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A classic dungeon and dragons style adventure with a modern day twist…
B. R. Maul’s award-winning fantasy In the Land of Magnanthia (Portals, Passages & Pathways Book 1)

Thousands of Kindle Nation citizens are using our magical search tools to find great reading in the Free, Quality 99-Centers, and Kindle Lending Library categories. Just use these links to search for great Fantasy titles at great prices:

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WINNER of the 2015 IPPY Awards in NEW YORK for BEST Sci-fy/Fantasy/Horror eBook

In the Land of Magnanthia (Portals, Passages & Pathways Book 1)

by B. R. Maul

In the Land of Magnanthia (Portals, Passages & Pathways Book 1)
4.6 stars – 26 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

Ever wonder, “Why am I here?” For Fourteen-year-old Simon Whittaker the answer is awaiting on the other side of a magic portal…but so is the darkest, primal evil.

When a portal to another world cracks open just outside a small town in Minnesota, it sets off a series of events forever changing the lives of two boys; one boy is set on the path to save the world, while the other is on a path to tear it apart.

What pathway are YOU on?

PORTALS, PASSAGES & PATHWAYS is a teen young adult novel that creatively combines fantasy fiction and real fiction! A must-read for any sword and sorcery fantasy fan!


“This book is an exciting mash up of all my best loved fantasy novels. It has MYSTERY, MAGIC and MAYHEM; plenty of adventure and enough action to keep me glued to my Kindle.” – Roxy Kade

“In the Land of Magnanthia really blew me away. It was SMART, FUN and MAGICAL. B.R. Maul wrote about a magnificent world and characters that you will fall in love with.” – Courtney with readbetweenthebooks91.blogspot.com

“This book is a GREAT READ…! The two main characters embark on two very different experiences and the author does a great job telling the story from alternating perspectives. The book is also full of robust vocabulary and beautiful language adding to the richness of the novel. If you love fantasy this is definitely a book you will want to check out!” – EvesFanGarden.com

“This is a fast-paced, easy-to-read book. It is definitely a page turner, keeping you more and more interested. The characters are very different, and keep you wondering what’s going to happen next in their relationships, and what danger will be lurking around the next corner.” – Goodreads Member: Linda

Click here to visit B. R. Maul’s BookGorilla Author Page

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He’s not looking for love. Heck, he runs from it.

Finding Justice

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Honkey Tonk Angels Book 2

Justice Weathers’ family doesn’t seem to have much luck with happily-ever-after.

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Categories: All Westerns

Insults fly, as do sparks in this steamy romance:
Below The Beltway by Taylor Marsh

❤️ Don’t miss today’s KND Romance of the Day ❤️

Below the Beltway

by Taylor Marsh

Below the Beltway
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The story takes place in one of the most breathtakingly beautiful areas of America, the Washington, D.C. Beltway, a bountiful place where history is everywhere. A land teeming with marshes, bald eagles, deer, foxes, bunnies, a spectacular waterway paradise and wildlife adventureland, whose human occupants are looking for power and ways to get it while trying to navigate the human appetites of lust, love and greed without being drowned by their enemies in the Beltway swamps.

Below the Beltway introduces readers to elite personal coach Alex Gantry, who leaves the glitter of Hollywood for the complexities of the D.C. area in an attempt to escape the struggling grip of a suffocating relationship.

With leading man looks, Brian Marks is not your typical A-type personality and he isn’t used to losing. Marks refusing to let go sets up a dynamic that pulls in everyone around Alex.

Alex plotted her West Coast escape with Berkley Banks, her best friend. She is one of the hottest rising African American entrepreneurs in the Beltway, on every Washington, D.C. best-dressed list, and one of the most eligible bachelorettes.

Berkley introduces Alex to the somewhat younger and somewhat married environmentalist T.J. Gale.

Insults fly, as do sparks.

This is only the first layer of a story that involves bodyguards, innocents, and a cast of powerful characters that collide in a high-stakes game of wills.

As heat turns to emotion pasts haunt, secrets threaten and the bucolic Beltway gives way to a bedlam of unfettered intrigue and desire.

Click here to visit Taylor Marsh’s Amazon author page

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When Nicole moved to New England, the last thing she expected was that her homeroom is a cover for a secret coven of witches. Even more surprisingly … she’s apparently a witch herself.
Elementals: The Prophecy of Shadows by Michelle Madow

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Elementals: The Prophecy of Shadows

by Michelle Madow

Elementals: The Prophecy of Shadows
4.3 stars – 53 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Filled with magic, thrilling adventure, and sweet romance, Elementals is the first in a new series that fans of mythology will love!

When Nicole Cassidy moves from sunny Georgia to gloomy New England, the last thing she expects is to learn that her homeroom is a cover for a secret coven of witches. Even more surprisingly … she’s apparently a witch herself. Despite doubts about her newfound abilities, Nicole is welcomed into this ancient circle of witches and is bedazzled by their powers–and, to her dismay, by Blake–the school’s notorious bad-boy.

Girls who get close to Blake wind up hurt. His girlfriend Danielle will do anything to keep them away, even if she must resort to using dark magic. But the chemistry between Blake and Nicole is undeniable, and despite wanting to protect Nicole from Danielle’s wrath, he finds it impossible to keep his distance.

When the Olympian Comet shoots through the sky for the first time in three thousand years, Nicole, Blake, Danielle, and two others in their homeroom are gifted with mysterious powers over the elements. But the comet has another effect–it opens the portal to the prison world that has contained the Titans for centuries. After an ancient monster escapes and attacks Nicole and Blake, it’s up to them and the others to follow the clues from a cryptic prophecy so that they can save their town … and possibly the world.

“Elementals is full of wonderful magic and myths!” –5 Girls Book Reviews, ★★★★★

“Five glittery stars for being such a compelling read!” –Andrea Heltsley, Goodreads Reviewer ★★★★★

Want more? Visit Michelle Madow’s BookGorilla Author Page

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The murderer behind the Amanda Knox case:
The Forgotten Killer: Rudy Guede and the Murder of Meredith Kercher by Douglas Preston, John Douglas

This deal found exclusively on BookGorilla. Join our thousands of happy subscribers and never pay full price on eBooks again. It’s FREE and EASY at BookGorilla.com.

The Forgotten Killer: Rudy Guede and the Murder of Meredith Kercher (Kindle Single)

by Douglas Preston, John Douglas

The Forgotten Killer: Rudy Guede and the Murder of Meredith Kercher (Kindle Single)

Amidst all the sound and fury surrounding the Italian murder trial of American student Amanda Knox, two people have been largely forgotten. One is the victim, Meredith Kercher. Her murder was a terrible tragedy. The other is Rudy Guede—the actual murderer. This book shows that the evidence against Guede was overwhelming from the start.

Today’s Bargain Price: $1.99

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Valentine’s Day is around the corner… Write a love letter to your beloved!

lettersPerhaps the grandest notion of love is the timeless love letter. Romantic letters are heartfelt, genuine and, well, free. It’s the perfect gift for your beloved.

Need some inspiration? Here are some of our favorites:

Love Letters of Great Men

Love Letters of Great Men by John C. Kirkland

When words of love do not come to you on their own, then read these letters. Complete, actual love letters of great men like Lord Byron, John Keats and Voltaire. Leaders like Henry VIII, George Washington, and Napoléon, who wrote to his beloved Joséphine, ‘I awake consumed with thoughts of you…’
The most comprehensive and thoughtful collection of love poems, quotes and readings available today: 231 Classic Love Poems spanning 1000 years
Dear Old Love is a collection of anonymous love notes to the ones who got away—or were left behind. They’re the notes that ex-lovers have written to set the record straight.

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Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow… Let the spring cleaning begin!
10-Minute Declutter: The Stress-Free Habit for Simplifying Your Home by S.J. Scott & Barrie Davenport
**Plus, eight freebies to reward yourself for the hard work

But first, a word from Today’s Sponsor:

10-Minute Declutter: The Stress-Free Habit for Simplifying Your Home

by S.J. Scott, Barrie Davenport

10-Minute Declutter: The Stress-Free Habit for Simplifying Your Home
4.3 stars – 123 Reviews
Or FREE with Learn More
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Or check out the Audible.com version of 10-Minute Declutter: The Stress-Free Habit for Simplifying Your Home
in its Audible Audio Edition, Unabridged!
Here’s the set-up:

Declutter your entire home in just 10 minutes a day.

Imagine living in a home that’s free from clutter. With your closets, desks, and cabinets completely organized, life would be so much simpler. Walking into your house wouldn’t add to your to-do list. It would actually relax you!

Bestselling authors S.J. Scott and Barrie Davenport will show you how to achieve a clutter-free home in less time than you ever imagined possible! Even if you’re a busy professional or a parent with little time, the Declutter Challenge system can work for you. 10-Minute Declutter: The Stress-Free Habits for Simplifying Your Home will show you the way.

In this book, you’ll learn:

  • The best way to organize every space in your house
  • The mindset and materials you’ll need to get started
  • 8 steps to form your decluttering habit
  • How to make money (or get a tax deduction) from your clutter
  • 14 benefits of minimalist living
  • How to reclaim your life by letting go of your stuff
  • And much, much more!

If you download 10-Minute Declutter today, you’ll get an easy, step-by-step plan for sorting, purging, and organizing every space in your house. Scott and Davenport’s practical and inspiring book will reduce your clutter and create new habits to keep it away for good.

★★Discount Links & Free Books★★

This post is dated February 2, 2016. The titles mentioned may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

KND refers to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Check the price on Amazon before purchase.

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Innocent in Las Vegas: A Humorous Tiffany Black Mystery (Tiffany Black Mysteries Book 1)
3.9 stars – 2,745 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Cupcake-loving croupier Tiffany Black is determined to leave her job at the casino for good. She’s one small step away from acquiring her Private Investigator license, and has her eye on the prize. Accepting her first real case – investigating the murder of casino-mogul Ethan Becker – should be exciting.

* * *

Married By Midnight (Pembroke Palace Book 4)

by Julianne MacLean

Married By Midnight (Pembroke Palace Book 4)
4.2 stars – 335 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Or check out the Audible.com version of Married By Midnight (Pembroke Palace Book 4)
in its Audible Audio Edition, Unabridged!
Here’s the set-up:

From USA Today bestselling author Julianne MacLean comes a passionate and emotional tale of a most unexpected love…

* * *

Stilettos & Scoundrels (The Presley Thurman Mysteries Book 1)

by Laina Turner

Stilettos & Scoundrels (The Presley Thurman Mysteries Book 1)
3.4 stars – 174 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Or check out the Audible.com version of Stilettos & Scoundrels (The Presley Thurman Mysteries Book 1)
in its Audible Audio Edition, Unabridged!
Here’s the set-up:

Presley tells her boss what he can do with her job in HR and embarks on a new career as a freelance journalist. What seems like a simple interview with a Senator turns to murder when the day after her interview the Senator turns up dead. Does the fact that Presley was one of the last people to see him alive make her a suspect?

* * *

Falling for her Fake Boyfriend: 1

by Ann King

Falling for her Fake Boyfriend: 1
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
An innocent proposal, a dark secret…can love bring them together?  As if life isn’t complicated enough for Holly Jackson. Firstly, she’s struggling to finish college on limited funds, then her former guardian and aunt is calling her bluff on having a boyfriend—since in her aunt’s opinion, single girls are single because something is wrong with them. Period.

* * *

Fluorescence: Fire Starter

by P. Anastasia

Fluorescence: Fire Starter
4.7 stars – 23 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

It lives in her bloodstream. It’s unpredictable and could flare up anytime, exposing her secret. Alice was a normal teenager until a dying race of aliens chose her and a handful of others to preserve bioluminescent DNA known as Fluorescence.

* * *

Sex, Lies & Sweet Tea (Sex and Lies Book 1)

by Kris Calvert

Sex, Lies & Sweet Tea (Sex and Lies Book 1)
4.3 stars – 90 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Hotter than hell and half of Alabama, FBI Agent, Mac Callahan is thirsty for everything except love. Coming home to bust a white-collar crime ring, Mac intends to execute his usual practice with work and women¬ – get in, get it on and get out.

* * *

EYE OF THE DRONE (Wild Cats, around the globe with Suki & Finch Book 2)

by Rebecca Merry Murdock

EYE OF THE DRONE (Wild Cats, around the globe with Suki & Finch Book 2)
4.4 stars – 5 Reviews
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Suki and Finch arrive in Moscow on a cold winter’s day. Following a setback they finally travel east to look for Eurasian Lynx and Siberian Tigers. Parts of the Russian forest are being destroyed by illegal logging. Suki and Finch devise a plan to protect the trees – home to the cats and other wild animals.

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Over The Tightrope

by Asif Ismael

Over The Tightrope
4.7 stars – 16 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
It’s 2050—New York. In the aftermath of a grueling vision quest on ayahuasca—a psychedelic compound—Ismaeel, a Pakistani-American graduate student, enters an otherworldly alliance with spiritual beings who send him on a perilous journey of self-discovery.

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