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Today’s Kindle Daily Deal – Saturday Oct. 22 – Save 78% on Maggie Brendan’s Deeply Devoted, plus … Just in time for Hallowe’en, Veronica Blade’s SOMETHING WITCHY THIS WAY COMES is now just $2.99 on Kindle! (Today’s Sponsor)

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

 Just in time for Hallowe’en….

Something Witchy This Way Comes

by Veronica Blade
5.0 stars – 6 Reviews
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Brainiac Tessa McClean’s newly discovered magical powers give her an escape from her self-absorbed parents. But the thrill of being a witch fades when she learns of a rival coven and begins to suspect her own coven’s motives. Evidence tells Tessa to trust one side, but instinct drives her toward the other.
When the school’s scrumptious delinquent, Hayden Anders, offers Tessa self-defense lessons in exchange for tutoring, his timing couldn’t be better. Although hanging out with him is a necessary evil in Tessa’s fight to stay alive, resisting a bad-boy she secretly yearns for might be more than she can manage.
Together, Tessa and Hayden work to unravel the mysteries behind the two covens to discover why they’ll stop at nothing to lure Tessa to their side. She must form an alliance with one of the covens before it’s too late. But the wrong decision could cost Tessa the lives of all who she holds dear — including Hayden.
What Pacific Book Review says about Something Witchy This Way Comes:
We have come to learn about witches from TV, the movies, and of course in literature. Some wiggle their nose and make things change like in Bewitched, others cross their arms and blink their eyes like our favorite genie, while still others wear rounded glasses and attend English manor schooling. Veronica Blade has created her own brand of witches, indelible to the reader’s memory, right from the hallways of a high school in her fanciful novel, Something Witchy This Way Comes.
Guidance and direction, along with comradery and protection all become necessities for Tessa as she realizes just how “special” she is. Infatuated with a bad-ass young man Hayden, the two orbit around each another, forming a symbiotic relationship of survival entwined with acute sexual attraction in such a way the layers of their character development becomes the story and that will keep you glued to the book. This entire novel is written without any use of vulgar language or obscene behavior, a feather in the writing cap of Veronica Blade as she achieves a wholesome and adventurous read for her young adult audiences.
I firmly feel Veronica Blade truly enjoys writing, as she demonstrates an acumen of knowledge understanding the mindset of young adults so well. Mixed into the witches brew a hodgepodge of supernatural powers, high school peer pressures, and the muse of sex emanates an unforgettable cast of characters and incidents. A delightful read, Something Witchy This Way Comes is an ideal gift for a teenager – something to show them witches don’t have to fly on broomsticks; instead they can drive an $80,000 car.

Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.


and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

Deeply DevotedKindle Daily Deal: Deeply Devoted

In Maggie Brendan’s Deeply Devoted, a young woman from Holland decides to leave her troubled past behind and start her life fresh in Wyoming as a mail-order bride–staking her future on a man she’s never met.

Yesterday’s Price: $9.22
Today’s Discount: $7.23
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $1.99 (78% off)


Kindle Nation Daily Digest – Brief Tips, Freebies and Bargain Updates – Oct. 21, 2011

Kindle Nation Daily Digest

October 21, 2011
Today’s Briefs:

Kindle Fire
Just 26 Days Until the Kindle Fire Ships!
  • Are You Among the 51,000 Readers Who Will Connect with Kindle Nation Today? Yes? Then THANK YOU! http://bit.ly/qLmBWw  
  • Kindle Nation Reader Alert: Sean DeCoursey’s BE GLAD IT DIDN’T HAPPEN TO YOU, 5 Stars, $4.99
    “It isn’t about how hard you can get hit. It’s how hard can you get hit and keep moving forward.” -Rocky Balboa http://bit.ly/pg1Mje
  • Today’s Kindle Daily Deal – Friday Oct. 21 – Save 77% on Tom Standage’s fascinating look at six drinks that have done much more than just quench thirst, plus … Laina Turner’s Stilettos & Scoundrels (A Presley Thurman Mystery), just 99 cents today! (Today’s Sponsor) http://bit.ly/pUtXI9  
  • Kailin Gow’s THE RED WOLF is our Kindle Nation eBook of the Day at just $3.99, and Here’s a Free Sample! http://bit.ly/RED-WOLF
  • KND Kindle Free Book Alert for Friday, October 21: EIGHT (8) BRAND NEW FREEBIES in the last 24 hours added to Our 1,100+ FREE TITLES Sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … “Intimate, at times lyrical, charged with pain and wonder, laughter and perennial hope, [Patricia Selbert’s] THE HOUSE OF SIX DOORS is terrific storytelling.” (Today’s Sponsor – $2.99, 16 out of 17 Rave Reviews) http://bit.ly/o8nei4  
  • Kindle Nation Reader Alert: A Free Excerpt from Robert C Hargreaves’ Viet Nam Memoir MR BOB THE CHICKEN ENGINEER http://bit.ly/nLYCk8
  • Don’t miss this free excerpt from Richard Bard’s Brainrush: http://kindlenationdaily.com/2011/10/enjoy-this-free-excerpt-from-our-thriller-of-the-week-sponsor-richard-bards-brainrush/ 
Hope you’ve found at least one item of value here, and we’ll check in again tomorrow. Thanks, as always, for being part of Kindle Nation.
Steve Windwalker

Today’s Kindle Daily Deal – Friday Oct. 21 – Save 77% on Tom Standage’s fascinating look at six drinks that have done much more than just quench thirst, plus … Laina Turner’s Stilettos & Scoundrels (A Presley Thurman Mystery), just 99 cents today! (Today’s Sponsor)

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Stilettos & Scoundrels

(The Presley Thurman Mysteries)

by Laina Turner
3.8 stars – 13 Reviews
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Gently touching the handle of the front door was all it took to make it swing wide open. It was late, after midnight, and everyone in the house except Tom was asleep. As usual, Tom was in his study working late. Walking carefully and quietly through the foyer, the adrenaline began to kick in. The intruder confidently walked into Tom’s study. Tom was concentrating so hard on the papers in front of him that he was unaware of anything else. Raising his hand, the intruder hit a stack of books sitting on a side table, sending them crashing to the floor. Tom spun around with a look of shock on his face as he recognized the person swinging a sharp object toward him. Tom raised his hands to protect himself but he wasn’t quick enough.
The spikey end of the stiletto heel punctured his neck instantly, sending a spray of blood over the papers on his desk. He tried to cry out, but all that sounded was a gurgling noise as his lungs filled with blood.The intruder set the shoe down next to Tom and backed out of the room softly, closing the door to the study and hoped no one would come looking for Tom until morning.


Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.


and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

A History of the World in 6 GlassesKindle Daily Deal: A History of the World in 6 Glasses

Throughout human history, certain drinks have done much more than just quench thirst. As Tom Standage relates with authority and charm in A History of the World in 6 Glasses, six of them have had a surprisingly pervasive influence on the course of history, becoming the defining drink during a pivotal historical period.

Yesterday’s Price: $8.61
Today’s Discount: $6.62
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $1.99 (77% off)

Today’s Kindle Daily Deal – Thursday Oct. 20 – Save 80% on the first of three explosive pulp thrillers by cult crime fiction sensation and Marvel Comics scribe Duane Swierczynsk, plus … P.H.C. Marchesi combines science and magical genius in a wild ride for all ages: Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes, just 99 cents today! (Today’s Sponsor)

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes

by P.H.C. Marchesi
4.6 stars – 7 Reviews
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Who would want to have tea with mushrooms, when it’s a hundred degrees and humid out? As Shelby and Shauna Kitt find out, quite a few people. These are, of course, people from Miriax, a planet in a different dimension where nothing and no one is anything like what the thirteen year-old brother and sister twins expect. On Miriax, lilac tea is served with explosive mushrooms, agitex leaves cure motion sickness, stick insects patrol the jungle, and library books carefully choose their readers, refusing to leave the shelf for anyone else. And, if you’re not careful, the walls spit on you.Shelby and Shauna’s lives change drastically when planet Miriax recruits them to seal a dimensional hole that allows Klodians – nasty aliens – to travel to Earth. In order to succeed in their mission, Shelby and Shauna discover skills they never thought they possessed, make friends they never expected to have, and face enemies they never imagined existed.


Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.


and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

Fun and GamesKindle Daily Deal: Fun and Games

Cult crime fiction sensation and Marvel Comics scribe Duane Swierczynsk’s Fun and Games is the first of three explosive pulp thrillers.

Yesterday’s Price: $9.99
Today’s Discount: $8.00
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $1.99 (80% off)

Today’s Kindle Daily Deal – Wednesday Oct. 19 – Save 78% on a sure-fire hit for old-school mystery fans, G.M. Malliet’s Death and the Lit Chick, plus … Greg Hamerton’s 5-star epic fantasy THE RIDDLER’S GIFT is just 99 cents today! (Today’s Sponsor)

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

To survive she must give voice to a music that she hardly understands, an enchantment that will echo through all time.

Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.


Here’s the set-up:


In a time when the world was ravaged by chaos, one kingdom remains; ordered, isolated, protected. Then Tabitha Serannon awakens an ancient power and the world begins to change.She is hunted for her talent. The Shadowcasters whisper in her ears as their evil closes around her. Soon the Riddler walks beside her, but is he on her side? She has a moment to learn the magic before she loses her grasp of the Lifesong, but the path she must follow leads into Darkness; into terror, treachery and desire.


To survive she must give voice to a music that she hardly understands, an enchantment that will echo through all time.


Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.


and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

Death and the Lit Chick

Kindle Daily Deal: Death and the Lit Chick

A sure-fire hit for old-school mystery fans, Death and the Lit Chick tracks Detective Chief Inspector St. Just’s flustering murder investigation in a castle full of cagey mystery connoisseurs who live and breathe malicious murder and artful alibis.

Yesterday’s Price: $9.19
Today’s Discount: $7.20
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $1.99 (78% off)


Today’s Kindle Daily Deal – Monday Oct. 17 – Save 63% on a James Patterson bestseller! plus … Life is forever changed when an enigmatic image appears in a dying street urchin’s eyes, in THE OTHER FACE OF GOD

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

The Other Face of God

Here’s the set-up:
Sometimes faith is found in the eyes of a child…
In 1968 Father Doug Ryan, an angst-driven Los Angeles priest, is sent to Peru to investigate a padre accused of using mission funds to buy guns for Communist guerrillas. Mistakenly identified by Colonel Lopez, the corrupt future dictator, as the source of the padre’s gun money, Ryan is marked for torture and death. But his life is forever changed when an enigmatic image appears in a dying street urchin’s eyes. When Lopez sends soldiers to assassinate Daniel Barcea―a Professor of Anthropology who was responsible for freeing and settling 2,567 feudal serfs on their own incorporated farmland―and tries to destroy Barcea’s land reform manuscript, Daniel’s daughter Chabuca joins Ryan on a treacherous path to fulfill two missions: find the padre in the Andean wilderness and keep her father’s work from enemy hands. As they fight to protect the innocent, their growing relationship is tested, along with everything they ever believed in―and only they can show the world … The Other Face of God.
  • “Haunted me to the point of tears…this writing achieves great power.” ―Norman Corwin, writer, producer, director
  • “Powerful…masterful…unique…a heart-breaker and a hope-maker.” ―Betty Dravis, career journalist &author
  • “How a book can be so universal, and yet so deeply personal at the same time defies description.” ―Iris Gabriel, teacher, journalist, actress
Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.


and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

MAX: A Maximum Ride NovelKindle Daily Deal: MAX: A Maximum Ride Novel

In best-selling author James Patterson’s thriller, MAX: A Maximum Ride Novel, millions of fish are dying off the coast of Hawaii and someone–or something–is destroying hundreds of ships. Unable to discover the cause, the government enlists Maximum Ride to help them get to the bottom of the disaster before it is too late.

Yesterday’s Price: $7.99
Today’s Discount: $5.00
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $2.99 (63% off)

In Today’s Kindle Daily Deal – Sunday Oct. 16 – A murderer is on the loose in the otherwise cozy oasis of Cranberry Island, but the good news is that you can save 77% on a great read by Karen MacInerney, plus … check out TWI HARDER, 4.3 Stars, Just 99 Cents!

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

by Kevin Michael, Lacy Maran
4.3 stars – 3 Reviews
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Heavy necking. Shirtless hunks. Bad boys with fangs looking to warm your blood rather than suck it. Alice Johnson loves the vampires of fiction. It’s the real life vamps she was having trouble with. But when an impossibly hot new vamp falls for Alice, her life will never be the same. “Twi Harder” is a Young Adult Paranormal Romance that unfolds over Oscar weekend at a luxury celebrity hotel where all the stars have gone vamp.
Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.


and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

Dead and BerriedKindle Daily Deal: Dead and Berried

In Dead and Berried, a murderer is on the loose in the otherwise cozy oasis of Cranberry Island, and the suspect is believed to be someone surprisingly close to home.

Yesterday’s Price: $8.59
Today’s Discount: $6.60
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $1.99 (77% off)