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And while you’re looking for your next great read, please don’t overlook our first Advice & How-To Book of the Month:
4.9 stars – 7 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Your Life is a Masterpiece for the Making
No mission is more important. No adventure, more rewarding.
Anyone can make a ‘masterpiece’ of their lives and skillfully practice ‘life’ as a balanced, integrated ‘craft’ – rather than the all too common experience of muddling through life as a random collection of unrelated experiences. And, know ahead of time exactly what the curriculum is for your entire life (and for teaching your children), vs. passing through life by ‘intuition’ (i.e.) “flying by the seat of your pants”.
Your life is unique, and in the primary care of a single craftsperson. You are that craftsperson. To shape your life into a ‘masterpiece’ – a ‘work of art’ – requires training, practice and the skillful application of the tools of the craft to make a masterpiece of your life.
To practice the whole of ‘life-as-a-craft’, the way a craftsperson mindfully practices the trade of textile weaving, medicine, or carpentry, requires that the myriad activities of the ‘craft of life’ be systematically organized, managed, taught and learned similar to the ways in which we organize, manage, teach and practice our trades, occupations and professions.
Drawing upon centuries of knowledge and practical experience by master craftsmen and craftswomen, Charles Collins has skillfully organized a complete body of life knowledge into Five Elements, providing you with the guidance and motivation to practice ‘life-as-a-craft’.
The Five Elements:
Masterpiece Element 1: Family Heritage
Masterpiece Element 2: Family Management
Masterpiece Element 3: Family and Personal Finance
Masterpiece Element 4: The Human Being
Masterpiece Element 5: Tools for Living
Each Element contains a collection of short ‘briefs’ on subjects ranging from family history (genealogy) and home management, to personal appearance, money management, setting goals for your life and using the right tools for the job.
What – ‘Making a Masterpiece of Your Life’ – Delivers:
1. A System: As a system Making a Masterpiece of Your Life is designed to organize – in one convenient place – all the bits and pieces of “wisdom” about life that you find scattered about in books, on tapes, at seminars, and “advice” from parents, relatives, and friends. It is a flexible and practical tool to meet the needs of the task at hand.
2. A Practice: As a practice Making a Masterpiece of Your Life is designed to help you practice balance among the distinct but interconnected “Five Elements” of life as an individual, and as a member of the families we all belong to.
“Every once in awhile a book is destined to become a classic. This is one of those books.” —Dick Hoffman, Author, “INTIMACY: 45 Minutes to an Intimate Life”
“Thank you very much for providing me with the info I wanted. It is a beautiful story.” —Deborah Critzer, Positive Parenting
“The Canadian Crime Prevention Centre strongly encourages people to take responsibility for their own lives and to stop being victims. Your material gives people a hands-on approach for taking control of their lives and the lives of their children.” —Diana Stinn, Program Director
“I am much impressed . . . It is full of most wonderful advice – and is so neutral in bias, too. I feel your resources have much to offer in a wholesome way. —Elizabeth for Motherheart
About The Author
Charles P. Collins is the author of Making a Masterpiece of Your Life: The Craftsman’s Way of the Art & Science of Skillful Living.
Collins received his degree in business and political communication from Emerson College, Boston in 1976, and continued his education in intercultural communication at Georgetown University, Washington D.C. in 1980. He has spent the balance of his career living and working primarily outside the USA, as an international business executive where he has made major contributions in the fields of international commerce and business performance management.
He writes; “One day in the early 1990’s, when my daughter was about 8 years old, I realized the questions she was asking about “where do we come from?” and “why is this the way it is?” were requiring real answers. Answers that made sense. Not the simple ‘fairy tale’ answers I could get away with just a few years earlier. And, at that moment I came face to face with the fact that I didn’t have the kind of quality answers I really wanted to give her. After all, she is my daughter and I wanted to fill her head with the best possible content I could find. And so it began. The result several years later is ‘Making a Masterpiece of Your Life’.”
Five other books currently in development will complement ‘Making a Masterpiece of Your Life’; Book 6 in the LIFECRAFT Collection.
To learn more visit: www.facebook.com/MyLifeMasterpiece
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