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Kindle Nation Daily Historical Romance Readers Alert! Discover Love During Time of War in Elisabeth Nelson’s HIGH GROUND – Now $2.99 on Kindle

High Ground

by Elisabeth Nelson

5.0 stars – 2 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

“This damn war has cost me everything I love…everything that mattered, and I don’t even know why I’m fighting anymore.”

In 1860, Captain Garrett Fitzwilliam is living in the center of American politics, viewing the divisive issues of the day through his nonpartisan lawyer eyes. His life is defined by love of country and faith in the rule of law…until Rachael Hayes Kendrick enters his world. This sassy young widow captures more than the cocky captain’s imagination. She proves to him that love is indeed an act of faith, and Rachael’s faith in Garrett is indomitable. Her faith will sustain him when war divides the North and the South; his misguided sense of duty may cost him her love. But for what exactly did he pay so high a price?

In the wake of war, everything Garrett believes in, the core of his existence, is collapsing. The Union army suffers repeated defeats not owing entirely to the brilliance of Robert E. Lee’s command of the Confederate army, and in Washington, a very different enemy has emerged. This insidious enemy poses a threat to the United States that Garrett never thought possible. But this enemy no officer may dare to challenge.

So how will Garrett Fitzwilliam defend his country when his country’s survival depends upon an army sabotaged by its own incompetence? Or was his country lost when the man who swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution imprisoned his political foes?

Would the answers matter so much to Garrett if Rachael loved him again?

One Reviewer Notes
“I stayed up all night reading this book. I have to be honest, I didn’t expect much because in my experience, Civil War romance novels are usually of the bodice ripper variety and painful to read. This book, however, was NOT.
I was thoroughly entertained by the exchanges between many of the main characters. The characters were real, sympathetic and fully fleshed out. No one in this book was idealized or too perfect to be a real person, and that’s hugely important. The history was woven through the story masterfully, and was as much part of every scene as the characters were, ad accounts of the battles were gripping and extremely visual.
All in all, I fell in love with Garrett, wanted to be Rachael, and rooted for them throughout, so this book is definitely on the WIN pile.” – Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars

From the Author

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of American Civil War novels. I haven’t read them all, but I have yet to read a novel that approaches the subject as I do in High Ground.
While writing the story, I made a conscience effort to view the period through the eyes of someone living at that time, characters who don’t have the advantage of hindsight. I point that out because it’s only in hindsight that we recognize the success of Lincoln’s presidency and his handling of the crisis that threatened the nation. At the same time, we have simplified the conflict to a single issue, slavery. I don’t deny that slavery was a critical factor, but I believe the issues dividing the nation were more complicated, and yet, all those issues are first and foremost about power-political and economic power, which was divided between competing regional interests-North and South.
A driving force behind that power struggle was the competing interpretations of the Constitution: Was the union of the states perpetual, or was it a compact that could be dissolved? In other words, what are states’ rights? A hundred and fifty years later, that question is still unanswered-with one exception. The war decided that state’s are not free to leave the Union at will. Otherwise, the struggle to maintain the balance of power between the federal and state governments continues.*
In High Ground, I attempt to provide a broader framework within which to view the War Between the States. From there, I tell the story of a man who dedicated his life to serving, protecting and defending his country, but sees the freedom and democracy guaranteed in the Constitution, everything he is fighting for, being sacrificed in Lincoln’s efforts to save the Union.
If I have learned anything in the process of writing my novel, it is that in one way or another history repeats itself. During times of war, we still have to ask ourselves what freedoms will we sacrifice, or can we sacrifice, and still be America?

*Neither the Emancipation Proclamation nor the war ended slavery in America. The war did make it possible to adopt the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Bill of Rights, which ended slavery and provided citizenship to the former slaves.

About The Author
Elisabeth Nelson is an attorney turned author of historical fiction. A Colorado native, she is currently living in Connecticut where she continues to practice appellate law while writing historical fiction.
In her first novel, High Ground, Elisabeth combines her love of history, law and true romance to portray the legal, political and moral conflict preceding the American Civil War; and the disillusionment and devastation of war as seen through the eyes of an idealistic army lawyer and the daughter of an American diplomat.
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KND Kindle Free Book Alert for Sunday, November 6: Michael Lister’s 5-star page-turner tops our 1,300+ FREE TITLES Sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Elisabeth Nelson’s HIGH GROUND (Today’s Sponsor – $2.99)

Powered by our magical Kindle free book tool, here are this morning’s latest additions to our 1,300+ Kindle Free Book listings…
But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor
If I have learned anything in the process of writing my novel, it is that in one way or another history repeats itself. During times of war, we still have to ask ourselves what freedoms will we sacrifice, or can we sacrifice, and still be America?
High Ground
by Elisabeth Nelson
5.0 stars - 1 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
“This damn war has cost me everything I love...everything that mattered, and I don’t even know why I’m fighting anymore.” In 1860, Captain Garrett Fitzwilliam is living in the center of American politics, viewing the divisive issues of the day through his nonpartisan lawyer eyes. His life is defined by love of country and faith in the rule of law…until Rachael Hayes Kendrick enters his world. This sassy young widow captures more than the cocky captain’s imagination. She proves to him that love is indeed an act of faith, and Rachael’s faith in Garrett is indomitable. Her faith will sustain him when war divides the North and the South; his misguided sense of duty may cost him her love. But for what exactly did he pay so high a price? In the wake of war, everything Garrett believes in, the core of his existence, is collapsing. The Union army suffers repeated defeats not owing entirely to the brilliance of Robert E. Lee’s command of the Confederate army, and in Washington, a very different enemy has emerged. This insidious enemy poses a threat to the United States that Garrett never thought possible. But this enemy no officer may dare to challenge. So how will Garrett Fitzwilliam defend his country when his country’s survival depends upon an army sabotaged by its own incompetence? Or was his country lost when the man who swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution imprisoned his political foes? Would the answers matter so much to Garrett if Rachael loved him again?
One Reviewer Notes:
I was thoroughly entertained by the exchanges between many of the main characters. The characters were real, sympathetic and fully fleshed out. No one in this book was idealized or too perfect to be a real person, and that's hugely important. The history was woven through the story masterfully, and was as much part of every scene as the characters were, ad accounts of the battles were gripping and extremely visual. All in all, I fell in love with Garrett, wanted to be Rachael, and rooted for them throughout, so this book is definitely on the WIN pile.
Meghan Lyons
About the Author
Elisabeth Nelson is an attorney turned author of historical fiction. A Colorado native, she is currently living in Connecticut where she continues to practice appellate law while writing historical fiction.
In her first novel, High Ground, Elisabeth combines her love of history, law and true romance to portray the legal, political and moral conflict preceding the American Civil War; and the disillusionment and devastation of war as seen through the eyes of an idealistic army lawyer and the daughter of an American diplomat. Elisabeth Nelson is an attorney turned author of historical fiction. A Colorado native, she is currently living in Connecticut where she continues to practice appellate law while writing historical fiction. In her first novel, High Ground, Elisabeth combines her love of history, law and true romance to portray the legal, political and moral conflict preceding the American Civil War; and the disillusionment and devastation of war as seen through the eyes of an idealistic army lawyer and the daughter of an American diplomat.
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High Ground
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KND Kindle Free Book Alert for Sunday, November 6: Michael Lister’s 5-star page-turner tops our 1,300+ FREE TITLES Sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Elisabeth Nelson’s HIGH GROUND (Today’s Sponsor – $2.99)

Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Elisabeth Nelson’s 5-star Civil War novel HIGH GROUND is our eBook of the Day at just $2.99, and Here’s a Free Sample!

Here’s the set-up for Elizabeth Nelson’s High Ground, just $2.99 on Kindle:

“This damn war has cost me everything I love…everything that mattered, and I don’t even know why I’m fighting anymore.”

In 1860, Captain Garrett Fitzwilliam is living in the center of American politics, viewing the divisive issues of the day through his nonpartisan lawyer eyes. His life is defined by love of country and faith in the rule of law…until Rachael Hayes Kendrick enters his world. This sassy young widow captures more than the cocky captain’s imagination. She proves to him that love is indeed an act of faith, and Rachael’s faith in Garrett is indomitable. Her faith will sustain him when war divides the North and the South; his misguided sense of duty may cost him her love. But for what exactly did he pay so high a price?

In the wake of war, everything Garrett believes in, the core of his existence, is collapsing. The Union army suffers repeated defeats not owing entirely to the brilliance of Robert E. Lee’s command of the Confederate army, and in Washington, a very different enemy has emerged. This insidious enemy poses a threat to the United States that Garrett never thought possible. But this enemy no officer may dare to challenge.

So how will Garrett Fitzwilliam defend his country when his country’s survival depends upon an army sabotaged by its own incompetence? Or was his country lost when the man who swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution imprisoned his political foes?

Would the answers matter so much to Garrett if Rachael loved him again?

From the author:

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of American Civil War novels. I haven’t read them all, but I have yet to read a novel that approaches the subject as I do in High Ground.

While writing the story, I made a conscious effort to view the period through the eyes of someone living at that time, characters who don’t have the advantage of hindsight. I point that out because it’s only in hindsight that we recognize the success of Lincoln’s presidency and his handling of the crisis that threatened the nation. At the same time, we have simplified the conflict to a single issue, slavery. I don’t deny that slavery was a critical factor, but I believe the issues dividing the nation were more complicated, and yet, all those issues are first and foremost about power–political and economic power, which was divided between competing regional interests–North and South.

In High Ground, I attempt to provide a broader framework within which to view the War Between the States. From there, I tell the story of a man who dedicated his life to serving, protecting and defending his country, but sees the freedom and democracy guaranteed in the Constitution, everything he is fighting for, being sacrificed in Lincoln’s efforts to save the Union.

If I have learned anything in the process of writing my novel, it is that in one way or another history repeats itself. During times of war, we still have to ask ourselves what freedoms will we sacrifice, or can we sacrifice, and still be America?

From a reviewer:

I stayed up all night reading this book. I have to be honest, I didn’t expect much because in my experience, Civil War romance novels are usually of the bodice ripper variety and painful to read.  This book, however, was NOT. The characters were real, sympathetic and fully fleshed out. No one in this book was idealized or too perfect to be a real person, and that’s hugely important. The history was woven through the story masterfully, and was as much part of every scene as the characters were, and accounts of the battles were gripping and extremely visual. All in all, I fell in love with Garrett, wanted to be Rachael, and rooted for them throughout, so this book is definitely on the WIN pile.   –  Meghan Lyons

Visit Amazon’s Elisabeth Nelson Page

Elisabeth Nelson is an attorney turned author of historical fiction. A Colorado native, she is currently living in Connecticut where she continues to practice appellate law while writing historical fiction.

In her first novel, High Ground, Elisabeth combines her love of history, law and true romance to portray the legal, political and moral conflict preceding the American Civil War; and the disillusionment and devastation of war as seen through the eyes of an idealistic army lawyer and the daughter of an American diplomat.

plus … Don’t Miss Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of HIGH GROUND by Elisabeth Nelson:


KND Kindle Free Book Alert, Thursday, June 2: Over 1,000 Free and Bargain Kindle Titles Today! plus … Elisabeth Nelson’s High Ground (Today’s Sponsor)

Today we have our largest selection ever of free and bargain books on Kindle, between the new Sunshine Deals section and this morning’s latest additions to our 500+ Kindle Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

“All in all, I fell in love with Garrett, wanted to be Rachael, and rooted for them throughout, so this book is definitely on the WIN pile.” –Meghan Lyons

 High Ground
by Elisabeth Nelson
 5 Star Review
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Excellent Civil War Romance”

Here’s the set-up:

“This damn war has cost me everything I love…everything that mattered, and I don’t even know why I’m fighting anymore.”

In 1860, Captain Garrett Fitzwilliam is living in the center of American politics, viewing the divisive issues of the day through his nonpartisan lawyer eyes. His life is defined by love of country and faith in the rule of law…until Rachael Hayes Kendrick enters his world. This sassy young widow captures more than the cocky captain’s imagination. She proves to him that love is indeed an act of faith, and Rachael’s faith in Garrett is indomitable. Her faith will sustain him when war divides the North and the South; his misguided sense of duty may cost him her love. But for what exactly did he pay so high a price?

In the wake of war, everything Garrett believes in, the core of his existence, is collapsing. The Union army suffers repeated defeats not owing entirely to the brilliance of Robert E. Lee’s command of the Confederate army, and in Washington, a very different enemy has emerged. This insidious enemy poses a threat to the United States that Garrett never thought possible. But this enemy no officer may dare to challenge.

So how will Garrett Fitzwilliam defend his country when his country’s survival depends upon an army sabotaged by its own incompetence? Or was his country lost when the man who swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution imprisoned his political foes?

Would the answers matter so much to Garrett if Rachael loved him again?

What the Reviewer Says
“I stayed up all night reading this book. I have to be honest, I didn’t expect much because in my experience, Civil War romance novels are usually of the bodice ripper variety and painful to read. This book, however, was NOT.

“I was thoroughly entertained by the exchanges between many of the main characters. The characters were real, sympathetic and fully fleshed out. No one in this book was idealized or too perfect to be a real person, and that’s hugely important. The history was woven through the story masterfully, and was as much part of every scene as the characters were, ad accounts of the battles were gripping and extremely visual.

“All in all, I fell in love with Garrett, wanted to be Rachael, and rooted for them throughout, so this book is definitely on the WIN pile.”

–Meghan Lyons

About the Author
Elisabeth Nelson is an attorney turned author of historical fiction. A Colorado native, she is currently living in Connecticut where she continues to practice appellate law while writing historical fiction.

In her first novel, High Ground, Elisabeth combines her love of history, law and true romance to portray the legal, political and moral conflict preceding the American Civil War; and the disillusionment and devastation of war as seen through the eyes of an idealistic army lawyer and the daughter of an American diplomat.

Click here to download High Ground (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

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Elisabeth Nelson’s High Ground: A Compelling Romance That Sets You at the Center of Civil War History and Politics! Enjoy a Free Sample of Our eBook of The Day Without Leaving Your Browser!

Captain Garrett Fitzwilliam’s life is defined by love of country and faith in the law … until a sassy young widow captures more than his imagination. Rachael’s faith might sustain him when war divides the North and the South, but his misguided sense of duty may cost him her love. For what exactly did he pay so high a price?  

Here’s the set-up for Elisabeth Nelson’s High Ground – Just $2.99 on Kindle!

“This damn war has cost me everything I love…everything that mattered, and I don’t even know why I’m fighting anymore.”

In 1860, Captain Garrett Fitzwilliam is living in the center of American politics, viewing the divisive issues of the day through his nonpartisan lawyer eyes. His life is defined by love of country and faith in the rule of law…until Rachael Hayes Kendrick enters his world. This sassy young widow captures more than the cocky captain’s imagination. She proves to him that love is indeed an act of faith, and Rachael’s faith in Garrett is indomitable. Her faith will sustain him when war divides the North and the South; his misguided sense of duty may cost him her love. But for what exactly did he pay so high a price?

In the wake of war, everything Garrett believes in, the core of his existence, is collapsing. The Union army suffers repeated defeats not owing entirely to the brilliance of Robert E. Lee’s command of the Confederate army, and in Washington, a very different enemy has emerged. This insidious enemy poses a threat to the United States that Garrett never thought possible. But this enemy no officer may dare to challenge.

So how will Garrett Fitzwilliam defend his country when his country’s survival depends upon an army sabotaged by its own incompetence? Or was his country lost when the man who swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution imprisoned his political foes?

Would the answers matter so much to Garrett if Rachael loved him again?

Visit Amazon’s Elisabeth Nelson Page

After 10 years, I came to the realization that practicing law was not my passion. Serious soul searching led me to conclude that my love of the law was tied to my love of American History. It took a little more time to admit that my true passion was what it had been since I was a child–writing stories. Then it became a matter of finding the courage to act on my dreams.

The courage came when I reminded myself that my greatest is fear is regret–looking back and regretting that I didn’t do something for no reason other than fear. So I faced the lesser fear of putting myself out there, and published my first novel.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of American Civil War novels. I haven’t read them all, but I have yet to read a novel that approaches the subject as I do in High Ground.

While writing the story, I made a conscious effort to view the period through the eyes of someone living at that time, characters who don’t have the advantage of hindsight. I point that out because it’s only in hindsight that we recognize the success of Lincoln’s presidency and his handling of the crisis that threatened the nation.

In High Ground, I attempt to provide a broader framework within which to view the War Between the States. From there, I tell the story of a man who dedicated his life to serving, protecting and defending his country, but sees the freedom and democracy guaranteed in the Constitution, everything he is fighting for, being sacrificed in Lincoln’s efforts to save the Union.

*Neither the Emancipation Proclamation nor the war ended slavery in America. The war did make it possible to adopt the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Bill of Rights, which ended slavery and provided citizenship to the former slaves.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample: