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Set in Colorado 1876. Two people trying to find their place in an unforgiving world. Can love conquer all fear? Wild Secret, Wild Longing: A Sweet Historical Western Romance Novella (The Front Range Series Book 3) by Charlene Whitman

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Wild Secret, Wild Longing: A Sweet Historical Western Romance Novella (The Front Range Series Book 3)

by Charlene Whitman
4.6 stars – 104 reviews
Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A story of love and danger in The Front Range Series set in Colorado 1876. A historical Western romance that will get your heart racing … LeRoy Banks has no time for love or romance—he’s busy breaking in horses at Whitcomb’s ranch. But on the afternoon of his brother’s wedding, a grizzly attacks the herd of horses, and though Whitcomb’s ranch hands shoot him, the bear lumbers off, injured and enraged. LeRoy, the only competent tracker around, heads out into the Rockies after the bear before it kills again. But not before his ma, a Cheyenne medicine woman, gives him a warning. The mountain holds secrets, she tells him, and LeRoy must not be afraid of what he’ll find. Unsettled by her puzzling words, he sets out, unaware of the dangers he is about to face—not just to his life but to his heart.

Geneviève Champlain has spent long, lonely years in isolation in the mountains, her life a trail of broken dreams, loss, and heartache. Her supplies running out, she is teetering on the edge of despair and madness as a snowstorm blows in, signaling an early winter. Her hope is failing—she knows she cannot face another winter alone. Yet she sees no way out. She can never leave her cabin and live a normal life like other women. There is no place for a tainted woman like her in frontier society. Before the storm blows in, she learns the killer grizzly is close by. She has no choice but to head out and try to kill it before it reaches her cabin. Yet when she tracks the bear, she finds something she never expected—something even more threatening than a grizzly.

Wild Secret, Wild Longing, a companion novella to Colorado Promise and Colorado Hope, takes readers on a heart-wrenching journey into the wilds of the Rocky Mountains. Don’t miss this next installment in The Front Range Series—a powerful, moving story that shows how love conquers all fears—if only you’ll let it.

Praise for Colorado Hope:

“I was so utterly thrilled to have a story hold my attention this completely…To me, this is the perfect story to ‘cocoon’ yourself in to your favorite reading spot, and try not to come out ‘til you’re done.” —FictionZeal.com

“This was one of the BEST books I’ve ever read! The heart-stopping adventures are believable and gripping, but best of all is the empathy and understanding you’ll feel for the heroes! You will fall in love with the two protagonists, whose hearts are good and kind. And you’ll love to hate the antagonists, whose hearts are cold and calculating. Whitman’s savvy and understanding of human nature is matched perfectly with her beautiful writing ability: her descriptions draw you in; her pacing keeps you hooked; and her emotional sensitivity will keep you turning pages long into the night!” —author Pamela Walls

Praise for Colorado Promise:

“A fresh new voice in Historical Romance, Charlene Whitman captured me from the beginning with characters I won’t soon forget, a sizzling-sweet romance, a love triangle, spiteful villains, heart-throbbing heroes, and a plot full of intrigue that kept me guessing. Ms. Whitman’s magnificent research transported me to the Colorado plains and left me longing to join the characters amidst the wildflower-dotted fields, rushing rivers, and panoramic Rocky Mountains. Fans of Historical Western Romance will not soon forget Colorado Promise.” —MaryLu Tyndall, best-selling romance author

“You will want to cheer on Lucas and Emma from the beginning to break free of the obstacles that keep happening to them. This historical love story is filled with tragedy, friendship, laughter and suspense and is a wonderful read.” —Dee’s Reads

Don’t miss books 1 and 2 in The Front Range Series, sweet historical Western romance novels set in the 1870s in Colorado: Colorado Promise and Colorado Hope!

Get even more romance by following Charlene Whitman on her BookGorilla author page!

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Colorado Promise by Charlene Whitman – A Heartwarming Historical Western Romance & Sponsor of Hundreds of Free & Bargain Historical Fiction Kindle Titles!
98 Rave Reviews & Just $1.99 For This Charming Bestseller

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4.6 stars – 105 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Book One in the Front Range series – Historical Western Romance

In this passionate sweet Western Historical Romance, author Charlene Whitman introduces Emma Bradshaw—a high-society young woman from New York, who is forced to move out to the untamed Front Range in Colorado and finds that true love can withstand all the dangers the West can throw at her.

Greeley, Colorado, in 1875 is a town built on a promise . . .

. . . but to Emma it is a desert prison in the middle of a hostile and dusty prairie. Emma had hoped to go to Vassar College, to pursue her dreams of becoming a botanical illustrator. But when her father, struck with “Western fever” moves the family out West, Emma’s dreams are shattered. Her only consolation is that her childhood friend, handsome Randall Turnbull, has moved to Greeley to work for his railroad baron father. Her heart sparked by his comforting presence, she hopes Randall will fall in love with her and marry her.

But promises often turn bitter . . .

. . . as Lucas Rawlings, veterinarian and horse lover, well knows. Lucas has lived on the Front Range for three years at Sarah Banks’s horse ranch, after stumbling down from the Rockies consumed with grief. Since losing his precious wife and baby in childbirth, he doesn’t think his heart can bear ever loving again. But Sarah, a half-Cheyenne with a medicine woman for a grandmother, has a vision showing it’s time Lucas married again. He scoffs until he rescues Emma in a sudden hailstorm and their lives become intricately entwined.

Emma must choose—and fight—for the man she loves, at the risk of all she loves . . .

Emma yearns for the comfort and familiarity of Randall’s company, but Lucas’s easy confidence and gentle ways snag her heart. Facing a new life beset by grasshoppers, drought, and blizzards is hard enough. But when murderous ranchers try to force Sarah off her land, and her brother takes up dangerous company, the lives of her family and the man she’s come to love are threatened. It will take a miracle—and the strength and promises of true love—to come through unscathed in this untamed land.

Colorado Promise is the first book in the Front Range series—a rich full-length novel full of sweet, heartwarming, and chaste romance. Watch for Colorado Hope and Colorado Dream in 2014!


“A fresh new voice in Historical Romance, Charlene Whitman captured me from the beginning with characters I won’t soon forget, a sizzling-sweet romance, a love triangle, spiteful villains, heart-throbbing heroes, and a plot full of intrigue that kept me guessing. Ms. Whitman’s magnificent research transported me to the Colorado plains and left me longing to join the characters amid the wildflower-dotted fields, rushing rivers, and panoramic Rocky Mountains. Fans of Historical Western Romance will not soon forget Colorado Promise.” – Best-selling romance author Marylu Tyndall

“Ms. Whitman’s writing on the page pleases the senses and the mind. Words roll on the tongue and fill the reader with wonders of the countryside and olden times of living wild on the frontier. You can feel and smell the scents of wild grass, the warm ranch fires in the evenings, and cattle mooing in the background. A most enjoyable book that merits five stars! I didn’t know I could fall in love with Western Romance, but I did. This beautifully written story is a breath of fresh air.” – Historical romance author Lillian Gafni

About The Author

Charlene Whitman spent many years living on Colorado’s Front Range. She grew up riding and raising horses, and loves to read, write, and hike the mountains. She attended Colorado State University in Fort Collins as an English major. She has two daughters and is married to George “Dix” Whitman, her love of thirty years. Colorado Promise is her first Historical Western Romance novel.

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