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Take a Whirlwind Ride Through The Paranormal Side of Boston – Nicholas Olivo’s Imperium (Caulborn) *Sample Now For Free!

Imperium (Caulborn)

by Nicholas Olivo

4.5 stars – 13 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Vincent Corinthos leads a triple life. As a secret agent, he handles paranormal threats; as a god, he protects his followers from evil forces; as a stock clerk, he keeps the back room of an antique store tidy.

When one of his fellow agents goes missing, Vincent begins with the usual suspects. His investigation reveals that Boston’s latest supernatural threat is also waging war on his followers, and presents a grave danger to the city’s paranormal citizens.

Now, with the aid of a new partner and a gremlin, Vincent must locate the missing agent, defend his followers and learn the identity of his adversaries before they can revive a malevolent force that’s been dormant since World War II.

5-Star Amazon Reviews

“…I definitely recommend this book for anyone that likes paranormal/urban fantasy novels…”

“…This is a very unique tale of paranormal beings, gods, and humans all mixed into a private agency that keeps the pages turning!”

“…I give this book 5 stars for the exciting romp through the urban fantasy playground.”

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