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KND eBook of The Day: 67% Price Cut on “Gritty, Fast-Paced, Realistic Romantic Suspense!” – Race to Kill by Rachel Kall – 99 Cents Today

4.5 stars – 30 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A Love and Scandal Novel (#1)

When fiercely independent Vivian Reese is thrust onto the national stage during a heated presidential campaign, she doesn’t expect to become a media darling. She also doesn’t expect to start to fall for her sexy new bodyguard, Marcus Locke. But when threats start surfacing against the sitting President’s campaign and all evidence points to Vivian, she doesn’t know who to trust.

Delta Force Operator turned FBI agent Marcus Locke is supposed to be investigating campaign finance crimes. He’s not supposed to be checking out the sexy, eloquent campaign spokeswoman Vivian Reese, who’s one of his prime suspects! But when they are caught in the middle of a presidential race that is quickly turning deadly, he is forced to put both his heart and his job in the line of fire.

Tempers flare and passions ignite as the campaign gets dangerous, but when bullets start to fly will either of them survive?

“Rachel Kall writes gritty, fast-paced, realistic romantic suspense that carries a punch to the gut and a twist to the heart. Don’t miss a word!” —Roxanne St. Claire, New York Times bestselling author

“She drew me right into the web of her Love and Scandal world and I don’t know if I’m ready to leave.” –Delighted Reader

Race to Kill was a thrill ride from beginning to finish. It will keep you guessing until the very end with a mystery that draws you in from the very first chapter.” –Dirty Girl Romance Book Blog

“Political intrigue, hot undercover agents, mayhem and murder, gripping suspense and a tentative, unplanned romance……. A complete package!!” –Ripe for Reader

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of Race To Kill by Rachel Kall: