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Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Fingers Murphy’s EVERYTHING I TELL YOU IS A LIE is Our eBook of the Day at just $2.99, With 4.9 Stars on 7 Reviews, and FREE to Amazon Prime Members via the Kindle Lending Library!

Here’s the set-up for Fingers Murphy’s Everything I Tell You Is a Lie, just $2.99 on Kindle, and FREE to Amazon Prime Members via the Kindle Lending Library:

FINALIST for Spinetingler Magazine’s Best Novella of 2011 Award

Praise for Fingers Murphy:

Fingers Murphy was recently named one of the Top 3 Indie Crime Authors by Crime Fiction Utopia.

Readers and reviewers call his work “poetic” “literate” “fast-paced and suspenseful” and “as good as it gets.” – New York Times Bestselling author Debbi Mack wrote of his debut legal thriller: “Move over John Grisham!”

Now Fingers Murphy pushes his work in a new direction with this deceptively simple novella that explores the basic question: what drives someone to kill?

The answer, like life itself, is never as simple as it seems. As a prison psychologist and his young patient peel back layers of violence, abuse, mistrust, and missed opportunities, we see a family imploding on itself and the sometimes disastrous effect parental decisions have on children.

Killers aren’t born, they’re made.

This 30,000 word novella will keep you up late to finish it in one sitting, and it will stick with you long after you put it down.

From the reviewers:

Beautiful, Powerful and Brilliant. Every once in a while a writer comes long that challenges you to think about what you have read, touches your soul or make you react in a way you couldn’t predict prior to reading their work. Fingers Murphy has crafted a story that does all three in Everything I Tell You is a Lie. – Aldo T. Calcagno

A compelling little story, full of the true-to-life details that make it seem like a real narrative about real people in a real place. I want Murphy to tackle bigger and bolder subjects with the same eye. – John Perich

Certainly much more than just something to read while sitting in an airport wasting time waiting for planes that are always late. If the order in which his books have been “published” is the order in which they have been written, Murphy is progressing as an author, and certainly has me waiting for whatever comes next. – Amorphous

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of EVERYTHING I TELL YOU IS A LIE by Fingers Murphy:

Today’s Kindle Daily Deal – Thursday, January 19 — Save 79% on Jessica Warman’s poignant novel of the delicate life of a teen with dark family secrets in BREATHLESS, plus … A Collection by 12 Authors Offering 17 Short Stories of the Twilight Zone/Outer Limits Type in THE ENDLANDS VOL. 1 (Today’s Sponsor)

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

The Endlands (vol 1)

by Jairus Reddy, Jordan Benoit, Nathan Palmer, Tamara Wilhite, Craig Wessel, Janelle Garcia, David Stubblefield, Cristin Martin, Patrick Greene, Vincent Hobbes
4.7 stars – 13 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.
Here’s the set-up:
Do you believe in a place outside human knowledge–a place where myth and legend collide–where the unthinkable is the mundane?There is a thin veil between reality and make believe. When you take a moment, and push the veil aside, perhaps you will see this place, a place not of the imagination. Everything you see here is real.Nothing is what it seems–noises are not what you think. Nothing is off limits–no place is safe.You might find yourself lost in the past, or trapped in the future-amidst vampires and werewolves–or in a most peculiar lost and found department.This is where unimaginable creatures roam wild–where humanity is absent, and dreams turn into nightmares. If you are looking for refuge, this is not the place to stop.

Welcome to the Endlands.

12 authors. 17 short stories.

Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by
one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.


and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

Jessica Warman’s poignant novel documents the delicate life of a high-school girl who seems to have everything going for her–she’s smart, she’s cute, and she’s an Olympic-bound swimmer who has a first class ticket to any Ivy League school of her choice. But beneath the surface lurk some dark family secrets that might change her life forever.
Yesterday’s Price: $4.61
Today’s Discount: $3.62
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $0.99 (79% off)

Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Scott Sherman’s First You Fall (Kevin Connor Mysteries) – 4.8 stars on 28 Reviews! – Just $2.99, and Free for Amazon Prime Members Through the Kindle Lending Library

4.8 stars – 28 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:
  • “Funny, intriguing, exciting – everything a great mystery should be” J.A. Konrath, author.
  • “Fans will be anxiously anticipating Kevin’s continued adventures.” Phila. Gay News
  • “..one of the best reads I’ve had this year.” Drewey Wayne Gunn, critic.
  • “Wow! Fast paced, sexy with a hero I adored.” Megan Hart, author.
Winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Best Mystery, 2009.

When his friend’s death is ruled a suicide, Kevin Connor–a hustler by trade, sleuth by default–sets out to prove a case of murder. It doesn’t help matters that the victim’s grown children, who disapproved of their father’s sexual orientation, are only concerned about their inheritance. But they are not Kevin’s only problem. His high-strung mother has moved in with him–and she knows nothing about his questionable . . . job. Throw in his super-hot ex – now a New York City detective – and Kevin has more than his hands full.

JA Konrath calls Sherman “the gay Janet Evanovich.” You’ll fall for this sexy, funny first mystery in the Kevin Connor series.

Scott Sherman has written for Newsweek, Genre, Instinct, and The Washington Blade. The follow-up to First You Fall, Second You Sin was released by Kensington in October, 2011 in trade paperback and for the Kindle. The third book in the series will be coming out in 2012.

About the Author

Scott Sherman is a writer and photographer living with his two sons in Maryland. Scott’s written for Newsweek magazine, as well for publications including Genre, Instinct and The Washington Blade. Scott won the 2009 Best Gay Mystery Award from The Lambda Literary Association for his first published novel, First You Fall.
(This is a sponsored post.)

Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Readers Can’t Get Enough of Susan Ee’s Top-Rated Fantasy Novel Angellfall (Penryn & the End of Days, Book 1) – Just 99 Cents on Kindle!

4.8 stars – 179 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:

It’s been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.

Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.

Raffe is a warrior who lies broken and wingless on the street. After eons of fighting his own battles, he finds himself being rescued from a desperate situation by a half-starved teenage girl.

Traveling through a dark and twisted Northern California, they have only each other to rely on for survival. Together, they journey toward the angels’ stronghold in San Francisco where she’ll risk everything to rescue her sister and he’ll put himself at the mercy of his greatest enemies for the chance to be made whole again.

Recommended for ages 16 and above.


  • “You will be swept up from page one and begging for more when the last page turns.” – Book Blogs
  • “Susan Ee has created, not only an extraordinary apocalyptic world but amazing characters within it.” – Me, My Shelf and I
  • “…one of the best books I’ve read in a long time! I would definitely read this book over and over again.” – Jagged Edge
  • “Disturbing, yet engrossing, scenes that had me wanting to turn the pages faster than I could read.” – Bookish Ardour
  • “Angelfall is a wonderfully written dark fantasy tale…I loved reading this book.” – Paranormal Muse

(This is a sponsored post.)

A Brand New Kindle Freebie! Morris Rosenthal’s informative guide to copyright infringement

Important Note: This post is dated Wednesday, January 18, 2012, and the title mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And most of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here’s a book that has just gone free by an author who has already proven to be a favorite with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab it now if it looks interesting to you, because it probably won’t stay free for long!

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

* * *

Many of our readers may be involved, especially today, in advocacy to push back against the excesses of PIPA and SOPA, or the Stop Online Piracy Act. Against the backdrop of such excess, it’s nice to have a measured approach, analysis, and how-to guide available in ebook form as offered here by Kindle Nation friend Morris Rosenthal, and even nicer that Morris is currently offering the book for the radical price of FREE! Grab it now!

An Author’s Guide to Fighting Internet Copyright Infringements: How Publishers and Website Owners Can Protect Intellectual Property Online

by Morris Rosenthal

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:

I’ve probably spent more time fighting copyright infringements than writing books over the last six years. In one case, I went as far as a two and a half year fight in Federal court. But the bulk of my time has been wasted sending DMCA notices to sites that take down one infringement only to put up another.

After years of frustration I had given up even trying, but when copyright infringements began appearing above my own pages in Google search following their 2011 Panda update, fighting infringements took on a new urgency.

In this guide, I describe the tools and techniques that finally had an impact on the hundreds of thousands on infringements on my work indexed by Google and the other search engines. The main weapon in this fight is Google’s new DMCA Dashboard, a must-use first stop for anybody fighting online copyright infringement. I describe how to efficiently use DMCA Dashboard to clean up Google search results, and when it’s important to deal directly with website owners.

One person filing DMCA complaints and cease and desist orders won’t have any impact on the business model of copyright infringement. But if tens of thousands of authors and publishers start standing up for their rights and explaining to readers how copyright infringements are damaging their ability to continue creating new works, it will have an impact.

I am a pro-Internet author. I have been publishing online since 1995, I publish eBooks without DRM, and I give away large amounts of my work on my website. And I sincerely believe that if we fail to stop the culture of copyright infringement, the Internet of the future will contain nothing but opinions, product reviews and propaganda. Copyright protection is what allows authors and publishers to earn a living. If we don’t stand up for our rights, we will lose them.

(This is a sponsored post.)

KND Kindle Free Book Alert for Wednesday, January 18: 189 BRAND NEW FREEBIES in the last 24 hours added to Our 2,200+ FREE TITLES Sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Richard Bard’s BRAINRUSH II, the long-awaited sequel to Richard Bard’s Bestseller BRAINRUSH! (Today’s Sponsor – $2.99 or READ FOR FREE via Kindle Lending Library with Amazon Prime!)

PLEASE NOTE: Powered by our magical Kindle free book tool, here are this morning’s latest additions to our 1,500+ Kindle Free Book listings. Occasionally a title will continue to appear on this list for a short time after it is no longer free on Kindle. ALWAYS check the price on Amazon before making a purchase, please! If a book is free, you should see the following: Kindle Price: $0.00
But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor

Pss't ... Don’t miss the first book in this blockbuster series:

Okay, we're really here to talk about the latest book in this series, but we can't keep this a secret....

This just in from author Richard Bard:


Buy 1, Get 1?

Doesn't matter what we call it -- it's just a great deal to make sure that everyone has a chance to read both books in this great emerging series from one of the most successful indie authors of 2011 ... and now, 2012:

That's right. Buy Brainrush II, The Enemy of My Enemy, and you can receive a FREE Kindle copy of Richard Bard's bestseller Brainrush I, a Thriller.

Go to http://richardbard.com/promo/ for all the details!

BRAINRUSH II, The Enemy of My Enemy

by Richard Bard
4.9 stars - 111 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
Jake Bronson returns in Book II of the acclaimed thriller/adventure series by bestselling author, Richard Bard. Former combat pilot Jake Bronson believed the worst was behind him. But when a sophisticated terrorist cell shows up in his home town, he's drawn into a conflict that threatens the heart and soul of every mother in America. The bonds of love and loyalty are tested as Jake and his friends are swept into a deadly chase that takes them from the beaches of California, to the depths of the world's longest underground river, and finally to the remote jungles of the Venezuelan rain forest—where Jake discovers that it will take far more than his enhanced abilities to prevent what is coming.
One Reviewer Notes:
Coming out of something stronger is usually a good thing, but Jake Bronson quickly realizes some things are just as much blessings as they are curses. "Brainrush" follows Jake Bronson as he comes into new cognitive powers, but finds him targeted by both sides of the war on terror, as he embarks on a worldwide journey to save his daughter, and maybe humanity along the way. "Brainrush" is a fine and hard to put down thriller, recommended.
Carl Logan, Midwest Book Review
About the Author
As a young Air Force pilot, Richard was diagnosed with cancer and learned that he had only a few months to live. Thirty-six years later he As a young Air Force pilot, Richard was diagnosed with cancer and learned that he had only a few months to live. Thirty-six years later he's still going strong. He earned a management degree from the University of Notre Dame and after leaving the Air Force he ran three successful companies involving advanced security products and hi-tech displays used by US embassies and government facilities worldwide. He was an active member of the California Crime Prevention Officer's Association and has been published with cover stories in Security magazine and ASIS Security Management magazine. When asked what he hopes to achieve as a writer, he said, "The dream for me is to be walking through an airport and notice someone with her head buried in the book. Many readers have said they found it impossible to put down. For me, that's the ultimate compliment." Bard currently resides with his wonderful wife in Redondo Beach, California, where he remains in excellent health.
UK CUSTOMERS: Click on the title below to download
BRAINRUSH II, The Enemy of My Enemy
Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store
Welcome to Kindle Nation’s magical and revolutionary Free Book Search Tool — automatically updated and refreshed in real time, now with Category Search! Use the drop-down menu (in red caps next to the menu bar near the top of the page) to search for free Kindle books by genre or category, then sort the list just the way you want it — by date added, bestselling, or review rating! But there’s no need to sort by price — because they’re all free!


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With this e-short you can immerse yourself in a week of 'recipes to restore and revive'. With a wholesome recipe for every day of the week, this is a reboot for your body and your mind (minus faddy dieting) which will leave you feel amazing.This free eshort is released to celebrate Georgina...
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Are you excited about planning your next trip?Do you want to try something new?Would you like some guidance from a local?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this Greater Than a Tourist book is for you.Greater Than a Tourist- New Mexico, USA, by Jeff Christensen offers the inside...
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KND Kindle Free Book Alert for Wednesday, January 18: 189 BRAND NEW FREEBIES in the last 24 hours added to Our 2,200+ FREE TITLES Sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Richard Bard’s BRAINRUSH II the long-awaited sequel to Richard Bard’s Bestseller BRAINRUSH! (Today’s Sponsor – $2.99 or READ FOR FREE via Kindle Lending Library with Amazon Prime!)

Cathryn Grant’s BURIED BY DEBT is Our eBook of the Day at just $3.99, with 4.0 Stars on 11 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample!

Here’s the set-up for Cathryn Grant’s Buried By Debt, just $3.99 on Kindle:

Devon worships Jenna. Their friends say he’s obsessed with her. Maybe he is. He wants to give her the world. Counting on a lucrative promotion, he bought a multi-million dollar home in Silicon Valley for her. It’s all good because Jenna adores him. He’s a lucky guy.

Jenna loves Devon, loves her job, and loves nice things.

Now, the economy’s gone south, the promotion is delayed, and Devon and Jenna are desperate to hide their sky-rocketing debt.

When a childhood friend confronts them about the money they owe, jealousy and secrets erupt in violence.

Buried By Debt – A Suburban Noir love story.

From the reviewer:

At the beginning this story is almost too realistic with the current economic situation there must be many people just managing to survive on their income. The two main characters in this story Devon and his wife Jenna would have been OK if Devon’s expected promotion and bonus had come good but when it didn’t their debts spiraled out of control while trying to keep up appearances. Up to this point about 30% on the Kindle scale it would have been a 5* book, in my opinion, the characters are well described and you can feel for them both having their own point of view that does not quite align.  Bob (UK)

Cathryn Grant’s short fiction has appeared in Alfred Hitchcock and Ellery Queen Mystery Magazines. Her short story, “I Was Young Once” received an honorable mention from Joyce Carol Oates in the 2007 Zoetrope All-story Short Fiction contest.

Reviewers have said they “stayed up late finishing” her first novel, THE DEMISE OF THE SOCCER MOMS. and Red Adept Reviews gave it five stars. She is also the author of the Madison Keith Psychological Suspense Novella series – murder, ghosts, and soul mates – FATAL CUT (#1), SHALLOW WATER (#2), and UNHOLY CHILD (coming December 2011).

One reader said this about her Suburban Noir fiction: “She makes the mundane menacing.”

Visit her online at CathrynGrant.com or email her at cathryn.m.grant[at]gmail.com

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of BURIED BY DEBT by Cathryn Grant: