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Our Kindle eBook of the Day, Just 99 Cents: On her last day of high school, Cassandra Devlin walks out of exams and into a forest of flora and fauna never featured on the nature channels. Can she ever find her way home? Start reading this free sample of Andrea K Höst’s STRAY and see if you can stop!

Here’s the set-up for Andrea K Höst’s Stray (Touchstone)Just 99 cents on Kindle!

On her last day of high school, Cassandra Devlin walked out of exams and into a forest. Surrounded by the wrong sort of trees, and animals never featured in any nature documentary, Cass is only sure of one thing: alone, she will be lucky to survive.

The sprawl of abandoned blockish buildings Cass discovers offers her only more puzzles. Where are the people? What is the intoxicating mist which drifts off the buildings in the moonlight? And why does she feel like she’s being watched?

Increasingly unnerved, Cass is overjoyed at the arrival of the formidable Setari. Whisked to a world as technologically advanced as the first was primitive, where nanotech computers are grown inside people’s skulls, and few have any interest in venturing outside the enormous whitestone cities, Cass finds herself processed as a ‘stray,’ a refugee displaced by the gates torn between worlds. Struggling with an unfamiliar language and culture, she must adapt to virtual classrooms, friends who can teleport, and the ingrained attitude that strays are backward and slow.

Can Cass ever find her way home? And after the people of her new world discover her unexpected value, will they be willing to let her leave?

From the reviewer:

The book falls into two parts – pre-rescue, where Cass is very active, and post-rescue where Cass is more doing what she’s told, but at least has people to talk to! Cass herself is a gem: genre-savvy and with touches of sharp humour in an otherwise good-natured personality. There is a smidge of romance (several very lust-worthy possibilities, though she seems focused on one) and some wonderful dramatic sequences which ramp the story into overdrive.  I don’t have a book I can easily compare this to, but it’s fun, and funny and I want to know what happens next.
–Shan Shar

Andrea K Höst was born in Sweden but raised in Australia – mainly in Townsville, Queensland. She now lives in Sydney.

Andrea writes fantasy and science fantasy, and enjoys creating stories set in worlds which slightly skew our social expectations, and most especially give her female characters something more to do than wait for rescue.

Her novel The Silence of Medair — also available for just 99 cents today! — was shortlisted for the 2010 Aurealis Awards for best fantasy novel.  

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of STRAY:

NOTEPAD BULLETIN! Important Free Update/Upgrade Available for Owners of the 99-Cent NOTEPAD for Kindle App!

Many citizens of Kindle Nation are already aware of the great 99-cent NOTEPAD app for the Kindle, and there is some especially good news this week: The app developers at Seven Dragons have just come out with a free update/upgrade for the app that adds some very cool features in a seamless update that, let me say again, does not cost a dime.

If you have previously purchased the app for 99 cents, just go to the NOTEPAD product page and you’ll see a green update box like that above at right. Just click the Go button for the right Kindle (among your many Kindles 🙂 and the transfer will begin automatically. And transfer charges will be paid by Seven Dragons.

If you haven’t purchased NOTEPAD yet, I do heartily recommend it, and when you go to the NOTEPAD product page you will see a green box like the regular buy box in the upper right corner of any product page (screenshot at right). Either way, you’re in for a treat in terms of app usefulness and user-friendliness.

Here in great detail is the scoop on the update from Abhi Singh at the app development ream for Seven Dragons:

We are super happy to bring you Notepad V1.1. It has a lot of really good stuff. First, please take 5 minutes to read the details on how to do a backup and make sure you do a backup of your Notes. Then, read up on how to do the upgrade and go ahead and upgrade to Notepad V1.1. Please Read – A Very Important Note on the Notepad Update
Firstly, PLEASE make a backup of your notes and your backups folder on your PC or Mac before doing the upgrade.
The upgrade works seamlessly and does not cause any problems. Plus we’ve tested it a lot on our end. However, it’s best to have a copy of your Notes in the rare chance something goes wrong. Please read this post for how to transfer files from Notepad to your PC – Kindle Notepad to PC file transfers. And then make sure you do a backup of your notes on your PC before doing the upgrade.
Secondly, if you have WiFi or 3G then do the wireless update. The wireless update works automatically and flawlessly.
If you have to do a manual transfer via your computer -> Please make sure it’s an overwrite. You should not move the existing Notepad.azw2 file (it might have a longer name) from your Kindle to your PC until the new Notepad.azw2 file is in the documents folder and working.
Note: If you are doing a manual transfer it’s 10 times more important to do a backup of your notes before doing the upgrade.
How the Upgrade is supposed to work
It’s a good idea to exit the Notepad app before starting the upgrade.
1) Go to the Notepad Product Page. There you will see:

At the right top of the page where the Buy button normally is:
Update Available
Version 1.1 (Released Mar 16, 2011)  (**The date is wrong – it should be today but it might show as Mar 16 instead of June 21)
Send wirelessly to:
[Your Kindle Names (dropdown)]    [Go Button (yellow button)]
–  OR – (this is text, it’s literally — OR —)
Transfer via computer (button)

2) In the dropdown with your Kindle’s name (or your various Kindles’ names) –  Choose the Kindle you have Notepad on. Then press the Go Button.
Note: If you have Notepad on multiple Kindles then you will have to repeat the entire process (not just this step) for each Kindle separately.
3) The new file downloads to your Kindle via WhisperNet and overwrites the existing file. This happens automatically.
Please Note: You should not delete anything yourself. This is very, very important. Please do not delete anything on your end – let the automatic overwrite happen automatically behind the scenes.
4) Run Notepad – You should see a Welcome Dialog. It looks like this:

The Welcome Dialog when you update Kindle Notepad to V1.1

Kindle Notepad V1.1

5) Read the Help Pages by pressing ‘Go To Help’ button in the Welcome Dialog (Or, in Notepad, press Menu and then choose Help in the Menu). Pages 5, 9, and 16 detail what’s added in Notepad V1.1.
6) Read the new welcome Note – It’s titled `Welcome Note.
7) If you like you can enter your contact information into the `If Found, Return To note.
Just to be absolutely clear: You should not delete the Notepad file yourself (since that also deletes the associated data). It has to be a file overwrite and the update process does that for you. All you have to do is click the ‘Go’ button on the Amazon product page for Notepad.
If you do the download wirelessly then you can skip to the Notepad V1.1 Update (An Introduction) section lower down in the post.
What if you don’t have 3G or WiFi?
Then you have to be extra careful when doing the upgrade. In fact, if you can get access to 3G or WiFi it’s strongly recommended to do a wireless update.
1) Make sure you are not in the Notepad App. Plug your Kindle via USB into your Computer. It will show up as a disk drive (named something like Kindle (K:) or Kindle (D:)).
2) On the Notepad Product Page click the ‘Transfer via Computer’ button. This is right below the yellow Go button.
3) A ‘Select a Device’ dialog will show up. In the ‘Select a Device’ dialog choose the Kindle you have Notepad on. Then click the ‘Transfer via computer’ button in the ‘Select a Device’ dialog.
Please Note: If you have Notepad on multiple Kindles, you have to get a separate file for each Kindle.
4) You will get a file download dialog with options (options such as Open and Save). Choose Save.
5) This will give you a Save File dialog. In that dialog choose your Kindle (which you should have plugged in, in Step 1) and then choose the documents folder of your Kindle. Press Save.
6) You will get a dialog that asks you to confirm an overwrite of the existing Notepad File. Confirm the overwrite.
Please Note: In some cases you will simply see a Notepad.azw2 file as the new file, while the existing Notepad file will be named something like Notepad_ASIN_B004LSLN0I.azw2. In that case, just copy the new file to your Documents folder. Make sure not to delete the older file.
After the download of the new file is done – Unplug your Kindle and open the new Notepad. You might have to try both ‘Notepad’ files listed. The new one is the one which gives you a Welcome Dialog. Once you have opened up the new Notepad and gotten the Welcome Dialog (shown above) – Then you can plug the Kindle back via USB into your PC or Mac. Then you can move the older Notepad file (the one with ASIN etc. in its name) to a folder on your Kindle. Do not delete it from the Kindle itself (i.e. do not delete it when unplugged from your PC) – just move it to a folder on your PC when you have your Kindle plugged into USB.
Very Important: Please do not move the older Notepad azw2 file out of the Documents Folder (and off of the Kindle) until the newer one is in place. Please do a backup of your notes BEFORE doing the upgrade.
What if you don’t get a File Save Dialog?
If the new Notepad.azw2 file gets saved to a Downloads folder (without giving you the option to save it to your Kindle’s documents folder) – then please copy the downloaded file and paste it yourself into the Kindle’s documents folder. At no point should you delete anything on your Kindle. Do an overwrite of the existing file – that is the correct way to do it. If the older file has a different name – then move it only AFTER the newer file is added to your documents folder and you have confirmed that you get the welcome dialog.
What not to do: Do NOT Delete the existing Notepad file in documents folder. First move the downloaded Notepad.azw2 file to the documents folder and make sure it’s working – Then move the older file (if it hasn’t been overwritten) to some folder on your PC or Mac. Please do NOT plug and unplug the Kindle while file download or overwriting is happening.
***This is a very good reason why it’s best to first do a backup of your notes before doing the upgrade.
Correct thing to do: Backup your Notes on your PC or Mac. Plug in your Kindle to your PC or Mac. Copy new Notepad file you get from Amazon into Documents Folder of your Kindle. When it asks if you want to overwrite the existing file – Choose Yes. If overwrite doesn’t happen, check that the new file works and you get Welcome Dialog – Then move the older file to a folder on your PC or Mac.
If you have doubts or questions please email me at booksummit@ymail.com.
Anyways, that brings us to the actual Notepad V1.1 Update.
Notepad V1.1 Update (An Introduction)
Notepad V1.1 has the following improvements:

  1. Persistent Shift. To get capitals you can now press Shift, let go, type ‘a’, and get ‘A’.
  2. The largest font size is now bigger. Earlier it was 30 and now it’s 33. Note: Your current font size doesn’t change unless you go into Aa menu (by pressing Aa key) and change it.
  3. Anti-aliasing option on newer Kindles. On Kindle 3 and Kindle WiFi you can turn on anti-aliasing.
  4. Speed Improvements. With Notepad V1.0 once you crossed 100 notes you’d see slowness and would also see things slow down quite a bit once you got to 200+ notes. With Notepad V1.1 even 300-400 notes work relatively fast and everything is faster to use. More on speed improvements at the end of this post.
  5. Word wrap. Now words don’t get cut at the end of a line.
  6. Smart Note Save Notification. Now the note save notification doesn’t take focus and doesn’t stop you from continuing to type. Press Alt+S and the note save notification appears at the top and you can just continue typing.
  7. New Movement Shortcuts. Move around quicker using handy shortcuts:

    Shift+Next Page: Goes to the End of the Note
    Shift+Prev Page: Goes to the Beginning of the Note
    Shift+Right on the 5-way: Goes to the end of the Line
    Shift+Left on the 5-way: Goes to the beginning of the Line
    You can press Shift and Up to scroll up quickly.
    You can press Shift and Down to scroll down quickly.
    Next Page goes to Next Page of the Note (Page Size = amount of the note you see on the screen at one time).
    Prev Page goes to Previous Page of the Note.

  8. Quick Delete feature – Press down on DEL and hold it. After around a second it starts deleting 4-5 characters per second.
  9. Undo Feature – Press Alt+Z to undo your last few moves one by one. If you delete something by mistake or want to undo typing you can press Alt+Z to Undo.
  10. Copy-Paste (Please Read the Details – This may or may not be your ‘perfect’ version of Copy Delete). Yes, Notepad now has Copy and Paste and Delete. It is a specific, limited implementation of Copy-Paste – which may or may not meet your expectations. There’s an entire section on copy paste below.

Some Help documents for Notepad V1.1 (thanks to Maurine for writing these):

  1. Notepad V1.1 PDF –  Notepad V1.1 Changes (PDF).
  2. Notepad V1.1 Word – Notepad V1.1 Changes (Word).
  3. Kindle compatible (PDF will also work on Kindle) – Notepad V1.1 Improvements in Kindle format (mobi).

Copy Paste in Notepad V1.1
Perhaps the coolest feature in Notepad V1.1 is Copy-Paste.
A few clarifications to set expectations:

  • We don’t have access to anything outside the app. Copy-Paste only works within the app.
  • There are no shortcuts. You have to use a tiny pop-up menu. Note: We had to keep things simple and we weren’t going to rework existing shortcuts. That’s why there’s no Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
  • Copy Paste works across notes within Notepad.
  • Copy Paste works in all fields.
  • Copy Paste is persistent. So if you exit app and re-enter – that copied text will still be there.
  • You can only copy one thing at a time.
  • This is the first version of the feature. There might be bugs and there might be some obvious way to make it better – let us know your suggestions.

How Copy-Paste works is very similar to how Highlighting works in Kindle Books.
To Copy Something:
Move the cursor to the beginning of the section you want to copy. Press down on the 5-way. The cursor will become slanted (italic). Now move the cursor up, down, left or right and select whatever text you like. Text will be highlighted based on where/how you move the cursor.
Once you have highlighted the text you want to copy – press on the 5-way again to get 4 options.

  1. Copy – This will copy the highlighted text.
  2. Paste – This will paste whatever text is currently in memory over the selected text.
  3. Delete – This will delete the highlighted text.
  4. Cancel – This will cancel the highlighting.

Please note that all the movement shortcuts work while you are in Copy-Paste mode. So you can press on the 5-way at the beginning of a line and then press Shift+Right on 5-way to highlight the entire line.
To Paste Something:
You must have something copied in memory.
Move the cursor to wherever you want to do the Paste. Click on the 5-way twice. You get the Copy-Paste Menu. Click on Paste to paste the copied text (whatever is the last text copied into memory) at that spot.
To Delete a Block of Text:
Go to the beginning of a block of text. Press on the 5-way to go into Copy-Paste mode. Move the cursor to select/highlight the portion of text you want to delete. Press on the 5-way again and from the Copy-Paste popup Menu choose ‘Delete’.
If you delete something by mistake – you can get it back by pressing Alt+Z for Undo.
What else is in Notepad V1.1?
Mostly fixes and tweaks.
There will be a Note created automatically called `If Found, Return To. This is a note where you can add your personal information. In case someone finds your Kindle and opens the Notepad app they might run into this Note and know how to contact you.
There are several fixes including:

  1. When you press Alt+S and then press Home: There is no longer an extra, redundant copy of the Note created. Note: If you don’t press Alt+S and press Home by mistake – the copy will still be saved.
  2. There was a bug where renaming a note from TestNote to Testnote (N to n) caused the Note to disappear. That’s now fixed.
  3. A few other bug fixes.

In addition to the six backup slots (which you can use to do in-app backups), there is now an Auto Save slot. This saves a backup every week – automatically. It’s important to backup yourself too and it’s especially important to backup your Notes to your PC or Mac. However, this Auto Save slot adds a bit of security.
A Quick Clarification: If you try to open an external imported Note (text file created outside Kindle Notepad app) that is larger than Notepad’s Largest Note Size then it is not deleted or lost. It is simply left untouched. Instead a copy is created and that is truncated to fit within the size limit. So, if you try to open TooBig.txt then Notepad makes a copy, truncates it to fit the limit, and opens that. The original TooBig.txt file is left pure and untouched and there is no data lost at all.
There is now a ‘More from 7 Dragons’ link in the Main Page Menu of Notepad which takes you to the Kindle Store and shows a list of our apps.
Speed Improvements
You should see faster performance everywhere –

  1. Faster page turns.
  2. Faster font changes.
  3. Faster search.
  4. Ability to handle 200 to 300 notes quickly and gracefully. We’ve tested up to 400 notes on Kindle DX 1 and Kindle 3. Beyond that you’ll probably see slowness in some things such as changing font type. We haven’t really tested it with anything above 400 or so notes
  5. You might notice faster typing too – it was pretty fast to begin with and we don’t know how to quantify the improvement.

It’s just much faster to use overall – do let us know if it still isn’t fast enough for you. If possible, we’ll look at further speed improvements in future updates.
Keep letting us know your suggestions
Every item on the Notepad V1.1 improvements list is a customer suggestion.
Let us know what else you would like to see in Notepad. There are some things that are not possible or interfere with the simplicity of the app and therefore will probably not make it. Copy-Paste was a borderline feature and things more complicated than it probably aren’t a good fit for Notepad.
Everything else (that affects and/or helps at least 5% of Notepad users) we’ll try to get in (at some unknown point of time in the future).

KND Kindle Free Book Alert, Thursday, June 23: EIGHT (8) BRAND NEW FREEBIES Top the New Additions to over 750 FREE TITLES, Searchable by Category! plus … Jonas Saul’s THE WARNING (Today’s Sponsor, $2.99)

  • Dance with a Vampire
  • Red Moon
  • Putt Up Or Shut Up
  • Dark Legacy 
  • Sin City 
  • Desperate Times
  • Arousing Love
  • When the Devil Whistles

Powered by our magical Kindle free book tool with category sorting, here are this morning’s latest additions to our 750+ Kindle Free Book listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

The Warning begins as a flame, sparks to a fire and explodes with a violent climax in the life of a girl who talks to the dead in order to help the living…

The Warning 
by Jonas Saul
5 stars – 2 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled 
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

“Love Jonas Saul’s books! The Warning is a great addition to the Dark Visions series. It’s non-stop action and great characters..”

–Laura Oigr

Here’s the set-up: 

Sarah Roberts has spent the last four years helping people stay alive and escape near death experiences as messages from the dead come to her.

She receives a daunting communication from the Other Side regarding her sister’s murderer and where she can find him. The message isn’t clear enough to confirm the man’s identity, causing Sarah to wonder about the veracity of the messages coming through.

When she receives The Warning, Sarah decides to disregard it.

The tables turn and now Sarah’s being hunted instead of being the hunter.

How many people have to die to catch one murderer? How far will Sarah go?

This book explores the intense violence that she must endure and the absolute horror and reality that has become her life as an Automatic Writer.

The Warning begins as a flame, sparks to a fire and explodes with a violent climax in the life of a girl who talks to the dead in order to help the living.

One Reviewer Notes:

“This was a great book and kept me hooked from the first page till the last. A well written book, numerous twists and turns and a thrilling ride to the end. I can’t wait for book 3. I highly recommend reading it.


Four more for the Kindle by Jonas Saul

Dark Visions 
Dark Visions 

Suicide Notes 

Suicide Notes

Bad Vibes


Jonas Saul is the author of the Sarah Roberts and the Drake Bellamy Series. Visit his website, www.jonassaul.com for upcoming release dates.


Click hereto download The Warning(or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

UK CUSTOMERS: Click on the title below to download
Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.

Authors and Publishers: Interested in learning more about sponsorship? Just click on this link for more information.

Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store 

Welcome to Kindle Nation’s magical and revolutionary Free Book Search Tool — automatically updated and refreshed in real time, now with Category Search! Use the drop-down menu (in red caps next to the menu bar near the top of the page) to search for free Kindle books by genre or category, then sort the list just the way you want it — by date added, bestselling, or review rating! But there’s no need to sort by price — because they’re all free!

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It’s the end times just before the Apocalypse. . .and God chooses an unlikely heroine to get his Word out before it’s too late. While Martha’s husband and son are away on a cruise, an angel named Walker rides out of the clouds on a red horse. He tells her that she has been chosen by God to be...
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LOVE IS THE ENEMY...Dominic, a soldier for the British Army. Olivia, a freelance photojournalist. Both of them meet by chance in Iraq. Their fate is forever entwined on the mountain. An all-consuming passion between them takes Olivia's heart hostage and she falls irrevocably and irreparably in love...
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A Soldier's Fear (Contemporary romance)
By: D.G. Torrens
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FEARLESS! Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur is a book by Ray Lndstrom published by Varberg Press. This book is a fascinating combination memoir, business, self-help, history, humor, philosophy, and psychology. You ll get a chuckle out of it as he recounts the Golden Years of broadcasting in the...
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Open the door to new spiritual growth! Experience healing and hope as you shine a light on your faith journey with this award-winning 30-day devotional for women.Trace your spiritual footsteps, from the first whispers of faith to resting in God’s arms, as you:•Find...
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Welcome to my world, a dystopian mess where everything you know is just smoke and mirrors. I'm Em, your not-so-typical Dream Traveler. Power? What power? The universe played a cruel joke on me, leaving me as a Dream Traveler with none of the perks. But don't think for a second that I'm sitting...
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Caleb Reynolds, a young homesteader, is longing for a serene life alongside his beloved wife, Anna. A sense of dread takes over him as he returns from a cattle drive only to find his wife vanished and his peaceful town controlled by a ruthless outlaw gang. To top his misery, the town's sheriff, and...
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Stuart Hamblin, a seasoned veteran of the Civil War, has traded in the tumultuous battlegrounds for the tranquil charm of Mountain Ridge, Colorado. No longer sporting the blue of the Union, Stuart now wears a deputy's badge, striving to uphold the peace in this rugged frontier town. However, he...
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True stories of adventures in consciousness on the path to self-mastery under the guidance of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, including real-life contacts with the Master in physical form. A concise meditation instruction is also given. Peter Mt. Shasta is the author of the best-selling...
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In this amusing and award-winning* how-to guide for college professors, seasoned instructor Mike Kowis, Esq., shares 44 COLLEGE TEACHING TIPS that will help any teacher: • ENGAGE students in thought-provoking classroom discussions, • MOTIVATE them to read the assigned materials, • INSPIRE...
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Pasta Salad is the Most Elegant of All Side Dishes. These are the Easiest and Most Unique Pasta Salad Recipes.Get your copy of the best and most unique Pasta Salad recipes from Chef Maggie Chow!Come take a journey with me into the delights of easy cooking. The point of this cookbook and all my...
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Easy Pasta Salad Cookbook
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Happiness is a Choice, and You Can Make It Your Choice with Our Kindle eBook of the Day, Shadonna Richards’ THINK AND BE HAPPY: 365 Empowering Thoughts to Lift Your Spirit – a 5-Star Inspirational Daybook for Just 99 Cents on Kindle!

Happiness? There’s an app for that! 

Or an ebook, anyway, and it may just become the Kindle book that you are most likely to open each and every day for the next 12 months.

A gift book filled with more than 365 happy thoughts to empower you and get you through each day.

Author Shadonna Richards, RN has revealed the secret to experiencing inner peace and joy—within our own thoughts. Think and Be Happy offers an empowering collection of more than 300 euphoric reflections designed to remind us that happiness is a choice we make regardless of our circumstances. 

“We are the Commanders-in-Chief of our own thoughts…and our thoughts create our lives,” Shadonna opines. Many of the motivational quotes within make reference to the timeless wisdom of some of our greatest thinkers including Aristotle, Einstein, Confucius, His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, Napoleon Hill, and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

Fromt the reviewers:

“I love this great new book… Shadonna has searched and found the secret of happiness and is sharing it with us in this valuable book.…This is a perfect book to buy for a friend because you will be helping to spread happiness to the ones you love. Happiness is a gift and Shadonna has handed it to us. We just have to open it, enjoy it and learn from it.” ~Lionel Ketchian, author of Food for Thought and founder of the Happiness Club

“Shadonna’s new book, Think and Be Happy, is wonderful and hopeful. It’s poetic, relevant and simple. During stressful times everyone can use a reminder that happiness is a choice. We are reminded to seek experiences to make us happy not things.  Shadonna has given us the recipe for creating a happy life, she shows us how we can incorporate this basic ingredient so we will live a fulfilling and abundant life.”~Mitzie Hunter, vice-president, External Relations, Goodwill (Toronto)

SHADONNA RICHARDS, R.N. is the author of more than 250 articles & inspirational stories, former newspaper columnist, and a registered nurse. Her work has appeared in the Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, MetroToronto Edition, Word Magazine and the Scarborough Mirror with a combined readership of 2 million readers. She also has a BA in Psychology and lives in Canada with her husband and son.

Shadonna Richards is also the author of A Gift of Hope.  She also cooks up fascinating YA paranormal stories flavored with romance, legends and myths. She’s a proud mommy, wife, book lover, encourager, Joel Osteen fan, and Twitter enthusiast.

Shadonna is a motivational speaker who has given keynote speeches at various institutions including the YMCA, RNAO & Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. Shadonna firmly believes in the power of happiness, a skill we can all master. 

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:


Here’s the next big Kindle trilogy! M.J. Rose’s BUTTERFIELD SERIES – Now available as a Kindle Deal of the Day!

By Steve Windwalker

I know there are lots of different reasons why you read Kindle Nation: the freebies, the news, the tips, and the fun — without putting too fine a point on it — of being part of a dynamic community of the world’s greatest readers.

Something else that I hear nearly every day from our readers is that it can be kind of a kick to be in on great discoveries in reading. As readers, you have played a role in lifting quite a few talented authors into the Kindle Store’s Top 100, and there will no doubt be more to come.

So I am not going to oversell this. I’m just going to tell you: the next to break through may very well be M.J. Rose, who has just released Kindle editions of three complete novels in her series featuring the Butterfield Institute, a Manhattan sex therapy clinic employing psychiatrist Dr. Morgan Snow:

You aren’t going to want to miss these, and if you start now with The Halo Effect for just 99 cents, I believe this author will hook you big-time. Not only will you buy all three (they can be had for a limited time for under $7 for all three), but you are very likely to find yourself telling your friends about them. And yes, they all come with both text-to-speech and lending enabled!


(This is not a sponsored post.)

From the Kindle Nation Mailbag: How to eMail Passages from a Kindle Book

Thanks to longtime Kindle Nation citizen John T. for sending in this question that I don’t think we have addressed before:

Hi Stephen,

Have not written you for awhile. I am the one who back in 2009 suggested you put up a donation button, and started you out with 100.00.  You did the donation area within a few days of that. Time passes.

Quick question. My wife has a couple bibles downloaded on her kindle.  Is there any way she can email passages out of the clip area of her verses, and for that fact any clip or page?

Thank you in advance,

John T.

Hi John, thanks for being in touch again, and thanks again for suggesting that PayPal button way back in the early days of Kindle Nation. It took us a while to really figure out how to make use of it in a way that didn’t just involve begging, but it was that PayPal button that got us started on the author sponsorships, which have allowed us to continue to transform and build Kindle Nation and even to hire a team to come up with cool features like the new free book tool.

Anyway, on your question, I’ve got good news. There are various other things that you can do that allow you to share passages with friends and contacts via social media like Facebook and Twitter, but that’s not what you asked. The answer to what you asked is:

Yes, you can clip passages from any Kindle book, save them to your My Clippings file, then download that file to a simple .TXT file on your computer so that you can edit it and email any or all of it. (I’ll trust that neither you nor your wife will violate anyone’s copyright while making use of this feature.)

Any time you have saved clippings while reading on your Kindle, your Kindle automatically creates a My Clippings file which gathers together all such clippings. To see that file, just connect your Kindle to your computer using your USB cable, transfer the file to your computer’s desktop or hard drive, and open it with your Text Editor, Word, or even Google Docs. Once you open the file you can do whatever you want with the text, move it to a “commonplace book” or another file where you might be saving certain kinds of passages, and send it via email either by attaching it or pasting it into an email.

Hope that helps, John!

We Select a Kindle Tablet Sweepstakes Winner, and Just in the Nick of Time, We Have Rumors of 4 Million Kindle Tablets Slated for Production!

By Steve Windwalker

The fun continued yesterday at Kindle Nation as we closed out our month-long Kindle Tablet Sweepstakes by selecting the name of grand prize winner Linda Ronne at random from the names of 4,233 Kindle Nation citizens who entered.

Although we have already given out two brand-new Kindles to Kindle Nation citizens who won our earlier sweepstakes in May and June, this one was a little different because, well, the grand prize does not actually exist yet! You may recall that this is the first sweepstakes involving a Kindle Tablet, and we went to considerable pains to make sure that our Grand Price winner would have plenty of peace of mind while waiting for Amazon to announce a Kindle Tablet. (See the legalese at the end of this post for the details of how we worded things to be fair to all concerned.)

Here’s what we said to Linda yesterday when we told her she was the winner:

“So now comes the tough part — waiting patiently for Amazon to announce its tablet. Our totally speculative guess is that they might announce it in late July for shipment in late August, because that worked so well with the Kindle 3 in 2010. But we shall see!”

But timing is everything, right? We just received word via a key member of our development team, Mark in Thailand, who shared a post from the UK about a report from Yenting Chen and Adam Hwang at DIGITIMES stating that “Amazon is poised to step into tablet PCs and will launch models as soon as August-September, with targeted global sales of four million units for 2011, according to Taiwan-based component makers.”

Sounds right to us, and we like the timing a lot! The only thing that doesn’t ring true for me is the projection of four million units for 2011. I’m thinking that if Amazon only gets 4 million units produced this year, the Kindle Tablet will be sold out for most of the last six weeks of the year, and we wouldn’t like to see that.

If you’re reading this, you may well be among over 4,000 Kindle Nation citizens who have signed up to receive our notification email when Amazon makes the Kindle Tablet available for pre-orders. We’re already preparing that email with all models and purchasing options spelled out, so that you aren’t among those who’s left waiting if the Kindle Tablet does go out of stock.

And, oh yes, here’s the small print from our sweepstakes rules:

Grand prize

There is one prize, total value estimated at between $200 and $750, consisting of a base model Kindle Tablet electronic device, which the sponsor expects to be manufactured and offered for sale by Amazon.com at some unknown time in 2011. If a base model Kindle Tablet electronic device is not manufactured and offered for sale by Amazon.com by December 18, 2011, the sponsor will allow the winner to substitute any existing Kindle product valued at $400 or less, or an Amazon.com gift certificate for $400. The phrase “base model Kindle Tablet electronic device” herein refers to the lowest-priced Kindle Tablet electronic device offered by Amazon at time of the device’s launch announcement. The winning prize will be shipped to the winner directly from Amazon.com at the sponsor’s expense, and the winner will have sole discretion as to whether she wishes to return the prize either for an account credit or for an upgrade to a higher-priced model.