Benji knew time travel was real. He’d been born ‘back then’ and come back, but now has heard it’s possible to return to his natal time. How soon can he get back to the 18th century and will he find happiness or more challenges there?
(Please note: contains adult topics. This is NOT a children’s story)
The Great Big Fairy ~ a balanced mix of mystery, history, and fantasy, with a tad of romance, a dash of violence, and a pinch of humor added to enhance your reading experience.
Benji, the 6’7″ good-natured former wrestler, mechanic, and handy man is also an 18th century time traveler, stuck in the 21st century. His new friends help him adjust, but make sure he doesn’t find out he’s the same person as a fictional character in a popular romance series!
Benji returns to the 18th century and now owns a very tall, very stubborn female slave who doesn’t–or won’t–speak English. She isn’t a problem, but others, jealous of her strength and size, are.
Life gets complicated for Benji and his new lady friend. They’ve returned through The Trees time portal to the 21st century, but can their relationship handle the 20-pound surprise awaiting them?
THE FAIRIES SAGA ~ Time travelers: fairies, according to the auld folk, people who suddenly showed up in strange clothes, confused about where they were, and without friends or family. Fairies either kept quiet and adapted to their new time period…or went insane.
Bounce between the present day and the 18th century, survive mobs and mayhem, using nothing but grit and guts, give or take a knife of two.
Revenge, intrigue, and passion with a light-hearted twist.
… the story flows swiftly, with plenty of action, emotion and spirited characterization. As with the 18th century setting, both protagonists are vividly drawn and written, allowing for immersion in their internal lives and developing relationship. ~Judge, Writers Digest Self-Published e-Book Awards
Five Star reviews:
*****In the last 3 years, these are the first books that I have finished “just for fun.” After I started them they were so entertaining that I finished both of them in just one week!! Roosaddiction