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Dark Places: A Novel By Gillian Flynn, #1 bestselling author of GONE GIRL

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Dark Places: A Novel

by Gillian Flynn

4.2 stars – 3,364 Reviews

Dark Places: A Novel

Edgar-finalist Flynn’s second crime thriller tops her impressive debut. Desperate for cash 24 years later after her testimony sent her 15-year-old brother to prison for life, Libby agrees to meet members of the Kill Club, true crime enthusiasts who bicker over famous cases….

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Freebies Make Wallets Very Happy! Nine Free Kindle Bestsellers Available Now For Download!
Today’s Spotlight Free Title: A.D. Erving’s The Dream Ten: David’s Miracle: Young Adult Sport Games Fiction

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This book is truly one of a kind and a great read for children and young adults who love basketball, perseverance, or just a great underdog story. Highly recommended.
The Dream Ten: David's Miracle: Young Adult Sport Games Fiction (Freindship & Basketball Team Work Book 1)
by A.D. Erving
4.9 stars - 32 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Here's the set-up:

Do you dream, breath and play Basketball? 

A must read book series for every Basketball lover in the age of 7-14! 

When David Malone and his friends get rejected by the prestigious Raymond Hills Warriors, their local club basketball team, what do they do? They form their own team, the Dream Ten! With a little help from a local hoops legend, Michael Erwin, and with a lot of hard work, the boys learn to confront the unforgiving challenges of youth basketball, including their biggest rival: Dennis “the Truck” McDonald. 


Filled with exhilarating basketball action, this series by newcomer A.D. Erving will really give kids something to cheer about. 


“On offense, on defense, and everywhere,” readers will get to know the dynamic Dream Ten roster, including David “the Brain” Malone, Captain Larry “the Banker” Young, and Tony “the Human Elevator” Baez, with each volume detailing the team’s basketball adventures in a different character’s unique voice. 


The heartfelt 12-book series offers abundant fun and excitement, accompanied by important lessons about overcoming obstacles, achieving goals, and pulling together when it matters most. 


A slam dunk for young sports fans everywhere!

One Reviewer Notes:
It takes no shortage of chutzpah for a relatively unknown Tel Aviv-based author to believe he can teach Americans a thing or two about basketball writing, let alone enlist an NBA superstar to promote his children's series about their hit homegrown sport. But Amir Doron, the creator of the "Dream Ten" series, is anything but lacking in this quintessential Israeli trait. And his tenacity has paid off: Last month, Stephen Curry, the star guard of the Golden State Warriors, signed on to become the "brand ambassador" in North America for this popular Israeli children's book series, which follows a group of young underdogs who get rejected from their own local club basketball team and proceed to form their own.
Judy Maltz, Israeli Newspapaer Haaretz
About the Author
A.D. Erving (Amir Doron) was born in August 1974, and has been a basketball fan his whole life. After playing four years of professional basketball overseas, Erving went on to coach the game for nine years, working with children and teenagers both on and off the court. Although he grew up a diehard Philadelphia 76ers fan, Erving A.D. Erving (Amir Doron) was born in August 1974, and has been a basketball fan his whole life. After playing four years of professional basketball overseas, Erving went on to coach the game for nine years, working with children and teenagers both on and off the court. Although he grew up a diehard Philadelphia 76ers fan, Erving's allegiance has shifted in recent years to individual players who he admires. Some of his current favorites include Dirk Nowitzki, Steve Nash, Paul Pierce, and - of course - Stephen Curry. His absolute favorite player of all time, though, is Julius "Dr. J" Erving, who played for the 76ers. When A.D. Erving was seven years old, he met Dr. J in-person, and a picture of the two of them was published in the local paper. This encounter with his basketball idol is one of Erving's all-time favorite memories. Now in his thirties, A.D. Erving works as a content producer and businessman, in addition to his job as a children's author. He enjoys writing and answering trivia questions, and even used to work as trivia writer for TV shows. In his spare time, he loves jogging, reading, watching basketball, and spending time with his wife and kids, who are six and two-and-a-half years old.

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Lost then Found (Aliso Creek Series Book 3)

by Heather B. Moore, H. B. Moore

Lost then Found (Aliso Creek Series Book 3)
4.4 stars – 14 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Liz, Gemma, Arie, Jess, and Drew have been best friends since creating “the Five” at Aliso Creek High School. But that was over ten years ago, and each is still trying to find that perfect someone… if perfect is even possible.

* * *

Abomination (Bloodlines: A Serial Thriller, Episode 1)

by Bradley Convissar

Abomination (Bloodlines: A Serial Thriller, Episode 1)
3.6 stars – 15 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Jamie Whitman has it all. A beautiful girlfriend he hopes to marry one day. A mother and stepfather he loves. Great friends. And a bright future as a dentist. He’s built himself a new life and left the horror of his past behind. His abusive father is gone. The crimes of his youth have long been forgotten. And he’s learned to control the rage and anger that simmers under the surface, the same violent madness he inherited from his father that turned his father into a monster all those years ago.

* * *

Chain Letter

by Willow Rose

Chain Letter
3.6 stars – 9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

They received a letter. They dismissed it as a prank, but as they soon will learn YOU NEVER … EVER IGNORE A CHAIN LETTER.

* * *

A Day in the Life of Trixie Pristine (Trixie Pristine Series Book 1)

by Laina Turner

A Day in the Life of Trixie Pristine (Trixie Pristine Series Book 1)
3.1 stars – 16 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

In this short story prequel, Trixie and her friends Berklie and Sophie, considered themselves typical thirty something females until someone turned up murdered in their newly opened bookstore/wine bar. They thought they would be living out their dream in their new shop not trying to catch a killer. Who killed Sylvia and why? Or was one of them the intended target?

* * *

The Adventures of Little Skidooch

by Jason Shea

The Adventures of Little Skidooch
5.0 stars – 7 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A captivating children’s tale about a little boy who finds a rock with magical powers that opens a door to a strange new world. On his journey to find his way back home the little boy encounters all sorts of characters including giant calicosaur cats, a talking monster truck, creepy spiders, strange creatures called Bobbits, and the biggest scariest amphibian you have ever seen.

* * *

Missy the Werecat

by P. G. Allison

Missy the Werecat
4.2 stars – 9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

When puberty brings on her first Shift, Missy goes into the mountains for two years until finally learning to Change back. She can Change from fully human in one instant to a mountain lion in the next. Everyone assumes her two year disappearance was because she’d been kidnapped by a sexual predator that she managed to kill. She keeps her werecat nature a secret.

* * *

The Eleventh Ring (Bartholomew the Adventurer Book 1)

by Tom Hoffman

The Eleventh Ring (Bartholomew the Adventurer Book 1)
4.8 stars – 5 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Sent to the Cavern of Silence by his servant Parfello, Bartholomew Rabbit begins a quest to find the mysterious Great Gem. He is aided along the way by the Tree of Eyes, the nefarious Skeezle Brothers, and his new best friend Oliver T. Rabbit, a renowned scientist working for the Excelsior Electro-Vacuumator Corporation. As Bartholomew’s self-awareness and magical shaping skills grow, his quest transforms to a search for his dearest childhood friend, Clara Rabbit.

* * *

Black Gold (The Boomtown Boys Book 1)

by Ruby Laska

Black Gold (The Boomtown Boys Book 1)
4.0 stars – 25 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
When country singer Chase Warner’s father dies, he hangs up his guitar for good, moves to North Dakota and signs on as a derrick hand. Soon he learns that an honest day’s work bringing oil from the earth gives him far more satisfaction than performing ever did.

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Edgy Fiction! FERAL LITTLE GODS by Cathy Rosoff – $2.99 on Kindle

Feral Little Gods

by Cathy Rosoff

Feral Little Gods
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Ten year-old Sascha is a brilliant beautiful child of privilege. His best friend is blue-blooded Christian, whose bond with him is unusually intense, often existing within an intensely vivid shared fantasy world. Over the years, however, he and Christian’s relationship has become increasingly odd and disturbing. One day, Christian reveals something to Sascha so bizarre that he refuses to believe it. Yet his refusal sends Christian into an obsessive pursuit to convince him of his truthfulness, one that engages Sascha in a game of psychological torture that darkens with each move.
The story of children dwelling in a gilded hell, Feral Little Gods is a mediation on the seductiveness of cruelty and the false innocence of childhood.

Excerpts of the novel have published in both The Write Room and The Stone Hobo. The excerpt in the latter publication was nominated for a 2012 Pushcart Prize. The novel also made it through the first round of the 2010 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award.

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FREE Today! P. G. Allison’s Shape-Shifting Fantasy Missy the Werecat

Missy the Werecat

by P. G. Allison

Missy the Werecat
4.2 stars – 9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Missy the Werecat: Book I

When puberty brings on her first Shift, Missy goes into the mountains for two years until finally learning to Change back. She can Change from fully human in one instant to a mountain lion in the next. Everyone assumes her two year disappearance was because she’d been kidnapped by a sexual predator that she managed to kill. She keeps her werecat nature a secret. There is no pack, no pride of other werecats and no alpha. She’s a girl with fantastic abilities growing up and learning to do great things in today’s world, amongst humans. She only has her instincts to guide her and those drive her to train herself to extremes. She must control those instincts; dampening the wild predator is often necessary. Her raging hormones and enhanced senses require very strong controls; she explores what happens when those controls are relaxed.

5-Star Amazon Reviews

“This is a fantastic book! So well written and reaches out and “GRABS YOU” the minute you start reading it. Not only did I get pulled into Missy’s story but so did my husband and his best friend. A definite “WINNER”. Couldn’t wait to buy the next in the series!”

“Missy the Werecat is like no other in the paranormal genre. The author exudes the essence of a young girl dealing with a change like no other, and we thought adolescence was bad. The journey Missy endures is a must read now page turner…”

Click Here to Visit P. G. Allison’s Amazon Author Page

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of Missy the Werecat by P. G. Allison:

A new adult paranormal romance that will leave craving for more… Summer’s Deadly Kiss (The Vampire Inheritance Saga Book 1) by Cate Farren – Now 99 cents
**Plus, today’s Kindle Daily Deals!

Summer’s Deadly Kiss (The Vampire Inheritance Saga Book 1)

by Cate Farren

4.8 stars – 11 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A new adult paranormal romance.

A year has passed since Clover Kwon witnessed the brutal death of her boyfriend, Frankie, and even with the help of a therapist she is unable to come to terms with what she saw that night. Not only did she lose Frankie, but Clover’s best friend, Saskia, hasn’t spoken to her since.
Jared Van Clayborne seems to have it all. He is a gorgeous, newly-turned vampire, an heir to a fortune. On the inside, he’s a mess. Atrocities he’s committed in the past year torture his thoughts. Jared is forced into counseling, but because he must keep his vampirism a secret, it hasn’t helped.
Jared makes a desperate decision one night, but fate brings him face to face with Clover, a girl he had a crush on when they were in elementary school. A passionate magnetism draws them to one another. They both have secrets, but find solace in each other’s arms.
Things begin looking up when Clover is finally reunited with Saskia. The young women are determined to figure out what happened to Frankie, and launch an investigation to bring those responsible to justice. As Clover and Saskia start piecing together clues, it draws the attention of some powerful individuals and puts their lives, and everyone around them, in jeopardy.

Summer’s Deadly Kiss is book one in the The Vampire Inheritance Saga.

Warning – This books contains sex, violence, bad language, and hot vampires.

5-Star Amazon Reviews

“I really enjoyed this book! The story is very well written and very creative. I am a big fan of young Vampire fiction and the author did a great job of stirring my imagination and bringing me into the story as I read it…”

“… The novel is imaginative, vivid and engaging with suspenseful twists and turns in the plot that keep you on your toes the whole way through…”

“… Fans of vampire romance tales will definitely love this book!”

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The wedding dress was made many years ago, and it came with a promise: The man you’ll marry will be …
The First Man You Meet By Debbie Macomber

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The First Man You Meet

by Debbie Macomber

The First Man You Meet
Shelly Hansen was horrified when her great-aunt’s wedding dress arrived—because, according to family legend, she was destined to marry the next man she met. So when she tripped on an escalator and fell into Mark Brady’s arms, she told him she wasn’t interested in marriage. But then she started seeing him everywhere…. Coincidence?

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Explore The Supernatural – Hundreds of FREE and Bargain Fantasy Titles From KND! Spotlight Kindle Fantasy eBook: Michael Ploof’s Talon: The Windwalker Archive: Book 1 (Legends of Agora)

Thousands of Kindle Nation citizens are using our magical search tools to find great reading in the Free, Quality 99-Centers, and Kindle Lending Library categories. Just use these links to search for great Fantasy titles at great prices:

And while you’re looking for your next great read, please don’t overlook our brand new Fantasy Book of the Month!

Talon: The Windwalker Archive: Book 1 (Legends of Agora)

by Michael Ploof

Talon: The Windwalker Archive: Book 1 (Legends of Agora)
4.7 stars – 32 Reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

They call him Plagueborn…
On the frozen Barbarian island of Volnoss, survival means strength. Only the strongest and tallest shall be named Vald. Like their harsh unforgiving homeland, they allow no weakness. Those who do not meet the measure are declared Skomm, and condemned to a life of slavery.

They call him Throwback…
Born two months premature during the Frozen Plague, raised by his grandmother, and rejected by his father, he is allowed to live among the mighty Vald until the day of his measure. A day fast approaching.

They call him Skomm…
He must somehow survive a cold world of giants, and a twisted culture of discrimination, cruelty, and injustice. Despised for his size and weakness, shunned by his peers, and beaten by bullies, he knows no friend but a timber wolf pup named Chief.]

They call him by many names…
Legend will call him TALON WINDWALKER.

Set two hundred years before the events of Whill of Agora, TALON, Book #1 of the Windwalker Archive, reveals the origins of Dirk Blackthorn’s spirit wolf, Chief. Talon is a coming of age tale rich with magic, culture, friendship and lore. It is a fast-paced race against time; an underdog story wrought with action and adventure. Fans of the Legends of Agora books will be introduced to unforgettable new characters, and revisit a few old friends.

Although Talon takes place chronologically before Whill of Agora, it can be read before or after.

5-Star Amazon Reviews

“Michael Ploof does it again with another amazing story that I literally could not put down. You could feel every pain, every tear, every laugh. I laughed and cried…”

“Once I started reading, I didn’t want to put it down… I would recommend this book and the Whil of Agora series to any who enjoy science fiction fantasy. I am looking forward to more books by Michael Ploof.

Click Here to Visit Michael Ploof’s Amazon Author Page

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