Strange Fruit: and other stories
by Billy McCoy
The female narrator on the cusp of young adulthood is Holly, a biology student at the university, and her parents are successful executives. It only seems logical, at first that she should volunteer at an organization that promises hope and social change, contributing her time to an altruistic venture. But her idealism is about to change, and is portended by others who pinpoint her future successes and failures in a nut shell: “You’re young, a rabid idealist, impressionable, stupid and going to change the world with your over-powering hope and youthful enthusiasm.The movement is better off with your naiveté, it’s a fifth wheel to a truck.You’ll jump in with both feet and boldly change the world. Pity you!”The process of a young idealist’s disillusionment with her world is a painful one, convincingly and creatively explored….”Illumined by McCoy’s unflinching insight, these lives and others draw us in with their quiet depth and surprise us with their unexpected turn of events.
“…McCoy’s unique storyline has great potential; readers should anticipate McCoy to become a rising author of twisted novels.”–SAN FRANCISCO BOOK REVIEW
“…McCoy is a master at creating romances that sparkle with passion as well as disappointment.”–Diane Donovan, eBook Reviewer, MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW
“…these novels aren’t sentimental. You won’t find straight didactics, either. Yet, after reading them you’ll think more than once while making serious decisions. Not all people have a second chance.”–PORTLAND BOOK REVIEW