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He’s quiet, a thinker who is always three steps ahead of the game—in and out of the ring. Until she comes along. What’s a fighter left to do? Fight. Trick (Diablo’s Throne MMA Book 3) by HJ Bellus

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Trick (Diablo’s Throne MMA Book 3)

by HJ Bellus
4.9 stars – 68 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
5 SEXY TRICK STARS!! Love, Love, Love Trick!! This story will touch your heart with all the feels. Trick and Mack are fantastic characters and have one check of a story to tell you. The Diablo’s Throne series is one of my favorite series every. This is one book and series you will want to read.” – Amazon Review

He’s quiet, a thinker who is always three steps ahead of the game—in and out of the ring.

Trenton “Trick” Jameson is a mystery, even to his fellow fighters at Diablo’s Throne. They only know him as the Country Boy Brawler who left home to chase his dreams. His band of brothers have no idea what he’s lost or left behind…

And that’s the way Trick wants it.

With a champion title tied to his name, his future is endless until the raven-haired beauty became his game changer. Mack owned him the moment she stumbled into his world.

Trick could have never seen the sharp turn his life was about to take. Everything always catches up with you, whether you like it or not. And now, all he’s fought for is on the verge of being destroyed.

What’s a fighter left to do?


Trick (Diablo's Throne MMA Book 3) by [Bellus, HJ]