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It’s Kindle Giveaway Time! Subscribe free for your chance to win! And you can help keep the good times rolling by following today’s giveaway sponsor, William H. Coles, and checking out Guardian Of Deceit!

Guardian of Deceit by [Coles, William H.]Intoxicating, multi-layered story with well-developed world building…”

Guardian of Deceit

by William H. Coles
Darwin is 17 and his dying aunt sends him to a new guardian, a famous wealthy football player….

William H. Coles is today’s sponsor of our Kindle Fire giveaway! Just subscribe FREE at bit.ly/KND-SignUp and check daily newsletters for entry links!

Today’s Bargain Price: $0.99

Everyday Price: $1.99
Deal Ends: 6/30/2018
Categories: All Contemporary Fiction & Literature

New Kindle Fire Giveaway for Sunday, April 29: Subscribe free for your chance to win! And you can help keep the good times rolling by following today’s giveaway sponsor, William H. Coles, and checking out Guardian of Deceit

Darwin Hastings is 17 when his dying aunt sends him to New York to a new guardian, a famous wealthy football player….

Guardian of Deceit

by William H. Coles

In his new home of celebrities, crooks and excessively wealthy deviants, lust and want thwart his search for caring love….

William H. Coles is today’s giveaway sponsor! Subscribe FREE at bit.ly/KND-SignUp and check daily newsletters for entry links!

Today’s Bargain Price: $0.99

Everyday Price: $1.99
Categories: All Contemporary Fiction & Literature

In Darwin’s new home of celebrities, crooks and excessively wealthy deviants, lust and want thwart his search for caring love….
Guardian Of Deceit by William H. Coles

“…intoxicating, multi-layered story…”
“…a provocative story of love…”

Guardian of Deceit

by William H. Coles
3.9 stars – 25 reviews
Everyday price: $1.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Darwin Hastings is seventeen and his dying aunt sends him from Pittsburgh to New York to a new guardian, a famous wealthy football player. He is excited and afraid; he wants to recapture the love he knew with his parents before they died and become a doctor like his father. But in his new home of celebrities, crooks, untrustworthiness, and excessively wealthy deviants, lust and want thwart his search for selfless caring love, and in his quest to become a doctor, he discovers the altruism of health care and scientific discovery riddled with profit motivation and deficient moral standards. A finalist in the 2012 William Faulkner-William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition.

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Kindle Fire Giveaway for Hump Day, Wednesday, April 11: Subscribe free for your chance to win! And you can help keep the good times rolling by following today’s giveaway sponsor, William H. Coles, and checking out Guardian Of Deceit!

Guardian of Deceit by [Coles, William H.]Darwin Hastings is 17 when his dying aunt sends him to New York to a new guardian, a famous wealthy football player….

Guardian Of Deceit

by William H. Coles
In his new home of celebrities, crooks and excessively wealthy deviants, lust and want thwart his search for caring love….

William H. Coles is today’s giveaway sponsor! Subscribe FREE at bit.ly/KND-SignUp and check daily newsletters for entry links!

Today’s Bargain Price: $0.99

Everyday Price: $1.99
Categories: All Contemporary Fiction & Literature

Adulting is hard, especially when you’re only a teenager. William H. Coles captures slices of life over several pivotal years with wonderful details and drama in GUARDIAN OF DECEIT

→ Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day ←

Guardian of Deceit

by William H. Coles
3.6 stars – 14 reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Darwin Hastings is seventeen and his dying aunt sends him from Pittsburgh to New York to a new guardian, a famous wealthy football player. He is excited and afraid; he wants to recapture the love he knew with his parents before they died and become a doctor like his father. But in his new home of celebrities, crooks, untrustworthiness, and excessively wealthy deviants, lust and want thwart his search for selfless caring love, and in his quest to become a doctor, he discovers the altruism of health care and scientific discovery riddled with profit motivation and deficient moral standards. A finalist in the 2012 William Faulkner-William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition.
Authors and Publishers: How to Sponsor Kindle Nation Daily
Guardian of Deceit by [Coles, William H.]

William H. Coles captures slices of life over several pivotal years with wonderful details and drama in GUARDIAN OF DECEIT

→ Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day ←

Guardian of Deceit

by William H. Coles
3.6 stars – 14 reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Darwin Hastings is seventeen and his dying aunt sends him from Pittsburgh to New York to a new guardian, a famous wealthy football player. He is excited and afraid; he wants to recapture the love he knew with his parents before they died and become a doctor like his father. But in his new home of celebrities, crooks, untrustworthiness, and excessively wealthy deviants, lust and want thwart his search for selfless caring love, and in his quest to become a doctor, he discovers the altruism of health care and scientific discovery riddled with profit motivation and deficient moral standards. A finalist in the 2012 William Faulkner-William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition.
Authors and Publishers: How to Sponsor Kindle Nation Daily
Guardian of Deceit by [Coles, William H.]