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Read a free sample of our Kindle Nation eBook of the Day, What Churchill Would Do without leaving your browser!

Here’s the set-up for What Churchill Would Do by Stuart Finlay:

The book takes Winston Churchill’s talents for managing WW2 and places some of the lessons learned into a modern context for people to use in everyday business.  People who like WW2 will love the book as will those who might like the idea of using a few ideas from Churchill in their daily life.

From the author:

To really gain an insight into how Winston Churchill managed WW2, you need to read the many thousands of memos he wrote during the war. Churchill’s memoirs are packed full of stories and information, however they were written in the rosy glow of victory. The memo’s tell the real story; written in the heat of the moment they provide a lasting imprint of who Churchill really was and, more importantly for my book, how he went about saving the west from an unspeakable tyranny.

To be clear, this is a business focused book with a twist. It is 80% history, 20% business and 100% entertaining and informative, with lots of surprises thrown in for good measure. 

The subtitle of the book states “Practical Business Advice Based on Winston’s WW2 Wisdom.” There was something about Churchill that marked him as special.

And right here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

“On 15 March 2110, 6.3 billion people will die. One man’s vision …” Free Kindle Nation Shorts – December 13, 2010 – an excerpt from TAG, a novel by Simon Royle

By Stephen Windwalker
Editor of Kindle Nation Daily
©Kindle Nation Daily 2010
I don’t know if you are ready for this.
I’m not going to walk on eggshells with you.
This is a novel like no novel I have ever read. There will be reviewers who will call it science fiction. I don’t think so.
Let me put it to you this way: Was 1984 science fiction? Or John Hersey’s Hiroshima? Or Nevil Shute’s On the Beach?
Not precisely, right?
Over the weekend here we featured a terrific novel, a sweeping historical novel by Paul Clayton in the mode of Ken Follett’s recent bestsellers, and I’ll have to admit that I love the happenstance juxtaposition of these two novels, White Seed and TAG, on our Free Kindle Nation Shorts calendar. There is a sense in which they have much in common in their sweep, in the way they tell a big story.
But there’s something else, too. Anyone with a five-dollar intellect can lay out a big story, but it takes mastery to tell it well. When you find yourself on a golf course with the main characters in Simon Royle’s narrative, totally engrossed in dialogue and story and possibility, and all of it managed with a relaxed hand, you know you are just where you want to be as a reader.
Here’s the set-up:

On 15 March 2110, 6.3 billion people will die.

One man’s vision …

to make the world a better place.

From a world where the concept of violence has changed, and where personal privacy has been forsaken, comes a tale of conspiracy, love and murder – and the bond shared by brothers.

Click here to begin reading the free excerpt


Click on the title or cover image below
to download this stunning
novel for just $2.99

By Simon Royle

 5 out of 5 stars

Kindle Price:     $2.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

Visit Amazon’s Simon Royle Page
Find all the books, read about the author, and more.

Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here:

Click here to download TAG
(or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!
A Brand New Free Kindle Nation Short:

an excerpt from


By Simon Royle


Free Kindle Nation Shorts
December 13, 2010


Copyright © 2010 by Simon Royle and reprinted here with his permission.


This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to people or places, living or dead, is purely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from Simon Royle.

tag: 1 noun. (pronounced ‘tag)

“A children’s game in which one player chases the others in an effort to touch one of them, who then takes the role of pursuer.”

tag: 2 noun. (pronounced ‘tag)   

“A unique identification number assigned to all citizens by the United Nation Population Division by order of the United Nation Personal Unique Identification Law, enacted on January 2073. Requires all citizens to carry upon their person an electronic device containing the means to broadcast their Personal Unique Identifier (PUI), and authorizes the monitoring of the identity, location, movements and actions of any citizen, without prior cause warranting such monitoring, by satellite or any other means by, specifically, The United Nation Police, but extending to assigned authorities of the United Nation, as may be required.”

Prologue A Case File

UNPOL Section Office, Pratunam, Bangkok

Date: Monday December 2 2109
Case #: JM-Bgk-2109
Location: Pratunam, Bangkok
Log Time: 3:30pm
Subject: Jibril Muraz Personal Unique Identifier (PUI): 230963UK
Containment Officer/s: Somchai Pisanulock; Jirasak Pancharoen
Charge/s: Illegal Wiretapping, Identity Fraud, Counterfeiting.


Acting on information from a confidential informant we entered an unlicensed gambling den. Upon entering the premises we found that an illegal migration operation was in place and immediately enacted a containment order on all individuals and equipment. Further investigation of the equipment led us to believe that Jibril Muraz was in fact assisting criminals listed on UNPOL’s Most Wanted to evade detection using counterfeit PUIs. Subject did not resist containment and did not offer a statement.

Date: Tuesday December 3 2109
Case #: JM-Bgk-2109
Location: Pratunam, Bangkok
Log Time: 4:30pm
Subject: Jibril Muraz Personal Unique Identifier (PUI): 230963UK
Charge/s: Illegal Wiretapping, Identity Fraud, Counterfeiting.

Transfer Order:

By request of Serious Crimes Unit, UNPOL HQ, New Singapore. Please arrange immediate transfer of subject to New Singapore UNPOL HQ. Containment Unit prepared to receive at Changi Levport.

Date: Wednesday December 4 2109
Case #: JM-Bgk-2109
Request: Truth Treatment.
Location: Level 10, UNPOL
Log Time: 12:30am
Subject: Jibril Muraz
Request Filed by: Agent Sharon Cochran
Requested authorized for Submission: Director of UNPOL: Thomas Bartholomew Oliver
Request Authorized: Judge Miriam Wu
Truth Treatment Transcript:

Cochran: I’d like to start by asking a couple of basic questions that you should have no trouble answering. Is that OK? A Yes or No answer is sufficient.
Muraz: Yes.
Cochran: Your name is Jibril Muraz? And your PUI is 230963UK?
Muraz: No.
Cochran: Your identification and PUI were gathered from your Dev at the time of your containment in Bangkok; are you saying that this is not your true identity?
Muraz: Yes.
Cochran: Could you tell us your real identity?
Muraz: Yes.
Cochran: Good, excellent. We do appreciate your cooperation. Now perhaps you could give us more information about who you are beyond a simple Yes or No answer. What is your real identity?
Muraz: My real identity is Unknown.
Cochran: Um, yes, I see. All right, let’s move on, we can come back to the issue of your identity later. Your fixed abode is listed as 61 Sholle Street, Paddington, London, however we have checked that address and it doesn’t exist. Can you tell us where you normally live?
Muraz: Yes.
Cochran: And where is that then?
Muraz: I live in another dimension. It is alien to you.
Cochran: I see. Perhaps you could tell me more about this dimension. Where is it?
Muraz: I can’t explain it to you. You do not have the mental capacity or knowledge to understand any answer I could give you about that dimension.
Cochran: Well why don’t we try at least, could you tell me more about this dimension?
Muraz: No.
End of Truth Treatment Transcript.

Subject refused to answer the last question, and biometrics for the subject indicated that he fell asleep after saying, ” No”.

Truth Treatment concluded. The effectiveness of the truth treatment is in doubt in this case. The results are inconclusive and provide no further information for trace unit, other than what is already known.

Date: Wednesday December 4 2109
Location: Level 10, UNPOL
Log Time: 11:30pm
Subject requested to produce an oral statement for the court
Transcript of Statement: Jibril Muraz 230963UK
Attending Officer: Agent Sharon Cochran
Statement Follows:
I was working as an illegal runner in a small shop in Bangkok. Life was simple. Eat, sleep, work. The rate was good, too good. We were running illegals, mostly out of the China Geographic but some from other Geographics too. If you could come up with the 50k cred for the counterfeit Personal Unique Identifiers we spent our days scripting, then you were eligible. We’d been at it for six weeks operating in shifts, two shifts, twelve to a shift, each of us running between three and eight illegals. At 50k per illegal good rates were being made by all us: 50% in cred cards, paid then and there, each time we got someone through the security zones to their agreed destination.

The guy running the shop was a bastard, a real mean sadistic son of a bitch. He kept the temperature down, said it kept us awake. The shop was cold; I had to keep blowing into my hands just to keep my fingers from freezing. The booths had no heating, it was just horrible, but warmth, comfort, ethics, morals, rights and wrongs, well it was easy to forget all that with that amount of cred we were making.
I’ve been a ‘gun for hire’ since I was fourteen and here we are twenty years down that track. You want to know what happened and why. I can tell you the what. The why I am still working out.
[At this point, the subject Jibril Muraz requested, under article 3 of the United Nation Containment Code, that he be allowed to meet with arbitrator Jonah James Oliver. Request was formally denied on grounds of level 1 security threat.]

Statement continued:
The light show didn’t work. The drugs haven’t worked, and in another half an hour everything you know about me will disappear from your systems and you will not know who or what I am. Better get me what I want or you’ll come out of this with nothing you want or need.

[At this point subject appeared to adopt a meditation position and began to meditate.]

Chapter 1 The Request

UNPOL Headquarters, Jurong Island, New Singapore

Thursday 5 December 2109, 11:24am

“At which point all trace of Mr Jibril Muraz disappeared from our systems and he hasn’t said a word after that.” The woman who had just presented raised her eyebrows as if to invite a question from me. We were sitting in a small conference room on the new Biosense office seats that procurement had seen fit to torture us with.

“And he was drugged?” Well it might be stating the obvious but she was clearly expecting me to say something, and I still had last night’s leaving party for Milo banging around in my head. The last thing I needed was a runner.
She looked at me like I was some kind of novice. “Yes, of course he was drugged. Under the situation this was natural and after clearing his medical we proceeded with the Truth Treatment.”
“I see, and how did he respond to that treatment?”
At this Agent Sharon Cochran looked just a little perturbed and a slight edge of doubt crept into her voice, “He, um, appeared to resist the Truth Treatment, although that is hard to prove.”
I sensed she was dodging around something here that she didn’t want to talk about.
“Well, in what way was it hard to prove that he was resisting?”
She looked me in the eye, “Under the Truth Treatment he stated that he was an alien being from another dimension.”
I spat out my Starbucks latte over the table in front of me. “He what?” I couldn’t help it, and Sharon raised an eyebrow.
“I said that he claimed he was an alien being. Look, this case is a problem, we’re under intense time pressure to get it cracked and all we have is a runner who claims he’s from another planet or dimension or whatever. I don’t have time to debate the how and the why we got here, we need answers and we need them quick. Can you talk to him or should I call someone else?” With this last thrust of her best executive power-presenting performance she looked at her watch and then frowned at my latte splattered all over the table.
“Why me? I’m an arbitrator, why don’t you take this up with the prosecutors’ staff?” I rose from the Biosense chair and dabbed at the spilt latte with my handkerchief as I said this. I really didn’t need this right now. I had a huge caseload already and this pro bono work for UNPOL was just something I did to appease my uncle.
“He doesn’t want to talk to any arbitrator. He wants to talk to you.” She smiled as she saw the frown on my face and again looked me right in the eyes. “He asked for you by name.”
I sat back down.
“OK Sharon, maybe you’d better start at the beginning, because a second ago you said you’d be happy to call someone else and now you’re saying he knows me and wants only to talk to me!”
“First of all I didn’t say I’d be happy to call someone else. I said I would if you wouldn’t take the job,” she said, leaning over the table so her face was only cents away from mine. And secondly, this guy was running sixteen illegals at the same time, all of them grade one, which is something we have never heard of, never mind seen, and we only discovered him by complete accident. At this exact moment in time we have sixteen of the most wanted people in the universe running around, and we haven’t got a clue where they are. We need him to talk and fast. Can you help?”
I really wanted to have Sharon right there and then on the table, having been thoroughly dominated and turned on by her power shakedown. I resorted to the male primeval of telling her this with my eyes. There were only two problems with that: one, she was happily married, and two, she was a lesbian and one hundred percent committed to her partner, both of which were facts she communicated right back with her eyes, basically telling me to fuck off and hell would freeze over before I got within touching distance of her body.
“OK, I’ll talk to him.”
“Thank you. The complete file is in there; don’t worry it’s a standalone and this room is silent,” she said, indicating the Dev with a wave of her hand and smiling, almost in pity I thought, as she left the room. The door clicked shut.
“Shit,” I spat out, my lips compressed tightly in annoyance. I should have turned it down flat. It had trouble written all over it and my stupid fantasies about Cochran had led me into a place I really didn’t need to be. I blew out my cheeks and let out a long sigh. This had been a dumb move, but then Milo’s party was partly to blame – I’d drunk too many alkys for my own good. I stood and ran my hand through my hair. Doing a quick inventory of what I’d said and thought while with Cochran. “Shit, shit, shit,” I said, and was hitting the table with my fist, when out of the corner of my eye I saw the door open and Sharon pop her head back in. I froze and shifted to try and make it look as if I always sat like this.
Sharon frowned and said, “Oh and Jonah, the Director, would like to see you before you talk to the runner.” With a last quick flash of that feline smile and a quirky raise of the eyebrows she was gone, closing the door behind her.
The Director of UNPOL Sir Thomas Bartholomew Oliver, my uncle. He’d never asked to see me about any official matter in all my time in New Singapore. UNPOL really did have a problem if he was getting involved at this level. If he was involved then it was very serious, and my name was in there – the runner had asked for me by name. I had to see why my name was in there.
I turned to the Dev on the table in front of me and said, “This is Arbitrator Jonah James Oliver, sign on.” The device snapped on with the Center’s Portal set as the landing page. I saw that the detached icon was displayed, so the Dev was disconnected from the network, and my credentials and icon came up in the bottom corner. “Provide me with case file on Jibril Muraz.”
The screen filled with the data stream dating back from today with referenced digital information on Jibril Muraz. There wasn’t much, but what there was I couldn’t believe. This guy had been running sixteen of the most wanted criminals on earth. Then, when they were interrogating him, all reference data to his PUI had disappeared along with all the reference data related to the criminals he was running. He was forty-six years old. Registered to a non-existent address at Sholle Street, Paddington, London. Scanning his transcript I saw that he claimed to have been doing this since he was fourteen. How many other illegals had he placed in society? He was being kept in Level Ten, ‘The Deep’, as they called it here at UNPOL.
I said, “Show me references to Oliver.”
The Devscreen resized around the scant information, and zoomed to the end of the transcript just before he had sat down and meditated. The transcript didn’t give me his exact words, which I would have liked to have seen, just that he requested to see me.
This was a big case. It was interesting too. Most of the pro bono work I did for UNPOL was incredibly routine and dull, albeit occasionally gratifying in helping someone out of a mess, but this case was going to be big news. My mind suddenly conjured up an image of the cases I had stacked up at my regular contribution. Although the case was interesting I should pass. Let someone else have the limelight on this one. I was just too busy.
I popped my Devstick into the Dev and, taking a copy of the data, logged the copy.
“This is UN Operative Jonah James Oliver, sign off.” I got up from the table and steeled myself for the coming encounter. Time to see the Director.

Chapter 2 The Director

UNPOL Headquarters, Director’s Office, 244th floor

Thursday 5 December 2109, 11:55am

“Jonah come in, take a seat. How are you my boy?” Sir Thomas said with a smile and a jab of his hand indicating the chairs in front of his desk.

“I am well, Uncle, thank you,” I said and walked across the room to Sir Thomas’s desk and sat down on one of the two straight-backed wooden chairs facing him, and waited for him to speak. He looked at me, his eyes large in the rimless glasses. An affectation, technology rendering the glasses unnecessary, but Sir Thomas refused the surgery and preferred the round rimless glasses. He fiddled with a trackball on his desk and then looked directly at me again.
“Jonah I have to ask you this, as a matter of protocol, and whatever the answer I need the absolute truth from you. This man who’s requested to meet with you. Do you know him?” Sir Thomas held my eyes with a solemn expression. I had a flashback to a moment when a vase had been broken in his study and he’d asked me then for the absolute truth. The answer that time had been yes I had broken it and hidden the evidence. This time I was sure I was innocent. Somehow even at thirty-four years of age my uncle could make me feel like a little boy again.
“No sir, I’d never met or heard of him before this morning’s events.”
Sir Thomas stared at me hard, looking deep into my eyes with his enlarged pupils and the corners of his mouth twitched upwards.
“Good. I believe you. Any idea why he is requesting to see you?”
“No sir, I have given it some thought and I checked back cases for any references to his name, but I haven’t come up with anything.”
“No, neither have we. So it seems we need you to talk to him. Are you comfortable with that?”
“Honestly? No, my caseload is fairly heavy right now, and I really don’t have the time. However, judging from the evidence and the seriousness of the alleged offenses it would seem that we don’t have any choice.”
“Quite so, quite so,” said Sir Thomas, nodding his nearly bald head up and down. I thought it was remarkable how little we actually resembled each other given that I was his brother’s son. I broke my thoughts to focus: Sir Thomas was speaking again.
“Yes, I read of your recent victory in the Schilling vs. Bauer case, excellent work, that, you saved them 130 million cred. I was – am – very proud of you.”
“Thank you sir.” I wasn’t surprised that he’d heard of the case; it had been dragging on for four years by the time it reached me at Coughington and Scuttle.
Sir Thomas sat forward in his Siteazy and clasping his hands together rested them on his dark wooden desk. “Yes, well, I have taken the liberty of asking the Board of Governors to send a note to Bill Scuttle requesting an immediate leave of absence for you in connection with your pro bono contribution here at UNPOL. We haven’t given them any details of your role here other than to say it is of vital importance to the Nation, something that won’t do your Contributory Record any harm either. Now take a look at the wall screen,” he said, indicating the wall behind me. I stood up and turned the straight-backed wooden chair to an angle that would allow me to talk to Sir Thomas and have an easy view of the wall screen. I sat back down and folded my hands into my lap.
An image appeared of a man sitting naked on a Biosense chair in white space. Jibril Muraz. He sat in the lotus position, his eyes closed. He seemed perfectly still and without his bio data indicating his vital signs streaming across the bottom of the screen in a constant flow, like a stock ticker, you might have thought him dead.
Sir Thomas cleared his throat and said, “This is how he has been since he requested to see you. He’s in the White Room in the Deep. The White Room is a new development here and we only use it in extreme cases. This one qualifies. Basically you feel as if you’re in a cloud, with no sense of depth or orientation. You wake up sitting on that chair without a floor beneath your feet. It’s experimental but so far we’ve had good results. So far that is until Mr Jibril Muraz. He’s resisted Truth Treatment which is highly unusual with all that rubbish about being an alien, and he has obviously penetrated our information systems because of the data loss. So irrespective of the sixteen criminals who are now scattered around the universe – and we haven’t a clue who or where they are – the fact that this Jibril Muraz is in our systems is enough cause for huge concern. We need you to bring all your skills to bear as a negotiator and draw him out, get him to speak.”
I waited for Sir Thomas to continue and when he didn’t I asked, “Do I have to conduct the interview in the White Room?” There it was, my final acceptance that I had to take this role, but then I’d really accepted the instant I heard he’d asked for me. My mind flashed a quick image of Cochran and I pushed it away. Focus.
“No, but we would prefer it if you did.”
I took out my Devstick and looking at the case file information said, “According to the case file the timing between his request for a meeting with me and the sudden disappearance of all of his related data was almost instantaneous. That couldn’t have been a planned coincidence – wouldn’t that indicate that he has an accomplice?”
“Yes, that’s possible and our current most likely scenario. That or he planted a data time bomb and counted, which we haven’t ruled out. Either way the implications are extremely serious.”
“Yes I understand. Is it possible that his accomplice is still in the system and watching us?”
“Yes, it is possible and there is a risk.”

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Monday, December 13: LIVING FOR GOD’S GLORY tops our updated list of 180+ free listings, plus … a sweeping historical novel in the mode of Ken Follett, but this one’s only $2.99: White Seed: The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke by Paul Clayton (Today’s Sponsor)

Merlin’s HarpCode BlueStupid Christmas … and, this morning, Living for God’s Glory … these are just a few of the freebies you may have missed if you haven’t checked out our 180+ automatically updated Free Book Alert listings lately….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

One of the most haunting mysteries in American history — The Lost Colony of Roanoke — comes roaring back to life in White Seed….

 “For readers of American history, the barely known chapters, of Raleigh’s ill-fated experimental colony have always sparked conjecture. White Seed does an admirable job in bringing together the realities of the late 16th century …” –Richard Sutton, Novelist

by Paul Clayton
4.2 out of 5 stars – 13 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 

Here’s the set-up according to the Midwest Book Review…

“Dropping off the face of the earth, the lost colony of Roanoke has been the attraction of much wonder. “White Seed: The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke” is a novel offering Paul Clayton’s take on this lost colony of people who were abandoned by their countrymen on the shores of the uncharted Virginia. Telling a story of an abused Irish girl finding her place in this new world and finding love in the wrong places, and the plotting of local warlords, “White Seed” is a fascinating read that should not be missed.”  

Here’s the cast of characters…
  • Maggie Hagger, indentured Irish serving girl, a victim of rape and intimidation
  • Manteo, Croatoan interpreter for the English, inhabitant of two worlds, belonging to neither
  •  John White, ineffective Governor, painter, dreamer, father and grandfather
  •  Captain Stafford, brave and disciplined, but cruel soldier
  •  Powhatan, shrewd Tidewater warlord who wages a stealthy war against the colonists
About the author…
Paul Clayton was born in Chester, Pennsylvania, in 1948. He attended Catholic schools in the fifties and sixties. In 1968 he was drafted and served a tour of duty in Vietnam as a rifleman. He returned and attended Temple University, earning a Bachelor’s degree in English. He has worked as a substitute teacher in the Philadelphia public school system, a disabled Veterans’ counselor, and a technical writer.

Paul is the author of a three-book historical series on the Spanish Conquest of the Floridas ― Calling Crow, Flight of the Crow, and Calling Crow Nation (Putnam/Berkley), and a novel, Carl Melcher Goes to Vietnam (St. Martin’s Press), based on his own experiences in that war.

Carl Melcher Goes to Vietnam was a finalist at the 2001 Frankfurt eBook Awards, along with works by Joyce Carol Oates (Faithless) and David McCullough (John Adams).

Paul’s latest work is a historical novel, White Seed: The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Based on the historical writings of Governor John White and other Elizabethans, White Seed will appeal to readers in America and, especially, England from whence the lost colonists departed.

Paul currently lives in Concord, California, with his son and daughter.

Click here to visit his Amazon author’s page.

Click here to download White Seed: The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Authors, Publishers, iPad Accessory Manufacturers:
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store 

Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

Read a free sample of our Kindle Nation eBook of the Day, My Life Behind The Brick Wall without leaving your browser!

Here’s the set-up for our Kindle Nation eBook of the Day, My Life Behind The Brick Wall:

Twenty-nine-year-old Vivian Craig has just been promoted to managing editor at “The Brick Bulletin,” a trade publication focused on profoundly uninteresting brick-related data. She’s looking for a more creative outlet than bricks can provide, and finds one in her new blog, “Behind the Brick Wall.”

Which will get her into big trouble.

Vivian also has her hands full dealing with a hypochondriac receptionist who loves to talk about her ailments in excruciating detail; a coworker apparently bent on jealous revenge after Vivian’s promotion; a melodramatic sister with a weakness for romance novels and classical piano; a would-be suitor with an ego so inflated he can barely see around it; a sharp-tongued grandmother whose philosophy is: if you can’t say something nice, so much the better; and a propensity for clumsiness.

There’s plenty of pride, prejudice, and pandemonium to be found behind Vivian’s brick wall.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your sample:

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Sunday, December 12: Take a fresh look at over 180 contemporary free book listings, plus … a thrilling page-turned with a following of thousands for just 99 cents in 65 Below by Basil Sands (Today’s Sponsor)

Great minds think alike, and in this case we’re talking not only about ourselves but about the great minds at Amazon. If you’ve been choking on the incredibly rich supply of new free book listings and holiday-themed reading, maybe it will help you change the pace by finding a totally off-topic thrilling page-turner if we stand pat with our 180+ Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Can’t stand pat? (That’s what Nixon said, but I digress.) Then we’ve got the perfect thrilling page-turner here for you — and at 99 cents in certainly qualifies as a holiday bargain!

A great story that found thousands of followers in its original incarnation as a popular podcast audio book is now reborn as a Kindle book: 65 Below now includes new scenes and additional characters not in the original audio.
by Basil Sands
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Here’s the set-up…

After twenty years hunting terrorists under orders to “render harmless”, USMC Master Sergeant Marcus Orlando Johnson, Mojo to his friends, settles into a quiet rural retirement on his childhood home in the Alaskan backwoods. But the idyllic retirement is shattered when Marcus comes across soldiers of America’s staunchest enemy who are about to unleash a nightmarish biological weapon on the world from the most unexpected of places. 

With the help of his ex-fiancee, State Trooper Lonnie Wyatt, and his old special operations buddy Harley Wasner they race to stop a potentially devastating terrorist attack with worldwide implications but even nature is against them as the temperatures plummet to 65 below.

Read what other authors say about 65 Below…

“Sands is fearless in his storytelling, and tireless in his quest to connect directly with his audience. Big Publishing? Watch out for this guy.” –Scott Sigler, NY Times Bestselling author of Infected, Contagious, and Ancestor

“Basil Sands is one awesome writer, penning stories pumped with enough adrenaline that you’ll suffer from insomnia until you read the last word. This is one writer not to be missed.” –-Jeremy Robinson, author of Pulse and Instinct

About the author…
Author of three action packed novels and ten short stories, Basil built an audience of tens of thousands of listeners to the online audio versions of his books. His stories have been called “Pulse Pounding” and “Breathtaking”. Give them a read and judge for yourself.
Basil does not just write stories, but has lived a lot of what they contain. The backdrop for his writing started with his birth in rural interior Alaska and his school years among the Ohio cornfields where he wished to be anywhere else as long as it was exciting. He has lived in Alaska, San Diego, DC, Baltimore, and Ohio. He tried a career in the Marines. After injuries sent him home early he worked at the NSA, owned a computer shop, was a carpenter, farmer, actor, lumberjack, voice actor, EMT, network admin, helpdesk supervisor, Boy Scout leader, IT trainer, radio talk host, youth minister, and was a sergeant in the Alaska Defense Force Coastal Scouts.
Until a ski injury in 2008 he had been an avid weight lifter and could bench press 420 lbs. Now he’s limited to a bit on the eliptical machine each day and hefting his laptop and an occasional pint of Guinness.
He lives in Anchorage Alaska with his wife and sons.

Click here to visit his Amazon author’s page.

Click here to download 65 Below (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Authors, Publishers, iPad Accessory Manufacturers:
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Undercover FBI agent Ian Gray’s world is turned upside down when he discovers a domestic terror group unlike any other; one composed of Americans intent on attacking the Muslim world.

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Their goal:  Destroy a civilization.
From The Author:
A single person now has the ability to murder or maim dozens, hundreds, perhaps even thousands of people, simply by doing the right research and getting the right materials together.

How does the world go on when everyone’s life depends on every person choosing not to become a terrorist?

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Free Kindle Nation Shorts – December 11, 2010 – White Seed: The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke, by Paul Clayton

By Stephen Windwalker
Editor of Kindle Nation Daily
©Kindle Nation Daily 2010

Subject to check, I believe that this weekend’s Free Kindle Nation Short excerpt of over 26,000 words from Paul Clayton’s historical novel White Seed: The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke is the longest offering we have ever shared in this space. Once you scroll down or click on the next link to begin reading, I think you’ll understand why we were happy to give Paul Clayton all the space he wanted to draw you into this sweeping achievement of a book.

Scroll down to begin reading the free excerpt

In the dedication that appears at the beginning of our excerpt, Clayton takes a major risk. He dedicates his book to Clavell, Michener, and Follett — three masters of the grand historical novel — and in so doing he invites the kind of comparison from which many authors would run and hide. Well before you’ve finished reading this excerpt and gone on to download the book for $2.99 you are likely to reach the same conclusion that several reviewers did, the same conclusion that I did: Clayton is up to the comparison.

Here’s the set-up:

One of the most haunting mysteries in American history – The Lost Colony of Roanoke – comes roaring back to life in White Seed, with a compelling cast of characters, among them:

Maggie Hagger, indentured Irish serving girl, a victim of rape and intimidation,

Manteo, Croatoan interpreter for the English, inhabitant of two worlds, belonging to neither,

John White, ineffective Governor, painter, dreamer, father and grandfather,

Captain Stafford, brave and disciplined, but cruel soldier, and

Powhatan, shrewd Tidewater warlord who wages a stealthy war against the colonists.

From Publishers Weekly: White Seed … hews closely to the record of Sir Walter Raleigh’s second doomed attempt to plant the British flag in Virginia… The depiction of the colony’s physical and moral disintegration between 1587 and 1590… evokes a harrowing sense of human fallibility.

Readers … will find this saga, which … soon achieves page-turner velocity, to be both a dandy diversion and an entertaining education.
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to download the complete novel for just $2.99
White Seed:
The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke

by Paul Clayton

 4.2 out of 5 stars  13 Reviews
Kindle Price:     $2.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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White Seed:
The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke
by Paul Clayton

Free Kindle Nation Shorts
December 11, 2010


Copyright © 2009, 2010 by Paul Clayton and reprinted here with his permission.

The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

I would like to dedicate this book to James Clavell, James Michener, and also Ken Follett, wonderful authors of the big, compelling, ‘time-trip’ kind of books I love to read.

Chapter 1

Spring, 1587, Plymouth England…

Maggie knew that this old man would do to her what the other had – if he could get her alone. She stood on the deck of Sir Walter Raleigh’s ship, the Lion, the afternoon sun burning through her simple gown of green linen, as she waited for her turn to be interviewed for a place in Raleigh’s New World Virginia Paradise. She had not eaten all day and the stench of garbage and pitch pine from the harbor threatened to make her retch. The old man, a sailor with a gray goat’s beard sprouting from his chin, sat at a table ten feet away, writing in a black leather-bound ledger open before him.

Maggie Hagger, seventeen years of age, had long, red hair and a fair, pretty face flecked with freckles. The ship, although tightly tethered to the quay, moved slightly on a swell. Maggie took her eyes off the man to look up at the looping white of the furled sails as they moved slightly across the blue vault of the sky. Like a graceful swan, this ship would take her far away to safety upon its downy back — if she got a contract of indenture! And get one she must… or hang!

“Next!” the old sailor said finally.

As Maggie approached, she looked to her left at twenty-five or so common people dressed in plain brown woolens and homespun, whose terms of indenture had already been purchased. They waited in the stark sunlight with their belongings in shabby bundles about their feet. On the other side in the shade cast by stacks of wooden pens containing sheep and hens, about a dozen of the better sort, dressed in fine clothes and wearing hats of bright colors, talked softly. They were all watching Maggie expectantly.


“Maggie Hagger.”

He had an ugly voice like the bark of a dog, recalling to Maggie the bray of the man who had pursued her and Thomas halfway across England. She remembered their escape from the London warehouse in the blackness of night. They had crept along the slippery stones of the exposed banks of the Thames as a horrid, faceless man shouted after them, “Redheaded whore! Wherever you go I will find you. Hear me! I will find you and you shall hang!” Maggie suspected that the man had had some connection to Thomas’s master.

Thomas, who was two or three behind Maggie in the line, called to her, “worry not, Maggie. We will soon be aboard.”

Maggie prayed that he was right. A fellow countryman, Thomas had been her traveling companion for much of the last year, but it was by chance and not choice. A dull looking, straw-haired lad of eighteen, Thomas stood out only by virtue of the jaunty fig-colored felt hat upon his head, its crown bulging up roundly like the crust on a newly baked pie. The old sailor continued his scribbling and Maggie looked at the crumpled handbill she had found nailed to a wall the day before. It had a drawing of a proud little merchant ship, its white sails bellied out by a fair breeze. She read silently:

The City of Raleigh Offering Most
Excellent Fruits By Planting
In The Virginia
Artisans And
Common Folk Apply At The
Berth Of Sir Walter Raleigh’s Ship, Lion.

“Step up, wench. Quickly!”

Maggie’s legs shook slightly from weakness and fear as she approached the man.

His eyes pawed over her body. “What is yer age?”


He continued to speak as he looked down and wrote in his ledger, “And what service would ye be offering these gentlemen, wench?”

Guffaws of laughter came from some nearby sailors coiling some ropes and Maggie’s face turned crimson. “Cookmaid or serving girl,” she said quickly. “Child teacher too. I can read and write and sum.”

The old sailor looked up from his ledger. “We’ve already signed aboard the serving girls,” he said. He looked around at the crowd. “Be there anyone still in need of a cookmaid or child teacher?”

Silence greeted the question and Maggie felt the blood run out of her. She must find a place on this ship and sail away. She must! She looked around at the people but only indifference or amusement showed in their faces and her hope sank like a stone.


Maggie was turning to go when a gruff male voice called out, “Are ye a good cook, girl?”

A tall, muscled, middle-aged soldier pushed through the crowd. Maggie thought him handsome in a rough way, but something about him inexplicably made her wary.

“Aye, sir,” she said, taking in his broad shoulders, blue eyes, and thick brown hair. He smiled, attempting to put her at ease, but his eyes bore into hers so brazenly that she had to look away.

He turned to the old sailor. “I will pay ten pounds for her term.”

“Very well, Captain Stafford,” said the old sailor, “ten pounds.”

“I will pay fifteen!” The voice was kindly, but bold. Maggie looked up to see a white haired gentleman step out of the crowd. “I could use a wench to help my daughter, Eleanor.”

“Aye, Governor White,” said the sailor, “fifteen is offered.”

“Eleanor Dare has a husband to help her,” said Stafford, “and a father. I will pay sixteen pounds for the serving wench’s contract.”

The sailors had stopped their work to listen intently. The crowd grew quiet and craned their heads inquisitively.

“I will pay eighteen,” said John White.

The mast and yards creaked in a sluggish breeze. Captain Stafford placed his hands on his hips and shook his head. He laughed suddenly and raucously. “Very well, Governor. My quarters may well be untidy during the crossing but at least I shall retain my humble fortune.”

The sailors laughed. The old ledger-keeper scowled at them and they went back to their work. He turned to Maggie. “Very well, wench. Governor White has agreed to pay the cost of your transport to Virginia. For this ye will work for him and his daughter, Eleanor for a term of four years. She is with child and will need much care on the crossing. Do ye agree to this?”

Maggie could not help smiling. “Aye.”

The old sailor placed his knobby finger on the ledger. “Make your mark here.”

Maggie signed her name and walked across the waist to stand with the others. She was shocked to see Lionel the cutpurse among them. Lionel’s idiot son, Humphrey, who had always been at his side, was now nowhere in sight and Maggie wondered what had become of him.

Lionel had obviously seen Maggie, yet he would not look at her. He had disappeared the day before without a word of goodbye. No longer the patch-worn cutpurse masquerading as a gentleman, Lionel was now a humble yeoman farmer in brown homespun he had evidently stolen from a clothesline somewhere. Maggie marveled at the man’s ability to transform himself.

Her face still warm from all the eyes upon her, Maggie gave Lionel wide berth. A broad-faced, heavyset woman about a dozen years older than Maggie was signed next. Carrying two heavy bundles under her arms, she rocked back and forth as she crossed the deck. She stood next to Maggie, setting her bundles down with a sigh.

Her rough face softened into a smile. “‘Tweren’t more than a dozen behind me, Dearie,” she said softly, “so we shan’t have to stand here in this sun much longer.”

Maggie smiled upon hearing the lilting tones of her own country in the woman’s voice.

“Next!” called the old sailor and Thomas stepped forward.

“Yer name?” said the old sailor.

Thomas licked his lips. “Thomas Shande.”



“What is yer occupation?”

“Apprentice cooper.”

The woman next to Maggie clucked her tongue impatiently. “Thinks he’s the grand high inquisitor…”

A nearby soldier cast a warning look but the woman went on undeterred. “The sun and sea have long since roasted what little brains the poor man had. That is why the heat bothers him not.”

Maggie smiled but she was beginning to worry. If Thomas did not get a place on the ship, would he let her go? Or would he turn her in out of jealousy? Sadly, she did not know the answer.

“To whom were ye apprenticed?” said the old sailor.

Thomas swallowed visibly, looking around at the people. “Ah… Master John Smith,” he lied. Someone in the crowd laughed. “He died last year, “Thomas quickly added, “and I have found no position since.”

“Well,” said the sailor, “we already have a cooper and he already has an apprentice.” He looked sternly at Thomas then said, “”Next!”

Maggie’s hopes fell as Thomas turned to go.


It was the Captain who had attempted to buy her contract.

“Not afraid of hard work, are ye, boy?” the Captain asked Thomas.

Thomas shook his head. “Nay, sir.”

“Take off yer shirt.”

Thomas quickly took off his shirt and the Captain assayed his physique.

“I will buy his term for the company,” said the Captain. “He appears healthy and we can always use another strong back.”

“Aye,” said the old sailor. “Purchased for four years by Captain Stafford.”

Thomas came over to stand with the common people.

Maggie looked over at Lionel. With his thinning hair combed forward and his pointed little beard, he looked too cunning to be a farmer. His intelligent gray eyes met Maggie’s briefly and she read in them that he wanted to remain anonymous. She looked away.

“That is all for now,” the old sailor called to the crowd. “Take them below,” he said to one of the sailors

Maggie and the others picked up their things and followed the sailor to an open hatchway. Her worries and loneliness faded as she trudged down the steps. Shuffling footsteps reverberated in the dark passageways as Lionel deliberately lagged behind and Thomas disappeared somewhere. Maggie and the others squeezed through the narrow spaces, hugging their bundles and bags close. Finally they came out into a larger, open area amidships on a lower deck where daylight streamed down through latticework hatches. Four cannon pointed out through opened gun ports, admitting additional sunlight. A raised wooden hatch covered the entryway to the deck below. Straw-filled tick mattresses lay about on the plank floor between the cannons, half of them already occupied by women and children, a few of them asleep. The air was humid and tinged with the smell of sweat, but the breeze coming through the gun ports mitigated its unpleasantness. After having had her prayers answered and securing a place on the ship, Maggie knew she should be at peace. But only after they were safely at sea and her awful pursuer no longer a threat, could she rest easy.

“I slept in worse, I’ll tell ye that,” said the heavyset woman, breaking into Maggie’s thoughts.

Maggie smiled.

Maggie took a mattress and the heavyset woman took the mattress beside her. The woman’s words – the simple musings of a fellow traveler, someone who was not after Maggie for what she could get, but rather wanting only to pass the time – warmed Maggie like the glow of a fire. “What is your name?” Maggie asked.

“Elizabeth McNeil of Belfast. And ye?”

“Maggie Hagger.” Maggie saw Lionel Fisher enter the cabin and claim a mattress on the other side. He glanced briefly at Maggie and then lay back to rest. The light filtering down through the latticework grew dim as a cloud passed overhead. Elizabeth patted Maggie’s hand kindly. “‘Tis no fun being footloose, is it, Dearie? Always on the move, living hand-to-mouth. Well, that will soon change.”

Maggie nodded.

“And yer indentured to the governor and his daughter! They’ll take good care of ye, that I’ll wager.”

“Aye.” Maggie remembered the old gentleman’s kindly face and hoped Elizabeth was right. Several sailors entered and lay down more mattresses on the deck. One of them hung a gimbaled lamp from a hook on the bulkhead to be lit later.

“Who bought your contract?” Maggie asked Elizabeth.

Elizabeth smiled. “A young gallant from Devon, Sir James Duncan.” Elizabeth leaned conspiratorially close, “the one with a blue peacock’s feather flyin’ from a red Italian hat. He be a friend of Raleigh’s and looking to get rich stealing the savages’ gold.”

Thomas approached. Nodding to Elizabeth, he got down on one knee. “Maggie, there be a sow giving birth to a litter. Come and see.”

Maggie knew what he really wanted. She shook her head tiredly. “Nay. I am too tired. Show me on the morrow.”

Thomas got to his feet. “Suit yerself.” He walked off into the growing dimness.

Maggie closed her eyes, giving in to her exhaustion. Elizabeth’s voice roused her from falling into sleep.

“Maggie! That lad fancies ye! Better let him catch ye before ye get too old.”

Maggie shook her head. “I’ve had my fill of him since we left London.”

“London town!” said Elizabeth with wonder. “And why would you leave such a grand city?”

Maggie looked around for a place to keep their talk confidential. Some of the people were sleeping, a few snoring. “Let us go somewhere else,” she said.

They walked a little ways down the passage, coming to another open space. The dim golden light of a lamp revealed stacked casks and boxes rising like small hills. A farmer sat among them on a mattress. He looked at them tiredly. A few feet from him a thick door led to another passageway. Maggie tried it but it seemed to be bolted from the other side.

“Let me try?” Elizabeth grunted as she tugged at the door. “Tight as a drum.”

“They always lock the doors,” said the farmer.

“Pray tell why?” said Elizabeth.

The man frowned as if she should know the answer. “So ye will not run away. We had some run away while we were tied up in Portsmouth. Since then they always lock the doors.”

Elizabeth clucked scoldingly. “Treat us like beasts, they do.”

They went back to their quarters where the other lamp had been lit. “Let us sit,” said Maggie. “I am tired.”

After they sat, Elizabeth looked around and then said to Maggie, “you said you left London. Why?”

Maggie sighed. Elizabeth would not let her alone until she told her more. “I used to sell beer,” Maggie began, “to the tradesmen and sailors on the quays along the Thames.” Elizabeth nodded her head encouragingly. “Thomas worked as an apprentice in Master John Spencer’s cooperage on Shandling Quay. I was in the habit of stopping in to see him and we would talk of country and kin.”

Elizabeth nodded sadly. “Aye. Go on, girl.”

“This day when I went in, Thomas was not there.” In the telling, Maggie began to relive the event, finding herself once again in the dim coolness of the cooperage, the smells of freshly cut wood and resins filling her nose. Thomas’s tools lay scattered about near a huge, nearly completed tun cask, big enough to hold several grown men inside. When the barrel was finished, it would be filled with wine from the vats overhead.

Maggie heard shuffling. The old woman who cleaned the place came down the stairs carrying her broom. Maggie cringed at the sight of her dirty skirts and unkempt hair, her wrinkled skin. A hag is what she was. It was an uncharitable thought, Maggie knew, but the old Englishwoman made no secret of her dislike for Maggie and so to hell with her. Maggie was about to go back out into the street when someone called her.

“Wench! Up here.”

From a small window in his loft, Master Spencer, the Cooper waved to her to come up. She climbed the stairs. The door to his office was open and she looked in. He leaned over a table full of drawings and drawing tools. He looked over and waved her in. “Close the door,” he ordered, “yer invitin’ the flies in.”

Maggie’s breathing had quickened from the stairs. She looked around for Thomas as she quickly poured a cup of beer for Master Spencer. She handed him the cup and he regarded her calmly as he slowly drank it.

“Where is Thomas,” she asked when he finished.

“I sent him on an errand. He will soon return.”

Maggie took the cup Master Spencer handed her and turned to go.

“Wait,” he said. “Pour another.”

She did as he asked and again he drank it slowly, regarding her all the while. He smiled and her breathing slowed somewhat. She looked over at the door, wishing Thomas would come. “Perhaps I’ll not be seeing him today,” she said.

“Wait,” said Master Spencer. He handed her the cup. “If ye go he’ll be mopin’ about the rest of the day.”

Maggie nodded.

Spencer leaned over his drawing table. “Take that heavy flagon off yer shoulder, girl and take a proper rest. I’ll not steal yer beer.”

She smiled and set the flagon on the floor. As Spencer went back to work, she turned to look at a painting of horses running through a pasture on the far wall. After a while the hairs on the back of her neck began to rise up. She turned. Master Spencer had stopped his work and was staring at her.

“So,” he said, straightening up, “ye fancy Thomas, do ye?”

Maggie blushed. She glanced over at the door. “He’s a good lad,” she said. “We talk.”

Master Spencer came closer and Maggie could see that he was breathing heavily.

“That is all, ’tis it?” he said. “Ye do not lift yer skirts for him? Only talk?”

Elizabeth was patting Maggie’s hand. “Take it easy, girl. Yer fit to be tied! Take a breath and calm yerself.”

Tears passed Maggie’s tightly clenched eyes. In the dim lamplight, she could barely make out her new friend’s features.

“There, girl,” said Elizabeth, “there… Now. Tell me what happened next.”

“The master forced himself on me.”

“Did it … go all the way?”

Maggie nodded.

Elizabeth frowned with concern. “There… there. Then what happened?”

Thomas returned and saw us and beat him badly.”

Maggie watched Thomas hoist the master’s unconscious bulk over his shoulder as she began wiping the blood from the floorboards. Thomas’s steps receded and she worked quickly, sweat running down her brow and into her eyes. As the day’s light slowly dimmed, the sounds of hammering came from below. She called down the stairs but received no reply. Finishing, she sat exhausted. Not long afterward, hurried footsteps thumped up the stairs. Thomas opened the door. “It is done. Let us away now!”

“We ran away,” said Maggie.

“To where?” said Elizabeth. “I would not know where to hide.”

Maggie shook her head as if she still could not believe her own story. “We took up with a thief, you know, a cutpurse, and he took us on the road with him.”

“A cutpurse!” said Elizabeth.

“Aye,” said Maggie. “He led us across Devon and finally to Plymouth. Some horrid man tracked us at every turn and we barely managed to stay a step ahead of him.”

“What ever happened to this cutpurse?” asked Elizabeth.

Maggie pointed to the mattresses across the cabin. “He sleeps over there.”

Elizabeth’s eyes grew large as she stared into the dimness. “God in Heaven! There be not much difference ‘tween a cutpurse and a cutthroat.” Her eyes narrowed. “Would he be the one with the pointy little beard?”

“Aye,” said Maggie. “He is not a bad man. He has an idiot son named Humphrey, who traveled with us. But I know not where he is now.”

Elizabeth shook her head. “Girl, ye have had a time of it. Now ye must get some sleep.”

They went over to their mattresses and sat down.

Sometime in the night Maggie awoke to laughter and cursing as a dozen ruffians, several of them holding lamps, burst into the cabin carrying half a dozen unconscious men. Maggie and the others sat up on their mattresses, shielding their eyes from the light.

“Pressmen,” Elizabeth whispered to Maggie. “They harvest the alehouses and gutters for seamen.”

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