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Take a look at today’s Kindle Daily Deals for Saturday, June 20!
Spotlight bargain title: Elizabeth Beckett’s historical fantasy I Am Celtic

I Am Celtic

by Elizabeth Beckett

I Am Celtic
4.2 stars – 2 Reviews
On Sale! Everyday price: $5.99
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

I Am Celtic is a story set in about 10,000 BCE and takes the reader from the destruction of Atlantis, to Egypt, across Northern Africa and the Mediterranean, and finally to the British Isles, specifically England. The story spans the lifetime of the beautiful but sensitive Solveigh, and follows her challenging journey of love, loss, adventure, and awakening.

I Am Celtic is both a narrative and an inspirational guide that takes the reader deep into the truth of that time in Earth’s history as well as exploring universal mystical and spiritual concepts about life. The story sets out to transform widely-held, but limiting, opinions of recorded history and aims to provide answers to certain unsolved human myths such as the global flood and destruction of Atlantis; the beginnings of the Egyptian empire and the pyramids; the inland sea of Northern Africa and Abathscantian settlements; the Dragon Isles (British Isles) and the Faerie People who lived in subterranean caves, the Colcotec tribe of Atlantis and the Celtic tribe of Britain.

Click here to visit Elizabeth Beckett’s Amazon author page

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