, Richard Barrs, click here. https://www.facebook.com/richard.barrs  

(This is a sponsored post.)

Bargain Book Alert! MY DEAR FRANK: The Letters That Inspired the Kindle Bestseller THE LAST LETTER — Novelist Kathie Shoop shares how she came to write the novel for every daughter who thinks she knows her mother’s story…. (Both Books Available Now for Just 99 Cents Each!)

Guest Post:

By Kathleen Shoop


What’s in a letter? Sometimes a letter answers a lingering question, a query that picks its way through your memory, haunting, hurting, never letting up.



by Kathleen Shoop
4.3 stars – 55 Reviews
Lending: Enabled
For Katherine Arthur, the last letter she discovers is the one that finally reveals the truth.

Precious Letters

Imagine a set of love letters:  Hopeful, loving, sweet, intelligent, full of dreamy illusions of marriage and raising a family on the prairie…

Imagine a set of family letters: Dreary, practical, informative, full of disappointment and failure.

The Last Letter was born…

It was from reading two such sets of love and family letters that the novel, The Last Letter, grew. How was it possible that the enthusiastic people who wrote the love letters could have been reduced to penning joyless correspondence in just a few decades? How was it that their children could have misunderstood their mother’s actions for so many years, only realizing her sacrifices when she was dying?

The plot takes shape…

Planning the plot involved thinking about how families function—how parents mold family “truths” in ways they think will do the least harm. Yet, many times such actions inflict great turmoil that takes years to resolve.

Next, I attempted to bring the treacherous world of 19th century homesteading (including events like the 1888 Children’s Blizzard) to bear on the already struggling characters. Suddenly I had a book that was not a true story at all, but was inspired by what we all know to be true: the environment can be completely uncontrollable and mothers want the best for their children. They’ll do nearly anything for them, even if their choices seem wrong to others.

In order to crack open the inner workings of the misinformation that kicks off the novel, the story is told with two plotlines—one in 1905 and the other in 1887—one driving the other. The bulk of the book takes place in 1887/88 showing how the family fell apart while the 1905 plotline shows the rebirth of the mother/daughter relationship.

The Last Letter…the novel for readers who love historical fiction or a good mother/daughter tale of redemption and love. 

by Jeanie Arthur
Lending: Enabled

This Post Sponsored by Kathleen Shoop – Visit Her Website at http://kshoop.com/

Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert! Start reading Kailin Gow’s YA series THE ALCHEMISTS ACADEMY now for just 99 cents!

Here’s the set-up:
do you learn here…at the Academy? Wirt asks. Magic? The
responsibility to use your powers responsibly? Uh…something like that,
his roommate Spencer said. More like how to rule worlds. Wirt, is used
to being shuffled from foster home to foster home, adopting a
devil-may-care attitude toward the world along the way. Now he s in a
school he can t escape, learning to develop his latent magical
abilities, for what use, he doesn t know…to save his world or to
destroy it… 


Here’s the set-up:
new student has entered The Alchemists Academy, and he brings with him
an explosive power that threatens the Academy and the legend of Merlin.
Wirt thought he was the only bad boy at the Academy, but he was wrong.
Not only is Roland Black worse than Wirt, but a new teacher had replaced
one of their beloved teachers, and she has more planned for Wirt and
his friends than just lesson plans. Alana, his crush has grown prettier,
and now he is rivals for her attention with not only his best friend
Spencer, but newcomer Roland, as well. On top of that, it is their
second year, and the year where all the students must pass a test to
move on to the Elite Class at the Academy. The Elite Class is the only
class in the third year at the Academy, and the students who fail will
be sent home, others will face something even deadlier.



Read an excerpt of Elemental Explosions here:


Wirt dreamt that he was sitting in his room, knowing that it was a dream in
that way people do sometimes. Only it wasn’t his room. Not now. His room
was the one at the Alchemists’ Academy that he shared with Spencer, his
half of it a complete mess while Spencer’s was pin neat.
room was the one he’d had with his last foster parents, Joan and Peter,
decorated according to their idea of what a boy his age should have
liked, and several years too young for Wirt as a result. There was the
bed, the small desk, the wardrobe with the familiarly unexplained dents
in the front. Not to mention the football themed wallpaper. Wirt hated
Without thinking about it, Wirt found himself wandering downstairs, a strange
sense of excitement in his stomach. Somehow he knew, in that way you did
in dreams, that it was Christmas morning, and that they would be
waiting for him in the kitchen, ready to exchange presents. That was
even more proof that this couldn’t be real, because he had never
actually done that with Joan and Peter. As with so many of the places
Wirt had stayed, he hadn’t been there long enough.


Learn about the book and series.  Watch the trailer here: http://kailingow.wordpress.com/the-alchemists-academy/

Buy the Books on Kindle here:


by Kailin Gow
Kindle Price: 99 cents 

