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Rogue: A Romantic Suspense Novel (Billionaires in Disguise: Maxence Book 1)

by Blair Babylon
4.4 stars – 1,123 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Maxence’s brother was trying to kidnap or kill him, and an organized crime thug wanted to cut off Max’s head and feed it to the sharks for entirely different reasons.

So, when a cute little blonde stood up on a barstool in the middle of the Buddha Bar in Paris and drew the attention of the wrong sort of guys, Maxence swooped in for the rescue. Everything about her appealed to him: her sweetness, her giggliness, and especially the fact that she was in trouble.

That last part made her sugar and catnip to Max.

Luckily, he only had five days before he left Paris and Europe for wherever his global charity job was going to send him this time. Why not spend it with the funny blonde who insisted he lie to her?

Indeed, if she thought everything he said was a lie, he could confess his sins, unburden his soul, and reveal what he thought he never could.

Five days with her sounded like Heaven, if he could just convince her to stop throwing him out of her hotel room.

My life has become a sad country music song, but instead of heading south, I went to Paris.

I was a good girl who had nothing left to lose, literally. My boyfriend had stolen everything. Everything except a non-refundable plane ticket to Paris, which was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime where that deadbeat was going to propose at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

So, I got on the plane without him.

After all that, it was understandable that when I started drinking at the Buddha Bar, things got a little out of hand.

Luckily, a man intervened. He was so ripped that I could see every thick muscle of his abs, obliques, chest, and arms through the tight tee shirt he was wearing. He towered over the guys who were bothering me, and they backed off.

I took him back to my hotel because I was full of drunken, bad decisions that night.

The last thing I needed was a man who wanted to save me when I was trying to do all the wrong things.

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Mission: Flight To Mars

by V. A. Jeffrey
3.9 stars – 834 reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Bob Astor is a Quality Assurance agent working at Vartan Inc. Lately his days have been stressful, to say the least. Butting heads with upper management has put his career on life support. A surprising change in circumstance has Bob going on a business trip to the moon city, Langrenus. On the way, he meets one of the delegates on board the Starbird, a desperate man with a dark past and a very dangerous secret. Through a mysterious series of events Bob finds himself in the middle of an interplanetary crisis that no one knows about. These secrets could change – or destroy – all human life on Earth. The key to the answer of the crises is on the Red Planet, Mars. It’s up to Bob, the burnt-out Q. A. agent to rise to the occasion and stem the dangerous tide coming from beyond the solar system.

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Are they able to save their parents’ shop? The Chocolate Lab by Eric Luper

Kids Book of The Day:

The Chocolate Lab

by Eric Luper
4.8 stars – 52 reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The author of the Bad Food series introduces Cocoa: fierce friend, energetic pup, and star of this deliciously sweet chapter book series!

Cocoa is cooking up trouble . . .

Take one family’s chocolate shop, add a dash of competition with the fancy new store on the block, stir in a candy-crazy Labrador named Cocoa . . . and you’ve got a recipe for disaster! If Mason and Hannah can win first prize at the annual Chocolate Expo, they may be able to save their parents’ shop. But Cocoa can’t control himself in the kitchen. And one more mess means they’ll have to say goodbye to their pup for good!

Today’s Book of The Day is sponsored by this week’s Kids’ eBook of The Week:

The First Horror (99 Fear Street Book 1)

by R. L. Stine
4.7 stars – 746 reviews
Everyday price $7.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
The first book in a scary new trilogy contributing to a series with more than 8.5 million copies in print. Here begins the terrifying story of a family who moves into the house that even their neighbors on Fear Street are afraid to enter. Twin sisters must learn the secret of the evil or be the next victims.

“A delightful tale of a brave little girl that will enthrall readers of all ages.” The Little Doll Girl (The Wurtherington Diary Book 1) by Reynold Jay

The Little Doll Girl

by Reynold Jay
4.2 stars – 21 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
“…A delightful tale of a brave little girl that will enthrall readers of all ages.” C. Miller Fully Restored un-revised Illustrated edition for all ages. This book is available in Spanish editions. Note: Amazon LOOK INSIDE may be abbreviated. See PRINT editions for more of the sample material. Flesch-Kincaid Reading Grade Level is suitable for 9–adult. This edition is the full length edition with 33,000 words. An abbreviated edition for 8-12 is available with 7500 words. An 8-10 edition with 3600 words and a Reading Grade level of 3.2 is available. As with many illustrated classic stories, it is a story with unique characters and deals with hope, determination, compassion, and much more. In the opening preface, Robert Landsbury discovers the diary in a shed on a newly purchased estate in River Falls, Ohio and passes it along to his associates. The diary is faithfully preserved for today’s reader. In it, the reader will discover that a ten-year-old mute girl, Tammy Wurtherington residing in the Wixby estate is the author. She loves to make dolls in a shed out in back of the house. She lives with Lord Wixby and Aunt May in a lavish estate at the edge of town. Aunt May teaches her to use a sewing machine and gives her a small one suited to size as a birthday gift. One day while constructing a toy soldier for her brother, Alfred the Mouse appears and is impressed with her ability to make doll outfits and reluctantly invites her to follow him to Kira if she will bring along the sewing machine. Tammy keeps a diary of her exploits in Kira which is ruled with an iron-hand by a pair of sorceresses, Catherine and Lucinda. Tammy and Alfred find their way through a fantasy underground transportation system that ends up with the pair mistakenly ending up in a wicker-basket in the middle of the ocean. Tammy finds her voice for the first time and Alfred explains that it is a “talking spell that allows virtually everyone to talk including the pesky (giant) flowers.” From this point you will discover many wonderful characters like Zeke, the Flying Opossum, and Cedric the Mongoose, who accompany Tammy on her journey to Capira to present a petition to return the kingdom to its former glory. You will meet the pirate, Captain Flynn, who loves to have his guests walk the plank and the loveable Kakuna villagers who’s harvest is soon to be confiscated by the royal soldiers. But please beware of the Oxboar forest, where the evil Hoarggs reside otherwise you may end up in a stew-pot. Tammy has an adventure in which she learns to love all the strange living creatures she encounters in a magical land. Before she departs, all of Kira will fall in love with The Little Doll Girl who changed them forever and became a legend.

Will they be able to find the spy among them? Spies Among Us (An Alex Boyd Thriller Book 5) by Mel Harrison

Thriller of The Day

Spies Among Us (An Alex Boyd Thriller Book 5)

by Mel Harrison
4.8 stars – 24 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

This final thrilling installment to the Alex Boyd series will have readers guessing at every turn

Assigned to London, Alex Boyd and his wife Rachel Smith, a political officer for the Department of State, step into a spider’s web of intrigue at the US Embassy.

But as stories appear inconsistent and anomalies occur, Alex and Rachel begin to suspect an insider is responsible for passing on highly classified information to a deep cover Russian spy. With the help of the Embassy, CIA Station Chief Anna Battles, Scotland Yard’s Special Branch, and British Intelligence Services, they work closely together to sort out the lies.

But the Russians have more than one ace up their sleeve.

Alex and Rachel soon realize American secrets are still being lost to the other side and that it will take the combined efforts of the CIA and the FBI to figure out who else is trading secrets before the damage is beyond repair. Will they be able to find the spy among them?

Grab it now with a 75% price cut! THINK BIG: A 10-Step Guide to Aspiring to Greatness, Pursuing Your Dreams, and Unleashing Your Full Potential by Damon Zahariades

THINK BIG: A 10-Step Guide to Aspiring to Greatness, Pursuing Your Dreams, and Unleashing Your Full Potential!

by Damon Zahariades
4.9 stars – 16 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
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FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Break Free of Your Limitations, Achieve Spectacular Success, and Transform Your Life!

Do you feel stuck, dreaming of accomplishing great things but trapped by constraints, both real and imagined?

Do you feel you’re meant for a greater purpose but held back by invisible barriers?

Has your mindset shackled you to a life of mediocrity when you possess far more potential and deserve much more success?

If so, THINK BIG is for you.

Imagine breaking free of the self-imposed boundaries holding you back from achieving remarkable goals.

Imagine living without fear of what life has in store for you and instead looking forward to the opportunities it will give you.

Imagine feeling happier, more fulfilled, and utterly confident in overcoming obstacles and accomplishing extraordinary feats.

THINK BIG isn’t merely a book. It’s a workshop that will train you to set your sights higher, create more ambitious goals, and imagine achieving the unthinkable. It gives you all the tools to finally shed your limiting self-beliefs and rise above your self-doubt.

You’ll learn to see yourself through the lens of what is possible rather than what others assert is “reasonable.”

You’ll discover how to change your thought patterns so you’re no longer trapped by cynicism and negativity but instead fueled by optimism and enthusiasm.

You’ll learn how to unlock a level of thinking that will motivate and inspire you to pursue a future of spectacular success and accomplishments.

In THINK BIG, you’ll discover:

  • What it truly means to “think big” (this may surprise you)
  • The 10 biggest obstacles in your path and how to overcome them
  • How to interpret risk so that it empowers you rather than causing you to worry
  • The 8 thought patterns that can sabotage you (and how to “flip the script” on each one)
  • The most common excuses people make for their inaction and several time-proven tactics to break this self-defeating habit
  • A simple method to turn your dreams into actionable goals with milestones to track your progress
  • A 4-step blueprint for cultivating a growth mindset that spurs you to tackle challenges rather than shy away from them
  • What your narrative identity is, and how to reframe it so you have more control over your life
  • How to use failure to your advantage every time it happens

PLUS, EXERCISES: 10 custom exercises are included throughout THINK BIG. They’re designed to reinforce the material and help you master each step before moving on to the next one.

Are you sick and tired of settling for less? Are you willing to challenge your limiting beliefs, break free of your mental blocks, and unabashedly pursue your ambitions? Are you ready to finally start living the life you’ve imagined for yourself?

Your future is unwritten. Your potential is yet to be discovered. You are on the cusp of accomplishing feats that may seem unthinkable at this moment.

It’s time to let go of your self-doubt and THINK BIG. Give yourself permission to unlock the life you want to lead. Allow yourself the freedom to see endless possibilities and seize opportunities.

If you enjoyed steamy romances with forbidden love and characters who must choose between duty and desire, you’ll love The Weight of Love by Emily Anne James

The Weight of Love: An Age Gap Instant Attraction Forbidden Romance

by Emily Anne James
4.6 stars – 40 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The moment I saw Stella at the gym, I knew I had to claim her. An instant forbidden attraction too hot to deny. Her curvy backside and seductive smile weren’t just amazing—they were a challenge I couldn’t resist.

Our flirty banter quickly turned into the most erotic night of passion, revealing desires for power, control, and surrender we never knew we craved.

Stella, a high-powered CEO twelve years my senior, has given up on love and relationships. A commanding presence in the boardroom, but secretly seeking surrender behind closed doors. And as a Navy man on the brink of deployment, I can’t help but wonder if I’m just another one-night stand or the start of something real.

With my deployment approaching, staying away from Stella becomes impossible. Our connection grows stronger every day, leaving us both wondering if we’re more than just “holiday flings.”

As we Battle doubts about age and expectations, we face a choice: risk everything for a love that feels like destiny or walk away, forever haunted by what might have been.

If you enjoyed steamy romances with forbidden love and characters who must choose between duty and desire, you’ll love “The Weight of Love” Buy now before the price changes!

Book Freebies!

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Kaalchakra: The Rise of Kalki

by Aaditya Sengupta Dhar
4.3 stars – 54 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Tsunamis rise in the Indian Ocean, mysterious lights haunt the Himalayas, and sacred monuments are laid waste.

An ancient evil has awakened.

Kali Asura has emerged from the depths of darkness to herald a new age of despair, by turning the Kaalchakra, the wheel of time.

Two teenagers from Mumbai find themselves at the centre of an ancient prophecy, where myth meets reality, and legendary heroes of yore become their allies against otherworldly foes. At stake are the lives of those they care about most, and the fate of the world itself, as they embark on a perilous quest to Mount Kailash, the abode of the gods.

For, as they discover, they are not just ordinary teenagers.

They are destined to bring about the rise of Kalki, the one who will restore balance to the Kaalchakra.

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Soulless at Sunset (Last Witch Standing Book 1)

by Deanna Chase
4.4 stars – 1,287 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

From New York Times bestselling author, Deanna Chase, comes the first book in the Last Witch Standing series featuring the badass witch, Phoebe Kilsen.

Trouble is brewing in New Orleans. Shifters are moving in and vampires are being picked off in record numbers. And vampire hunter Phoebe Kilsen is right in the middle of the war.

When Phoebe’s best friend goes missing along with the consort of the most powerful vampire in New Orleans, Phoebe betrays her heart and her shifter partner by teaming up with the one vampire she’s never trusted. Now, not only does she have the city’s vampires to worry about, but there’s a new vigilante shifter pack who claim to be protecting the citizens of the Crescent City. Only they aren’t at all who they claim to be. Trust will be broken. Betrayal and secrets will be revealed, and through it all, Phoebe will do whatever it takes to bring her friend home, even if means she might not make it out alive.

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