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Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Benson Grayson’s LUST TAKES THE WHITE HOUSE is Our eBook of the Day at just $1.99, with 4.9 Stars on 11 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample!

Here’s the set-up for Benson Grayson’s Lust Takes the White House, just $1.99 on Kindle:

On a whim, Lust Cosmetics Company owner Melvin Shultz resorts to the same sleazy tactics he employed to make his firm an industry leader to manipulate the American presidential primaries. His goal is to see if he can put inept, woman-chasing ex-governor Robert “Buck” Porter into the White House.

Pursuing his “3 B’s,” (bribery, bullying and blackmail,) Shultz is successful. He then is unexpectedly persuaded by Porter to become CIA Director. Shultz quickly realizes he has made a horrible mistake, and that Porter is so bad his administration threatens America’s future.

Feeling responsible for foisting Porter on the country, Shultz must now decide whether to risk disgrace and probable imprisonment by again using the same ruthless tactics in an attemptt to force Porter’s ouster from the Presidency.

From the reviewers:

Intiguing.  Political intrigue! Corruption in the white house! This book was a really good read – I was kept page turning – and made me think about what’s really going on behind the scenes of government and its ties to big corporations. Great fiction makes you think about real life. Oh and I liked the double entendre of the title – great name for a book!  –  Andrea Cornell

Power, greed, corruption, assassination attempts, paid supporters, lies, controversy, backroom deals, blackmail, and public opinion manipulation all come together and keep you guessing in this superb and delightful political thriller. The author crafts a splendid and captivating tale that is not only entertaining, but also opens the mind to the fact that there are major flaws to the political process.  –  Tanja “Kindle lovin”

More suspense than a murder mystery. This book has more suspense than most mystery novels and kept me reading and reading almost non stop until finished, I hated for it to end. Who said politics were boring?  –  Karen West

Beginning to End Enjoyment.  From the first page of this book until the end Mr. Grayson kept me entertained. The best thing about this book is the obvious research that has gone into it. The author not only has a keen understanding of advertising and business but also what appears to be an insiders knowledge into the United States political process.   –  Sandy

Visit Amazon’s Benson Grayson Page

Benson Lee Grayson served as a Foreign Service Officer of the State Department and subsequently as a reporter covering the Washington scene. He is the author of seven previously published books, all non-fiction, on history and international affairs. He holds a Ph.M. degree in Modern East European History from Columbia University, and an M.P.A. degree from Harvard

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of LUST TAKES THE WHITE HOUSE by Benson Grayson:


Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Benson Grayson’s MY TROUBLES WITH TIME is Our eBook of the Day at just 99 Cents, With 4.9 Stars on 8 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample!

Here’s the set-up for Benson Grayson’s My Troubles With Time, just 99 Cents on Kindle:

What happens when a friendless physics professor in his mid-thirties, still a virgin, travels back to December 1941 in a time machine he has invented?

His goal is to become a national hero by destroying the Japanese fleet which bombed Pearl harbor. Against all odds, he  succeeds. Instead of being hailed as a hero, he is arrested and sentenced to death by a U.S. Navy Court Martial for mistakenly attacking the Japanese vessels before they launched their attack.

The time machine mysteriously vanishes and his claims to having invented it are ridiculed. The professor’s escape from this fate is one of the most unusual and most humorous ever encountered in fiction.

The book is written in a light style intended to leave the reader in as cheerful a state as possible when completing it. At the same time, it is carefully researched and adheres closely to actual historical events.

From the reviewers:

Strange and funny book, certainly worth the money. Good story and a bit of history, but more than aything, good fun.  –  Tarpon1

This novel is a delightful, fast read, and when you finish the book you can be almost guaranteed to have a smile on your face. I found myself pulling for the brilliant but hapless Snodgrass as he tried to make the right moves within the physics department of Miles Standish University and on the bridge of the U.S.S. Nevada as he drove the ship through the line of carriers and battleships approaching Pearl Harbor.  –  Rocky Cole

Great science fiction story. The author was able to bridge the gap that I often find between good science fiction books and history without being boring.  The author weaves a tale of intrigue and historical interest while also keeping my interest. Well done!  –  Kesh Teza

I thought this book was exciting and fun to read. I usually stick to the non-fiction realm, but this was an excellent choice for a departure. I thought the pace of the book was perfect and found it to be decently organized. If you’re looking for something a little out of the box and fun historical / science fiction tale check out this book. I would highly recommend it for a good dose of entertainment.  –  Scott

Visit Amazon’s Benson Grayson Page

Benson Lee Grayson served as a Foreign Service Officer of the State Department and subsequently as a reporter covering the Washington scene. He is the author of seven previously published books, all non-fiction, on history and international affairs. He holds a Ph.M. degree in Modern East European History from Columbia University, and an M.P.A. degree from Harvard.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of MY TROUBLES WITH TIME by Benson Grayson:


Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Jenn Thorson’s THERE GOES THE GALAXY is Our eBook of the Day at just $2.99, or FREE via Kindle Lending Library, With 4.4 Stars on 17 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample!

It’s the age-old tale of boy meets alien abductor. Boy meets stun-gun. Boy learns he’s the only one in the Universe who can save the Earth from extreme world makeover by inter-stellar landlords. (Yeah: he thinks it’s a bit much, too.)

Like everyone else on his planet, Bertram Ludlow hasn’t paid much attention to fluctuations in the intergalactic real estate market. But as a cognitive psychology grad student, he has given some thought to what a complete mental breakdown looks like. And this is pretty close.

Now he’s discovering space is a mad and mind-boggling place where interspecies communication rests on the power of a gumball. Where androids demand better work/life balance. Where crime is Art, technology still has its bugs, and lasers don’t go “pyew-pyew.”

It’s also surprisingly easy to get on the Universe’s Most Wanted list. So with the weight of the world on his shoulders and the cosmic law on his tail, can Bertram outrun, outwit, and out-bid to save the Earthling squatters from one spaced-out redevelopment plan?

From the reviewers:

Love the book! It’s fun and reminds me a little of the “Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy.” I’ll buy her next book!  –  anneli toppfer

HHGTTG meets Discworld.  I kept finding new humor page after page. Very enjoyable, tongue-in-cheek romp through a universe that may well be out there…and if it was…we may well wouldn’t want to know about !!  –  “stevep”

Great, light-hearted read! Jenn certainly has the skills to keep a reader like me engaged and entertained. There weren’t any slow pieces, the action was non-stop!  –  Dennis J

There Goes The Galaxy is such a cool and funny book. I’ve read a few SF and this certainly has its own unique twist. I found myself laughing out loud, nodding or stare in shock several times. The writing is witty and fast paced and I found it difficult to set aside.   – T.L. Lubrano

Jenn Thorson always knew she wanted to be a writer; it was the C+ in Penmanship that initially held her back. By the age of 11, she’d written her first mystery novel, Key to the Blue Moon, which her secretary– er, Mom–was good enough to type up for her. It was a raging hit among the two people she knew.

Spurred by her dramatic success, she went on to write other works, an experience that found her cluing into the Mystery genre, flirting with the Melodramatic Teen style, and becoming better versed in the Embarrassing Poetry of Which We Shall Never Speak Again school of writing.

Yet, oddly, no one stopped her from attending Carnegie Mellon University for Creative and Professional Writing. And it was here she discovered that humor was in her heart.

This was a surprise, since the funny bone usually gets so much press.

Soon Jenn graduated from Carnegie Mellon and, with an inconvenient bent toward eating regularly, she took a job as a technical writer for a software development company. In the years that followed, she would move from the joys of explaining where the File menu was, to managing the marketing of the company’s product line. Marketing, she realized, involved a gleeful combination of Making Stuff Up and Actually Getting Paid for It; so she became a full-time marketing writer and project manager in a local advertising firm. She also continued to hone her fiction, and her first published story, “The Last Great Play of Rosie Cosnowski” made its way into the Timber Creek Review.

Since those days, Jenn Thorson’s stories have been published in the Humor Press, the magazine for the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, and Romantic Homes magazine. Her humor blog, Of Cabbages and Kings, has a regular following of readers–fine folks who are simply too polite to ask why the posts are never about monarchy or leaf vegetables. There Goes the Galaxy represents her first published novel.

Jenn is currently working on a second book of her character Bertram Ludlow’s adventures, which is great fun for her, but less so for Bertram, since he’s already been through quite a lot at her hands.

Jenn Thorson lives in Bertram Ludlow’s hometown of Pittsburgh, PA, but is definitely mostly sure she’s never met extra-terrestrials there.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of THERE GOES THE GALAXY by Jenn Thorson:

Victoria Landis’ BLINKE IT AWAY is Our eBook of the Day at just $3.99, or Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library, with 4.7 Stars on 21 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample!

It’s an idyllic day on Oahu until Bess Blinke interrupts a bizarre robbery that ends in homicide. In the following days, she discovers terrible secrets tied to the crime, and her world unravels. When the killer realizes the depth of what she knows and comes after her, she runs, hides, and plots to reveal the truth and expose the brutal force behind several murders.

Lauded for its authentic grasp of the ‘local’ Hawaiian culture, Blinke It Away takes the reader into the everyday bustle of ordinary life in Hawaii and shows the reality far from the staging presented to tourists.

From the reviewers:

Blinke It Away pulled me in from page 1! Read it for my book club and we all loved it! The setting took me back to vacations in Hawaii and I enjoyed the strong, well paced plot and interesting characters. I’ll be sure to buy the next Bess Blinke book on the day of release!  –  “Book Babe”

Having lived in Hawaii myself for 6 years, I can attest to the fact that the author knows her island and its people. The descriptions of Oahu and the islanders really took me down memory lane.   –  “Vandernise1”

Top of the line whodunit! Victoria Landis has produced an immensely readable, exciting, and – yes – thought provoking novel with Blinke It Away. Her plot line is consistently exciting although she did allow me to come up for breath every so often before hitting me with the next frightening event. However, the book is much more than that! It is a study of characters and of the many faces of the individuals she presents, it is a tale of love and the absence of love, and even of ethnicity and the cruelty of victors over vanquished. Set in Hawaii, we also learn of the people to whom that tourist paradise is living and working home  –  Patricia Austin

A friend handed me this book and told me, READ it, you’ll love it. Lies, revenge, and murder – not my usual fare. However, I started it and I was hooked immediately. The story draws you in from the first page. You smell it, you feel it, and live it.  –  Vicki McClellan

Fun, the whole way through! The book is an easy read, scenes chock full of lush environment and contemporary hijinx! Lighthearted fun co-mingled with darkside drama is presented wonderfully. A spirited mixture of humanity, individualism, collective strength and right vs. wrong held my attention throughout as all roads lead to the Eddie Aikau surf competition.  –  Duffy Pastore

Visit Amazon’s Victoria Landis Page

Victoria Landis is a writer and an artist who lives in South Florida. She has lived in six states, including twelve years in Hawaii.

Find background stories about her characters, maps of book locations, and even a short glossary of Hawaiian words on her writing website – www.victorialandis.com.

She is a nine-year member of Mystery Writers of America, and writes fiction in several genres. Fun fact: In 2004, Victoria wrote Chapter Nineteen in one of the silliest (and most hilarious) progressive novellas ever produced – Naked Came the Flamingo. Edited by Joan Mickelson and the late, great Barbara Parker, accomplished writers Elaine Viets, Randy Rawls, and the PJ Parrish team contributed chapters, along with many others.

Having had a decidedly unconventional life, she finds sharing lessons learned in her non-fiction to be very satisfying.

She also writes a monthly humor column for The Parklander magazine. Her writing website is www.victorialandis.com.

In addition, she designs book covers – including her own. To see her artwork, please go to her website – www.landisdesignresource.com -More examples are featured on her blog there.

She can be reached via email at – victoria@landisdesignresource.com

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of BLINKE IT AWAY by Victoria Landis:

Robin O’Bryant’s KETCHUP IS A VEGETABLE: AND OTHER LIES MOMS TELL THEMSELVES is Our eBook of the Day at just $5.99, or Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library, with 4.8 Stars on 168 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample!

If you don’t have anything nice to say about motherhood, then… read this book. Robin O’Bryant offers a no holds barred look at the day to day life of being a mother to three, running a household and the everyday monotony of parenting.

It’s not always pretty but it’s real. Whether she’s stuffing cabbage in her bra… dealing with defiant yet determined daughters… yelling at the F.B.I… or explaining the birds and the bees to her preschooler… you’re sure to find dozens of humorous and relatable situations.

From the creator of Robin’s Chicks, one of the South’s most popular blogs on motherhood, misunderstandings and musings, comes a collection of essays that will not only make you laugh and cry, but realize that you’re not alone in your journey.

Sit back and relax, pour yourself some “mommy juice,” throw a fresh diaper on your baby and deadbolt the bedroom door to keep your kids out… because once you start reading you’ll be too busy wiping away tears of laughter to wipe anybody’s butt.

From the reviewers:

“With the humor of Bombeck and the warmth of a best girlfriend, Robin O’Bryant gives every mom permission to not be perfect. The chapter on road-tripping with three tiny children and a flu-stricken husband was one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. Pour yourself some “mommy juice” and enjoy meeting Robin and her “chicks.” –  Celia Rivenbark, New York Times bestselling author of You Don’t Sweat Much for a Fat Girl

“Sitting down with Ketchup is a Vegetable is like sitting down with a hot cup of coffee -if the coffee was witty, insightful and also a mommy. Laugh out loud, witty observations from my favorite mom on Twitter!” Stefanie Wilder-Taylor, bestselling author of Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay, and Naptime Is the New Happy Hour

“A book about motherhood that will make you nod with recognition, while simultaneously reminding you to schedule a hysterectomy.” -Jenny Lawson, The Bloggess and author of Let’s Pretend This Never Happened

I laughed, I cried and I may or may not have gagged once or twice. Ketchup is a Vegetable is EXACTLY how I would describe motherhood. I just wish my life was as funny as Robin’s book! Her honesty about her life makes each essay funnier than the last. We could all complain about our bad days, but RObin makes us laugh at them while teaching us to treasure every crazy moment.  –  “BDubb”

Visit Amazon’s Robin O’Bryant Page

Robin O’Bryant is an award-winning humor columnist and stay-at-home-mom to three daughters born within four years. She finally figured out where babies come from and got herself under control.

Robin survives the hilarity of motherhood by making fun of herself in her weekly column, Robin’s Chicks and on her blog by the same name.

Visit www.robinschicks.com to learn helpful tips such as: how to breastfeed behind your back*, how to talk to your daughters about man parts, and how to write a proper gold fish obituary.

She tweets compulsively as @robinobryant.

*Only applies to lactating women with a DD cup or larger.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of KETCHUP IS A VEGETABLE by Robin O’Bryant:

Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Diana Estill’s STILETTOS NO MORE is Our eBook of the Day at just $2.99, or Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library, With 4.0 Stars on 11 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample!

In this collection of essays, award-winning humorist Diana Estill shares her wacky views on the years between mini-skirts and “Mee-maw” panties, tells the truth about “shapewear,” and offers advice on “how to talk so that your spouse will listen” and other mysteries.

Lamenting she’s “put up with this thong enough,” Estill invokes her inner fashion critic as she tackles midlife with both eyes squinted.

From the reviewers:

Sometime around 50 you realize you’ve said goodbye to your youth and hello to world of bodyshapers, random hair growth and senior specials – whether you want them or not. You can spiral into a funk or you can laugh. Stilettos No More helps you laugh, and laugh and laugh!  –  Jamie Engle

Funny, Down to Earth and Engaging.  …  a funny, down to earth commentary on the realities of aging. It’s not easy facing the physical changes that occur, without permission I might add, to our bodies when middle age and menopause invade, but Estill faces these occurrences with a wicked wit that any woman will identify with (if not openly then secretly) and embrace.  – Judi C.

Diana’s books never disappoint! How she takes everyday dramas and turns them into a comedy reflects her real talent as a writer. You can read the book in one sitting or you can savor the chapters, laughing and enjoying your time with Didi one page at a time.  –  D.S. Weisman

Who’s afraid of Menopause? Not this author. She greets it with tongue-in-cheek humor the borders on total truth. Why DID we ruin our toes and feet to prance around in pointy toed shoes with killer high heels?  I find her humor appealing on every level. I see my aging self in so many of the books scenarios. Her humor gives me hope that in aging not all is lost if you can still laugh at life.  –  J.E. Bodi

Visit Amazon’s Diana Estill Page

Diana Estill is the author of three humor books, one novel, and a collection of short stories. For Deedee Divine’s Totally Skewed Guide to Life, she was named a ForeWord Book of the Year Finalist and an International Book Awards Winner in the humor category.  Midwest Book Review calls the novel an “utterly entertaining read.”

Prior to becoming an author, Diana worked for many years as a journalist and humor columnist. Her columns have appeared in The Dallas Morning News, Washington Post, The Miami Herald, Road & Travel, and other publications. She has been featured in First Magazine and has appeared on a variety of TV shows and radio programs.

Diana’s debut novel, When Horses Had Wings, was inspired by her life experiences as a former teen mother and high school dropout. After completing her education, she taught GED classes, worked as a consultant to the National Institute for Literacy and American Council on Education, and served as a U.S. delegate to a UNESCO conference.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of STILETTOS NO MORE by Diana Estill:

Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Kailin Gow’s THE WOLF FEY NOVELETTE is Our eBook of the Day at just 99 Cents, with 5.0 Stars on 7 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample!

Here’s the set-up for Kailin Gow’s The Wolf Fey Novelette, just 99 Cents on Kindle:

Logan is one of the shifter fairies – fairies who can shift into wolf shape.

The Wolf Fey is Logan’s open and raw story before Bitter Frost (Frost #1) about the Wolf Fey, and a hint of his destiny. Will it be with Breena?

This is a novelette introducing a new werewolf mythology based on the concept that werewolves have fairy blood in them in order to help them shift. This is their magic.

Book 2:  The Red Wolf

The Frost Series:

Book 1: Bitter Frost (Bitter Frost #1)
Book 2: Forever Frost (Bitter Frost #2)
Book 3: Silver Frost (Bitter Frost #3)
Book 4: Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4)
Book 5: Midnight Frost (Bitter Frost #5)

Standalone Novel: The Fairy Letters: Letters from Winter Prince Kian to Breena

From the reviewers:

Whether you’ve read the Bitter Frost series or not, you’ll fall in love with the entire world of Feyland and the magic it holds. I believe if you haven’t read The Bitter Frost series, The Wolf Fey Novelette will whet your appetite and have you happily started on the series as soon as you finish reading The Wolf Fey Novelette. Ms. Gow’s skill in building realistic fantasy worlds and amazing step off the page characters is nothing short of magical. As always, I’m anxiously and happily awaiting the next in not only this new series but many of her other series.  –  Kristi L. Stern

I love the Wolf Fey Book and every other book that goes with the Frost series. Katlin Gow is a wonderful writer and she really brings you in to the back story of the Wolves and his story.  –  Stacy

The Wolf Fey is so original, I give my hats off to Kailin Gow for giving werewolves an unique origin. I love reading about Logan and seeing his viewpoint. He is such a remarkable guy, my heart goes out to him for loving Breena so much. I can only say Gow is brilliant in letting us see into Logan’s world. – “justnat”

Kailin Gow has been a published author for over 10 years. She started writing books for tween girls to help them with self-confidence and self-esteem. Her book, Gifted Girls Activities Guide to 365 Days of the Week, became a reference book used in girls organizations across the U.S. As her tween fans grew to become teens and young adults, Kailin began writing engaging and entertaining young adult book series for them. The results are book series like the Frost Series, PULSE SeriesWicked Woods SeriesStoker SistersPhantom DiariesThe Fire WarsFADEDESIRE, and more.

When not busy inhaling chocolate and drinking coffee by the gallon, Kailin makes time for writing fantasy books, blogging as an expert blogger for Fast Company, volunteering as an Emergency Responder and volunteering for battered women’s shelters. For fun, she plays the electric violin, and puts together a music playlist for her radio and web shows.

Her Frost Series consisting of the Bitter Frost SeriesThe Wolf Fey Series, and the Fairy Rose Chronicles along with her other book series are being developed into worldwide MMORPG Games by SEE GLOBAL ENTERTAINMENT, which is the world’s leading game developer known for developing the top blockbuster films into games.

She welcomes readers to contact her through her website for discussions of her books! Sign up to find out the exact dates of new releases, promotions, contests, and special appearances:

theEDGEbooks.com in “New Releases Sign Up”

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of THE WOLF FEY NOVELETTE by Kailin Gow: