Spirituality 101 For The Dropouts of the School of Life: Review for the Final Exam
by Ivan Figueroa-Otero, MD
Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?
We all have asked ourselves these questions, but few have sought the answers that truly make sense. Dr. Ivan Figueroa-Otero not only dares to answer them, but humbly presents a guide to understanding these and other questions about our spiritual nature, while closing the apparent gap between the religious and scientific vision with an eclectic and original delivery.
“I invite you to explore your soul in the infinite dimensional spirals of knowledge of the School of Life. I hope that the fruits of my failings help you to surpass your exams with fewer burdens and more joy.”
A holistic look at the intersection of the spiritual and scientific world, playfully cast as a primer for a final exam.
In this engaging, enormously readable debut work of nonfiction, Otero urges his readers to “delve deeper into the concept of life as a prison created by our own mind,” . Its well-designed layout includes highlighted passages and eye-catching marginal illustrations. The author presents many explanations with a wry, tongue-in-cheek bemusement.
Kirkus Indie, Kirkus Media LLC,Finalist Indie Excellence Awards in Spirituality