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KND Thriller of The Week Free Excerpt Featuring Judith Thomas’ Murder Mystery House of Cobwebs

On Friday we announced that Judith Thomas’ House of Cobwebs is our Thriller of the Week and the sponsor of thousands of great bargains in the thriller, mystery, and suspense categories: over 200 free titles, over 600 quality 99-centers, and thousands more that you can read for free through the Kindle Lending Library if you have Amazon Prime!

Now we’re back to offer our weekly free Thriller excerpt:

House of Cobwebs

by Judith Thomas

4.8 stars – 8 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Sometimes nightmares follow you from sleep and begin to haunt your days.
Neema Harris is eleven years old, and gifted with the ability to invade other people’s minds and discover their deepest, darkest secrets. She is the sole survivor when her whole family is butchered in the night.
Child psychologist, Doctor Winter Fremont is beautiful, successful and outwardly confident. She firmly believes she has left the horrors of her childhood far behind, and now has control of the psychic dreams which disturb her sleep.But when the twinkly- eyed and uniquely wicked Neema Harris becomes her patient, Winter’s ugly past comes back to haunt her, big time.
In his attempts to solve the increasingly baffling Harris murders, the cynical Detective Inspector Len Axton will awkwardly fall in love, and have three psychic experiences that will change him forever.The first will reveal to him the killer.
The second will lead him to the killer.
The third may not be enough to save his life.

And here, for your reading pleasure, is our free excerpt:





“NEEMA…NEEEEMA…time to come inside…NOW.”

Neema Harris hears her mother’s call, drifting to her on the cooling breeze at the end of a perfect autumn day. Neema has no intention whatsoever of responding.

The days are getting shorter now and whilst she has no idea of the exact time, she knew by the lengthening shadows it must be nearing five o’clock. It will be dark soon and then she’ll have no choice but to go inside. As long as there is even a glimmer of daylight left, Neema intends to stay out of reach of her mother’s cantankerous demands, and her crabby and disagreeable complaints.

Neema has wheeled her new, not new, bike out of the front gate of her yard and taken it to the bus shelter two doors down on the corner of her street. She has the bike upside down on the bus shelter floor, handlebars propped up on the metal bench seat. Her little brown fingers work furiously at the wire holding the rough, wooden chocks to her pedals.

No buses run on Sundays so she won’t be disturbed, which is why she has chosen the location. ‘Well,she smiles to herself, ‘that and the opportunity to once again disobey mother and get out of doing my chores.She has much more important work to do here than feeding the dog and tidying her room.

Neema had been delighted to come home from school last Friday, the day of her eleventh birthday, to discover the maroon and silver Malvern Starsix-gear roadster, propped up on its stand in her bedroom. Her father had put a big red bow on the seat and attached a shiny new bell to the handlebars.

But Neema’s excitement had dimmed quickly and considerably, when she discovered it was a second-hand bike and not a new one, which is what she’d asked for. She can’t deny it is in very good condition. You have to look hard to discover the scrapes in the paint on the cross bar and down the wheel strut. You don’t have to look as hard though, to see the rust bubbles on the handlebars and the brown staining on the spokes. There is a new plastic cover over the seat to hide the cracks and tears in the leather. But Neema knows they are there.

Her best friend from school, Stozie Martin, had received a brand new bike for her birthday last month. It was only a Dandy Sports starter with four gears, not half as good as the Malvern Star.It wouldn’t get up hills as fast without the extra gears and it was pink…“Yuk.” But Stozie’s bike is brand-spanking new and more importantly, the right size for her.

Another disappointment Neema has in her new, notnew, bike, is the fact it is slightly too large for her, and her daddy has wired stupid, big wooden chocks to the pedals so her feet can reach them.

Mum had told her she was ungrateful and to stop whining about it because ‘she would grow into it.Just like the clothes she has to wear now; op-shop clothes that never fit properly, always one or even two sizes too large.

They just don’t have enough money since the twins were born. At eight months old, Michael and Lyris are just two big, loud want,want,wanters.Want more formula, want more nappies and want more medicine, because Mum says Lyris is a sickly baby. Everything seems to be about the twins lately, and when it comes to Neema’s turn it’s ‘getwhatyouregivenandbegratefulforit.

The bike is better than her old one at least, but she worries about Stozie’s close inspection of it at school tomorrow. And Neema will absolutely die a thousand deaths before she’ll let Stozie, or any of the other kids, see her ride it into school with four inch wooden chocks on each peddle. She feels her face heat up with embarrassment at the mere thought of them lined up and laughing at her, pointing and calling her names in their sing-song voices, ‘Nerdy needy Neema, needy nerdy Neema.She really hates Stozie some times.


Neema doesn’t even raise her head. She smiles, knowing full well her mother will call again, but also knowing she won’t leave the house with the twins alone inside to come and look for her.

She has managed to unwire both chocks from the right pedal, and now sets about working on loosening the wire on the left.

They’d had to move house when her daddy lost his old job. Neema hates the new house. They used to live in a big house on Lingley Road, with a white picket fence and a big garden for her to play in. Her best friend Stozie had lived right next door, Janey, her second best friend, across the road, and Ben, who was just a friend, had lived two houses down.

She still calls Stozie her best friend, but more and more since the move Stozie is running off with Janey and Ben and leaving her out of things. At play lunch last week Stozie told them she had overheard her mother telling Carmel Pennington, ‘the poor Harris family have moved to the wrong side of the tracks.

Neema doesn’t understand what she is on about. She hasn’t located any railway tracks near the new house. But she still doesn’t like it, being on the wrong side of them. Neema’s fingers slow, her head tips to one side and her eyelids begin to flutter.

You had better start to mind your mouth Miss Stozie Martin…mind your manners and your big fat lying mouth.

“Well, well, well, Miss Neema, what are you up to young lady?”

The big smile wreathing Ken Harris’s large round face freezes, and slowly morphs into a worried grimace as he gazes down upon his eldest daughter. His eyes take in the upturned bike and the wooden chocks and bits of wire scattered around the bus shelter floor. Neema is sitting in the middle of it all, staring blankly into space. His little girl is undersize for her age, short in stature and fine of bone. Her shiny, black hair, cut in a bob, frames her elfin face. Large, chocolate coloured eyes framed by long lashes dominate her features. Ken can make out a smattering of golden freckles on her small thin nose.

She’s like a little statue, her body so still and tense she may have been carved of stone. Her pupils have dilated and her normally brown eyes are black and glassy. Neema’s mouth is open and her narrow well-defined lips are slack over slightly buck-front teeth. A slender trickle of drool leaks from the corner of her lip, down the right side of her chin.

Ken wants to sweep her up in his arms and hold her tight. Claim her back from wherever it is her mind has taken her to. Instead, he moves towards her quietly, and tenderly wipes the spittle from her chin with a corner of his large white handkerchief.

It’s happening more frequently these days, these little turns Neema is experiencing. The specialist told them not to worry, but he did worry. How could he not?

Since very young, Neema has always been extraordinarily intuitive. She answers questions before the query is even asked and has an uncanny knack of seeming to know what other people are thinking.

Lately though, her strange talent has taken a darker turn. She keeps having these cataleptic seizures, and seems to have developed the distressing ability to predict death or major illness and accidents. She’s been in trouble at her new school more than once, for telling other children they are going to hurt themselves badly…or on some occasions, even die. But in her defence, and Ken can always find one, Neema always gets it right.

Ken has started keeping a journal of Neema’s psychic episodes and had shown it to the new specialist they’d taken her to at The Barker clinic. Even though Lorry is set against it, he felt they’d made the right decision in taking Neema there for treatment. The new psychologist is keeping a very open mind about the possibility Neema’s lapses of consciousness and her psychic talent are connected.

Ken moves the handlebars of the bike along the bench and sits beside Neema. He places a gentle hand on her small brown shoulder. The late afternoon air holds a chill, and the sky is purpling with dark clouds, signalling an early end to the daylight and possibly a storm. His daughter’s skin still retains the warmth of the sun that has shone brightly all afternoon.

So small and fragile,my little girl,Ken thinks as he gazes into her fixed and vacant eyes. Her tanned grubby hands rest motionless on the pedal. The nails are chewed back almost to the quick and her fingers are full of little scratches from the wire. Thin, brown legs stick out of her shorts, battle scarred and bruised with the skin off both knees. The left knee’s wound looks old and scabby, but the right has freshly dried blood smeared across its surface.

Ken reaches out and gently strokes her silky hair. ‘If only I could fix everything with a band aid and a hug;if only it were that simple,he wishes, and immediately feels the tears of helplessness prickling at the corners of his eyes. There is nothing he can say or do, which will bring her back to him when she’s like this. He can only wait and pray that whatever holds her mind captive will release her back to him eventually.

So they sit, father and daughter, side by side. As he waits for Neema to return, Ken Harris watches the evening sky soak up darkness like a sponge, and the first fat drops of rain clatter like stones over the shelter’s roof.





“Daddy! Daddy! You’re home early,” is piped at high pitch into Ken Harris’s left ear, deafening it. Then he has his oxygen cut off as his daughter flings her wiry arms around his neck and squeezes with all her might.

Ken must have fallen into a trance himself, because he is startled to find Neema’s sparkling, brown eyes, full of mischief, gazing at him, only inches away from his own.

“You will have to let me breathe Neema, you’re choking me.”

“Did you bring fish and chips for tea Daddy?” Neema asks, ignoring him.

Ken loosens his daughter’s grip around his neck and sucks in air. Smiling, he pulls her across his right thigh and hugs her to him, until she starts to squirm.

“In answer to your question, I didn’t bring home fish and chips, but I bet your mum has cooked up something nice…although you may be lucky to get any supper tonight.”

“Why? What do you mean?” Neema’s smile and her beaming face dims a little with the loss of a fish and chip supper.

“Well…I don’t know how long your mother has been calling you but from the sound of her voice I would say it’s been quite a while.” Ken pauses, raising his brows at Neema, which earns him an angry scowl.

“And you know you are not allowed to leave the boundary of the garden on your own,” Ken continues. “So there are two things your mum is going to be cross about Neema.”

Neema scrambles clumsily from her father’s lap and stands glaring at him with dark, angry eyes.

“Then that would be all your fault Daddy,” she spits out crossly.

“My fault?”

“It was you that put the stupid chocks on my pedals Daddy,” Neema wags her finger in front of Ken’s face while she scolds him. “I’m not a silly baby anymore. I’m eleven and I don’t need them. I can’t ride my bike to school tomorrow with them on and you..you…” Neema is so angry she can’t think of any words to finish her sentence.

“My darling girl, calm down, calm yourself. How can you ride the bike if you can’t reach the pedals?”

“I can Daddy, I can do it. I’ll show you if you’ll just help me get the other chock off. I promise I can do it,” Neema pleads, gazing earnestly into her father’s eyes.

Shes like a summer storm,Ken thinks, ‘one minute sunshine, the next thunder clouds are brewing.

“Pleeese Daddy, pleeease,” Neema begs, tugging at her father’s arm, smiling a little now she can see the resistance slipping from his face.

“Alright, alright…we’ll try it and see how you go.”

“Thank you Daddy,” Neema squeals, launching another attack on her father’s neck by flinging her arms around him and kissing his forehead, his nose and his eyes.

Then she quickly releases him from her embrace.

“Come on Daddy, help me with this one, it won’t be hard and…”

“NEEEEMA,” her mother’s angry voice carries to them and it makes Ken wince.

“That’s it Neema, we must go in. The longer we delay the crosser your mother will be. I’ll fix it after supper.”

“Promise Daddy, you won’t forget. If we do it now we…”

“No, not now, come on.” Ken cuts her off firmly, as he stands and rights the bike. He picks up the wire and wooden blocks and places them in the basket on the handlebars. Then he scoops Neema up in one arm, and steers the bike out of the bus shelter with the other.

The storm hasn’t broken fully yet. Slow, penny sized drops of rain are falling intermittently, as the muffled roar of thunder in the distance warns of worse to come. Ken picks up his pace and trots along the path, jiggling Neema as she chatters away; seemingly oblivious to the trouble she has got herself into.

“So Neema,” Ken finally asks her. “Are you going to tell me where you went…just before?”

“I was off with the fairies,” Neema giggles. It is one of her mother’s favourite descriptions of Neema’s strange little trances.

“No I’m serious Neema, where did you go…what did you see?” Ken peers into his daughter’s brown eyes, with a worried frown creasing his brow.

“I told you, I was with the fairies,” Neema smiles sweetly, then more broadly, as the memory of Stozie Martin’s skin scraping, neck breaking fall from her bike flashes through her mind.

“I wish I could come with you Neema, and keep you safe,” Ken tells her solemnly.

Neema’s peals of laughter ring inside his ears.

“Oh Daddy, you silly old thing. The fairies don’t want big fat giants stomping all around them; you’d scare them all to death.”

They are both laughing when they come through the gate. Lorraine Harris is just taking in air to release another volley of calls in an effort to locate her errant daughter. The sight of her husband home early on a Sunday brings a smile to her face, and makes her look ten years younger.

“Ken…you’re home, how lovely.”

Then almost in the same breath…

“Oh my God, what’s happened…Neema….is she alright…Ken?”

“It’s fine Lorry, it’s fine. I found our little moppet sheltering from the storm under the Jacaranda out the front.” Ken fibs, giving Neema an extra squeeze.

“Well there was no storm half an hour ago when I started calling for her. Why didn’t you answer me Neema? As if I haven’t got enough to do without wasting time looking for you. You must have heard me…”

Ken shoots his wife a look and shakes his head discreetly, cutting short her angry rant.

Lorraine, who is marching towards them with a cross frown on her face, and her hands on her hips, slows her steps.

“Sorry Mum,” Neema mumbles. “I was concentrating on something else and I didn’t hear you.” Neema casts her eyes downwards, and tries her best to look contrite, but her hair hides a small knowing smirk.

“Well, I don’t believe you Neema, I really…”

“Lorry, let it go love,” Ken places Neema gently down on the path, and leans in to kiss his wife. “Just let it go and let’s get in before we all get drenched.”

Lorraine drops her arms and the irritated look from her face. It’s replaced with her usual expression of weariness, which is etched in deep lines around her eyes and mouth.

“Well…go in and wash up for your supper. Not that you deserve any young lady!” Lorraine can’t check that one last barb, and she turns her face away from her husband’s pursed lips.

Oblivious to the dour mood she has created between her parents, Neema hops up the stairs on one foot, opens the door, and clatters down the narrow hallway towards the kitchen.

“Don’t run Neema, how many times?” Lorraine calls after her despairingly.

“Don’t nag at her Lorry. Let’s just try and have a quiet, happy evening together,” Ken pleads as he puts his arm around her shoulders. But Lorraine shrugs him off, not ready yet to be pacified.

“Ken, you aren’t here all week, you have no idea how disobedient she can be. She argues with me about everything and won’t do a thing I tell her to; and I can’t bear it when she lies.”

“She had another episode Lorry, she wouldn’t have heard you calling,” Ken tells her softly.

Lorraine looks stricken. “Good grief, I don’t know what we’re going to do about her.”

“Don’t worry, she’ll be okay. The doc said there’s nothing actually wrong with her, remember? She said she’s special, that’s all.”

Ken slides his arm back across his wife’s shoulders, and this time Lorraine relents.

“The doctor hasn’t said anything of the sort Ken. You say it all the time and that’s half the problem with that girl. She thinks she’s so special she doesn’t have to do a thing I tell her.”

“When’s the next appointment with the specialist…what’s her name?” Ken smiles, ignoring his wife’s new complaint.

“Winter…Winter Fremont. It’s on Tuesday after school. I know it’s only the fourth appointment but she doesn’t seem to be helping much. Neema’s having these episodes more and more, and they seem to be getting worse.”

“Winter! Funny bloody name that, isn’t it?” Ken laughs, trying to steer the conversation in another direction. Lorraine doesn’t laugh. In fact it looks as if she may burst into tears. Ken puts his large hands on her thin, pointy shoulders and turns her to him.

“Love, she said this may happen in the beginning. There might be more frequent episodes as they delve into what’s causing it.”

“Yes, I know but…”

“No buts Lorry. Everything will work out fine. Let’s trust the experts on this one because they know what they’re on about. No use the likes of us trying to fathom it out. We’re lucky Lorry, you know that; there are kids out there with cancer and worse. This is nothing.”

Lorraine sighs and her shoulders slump.

“It’s not nothing Ken, and you know it, no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise. And the cost, these visits to the specialist…we can’t keep that up forever, we just can’t afford it. I worry myself sick about how we’re going to make ends meet from one week to the next.”

“Well stop worrying about that and start worrying about my supper…I’m starved!” Ken slaps his wife playfully on the rump. He isn’t going to be led down this path again. They’ve been down this track too many times lately, and it always ends badly with them arguing and Lorraine in tears.

He watches his wife hopefully, wanting her to back away from this conversation, so they can enjoy a nice relaxing evening together. ‘She looks tired, poor love,Ken thinks as his eyes wander over her face.

She has big black circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. It’s because of the night feeding, and Ken can’t help her out. He can’t be half asleep while driving the truck. He notices she’s starting to get those deep, downward creases either side of her mouth, that make her look harsh and unhappy all the time.

“Come on love, I’ll make you a nice, strong cup of tea. That’ll fix you up. Have a bit of a break before you make the supper.” He gives her an extra squeeze, coaxing her gently out of her sour mood.

“I need more than a cup of tea to fix me up at the moment,” Lorraine quips, as she gives her husband a weak smile. “But that will be nice, I could do with a cuppa.”

Relieved there will be no further arguments tonight on the subject of Neema’s treatment, Ken leads his wife back up the path and opens the front door for her. As they enter the narrow hallway, they step into a wall of noise.

“My goodness, what on earth’s all this ruckuss about? I can’t leave you alone for five minutes. What’s going on here Neema?” Lorraine calls out as she scurries down the corridor to the kitchen, with Ken following more slowly behind.

When they enter the room, they see the twins strapped into their high chairs, and both of them yowling fit to burst. Lyris is crying the loudest and is covered in brown, sloppy custard. She has big gobs of it on her fat little cheeks and neck. It’s even in her eyebrows, and her fine blonde hair is standing up in sticky tufts all over her head.

There is no reason for Michael to be crying as far as Ken can see, but he is wailing just as loud as Lyris. He holds his plastic spoon high in his podgy little fist, ready to unleash the next splatter of chocolate custard on his sister. Pixie, their miniature black poodle, runs around in circles emitting excited high pitched yelps, adding to the din.

Neema comes into the room with a damp cloth.

“Don’t stress Mum, it’s only Michael being extremely naughty to Lyris. He’s got his custard everywhere, the bad, bad boy,” Neema scolds as she wipes the cloth roughly over Lyris’s face. It makes her scream louder than ever, and the more upset Lyris becomes, the harder Michael cries, and the dog is going bananas.

“Shush Lyris, shush! It’s not hurting you at all,” Neema admonishes, rubbing even harder and pressing the cloth over Lyris’s mouth to muffle her shrieks of protest. Lyris’s small, blue eyes bug a little and her face turns slightly blue.

“It’s no good trying to suffocate her Neema.” Lorraine grabs the cloth from Lyris’s face and frees her from the chair, and Neema’s rough administrations. “This wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t wasting my time looking for you half the afternoon. Ken can you see to Michael? I’ve got my hands full here,” she orders as she hastily bustles Lyris away to the bathroom.

Ken moves from the doorway into the kitchen, wincing slightly at the volume of noise.

“Now, now, now, what’s wrong with my little man? Come on, come to Daddy,” he jollies, as he picks Michael up and swoops him high into the air above his head. Michael is so surprised he stops crying immediately, and after several more swings in his father’s big, safe hands, his dry little sobs turn into hiccuppy giggles.

“Be quiet Pixie,” Ken orders, and the small dog immediately ceases her yapping and runs quickly to hide in her basket. Mindful of the rebuke in Ken’s tone, Pixie watches him with nervous, blinking eyes.

“We don’t want nosey parker next door ringing up to complain again,” Ken tells the little dog more gently.

The lease doesn’t allow for a dog, but Ken figures his family had given up enough with the loss of his other job and the move here. So he has allowed Pixie to come with them on the proviso that she’s kept quiet. But the little yapper has caught the attention of the old biddy next door. Doris Pledge seems to have nothing better to do in her day other than ring the council every time Pixie even looks like barking.

Within minutes the war zone has calmed into a scene of domestic bliss. Michael is gurgling happily, bounced on his father’s knee. Lyris sits hiccupping and goo-ing contentedly on Neema’s lap, while she sings nursery rhymes to her. Ken chats to Lorraine about his day as she busies herself with the supper, and Neema adds her snippets of news, in between snatches of song.

Neema slurps away happily at her corn beef hash, mopping her gravy with her third slice of bread and butter. When Lorraine is out of the room, bedding down the twins, Ken slurps his gravy too and laughs and winks at Neema.

While Lorraine does the dishes, Neema and her father watch TheSimpsonson thetelly.Neema is thrilled when her mother brings her a big, steaming mug of hot chocolate. It is such a nice surprise, it doesn’t even matter there are no marshmallows for the topping. Ken savours his beer and Neema sips her hot, sweet drink, laughing every now and then at Homer or Mr. Smithersand that silly boy Bart.

Al lin all,Neema thinks when the show is finished, ‘a perfect end to a nearly perfect day.

“I’ll be in shortly Neema, go and brush your teeth. You can read for half an hour, then it’s lights out…okay?” Lorraine calls from the kitchen.

“Okay Mum,” Neema mumbles back through a jaw cracking yawn.

Neema kisses her father’s cheek goodnight.

“Don’t forget Daddy, you need to get that other chock off my pedal before school tomorrow,” she whispers to him.

“I won’t forget sweet heart, don’t worry, sleep tight,” Ken murmurs drowsily.

Neema looks at her father sceptically, a frown creasing her brow. He’s half asleep, eyes all bleary, lids half-mast. She leans in close and gently stretches his eyes wide open with her little fingers.

“Promise Daddy, promise you won’t forget,” she whispers more urgently, peering at him intently.

“I promise, now off to bed like a good girl. We don’t want your mother upset again tonight.”

“Love you Daddy.”

“Love you too baby. Ni-night.”

With a contented sigh and her belly swishing pleasantly with the hot chocolate, Neema makes her way to bed.




Later that night, Lorraine Harris sits at her dressing table, staring forlornly at her reflection in the mirror.

She’s never been a beauty, not in the classical sense like Elizabeth Tayloror the one that played Scarlet O’Harain Gone with the Wind.It is one of her favourite films and she must have seen it a hundred times, but her tired mind can’t click on the lead actresses’ name.

Doesnt matter, I never looked like her anyway, she whispers, and sighs heavily.

At thirty-nine, Lorraine thinks she looks at lot older than her years. She’s inherited her mother’s pale English skin that never holds a tan and turns a mottled, bluey-purple in the colder months. Her blue eyes are small and too close together. She used to wear a little shadow on the lids and brush her sparse lashes with mascara to correct the defect; but she can’t be bothered these days.

Her nose is long and thin, like her lips. Two pale ribbons, slightly chapped above a round, dimpled chin. She still has a small nub of Revlon Fuchsia Blushlipstick in her purse, but she uses it sparingly, for special occasions. ‘Cant afford the forty dollar price tag for a new one,she muses glumly while fingering the soft pouch of fat under her chin.


The room is small for a main bedroom and the space is further cramped by the oversized furniture. At least the furniture manages to hide the peeling, faded blue wallpaper and the bed conceals most of the threadbare grey carpet. The big patches of worn pile had made it look so mucky; Lorraine had been appalled at the thought of having to sleep in the room when she’d first seen it.

But this room is no worse than the rest of the house. ‘Every room is undersized and dingy and damp,Lorraine thinks bitterly. She hasn’t even bothered to make curtains yet. The main bedroom window looks out over the rear yard and is un-screened. Ken said it would be romantic, watching the moonlight stream into the room. “Huh,”Lorraine sniggers softly, without humour, hess uch an optimist about everything.

Lorraine draws her attention back to the mirror and her eyes flick quickly to the bed behind her. Ken is already under the covers, a book held limply in his hand, as he struggles to keep his eyes open. His head lolls forward onto his chest for the umpteenth time, and with a great snorting half snore, he gives up the battle of trying to stay awake.

“Sorry love,” he mumbles, tossing the book onto the floor and letting his head fall back against the pillow. “Better be quick if you want your way with me, I’m absolutely buggered.” His words are distorted through a wide-mouthed yawn.

“Huh…you head off to sleep Romeo, I won’t be long behind you. It’s been a really, long day. Did I tell you…?”

A low, rumbling snore drifts from the pillow.

Lorraine smiles sadly at the reflection of her husband in the glass. He’s working too hard, doing extra shifts whenever they were offered, trying to make more money. But for all his efforts, it still never seems to be enough.

Ken’s the same age as her, but looks a lot younger. He has one of those round, perpetually beaming faces, and twinkling blue eyes. He’s always smiling, her Ken, and he has a large mouth, with well-defined lips and big white teeth. At six foot two, his frame can carry a bit of weight, but that belly of his is starting to make him look as if he is carrying twins.

As Ken’s snores grow in volume, Lorraine turns her worries back to the mirror.

She’d been afflicted with terrible post-natal depression after Neema was born, and had to have a spell in a clinic. A psychiatric one.

No-one ever mentioned that part, the psychiatricpart. If it was ever brought up in conversation it was ‘Ohyes,Lorraine had a bit of depression…needed a little rest.

They made it sound like nothing, almost a holiday, her stay in the nut house.Because no matter what spin you put on it, that’s what it is. A loony bin for people like her who’d lost their minds, or temporarily misplaced them.

She hadn’t held her love back from Neema on purpose, during those fourteen months after she was born. The depression took everything from her, consumed all emotions, and she could find no love in her to give her new-born daughter. And after she was released from the clinic, and during all the years since, she has never managed to bridge the gap those lost fourteen months had created between them.

Lorraine drops her face into her hands with the shame of it. She hadn’t meant it to be like that. She wasn’t a neglectful mother really, not like you read about in the papers. She’d never struck her daughter, never laid a hand on her in anger. Although, in the grip of that black cloud of depression, she’d had to fight the most terrible urges to harm Neema.

Lorraine cocks her ear towards the bedroom door. She thought she’d heard a little cry from the twin’s room across the hall. She hears a cough and faint, gurgling goo that sounds to her trained ears like Lyris; but then there’s silence, and Lorraine breathes a relieved sigh.

It had been so different with Michael and Lyris. The minute they were placed in her arms, love for them roared like a lion deep within her being. Lorraine had never felt anything as strong in her life, as that fierce all consuming devotion to her babies.

And all these last eight months she’s been fine. She hasn’t felt the creep of dark fingers in her brain. No stirrings of black thoughts that hinted of depression, that had previously threatened to unhinge her mind. If she ever felt down, she only had to look upon her babies sleeping in their cots. Pick them up and hold them, breathing in that sweet, soft scent of talcum powdered skin, and her spirits soared.

Until recently…up until they had to move here. And now the bad thoughts have started to sneak into her head…really, really bad ones about hurting Michael or Lyris.

“And I wouldn’t, I would never…ever,” Lorraine hisses to her pale frightened reflection in the glass. “It’s the stress,” she whispers feverishly, “Ken losing his job…having to live in this dump…Neema, and the cost of that stupid therapy…it’s just stress.” The anxious face in the mirror nods back at her, unconvincingly.

Ken should have let her handle Neema’s treatment. But no, his precious girl had to be special. There couldn’t possibly be a reasonable explanation for her behaviour. It’s Ken’s idea to take her to this Barker clinic, which deals in all sorts of weird psychic therapy, which Lorraine can’t begin, and doesn’t want, to understand.

They can’t afford these sessions and in Lorraine’s opinion, since Neema has been going there she’s gotten worse, slipping off into lala land every day. It gives Lorraine the creeps.

Maybe she can talk to Doctor Fremont about it on Tuesday. She can’t mention any of her concerns to Ken; he has enough on his plate to worry about without thinking his wife is going loopy again as well.

With a tired sigh, Lorraine makes herself get up and walk over to the bed.

As she turns out the light and crawls in to her small strip of mattress beside Ken, Lorraine thinks she can see a tiny glimmer of light, coming from under the door of Neema’s room. She always keeps their bedroom door ajar, so she can hear the twins if they cry out in the night and Neema’s room is directly opposite theirs.

Shell be reading again , past her curfew with that little torch she hides under her mattress. The one she doesnt think I know about, Lorraine thinks, with a flash of anger. She briefly considers getting up and taking it from her. She’ll have a hell of a job getting Neema up for school tomorrow if she stays up too late.

But in the end, Lorraine is just too tired to bother, and as her heavy lids close over her burning eyes, the last thought she has before sleep claims her is,

VivienLeigh…thats who that actress is,in Gone with the Wind.


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4.4 stars – 24 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
As part of the 64th Aggressor Squadron, Major Ryan “Fang” Haverty flies like the enemy to teach Allied pilots how not to die. The glittering excess of the Strip can’t compare to the glowing jet engines of his F-16. But a sexy, redheaded waitress in seamed stockings? Now she gets his blood pumping.

*  *  *

4.5 stars – 44 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
After solving the mayor’s murder and exposing corruption among the top brass in Las Playas, Carly Edwards is happy to be back on patrol with her partner, Joe, putting bad guys behind bars. For once, everything in life seems to be going right.

*  *  *

4.7 stars – 58 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Most careers begin with an interview and a handshake. Others require a little … something more. Meet Jake Oliver. The day will come when he’s one of the best cleaners in the business, a man skilled at making bodies disappear.

*  *  *

Hidden Under Her Heart

by Rachelle Ayala

4.3 stars – 15 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Maryanne Torres is a compassionate nurse who fails at relationships. After a string of losers, she swears off premarital sex, hoping to land a marrying type of man.

*  *  *

4.6 stars – 23 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
This collection of laugh-out-loud jokes, one-liners, and other lighthearted glimpses of life-drawn from Reader’s Digest magazine’s most popular humor columns-is sure to tickle the funny bone. Packed with more than 1,000 jokes, anecdotes, cartoons, quotes, and stories contributed by professional comedians, joke writers, and readers of the magazine, this side-splitting compilation pokes fun at the facts and foibles of daily routines, illustrating that life is often funnier than fiction

*  *  *

4.7 stars – 3 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Fear and betrayal threaten the kingdom of Avador. Keriam, a princess with supernatural powers, must save her father from assassination. But can she trust Roric, or is he part of the plot?

*  *  *

Here’s the set-up:
Many say few know more about stock trading than Michael Swanson, who ran a top ranked hedge fund for four years and has built up a huge audience of readers on his website WallStreetWindow.com thanks to the accuracy of his market calls and investment acumen, including making over 50% in 2008 in one of the worst years for the stock market ever. His book Strategic Stock Trading demystifies the stock market by explaining what truly makes the stock market and individual stocks move the way they do and shows you how you can take advantage of it.

*  *  *

4.2 stars – 16 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
The goal of “My Scripture Journal” is to help you to grow deeper in your walk with Christ by reading the Bible and memorizing scripture. The scripture memorizing technique offered in “My Scripture Journal” has been shown to help others memorize scripture out of the Bible.

*  *  *

4.1 stars – 34 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
A wave of unprecedented violence rages across Los Angeles. Instigated by a new gang called the Myrs, they are known for their lust for murder and led by the most ferocious gang leader in the city’s history: a giant known only as Agamemnon. Someone many believe is not human.

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Bargain Book! Iain Edward Henn’s Bestselling Thriller Disappear – For A Limited Time, Just 99 Cents on Kindle


by Iain Edward Henn

27 Rave Reviews
Special Promotion – Reduced Price – For A Limited Time
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Top 40 bestseller on Amazon UK – Crime, Thrillers & Mystery>Women Sleuths

On a rain-drenched night, a young husband runs to the corner shop – and never returns.

Eighteen years later, his body reappears.

-Reappears, wearing the same clothes, and on the same street from which he went missing.
-Reappears, and is the victim of a hit/run driver.

He looks exactly the same now as when he vanished.

His widow, Jennifer Parkes, is determined to solve this enigma once and for all.

Other bodies are found, all missing eighteen years. None seem to have aged.

On the trail of a vicious killer, Jennifer and homicide detective Neil Lachlan are drawn into a human minefield of deception and terror; into the depths of a mystery that baffles the police and defies logic. Investigating at the forefront of scientific and medical technologies, they confront a threat that is closer than either of them could ever have imagined.

“A stylish, craftily-worded thriller…crossing time, social class, love, loss, indulgence, greed, and …pure evil…a fantastic read.” – Martin Treanor, author of The Silver Mist

“One of the best page turners I’ve read in years.” – Tricia Lee, author of A Carribean Summer

“Great suspense.” – Amazon reader reviews

“Complex mystery…I guessed and second guessed myself throughout.” – Amazon reader reviews

About The Author

Iain Edward Henn is an author of novels and short stories in the mystery/suspense/thriller genres, and a blog, Take It As Read, with random thoughts about writing, publishing, pop culture and most things under the sun. He has a background in newspaper and magazine publishing and lives on the outskirts of Sydney with his wife, Janne.

His short fiction has been published by magazines in England, North America, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand and his story, ‘Private Day,’ was also published with the Scandinavian University Press.

His novels are ‘Disappear,’ and ‘The Delta Chain,’ which was an Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Quarterfinalist, and has appeared on the Amazon UK’s Mystery and Thrillers bestseller lists.

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Kindle Free Book Alert for March 4: Hundreds of brand new Freebies added to Our Free Titles Listing plus … Cheryl Kaye Tardif’s Submerged (Today’s Sponsor – Now Just 99 Cents For A Limited Time)

Powered by our magical Kindle free book tool, here are this morning’s latest additions to our Kindle Free Book listings. Occasionally a title will continue to appear on this list for a short time after it is no longer free on Kindle. ALWAYS check the price on Amazon before making a purchase, please! If a book is free, you should see the following: Kindle Price: $0.00
But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor
From the first page, Cheryl Kaye Tardif takes you hostage with Submerged--a compelling tale of anguish and redemption.
by Cheryl Kaye Tardif
4.8 stars - 22 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
March 3-7 Special Offer: $0.99 (limited time!)
Regular list price: $4.99 US

From the international bestselling author that brought you CHILDREN OF THE FOG comes a terrifying new thriller that will leave you breathless...

"Submerged reads like an approaching storm, full of darkness, dread and electricity. Prepare for your skin to crawl." --Andrew Gross, New York Times bestselling author of 15 Seconds

Two strangers submerged in guilt, brought together by fate...

After a tragic car accident claims the lives of his wife, Jane, and son, Ryan, Marcus Taylor is immersed in grief. But his family isn't the only thing he has lost. An addiction to painkillers has taken away his career as a paramedic. Working as a 911 operator is now the closest he gets to redemption--until he gets a call from a woman trapped in a car.

Rebecca Kingston yearns for a quiet weekend getaway, so she can think about her impending divorce from her abusive husband. When a mysterious truck runs her off the road, she is pinned behind the steering wheel, unable to help her two children in the back seat. Her only lifeline is a cell phone with a quickly depleting battery and a stranger's calm voice on the other end telling her everything will be all right.
One Reviewer Notes:
From the first page, you know you are in the hands of a seasoned and expert storyteller who is going to keep you up at night turning the pages. Tardif knows her stuff. There's a reason she sells like wildfire--her words burn up the pages. A wonderful, scary, heart-pumping writer.
M.J. Rose, international bestselling author of Seduction
About the Author
Cheryl Kaye Tardif is an award-winning, international bestselling Canadian suspense author. Her novels include Submerged, Divine Justice, Children of the Fog, The River, Divine Intervention, and Whale Song, which New York Times bestselling author Luanne Rice calls "a compelling story of love and family and the mysteries of the human heart...a beautiful, haunting novel."

She is now working on her next thriller.

Cheryl also enjoys writing short stories inspired mainly by her author idol Stephen King, and this has resulted in Skeletons in the Closet & Other Creepy Stories (eBook) and Remote Control (novelette eBook).

In 2010 Cheryl detoured into the romance genre with her contemporary romantic suspense debut, Lancelot Cheryl Kaye Tardif is an award-winning, international bestselling Canadian suspense author. Her novels include Submerged, Divine Justice, Children of the Fog, The River, Divine Intervention, and Whale Song, which New York Times bestselling author Luanne Rice calls "a compelling story of love and family and the mysteries of the human heart...a beautiful, haunting novel." She is now working on her next thriller. Cheryl also enjoys writing short stories inspired mainly by her author idol Stephen King, and this has resulted in Skeletons in the Closet & Other Creepy Stories (eBook) and Remote Control (novelette eBook). In 2010 Cheryl detoured into the romance genre with her contemporary romantic suspense debut, Lancelot's Lady, written under the pen name of Cherish D'Angelo.
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The air might be thin at 8,000 feet, but even there, at the top of Sugarloaf Mountain, Annette Young has enough energy for two people. Hopping down from the chairlift, she grabs the first person she comes to; her brother Paul, to help hook up the snowmaking machines that will run through the night...
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Sweet Obsession (Sugarloaf Lovers)
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Humanity knows it is not alone in the universe.The War of Succession has been raging for 70 years in the remnants of the old Empire.On one side is the Alliance, and the crew of the Epsilon, on the other, the Coalition.Their fight now threatens the very existence of mankind. Repairs to the Epsilon...
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Drama, passion, and obsession on an 1830s tobacco plantation. The legacy begins with the death of a powerful patriarch who leaves a legacy of lies and misdeeds that will eventually destroy his family. Love motivated the lie and obsession created the dangerous love triangle that would change lives...
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The Vance Legacy
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Kindle Free Book Alert for March 4: Hundreds of brand new Freebies added to Our Free Titles Listing plus … Cheryl Kaye Tardif’s Submerged (Today’s Sponsor – Now Just 99 Cents For A Limited Time)

Kindle Daily Deals For Monday, March 4 – 4 Bestselling Titles, Each at $1.99 or Less For a Limited Time! plus Gary Taylor’s Luggage By Kroger: A True Crime Memoir

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

3.9 stars – 30 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Luggage By Kroger has been recognized as one of 2009’s top true crime thrillers with honors from five different national book competitions. The scorecard:

* True Crime Silver Medal from the 2009 IPPYs

* True Crime Bronze Medal and Finalist for Book-of-the-Year from the 2008 ForeWord Magazine Book-of-the-Year Awards

* True Crime Runner-Up in the 2009 National Indie Excellence Awards

* True Crime Finalist in the 2009 USA Book News Awards

* General Nonfiction Runner-Up at the 2009 New York Book Festival

In this true crime memoir, former Houston Post reporter Gary Taylor recounts his true-life fatal attraction involvement in the trail of violence that has dogged Texas attorney Catherine Mehaffey Shelton for nearly three decades, prompting coverage by newspapers, TV, movies and even Oprah Winfrey. Now Taylor invites readers to grab a seat on the wild ride of an obsessive relationship: erotic beginning to violent end and the trials required to clean up the mess. The result is an adventure odyssey of self-discovery through an encounter that nearly cost him his life.


“Remember the movie Fatal Attraction? And the movie Basic Instinct? And the movie Play Misty For Me? Toss all three of the movies in a blender, hit frappe and stand back. What comes out would be Gary Taylor’s new book–Luggage By Kroger.”–Self-Publishing Review online magazine.

“–And what a story it turned out to be!”–Reader Views online review.

“A riveting true story that reads like a high-octane crime thriller.”–Midwest Book Review

Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.

and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

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Don’t miss today’s Kindle Nation Daily eBook of the Day at this terrific price: Just 99 Cents!

Death of a Shrinking Violet:

by James Robinson




5.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:

Death of a Shrinking Violet has nothing to do with death or the sadness associated with a shrinking violet. Written by award-winning essayist and satirist James Robinson, Jr., it celebrates all of the daily events and collective moments that we share; all of the things that we have in common as living, breathing members of the human race.
As you read you’ll find yourself saying, “That’s happened to me,” or “that’s so funny!” But mostly, you’ll nod and say, “I know exactly what you mean.”
Get ready to smile, laugh, and cry; Death of a Shrinking Violet is about you and me.


**** The Death of a Shrinking Violet by James Robinson, Jr. is an eclectic collection of essays and that word should prepare you for such diverse topics as becoming and being a grandfather, marriage, great movies and Sam’s club, sleep and so many more. This book is an easy read and if you do not find a nugget of interest among the pages, I would say that perhaps you are hard to please. This is a little book bound to entertain and satisfy anyone looking for a little light reading. -Patricia Day for Readers Favorite

Visit Amazon’s James Robinson Jr. Page

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Brand New Fantasy Book of The Month to Sponsor Hundreds of Freebies & Bargains on Our Fantasy Search Pages – Belinda Vasquez Garcia’s The Witch Narratives: Reincarnation – 99 Cents on Kindle

We’re excited to share the brand new Kindle Nation Daily Fantasy Book of the Month, to sponsor all the great bargains on our Fantasy search pages.
Thousands of Kindle Nation citizens are using our magical search tools to find great reading in the Free, Quality 99-Centers, and Kindle Lending Library categories. Just use these links to search for great Fantasy titles at great prices:

And while you’re looking for your next great read, please don’t overlook our brand new Fantasy Book of the Month!

BEST FANTASY New Mexico Arizona BOOK AWARDS finalist 2012!

4.1 stars – 26 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Belinda Vasquez Garcia came across a photograph of a Native American girl standing between her mother and aunt. All three were witches, and she was intrigued by the haunted eyes of the young witch. She thought about a girl being forced to follow in her mother’s magical footsteps and join the family business, so to speak…”Sticks and stones may break my bones, but humanity will never break me,” — so claims the witch, Salia, but she was born with a soft, all too human heart that even being an outcast won’t harden. Salia is a sister, granddaughter and daughter of witches. And she is a half-breed.

There is a portrait in the house at the bottom of Witch Hill. Salia looks out of the picture with haunted eyes. She is pale because her mother pinches her arm. But it is Salia’s grandmother who dominates the picture. She is 110 years old but appears to be a teenager, holding out in her hand an ordinary-looking rock, a piedra imán, a rare shape-shifting stone, allowing her to bathe like in the fountain of youth, to be immortal while others around her age.

Salia longs to be ordinary like her only friend, but when Marcelina is threatened, Salia must use magic to save her. Revealing her powers leaves Salia vulnerable to the fanatical Catholic society, the Penitentes, whose aim is to bring back the Spanish Inquisition to New Mexico, to a time when witches were hung or burned.
A novel about the unlikely friendship between the devout Catholic, Marcelina, and the reluctant witch, Salia. A book about loyalty, friendship, and the depth of love.
The Land of Enchantment shines with the little-known world of Southwestern witchcraft, which gives this historical series a compelling twist and a refreshing breath of originality. This first book in the series begins in the Roaring 20’s, a time when illegal liquor flowed like oil and women’s hemlines were shockingly shortened.
  • About 80% of the magic in The Land of Enchantment series is practiced by Southwest witches.
  • Witches in New Mexico really can turn into fireballs as recorded by witnesses in witch trials. A family friend claims he saw his grandmother flash into a fireball.
  • La Llorona is a legendary witch called “the weeping ghost”, who is known throughout the Americas by tens of millions. She has been seen by many as she haunts the rivers, lakes and drainage ditches. As a teenager, Belinda heard her crying from the ditch behind my house.
  • The Penitentes have held power as a secret Catholic society for centuries in New Mexico.
  • The Spanish Inquisition set up shop in Santa Fe in 1626, and was hunting witches in New Mexico as late as the mid-1800s.
  • Albuquerque has been the site for the annual witches’ convention.
  • Hey! New Mexico’s nickname is Land of Enchantment for a reason. The magical words are on all the license plates.


“Reincarnation brings history and magic to life.”–Albuquerque the Magazine August issue

“Garcia fascinates readers with her literary magic.”–Las Cruces Bulletin

“A fabulous story that explores the positive and damning effects of extreme faith in a way that feels both fresh and authentic. With supernatural folklore grounded in reality, the world the author creates is rich, lush and scary; supernatural fans will appreciate the copious worldbuilding that went into this novel.” –Kirkus Reviews Critics’ Pick

“A powerful story of friendship, love & toxic family ties in a town affected by clashes between Hispanic & Native American witchcraft & a Catholic Secret Society. This 1st book of a trilogy holds all the elements of gripping supernatural fiction at its finest.” – Midwest Book Review/California Bookwatch

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