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Learn how to stay present, clear-minded and calm when facing unpredictable life events! Unshakable Awareness: Meditation in the Heart of Chaos, Taught by a Master of Four Samurai Arts (Total Embodiment Method TEM) by Richard L Haight

Unshakable Awareness: Meditation in the Heart of Chaos, Taught by a Master of Four Samurai Arts (Total Embodiment Method TEM)

by Richard L Haight
4.7 stars – 20 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Unshakable Awareness addresses a critical need for unsettled times; how to stay present, clear-minded and calm when facing unpredictable life events. It offers a recipe for grounded presence when life is challenging.

Using forgotten principles of ancient practices, Richard L. Haight, Master of four Samurai arts and award-winning author of The Unbound Soul and the best-selling title The Warrior’s Meditation, takes you through an incredibly simple, invigorating, yet ever-challenging meditation curriculum that can be practiced right in your home.

Through Unshakable Awareness you will access meditative awareness in imperfect conditions—with your eyes open, during your active daily life. Once you get the hang of it, your ability to tap into and sustain deep meditative clarity through activities and pressures of all sorts will vastly improve, as will the quality of your life.

At first glance, it may seem that this is a book meant for experienced meditators. Have no concerns, for the methods taught here connect to human instinct, which means raw beginners and advanced meditators alike will find that they are on equal footing. Regardless of your background or experience level, if you tackle the challenges with a positive attitude, you will be utterly amazed at your rapid progress.

Throughout your training, you will make use of a powerful progress assessment system born of ancient lost wisdom. You will get clear, daily feedback on your improvement, which will inspire you to take on even greater challenges and realize yet further awareness possibilities and health benefits. Included in this eBook are a downloadable step-by-step workbook and training schedule to help keep you on track.

According to modern science, here are the health benefits that you will likely gain from the exercises found in Unshakable Awareness:

  • Improved circulatory and cellular health, resulting in greater physical and mental endurance
  • Improved immune function, resulting in decreased cellular inflammation and pain
  • Increased positive emotion through reduction of anxiety, depression, and stress
  • Improved ability to introspect by providing a more holistic, grounded life perspective
  • Improved social life from a boost in emotional intelligence and compassion with a reduction in feelings of insecurity
  • Increased brain matter in areas related to paying attention, positive emotions, emotional regulation, and self-control
  • Reduction in emotional reactivity
  • Improved memory, creativity, and abstract thinking.

If you are eager to discover your true potential and awaken to a much deeper awareness, Unshakable Awareness is for you! With your purchase, you will receive a 1-month trial of Haight’s daily guided meditation service, where you will pattern a healthy meditative practice. Thousands of people are doing it every day!

“This collection is a “MUST HAVE” for those on the never ending journey of self improvement and awareness.” Self Mastery Boxset: How to Master Success, Abundance, Wealth, and Happiness by 9 experts and best-selling authors!

→ Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day ←

#1 Best Seller in Personal Success & Spirituality

Self Mastery Boxset: How to Master Success, Abundance, Wealth, and Happiness

by Richard L Haight
4.9 stars – 29 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Would you like to transform your life on all levels–physical, mental and spiritual–and achieve deeper levels of success and happiness than ever before?

If so, the Self-Mastery Boxset is exactly what you need.

***Limited Time Offer: This boxset is available for a limited time only***

When you download your Self-Mastery Boxset you will gain immediate access to decades of experience from 9 experts and best-selling authors.

You will learn:

  • Cutting-edge meditation and spiritual awakening methodologies that will transform your life (Inspirience: Meditation Unbound by Richard L Haight)
  • The hidden keys to existence that will change your life (and the World) (Reality Unveiled by Ziad Masri)
  • The hidden secret to getting everything you want (The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World by Mike Pettigrew)
  • The exact blueprint to achieve all your goals and dreams (The One Goal by Thibaut Meurisse)
  • How to find freedom from any of life’s challenges (Why You’re Stuck by Derek Doepker)
  • How to put an end to fear and self-doubt and gain all the self-confidence you need to live life the way you want to (Unshakable Self-Confidence by Billy Atwell)
  • How to leverage your fears to rise above mediocrity and turn self-doubt into a confident plan of action (Empower your Fear by Scott Allan).
  • How to hack laziness, build self-discipline and overcome procrastination (Stop Procrastinating by Nils Salzgeber)
  • Ten steps to increase positive thinking, overcome adversity, and achieve a successful mindset (Champion by Paul Brodie)

Self Mastery Boxset: How to Master Success, Abundance, Wealth, and Happiness by [Haight, Richard L, Masri, Ziad, Pettigrew, Mike, Meurisse, Thibaut, Doepker, Derek, Atwell, Billy, Allan, Scott, Salzgeber, Nils, Brodie, Paul]


#1 bestseller in spirituality/meditation/self-help categories! Richard L Haight’s highly-acclaimed The Unbound Soul: A Spiritual Memoir for Personal Transformation and Enlightenment

Today’s Kindle Daily Deals!

brought to you by:

The Unbound Soul: A Spiritual Memoir for Personal Transformation and Enlightenment

by Richard L Haight
4.3 stars – 105 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

“This is a must-read for anyone searching to explore spirituality, purpose, and unbound freedom.” ―Greg Giesen, Award-winning author of Monday at 3 and Creating Authenticity

#1 best seller in multiple spirituality, meditation, and self-help categories, this fresh, highly acclaimed spiritual guide tells of one man’s struggle to free his soul while guiding the reader to their own inner freedom.

Through this work, among other things, you will:

  • Receive new tools of awakening that blend seamlessly into your daily life. ― “This book is worth getting just for this, but it’s a whole lot more.”
  • Learn how the senses, thought, emotion, and memory have imprisoned you, and discover the key to unlocking that prison. ― “…one of the most profound books I’ve read in the search for answers to Love, Life, and Living!”
  • Discover the nature of the mind, consciousness, the spirit and the soul, and how they interweave to limit or unleash the possibilities of your daily experience. ― “You will look at the world a little bit differently after reading it.”
  • Sharpen your insight, an essential force on the path. ― “Deep spiritual insights in an easy-to-read format.”
  • Turn your daily life into a vibrant journey of awakening. ― “No gimmicks. No special pictures or runes. JUST YOU.”

“Any reader who likes to contemplate and seek the ultimate truth will not turn away from this book once he or she picks it up!”

“This book, in my humble opinion, is the best literary tool for all human souls seeking their inner path to ‘Spiritual Unfoldment.'”

“If you feel any drawing to read this book, know that it has the potential to transform your life.”

Read The Unbound Soul to begin unbinding your inner-being today.

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Bestselling self-help author Richard L. Haight takes a leap of faith into the deep subconscious to face his darkest inner demons in Taking The Psychedelic Leap

→ Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day ←

Taking The Psychedelic Leap: Ayahuasca, Mushrooms, and Other Visionary Plants along the Spiritual Path

by Richard L Haight
4.8 stars – 15 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

“This book is a powerful look into the journey of this man finding himself and the true meaning of love and partnership. His stories of inner struggle are spell binding and well written.” 5 star review

Are you curious about psychedelics?
What happens when a pharmacological “purist” feels an unexpected inner pull to take psychedelics?

Bestselling self-help author Richard L. Haight―master instructor of martial, meditation, and healing arts―experiences the pull, sets aside his purist ideology, and takes multiple terrifying leaps of faith into the deep subconscious to face his darkest, most foundational inner demons.

“It may be the most important book you ever read.

For his journeys, Haight makes use of three ancient shamanic plants found in South, Central, and North America, and he discovers a new perspective that catalyzes tremendous personal transformation, with or without psychotropic plants.

Taking The Psychedelic Leap is a book for you if:

  • You are serious about spiritual awakening but are unsure whether psychedelics are right for you
  • You are frightened by the prospect of “bad trips” but still feel pulled to psychedelics
  • You already employ psychedelics but are looking for a fresh, more powerful approach
  • You want to confront your own deepest, oldest inner demons, but you’re having trouble “getting there”
  • You want to live a life filled with love and courage, beyond all excuses

“This book is a page-turner, exciting, and written with captivating imagery that transports you on this psychedelic journey.”

“I felt elation and had the sense I was taking part in an epic or classic fairy tale―the quest, fighting the dragons and the final hard-won conquest.”

“It’s time for the stigma to be lifted from our sacred plant teachers! This book is definitely a step in that direction.”

Get your copy now by clicking “Buy now with 1-click” button at the top of the page.

Authors and Publishers: How to Sponsor Kindle Nation Daily
Taking The Psychedelic Leap: Ayahuasca, Mushrooms, and Other Visionary Plants along the Spiritual Path by [Haight, Richard L]

Brand New Kindle Fire Giveaway for October 1! Subscribe free for your chance to win! And you can help keep the good times rolling by following today’s giveaway sponsor, Richard L. Haight, and checking out The Unbound Soul: A Spiritual Memoir for Personal Transformation and Enlightenment!


by Richard L Haight

80 raves out of 87 reader reviews!

“A must read for anyone searching to explore spirituality, purpose, and unbound freedom.” —Greg Giesen, author of Monday at 3

Richard L Haight is today’s giveaway sponsor! Subscribe FREE at bit.ly/KND-SignUp and check daily newsletters for entry links!

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