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20 Straight Rave Reviews for Steve Peek’s Paranormal Thriller LONGCLAWS – Just $2.99 on Kindle!
And Here’s A Free Sample to Wet Your Appetite


by Steve Peek

4.8 stars – 20 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Their world is crowded with active volcanoes, sulfur and acid rains, permanent thick clouds turn day into deep twilight. It is a violent place: moment-to-moment survival is victory, every creature is constantly predator and prey, sleep is certain death.

This is home to the longclaws, beings of super-human speed, strength and senses. Their predatory skills allow them only a tenuous niche in their hellish environment. Though smart and fierce, their rank in the food chain is far below the top. One clan leader draws from ancient legends of paradise and devises a plan to escape and take his clan to the otherworld – a world filled with slow, defenseless prey.

The clan activates an Indian mound deep in southern forests and enters our world -hungry for prey.

Torrential rains and washed out bridges force a runaway teen, an old dowser and a Cherokee healer to face the horrors of the clan’s merciless onslaught.

Mankind’s legends are filled with vampires, werewolves, dragons and other nightmarish. Perhaps our legend of hell is based on the world of the Longclaws.

Reviews From Amazon Readers:

“the stuff of nightmares.”
“I was swept into darkly fabulous storytelling.”
“Instead of struggling to finish the book, I was thinking about the book when doing other things”
“5 Stars!  It is well written, hard to put down, character development, the way the author tied everything together and the fact that every time I thought I had it figured out I was wrong!”

Visit Steve Peek’s Amazon Author Page

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of Longclaws by Steve Peek:

“This is What Nightmares Are Made of” – Steve Peek’s Horror Thriller Longclaws – 13 Straight Rave Reviews & Just $2.99


by Steve Peek

4.7 stars – 13 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

Their world is crowded with active volcanoes, sulfur and acid rains, permanent thick clouds turn day into deep twilight. It is a violent place: moment-to-moment survival is victory, every creature is constantly predator and prey, sleep is certain death.
This is home to the longclaws, beings of super-human speed, strength and senses. Their predatory skills allow them only a tenuous niche in their hellish environment. Though smart and fierce, their rank in the food chain is far below the top. One clan leader draws from ancient legends of paradise and devises a plan to escape and take his clan to the otherworld – a world filled with slow, defenseless prey.
The clan activates an Indian mound deep in southern forests and enters our world -hungry for prey.
Torrential rains and washed out bridges force a runaway teen, an old dowser and a Cherokee healer to face the horrors of the clan’s merciless onslaught.
Mankind’s legends are filled with vampires, werewolves, dragons and other nightmarish. Perhaps our legend of hell is based on the world of the Longclaws.

Amazon Top Reviewers and Vine Voices say:

“the stuff of nightmares.”
“I was swept into darkly fabulous storytelling.”
“Instead of struggling to finish the book, I was thinking about the book when doing other things”
“5 Stars!  It is well written, hard to put down, character development, the way the author tied everything together and the fact that every time I thought I had it figured out I was wrong!”
“I was thrilled and impressed by Peek’s ability to transport readers to another world”

About The Author

Steve has only recently seriously taken to writing. Though he wrote and managed to have a couple of books published during his life, something clicked a few years ago and now, for better or worse, he sits at his table researching and writing about things that interest him.

His wife, Annie takes care of him. She keeps him eating too well and laughing often in their old farmhouse halfway up the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Steve’s forty year career in the game industry allowed him to travel extensively and explore histories and myths of peoples and places.

His books on Amazon include:

Alien Agenda
Coyote Dreaming
The Game Inventors Handbook

In addition to writing, he works in a vegetable garden trying not to be herbicidal, walks in the woods with a rescued dog and gathers imaginary eggs from a few cut-out, wooden hens.

He loves all things ancient and appreciates the magic of life and the interconnection of all things.

He would like to hear from you via jstephenpeek on facebook or jstephenpeek@hotmail.com

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of Longclaws by Steve Peek:

Wow! More Free & Bargain Titles in Our Kindle Free Book Alert for May 31: Seven Titles, Free Just For Today! Plus The Best Kindle Deals Anywhere … Sponsored by Steve Peek’s Longclaws (Today’s Sponsor – $2.99)

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But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor
It starts out like a horror/werewolf story but quickly becomes a credible account of creatures coming through energy portals into this world from a parallel universe. I gave it 5 Stars for being well written, hard to put down, character development, the way the author tied everything together and the fact that every time I thought I had it figured out I was wrong! Doh!
by Steve Peek
4.7 stars - 13 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
Their world is crowded with active volcanoes, sulfur and acid rains, permanent thick clouds turn day into deep twilight. It is a violent place: moment-to-moment survival is victory, every creature is constantly predator and prey, sleep is certain death.

This is home to the longclaws, beings of super-human speed, strength and senses. Their predatory skills allow them only a tenuous niche in their hellish environment. Though smart and fierce, their rank in the food chain is far below the top. One clan leader draws from ancient legends of paradise and devises a plan to escape and take his clan to the otherworld - a world filled with slow, defenseless prey.

The clan activates an Indian mound deep in southern forests and enters our world -hungry for prey.
Torrential rains and washed out bridges force a runaway teen, an old dowser and a Cherokee healer to face the horrors of the clan's merciless onslaught.

Mankind's legends are filled with vampires, werewolves, dragons and other nightmarish. Perhaps our legend of hell is based on the world of the Longclaws.
One Reviewer Notes:
...[I]n Longclaws, the author has not only built an entire history and social structure for his critters, he skillfully weaves it into stories of human history and mythology. As you read, you find that you are delighted as your mind starts making certain connections into our shared history. Peek brings you into the minds of his monsters and, the funny thing is, you start to wonder who the real monsters are. You start, little by little, to feel for them in their world of predator vs. prey.
OutlawPoet, Vine Voice
About the Author
Steve has only recently seriously taken to writing. Though he wrote and managed to have a couple of books published during his life, something clicked a few years ago and now, for better or worse, he sits at his table researching and writing about things that interest him. His wife, Annie takes care of him. She keeps him eating too well and laughing often in their old farmhouse halfway up the Blue Ridge Mountains. Steve's forty year career in the game industry allowed him to travel extensively and explore histories and myths of peoples and places.
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And Here Are Seven FREE Kindle Titles – Just For Today!

Prices may change at any moment, so always check the price before you buy! This post is dated Friday, May 31, 2013, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

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4.6 stars – 11 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Life on our planet is sustained by a magically energizing drink called “COFFEE.” It loyally accompanies us through the day, generously giving up its energy and warmth and changing the lives of people in every corner of the globe.

*  *  *

A Pitch for Justice

by Harold Kasselman

4.7 stars – 56 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Phillies’ rookie pitcher Tim Charles anguishes over his manager’s order to retaliate against a Mets’ batter for the team’s honor. He throws a high inside pitch that crashes off the batter’s head, but no one can foresee the unthinkable consequences.

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The Delta Chain

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3.9 stars – 25 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
The body of a young woman is washed ashore on a secluded beach. She does not fit the description of anyone on Missing Persons lists. Fingerprints, dental records and DNA provide no leads. Detective Adam Bennett discovers a pattern of similar cases – unidentified bodies found along the coasts of Australia and the United States, and he is determined to solve the mystery. These are six young men and women who seem to have never existed.

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HORSES AND HEROIN (Romantic Mystery)

by Bev Pettersen

4.6 stars – 153 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
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*  *  *

Corr Syl the Warrior

by Garry Rogers

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
When an armed Danog patrol crosses the border into Wycliff District, the Wycliff Council sends a young Tsaeb warrior named Corr Syl to investigate and recommend a response. Corr soon learns that spies have infiltrated his district, and already many lives are at risk. He catches a glimpse of something truly evil, and with no time to spare, must choose between a safe response that might fail, and a sure response that might start a global war.

*  *  *

Gray Justice (Tom Gray #1)

by Alan McDermott

4.2 stars – 324 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Gray Justice is the fast-paced debut thriller from Alan McDermott. When a killer walks free from court, the victim’s father sees just two options: accept the judge’s decision; or take on the entire British justice system. Tom Gray chooses the latter and his crusade attracts instant worldwide media coverage. It was just what Tom was hoping for, but it brought him a lot more than he bargained for.

*  *  *

Haunted House – A Novel of Terror

by Jack Kilborn, J.A. Konrath

4.3 stars – 48 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
BEYOND AFRAID… It was an experiment in fear. Eight people, each chosen because they lived through a terrifying experience. Survivors. They don’t scare easily. They know how to fight back.

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Free Book Alert for December 12: 400 brand new Freebies in the last 24 hours added to Our 4,300+ Free Titles sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Steve Peek’s ALIEN AGENDA (Today’s Sponsor – $2.99)

Powered by our magical Kindle free book tool, here are this morning’s latest additions to our 4,300+ Kindle Free Book listings. Occasionally a title will continue to appear on this list for a short time after it is no longer free on Kindle. ALWAYS check the price on Amazon before making a purchase, please! If a book is free, you should see the following: Kindle Price: $0.00
But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor
Steve Peek has crafted one of the most compelling narratives you will ever read. Cast as the memoir of a Government agent, it grips like a thriller as it piles evidence upon convincing evidence to reveal the existence of a horrifying secret treaty with worldwide implications.
ALIEN AGENDA: Why they came Why they stayed
by Steve Peek
4.6 stars - 7 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
Narrated by a rogue keeper of government secrets, this fact-based thriller begins with the death of America's first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal and posits he did not commit suicide but was killed for what he was about to reveal.

The story follows the trail of government research past the Manhattan Project and pulls that team of famous physicists to work on Project Rainbow, an outgrowth of secret research during World War II. Real history and real science make this story compelling and not easily dismissed even by UFO reports most cynical critics.

The evidence eventually leads to answer the big questions: What brought the visitors, why have they stayed, what do they want?

Hunted by a high-tech FBI unit, the narrator eludes capture and sets a kidnapping in motion that reveals the existence of Melanie, a ten year old girl prized by the visitors and held captive by the government.

More liberators than kidnappers, the group narrowly escapes numerous international agencies engaged in pursuit and delivers Melanie to a remote part of the world where she is safe - for now.
One Reviewer Notes:
History, physics and genetics come together to create a believable, frightening story explaining why aliens came to Earth and how they engineered the most terrifying pandemic in human history. You already know about it. It is going to get worse. There is no cure. In the tradition of Michener and Uris, historical events and real people blend into a fastpaced, compelling thriller that keeps you reading and leaves you wondering how much is actually fiction.
James R. Ward, Best selling author of Pools of Darkness
About the Author
Steve has only recently taken to writing seriously. Though he wrote and actually managed to publish a couple of books during his life, something clicked a few years ago and now, for better or for worse, he sits at his desk researching and writing about things that interest him.

His wife, Annie takes care of him and keeps him eating too well and laughing often in their old farm house half way up the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Steve's forty year career in the game industry allowed him to travel extensively and explore the histories of people and places that fascinated him.
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ALIEN AGENDA: Why they came Why they stayed
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Free Book Alert for December 12: 400 brand new Freebies in the last 24 hours added to Our 4,300+ Free Titles sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Steve Peek’s ALIEN AGENDA (Today’s Sponsor – $2.99)