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Amazon to Drop Free Books from Kindle Bestseller List

To mangle a snarky old line from my not-so-recent adolescence, I took a picture of the zero-priced books at the top of the Kindle Store’s Bestseller list (at right), because it will last longer.

That’s right. Rachel Deahl of Publisher’s Weekly has reported today that an Amazon representative told her that, within “a few weeks,” Amazon “will be splitting its Kindle bestseller list, creating one list for paid books and another for free titles.”

As of today, the top 10 titles on the Kindle bestseller list, and 33 of the top 50, are either currently free or achieved their lofty ranking due to being free until the past couple of days.

The prospect of a bifurcated list will certainly create a different look and feel for the Kindle Store sales rankings, and could conceivable reduce the incentive for publishers and authors to offer free promotional downloads of some of their Kindle-formatted books. But if Deahl’s report is true the new top 10 will soon include names like Larsson, Patterson, Turow, Stocket, Quindlen, Coben, Bush, Baldacci, Junger, and Rachman.

We’ll be back soon with some analysis of how this reported change will fit in with a number of major changes that are now in the process of occurring in the Kindle catalog.

Price Breakdown on Kindle Store’s 300,000 Books as of June 11

Kindle Books Priced at $0.00 – 7,409 Titles

Kindle Books Price from $0.01 to $0.98 – 7.956 Titles

Kindle Books Priced at $0.99 – 21,159 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $1.00 to $2.99 – 37,202 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $3.00 to $4.99 – 47,217 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $5.00 to $7.49 – 27,729 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $7.50 to $9.98 – 25,039 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced at $9.99 – 44,230 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $10.00 to $14.99 – 6,919 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $15.00 to $19.99 – 10,120 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $20.00 to $29.99 – 3,681 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $30.00 to $39.99 – 12,545 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $40.00 to $49.99 – 7,078 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $50.00 to $99.99 – 22,272 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $100.00 to $199.99 – 17,797 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $200.00 to $999.99 – 2,032 Titles

Kindle Titles Priced from $1000.00 to $6431.20 – 32 Titles

Free Books in the Kindle Store

“Big Deals” on Kindle web page

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