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Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert! Coming of Age Love Story, FINDING MY ESCAPE by Fran Veal – Now Just $2.99 on Kindle

Finding My Escape

by Fran Veal

4.7 stars – 9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:


Hannah Jordan’s life is shattered when she walks in on the double homicide of her parents. Forced to leave her home, Hannah desperately seeks a way to escape her pain. When she meets the seemingly perfect Josh, she believes she has finally found her safe haven. Or has she?
As Hannah’s mind compels her to relive that night, she is disturbed by the idea that she is forgetting something important. Aided by her best friend, Matt, she begins to uncover clues indicating that what she had believed was a simple home invasion was actually something much more sinister. And the killer is still out there.
Finding My Escape is a young adult novel mixing romance with suspense and a twist of the paranormal.


Reader Comments
I absolutely loved “Finding My Escape”. It kept me in suspense until the very end…I was constantly second guessing myself but never could figure out what was really happening until the very end! I can’t wait for the sequel!
Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars
Wow! I was blown away by the ending. This story kept me guessing. I never knew what would happen next. My mom read it too and she loved it. There was the right amount of suspense, fantasy, romance, and mystery to hold my attention. It was hard to turn off my light and go to sleep; I wanted to keep reading. And I was a little afraid to go to sleep.
Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars
About The Author
I fell in love with reading prose in the third grade when I first ran across “Little Women”, but it was my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Greer, who gave me the desire to tell stories. Every day after lunch, Mrs. Greer would read to our class: “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “Alice in Wonderland”, and “Charlotte’s Web” to name a few. Those stories captured my imagination and birthed the desire to tell stories of my own. Fun fact: I was on my college dance team. *blush*
(This is a sponsored post.)


With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And most of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are some books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if they look interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Thursday, February 16, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *

The Volunteer

by Barbara Taylor Sissel

4.2 stars – 4 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

In the fall of 1999, psychologist Sophia Beckman is compelled by the court to give testimony on behalf of a death row inmate that results in his sentence being overturned. Haunted by secrets from her past, she avoids the media spotlight as much as possible, but soon, other prisoners’ families come seeking her assistance. One family in particular, the wife, children, and brother of Jarrett Capshaw, is especially insistent. Forty-one days ago Jarrett’s request to die was granted by the State of Texas, and he became a dead man walking, a man they call a volunteer.

Jarrett’s crimes were unusual, involving the theft of precious Mayan antiquities. Murder was never part of the plan, but murder is what happened. He pulled the trigger, and as little as he feels prepared for it, as much as he struggles with matters of the soul, he’s ready to die. It is the only way his family and the families of his victims will be free to move on. While Jarrett labors to find the words to say good-bye to those he has loved, Sophia finds herself drawn into a relationship with his wife and oldest son. It is Jarrett’s family she can’t resist and there will be a price to pay. But not even Sophia could have foreseen the outcome when the brutal truth is exposed, the unalloyed facts that, incredibly, will deliver Jarrett’s fate straight into her hands.

The Volunteer is a story about families, how they are made, and how in one single, horrifying instant, they can be broken. It is a story about mothers and the lies they tell to protect their children, to keep them from being hurt. But what happens when the truth comes out anyway and nothing and no one is spared? Sometimes the truth has the power to break your heart, and in Sophia’s case it will also endanger her freedom and threaten everything she has ever believed about her life.

*  *  *

5 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Strange Tales of the Curiously Uncommon is a collection of darkly humorous short stories, each with a cunning twist in the tail.

When extraordinary events befall some of London’s most ordinary of inhabitants, unexpected turns lead to some witty, strange, yet ultimately satisfying results.

An Honest Mistake: Madge has long since surrendered herself to the verbal abuse doled out to her by her belligerent husband, Stan. On this particular evening, however, her fears of a rat beneath the floorboards, combined with her natural absent-mindedness, result in her dishing up Stan not only his evening meal…but perhaps his just deserts!

A Familiar Face: Two elderly Cockney women, old friends, meet up in a London café shortly after one them, Dora, has been widowed. As Dora’s grief and anger grows increasingly fervent, her good friend Eydie begins to suspect there may be more to her angst than the loss of a loved one. When Dora calmly removes from her shopping bag a large glass jar containing a human head, discussions over its mysterious identity and how it came to be lodged in the cupboard under her stairs lead to some startling revelations.

A Slip of the Tongue: Miss Perkins, tired of the constant innuendos and sexual insinuations of her employer, Mr. Reams, has decided to hand in her notice. On this particular morning, however, Mr. Reams decides to take things one step further. Unfortunately for him, due to Miss Perkins’ natural nervous disposition and a telephone that rings at a shockingly high pitch, he soon discovers he’s bitten off more than he can chew…or at least, one of them has.

An Embarrassing Odour: Ethel, a frail, widowed pensioner, sits down one evening to tackle her daily crossword puzzle, when suddenly her tranquil world is turned upside down as a burglar breaks into her home believing it to be unoccupied. While Ethel vainly attempts to forge a relationship with the violent delinquent before her, his concerns lie only in getting his hands on her valuables…that and the unpleasant smell that fills the room. As Ethel shamefully admits, it’s an embarrassing odour for a seventy-eight year old to have, but what her intruder doesn’t know is quite why…though he’s about to find out!

A Stunning Confession: As Ron and Jan made themselves comfortable on their sofa, they thought they were settling in for just another quiet night in front of the television. But beneath the surface of this seemingly benign evening of domestic routine, each was withholding a guilty secret from the other, and on this particular evening one of them found they could contain themselves no longer.

*  *  *

4.1 stars – 13 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
12-year-old Fezariu thought his mother died when he was little, but when his beloved stepfather dies the boy discovers she is alive and well – and working at the most famous brothel in all of Elenchera. When she cruelly rejects him it’s more than he can bear, and he runs away to join a band of ruthless soldiers for hire. The Merelax Mercenaries will fight for anyone who can pay them, no matter the justice of the cause.
 Fezariu grows up among the soldiers and becomes one of them. He thinks his time with the mercenaries has hardened him. But a campaign in his old home town pushes him too far, and he discovers what really happened to his mother. Maybe there are some things money shouldn’t buy… and maybe it’s time Fezariu took his revenge.

*  *  *

5 stars – 3 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Vampires are the disease, and Jonnie Dearborn is the cure!

Vampirism is sorely misunderstood by those that actually believe vampires exist.

Vampirism is a disease, or more specifically, a virus. There is nothing magical about vampires. They can’t fly, turn into a bat, and they don’t sparkle like diamonds in direct sunlight. Whoever came up with that one has some imagination!

But the virus needs to feed, and the only way to keep the virus from consuming the carrier is to give it human blood.

That’s where Jonnie comes in. He objects strongly to vampires eating his friends, and he’s here to do something about it.

*  *  *

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
A beautiful spirit warrior who gets frisky when she drinks ambrosia. A dark and sexy fae warrior with secrets. A cranky gnome. A snippy guardian angel. An opinionated flying horse. And a council room full of entertaining and arrogant gods. Somehow they all need to work together to save Olympus from a delightfully evil villain. There’s no way in Heaven or Hell…or anywhere in between…that this won’t be entertaining!
(This is a sponsored post.)

Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert! Jeff Sherratt’s Legal Thriller THE BRIMSTONE MURDERS – 14 out of 14 Rave Reviews – Now Just 99 Cents on Kindle!


by Jeff Sherratt

4.7 stars – 14 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

This entertaining legal thriller hooks the audience from the beginning and never slows down until the final confrontation. The story line in many ways is more of an investigative thriller filled with twists and red herrings… Fans will appreciate THE BRIMSTONE MURDERS…
–The Mystery Gazette

Robbie Farris stabbed his junior college professor twenty-seven times.

At his arraignment, Robbie pulls a gun and escapes. After his mother is found murdered in her shabby house trailer, Robbie’s lawyer, Jimmy O’Brien, is led into the seemingly unrelated worlds of high-profile, religious evangelism and old-fashioned Mojave Desert borax mining.

Jimmy fights the clock, the cops, and the DA in his effort to find and return Robbie before he himself is charged with Section 187-murder in the first degree.

Reader Comments
This was an exciting fast paced mystery. Hated it to end. The perfect book to read on a long flight or on vacation relaxing. Would highly recommend this book!
Dianne Finch, Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars

The Brimstone Murders is a fun, clever, mystery. It took me to familiar places in southern California and backward in time to the old gumshoe days. Good storyline. I would definitely choose this author again.
Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars
About The Author
Jeff Sherratt is the author of the acclaimed Jimmy O’Brien mystery series. His novel, DETOUR TO MURDER, published by INNOVA Press, is the latest in the Jimmy O’Brien mystery series. Other novels in the series include GUILTY OR ELSE and THE BRIMSTONE MURDERS. Jeff has written nonfiction articles for corporate newsletters and his short stories have been published in H2O Magazine and the anthology, The Heat of the Moment. He is a past board member of Sisters in Crime/LA, and a member of Mystery Writers of America. Jeff has been a guest speaker at many book events, including the California Crime Writers Conference and the prestigious Southern California Writers Conference. He is currently working on his fourth Jimmy O’Brien novel, CYANIDE PERFUME. Jeff lives in Newport Beach, CA with his wife, Judy.
(This is a sponsored post.)

Three Brand New Kindle Freebies! Are You a Fan of Horror and Fantasy? Then You Won’t Want to Miss These Titles … Scott Nicholson’s GHOST BOX: SIX SUPERNATURAL THRILLERS, Jay Province’s THE SUMMER SET and Jeremy Shipp’s ABERRATIONS: HORROR STORIES

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And most of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are a few books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if they look interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Wednesday, February 15, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *

5 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

“Like Stephen King, he knows how to summon serious scares.”– Bentley Little, His Father’s Son


Better leave the lights on for weeks! A box set of six supernatural thrillers from bestselling author Scott Nicholson, featuring more than 400,000 words of fiction. DRM-free.

THE RED CHURCH (Stoker Award finalist, alternate selection of the Mystery Guild Book Club): A boy and a sheriff must solve the mystery of a haunted Appalachian church when a strange preacher returns to town.

DRUMMER BOY: One misfit kid is all that stands between a small Appalachian town and a ghostly Civil War troop.

BURIAL TO FOLLOW: Roby Snow must help Jacob Ridgehorn find his eternal rest–or else.

CREATIVE SPIRIT: Artists at a remote Appalachian retreat discover their work is reviving a sinister spirit.

THE DEAD LOVE LONGER: Private investigator Richard Steele must solve his most difficult case ever–his own murder–while torn between women on opposite sides of the grave.

SPEED DATING WITH THE DEAD: A paranormal conference in the Appalachian Mountain’s most haunted hotel goes haywire when ghost hunters accidentally stir up demons.

*  *  *

The Summer Set

by Jay Province

4.7 stars – 9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

In the summer of 1956 two teenagers rescue a drowning woman from the Susquehanna’s turbulent waters, and their predictable lives suddenly veer towards a deadly detour. Shadowy men in black cars start tracking their every movement. A tall foreboding man clutching a snake-headed staff and chain-smoking through a hole in his throat seeks their names.

Fourteen year-old catcher Peter ‘Chumbucket’ Miller and his best friend pitcher Mike DeSorcier begin the summer on a mission to capture the World Series championship of their youth baseball league. Spying on a league meeting from a sweltering attic perch they uncover a group of extra-dimensional beings infiltrating the league. During their breathless escape, the boys discover two things: they are in mountains of trouble and they need help. Assistance (and more trouble) arrives in the form of two daring and mystifying girls – the unusual Karen Croft and the beautiful Jo Munro. Together, the teens must solve the mystery of the Noqumiut before a fateful August lunar eclipse.

Bizarre and comical events trail the foursome’s investigation: Santa and his merry elf magically appear in June running for their lives from a town hall fire; a teen girl flies her Cessna from the scene of a refinery explosion; and a dead body is left as a present on a leather couch – carefully wrapped in a mink coat and holding a red gift bow.

Unlikely sources aid their efforts. These include an Eskimo shaman, a magic stone carving of a lively seal, a ferociously loyal dog, and an opponent from Roswell, New Mexico whose talents (and origins) may literally be out of this world.

The Summer Set is a humorous, intense, action-packed story about friends, enemies and the pursuit of winning it all. The novel is for all story lovers ages twelve and up.

*  *  *

Aberrations: Horror Stories

by Elizabeth Massie, Kealan Burke, Lisa Tuttle, Joe McKinney, Lisa Morton, Nate Kenyon, Joseph Nassise, Simon Wood, Scott Nicholson

4.8 stars – 4 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Jeremy C. Shipp has brought together ten monster tales from today’s masters of horror and supernatural suspense.

Stories by:
Scott Nicholson
Lisa Tuttle
Nate Kenyon
Lisa Morton
Kealan Patrick Burke
Simon Wood
Jeremy C. Shipp
Elizabeth Massie
Joe McKinney
Joseph Nassise

Praise for Jeremy C. Shipp:

“Jeremy C. Shipp’s boldness, daring, originality, and sheer smarts make him one of the most vital younger writers who have colonized horror literature in the past decade. Shipp’s modernist clarity, plus his willingness to risk damn near everything, put him up at the head of the pack with the very best.”
Peter Straub, author of Ghost Story

“Shipp’s clear, insistent voice pulls you down into the rabbit hole and doesn’t let go.”
Jack Ketchum, author of The Girl Next Door

(This is a sponsored post.)

Like a little romance? Or a lot? Then we think you’ll love this free excerpt from our Kindle Nation Daily Romance of the Week, Inglath Cooper’s TRUTHS AND ROSES – 4.6 Stars and just 99 cents on Kindle!

Over the weekend we announced that Inglath Cooper’s TRUTH AND ROSES was our new Romance of the Week and the sponsor of thousands of great bargains in the Romance category: over 200 free titles, over 600 quality 99-centers, and thousands more that you can read for free through the Kindle Lending Library if you have Amazon Prime!

Now we’re back to offer our weekly free Romance excerpt, and if you aren’t among those who have downloaded this one already, you’re in for a treat!

Truths and Roses

by Inglath Cooper

4.6 stars – 22 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

First love. Second chances. Secrets with the power to change lives.

When Will Kincaid’s professional football career comes to an abrupt end in a single night, he’s left to figure out what he’s going to do with the rest of his life. He heads home to the small Virginia town where he grew up and crosses paths with Hannah Jacobs, the only girl in high school who had ever rejected him. It’s Hannah who once made him question the choices he had made, and it’s Hannah who’s making him question them all over again. But with the weight of a secret he’s managed to hide from the world his entire adult life hanging over him, he can’t afford to question his choices.

Hannah Jacobs had once made the choice to deny her feelings for Will Kincaid, at the time finding it the only possible option for a young girl intent on burying a nightmare she only wanted to forget. The life she’s made for herself as a librarian in Lake Perdue is a quiet one, and she’s hardly prepared for the day when Will rams his fancy Ferrari into her dependable old clunker. But for Hannah, Will Kincaid can only stir up memories she had long ago put away forever. And there’s nothing at all good that can come from bringing them back to life again.

And here, for your reading pleasure, is our free excerpt:


New Orleans, Louisiana

The ball flew out of the quarterback’s hands, whistling down the length of the Superdome field like a missile.  A missile aimed at Will Kincaid.

From his spot on the fifteen-yard line, he narrowed his gaze, willing the oncoming ball to land in his wait­ing hands.  Nothing existed except this moment.  There were no fans lunging to their feet, no vendors hawk­ing popcorn and Cokes in the stands, no TV cameras zooming in on him.  Just the knowledge that within his reach hung the brass ring.

The moment he’d waited for all his life.  The Super Bowl.  A single chance in which to make his mark in history.  He could taste the victory, feel its reassuring caress through the sweat and grime that covered his face.  His.  It was his.  Before his eyes flashed an image of his father’s face—

“You’ll make me proud out there, son.  Never given me reason to be ashamed yet.  I know you won’t start tonight.


Winning.  Nothing else mattered.  Determination roared up from deep inside him.  He launched himself at the ball, reaching, reaching….

It landed solidly in his grasp, and he catapulted forward.  A hand grabbed for his shoulder, missed and snatched again.  He ran, flat out, every self-doubt that had ever plagued him pushing him down that field.  But just as Will’s feet crossed the line, the safety tack­led him, taking him down, slamming him into the un­forgiving turf.  His right knee twisted and took the full impact of his weight.

The resounding crack echoed in his ears.

He lay there, not moving while thousands of fans roared their support, hero worship for a young man who, at twenty-nine, had reached the top of the ladder he’d chosen to climb.  Nausea rose inside him, swift enough to draw a groan from his midsection.  Then the blackness over­took him, and everything else faded against the backdrop of his fa­ther’s unreadable frown.


Chapter One


Hannah Jacobs had long been aware that most of the people in Lake Perdue considered her a mystery.  They thought it odd that a young woman would go months without showing her face at a public func­tion.  Odd that she seemed content to work in a small ­town library week after week, month after month, year after year, when most of her peers had moved away to make their fortunes.

They didn’t know that the old brick building with its slate roof and musty memories of the flood of ’64 suited her.  It no longer mattered that she’d once entertained other dreams.  The library had become her solace.  Her refuge.  Books did not ques­tion or judge.  They made safe companions.

As assistant librarian, Jenny Dudley did not share Hannah’s passion, but she went about her work with singular efficiency and enthusiasm.  In the past few years, she had become Hannah’s closest friend.  But even with Jenny, she avoided talking about anything personal, preferring, instead, to discuss topics associated with the li­brary—which books had received favorable reviews in Publishers Weekly, how many they could order and stay within budget.

Today, though, their conversation did not run toward anything so dry.  Hannah would have given a day’s pay to be arguing the merits of stocking the shelves with extra copies of Faulkner.  Avoiding Jenny’s eyes, she reached for the L encyclopedia and shoved the vol­ume into its proper spot.

“It would do you good to get out for a change, Hannah,” Jenny said.  “A parade would be just the thing.  You need to start living a little.” At forty-five, Jenny followed her own advice, coming in with a new hair­style every week.  Keep a man guessing, she said, convinced it would eventually help her find the man she’d been searching for in the twenty-odd years since she’d lost her husband.

“I don’t have time today.”

“Don’t you ever get tired of the same old routine? You’re here every day except Sunday.  And every night you head straight for that old mausoleum you call home.  You’re the only person I know whose spice cabinet is alphabetized.  Not to mention that you’ve read ninety-five percent of the books in this library.  Books and reality are two different things, you know.  What you need, Hannah Jacobs, is something to ruffle your feathers a bit.”

Hannah closed her eyes and rubbed a hand across the back of her neck.  She’d heard it before, how the romance of spinsterhood had gone the route of the wooden icebox.  “Jenny, don’t start this again—”

“A young woman like yourself ought to be getting out more.”

“Jenny.” The word was a warning.

“And I can’t understand why you insist on playing down your God-given good looks.  It’s like you’re try­ing to hide them or something.  Why on earth don’t you—”

“We’ve been through this before, Jen.  Please.”

Jenny muttered something about the folly of a woman hiding her light under a bushel, then made a mock salute of truce.  “All right.  But it’s not as if a local hero comes home to roost every day of the week.” With a what’s-this-world-coming-to sigh of exasperation, she urged the metal book cart down the aisle and said, “You really aren’t going?”

“It’s February,” Hannah said, hoping to divert Jenny’s mission.  “How can you have a parade in February?”

Jenny shrugged.  “No one ever complains about having the Christmas parade in cold weather.  What’s the difference?”

A gust of wind caught a limb of the pine tree out­side the front window, slapping it against the pane.  Hannah flinched, then reached for another book.  “Parades are for soldiers coming home, retired war veterans, even Santa Claus.  Not football players,” she added with a shake of her head.

“For goodness’ sake, Hannah, you act like Will Kincaid’s an ax murderer or something.  He won the Super Bowl.”

“And the rest of the town is acting like he’s the messiah.”

“Oh, that’s hogwash.  You know he’s just a local boy made good.  What’s wrong with giving him a lit­tle pat on the back?”

“Certainly a contribution to mankind.” Hannah aligned the row of encyclopedias in soldier-like preci­sion, despite the fact that the two-thirty school bus would drop off a dozen or so hands to interpose A with C and P with Z.

“Come on.  Sandy will be here after school to work the front desk.  We could slip out for a few min­utes—”

“I have a dental appointment at four.” For all the sorrow in her voice, she could have been announcing her imminent departure for Tahiti.

The corners of Jenny’s mouth puckered in a frown.  “I guess I’ll go by myself, then.”

Hannah didn’t take the bait.  “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of company.”

“Well, then, you might just be sorry,” Jenny said, attempting one last tack.  “He’s awfully good-looking, if all those magazine articles are anything to judge from.”

Smoothing the front of her dress, Hannah grabbed the remaining books from the cart, sending her co­worker a look that said it wouldn’t have mattered if he’d been Adonis himself.  “I need to run a few er­rands before my appointment.  I’ll see you in the morning, Jenny.”

Hannah slipped the last three volumes into their appropriate spots, then walked to the front desk.  She opened the bottom drawer and pulled out her purse, humming as she went, an apparent portrait of indif­ference.

Chapter Two

The yellow twenty-five-miles-an-hour sign warned would-be speeders of the hairpin curve marking the entrance into the Lake Perdue town limits.  Will Kin­caid took note of it, then dismissed it much the same as he’d once dismissed his ninth-grade algebra teacher.  He knew today the same reckless uncertainty for his future he’d known then.

Downshifting, he sent the car accelerating into the curve.  The new red Ferrari hugged the pavement at well over double the sign’s advised speed.  The tires squealed in protest before the car hummed on, fourth gear, back to fifth, leveling off with a purr that was to the auto enthusiast what Rachmaninoff might have been to the New York Philharmonic patron.

Limits.  Life these days revolved around them.

Will didn’t have time for speed limits today.  He was late.  Late for this parade his father had planned.  He’d wanted nothing more than a few weeks to re­cover.  A few weeks to put body and soul back to­gether again.  To forget about football.  And Grace.  To convince himself he’d done the right thing in walking away from both of them.

The Super Bowl.  The high point of his life.  It had shattered not only his knee, but all sense of direction, as well, leaving him with no idea of where to go or what to do.

Not that he hadn’t had his share of well-meaning friends and relatives intent on showing him the way.  Head for Hollywood.  New York’s the place for you.  Come home for a while, son.  Do not pass Go.  Do not collect two hundred dollars.

Despite the barrage of well-intended advice given him, Will had let Lake Perdue beckon and win for the time being.  Will’s father had wanted him to move back home, an option totally out of the question.  He’d rented a house in Tarkington’s Cove, instead.  Close enough to visit.  Far enough away to secure the space he needed.

Although, so far, physical distance hadn’t been a deterrent for his father.  John Kincaid had still man­aged to talk Will into sitting on some ridiculous float and being pulled around town like a monkey in a cage.  “How can you turn them down, son?”

“I’m tired, Dad.”

“It’s just an hour or two.  Surely that’s not too much to ask from someone who’s made it as big as you have.”

Guilt.  John Kincaid played it better than anyone Will had ever known.  No one had pushed him harder toward his success in the NFL.  No one had reminded him of it more often.

Will had relented finally, certain by the end of their discussion that his father would get more pleasure out of the event than anyone else in Lake Perdue.

He hadn’t exactly dressed for the occasion, a fact his father would be certain to point out.  Will had never been much for Armani suits and the like.  Designer jeans had battled for their share of the market with­out ever making it to a hanger in his closet.  His taste had remained constant over the years.  He still pre­ferred Levi’s, the kind that had been washed so many times they’d gone soft and white.  Today he’d paired them with a denim shirt and a worn-looking leather jacket that cost more than a lot of used cars.  He wore equally well-worn loafers on sockless feet.  He hated socks.

He reached forward and popped in a CD.  The sound of Wagner’s “Die Walkure split the air, blasting away at the edges of his impatience.  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, while he controlled the steer­ing wheel with the other.  The car had been a bonus from Hank Calhoun, owner of the team on which Will had played wide receiver.  A farewell present for a job well done.  And maybe a bit of a bribe, as well, Will had later realized.  For him to consider going back to work for Hank in some other capacity.  To reconsider not forgetting Hank’s daughter once he left L.A.

“You and Grace make a fine couple, Will,” Hank had said the last time they’d talked.  “There aren’t too many men I’d hand my daughter over to, you know.” Will knew it was true.  But it had taken him three years to realize he wasn’t the man for that particular honor.

Like the rest of the world, Hank had known Will’s career was over.  No one seemed willing to dispute the evidence that he would never again play football.  “With the number of inju­ries you’ve had on that knee, this was just the final straw, Will,” one of the doctors had said.  “The aver­age playing time is three-and-a-half years,” another had consoled.  So he’d had more than most.  But that didn’t make the verdict any easier to accept.  A verdict he’d sentenced himself to years ago.  Time to pay the hang­man.

Using his left foot, Will braked to a halt at the first of the town’s three stoplights.

No one understood why he’d left the West Coast mecca of wealth to come back to a town where the population hovered around five thousand.  He wasn’t sure himself.  He just knew that home was the place for him to recover—both physically and men­tally.

With one wrist draped over the wheel, he glanced at his surroundings.  Things had changed since his last visit.  Progress had stuck its big toe into Lake Perdue.  Aaron Tate’s General Store, which had since risen to One Stop Gas & Go status, still sat on the corner of Second and Main.  A pizza joint had been wedged in between it and Kawley’s Drugstore, more than likely giving Simpson’s Ice Cream, the old high-school hangout, a run for its money.  On the other side of the street, Ethel’s Fine Fashions had been replaced by a shop that looked as though it belonged on Fifth Ave­nue in Manhattan, a concession to the customers coming in from some of the lake’s new develop­ments.

Disappointment shot through him.  Nothing stayed the same.  The rest of the world was beginning to dis­cover Lake Perdue, the quiet little town that had been his refuge in the years of traveling from one big city to another.

The light turned green.  He put his foot to the accel­erator and continued along Main Street, dodging the potholes and passing a car and then a truck.  He didn’t know either of the drivers, but he lifted a hand in greeting, anyway.  Here, everybody waved.  Will pic­tured himself cruising down Sunset Boulevard, wav­ing at every car he passed.  He shook his head and smiled to himself for the first time that day.

Tom Dillon, an old friend and now a town deputy sheriff, stood just ahead in the middle of the street, directing traffic for the parade.  Will rolled down his window and lifted a cautious hand in greeting.  The two had been buddies in high school, until they’d had a falling-out just before graduation.  Will hadn’t for­gotten it.

Tom apparently had.  He grinned and yelled, “Hey, Will, man how’s it going?”

“How ya doin’, Tom?” Will threw back, a cool note in his voice.

Tom blew his whistle and motioned a lane of traf­fic forward, shouting over his shoulder, “Come on out to Clarence’s when you get a chance.  Buy you a beer.”

With a half nod and a wave, Will swung off Main onto McClanahan for the First Baptist Church.  He checked his appearance in the mirror and then glanced up just in time to see a stop sign ahead that hadn’t been there the last time he’d been home.

Brake lights flashed as the car in front of him rolled to a stop.  Nothing short of a miracle would allow him to miss it.  Tires squealed, rubber smoked against as­phalt as the Ferrari plowed into the back of the stopped car.

The air bag exploded, preventing Will from going through the windshield.

He slammed a palm against the steering wheel and leaned forward to get a closer look at what he’d done.  The brand-new Ferrari now sat with its nose tucked under the ancient relic in front of him.

The car was the color of his aunt Fan’s grasshopper pie.  It appeared to be a good thirty feet long, sporting twin pointed extensions just above each taillight.  He recognized the make—a Cadillac Sedan de Ville.  Had it been a convertible, it would have looked a lot like something Batman drove.

With another muttered curse, he climbed out of the car, pulling his leather bomber jacket close against the February chill.  He cast a glance at the damage and decided it might not have been as bad as he’d thought.  A few scratches maybe if they were careful about sep­arating the two cars.  Not worth calling the police.

Lips pressed together, he limped across the pave­ment to the other driver’s door.  A woman.  He should have guessed.  Judging from the antique she was driv­ing, she probably hadn’t been on the road in fifteen years.

Will knocked on the window and leaned forward.  The woman sat there, staring straight ahead as if in a trance.  Alarm stabbed at him.  What if she was hurt?

Before he could complete the thought, the car door opened, barely missing his nose.  The woman slid out of the front seat, sidestepping him until they stood a good four feet apart.  Focusing to the left of his shoulder, she asked in a frigid voice, “Was there a problem with your brakes?”

The question sounded innocent enough.  But her tried-and-convicted tone rankled Will.  He took a step back and arched a brow, taking in the wool cap pulled so low on her head that she appeared not to have any hair, the round glasses that seemed to dwarf her small face, the scarf wrapped around her neck and tucked under her chin.  From the way she’d mummified her­self, he could barely see where the hat ended and the scarf began.

“Hey, I’ll be the first to admit this was my fault.  But you were barely moving, you know.”

The woman kept her eyes averted and appeared to be searching for words.  Her response, when it finally came, was calm and reasonable.  “McClanahan wasn’t exactly made for drag racing.”

He slid his sunglasses down his nose and stared at her, his eyes narrowed.  Something about the woman seemed familiar.  Only he couldn’t see her well enough to figure out what.  He stepped back and frowned at her.  “Do I know you?”

The woman hesitated.  Then she quickly pushed past him and slid into the car to shuffle through some pa­pers she pulled from the glove compartment.  “I have an appointment in a few minutes, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to get this over with.  I assume you have insurance.”

Will couldn’t remember the last time a woman had given him the cold shoulder.  Maybe he’d gotten spoiled, but her attitude ticked him off.  “I do,” he snapped.  “And I’d rather not get the police involved in this.  I’ve had a pisser of a day, if you’ll pardon the language.  Your damage is minimal.  I’ll take a chance on mine.  I’m late for something myself.”

Her eyes widened.  “If you could please give me your company’s name.” She kept her gaze on the notepad in her hand, pen poised in midair.

“Better yet,” he said, his voice softer now, “how about if I just pay you for the damage? We could make a reasonable estimate, and if it’s more, you can get in touch with me later.”

“I’d prefer to keep this within the law.”

“I wasn’t suggesting anything illegal, just—”

“Convenient.  You’re interested in convenience.” She nodded impatiently.  “All right.  We’ll do it your way.”

“Sounds reasonable enough.” He turned and made his way back to the Ferrari, deliberately taking his time.  Reaching for the wallet inside the glove com­partment, he pulled out a wad of cash and counted out several large bills.  That ought to do it.  He doubted the whole car was worth that much.

Favoring his right knee, he ambled back to the woman’s car and leaned inside to hand her the money along with a few insurance papers.  “It’s all there.  With a toll-free number.  I don’t imagine you’ll need it, though.  This should cover it.”

The woman glanced down at the money and shook her head.

“I made what I thought was a generous guess,” he said.  “If it’s too much, keep the rest for your trouble.”

“Fine,” she said, looking suddenly angry.  With surprising strength, she yanked the door closed, leaving him staring at her through the window.

He took a hasty step back and then grimaced when a pain shot through his leg.  Suddenly he realized he hadn’t told her he’d disconnect the two cars himself.  It would need to be done carefully, just right in order to—

He reached out to pound on the window just as she fired the old clunker, jerked it into gear and surged forward.

Speechless, Will stood there watching as she floored the heap and roared through the intersec­tion at a speed that couldn’t possibly be described as a snail’s pace.


Chapter Three


It was well after five when Hannah pulled into her driveway on Wilmington Street.  Turning off the igni­tion, she leaned forward and glanced up at the old white house.  The towering maples stood naked and gray in the front yard.  Jenny was right.  With only one person to fill its rooms, the house was a mausoleum.  Built in 1910, it had been designed for a family, not a woman alone.  But Sarah had loved the house.  And Hannah loved it, too.  She’d grown up here in a child­hood filled with books and classical music.  And books with endings where Mommies and Daddies didn’t leave their little girls.

This house was home to her with its front porch and rocking chairs that invited one to sit and relax.  It was the same front porch on which Sarah had sat watch­ing Hannah play in the front yard.  The same porch from which aunt and niece had stood hand in hand as Hannah’s father had turned to say, “‘Bye, Hannah Banana, see you soon,” as they’d climbed into their car.  Two young parents who’d met up with responsi­bility too soon and handed their daughter over to Sarah long enough to sow a few wild oats.  Unaware that they would never see either Sarah or Hannah again.

In front of the white rail porch grew Hannah’s treasured Madam Butterfly tea roses.  Featherless peacocks now in the last throes of winter.  Hannah’s mother had planted the bushes more than twenty-five years earlier, when she and Hannah’s father had first married and lived here with his older sister, Sarah.  Hannah tended them now, pruning and pampering, awaiting their arrival each spring as one awaits the re­turn of old friends.

She climbed out of the car, reached for her purse and shut the door with a clunk.  After letting herself into the house she leaned against the door and closed her eyes.  In this house, at least, everything remained in order.  Dishes were stacked neatly in the kitchen cabinets.  Towels were folded precisely on the bath­room shelves.  Books lined the walls of the small den.  She felt better just being here.

The house had its own familiar scent.  Years of lemon-scented furniture polish, winter afternoons of chocolate-chip cookies and summer Sundays of blackberry cobbler.  Home.  For the first time in an hour-and-a-half, Hannah allowed herself to relax.  She felt as if she’d been holding her breath since she’d glanced in her rearview mirror to find Will Kincaid ramming into her car.

Will Kincaid.  She’d known he was coming back.  But meeting up with him face-to-face had been the last thing she’d anticipated.

She sank to the floor and rested her head in her hand.  In the few seconds she’d had before he stalked up to her car, she’d wrapped the scarf around her neck and yanked the hat down on her head, praying he wouldn’t recognize her.  And he hadn’t.

To her surprise, the realization had brought her no sense of satisfaction.  In fact, she’d found herself fighting the crazy impulse to shout at him.  Don’t you know who I am? Have I changed that much?

But then, she knew the answer to that.

She scrambled up to stand before the cherry mirror that hung in the hallway.  She yanked off the hat and the glasses she wore for driving.  Ten years had brought about more than a few changes, she knew.  She’d all but given up makeup.  Fine lines had appeared in places where once there’d been none.  She didn’t smile much anymore and tended to stay about five pounds underweight.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror.  She’d gotten what she wanted this afternoon.  Will hadn’t recognized her.  And she’d driven away without hav­ing to endure the awkwardness of that recognition.  She had no desire to start digging up the past.  She should be glad.  She was safe.

Laughter bubbled inside her at the irony of it.  Her eyes grew moist and the laughter died.  Ten years.  And she’d never forgotten Will Kincaid or his smiling face.

She’d never forgotten him.  He hadn’t recognized her.


Click here to download the entire book: Truth And Roses by Inglath Cooper>>

Heads Up! Don’t Forget to Enter This Week’s Brand New KINDLE FIRE Giveaway Sweepstakes, Sponsored by Terri Giuliano Long, author of In Leah’s Wake

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But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Terri Giuliano Long, this week's sponsor and author of IN LEAH'S WAKE

Like each one of our weekly sweepstakes, this week’s giveaway is sponsored by a talented author who has proven to be a favorite with our readers. In Leah’s Wake author Terri Giuliano Long is springing for the Kindle Fire that could very well end up with your name on it, so it only makes sense to pay it forward and stimulate both your karma and your imagination at the same time by chancing .99 cents to grace your Kindle with a novel that has 94 out of 158 rave reviews discriminating readers like us.


Here’s the scoop on In Leah’s Wake:

In Leah’s Wake

by Terri Giuliano Long

3.5 stars – 158 Reviews

Kindle Price: 99 cents

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

Protecting their children comes naturally for Zoe and Will Tyler–until their daughter Leah decides to actively destroy her own future.

Leah grew up in a privileged upper-middle class world. Her parents spared no expense for her happiness; she had all-but secured an Ivy League scholarship and a future as a star athlete. Then she met Todd.

Leah’s parents watch helplessly as their daughter falls into a world of drugs, sex, and wild parties. While Will attempts to control his daughter’s every move to prevent her from falling deeper into this dangerous new life, Zoe prefers to give Leah slack in the hope that she may learn from her mistakes. Their divided approach drives their daughter out of their home and a wedge into their marriage.

Twelve-year-old Justine observes Leah’s rebellion from the shadows of their fragmented family. She desperately seeks her big sister’s approval and will do whatever it takes to obtain it. Meanwhile she is left to question whether her parents love her and whether God even knows she exists.

What happens when love just isn’t enough? Who will pay the consequences of Leah’s vagrant lifestyle? Can this broken family survive the destruction left in Leah’s wake?

  • IN LEAH’S WAKE: Winner of the CTRR, Reviewer Recommend Award
  • “Terri Giuliano Long writes about the complexities of marriage and parenting . . . pulled me right along, as I continued to make comparisons to my own life.”–Jennifer Donovan, Managing Editor 5 Minutes For Books
  • In Leah’s Wake is beautifully written, haunting, fascinating, and a book that has a lot to say, a lot to teach you, without getting preachy. –Haley Stokes, Triumphal Writing

Reader Comments

A wonderful job of plotting and characterization in this debut novel. Poignant, thoughtful, well-written – lots to relate to here and much to think about as the story unfolds. Ms. Long has a wonderful career ahead of her, and I look forward to her next book!

Molly Greene, Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars

Very well written. In Leah’s Wake draws the reader in at the beginning and doesn’t let you go. With it’s many twists and turns, this is an incredible book about one family and the teen-age exploits that threaten to tear then apart. I look forward to reading more by Terri Giuliano Long.

– Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars


From The Author


Readers often ask why I write family stories. Families fascinate me. While my stories differ–Nowhere to Run, my novel-in-progress, is a psychological thriller with a historical twist–they always tie back to the family, the ways we love, yet hurt one another, the grief, the sorrow, the revelation, the joy. People connect with those stories, I think. So many readers have told me that In Leah’s Wake feels real, the problems complex. They’ve been there – as a parent or teen. They feel they know these characters, and they care about them. This connection, for me, is the most important reason for writing.


About The Author


Terri Giuliano Long grew up in the company of stories both of her own making and as written by others. Books offer her a zest for life’s highs and comfort in its lows. She’s all-too-happy to share this love with others as a novelist and as a lecturer at Boston College.While her passion lies in the written word, Terri’s primary inspiration comes from her interest in existential philosophy and her observations of people and human nature. Her stories expand upon the subtle truths and what-ifs of everyday life. No matter where her stories journey, they always tie back to the family–the ways we love yet, in loving, too often hurt one another, the grief, the sorrow, the revelation, and the joy. Terri’s goal is to offer lasting hope and deep emotional connection in a compact and entertaining package.Her life outside of books is devoted to her family. In her spare time, she enjoys walking, traveling to far-flung places, and meeting interesting people. True to her Italian-American heritage, she’s an enthusiastic cook and she loves fine wine and good food. In an alternate reality, she could have been very happy as an international food writer.

Terri loves connecting with people who share her passions. She can be reached on her website (tglong.com), blog (tglong.com/blog), Facebook page (facebook.com/tglongwrites) or on Twitter (twitter.com/tglong).

And here, just in case you forgot are the details on how to

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Good luck! And happy reading!

Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Keith Cockrell’s Thriller BLOODLINES – 16 out of 18 Rave Reviews – Now Just 99 Cents and Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members via Kindle Lending Library


by Keith Cockrell

4.6 stars – 18 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

When Shannon Landry came to Annuba, the attractive graduate student thought her biggest problem would be understanding the Cajun accents on the little Louisiana island. Instead she found herself in a desperate duel with a serial killer, first for the life of a child, but soon for the lives of everyone on the island, including her own.

Reader Comments

I really enjoyed this book.

I loved the spunky, feistiness of Shannon and the sweet, gentleness of Richard. I was fascinated by Ambrose who should NOT have been in any way likable, but he was. He was both attractive and repellant – fascinating. As for Halloran, Bravo!

It was a thumping good adventure with characters that mattered to me; some of whom were supporting characters. It was scaaaaary(I only read it in the daytime.)

It was, indeed, a thumping good read!

Victoria LeBlanc, Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars

Chills abound in this thriller by new author Cockrell, and my only complaint is that he hasn’t hit the scene sooner. It’s got all the right ingredients — Shannon, a young, feisty and attractive archeology student; Richard, a local with a ready grin, an infectious laugh, and a determination to right old wrongs; a small picturesque Louisiana island with an ugly secret and a bloody past; and a cast of quaint characters who alternately charm and threaten, not the least of which is the powerful benefactor whose tainted bloodline has ruled the island for generations.
Cockrell weaves a spooky and terrifying story of predator and prey, highlighted by authentic settings, believable characters, enthralling legends from the island’s past, and a villian so diabolical you’ll forget he isn’t real. Heritage is a heart-stopping unputdownable ride that grabs you by the throat and doesn’t let go.

Lisbeth Chance, author of Cutting Edge and Baja Run

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