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From the Library of Congress, Just in Time for the 4th: “88 Books That Shaped America,” Many of Them on Kindle

The Library of Congress has come up with a unique and valuable way to honor America on Independence Day — and every day — with a list of 88 “Books That Shaped America.”

It is a great list, even if I and every single Kindle Nation Daily reader might well quarrel with some inclusions and feel that there are other books that absolutely demand inclusion! That, as they say, is what make a horse race.

I’m on a mission to get all 88 of these books onto my Kindle, and I am well on my way. I’ve pasted in Kindle Store links and prices on many of the titles on the list and will endeavor to finish the job before the weekend.

And I am pleased about the fact that, with 88 books, the list cries out for at least 12 additions. Please share your additions via the comment form! Please!

“Books That Shaped America”

Title, with Kindle Link & 7/4/12 Price (if avail.) Author Date
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – FREE Mark Twain 1884
Alcoholics Anonymous — $0.99 anonymous 1939
American Cookery – FREE Amelia Simmons 1796
The American Woman’s Home – FREE Catharine E. Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe 1869
And the Band Played On – $9.99 Randy Shilts 1987
Atlas Shrugged – $12.99 Ayn Rand 1957
The Autobiography of Malcolm X – $13.25 in paper Malcolm X and Alex Haley 1965
Beloved – $11.99 Toni Morrison 1987
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee – $9.88 in paper Dee Brown 1970
The Call of the Wild – FREE Jack London 1903
The Cat in the Hat – $2.95 via Audible.com for Kindle Dr. Seuss 1957
Catch-22 – $12.99 Joseph Heller 1961
The Catcher in the Rye – $8.39 J.D. Salinger 1951
Charlotte’s Web – $14.95 on Audible.com E.B. White 1952
Common Sense – FREE Thomas Paine 1776
Baby and Child Care – $1.99 Benjamin Spock 1946
Cosmos – $7.99 Carl Sagan 1980
A Curious Hieroglyphick Bible – $6.99 anonymous 1788
The Double Helix – $12.99 James D. Watson 1968
The Education of Henry Adams – $1.99 Henry Adams 1907
Experiments and Observations on Electricity – Available only in French on Kindle – FREE Benjamin Franklin 1751
Fahrenheit 451 – $9.99 Ray Bradbury 1953
Family Limitation – FREE Margaret Sanger 1914
The Federalist – FREE anonymous 1787
The Feminine Mystique – $8.77 Betty Friedan 1963
The Fire Next Time – $9.95 on Audible.com James Baldwin 1963
For Whom the Bell Tolls – $12.99 Ernest Hemingway 1940
Gone With the Wind – $13.99 Margaret Mitchell 1936
Goodnight Moon – $0.87 on Audible.com Margaret Wise Brown 1947
A Grammatical Institute of the English Language – $14.14 in paper Noah Webster 1783
The Grapes of Wrath – $12.99 John Steinbeck 1939
The Great Gatsby – $12.99 F. Scott Fitzgerald 1925
Harriet, the Moses of Her People – FREE Sarah H. Bradford 1901
The History of Standard Oil – $0.99 Ida Tarbell 1904
History of the Expedition Under the Command of the Captains Lewis and Clark – FREE Meriwether Lewis 1814
How the Other Half Lives – $1.99 Jacob Riis 1890
How to Win Friends and Influence People – $12.99 Dale Carnegie 1936
Howl – ($18.99, in Collected Poems) Allen Ginsberg 1956
The Iceman Cometh – $9.14 Eugene O’Neill 1946
Idaho: A Guide in Word and Pictures – $9.99 Federal Writers’ Project 1937
In Cold Blood – $9.99 Truman Capote 1966
Invisible Man – $11.99 Ralph Ellison 1952
Joy of Cooking – $23.10 in hardcover Irma Rombauer 1931
The Jungle – FREE Upton Sinclair 1906
Leaves of Grass – FREE Walt Whitman 1855
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow – $0.99 Washington Irving 1820
Little Women, or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy – FREE Louisa May Alcott 1868
Mark, the Match Boy Horatio Alger Jr. 1869
McGuffey’s Newly Revised Eclectic Primer – $9.99 in hardcover William Holmes McGuffey 1836
Moby-Dick; or The Whale – $5.99 Herman Melville 1851
The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass – FREE Frederick Douglass 1845
Native Son – $9.99 Richard Wright 1940
New England Primer – $5.99 anonymous 1803
New Hampshire – $14.95 in paper: The Collected Poems of Robert Frost Robert Frost 1923
On the Road – $12.99 Jack Kerouac 1957
Our Bodies, Ourselves – $12.99 Boston Women’s Health Book Collective 1971
Our Town: A Play- $12.89 Thornton Wilder 1938
Peter Parley’s Universal History – $34.77 Samuel Goodrich 1837
Poems Emily Dickinson 1890
Poor Richard Improved and The Way to Wealth Benjamin Franklin 1758
Pragmatism William James 1907
The Private Life of the Late Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. Benjamin Franklin 1793
The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane 1895
Red Harvest Dashiell Hammett 1929
Riders of the Purple Sage Zane Grey 1912
The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne 1850
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Alfred C. Kinsey 1948
Silent Spring Rachel Carson 1962
The Snowy Day Ezra Jack Keats 1962
The Souls of Black Folk W.E.B. Du Bois 1903
The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner 1929
Spring and All William Carlos Williams 1923
Stranger in a Strange Land Robert E. Heinlein 1961
A Street in Bronzeville Gwendolyn Brooks 1945
A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams 1947
A Survey of the Roads of the United States of America Christopher Colles 1789
Tarzan of the Apes Edgar Rice Burroughs 1914
Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston 1937
To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee 1960
A Treasury of American Folklore Benjamin A. Botkin 1944
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Betty Smith 1943
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe 1852
Unsafe at Any Speed Ralph Nader 1965
Walden; or Life in the Woods Henry David Thoreau 1854
The Weary Blues Langston Hughes 1925
Where the Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak 1963
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum 1900
The Words of Cesar Chavez Cesar Chavez 2002



Wait … This Can’t Be! More FREEBIES!!! For KND Readers, Eight More Free Kindle Titles: Philip Hawley Jr’s STIGMA, Billie Hinton’s CLAIRE-OBSCURE, Elaine Edelson’s ARIES FIRE, Jennifer O’Neill’s INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES, Julie Smith’s JAZZ FUNERAL, William Cone’s DEAD RINGER, LaVerne D. Iverson’s LOVE YOUR HEART and Stephen Windwalker & Bruce Grubbs’ THE COMPLETE 2012 USER’S GUIDE TO THE AMAZING AMAZON KINDLE

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And almost of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are a few books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be  favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if they looks interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Wednesday, July 4, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *


by Philip Hawley Jr

4.6 stars – 42 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

When science surrenders to man’s darkest impulses, who will protect the innocents?

In Los Angeles, a young Mayan boy with a blue-crescent-moon tattoo dies mysteriously. In Central America, a puzzling illness is spreading among Mayan tribal villages.

And soon, E.R. physician Luke McKenna will discover the link between these events and demons from his dark past. The secrets that haunt Luke are about to pull him and the woman he loves into a terrifying house of mirrors where nothing is as it first appears. Time is running out, and only by reawakening the ghost of Luke McKenna’s past can they discover the truth.

His enemies may also discover a truth: When threatened, Luke McKenna is a very dangerous man.

*  *  *


by Billie Hinton

4.4 stars – 22 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Lonely, unfulfilled, and envious of her best friend who has moved to Italy, Claire Caviness heads out to the same old club one night but takes a right turn out of her usual routine and meets Finn Weston, a mysterious and disturbed medical student who lures her into a folie a deux – a shared madness that forces Claire to look at the things she’s tried desperately to leave behind. When Claire’s friend Lucy is found dead and Finn is implicated in the murder, Raoul Duras, a Delta Force operator with a penchant for rescuing prostitutes, offers a way out of the madness. In a raw, edgy journey from trauma to restoration, Claire examines her deepest fears: grief for her distant mother and gay father, the awakening of her conflicted sexuality, and the darkness that pulls her to the intrigue and danger of two very different – and dangerous – men.

*  *  *

Aries Fire (Sign of the Times)

by Elaine Edelson

4.9 stars – 10 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
The Roman Empire. 415 AD. Renowned scholar Hypatia of Alexandria is brutally murdered. Why? And by whom? Hypatia’s death leaves her 17 year old bastard daughter, Seira, fleeing for her life. Alone and homeless, Seira is thrust into a life of struggle and survival amidst the rise of the Catholic Papacy and the savage Roman battles with The Huns. Two men—the sea captain Alexander and the great Khan, Attila– vie for Seira’s love as she searches for her mother’s murderer and father’s identity. Her epic journey across Europe and the Middle East throws Seira onto a never-ending precipice of conspiracy, war, passion, mysticism, initiation, and self discovery. What Seira ultimately discovers can destroy an empire and change the tides of history.

*  *  *

Inspirational Quotes

by Jennifer O’Neill

4.0 stars – 30 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

This is no ordinary quotes book!

If you like to receive daily inspirational messages, have angel card readings, or spiritual card readings to receive spiritual messages, you are going to love this book!

  • *Please note: this book is not religious in nature. It is however, spiritual and meditative.

*  *  *

5.0 stars – 3 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Everybody loved easygoing Ham Brocato, producer of the successful New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival; even so, he ends up stabbed to death in his kitchen on the eve of the fest. Spunky New Orleans Homicide Detective Skip Langdon acquires a ready-made suspect list from the victim’s live-in lover, feisty and swiftly rising star Ti-Belle Thiebaud, and sets out to solve the murder. To complicate the case, the victim’s sixteen-year-old aspiring blues musician sister has disappeared, and Skip suspects that if the young woman isn’t herself the murderer, she’s in mortal danger from the person who is.

Skip doesn’t miss much as she probes the victim’s tangled relationships, including Ariel Bruge, Ham’s assistant, apparently a woman scorned; his father George, enmeshed with family members in a bitter disagreement over the family’s lucrative Po’ Boy chain; and Patty, the distraught stepmother.

With her long-distance love, Steve Steinman, and her quirky landlord, Jimmy Dee, to assist her, Skip trails an elusive killer through a sweltering early summer in the steamy Big Easy, a lively blend of both big city and gossipy small town, in a tale of southern kinships gone awry.

*  *  *

Dead Ringer

by William Cone

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
In early 1944, the shadows of defeat are stretching over Nazi Germany, but deep within the Third Reich, Hitler’s scientists successfully test a new weapon of incredible power- an atomic bomb. Allied intelligence reports indicate more of these weapons will soon be assembled and loaded aboard a German U-boat. The submarine’s mission is uncomplicated-destroy London and bring the Allies to their knees. A team of American operatives is formed to hijack the U-boat and it’s deadly cargo but Roosevelt and Churchill know the odds of the mission succeeding are next to impossible. In an astonishing wartime twist of fate, a German officer, thought to be dead, inexplicably reappears and is brought to London for interrogation. Is he a clever agent sent by the Gestapo to mislead the Allies, or the one man who can take the team deep behind enemy lines, through the rampant paranoia of the Nazi regime and onto the submarine without arousing suspicion? An alternate history adventure with an impeccable sense of time and place, William Cone’s debut is an action-packed, white-knuckled thriller that is as relentless as it is entertaining. A riveting tale of intrigue, valor and sacrifice, DEAD RINGER presents the desperate struggle of a world on the brink and those who risk everything to save it. Join the team as they race through the danger of war torn Europe towards a final explosive confrontation with the Fuhrer himself.

*  *  *

Love Your Heart

by LaVerne D. Iverson

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

“I once was blind and literally could not see for several weeks. I did not want to hear about God.”

There are times in everyone’s life when we feel alone and discouraged. We have all felt the pain of betrayal, injustice, failure, fear, and sorrow. But the key to experiencing the joy in life can be found close to home. By allowing the Word of God to live in our hearts, we can unlock true love, not just the love based on external emotions.

Love Your Heart is an inspirational book filled with messages of healing, encouragement, and hope inspired by the Holy Spirit. It illustrates the teachings of God in a way that will help us face life’s daily challenges with the kind of strength and joy that come from within.

*  *  *

Here’s the set-up:

Updated April 2012: Compatible with the following Kindle firmware updates: Kindle Fire 6.3, Kindle Touch 5.1.0, Kindle basic 4.0.1, Kindle Keyboard 3.3 and Kindle DX 2.5.8.

Finally, one user-friendly guide that covers every Kindle now on the market for 2012, including the Kindle Fire, in a single comprehensive volume chock full of tips, tricks, and links to unlock cool features, save you hundreds on Kindle content, and help you get the most out of your Kindle. Stephen Windwalker founded the popular Kindle Nation Daily community and has been helping Kindle owners get up to speed ever since his first Kindle guide was the #1 bestselling book in the entire Kindle store for 2008. Now he has teamed up with popular outdoors and travel author Bruce Grubbs to provide the most complete and up-to-date resource ever for Kindle owners.

(This is a sponsored post.)

Enjoy The Holiday With These FREEBIES! Seven FREE Kindle Titles: Arshad Ahsanuddin’s SUNSET, Victoria Danann’s MY FAMILIAR STRANGER – A PARANORMAL ROMANCE, David Prever’s THE BLOOD BANKER, Michael Patrick Clark’s FLYING WITH CUCKOOS, Susan Russo Anderson’s DEATH OF A SERPENT, The Warrior of Light & Christina’s THE SEEKER AND THE SAGE and Conchie Fernandez’s UNDRAWN

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And almost of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are a few books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be  favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if they looks interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Wednesday, July 4, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *

Sunset (Pact Arcanum)

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

4.2 stars – 17 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Book One of the gay vampire saga Pact Arcanum; Revised 3rd edition.

Los Angeles, 2040. The terrorist Medusa and her followers threaten to destroy the metropolis with a nuclear bomb. One individual, the vampire Nicholas Jameson, comes forward to oppose them. As Nick takes on the terrorists, the fragile peace between the races hangs perilously in the balance as the supernatural peoples are exposed.

Arshad Ahsanuddin is a hematopathologist. The irony of a physician who specializes in blood disease writing a series of vampire novels is not lost upon him.

For more details about Arshad, check out the author’s website at pactarcanum.com.

*  *  *

4.7 stars – 22 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
A secret society, hot guys, and vampires come together for a once in a lifetime adventure and a once in a lifetime opportunity proving that true love can find you in the strangest places, even far, far from home.

Minutes ahead of inevitable assassination, Elora Laiken is forcibly transported to an alternate dimension similar, but not identical, to her own. She is stranded. Alone. Far from home. A stranger in a “strangish” land.

Of course a girl could suffer worse problems than having gorgeous suitors. Perhaps more importantly, in the midst of an epidemic of vampire related abductions, can she stay alive long enough to choose between an honor debt, true love, or the breathlessness of single-minded passion?

My Familiar Stranger is a full length, stand alone, Paranormal/Fantasy Romance novel that also sets up the foundation for the Black Swan series. It is loved by fans of paranormal romance, fantasy romance, and urban fantasy.

Erotica quotient: Some steamy scenes. No menage. No BDSM.

*  *  *

The Blood Banker

by David Prever

4.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The body of a French banker lies under a train on the London Underground: the first of three of three ‘banking suicides.’ A tragic result of the economic downturn.

Former tabloid reporter, turned blogger, Danny Lightfoot needs a story. And something about the tube death doesn’t add up… When a second banker takes his life, then a third, he’s certain of wrongdoing.

In a race to reveal the truth, Lightfoot uncovers a laundered money trail that leads, via Hong Kong and the world’s largest online criminal cartel, to the heart of British government: Number Ten Downing Street – and a man who will stop at nothing to achieve the power he craves.

But with a hired killer watching his every move, can Lightfoot banish his demons and face down the evil that threatens his life?

*  *  *

Flying with cuckoos

by Michael Patrick Clark

4.5 stars – 2 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Flying with Cuckoos tells the true story of a journey of discovery, as a young and naïve Michael Clark leaves a desperately-unhappy adopted home, to join the armed forces, as a ‘boy apprentice’ before transferring into one of the most ill-disciplined and disreputable units in the British armed forces.

As the story unfolds, we follow his progress; from one-sided battles with school bullies in suburban England, to even-more one-sided battles with the S.A.S. in some of the world’s most dangerous and exotic places; from the jungles of South-East Asia, and the bullet-scarred shacks of Gaddafi’s ‘new’ Libya, through the tragedy of the war in Vietnam, and the hedonistic excess of swinging-sixties Bangkok and Singapore.

Funny, poignant, and at times outrageous, Flying with Cuckoos is a heart-warming story of hope and achievement, and the remarkable journal of a young man’s battle to survive and overcome.

*  *  *

4.0 stars – 46 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

hree bodies . . . A dark secret . . . And one woman determined to uncover the truth.

When the police do nothing to solve the murders of three women knifed to death in 1866 Sicily, a struggling widow attempts to unmasks the killer, but not before uncovering shocking truths of her own.

At a high-class house near Palermo, three women have been knifed to death, their foreheads slashed with a strange mark, their bodies dumped on the madam’s doorstep. Rosa summons her friend, Serafina, and asks her to catch the killer.

A forty-something midwife with seven children and diminishing funds, Serafina plunges into the investigation, gathering evidence, following leads. In a defiant meeting with the don, she makes an important discovery. Convinced of the murderer’s identity, she conceives a daring plan to unmask the killer. Does she succeed? Can she hold her family together?

*  *  *

The Seeker and The Sage

by The Warrior of Light, Christina

4.8 stars – 5 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
This book is like no other spiritual book ever written.
The factual information gathered together for this story and told through the fictional character of the Sage comes to us from a number of sources: The guided journal writing of Christina, The Warrior of Light through his direct communication with The Creator, and from many contributors from the Higher Realms who want to enlighten mankind at this pivotal point in the history of the human race. The Seeker is a composite fictional character.
This channeled work makes clear the answers to such questions as: Why are we here? What is our purpose? What happens to us when we die? This book will explain why mankind is at the point of extinction and why we are so much more complex than we have ever known.
This book will shatter illusions and replace them with logic and spiritual fact more interesting than any religious fantasy.
This book holds the key to Enlightenment!

*  *  *


by Conchie Fernandez

4.9 stars – 18 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Kyle Reed stands on the verge of his lifelong dream of artistic immortality when a call from his estranged older brother Stuart puts a halt to everything in his carefully constructed life. Kyle faces the impossible decision to go back “home” and attempt to undo the many painful choices he made that severed his ties with his family and the woman he once loved.

As he steps into the house he grew up in, Kyle revisits the lives he led. He walks through the elegant rooms where he learned to keep quiet to avoid his father’s temper, and dealt with the debilitating disease that opened the doorway to his art. In his journey through his past, he assesses the perilous habits that distanced him from his family, the bitter enmities that still ravage his peace, and the surprising loyalty he finds in the people who surround him.

Kyle juggles with the present and the past and he clings to sanity through his art, the passion that has become his true north. Between the sculptures and images that fill his spaces and canvases, lie the crucial aspects of his life that he’s been avoiding for years: the icon he destroyed, the crime that still fills him with shame, and the forgiveness he never offered…or received.

(This is a sponsored post.)

Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert! Mainak Dhar’s Post-Apocalyptic Adventure THROUGH THE KILLING GLASS – The Explosive Sequel to Alice In Deadland – 4.3 Stars and Now $2.99 or Free via Kindle Lending Library

4.3 stars –14 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Praise for Alice in Deadland. More than 60,000 copies sold.

“ALICE IN DEADLAND is a fast paced, creative zombie tale.” – Reads A Lot Book Reviews

“Alice in Deadland may be a ‘zombie-like’ story, but it is a metaphorical tale of how we tend to demonize that which we do not understand. It is obvious that there are socio-economic and geopolitical undercurrents in the story line and shadows of colonialism, post-colonialism, jingoism, and intolerance. If you can read between the lines and see the deeper meaning to the story, Alice in Deadland is a wonderfully entertaining ebook.” – eNovel Reviews

“Words to live by: Eat all your vegetables. Exercise like a fiend. Sleep a solid seven to eight hours a day. Never, ever read Alice in Deadland before you sleep. Ever. Because if you do make the mistake of idly perusing the first page, you’re going to want to finish the last and that, ladies and gentlemen, is a foul surprise to learn on a work day. An unusual blend of the zombie mythos, conspiracy theories and Lewis Caroll, Alice in Deadland is self-proclaimed ‘cubicle worker by day, author by night’ Mainak Dhar’s most recent offering and one of the best reinterpretations of the childhood fable yet.” – Kindlefu.com

The explosive sequel to the Amazon.com Bestseller, Alice in Deadland.

More than two years have passed since Alice followed a Biter with bunny ears down a hole, triggering events that forever changed her life and that of everyone in the Deadland. The Red Guards have been fought to a standstill; Alice has restored some measure of peace between humans and Biters; and under Alice, humans have laid the foundations of the first large, organized community since The Rising- a city called Wonderland.

That peace is shattered in a series of vicious Biter attacks and Alice finds herself shunned by the very people she helped liberate. Now she must re-enter the Deadland to unravel this new conspiracy that threatens Wonderland. Doing so will mean coming face to face with her most deadly adversary ever- the Red Queen..

Join the Alice in Deadland community on Facebook at facebook.com/groups/345795412099089


“This was a thrilling blend of post-apocalyptic zombie devastation and world domination. But the real question is, who are the real bad guys? Alice in Deadland and Through the Killing Glass are well worth reading and you can perhaps learn a little something about survival when dealing with zombies or politicians” – Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars

Now also available in the Alice in Deadland Trilogy, Off With Their Heads, the prequel to Alice in Deadland.

About the Author

Mainak Dhar is a cubicle dweller by day and writer by night with eleven books to his credit, including the Amazon.com bestseller, Alice in Deadland. Learn more about him and his writing at mainakdhar.com.

(This is a sponsored post.)

KND Kindle Free Book Alert for Wednesday, July 04: 330 BRAND NEW FREEBIES in the last 24 hours added to Our 3,800+ FREE TITLES Sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Carol Tibaldi’s WILLOW POND (Today’s Sponsor – 99 cents or FREE via Kindle Lending Library)

Powered by our magical Kindle free book tool, here are this morning’s latest additions to our 3,800+ Kindle Free Book listings. Occasionally a title will continue to appear on this list for a short time after it is no longer free on Kindle. ALWAYS check the price on Amazon before making a purchase, please! If a book is free, you should see the following: Kindle Price: $0.00
But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor
"Willow Pond is a treasure to read. Tibaldi is a first-time author who has made an indelible mark with her debut novel."
Willow Pond
by Carol Tibaldi
3.9 stars - 31 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
As the Roaring Twenties crumble into the Great Depression, Virginia Kingsley, New York’s toughest and most successful speakeasy owner, is doing just fine; with the whole world falling apart for so many, bootlegging is a flourishing business.

But when a former lover, Rudy, attempts to coerce his way into her business, Virginia sends him packing and her entire family pays the price: Her niece, Laura, is devastated when her infant son vanishes without a trace. Speculation and rumors abound in the media circus that follows the abduction, and the police have few leads, most of which point straight back at Virginia and her fellow bootleggers.

Suspicious of Rudy but unable to go to the police, Virginia pursues her own investigation, shaking down, threatening, and killing one petty crook after another as she races against time to find her missing great-nephew. In the mean time, Laura's lover and Herald Tribune reporter, Erich, tries to convince Laura that Virginia knows more than she is telling... and may be behind the boy's disappearance.

With time flying past and hope thinning, Virginia, Laura, and Erich must set aside their differences and work together in one last, desperate bid to find the missing child and whoever really abducted him.
One Reviewer Notes:
"This is Tibaldi's debut novel, and it's strong; she does well at creating strong characters early on who have a real sense of personality and individuality."
Kindle Book Review
About the Author
Carol Tibaldi was born and raised in Bayside, New York and attended Queens College of the City University of New York. She loves to travel and has lived in London and Los Angeles. For twenty five years she worked as a newspaper reporter and covered the crime beat. She is a history buff and loves to research different time periods having a special affinity of the prohibition era and the Civil War. Willow Pond is her first novel and she is hard at work on the sequel. Carol Tibaldi was born and raised in Bayside, New York and attended Queens College of the City University of New York. She loves to travel and has lived in London and Los Angeles. For twenty five years she worked as a newspaper reporter and covered the crime beat. She is a history buff and loves to research different time periods having a special affinity of the prohibition era and the Civil War. Willow Pond is her first novel and she is hard at work on the sequel.
UK CUSTOMERS: Click on the title below to download
Willow Pond
Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
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Lady Harriet Arnold lives a privileged life but poverty in London keeps her awake at night. One day, under the devil’s nose, she has a revelation; her true purpose is to take what the rich don’t deserve and gift it to the poor. But when it comes to love, it’s not that easy to stay in...
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This little book is about random everyday items that you can use for survival, only specifically……this book is going to focus on the top ten items that you NEVER THOUGHT could save your life.What are these ten items, and how can they be used to save your life?...
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A deeply honest and open account of how a life is turned upside down within minutes and changed forever. A true story of escaping death, left alone in a place of darkness and despair with her disabilities and pain while the environment and establishments surrounding her attacked her character...
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They had a deal. Derrick would marry Cindy’s best friend, Nicky so that he could get a green card. It was only to be for a short while, and then Derrick would return home to Cindy, his one true love.It sounded good in theory, but plans had a way of going awry, and it took Derrick eight years to...
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No Goodbye (Crimson Hill Series Book 1)
By: Brenda Barrett
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The warmer weather is coming, and with it the chance to head outside to enjoy the fresh air. Many families head to national parks and remote locations to get away from it all, and enjoy unspoiled wilderness. Estimates put spending on recreation in wilderness environments at a whopping $646 billion...
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Irony is the opposite of wrinkly. A Load of Trouble is a fan-generated, stand-alone cozy mystery!A Load of Trouble and a basket of suspects. Can Matty and her family iron out the wrinkled truth before she becomes the next stain?What do a dumpster diving thriftster, a cross-eyed cat, a hunting...
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Theodosia Hay‘s life seems to be unfolding in every way she had expected it to, until one fateful day she is forced to marry an Earl she barely knows, or be faced with social ostracization. What follows are moments that challenge Thea in every way possible; not only must she survive the...
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Paleo diets have been around since 1970 and aim to transform our eating styles to that of our forefathers dating back 2.5million years ago. Paleo diets have remained intact throughout these ages, and unlike many other diets, it is legit and easy to follow.Paleo is healthy food personified and...
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This Southern Cookbook is a collection of recipes where each one is inspired by old fashioned and gracious traditions with mouth watering ingredients. It features a wide assortment of classic southern dishes such as Mom's Irresistible Meatloaf, Picnic Potato Salad, Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits With...
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Share the joy of the holidays with friends and family this season with some sweet treats from around the world. The holidays will never taste so good! Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited In keeping with the spirit of sharing and giving this season, why not try something new and different this year...
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KND Kindle Free Book Alert for Wednesday, July 04: 330 BRAND NEW FREEBIES in the last 24 hours added to Our 3,800+ FREE TITLES Sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Carol Tibaldi’s WILLOW POND (Today’s Sponsor – 99 cents or FREE via Kindle Lending Library)

Rudy Mazzocchi’s EQUITY OF EVIL is Our eBook of the Day and With 4.9 Stars on 84 out of 87 Rave Reviews & Just $3.99, You Don’t Want To Miss This – Based on True Events, This Bold Novel Involves Some of The World’s Oldest, Most Emotional and Controversial Issues – Here’s a Free Sample to Read More!

Here’s the set-up for Rudy Mazzocchi’s Equity of Evil, just $3.99 on Kindle:
EQUITY of EVIL is a shocking indictment of the pernicious role of greed in the medical world. A powerful read!”  — Robin Cook, International Best-Selling Author
Based on true events, this bold novel involves some of the world’s oldest, most emotional and controversial issues. At the core of each matter is man’s predisposition to control and take ownership of the human spirit for the sake of profit and personal gain. Such control and manipulation over the will of others is the most horrendous equity of evil.

Equity of Evil is the Winner of the Gold Medal for the Mystery/Suspense/Thriller category in the 2011 eLIT Awards and is an Award-Winning Finalist in the Suspense/Thriller category of the 2012 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

From the reviewers:

“Has edge, great characters and is thought provoking. ” — Ken Hausman  |  41 reviewers made a similar statement

“The author does a great job of setting up the scientific/technical details so the reader can understand them and grasp the complexities. ”  —  Biomedguy  |  26 reviewers made a similar statement

“What a great read…I barely put it down for 2 days. ”  —  Christy Schulz  |  18 reviewers made a similar statement

This is a novel of suspense, of mystery; a medical thriller with thrilling insights. If you loved Michael Crichton, you’ll love this book.  –  D. Previte

A captivating medical thriller. Couldn’t put it down. It confronts you with the realities of real life tough decisions women are forced to make while men pontificate and legislate. Whether you are pro choice or pro life, the story shocks you into attention. Greed truly is the root of evil. The violence against women is discomforting but so is the real life violence against women and children and what we as a society do about it will dictate how future generations will judge our commitment to humanity and human rights.  –  Debbie

I don’t write a lot of reviews, too busy with life and when I finish a book I am immediately looking for my next good read…but Equity of Evil wasn’t just a good read…it was the kind of book that grabs you and ruins a bunch of good nights sleep.   –  Terry

Visit Amazon’s Rudy Mazzocchi Page

Rudy is best known as a medical device and biotechnology entrepreneur, inventor, and angel investor, with a history of starting new technology ventures throughout the U.S. and Europe. He’s been privileged to have the opportunity to see the newest innovations in healthcare and work with some of the most brilliant researchers, scientists and physicians in the industry.

Authoring more than 50 patents, he has helped pioneer new companies involved in cardiology, oncology, orthopedics, neurosurgery and even embryonic stem-cell development. Through these efforts, he has become the recipient of many technology and business awards, including the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year in Healthcare and the Businessman of the Year Award.

Combining these experiences and opportunities, with thousands of hours of travel and long evenings in hotel rooms, he found the initiative to start writing a collection of medical thrillers based on true events, the first of which is Equity of Evil.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of EQUITY OF EVIL by Rudy Mazzocchi:


Today’s Kindle Daily Deal — Wednesday, July 4 – Two Great Reads for under $3 — Save 57% on John Ferling’s Detailed History of Our Nation’s Winning of INDEPENDENCE, plus … Don’t miss Pardu Ponnapalli’s JUST A BUNCH OF CRAZY IDEAS (Today’s Sponsor)

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Just a Bunch of Crazy Ideas

by Pardu Ponnapalli
4.8 stars – 42 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Here’s the set-up:

This book is about thoughts and ideas on a wide range of subjects. The topics include building a space elevator, new approaches to space travel, Star Trek reboot themes, ideas for energy conservation, what to do about our federal debt, modifying the game of chess and others. The following provides a quick overview of the chapters:

Chapter 1 Space Elevator
Chaper 2 Alternative Energies and Energy Conservation
Chapter 3 More Thoughts on Energy Conservation
Chapter 4 Gas Stations and filling up
Chapter 5 Luggage and Airplanes
Chapter 6 Thoughts on Chess
Chapter 7 Thoughts on Ice Hockey
Chapter 8 Thoughts on Cat Litter
Chapter 9 Our National Debt and Defecit
Chapter 10 I am overweight and so are most Americans
Chapter 11 Star Trek and Reboot
Chapter 12 Thoughts about Laptops
Chapter 13 Thoughts about Space Exploration
Chapter 14 Thoughts on the Stock Market
Chapter 15 Automatic Inform Systems for IT Workers
Chapter 16 Hikers who hurt themselves
Chapter 17 How to improve dishwashers

From the reviewers: 

“Pardu S. Ponnapalli, an IT specialist with a doctorate in physics, has devised ingenious and potentially world-changing ways to improve things. Many of Ponnapalli’s essays are intellectually challenging, short, well written and entertaining.” — Patty Sutherland, Foreword Clarion Review June 2011
Four Stars (out of Five)

“Ponnapalli’s crazy (impulsive, but fun and thought provoking) ideas cover some timely and popular topics; U.S debt and defecit, overweight, stock market, space exploration, alternative energies, cat litter and more. The book is easy to read.” — Recommended & Reviewed in The Mindquest Review of Books, by Lightword Publishing, August 2011

“The essays were well-written and mostly thought through. Based on his personal experience, they were enlightening and at times, laughable. More importantly, they make the reader take the time to think about our future, ponder on the problems, and look for the solutions we need.” — Teri Davis, BestSellersWorld.com, July, 2011

“Some of my fondest memories of university were those informal gab sessions in the common room. Just a Bunch of Crazy Ideas reminds me of those times.”Just a Bunch of Crazy Ideas presents some good ideas and some not so good ideas. Take them as you will. Laugh at them or be inspired by them.” — Tami Brady, TCM Reviews, July 22, 2011

“The act of brainstorming can result in new ideas and surprising results. The author ends each chapter with the words, “Discuss and enjoy!” That is exactly what the reader of this “bunch of crazy ideas” will do.” — Libby Grandy, The US Review of Books

From the author:

The purpose of this book is to share a bunch of “crazy” ideas. There is no claim that any careful research is done. It is more like a brainstorming session where any idea that comes to mind is presented. That is why you get a wide range of topics , from dealing with cat litter to exploring space.

You may wonder what the value of this is. Maybe the ideas are all not worth much in practical terms. Or perhaps there are some gems and some real bad ones. What’s the sense in me writing about these ideas?

Actually, I was wondering the same thing for many years. I have thought about writing this book for a lot of years , and never went through with it until recently.

I think we all start out when we are young thinking we are going to change the world. Especially in university, when I was studying physics, I had constant discussions with my colleagues about revolutionary ideas. As you get older, you settle down to a regular life that for the most part involves paying bills with the money you earn. Most of our energies start getting devoted to survival. Before you know it , you are wondering about managing retirement and you are left with a sense that somehow life passed you by.

The reason for this transformation from a wild eyed youngster with grand ideas to a well settled mortgage paying robot is fairly plain- most of us are just struggling to get by in life. Few of us have the luxury of picking and choosing what we do for a living. My own entry into the IT field was due to the inability of finding any physics related employment after doing a Ph.D. The job market was poor, and I looked around for a marketable job. I have done fairly well in my chosen profession, but I am constantly haunted by the thought that I was meant for something else. I suspect I have a lot of company in this regard.

It seems to me our sense of intellectual courage also wanes with age and seniority. We may have ideas that we think are worthwhile, but we dismiss them for the usual reasons:

People will think they are stupid (a perennial favorite).

I bet someone has thought of it already (yes, but they might not have voiced it ).

I want to stick to the safe stuff that’s in the realm of my expertise.

It all becomes a tedious cycle. We end up doing something by rote, or maybe finding just a few ideas in our chosen profession that are interesting, and being content to live out our lives without a sense of wonder or exploration.

So this book is my attempt to revive a sense of wonder and speculation.

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one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.

and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

Independence: The Struggle to Set America FreeKindle Daily Deal: Independence
No author has traced the political journey of America’s birth–from protest to revolution–with the narrative scope and flair of John Ferling. Independence takes readers from the cobblestones of Philadelphia to the halls of Britain’s Parliament. It’s the story of how freedom was won and an empire was lost.

Yesterday’s Price: $4.61
Today’s Discount: $2.62
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $1.99 (57% off)