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With courage, honesty and humor, Dr. Ellie Katz explores her struggle with food and body image in My Last Summer As A Fat Girl

My Last Summer as a Fat Girl

by Ellie Katz
3.9 stars – 7 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A Love-Hate Relationship With Food

With courage, honesty and humor, Dr. Ellie Katz explores her struggle with food and body image. As one who has fought a battle with dieting from the age of five, Ellie understands the difficulties and the disappointments of this war. She has experienced both the highs and the inevitable plummet into feelings of defeat and despair that come after binge eating.

˃˃˃ Overcoming A Lifetime Problem

A holistic psychologist, Dr. Ellie Katz looks inward and follows her own conduct without cutting corners and documents her thought patterns with fun-loving compassion. The challenge is to beat, once and for all, the inner saboteur who impedes and blurs her true progress and recovery.

My Last Summer as a Fat Girl is a rare and personal analysis of a subject familiar to so many, how we use food to dull our emotions, the ones we would rather not face. Join Ellie on the road to a most coveted destination – a life well-lived.

This book is able to create a trusting nature between the reader and author. With humorous writing and a quirky personality, it is easy to trust the process with a certain level of intimacy that cannot be found on an Instagram page. Raw, brutally honest, and unique, it is challenging not to feel positive after reading this e-book.5 star Amazon review

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Dr. Ellie Katz recounts the struggles of those who fell victim to the irresistible draw of addiction: Love And Kisses From My Padded Cell by Ellie Katz

Love and Kisses from My Padded Cell

by Ellie Katz
4.3 stars – 20 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Destruction By One’s Own Hand

What is the difference between an addiction and a habit? Anyone with strong particular affinities might well wonder if these urges are a source of danger. Addicts are willing to do anything to scratch their psychic itch. Those around them gape in horror at the ease with which addicts compromise their sanity, good name and fortune.

˃˃˃ Mishaps and Failures And Mind Boggling Compulsions

In Love and Kisses from My Padded Cell, Dr. Ellie Katz recounts the struggles of ten men and women who fell victim to the irresistible draw of addiction. There is no lack of tragedy, pathos or remorse, but there is also a hint of comedy as we explore the lives of people who have run counter to their true essences and behaved like genuine jackasses.

˃˃˃ The hero in each of these tales is not the rehab counselor nor the Twelve-Step Program

The addict is the hero and the addiction is the villain, or maybe they are both the villain. But more than anything else, Love and Kisses from My Padded Cell is about the hope that by sharing these stories other sufferers will be inspired to seek ”” and perhaps even find ”” a better way.

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