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Romantic Comedy Alert! 100% Rave Reviews For New York Times Bestselling Author Julia Kent’s Random Acts of Fantasy (Random Series #3, Invitation to Eden) – $2.99 on Kindle

5.0 stars – 13 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

You ever really think that you’ll win the lottery? Meet Mr. Right? How about two Mr. Rights?

Somehow the universe is handing me everything I want (except for that lottery part…), and I don’t like it. Not one little bit. Because just when you get all your dreams handed to you on a silver platter, that’s when an airplane dumps its sewage on your house. Or your mama’s diabetes takes a bad turn. Or your mobile phone gets stuck in your hoohaw.

(What? It happens…)

Boring old average me got everything I wanted already, moving from small-town Ohio to big-city Boston to follow my heart. So when the fancy invitation offering me a pile of money to come with the band, Random Acts of Crazy, to perform on an island resort and be their manager arrived, I thought it was a cosmic joke. Enough money to help my mama get what she needed, five days in sunny paradise, and a shot at greatness for the band? Unreal. One big shoe was waiting to drop. On my head.

Just like no one really ever finds a naked man wearing only a guitar standing by the side of the road hitchhiking and ends up falling in love with him and his friend and moving halfway across the country for true love, no one gets an invitation to come to what turns out to be a resort where people make what me and Joe and Trevor do together look like a chaste peck on the cheek. But…


I guess these things do happen.

To me.

5-Star Amazon Reviews

“This is a funny, Hot and Sexy read. You will love it. It will keep you in the story and you will not want to put it down, Great job Julia Kent.”

“Random Acts of Fantasy is the cream on top of the cake in this set of stories. I love the characters and the steamy scenes that Julia creates. I highly recommend getting this great addition to the story. Full of love, laughter and exciting story making.”

About The Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge, and new adult books that push contemporary boundaries. From billionaires to BBWs to rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every book she writes, but unlike Trevor from Random Acts of Crazy, she has never kissed a chicken.

She loves to hear from her readers by email at jkentauthor@gmail.com, on Twitter @jkentauthor, and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/jkentauthor . Visit her blog at http://jkentauthor.blogspot.com.

(This is a sponsored post.)

KND Freebies: Charming rave-reviewed novel CHECKED is featured in today’s Free Kindle Nation Shorts excerpt

4.9 stars…
66 straight rave reviews!!

This wonderful first novel about a young woman’s struggles with OCD is touching the hearts and minds of readers with its insight, humor and unexpected romance.

Don’t miss it at 40% off the regular price!


by Jennifer Jamelli

4.9 stars – 66 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Callie spends countless hours staring at appliances to make sure they are really unplugged. She wastes obscene amounts of time checking for murderers in various corners of her house and entire sleepless nights performing pointless checking rituals. Then every spare minute is filled with inspecting doorknobs, chairs, floors, etc. for minuscule traces of germs. Oh, and she does all of this as she counts to three over and over again in her head. She does this every day. Without fail.

Dr. Blake just doesn’t fit into her schedule. Until he does. Until Callie begins to trust him. Until she starts to need him. And want him. And . . .

5-star praise for Checked:

“Loved it…funny, sad, witty, charming…”

“…A fast read…exciting every minute.”

“… beautifully written…gives the reader a romance without degrading their intelligence — a rare find in contemporary romances.”

an excerpt from


by Jennifer Jamelli


Copyright © 2014 by Jennifer Jamelli and published here with her permission



            {In my head radio, the Pretenders start the second verse of “I’ll Stand by You.”}

Have a seat, please, Miss Royce, says the red-headed receptionist as she extends a manicured hand to indicate the seating area. Red. Bright red nails. And a small scratch on the pad of her pointer finger. A scratch or perhaps some wayward nail polish? Please let it be nail polish. Please don’t let it be blo—

            She stares at me, waiting. I flush.

            Like I said, I’m fine here, really, if I’m not in your way or anything. I don’t mind standing. Really. Stop talking, freakshow. She gets it—you don’t want to sit. I move slightly away from her desk so I am standing in the seating area. We are both quickly distracted by the jingle of bells at the door. A short, plump man with a trench coat and a briefcase comes flying in the room. {Frank Sinatra takes over, crooning “Fly Me to the Moon.”}

            I step back further into the waiting room just in time to prevent the side of his briefcase from touching my black pea coat. Clutching my silky black and white purse, I watch him fling the briefcase on the counter as he talks at the receptionist.

            Cancel my appointments for today, tomorrow, and Friday. I have to get to the airport by three to be in New York by evening visiting hours. He pauses to breathe and quietly adds, He’s in critical condition.

            To avoid imposing further upon this conversation, I take another step into the seating area, careful not to touch any of the clustered blue chairs. I look down at my purse and fiddle with the silver hardware on the handles. {Sinatra moves right on to the second verse.}

            Mr. Briefcase finally gives the receptionist a chance to speak.

            “Yes, sir, Dr. Spencer. I’ll cancel your appointments right away. Oh but, um…” I can feel her gazing toward me. I keep my hands and eyes on the silver rings on my purse.

            She quietly says, “Your two fifteen is here a little early. A referral from Lennox Counseling.” I look up at this man who is apparently going to be my psychiatrist. I remember the card from Dr. Lennox hanging on my fridge. Dr. Keith Spencer. Pierce Mental Health. 2:15 p.m.

            See if Dr. Blake can handle it, he says, picking up his briefcase with one hand while fumbling for his keys with the other. If he starts the initial consultation, he can just leave the paperwork on my desk. He glances over at me, and I move my eyes abruptly back to my purse. He then continues his conversation with the receptionist. I’m sure I’ll be back here by two fifteen next Wednesday.

            When I eventually look back up, Miss Receptionist and Dr. Spencer peer intently at her computer screen. Perhaps Dr. Blake can’t handle me either.

The receptionist taps a red nail on the computer screen as she whispers, But he won’t treat—

            It’s just an initial consultation, Dr. Spencer interrupts before turning and flying back through the door without another glance in my direction.

            Wont treat what? Women? Graduate students? Catholics?

            I’ll be right with you, Miss Royce.” The receptionist cuts into my thoughts as she stands up from her chair to go toward the back part of the office.

             Back to my purse buckle. {Time for the refrain again. Ready for a big key change.}

            Ma’am. She is at her desk again. Dr. Blake, a psychologist in this practice, will be seeing you today. Please just step through this door, and I’ll show you to his office.

            I look at the brown door to her left, the one those red fingernails point out to me. It isn’t one of those swing doors I can just push in with my foot or leg or back. It has a horizontal silver bar handle. Shit. SHIT. SHIII-TT.

            Since the receptionist appears to be gathering a file (mine?) from the desk, I quickly thrust my coat-covered elbow onto the end of the silver handle and push down and forward at the same time. The door opens. I catch it with my right black pump and try to move my elbow back to a normal spot. But instead, I drop my purse. Smooth, Callie. So graceful.

            Now holding my file, the receptionist is looking at me. Awesome. I grab the top part of my purse, carefully avoiding any contact with the sections that touched the carpet or door.

            Right this way, please.

            Sure, Red. As you wish.

            I follow her for what seems like forever. Her slow, calm pace doesn’t help matters. We go to the end of one brightly lit hallway only to turn left into another. Uniformly framed pictures line the walls, pictures of meadows and birds.

            We make a second left turn and there is yet another large bird staring at me. A robin, I think. I hate birds. They randomly crap on things that would otherwise be clean. Cars. Park benches. Picnic tables. Mmmm…nothing says yummy picnic better than a big white and black pile of—

            We are turning again. {Frankie fades out, and The Beatles slide in with “The Long and Winding Road.”}

            We’re here. The receptionist twists the silver doorknob to open the door and then presses her back against it so I can enter.

            Miss Calista Royce, Dr. Blake.

            A quiet, so quiet voice says, Thank you, Annie.

            Annie. Of course your name is Annie.

            Annie steps in the room a moment, and soon that quiet, deep voice speaks again.

 Come in, Miss Royce.

            The door stays open even after Annie leaves. Excellent. Not an automatically closing door. I walk in, and my eyes meet, um, no one. No one sits behind the massive cherry desk that faces me.

            Dr. Lennox referred you to this office? That hushed voice pulls my gaze around, over to the right corner of the room. Blue dress shirt over muscular arms. Black pin-striped pants. Dark brown hair.

All facing away from me.

            Um…yes.  As you clearly just read in my file. Why bother asking?

            He wants you to seek further treatment. Medication from Dr. Spencer. This comes as a murmur as he appears to look up and directly out the window in front of him. Very tense. Obsessions occupying approximately eighty-five percent of the day. Compulsive behaviors linked to the majority of these…difficulty sleeping, working, socializing. Excessive checking habits…

            He turns and gradually begins walking, all the while flipping through my file. Face down…reading…walking. Toward me? To shake my hand? To take my coat?

            As he approaches me, I clutch the top part of my purse even tighter in my right hand and bring my left hand down to play with a button on the front of my coat. He stops in front of me but doesn’t look up. I hold my breath as he reaches behind me to close the door. Still looking down at the file, he heads back to the window.

            I don’t resume my breathing until he is again facing away from me.

            Silence. {“The Long and Winding Road” ends and then starts right back up againtwice.} My purse is getting heavy. I let go of my coat button and grasp the top of my purse with both hands.

            He clears his throat and speaks. So you’re looking for some quick fix, some medicine from Dr. Spencer.

            Quick fix?

            I try to explain. Dr. Lennox suggested that, um, taking some medicine might alleviate some of my issues.

            Quiet. Nothing. Just the back of a man—a statue in front of me. His hand moves through his artfully-tousled hair. Silence. I clear my throat.

            He did want me to see Dr. Spencer specifically so I can just wait until next week when—

            Dr. Spencer wants me to conduct this opening consultation with you. He turns from the window to walk to his desk.

            Just a few standard questions—if you are ready.

            I nod my head in agreement. But he can’t see me because he is now sitting at his desk and looking down at a clipboard.

            Mmhmm… I say quietly, pointlessly nodding again. He takes a shiny silver pen out of his left shirt pocket.

            Pen poised to write, he speaks again, First question. He pauses.

            He still doesn’t look at me. I move my own gaze to the bookshelves behind his desk. Lots of thick books with fancy, complicated titles. A framed degree. Dr. Aiden Blake.

            One picture. A young woman holding a maybe two-year-old boy. Both with the same dark hair. It looks like a professional picture gone wrong. The woman has a warm smile directed at the camera. The little boy is sitting on the woman’s (his mother’s?) lap and his body is facing the camera. His head, though, is turned up toward the woman’s face, and his little right hand rests on her cheek. As if the little boy whipped his head around during the photographer’s count of three to check to make sure his mother was still there. Sweet. Perhaps Mrs. Quiet and son.

            My eyes involuntarily move to his left hand. No ring.

            Why do you spend most of your day seeing problems that do not exist?

What? That is your “standard” question?

            I abruptly move my gaze back to him, but he, of course, is not looking at me. I don’t think he is going to speak again until I offer an answer.

            Umm…I don’t really…I’m not entirely…I don’t know.

            You don’t know. I just figured you did know since you’re ready to put a medicinal bandage on this whole problem.

            Medicinal bandage? Who says that?

            Um…no. I’m not really…you know, I can just wait until next week. Really. I have to, uh, work at the writing center in just a couple—

            You’re a writer? he interrupts.

            Well, I want to write, yes. I am taking graduate courses in creative composition at, um, Pierce University, and well, I have to write for, uh, my courses.

            Eloquent, Callie. No wonder he thinks you’re a writer.

            Well then, Miss— (He looks back at my chart.) Royce. These questions can easily be answered in writing.

            Great. Just tell me what you want me to write about, and I can give my answers to Dr. Spencer next week then. I’ll stop ruining your day.

            I start to dig in my coat pocket to find my keys.

            I’d like you to start by writing about some early memories of your issues. Perhaps you can email these to me by, let’s say, Friday afternoon.

            What? Is this like a homework assignment? As though I don’t have enough to—

            Is there a problem, Miss Royce? Oh—did he see my irritation? I look up.

            Of course not. He has now spun his chair around to face the sole picture on his bookshelf.

            Um, well, when I write I prefer to use an old-fashioned pen or pencil. Pause. By the way, it’s Calista.

            That’s fine. Try to get it in the mail by Friday then. I see we have your email address on file, so I’ll just send you some other topics to think about later in the week.

            Oh. Okay. Thank you. Again, sorry for disrupting your existence.

 I turn toward the doorknob on his door.

Calista. That quiet voice pulls me around yet again.

I freeze. He’s looking at me. Sorrowful eyes…heavy…inconsolable. A tragedy in blue.

I can’t look away. I begin to feel a dull ache in my left side. {Damien Rice fills my head with “The Blower’s Daughter.”}

            His eyes hold mine. They are relentless. The sharpening pain in my side weighs me down, cementing my shoes to their place on the floor. My lips part slightly as my body tries to remember to breathe.

            In slow motion almost, he releases me, closing his eyes and clenching them shut. The blue eyes that open back up to me are hard, stony.

            He swiftly spins his chair to grab the box of tissues on his bookshelf. Without meeting my eyes, he turns back around and holds the box out to me.

            To help you out of here, he says in an almost inaudible voice. What?

            Th-thank you, I stammer. I clutch my purse and take six slow steps toward his desk. Three steps at a time. One two three. One two three.

            He stares past me, blankly looking at the door. I pull three white tissues from the box he’s holding and turn back to his point of focus. When I get to the silver doorknob, I quickly cover it with the three tissues spread out in my left hand.

            And I’m out.

            The creepy birds on the walls watch me as I walk back through that twisting path in a daze. I use my three tissues to open the next silver-handled door, and I’m back in the waiting room.

            The receptionist is on the phone, arguing heatedly with someone about which bar to go to on Friday night. She’s mad. She doesn’t even look up as I pass.

            Later, Annie. Hope your sun shines again tomorrow.

            I use Dr. Blake’s tissues one last time to push out the main door (no silver handle) to the building, and I hastily throw them into the large trash can right outside the office. Carefully, I hold up my purse with my right hand. I unzip it with my left and remove my wallet, a pen, my phone, deodorant, a package of tissues, a calculator, my checkbook, lip gloss, and three Band-Aids. I shove the items in my coat pockets and drop the purse directly into the trash can.

            Too bad. It really was a nice Christmas gift.

            I quickly retrieve my keys from my right coat pocket and find my car. After I climb into the driver’s seat, I just sit for a moment.

            What the hell was that? The longest stare ever, no doubt. Preceded by the most elongated period of time avoiding eye contact. Some kind of game, perhaps?  I smile to myself. Maybe this is simply part of the standard treatment.

            I look at the clock on the dashboard. 2:38 p.m. Better get moving. I have to be at the writing center by 4:00 p.m. I count to three, start my car, count to three again, and turn on the radio.

My little rented house is in front of me eight minutes later. Mandy’s car is not in her spot. It’s nice to have my sister for a roommate, but she really isn’t around much. Busy with all of those stimulating undergraduate courses, maybe. More like all of those parties and sorority events.

            2:47 p.m. I open the front door and leave my shoes on the black towel just inside. The kitchen sink is eighteen steps away from the front door. Six counts of three. After rinsing all of the soap off of my hands and lower arms, I dry myself off and hit the PLAY button on the answering machine.

            Hey, Callie. Guess you’re not back yet. I’m just checking to see how things went. Call me when you can!

            Melanie. I pick up the phone and dial her number. On the first ring, I hear Abby, my six-year-old niece.

            Hey, Abby. Is your mommy home?

            Silence. And then, Hi, Aunt Callie. I just got a new—

            Abigail—I’ll take the phone now. Hey, Callie. My older sister’s authoritative voice interrupts our conversation. I hear some small whines from Abby in the background.

            Hey, Melanie. Couldn’t wait for me to call, huh?

            She laughs. I was just hoping they’d be able to fix you in under fifteen minutes and have you all bouncy and sunshiny before work.

            Not quite. I think it’s gonna take at least twenty minutes. Thirty, tops.

            Melanie laughs. Okay. How did it really go?

            Well, I think I managed to get in and out of the office without contracting any new diseases. Barely, though. I decide not to tell her about my purse. If I try to keep it light, we can talk things out comfortably, normally. Otherwise she worries too much. Besides, she was the one who gave me the purse last Christmas.

            I take a new dishrag out of a drawer, drench it with dish soap and water, and begin wiping off the counter.

            She’s waiting to hear more.

            My doctor couldn’t actually see me. Some emergency or something. They passed me off to some other guy. Guy? Super busy man? Terrified, sad boy?

            “Oh. What was he like?

            What do you want to know? I can give you a pretty detailed description of the back of his head, his tense shoulders…

            He was pretty busy, really. Busy staring out his window…and at my file…and at his bookcase. He didn’t have a lot to say. I’m just going to fill out some basic information and send it back to the office. My real doctor should be back next week.

            That doesn’t sound too bad. Maybe it’ll be easier to get yourself into the office the second time.

            Maybe. Although I can’t imagine it will be much easier to get out next time. Unless, perhaps, I take six tissues instead of three.

            Okay, I have to make Abby some dinner before I go to yet another meeting. This case is killing my evenings.

            A phone meeting? Or do you have to drive the whole way back to the office?

            Back to the office. The firm likes us to be all professional and lawyery for the big cases. At all times. We’ll probably be in Board Room I, the one with the enormous chairs. She pauses.  It is a forty minute drive, though, and that does mean I’ll have a total of eighty minutes in the car without hearing any crying or whining. I could use a little peace.

            All right. Please—

            Be careful. I know. I will be, Calista. Give Mandy a hug for me.

            I will. Thanks for checking on me, Mel. Bye.

            2:59 p.m. Not much time before I have to leave again. As I take the dishrag to the hall laundry closet and put it in the washer, I think about this week’s to-do list. Work tonight. Groceries tomorrow morning. I pull out the knob to start the washer and grab the Lysol spray on the laundry shelf. Hmm…class tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. Professional Writing Lab I. Our second night of my professor’s Publishing Series. Some published writer will be speaking for the entire three hours. Trying to be inspirational. Really just feeding his or her ego.

            Going back down the hallway, I disinfect my black pumps. Six seconds of spray per shoe.

            Lysol can back on shelf. Hands washed in kitchen sink.

            Let’s see. TA class on Friday afternoon. College Writing 101. I still haven’t done much more than sit and observe. I can hardly be called a teaching assistant. The freshmen yawning through class probably think I’m just a twenty-something-year-old creeper drooling over their teacher. Little do they know it’s the other way around.

            After Dr. Gabriel officially introduces me to the class in late October, perhaps I’ll feel more comfortable about being there. Comfortable, yeah—for about two weeks before I have to teach a couple of the classes in November. With him watching me. Ugh!

            Quick trip up to my bathroom. Last one until I get back home tonight around 8:00 p.m. As I dry my hands, I look in the mirror to make sure I look together. Makeup—faded, but not running. Hair—a little frizz, but nothing disastrous.

            I go back downstairs to the kitchen table to grab my notebook for Monday’s Literary Analysis II class. Maybe I’ll get some writing done tonight at work.

 “You’re a writer?” The memory of a deep, quiet voice questions me. Oh. That’s right. I have yet another writing assignment to complete this week. In the mail by Friday, he said. Before he sends me more standard questions. Fantastic.

            Maybe I’ll just write my response for him this evening and get it out of the way. I can put it in the mail tomorrow, and we can get this process moving. I’ll have all the paperwork done before I see Dr. Spencer next Wednesday.

            I smile, thinking of my conversation with Melanie. According to her, I’ll need just one short visit in Dr. Spencer’s office and my transformation to normal should be complete.

            3:05 p.m. Preparations to leave the house.

            3:48 p.m. Time to go. I grab my coat and notebook before taking my black leather purse from the closet. I transfer the items from my coat pockets to my new purse, step into my slightly damp heels, and I’m out. Door shut and locked. Handle twist. Handle twist. Handle twist. Locked.

            On to work.




            The writing center is pretty empty. The usual. No one really comes until after dinner on weeknights. Most of them don’t even want help. They just want a quiet place to type.

            For now, I’ll take advantage of this quiet place to write myself. Earliest memories…I begin to brainstorm as I get situated at my corner desk.

            Hmm…my parents always tell me that I was a horrible baby. Always screaming. Not sleeping unless I was on my mother’s chest. But maybe that is how babies are for the most part. Maybe Melanie and Mandy were just exceptionally good. Perhaps Jared was only different because he was a boy. Or maybe he seemed really easy because he came right after me. Could this really have started that early though?

            Excuse me. A stick-thin girl with a campus sweatshirt interrupts me. Can you help me with my paper? She looks to the left, most likely toward the computer where she is working.

            She thinks I am going to go over there? Clearly a freshman. I smile at her as patiently as I can and explain the process of emailing me the paper, attaching questions, and getting a response within a half hour.

            Oh. I just thought… She drifts off. Thought what? That I would actually take a job where I had to sit and talk with college freshmen? That I would sit close to them and hear them chomp their gum as I worry that they’ll accidentally spit while they are talking to me? So close that I can smell their not always clean clothes and the scented sprays they’ve used to disguise their poor laundry habits? No, thanks. Sorry, freshman. {Cue Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams.”}

            She is still standing in front of me. I manage to give her a smile before she turns to go back to her computer. It’s not entirely her fault that I find her disgusting.

            This is probably her first college paper, and she really does look worried. I turn on the laptop sitting on my desk so I’m ready for the arrival of her email.

            Back to early memories. So why did the baby version of me scream so much? Not bathed enough? Not changed enough? Maybe I was scarred from my experience with swimming in filthy amniotic fluid for months. Maybe a questionable looking doctor gave me my first shots.

            Or was the baby me just afraid that if I stopped crying I’d be left alone with my own scary thoughts? Were they already there?

            Perhaps my mega-intense doctor man can tell me if this is even possible. Surely this couldn’t have been what he meant by earliest experiences though. I really think he meant early as in I could hold my head up and eat solid food but not old enough that I had my driver’s license yet.

            I don’t have the chance to finish this enchanting conversation with myself because my computer dings. That means I have a paper to check.

            My freshman. Brittany at Computer 7, so says her help ticket email. No paper is attached to the email. Just a question about making a cover page. She’s only on the cover page? Looks like I will be spending my whole shift with Brittany.

            I type her a quick response, attaching some standard cover page examples.

            Back to my standard question. I begin to write my response, and other than four dings from Brittany, I am pretty much left alone…

The Evil Forks and the Dangerous Mouse Droppings

            Some of my earliest fears were based on some simple fatherly advice. I don’t even know exactly why the advice was given; I’m sure my brother, Jared, and I were doing something questionable to bring it on though.

            At dinner, Dad told me that a person could get something called “Lockjaw” from having a fork stabbed into his or her skin. Lockjaw sounded pretty scary.

            For the next few years, every fork I saw became a nemesis. Luckily, I found that I could eat many foods without having to use utensils. (Knives and spoons were probably okay, but how could I know for sure? Dad hadn’t said one way or another on other eating devices so I thought it was safest to avoid them all.) But I couldn’t avoid them all of the time. Every week (usually during the weekend), there would be four index cards sitting on the kitchen counter, four lists of chores. One for my brother, one for each of my sisters, and one for me. Ahthe dreaded list. Mine always said “EMPTY DISHWASHER” in the small capital letters my dad used for list making. DAMN IT.

            Carefully, oh so carefully, I’d pull out each spoon, each knife, and each terrifying fork. If my skin even brushed against one of the menacing prongs, I’d quickly open and shut my mouth a few times to make sure it wasn’t glued shut.

            Eventually, the scandalous task would be over and, phew, I’d made it through yet another weekend listalmost. After my dad’s capital-lettered chores, my mom would often add some of her own in her more feminine, lower-cased writing. And many times it was there, the next worst task: dusting. AHH—people should be forced to read the warnings on some of those cleaning supply bottles before they use them. They are freaking scary. I could go blind. I could have to have my stomach pumped. Hell, I could even die. No way. Not me. If I wasn’t going to let the forks get me, there was no way a bottle of toilet bowl cleaner was taking me out. So at the age of seven, I proceeded (very carefully—with gloves) to find out which bottles had the least troublesome warnings. Window cleaner and dish soap won (but this was many years ago—I’ve found other acceptable products over the years.) From then on, all dusting was done with window cleaner or just water. And when one of those lists said “Clean bathroom sink and tub,” my parents could always count on the hall bathroom smelling like dish soap. Who knows how many times I saved my eyes, my stomach, my life

            Okay, so cleaning products and forks were nightmares, but they couldn’t even compete with the treacherous mouse droppings.

            More words of wisdom from my father. “Wash your hands after you play in the garage. There is probably mouse crap out there.”  Hmmsounded pretty bad if this actually merited a warning from my father. (He never really gave random warnings or advice.) What could these mouse droppings do?

            It wasn’t like there was a bottle I could use to check out warnings for this feces product. This was also obviously before the Internet was really in swing so I had no help there. Instead, I had to leave the potential dangers to my imagination. Smart move, I know—just brilliant.

            That mouse crap was almost paranormal—it could paralyze or even blind a person quite easily. All someone would have to do was walk out to the laundry room (in the garage) in bare feet, come inside, and walk on the living room carpet—and the house was suddenly infested.

            If I accidentally picked something up from the carpet after an infestation, I would immediately wash my hands, my feet, the thing that I had picked up—all contaminated objects. It was an endless cycle. We are lucky we had no fatalities.

            I did my part. I wore shoes if I had to go out to the laundry room, and I refused to use anything that had ever resided in the garage. My other family members didn’t do their part though. They still don’t. I’ve seen them countless times doing laundry in bare feet, using tools they’ve found in the garage, and coming inside without washing their hands. I constantly fear a call from the hospital. One of them is bound to end up there.

          I finish my shift pretty pleased with my completed assignment so I grab an envelope and fold it so it fits inside. If I just drop this in the mailbox on the way home, I don’t even have to think about it for the next couple of days. I do just that.


I begin my night preparations shortly after returning home. Thermostat: 70 degrees. Stove: off. Doors: locked. Blinds: closed. Alarm: set. Teeth: brushed. Pictures: straightened. Clothes for tomorrow: out. Mandy’s room: cleaned. Nails: painted. Email inbox: empty. Laundry: away. Entire house: dusted. Kitchen: scrubbed. My bathroom: sanitized. Evening shower: taken. Body lotion: applied. Pajamas: on. Hair: dried. Prayers: said. TV: on.

            Eventually, I fall asleep while a skinny woman on the television goes through the steps for making ravioli.

… Continued…

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Ella’s life turns from boring to exciting when she meets Adam, the gorgeous Italian from Brazil.

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Ella is ordinary in her eyes, but when Adam tells see her beauty, the light turns on in her life. He’s a romantic Italian on vacation, surfing at Ella’s beach. But the gorgeous billionaire has secrets. Ella feels like she’s known him forever, but fears she will lose him. Can you meet your soul mate, only to lose him in the same instant?

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Ella Walker, still suffering from issues of mental abuse, turns twenty-one and meets the man of her dreams. Can she break the bonds of her emotional prison and be the woman he desires? As an aspiring romance author, Ella struggles to find passion in her work. When Adam Bianci, the gorgeous Italian billionaire appears in her life, he lights up her drab existence. She’s determined not to let him slip through her grasp. But will his secrets and the tangled web of his own abuse keep them apart?

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Chapter 1

The first time Adam saw Ella, she looked tiny on her surfboard, gliding inside the curl of a wave. Swells were good that time of year, and he had to admire her skill in manipulating her board, considering her size. The white tip of the roaring wave curled over her head, threatening to swallow her.

She slid down the smooth underside cutting a path toward shore, shooting through the ferocity of the ride. He stood at the water’s edge, unable to take his eyes away from her. The power in her small form was spellbinding. It seemed the wave, many stories high, would swallow her. Yet it didn’t.

The early morning sun of spring peeked above the horizon, giving the scene a pale orange glow. His toes curled into the warm sand and the ocean lapped at his feet. Ready to paddle out and catch the best waves of the morning, he held his board, looking out. But he didn’t see the swells, or the surfers dotted over the blue expanse—only Ella. She was a slender, feminine figure, commanding the immense power of the enormous wave. One hand tightened on his board and the other clenched into a fist, his breathing shallow and his heart pounding. She was a sight to behold.

Crouched, knees perfectly bent, arms out for balance, Ella propelled at high speed; her light form like a feather in the wind. Yet there was something about her, something indefinable. She was small, but the ferocity with which she clung to the board and the determined stance she took—controlling the board, the wave, and everything around her—said it. She was a force to reckon with, and the ocean knew it, allowing her to take her ride as she would. Her fall through the wave was a slow-motion dance, every moment of her fly down the wall of water seeming to take an eternity.

Then the wave came crashing down and swooshed to shore, the elegant performance over. Not thinking, only reacting, Adam let go of his board and ran knee deep into the water. Not stopping, he dove into the surf and swam as hard as he could, adrenaline taking over.


Ella had come to the beach early wanting to catch the best waves at this Newport Beach break before the crowds flooded her beloved ocean. She loved the early morning air and the soft glow of the beach just before the sun came up. Most mornings before work, just like this morning, she rolled out of bed and threw on her suit. Grabbing some coffee, drowning it in cream, and chugging it, she snagged a sweatshirt and her beach shoes and was out the door.

Kaiyla Montgomery, her friend for life and roommate, would usually still be sleeping, but the past few mornings she’d had been up early, already dressed and ready to go to the beach. She was on a new workout program that included running in the sand early in the morning, which was fine with Ella because that meant Kaiyla had the coffee ready when Ella staggered out to the kitchen.

Living near the beach was non-negotiable for Ella. She’d walked to the beach early in the morning since she was a kid living in Laguna. She couldn’t imagine a life without the smell of the ocean right outside her door. Surfing was not a hobby—it was life itself. The problems of life didn’t exist when the thrill of surfing a wave invigorated her body. The winter season had offered sizable swells, and she hoped today would be no different.

“Hurry, Kaiyla,” she said, striding down the uneven sidewalk, her board under one arm, her towel over her shoulder.

“I’m not awake,” Kaiyla complained, shuffling behind and trying to keep up.

“You’re the one who’s on this new program. If you wait until later, the beach will be too crowded, so hustle up.”

Ella’s life so far, at the ripe age of twenty-one, had been rougher than she could easily deal with. One bright spot in the mess was her best friend. Originally from Texas, Kaiyla retained the friendly attitude and even a bit of the accent, although she’d been in California since junior high school. That was when Ella met her, and they’d become instant friends. In many ways, they were different. Ella considered herself plain, whereas Kaiyla was a beauty. No one could question that.

They were about the same size and traded clothes as the opportunity or need arose. Ella’s wardrobe was woefully inadequate, so it was more that she borrowed from her roommate’s closet as need inspired her. It was unlikely that the favor would ever be returned, since her wardrobe consisted mostly of beachwear, and faded beachwear at that.

However, Kaiyla understood her and knew what she’d been through. No one else did—at least, up until now. Nor did Ella have anyone else who cared about her, or who would be the least bit interested in her story.

Hitting the beach, Kaiyla flopped onto the sand, wrapped her arms around her legs, and yawned.

“That’s some workout,” Ella said, laughing, peeling her sweatshirt off and tossing it at her friend.

She scanned the waves, noting it would be another good day for surfing. The good swells had lasted way past the normal winter season. That must be a good sign. Grabbing her board, she jogged out into the cool water up to her knees. Throwing her board in front of her, she leapt on top and began to paddle out. The salty smell of the ocean comforted her. She was safe, away from life, from other people. One with the ocean.

When she was out far enough, she sat on her board and looked around, bouncing up and over the waves. Her new board was just perfect for her. Some time ago, she’d saved up to get one that was ideal for her body weight and skill level. Although she’d had it for a while, it had proven itself over the summer, and she felt excitement over riding it again today.

She leaned down and paddled into a wave, then turned her board around to wait for one to catch. She didn’t have to wait long. The wave she spotted cresting toward her would be a wild ride from the looks of it, but she was up for it. Grabbing the wave rolling over her, she jumped onto her board and navigated to a secure perch, deep inside the swirl.

A thrill ran through her. The exhilaration of riding a wave was a familiar feeling, one she never tired of. Her soaked hair clung to her back and her feet gripped the waxed surface of her board. She soared from the peak, spray from the ocean showering her. The power of the ocean could engulf her in a second, so quick she’d have no time to react, yet fear was not part of the equation. Fear caused hesitation and hesitation made the worst fears come true. With confidence, she skimmed through the rolling water.

For no reason she could name, someone on shore caught her eye. Even from a distance, he exuded a command of the environment that pinned her eyes to him. He was muscled and lean like surfers she saw every day. Yet he was somehow different. There was something about him.

Captivated the instant she spotted him, she couldn’t get enough and gazed toward the shore a moment longer than was wise. Taking in his presence, nothing else existed for that fleeting second in time—not the ocean, not the wave that crashed forward, not her board, not her body, just him.

In the next second, a heavy wall of water gulped her down. Too late, she realized her inattentiveness had caused her to be pulled down by the heavy-handed wave. She was under before she knew what hit her. Worse, she’d swallowed water on the way under.

Floundering against the impossible pressure all around her, she didn’t have time to even consider what had happened, only that she needed to surface. And fast. Her body switched to emergency mode and she tried not to panic—a nearly impossible task in a prison of water weighing more tons than she cared to think.

Maybe this was it: the end. She couldn’t say she’d be too sorry about that. Her life was dull at best. The only thing she’d miss would be surfing—and Kaiyla, of course. The thought of Kaiyla seeing her tumble flashed through her mind, but the fight for survival took over, and dull life or not, she struggled in what she hoped was the right direction, water already tickling into her lungs.

There was no hope, just a solid mass of water in every direction. Whether she looked up toward the surface or down deeper, it all looked the same: just dark and solid. Disoriented, panic overtook her senses despite her best intentions. It was a reflex and all she could do was wildly kick her feet and plow through the angry depths with her arms. The heavy, pounding, roiling water showed no mercy, and she doubted her strength against it.

Pitted against the force of nature for what seemed like long, tortuous minutes, the reality that it had been only seconds was beyond her. On the edge of losing hope, and consumed with the irrational feeling to just give up and die, she felt a new pressure against her—an arm, a strong arm, around her waist.

Before she could consider how that could be possible, she was moving in a steady motion, in one direction, which she hoped was toward air. Consciousness threatened to leave her, but now revitalized, if only slightly, she began to fight toward the surface again.

The strong arm, and the hard body she’d become aware of, pressed against her back and refused to let her go. She gave in to the guidance with relief, although not knowing for sure if whoever had her was a friend or foe. She had to believe it was a friend. Who else would attempt such a feat as to jump into the frightening undertow to save her? She hoped.

Air, as sweet as life, assaulted her senses and she gasped and coughed. Flailing her arms to stay above the surface, she wiggled and kicked her feet, still in the throes of panic. Soft words soothed her.

“You’re okay. I’ve got you.”

It was him. She knew it was. She could feel it, but he was behind her, and it wasn’t until he turned her around that she had affirmation. Water, unwelcome in her lungs, produced a round of deep coughing. He held her around the waist and lifted her higher to get more air.

The coughing fit was shorter than she would have expected, and she looked at him, seeing his face up close for the first time. At the sight of him, she stopped breathing, but only for a second, before she gasped for air again like she couldn’t get enough.

He was keeping them both afloat somehow. Turning and pulling her onto his back, he said, “Hold on. I’ll take you to shore.”

She was farther out than she’d thought, and it was a challenge to get them both back to shore in the crazy waves. Once they passed the swells, it got easier. Ella should have been anxious to get out of the water, but now that he had her, she knew she’d be okay.

The trip back to shore gave her time to drink in this unfamiliar man. He was hard as a rock. His sun drenched skin a golden color. Even half drowned, out in the waves, he was handsome as sin.

Regret washed over her when he stood knee deep in the water and reached behind to slip her off his back. She wanted to keep holding on to him, a man she didn’t even know, and felt awkward. Thankfully, he didn’t let her go entirely. With his arm around her shoulders, he guided her to the beach. His touch, his strength, warmed her skin, and she flushed.

She’d almost put the trauma of nearly drowning behind her when she saw Kaiyla jumping up and down. The instant Ella’s feet hit the sand her friend ran over and threw her arms around her.

“Oh my God, what happened out there?” She gasped. “You scared me to death.”

Missing his touch already, Ella was disappointed that her friend had rushed to her so fast, cutting the stranger’s assistance short. Yet there was no way she could admonish her for it. Obviously, from shore it must have looked like Ella was plunging to her demise. Kaiyla was clearly grateful that she’d been delivered safely to shore. Never releasing her, she walked her to further safety, grabbing the towel and wrapping it around Ella’s shoulders.

“I thought you were going to die,” she breathed, distress showing in her pretty face.

“Not yet, it seems,” Ella replied, and took a huge breath, still oxygen deficient.

The adrenaline which had sustained her, faded, her strength along with it. Her knees folded and she fell to the sand involuntarily. Ella rolled to her back and lay there listless, eyes to the sky. Her lungs hurt, and her skin was cold.

“You’re trembling,” said Kaiyla, alarm resonating in her voice.

The sun was blocked by a form standing over her, and Ella felt disappointed to see it was Robert, the lifeguard.

“You took your time,” Kaiyla accused, unable to hide her annoyance. “She could have drowned. Where were you?”

“Hey, I just came over to see if she’s all right. I saw some dude saved her. Seems he had the situation under control,” Robert offered.

“Yes, you would want to wash off your sunscreen before diving in after someone. Heaven forbid you would rescue them from drowning, which is what you’re here for.”

Robert just shrugged and knelt down to check out how Ella was doing. He lifted a wrist to take her pulse. Another surfer placed her surfboard on the sand beside her, having retrieved it from the ocean as a friendly gesture. Robert nodded at him.

The ensuing argument between Robert and Kaiyla was droning noise to Ella. She neither heard nor cared. Shocked to alertness, she realized that her rescuer was not saying anything. She bolted upright, looking all around. Squinting, she looked out over the water dotted with surfers. He wasn’t there. Nor was he on the beach.

She leaned around her friend and stared toward the parking lot. Her heart leapt at the sight of him, board under his arm, walking toward the lot. An impulse to run after him shot through her, and she even lurched in that direction, but she didn’t even know him.

Of course, she wanted to thank him. He’d saved her life. That would be reasonable, wouldn’t it? To run after him to thank him? Her body rebelled and refused to rise. All her muscles felt like jelly, and she was dizzy and lightheaded. She tried forcing her muscles into action and started to stand, but just collapsed back onto the towel.

Then he was gone, out of sight. Ella just sat there, stunned, suffering from the loss of him, a man whose name she didn’t even know. He may never come back to the beach. She may never see him again. That thought distressed her, more than any discomforts from her near-death experience.

Death be damned. Only he mattered, and the fact that she’d had to risk her life for him to appear was just fine with her. Her dull, boring life had just taken a new blush. She felt alive, really alive, and it hurt. The pain of never seeing him again was more than she could bear.


Chapter 2

Adam was attracted to the wisp of a woman he’d just saved. One minute he’d been enjoying the early beauty of the beach, ready to surf the morning away. The next, he’d been glued to the sight of her flying gracefully over a wave before plummeting into the sea.

Instinctively, he dove in to rescue her. Yes, instinct—that was all. Saving a woman’s life, or anyone’s for that matter, formed a brief attachment, a bonding of sorts. That had to be it. Come on, she wasn’t even his type. He liked his women a bit voluptuous, like the women he knew in Brazil and some in college.

This one was slender, almost frail. Yet he shook his head thinking about her controlling the wave. That was, until she fell off. She had no business being out in today’s swell. The vision of her on the surfboard aroused him. Ridiculous. Unable to decipher the hold she had on him, he shook his head. Best to just leave. Yes, that would take care of it. Go on with his day and just forget about her.

The trouble was he knew that wasn’t going to happen. Stowing his board on the roof and sliding into the driver’s seat of his car, he was already feeling her pressed against his back, the way her belly flattened against his lower back and her feminine arms wrapped around his shoulders as he towed her in. The rescue had turned into a sensual encounter. And that annoyed him. He didn’t need this. He really didn’t.


All day, Ella thought about him, too, even though she was not able to fathom that he would give her a second thought. She’d always considered herself plain, and being half drowned couldn’t have helped.

At Kaiyla’s insistence, she called in sick to work. Although once the water got out of her lungs, she felt better, at least physically. The bookstore wouldn’t miss her. Surely they’d get coverage. How important could one clerk be, after all?

“Ella, are you okay?” Kaiyla was hovering. “You worry me. It’s like you’re miles away.”

Slouched in the one armchair they owned, Ella leaned her head against the seat and draped one leg over the arm.

“Sure, I’m fine now. Just a little worn out.”

“Well, you don’t look fine. I still think you should have gone to the hospital to be checked out.”

“Nope. No hospital. Really, I’m telling you, I’m okay. I just need to rest.”

“Who was the hero? That guy who rescued you?”

“No idea. He was just there, so fast. I still don’t know how he reached me, but he was so strong. I don’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t seen me.”

“I can’t think about it. I saw you on the board and then I looked back and didn’t see you at all. I panicked. It was like I was glued to the spot. I shouted ‘help,’ but it was useless. No way had Robert heard me. He probably had his iPod on with the earphones. You’d have to slap him to get his attention.”

“One minute I was buried in water and the next he, whoever he is, had his strong arm around me, pulling me up,” Ella said, reliving the encounter.

“What happened out there? You’re a good surfer, Ella. I’ve never seen you fall like that.”

Ella’s cheeks warmed, and she wondered if how she felt about the mysterious man who rescued her was obvious. Her friend didn’t miss much and knew her better than anyone. It was hard to hide her feelings. Kaiyla was sharp and could see through a bluff.

“I, ah…was. I guess it was just a moment of inattention.”

“Well, don’t get distracted out there. Stay focused. It’s dangerous in those waves.”

Ella had been focused, very focused—just not on surfing in the moment before her fall. Her skin warmed at the thought of him, the way he looked standing at the edge of the shore. There was something special about him. That was for sure.

With her purse over her shoulder, standing at the door, Kaiyla still hesitated.

“Go ahead, go to work. Your customers wouldn’t appreciate having to reschedule their hair appointments. Don’t worry about me. I’ll just rest. I’ll be here when you get back. I’ll be fine.”

With a sigh, her friend opened the door to leave, calling out, “Okay, but call if you need me.”

The door shut, and Ella was alone. Alone with her thoughts, and she wasn’t sure she liked where they were taking her. She had to be realistic. This was a man she may never see again. She had been at the beach every day, and he’d never been there before. Guaranteed, she would not have missed him. No way. So, if he hadn’t been there before, chances were good that he wouldn’t be back. What a depressing thought.

Ella looked at their small apartment. Rent didn’t come cheap in a classy neighborhood like Newport Beach, and it was all they could afford, so Ella slept on the sofa bed in the main room and Kaiyla got the bedroom. It seemed fair since she had a boyfriend, just in case he wanted to stay over, and Ella had no one. Not a cheery thought.

It was not that men didn’t ask her out. Once in a while, they did. But she didn’t see the point of dating someone she didn’t like all that much. She’d rather be by herself and spend time writing. Someday she might get published.

Actually, she had been published, but only a few articles in some magazines. Surfing was a subject she knew, and she’d managed to write a few helpful articles on the subject—but it wasn’t a living, and that wasn’t the direction that she wanted to take her career. She aspired to write fiction. Unfortunately, her stories lacked verve, just like her life. “Drab and boring” was a perfect description of her life. Throw in “lonely” and you’d have the whole picture.

Grabbing her tablet and placing both feet on the floor, she started to write. Her muscles ached from the strain of earlier, and her head was pounding, but inspiration hit her. Typing away, her fingers small enough for the keyboard, words began to flow:


This day was like any other. The sun was bright orange, the sand like beige velvet, and the waves high. All I’ve ever loved is surfing. Out in the water, it’s exciting. I feel in control. Out of the water, I am nothing. My dream is to someday find that perfect wave, the one to remember, and the one I’ll never forget. Every day I think “maybe today.” Yes, just like any other day. Until…there he was. Like that perfect wave you find only once, he was there. Coming from nowhere, he stood at the shoreline, and I knew there would never be another like him. Yet he’s someone I can never have. I know he’s a vision, one that disappears as soon as it arrives.

I’ve never been lucky in my life and see no reason to hope that I might be now. You, my dear diary, know me better than anyone. In my solitude, I’ve always confided in you, and we both know that I’m plain and I’m boring, and he’s just the opposite. The sight of him brought me to life. Even though my interaction with him was oh so brief, I’m changed. Even my drab apartment looks brighter. I almost like it. Almost.

Life holds interest to me, like it never did before. If only because there’s a chance—a slim one, I admit—that I’ll see him again. If I could just see him again, just once more, I might be satisfied for life. Fate has not smiled on me often. In all fairness, I’m not asking that much. I just want to see him once more. You understand, don’t you, dear diary?


Weariness won out, and Ella put aside her writing, intending to lay her head on the pillow for a few minutes. The next thing she knew, keys were jingling in the lock of the apartment door, and she opened her eyes with a start. She’d slept so long it was dark in the room. She felt stiff and rubbed her arms to get some life back in them.

“Hey, Ella, you been sleeping?”

“Guess so.”

“I’m starved…wanna go out? There’s no food here. One of us needs to shop.”

Having lived in California since junior high, Kaiyla’s Texas accent was barely perceptible; yet every once in a while, Ella could still pick it up. It was how she said certain words, like “I’m” sounded like “Ah’m.” The intonations matched her friendly personality.

“Sure, let me change.”

Ella forced her feet to the floor and staggered to the bathroom to clean up. It would be good to get out, get away from her thoughts. She knew it would be a long night. Insomnia was an issue for her, and she was sure sleeping during the day would make it worse.

Eating out with Kaiyla would be a welcome distraction. Her friend was fun and outgoing, the opposite of Ella, who could be painfully shy at best and horribly dull at the very least—or so she thought of herself. Anything to take her thoughts away from him, her unforgettable rescuer, was welcome.

Dinner was hamburgers at their favorite place, the grill down the street that had changed owners so many times they no longer called it by name, just “the place down the street.” Ella didn’t have much of an appetite and ended up nibbling at her fries and wrapping the burger to go. Leftovers were a frequent solution to meals, if there was food in the refrigerator. A hamburger on the second day was a doubtful prospect, but she carried it home anyway.

As she expected, sleep eluded her until early in the morning. She spent the first few hours tossing and turning. The aches in her body didn’t help, and the ibuprofen only muted the discomfort a little. Giving up just after midnight, she turned on the light and flipped open her tablet.

Of late, writing fiction was elusive. Bored with every story she attempted, clearly her readers—if she had any—would be, too. But tonight was different. A story welled up inside her, and she poured it out, letting the words flow. Her fingers flew with renewed excitement, and she’d written for a couple of hours before stopping to look at the clock.

Sleep did come, but not before three. Even staying up until the wee hours of the morning did not stop her from waking up early, like she always did. Excitement had her wide awake. The night was finally over, and she could go to the beach.

She slipped out of bed, not even taking time for coffee. She tiptoed across the carpet and was out the door within minutes, picking up her surfboard on the way. No need to wake Kaiyla. It was her day off. Certainly, she didn’t plan to run on a day when she could sleep in. Plus, Ella wanted to go alone today. She had her reasons.

It was still dark at the beach. Pale white light glowed in the sky, promising a new sunrise. Looking around, she could see she was alone. Carefully, she placed her board on the sand and spread out her towel to sit on.

Always enjoying the early hours before others arrived, it was Ella’s pattern to sit on the sand and soak in the scenery before it was light enough to surf. The lap of the waves against the shore, the blue sky, and the warm sand relaxed her. But not today. She was antsy. Looking all around, she spotted just one other person, an older man at the beach for an early morning swim. Not even Robert, the lifeguard, was on duty yet.

She hoped as hard as she could hope that her mystery man would return. She promised she wouldn’t ask for anything else if she could just see him again. So she waited. And waited.

The sun edged over the horizon, glowing hot orange as she’d come to expect. More swimmers, surfers, and sunbathers arrived, chatting and laughing. The beach began to get crowded, but not one person went unnoticed by her.

Constantly on the alert, determined not to miss him if he showed up, Ella took in every motion, every activity on her favorite beach. She’d always been happy sitting on the shore. Never, until today, had she been unhappy witnessing the beach coming to life. Today, she was miserable. Gloom settled around her.

When the sun was bright in the sky, she was convinced he wasn’t coming. By the looks of him, he was a good surfer, and he’d know the best waves were early. If he returned to the beach, it would be early. He wasn’t coming. Not today.

Discouraged, Ella left. Having lost interest in surfing, she trudged home to dress for work. Riding the bus took extra time anyway. Might as well get there early. The day at the small bookstore on Balboa Island seemed to last forever.

Even the customers she usually enjoyed seeing did nothing to lift her spirits. Zoe Preston, her boss, kept asking if she was okay. It was hard to reassure her that she was when she kept spacing out, gazing into space at who knows what. All she could do was endure, until the next morning when she could go to the beach again, to wait.


Chapter 3

But each day, he wasn’t there. By the third day, she had to admit she was depressed. Her co-worker, Cameron Port, obviously sensing she was stressing about something, suggested they go to lunch at a taco place he knew she liked. He’d worked at the book store longer than she had. In fact, when she’d been hired the prior year, he’d grooved her in.

Always, he’d been nice. She suspected he might take it further, but she never gave him any indication that she was interested—keeping things friendly, nothing more. He was a good guy, and she appreciated his friendship as much as she could. Introverted, and lacking in confidence, she wasn’t sure how good of a friend she made.

With Cameron, she made an effort because he was so cordial about it all. He never made her feel uncomfortable and over time she’d gotten to know him. She found she could talk to him about her plans to be a writer, and that he didn’t demean her for it. Their relationship developed into a comfortable friendship, but she wished he had a girlfriend so she didn’t have to worry he’d want more. He did date, but no one steady.

Lunch was good, but she only ate one taco and gave him the other. Her mind was elsewhere, so she wasn’t very good company. Cameron, in his usual style, didn’t make a point of it. He said he was glad for her company, and just wished she wasn’t stressed about, whatever it was. He’d hinted at it several times, but she never volunteered anything about what was bothering her.

There was no way she wasn’t going to the beach the next morning. It was her favorite beach and surfing was her only release in life, her only tenuous grasp on the fragile sanity she clung to. She had nowhere else to go. She lived blocks from the beach, despite the expense, just so she could carry her board the short distance to surf. The bus was okay for work, but wielding a surfboard along for the ride was not practical, even if it was allowed.

She’d be at the beach every morning, whether he ever reappeared or not. She started to think she’d imagined the whole thing, him included. He was too perfect anyway. It was all a dream. It must be. Yet that dream made her heart heavy and her steps slow.

On the fourth day, Ella was there earlier than usual. As always, she couldn’t sleep much and woke early. Staying in bed was useless, so she slipped out to the beach in the dark. Sitting alone, she pulled her knees to her chest, hugging them to her, and placed her chin on her knees. Lost in thought, she barely noticed light showing in the sky. Something caught her eye, and without thinking, she looked to her left.

Shock hit her. He was there. Looking straight ahead, leaning back on his arms, feet outstretched with ankles crossed, he gazed out at the waves. Unmoving.

Ella looked away then back, for verification he was real. Sitting some distance from her, he didn’t move. Not even a twitch. Possibly, he didn’t see her. She stared, unable to look away, afraid he’d vanish if she didn’t keep her eyes on him. If she’d thought he was handsome before, he was even more so that morning.

In the pale orange light of the sun, just barely burning over the horizon, his lightly bronzed skin shone. His hair was a golden brown, and though he wasn’t looking her way, she remembered that his eyes were golden amber. She’d looked into them one time, the one time that he’d held her, saved her. He’d looked at her when he’d slid her off his back, and she’d never, ever forget those eyes. The light flattered him. He looked golden—gorgeous and golden, that was how she’d describe him.

She should go over. Thank him for the other day. Dreadful shyness took her, and she could not will her body to move. She knew if she did manage to walk over, and by some remote chance attempt to thank him, she’d freeze up. She just knew it. Social graces were not high on her list. People often thought she was stuck up, not knowing that her silence was shyness.

If she didn’t move now, she might lose her chance. Yet, despite her great need to say something to get his attention, she was riveted to the spot. Just staring. He didn’t give any sign he noticed her, and it occurred to Ella that he didn’t like her. He’d felt compelled to save her, but he’d rather not have anything to do with her.

Calmly, he turned his head to look at her, and she looked down.


Adam had stayed away for days. He didn’t want this to go further, knew it was dangerous. Despite his better judgment, he was here. And she was here. It wasn’t fair to her to pull her into his life. But he was unable to stay away, or to walk away, now that he’d seen her. If she knew what was good for her, she’d reject him anyway. That would be best, as he didn’t have the strength to forget her.

That was the problem. He couldn’t forget her. For days, she’d haunted his every waking moment. Even in his dreams, she didn’t leave him alone. One slender woman, whose life he’d saved, now determined to be a part of his. Coming to the beach and seeing her again, that would do it.

He wasn’t right for her. She’d see that, reject him, and he’d get over it. He’d meet her again, and see that his memory of her allure was enhanced by the drama of their first meeting. He’d realize she was like any other woman, and he’d go on with his life.

Only she wasn’t. His eyes locked with hers, and his pulse throbbed. The feelings she caused, his reaction, was enough to make even him blush. What he wanted to do with her was…

“Hello,” he said, his amber eyes sparkling.

“Hello,” she answered, squirming. Her initial shock had worn off, replaced by anxiety. Low self-esteem reared its head, and she grasped for some cue on how to continue. Clutching the end of her towel, she managed a smile, just barely.

He stood and stepped through the sand, moving toward her. Dreaming of him and writing about him in her diary was one thing. Having him coming over to her in real life was another. Doubts reared their head, and butterflies fluttered wildly in her stomach. She watched him walk, utterly engaging in that simple task.

He was well muscled, but not overly so. His strong chest narrowed to a trim waist. One glance at his ripped abdominal muscles sent heat, low in Ella’s body. His tan was a smooth bronze. His deep golden hair was cut, blunt at the neck, the rest slightly long and delightfully messy. His thighs flexing with each step, and his feet gripping the sand as he walked, had to be one of the sexiest things she’d ever seen.

Only a couple of feet from her, he dropped to the sand and sat, cross-legged, hands on his knees, looking at her. His look seared right through the faded gray sweatshirt she wore over her suit and left her feeling completely undressed. Clearly he wasn’t socially trained like the men she knew. There was a certain etiquette she could count on. They’d glance quickly and then look away. No one would have the nerve to just look with such a boldly lustful gaze. His amber eyes burned into her, and she ran her hand through her long, light brown hair in a vain attempt to present a casualness she didn’t feel.

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Far Gone is a tense, exciting romantic thriller that's not to be missed. Laura Griffin is one of my favorite authors. I highly recommend this book.
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Here's the set-up:
To save her only brother, Andrea Finch must face down a criminal mastermind, the FBI, and her own demons in this thrilling novel from the author of the bestselling Tracers series.

Police detective Andrea Finch is a rising star in her department until a split-second decision derails her career. Disgraced and disillusioned, she’s on leave from her job when she gets an urgent call from her younger brother. She’d prefer to ignore his latest plea for cash, but this time instinct tells her something is very wrong. Andrea’s search for answers takes her to a dusty Texas border town where danger lurks in plain sight and nothing is quite what it seems.

FBI agent Jon North is working undercover in west Texas investigating an unsolved murder that may be linked to a broader plot. But when the evidence points to Andrea’s brother, Jon finds that persuading the stubborn cop to help will be harder than cracking his toughest case.

Andrea must find a way to do what’s right while protecting her only sibling. As the clock ticks down on a deadly plot, Andrea and Jon race to confront a heartless killer who will stop at nothing to deliver a final, terrifying message.
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Far Gone has it all--a smart, engaging heroine, a rocket-paced plot, and explosive nonstop action. Adding a dash of heady romance to the recipe, Laura Griffin has cooked up a delicious read that will thrill her devoted fans--and earn her legions more.
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About the Author
Thumbnail image of Laura Griffin 	Thumbnail image of Laura Griffin

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author LAURA GRIFFIN started her career in journalism before venturing into the world of romantic suspense. She is a two-time RITA Award winner (for the books Scorched and Whisper of Warning) as well as the recipient of the Daphne du Maurier Award (for Untraceable). Laura currently lives in Austin where she is working on her next book. Visit her website at http://www.lauragriffin.com and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/LauraGriffinAuthor Thumbnail image of Laura Griffin Thumbnail image of Laura Griffin New York Times and USA Today bestselling author LAURA GRIFFIN started her career in journalism before venturing into the world of romantic suspense. She is a two-time RITA Award winner (for the books Scorched and Whisper of Warning) as well as the recipient of the Daphne du Maurier Award (for Untraceable). Laura currently lives in Austin where she is working on her next book. Visit her website at http://www.lauragriffin.com and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/LauraGriffinAuthor
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