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A Dragons’ Realm young adult epic fantasy adventure full of non-stop action and heart… Anakisha’s Dragon by Eileen Mueller

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Anakisha’s Dragon: Riders of Fire Dragon Masters Book One

by Eileen Mueller
4.7 stars – 8 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A feisty street fighter avenging her dead brother. A dashing dragon rider in the right place at the wrong time. And an unlikely pirate captain with nothing left to lose.

Being a dragon rider is not in Anakisha’s plans. And Anakisha’s stubborn. She’s not giving up her dreams anytime soon.

Even the dashing Yanir—the King’s Rider, who patrols the skies on the onyx King Syan—can’t convince her to train at Dragons’ Hold. But then again, Yanir’s as irritating as he is good looking. Then Anaksiha’s gifts unfold, a dragon comes calling, and a crisis calls her into action.

Will’s an opportunist, combing the Naobian market to feed his starving sister. Luck goes his way, until a fateful game in a dodgy tavern changes his life forever.

He and his best friend wake on a ship, desperate, surrounded by bloodthirsty pirates, and armed only with Will’s gift of the gab. But even Will can’t talk his way out of this one…

This epic clash will plunge Dragons’ Realm into generations of bloody battles.

If you love epic coming-of-age fantasy, heart-pounding adventure and dragons, Anakisha’s Dragon is for you.

Anakisha’s Dragon, the first book in the exciting Riders of Fire Dragon Masters series, is the start of a new young adult epic fantasy series, a prequel to the award-winning, international best-selling series, Riders of Fire by USA Today bestselling author Eileen Mueller.

In this series, readers who know Riders of Fire will meet familiar characters in their youth and discover how they shape the future of Dragons’ Realm. Journey with Anakisha, Master Giddi, Tonio, Hans and Marlies and find out their innermost secrets.

Fans of Dragon School, Brindle Dragon, Dragon Riders of Pern and Eragon enjoy Riders of Fire.

To Love and be Loved… Is that the Same as Being in Love? Beth: A Steamy Tale of Friendship and Self Discovery by Simone Leigh

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Beth: A Steamy Tale of Friendship and Self Discovery

by Simone Leigh
4.1 stars – 90 reviews
Everyday Price: $0.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A Prequel to ‘Bought By The Billionaire’

To Love and be Loved… Is that the Same as Being in Love?

Must We Always Be What Others Expect Of Us?

What is the purpose of our lives?
Must we always put others first, at the expense of our own happiness?
Beth has dreams of her own, but to achieve them, she must overcome the prejudice and assumptions of those who say they love her.
Does she have what it takes to do it?

A Steamy Tale of Friendship and Self Discovery

5 Stars “Beth is a fantastic start to Simone Leigh’s Bought By The Billionaire series! I absolutely loved reading every single word of this series and I’d always wondered more about Elizabeth’s background and how she started out in life before the infamous shower scene.” cfoster00

Experience a sprawling galactic tale with this 4-in-1 BOXED SET ALERT! Orion Colony Complete Series by J.N. Chaney and Jonathan Yanez

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Orion Colony Complete Series Boxed Set

by J.N. Chaney and Jonathan Yanez
Everyday Price: $9.99
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Here’s the set-up:
Humanity’s Exodus is about to begin.

When half of mankind revolts and demands more opportunity, those at the top decide on a compromise: they will build the first colony ships and allow those who are willing to discover new worlds to leave and start over.

Twelve ships are built, the first of which is called Orion. Many are eager to go, but only one hundred thousand are chosen for each vessel. Far from Earth, a new life awaits, and it promises the prosperity they’ve always wanted.

But still, resistance stirs, eager to sabotage this new expansion effort, threatening the promise of a new life. As Orion moves through the void of space, towards a distant world, its passengers must fight for survival in an unprecedented conflict.

Win or lose, their future will be forever changed.

Experience a sprawling galactic tale in this first entry to The Orion Colony series. If you’re a fan of Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, or Indiana Jones, you’ll love this epic, space opera adventure.

One of America’s toughest prosecutors grippingly recounts her career… Sex Crimes: Then and Now: My Years on the Front Lines Prosecuting Rapists and Confronting Their Collaborators by Alice Vachss

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Sex Crimes: Then and Now: My Years on the Front Lines Prosecuting Rapists and Confronting Their Collaborators

by Alice Vachss
4.7 stars – 74 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Sequel plus original:

After being fired from her post as Chief of the Special Victims Unit for refusing to “go along to get along,” Alice Vachss published the incendiary Sex Crimes, described as “a stark, passionate closing argument in [her] broader case against the criminal justice system” by the NY Times, which named it as a Notable Book of the Year. Nick (Goodfellas) Pileggi called it “the single best book about prosecuting sex crimes in America, period.” Now, twenty years later, Alice Vachss becomes Special Prosecutor for Sex Crimes in a new environment … on the opposite coast, in a small rural community. And asks the critical question: What has changed? Sex Crimes: Then and Now shreds the myths about sex crime prosecution in America, revealing that the passage of time and a different locale are mere window dressing for horrors America has yet to face. For those who want something more than press releases and Trash-TV “coverage,” this no-compromises ebook offers the brutal truth.

In Sex Crimes Then, (included free in this two-book package) the woman the press described as one of America’s toughest prosecutors grippingly recounts her career and in the process offers a searing indictment of our justice system. Included are close-ups of her most harrowing cases, among them the predatory pedophile who headed a boy’s club to get closer to victims; the serial rapist who terrorized the city as “The Stalker”: and the violent incest offender who tortured his “property” (his own daughter.)

“My first lesson about sex crimes prosecution,” Vachss writes, “was that perpetrators were not the only enemy.” She shows how the system is heavily weighted against victims. In what has come to be her trademarked term, she brands as “rape collaborators” police officers and judges whose ingrained attitudes aid and comfort criminals; elected officials and attorneys concerned only with their political futures; fickle juries seemingly impervious to compelling evidence; and a legal system skeptical of cries of rape.

Asked in a 2007 interview in The Guardian “Does she miss putting rapists in prison? ‘Hell, yes,’ says Vachss. Would she return to the front line? ‘Am I willing to put up with the politics of running for office, or the backstabbing and infighting of being an employee of an elected official? That’s a much tougher question.’” [Julie Bindel, “The rapists’ enemy”]

Sex Crimes Now finds Alice Vachss, still the same, back in the trenches insisting to a jury: “I don’t have to prove motive. The motive for rape is rape,” and battling a system hell-bent on freeing a monster. Inevitably, Vachss reached a point of no return, “Years before, Richard A. Brown’s response when he was asked why he fired me was that I’d done an excellent job. Ever-aware of the politics of prosecution, Brown had waited until he was elected, not simply appointed, before taking it upon himself to decide how much weight ‘doing an excellent job’ would or would not carry in his office. All these years later this new DA was about to make the same decision.”

With a shock ending that you’ll never predict, the latest Cartrina Flaherty Mystery is a page burner… The Chinatown Murders by Pendelton Wallace

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The Chinatown Murders: Catrina Flaherty Mysteries Book 3

by Pendelton Wallace
4.8 stars – 48 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
WARNING: This book contains graphic sexual violence. Not intended for younger readers.

Based on a true story.

Someone is raping women working at massage parlors in Seattle’s China Town. He selects his victims because they are undocumented aliens. They can’t go to the police or they risk deportation.

Now he has escalated to murder.

Who you gonna call?

Cat Flaherty.

The Man leads Catrina on a danger-fraught chase through the ancient streets of Chinatown in a race against time. Neither Catrina, nor her ex-lover, Detective Sergeant Tom Brennen, can stop the monster as the body count piles up.

With a shock ending that you’ll never predict, the latest Cartrina Flaherty Mystery is a page burner.

5 out of 5 stars

“Another great read from Pendelton C. Wallace. I find myself wishing there another book to read about these characters as soon as I finish. If you are looking for entertaining fast paced actions this is the author for you. If you haven’t read any of his work, good for you, as you can keep on going until you’ve read them all.”

5 out of 5 stars
I love Cat as a special human whom I can relate …

“This book is so fast paced, just up my alley. I love Cat as a special human whom I can relate to…..Some of the characters are so politically incorrect that one can’t help but smile. The plots are interesting and relevant and eye opening. Don’t read if you are put off by explicit sex. Read if you can appreciate a great story line.”

A near-future dystopian science fiction novel that explores a world where people by choice, birth, or punishment, relinquish the rights to their physical body… 418: I Am a Teapot by Edgar Scott

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418: I Am a Teapot

by Edgar Scott
4.2 stars – 4 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.18
Here’s the set-up:

418: I Am a Teapot is a near-future dystopian science fiction novel that explores a world where people by choice, birth, or punishment, relinquish the rights to their physical body. Their brains exist in a constantly-connected virtual interface where they enjoy a fantasy world of endless indulgences. However, while their minds have fun, their bodies are controlled by implants doing the filthiest and most dangerous jobs known to humanity.

Stripped of their identities, these dredges of society are simply called staff and they are disposable. But what happens when a staff becomes cognizant of its situation and tries to break free?

When staff number 418’s physical body is broken, he must come to terms with reality, and defend himself in a trial for his life. Will an unlikely friendship save him from permanent retirement?

“Inner and outer lives clash in Edgar Scott’s unsettling tale of a world where humans give away their bodies in exchange for pleasures of the mind. Evoking such science-fiction classics as Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot, Scott shows us the extremes of escaping our reality and leaving our bodies behind.” –BookTrib

In the age of surveillance, how can a person go missing? Enjoy this page-turning, futuristic thrill-ride by Kathleen McFall and Clark Hays: Gates of Mars (The Halo Trilogy Book 1)

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Gates of Mars (The Halo Trilogy Book 1)

by Kathleen McFall, Clark Hays
4.9 stars – 18 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Here’s the set-up:


The year is 2187. Crucial Larsen, a veteran of the brutal Consolidation Wars, is working as a labor cop on Earth. The planet is a toxic dump and billions of people are miserable, but so what? It’s none of his business. He’s finally living a good life, or good enough.

But then Essential, his beloved kid sister, disappears on Mars.

When Halo–the all-powerful artificial-intelligence overseeing Earth and Mars on behalf of the ruling Five Families–can’t (or won’t) locate his sister, Crucial races up-universe to find her. In the Choke, the frigid, airless expanse outside the luxury domes, Crucial uncovers a deadly secret from Essential’s past that threatens to shatter his apathetic existence…and both planets.

Blending science-fiction with the classic, hard-boiled detective story, Gates of Mars is a page-turning, futuristic thrill-ride featuring a gritty, irreverent anti-hero–Crucial Larsen.

The first book of the Halo Trilogy, Gates of Mars is the eighth novel by award-winning authors Clark Hays and Kathleen McFall.
A Foreword Reviews 2020 INDIES Book of the Year Award Finalist in Science Fiction.