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#1 Bestseller in Dark Fantasy
#1 Bestseller in Dragons & Myths
#1 Bestseller in Military Fantasy
#1 Bestseller in Action & Adventure
…the list goes on and on! It’s time for you to discover A Mark of Kings by Bryce O’Connor and Luke Chmilenko

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A Mark of Kings (The Shattered Reigns Book 1)

by Bryce O’Connor, Luke Chmilenko
4.6 stars – 484 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Despite his youth, Declan Idrys knows of the evils of the world. He knows of the bastards and brigands who plague the King’s lands, of the monsters skulking in the wooded depths of the realm. Together with his companion, Ryn – a beast of rather peculiar talent – he has spent the last decade of his life beneath the bloody banners of a half-dozen mercenary guilds, hunting precisely such festering wickedness within the borders of Viridian.

Unfortunately, fate is quick to pull on the leash of its favorite children. When one particularly troubling contract goes sideways, Declan and Ryn find themselves thrust into a war thought legend and long-ended, a conflict so old it is synonymous with a time in which dragons still ruled the western skies. Now, as dead men rise from their graves and the terrible beasts of the northern ranges descend into the kingdom with an appetite for savagery and flesh, Declan is faced with a profane choice. He can turn, can flee an ancient rising horror that would see the realms of man left as shattered death and wind-blown ash.

Or, Declan can face this mounting threat, can come to terms with the fact that his oldest friend might just be more than he appears, and learn to wield an ageless power all his own.

Centuries pass, after all, but the Blood of Kings does not fade…

A Mark of Kings (The Shattered Reigns Book 1) by [O'Connor, Bryce, Chmilenko, Luke]

Diving into a revolutionary new video game, Marcus is swept up into a whirlwind of adventure as he struggles to defend his new home. He quickly finds that marauding goblins are the least of his problems. Ascend Online by Luke Chmilenko

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Ascend Online

by Luke Chmilenko
4.7 stars – 453 reviews
Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
“… I usually read fantasy, romance, mystery, vampire or some mix of such books. I never expected to become so caught up in this book that I was reading it every spare moment I could and staying up late to find out what was going to happen next! I just finished the book and it’s after three in the morning. I’m tired but kudos to the writer that makes me feel so appreciative his book deserves my review before I get some sleep. PS This would make an awesome movie.” – Amazon Review

Diving into a revolutionary new video game, Marcus and his friends escape a stagnant society, entering into a world that defies their wildest imaginations. But from the moment that he logs in, Marcus finds himself separated from his friends and thrown into remote village under attack by a horde of goblins.

Forced into battle, Marcus rallies the beleaguered villagers and with their help, manages to drive off the invading creatures. With the village in ruins and their supplies spoiled, the survivors desperately turn to Marcus for help in rebuilding the village.

Realizing that this game is nothing like he’s ever played before, Marcus is swept up into a whirlwind of adventure as he struggles to defend his new home, quickly finding that marauding goblins are the least of his problems.

Warning:This Book Contains Profanity

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Ascend Online

by Luke Chmilenko
4.7 stars – 315 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Diving into a revolutionary new video game, Marcus and his friends escape a stagnant society, entering into a world that defies their wildest imaginations. But from the moment that he logs in, Marcus finds himself separated from his friends and thrown into remote village under attack by a horde of goblins.

Forced into battle, Marcus rallies the beleaguered villagers and with their help, manages to drive off the invading creatures. With the village in ruins and their supplies spoiled, the survivors desperately turn to Marcus for help in rebuilding the village.

Realizing that this game is nothing like he’s ever played before, Marcus is swept up into a whirlwind of adventure as he struggles to defend his new home, quickly finding that marauding goblins are the least of his problems.

Warning:This Book Contains Profanity

★★Discount Links & Free Books★★

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Jagged Night

by Iain Edward Henn
4.5 stars – 25 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Using medieval skills, a warrior targets corporate and political leaders with weapons from another age. With each attack comes an untraceable, mass email, blending the ancient world with the modern and counting down to “the jagged night before The Dawn.” Former CEO Tom Coulter suffers survivor guilt when his protégé is the first victim at a high profile convention. Police face a dead end. Despite armed security and video surveillance, no one saw the killer enter or leave. Together with his estranged wife Amy and her brother, an FBI agent, Tom is drawn deeper in to the mystery as more high-flyers are murdered. In the north of England, a professor learns that his son’s murder on an archaeological dig is linked to a gang of tomb thieves. Ultimately, Tom and Amy’s search crosses paths with the professor’s quest for justice. The more they learn, the closer the links they find between the two cases, leading them to a terrifying moment of truth in a spectacular wilderness. Pitted against a brilliant killer, they are ensnared in a conspiracy that has greater and far more devastating consequences.

* * *

Michel And Henry Go To War (The French Bastard Book 1)

by Avan Judd Stallard
4.6 stars – 7 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A Frenchman in the British Army fighting Germans on the Western Front? That’d be a bastard—the illegitimate son of the French President, forbidden by father to join the fray. Under an assumed name, Michel joins anyway. Except now he cannot escape the war that follows every step of the way as he and Henry—his comrade in arms—seek rest and recuperation in the mountains. Instead of wine and women, they find Germans and a secret plot to destroy France’s hub of munitions production. Cut off and outnumbered, they recruit a motley army comprising a women’s auxiliary and an old farmer with a big rifle and bad attitude. There’ll be no rest for these soldiers, not until Michel and Henry go to war.

* * *

Children’s book: Molly the Mole: Short story for kids about true friendship

by Bat Oren
4.4 stars – 6 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Do you have a very good friend? Molly the Mole is a story about an unusual friendship between a big, white mole and a small, grey mouse. Though they were laughed at by other field animals, they shared all sorts of adventures and remained good friends. One may learn from their story that, despite all odds, true friendship can last a lifetime.

* * *

The Birr Elixir: A Fantasy Tale of Heroes, Princes, and an Apprentice’s Magic Potion (The Legend of the Gamesmen Book 1)

by Jo Sparkes
4.1 stars – 41 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

When a young apprentice makes a mysterious elixir from a recipe in an old book, she’s suddenly the talisman for a daring Gamesman – and the weapon in the conspiracy against a prince. Marra never heard of Birr Elixir. But when Drail sees the potion in her dead mistress’s book, she agrees to make it. Even lacking the right ingredient. And after drinking it, Drail and his men defeat a Skullan team – something no one has ever done before. Marra is offered a place as his traveling potions mistress. Full of doubts of her own ability, she takes the chance to escape her slave-like existence. Then her potions woke a man who was not supposed to wake. Now every day draws more attention from the True Masters. And their motives – and morals – are not for the faint of heart. If they discover the truth …

* * *

This game is nothing like Marcus has ever played before…
Ascend Online by Luke Chmilenko
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Ascend Online

by Luke Chmilenko
4.8 stars – 260 reviews
Everyday Price: $6.00
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

On Sale at $0.99 from it’s usual $6 until February 26th!

Diving into a revolutionary new video game, Marcus and his friends escape a stagnant society, entering into a world that defies their wildest imaginations. But from the moment that he logs in, Marcus finds himself separated from his friends and thrown into remote village under attack by a horde of goblins.

Forced into battle, Marcus rallies the beleaguered villagers and with their help, manages to drive off the invading creatures. With the village in ruins and their supplies spoiled, the survivors desperately turn to Marcus for help in rebuilding the village.

Realizing that this game is nothing like he’s ever played before, Marcus is swept up into a whirlwind of adventure as he struggles to defend his new home, quickly finding that marauding goblins are the least of his problems.

Warning:This Book Contains Profanity

Good writing, good pacing, great action, and best of all, none of the warped attitude toward female characters prevalent in the genre.5 star Amazon review

Visit Luke Chmilenko’s Amazon author page

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