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Today’s Kindle Daily Deal – Sunday, Nov. 27 – Two great bestselling authors at their best, and at terrific prices just for today: Save 86% on Kurt Vonnegut’s dazzling narrative of shifting identities, plus … Where are the lines between fact and fiction in Noel Hynd’s FALSE FLAGS: Betrayal in London (Today’s Sponsor)?

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

FALSE FLAGS : Betrayal in London

by Noel Hynd
by Noel Hynd
4.0 stars – 4 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
“Noel Hynd knows the ins and outs of Washington’s institutions, public and private.” Publishers Weekly
From the author of FLOWERS FROM BERLIN, CONSPIRACY IN KIEV and two dozen other best selling thrillers, comes a newly revised ‘endgame’ spy story, based on the events of 1983 that were all too real.
It is 1983, the freezing point of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Behind the headlines, unknown to most private citizens, the two super powers bumble toward nuclear confrontation….and in the back streets and back alleys of world capitals, spies and recalled spies fight for a part of a missile guidance system that could tip the balance during nuclear confrontation. And at the center is a woman with a terrible secret.
Noel Hynd takes you on a journey into the world of espionage in both the 1960’s and 1980s. Based on fascinating real life detail, some of it autobiographical, the story teams with real life characters from Andropov to Profumo and spawls across CIA stations in London and Paris as well as Parisian night spots and journalistic/spy haunts such as Harry’s New York Bar in Paris. The times were deadly, but riveting, the mood intoxicating but frightening.For spy fans, this is a trip into the real world. You will never feel the same about the year 1983.
  • “The novels of Noel Hynd stand out like emeralds.” – NY Times Book Review.
  • “A few notches above the Ludlums and Clancys of the world – Booklist
Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.


and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

Mother NightKindle Daily Deal: Mother Night

Best known now by the Nick Nolte film of the same name, Kurt Vonnegut’s dazzling narrative explores the concept of false or shifting identities. The odyssey of its protagonist, Howard Campbell, Jr. is a paradigm of conflicting loyalties, ambiguous commitment, and personal compromise.

Yesterday’s Price: $6.99
Today’s Discount: $6.00
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $0.99 (86% off)

Enjoy This Free Excerpt From Our Thriller of the Week Sponsor, Noel Hynd’s The Sandler Inquiry: A Spy In New York

Noel Hynd’s The Sandler Inquiry: A Spy In New York –
by Noel Hynd
5.0 stars – 2 Reviews
Here’s the set-up:
A deadly and elusive man. A young woman seeking justice and retribution. A thirty-year-old secret from World War Two. A latter day showdown among British, American, and Soviet intelligence services.  Who was Karl Sandler? Wartime patriot? Or a ruthless and amoral monster who put his vast financial machine behind the highest bidder? Leslie McAdam calls him by another name: her father.  Based on a shocking and shameful episode in history that threatened to alter the course of the world’s economic future, The Sandler Inquiry tells a gripping and unforgettable story of espionage and intrigue, loyalty and love, set in the sprawling ragged violence-prone New York City of the 1970’s.  Determined to claim her rightful inheritance — and to uncover the shrouded past of the man she knew as her father — Leslie has come to Thomas Daniels, a New York attorney haunted by his own bloodstained family history. Yet not even Daniels can imagine what lies beneath decades-old secrets when he launches an inquiry into his client’s murky past. As he moves through the twisting labyrinth of the world’s intelligence community, he uncovers a monstrous link between the man who called himself Karl Sandler and a conspiracy reaching to the highest levels of government…in three countries. From America to Europe to Soviet Russia, he pursues a cold trail that is suddenly red-hot, as the violence of the past lives again and Daniels is stalked by a deadly adversary who must keep the truth buried at all costs.  Now available in a brand-new Amazon Kindle edition, it is a classic novel of World War II and its chilling aftermath from Noel Hynd, the author of FLOWERS FROM BERLIN.
The author hopes you will enjoy this free excerpt:

Chapter 1Of all the enemies that his late father had made in the past, there remained one elaborate mystery: who still cared enough to want to burn him out? Destroy his records? His office? His livelihood? Maybe even kill him?

Thomas Daniels considered the hundreds of enemies his father must have made. He wondered whom he knew who liked to play with fire. Aside from the fire, which had been pretty hot, it was a cold winter evening in New York in 1977. Mid December. The ‘Son of Sam’ killer had been arrested that summer and the Yankees had just won their first World Series in fifteen years. But aside from that, Manhattan and all four other boroughs were gloriously coming apart at the seams, a little stitch almost every day, even when the city was all decked out for Christmas.


“Arson?” Thomas Daniels asked.


“You bet! This was a good professional torching,” said Matthew Corrigan, a lieuten­ant from the New York City Fire Department, examining one such ugly stitch. “High-intensity, quick-spreading fire. Would have taken the whole building if the custodian here hadn’t found it.” Corrigan pointed to the filing room. The air was gray with the vestiges of smoke, and the law offices were permeated with the sweet smell of ashes and water. Thomas Daniels’ eyes smarted. He was looking at the charred remnants of the old wooden files that he had inherited professionally from his father.


“No one was here when it started,” Corrigan continued. “That’s the usual. A good arsonist uses a fuse.”


“An electricity fuse?” asked Jacobus, the janitor, in heavily ac­cented English.


Corrigan shook his head to indicate, no. “A timing fuse. A candle, a wire, a clock, even a cigarette sometimes. Anything that will burn down slowly and not ignite whatever chemical, papers, or rags are being used until the torch man is gone.” He glanced around. It was a few minutes past four A.M. “If the fire had done the whole building we’d never have known where the flash point was. Here we know where the blaze started. So we’ll go through the debris in the filing room, inch by inch. We’ll find a fuse mechanism in there. Bank on it. Now I’ll show you something else.”


Corrigan led Jacobus and Daniels through the two adjoining rooms. He pointed to places and showed them how the flames ap­peared to have traveled in a path from the flash point.


“See?” he said. “Tracks. Tracks made by trailers that our firebug left. If we hadn’t broke in on the fire early, we wouldn’t have these, neither!”


The trailers, Corrigan explained, had been some highly flamma­ble substance -chemically treated rags, paper, or plastic – which had been left by the arsonist to be triggered by the fuse. When the fuse had burned down, the trailers had been sparked. And a rap­idly spreading blaze had shot in every direction. The intense flames consuming the trailers had left the tracks.


Thomas Daniels, though working up a dislike for Lieutenant Corrigan, knew he was listening to an expert. But the questions which kept recurring to Daniels were ones Corrigan could not answer. Who? And why? A premeditated fire made no sense.


“A pyroma­niac?” Thomas asked.


The lieutenant seemed amused. “No. Too neat a trick for a pyro. Pyros are sloppy. They leave so much evidence you’d think they was trying to get caught.” Corrigan shook his head. “Nope. This was set by somebody who wanted all the tracks covered but wanted the whole area destroyed. Usually that points to one thing.”


“What’s that?” asked Thomas Daniels.


“Something else was involved. Another crime. Sometimes you dig in the rubble of a fire like this and come up with a grilled cadaver. Get it? No stiff here, though. That means something else. Burglary, maybe. Anything of value kept in the office?”


Thomas shook his head.


“No art? Jewels? TVs, typewriters? Nothin’ like that?”




Corrigan shrugged and used a thick forearm to wipe grime and sweat from his forehead. “Then there’s something else that the detectives are going to suggest.”


“What’s that?”


“Insurance. A failed business somebody wanted torched to cash in on a policy.”


Thomas bristled.


Corrigan pursed his lips. “Not necessarily you. Maybe the guy upstairs. Or downstairs. The fire spreads and you all go up in the same puff, making it that much harder to figure who lit the fuse.”

Corrigan turned to the janitor. “By the way how’d you find the fire so fast? Doing your nighttime rounds?”


Jacobus considered it, thinking back over the events of the early morning. “I vas mopping,” he finally declared, trying to sound as American as possible, “and I smelled smoke.”




A few blocks away, NYPD detectives Patrick Hearn and Aram Shassad stepped from their unmarked car  and held their shields aloft to Officer Renfrow and a second uniformed patrolman. Renfrow recognized them anyway. The flash of red lights from the blue-and-white New York City police cars was reflected off the wet sidewalk and windows.


“Looks like he resisted,” Renfrow suggested.


The homicide detectives looked down. The body was covered by a police blanket.


“That’s a heavy finance charge for not coughing up a wallet,” Shassad said. He looked at the trail of blood on the sidewalk, lead­ing from the body and running along several yards of pavement to the doorway of number 246. The blood on East Seventy-third Street was already partially diluted by the rain.


“Want a look?” Renfrow asked.


“Why the hell not?”


Shassad reached down himself and pulled back the blanket. It was heavy and soggy from the rain. He gagged, though he’d seen hundreds of equally repulsive scenes.


The dead man’s face was chalk white. Below the neck, on the right side, was an obscene gaping wound, a huge bloody hole carved into the flesh just below the jawbone. A blade, perhaps of butcher-knife dimensions, had slashed upward into the victim’s throat, tearing and ripping everything in its path and cutting into the mouth. The front of the man’s suit, coat, and shirt was scarlet of varying shades.


Shassad mumbled, “Can’t a guy even step out of the house after dark?”


“No identification,” said Renfrow. “Just some change and keys.”

Hearn looked up as Shassad put the blanket back in place, af­fording the dead some privacy. “No wallet?” he asked.


“All gone,” said Renfrow. “The city’s a jungle after dark.”


They looked to the end of the block where an ambulance was turning the corner and approaching silently, its white headlights and red top lights glaring. The only sounds other than subdued voices were occasional raspy bursts from police radios.


Renfrow’s partner waited for it to pass and then crossed the street, coming toward them.


“You from Homicide?” he asked Shassad and Hearn collectively.


“Good guess, genius. We’re not from the garbagemen’s softball team.”


“It’s your lucky night.”




The young patrolman turned and pointed across the street to a small frightened woman standing in a doorway, wrapped in an old overcoat and clutching one hand in the other. “You got a witness,” he said.


“Hell,” muttered Shassad, “I was going to slip the Medical Examiner a few bucks and have him mark it ‘natural causes.'”





Author’s note to BookLending.com members:



The Sandler Inquiry was my second novel, originally published by The Dial Press in 1977. Thanks to the emergence of the Kindle and other electronic readers, I’ve re-edited the book, fixed some of the messier things I somehow got away with many years ago, added one character, streamlined the plot and polished it up for contemporary audiences.


Now here’s some back-story, how the book arrived in the first place.


I was living in Manhattan at the time and used to go out to run in Central Park every day from where I lived on 68th and Third. On Park and 71st I think it was, there stood an old mansion where a reclusive old heiress had lived for years. The old lady had passed away but the house was still standing, at the mercy of lawyers and distant relatives. Thinking about this as I ran past the building every day, I began to concoct a story around the house. Since I was writing international spy thrillers at the time, I needed Russians and Nazis. Easy enough. I invented a few, then used places I’d been in England and Switzerland to flesh out the story.


To also fill out the story, there was New York, which was a pretty ragged place at the time. As I re-read the book recently, I realized that Kojack-era New York had become a character in the book, and I hadn’t even realized it at the time.


I titled my novel, The Inheritor. But The Dial Press published Robert Ludlum at the time. We had the same editor, in fact. So I needed a title that was, well, Ludlumesque, to compete in the world of big time thrillers. The name I had given the family in my story was Sandler, no relation to Adam, a kid at the time.


Hence, Ludlumizing the title, the work became The Sandler Inquiry.


The book did nicely. Fine reviews, three hardcover printings, and a healthy mass market paperback run of a few hundred thousand copies via Dell Publishing, plus foreign sales in seven major markets. Hey, I was in my mid-twenties, in all the paperback racks and on top of the world.


I even got to see my name on a Best Seller List for the first time.


Sandler jumped onto the list of Newsday, the Long Island daily, for three weeks in March of 1978. The book rose to number two for one week, edging past Sidney Sheldon but unable to dislodge Marilyn French’s The Women’s Room for the ‘number uno’ spot along the Miracle Mile.


Oh, well.


It’s been fascinating to re-visit the book after so many years, recall the era in which I wrote it, which seems like a pretty nice time in my life. Equally, it’s nice to bring it back to new audiences. I hope it entertains you.


You can reach me at NH1212f@yahoo.com or on Facebook. I always like to hear from readers.

Really, I do.



Noel Hynd

Los Angeles

October 28, 2011

The Sandler Inquiry: A Spy In New York by Noel Hynd Is Our New Thriller of the Week Sponsor!

Noel Hynd’s The Sandler Inquiry: A Spy In New York is here to sponsor lots of great, free Mystery and Thriller titles in the Kindle store:

 The Sandler Inquiry: A Spy in New York
by Noel Hynd
5.0 stars – 2 Reviews
Kindle Price: $3.49

Here’s the set-up:
A deadly and elusive man. A young woman seeking justice and retribution. A thirty-year-old secret from World War Two. A latter day showdown among British, American, and Soviet intelligence services.  Who was Karl Sandler? Wartime patriot? Or a ruthless and amoral monster who put his vast financial machine behind the highest bidder? Leslie McAdam calls him by another name: her father.  Based on a shocking and shameful episode in history that threatened to alter the course of the world’s economic future, The Sandler Inquiry tells a gripping and unforgettable story of espionage and intrigue, loyalty and love, set in the sprawling ragged violence-prone New York City of the 1970’s.  Determined to claim her rightful inheritance — and to uncover the shrouded past of the man she knew as her father — Leslie has come to Thomas Daniels, a New York attorney haunted by his own bloodstained family history. Yet not even Daniels can imagine what lies beneath decades-old secrets when he launches an inquiry into his client’s murky past. As he moves through the twisting labyrinth of the world’s intelligence community, he uncovers a monstrous link between the man who called himself Karl Sandler and a conspiracy reaching to the highest levels of government…in three countries. From America to Europe to Soviet Russia, he pursues a cold trail that is suddenly red-hot, as the violence of the past lives again and Daniels is stalked by a deadly adversary who must keep the truth buried at all costs.  Now available in a brand-new Amazon Kindle edition, it is a classic novel of World War II and its chilling aftermath from Noel Hynd, the author of FLOWERS FROM BERLIN.

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Admit to Mayhem's sequence of events has Lillian tense and on edge.Lillian Dove is forced to confront a past that she never knew existed when she enters a burning building to rescue a stranger. As she embarks on a quest to uncover the mysteries surrounding the building and its arson attacks, she...
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Today’ Kindle Daily Deal: You’ll beg the chef for more when you save 70% off the regular price of Anthony Bourdain’s memoir of “twenty-five years of sex, drugs, bad behavior and haute cuisine.”


But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor
by Noel Hynd
4.7 stars – 12 Reviews
Lending: Enabled
  • The classic American spy novel, from the author of  “The Sandler in Inquiry” and “Hostage in Havana.”
  • Love and betrayal, spies and patriots, murder and romance, Roosevelt versus Hitler on the eve of World War Two. “Winds of War” meets “The Eye of The Needle.”
  • This 1985 espionage thriller follows FBI agent William Cochran’s efforts to stop a Nazi spy from assassinating FDR. Toss in a love affair with a British Secret Service operative and you have the makings of a page-turner.
  • LJ’s reviewer found the book “complex in characterization, crisp in dialogue, and thorough in its background” (LJ 3/15/85).
  • “First rate!” – The Cleveland Plain-Dealer
  • “A Chiller!” – Los Angeles Times
  • “A Super spy novel!” The Savannah News-Presse
  • Here’s the set-up: It is 1939. Roosevelt is winding down his second term in the White House. The Nazis have taken Austria, and Stalin’s Red Army is systematically eliminating the Kremlin’s enemies. Europe is going to hell in a handbasket. With isolationist sentiment running high in America, and the president’s popularity at an all-time low, Hitler seizes the moment and dispatches his secret weapon: An agent named ‘Siegfried’ who conceals himself behind the mask of middle-class America. A chameleon who can change identities and personalities at will. A cold-blooded killer who will win the war for Germany. A banker, linguist, and demolitions expert who has successfully infiltrated German intelligence, FBI Special Agent Thomas Cochrane is handpicked by Roosevelt for an impossible mission: To find Hitler’s spy before he carries out a plan that will remove the president from office at a critical moment in the century’s history. As Cochrane, with the help of British Intelligence agent Laura Worthington, circles closer to his elusive quarry, a spy with supporters in the highest levels of U.S. government readies the world stage for a final act of annihilation that will alter the tide of war–and the future of the free world–in unthinkable ways.
  • Imagine a world where your most precious inalienable rights are denied. Where individual freedom is a thing of the past. Imagine World War II without FDR …
  • 735,000 first mass market paperback printing.
Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.


and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

Kitchen Confidential

Kindle Daily Deal: Kitchen Confidential

Kitchen Confidential reveals what Anthony Bourdain calls “twenty-five years of sex, drugs, bad behavior and haute cuisine.” From Tokyo to Paris and back to his home in New York, Bourdain’s tales of the kitchen are as passionate as they are unpredictable. Kitchen Confidential will make your mouth water while your belly aches with laughter. You’ll beg the chef for more, please.

Yesterday’s Price: $6.63
Today’s Discount: $4.64
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $1.99 (70% off)

Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert: Noel Hynd’s FLOWERS FROM BERLIN is our eBook of the Day at just $3.49 with 4.6 Stars on 11 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample! Plus, Scroll Down to Save 74% on the Kindle Daily Deal!

Here’s the set-up for Noel Hynd’s Flowers from Berlin, just $3.49 on Kindle:

It is 1939. Roosevelt is winding down his second term in the White House. The Nazis have taken Austria, and Stalin’s Red Army is systematically eliminating the Kremlin’s enemies. Europe is going to hell in a handbasket. With isolationist sentiment running high in America, and the president’s popularity at an all-time low, Hitler seizes the moment and dispatches his secret weapon: An agent named  ‘Siegfried’ who conceals himself behind the mask of middle-class America. A chameleon who can change identities and personalities at will. A cold-blooded killer who will win the war for Germany.

A banker, linguist, and demolitions expert who has successfully infiltrated German intelligence, FBI Special Agent Thomas Cochrane is handpicked by Roosevelt for an impossible mission: To find Hitler’s spy before he carries out a plan that will remove the president from office at a critical moment in the century’s history. As Cochrane, with the  help of British Intelligence agent Laura Worthington, circles closer to his elusive quarry, a spy with supporters in the highest levels of U.S. government readies the world stage for a final act of annihilation that will alter the tide of war–and the future of the free world–in  unthinkable ways.

What the Reviewers Say:

“A super spy novel!” The Savannah News-Press

“First rate!” The Cleveland Plain-Dealer

“A Chiller!” Los Angeles Times“This 1985 espionage thriller follows FBI agent William Cochran’s efforts to stop a Nazi spy from assassinating FDR. Toss in a love affair with a British Secret Service operative and you have the makings of a page-turner. LJ’s reviewer found the book “complex in characterization, crisp in dialogue, and thorough in its background.” –Library Journal“First rate espionage tale, well researched and well written. The plot is absorbing, the pace is swift and the conclusion is unexpectedly devious! Noel Hynd is the equal of Follett (Jackdaws), Thayer (Pursuit), and my own personal favorite, the wonderful Jack Higgins and his exciting Eagles!!!!! Mr. Hynd, if you’re listening, how about another World War II espionage tale?” –A Customer

Visit Amazon’s Noel Hynd Page

Noel Hynd is an American author who has more than four million books in print. Most of his books have been in the action-espionage-suspense genre (Conspiracy in KievMidnight in MadridCountdown in CairoThe Enemy Within) but others (GhostsThe ProdigyA Room For The Dead and Cemetery of Angels) are highly acclaimed ghost stories. He currently has a multi-book publishing contract with Zondervan/HarperCollins.

He is also a former contributor to Sports Illustrated and several other national magazines. His 1988 non-fiction book, The Giants of The Polo Grounds, was an Editor’s Choice of The New York TIMES Review of Books in 1988. He has also written several produced screenplays.

Mr. Hynd was born in New York City, is a graduate of the University of Pennsylavnia, and lives in southern California with his wife Patricia. The Kindle editions of Midnight in Madrid and Conspiracy in Kiev were simultaneously numbers 1 and 2 among all books on Amazon’s Kindle Best Seller lists in December 2009. Several dozen foreign editions of his books have been published over the years. Readers are welcomed to reach Mr. Hynd at NH1212f@yahoo.com.

SAVE 74% on the Kindle Daily Deal!

Battlefield EarthKindle Daily Deal: Battlefield Earth

In Battlefield Earth, against terrific odds, the remnants of humanity have engaged in a desperate and grueling battle for Earth against the alien oppressors–and so begins this epic adventure that surges across the Earth and explosively ignites across the galaxies of an alien empire.

Yesterday’s Price: $3.82
Today’s Discount: $2.83
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $0.99 (74% off)



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Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Monday, April 18: 4 Brand New Kindle Freebies Atop Our Listing of Over 250 Free Kindle Books! plus … Flowers From Berlin from Noel Hynd, Bestselling Kindle Author of Midnight in Madrid and Conspiracy in Kiev (Today’s Sponsor)

A sweeping Southern saga by Janice Daugharty and several engaging new nonfiction titles top this morning’s latest additions to our 250+ Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Imagine a world where your most precious inalienable rights are denied. Where individual freedom is a thing of the past. Imagine World War II without FDR …

“A super spy novel!” –The Savannah News-Press

 Flowers From Berlin (Five Early Spy Novels for Kindle)
by Noel Hynd
4.9 out of 5 stars   9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Here’s the set-up:
It is 1939. Roosevelt is winding down his second term in the White House. The Nazis have taken Austria, and Stalin’s Red Army is systematically eliminating the Kremlin’s enemies. Europe is going to hell in a handbasket. With isolationist sentiment running high in America, and the president’s popularity at an all-time low, Hitler seizes the moment and dispatches his secret weapon: An agent named ‘Siegfried’ who conceals himself behind the mask of middle-class America. A chameleon who can change identities and personalities at will. A cold-blooded killer who will win the war for Germany.

A banker, linguist, and demolitions expert who has successfully infiltrated German intelligence, FBI Special Agent Thomas Cochrane is handpicked by Roosevelt for an impossible mission: To find Hitler’s spy before he carries out a plan that will remove the president from office at a critical moment in the century’s history. As Cochrane, with the help of British Intelligence agent Laura Worthington, circles closer to his elusive quarry, a spy with supporters in the highest levels of U.S. government readies the world stage for a final act of annihilation that will alter the tide of war–and the future of the free world–in unthinkable ways.

What the Reviewers Say 
“First rate!” –The Cleveland Plain-Dealer

“A Chiller!” –Los Angeles Times

“This 1985 espionage thriller follows FBI agent William Cochran’s efforts to stop a Nazi spy from assassinating FDR. Toss in a love affair with a British Secret Service operative and you have the makings of a page-turner. LJ’s reviewer found the book “complex in characterization, crisp in dialogue, and thorough in its background.”

–Library Journal

“First rate espionage tale, well researched and well written. The plot is absorbing, the pace is swift and the conclusion is unexpectedly devious! Noel Hynd is the equal of Follett (Jackdaws), Thayer (Pursuit), and my own personal favorite, the wonderful Jack Higgins and his exciting Eagles!!!!! Mr. Hynd, if you’re listening, how about another World War II espionage tale?”
–A Customer

About the Author

Noel Hynd is an American author who has more than four million books in print. Most of his books have been in the action-espionage-suspense genre (Conspiracy in Kiev, Midnight in Madrid, Countdown in Cairo, The Enemy Within) but others (Ghosts, The Prodigy, A Room For The Dead and Cemetery of Angels) were highly acclaimed ghost stories. He currently has a multi-book publishing contract with Zondervan/HarperCollins.

He is also a former contributor to Sports Illustrated and several other national magazines. His 1988 non-fiction book, The Giants of The Polo Grounds, was an Editor’s Choice of The New York TIMES Review of Books in 1988. He has also written several produced screenplays.

Mr. Hynd was born in New York City, is a graduate of the University of Pennsylavnia, and lives in southern California with his wife Patricia. The Kindle editions of Midnight in Madrid and Conspiracy in Kiev were simultaneously numbers 1 and 2 among all books on Amazon’s Kindle Best Seller lists in December 2009. Several dozen foreign editions of his books have been published over the years. Readers are welcomed to reach Mr. Hynd at NH1212f@yahoo.com.

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