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My husband has a secret. Desires he’s kept locked away in a deep, dark place.
Muscling In (London Menage Book 1) by Lily Harlem is featured in today’s Kindle Daily Deals

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Muscling In (London Menage Book 1)

by Lily Harlem
4.7 stars – 11 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

~Editor’s Pick~

My husband has a secret. Desires he’s kept locked away in a deep, dark place.

Determined to pry details of this forbidden longing, I had no idea how much this new side of him would turn me on. So when I met the object of his lust I couldn’t let it rest.

Edward Mooreland was a force to be reckoned with, a man who fought for his country and what he wanted. But did he want me and my husband? Would I ever experience his passion let loose or would I remain on the sidelines, watching, waiting, hoping?

One thing I knew, I wasn’t the type of girl to give in without a fight. I wanted to be part of the action too. More than part of it, I wanted to be in the goddamn middle of it with bells, whistles and fireworks when it all exploded. Yes…I wanted it all.

Excuse me while I sit in the freezer to cool down! The indomitable queen of steam triumphs once again with this incredibly sexy and emotional ménage story. 5 star review

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