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An intriguing and adventurous read, especially for quarantine… Andean Adventures: An Unexpected Search for Meaning, Purpose and Discovery Across Three Countries by Allan J. Wind

Andean Adventures: An Unexpected Search for Meaning, Purpose and Discovery Across Three Countries

by Allan J. Wind
4.8 stars – 13 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Alonzo shares a slice of his life with us, informative and instructive moments that will recall simpler times. A reminder that service to others is not always what we expect, but a chance to find meaning and purpose in life.
Over the past three and a half years, it’s been hard to find much inspiration and motivation in public life. The slow, yet systematic building of walls – both real and imagined, has caused us to become isolated from the other side of these walls.This long feared, yet poorly anticipated global pandemic has placed us into a contaminated and chaotic Coronaverse where international discourse and exchanges are frozen and uncertain. We find ourselves in a very real and tangible state of social isolation.

I am offering this book to recall simpler times. I want to remind us how national service in the Peace Corps and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) abroad offered a chance to help. When service abroad offered a chance to find meaning and purpose.

Andean Adventures is for the younger generations who have seen their opportunities and futures seized from them. It is also for those with loved ones derailed by the disruption and the deformed public discourse.

Are you considering life options overseas once we get through to the other side of this Coronaverse? Are you interested in finding opportunities for greater meaning and purpose? Are you interested in a story of failure, redemption, challenges, faith, and perseverance?

Independent of which of the above peaks your interest, I have stories to share that will hopefully shed some light on unexpected life lessons. My life took a direction I had never anticipated from the start, and I served overseas thinking that I would then return to a normal life. That proved not to be the case.

I was shot at, arrested, and threatened with expulsion. I also encountered the most unexpected surprises along the way. There are lessons and experiences that are informative and instructive, representing an important slice of my life story and that of many wonderful people.

The Andean Adventures here are the first which really determined my life, and although I would go on to others, these were formative and decisive.
Buy your copy now and allow my life experiences to shed some light on yours. SPANISH EDITION available at https://tinyurl.com/AventurasAnd
A memoir of public health, community development service and spiritual discovery overseas in Peace Corps and nongovernmental organizations and USAID, sharing with self-deprecating humor experiences across the Andes and Latin America. Full of anecdotes and some remarkable stories from Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru.

A lot of reflecting on the role and structure of foreign assistance, on religion, and on other topics many of us spend time questioning and dealing with. For some, a provocative discussion and meditation on searching for meaning and purpose after college. A story of successes, failures, redemption, challenges, faith and perseverance.

Doctor Alonzo writes with humor and wisdom, and shares his amazing journey, from his Peace Corps days through the beginning of his career with the US Agency for International Development. Along the way, he shares insights about life, love, religion, politics, and shares both his successes, failures, disappointments and lessons learned.

The Beloved Classic Cookbook from the Acclaimed Author of The Taste of Country Cooking: In Pursuit of Flavor by Edna Lewis, the first lady of Southern cooking”

Family eBook of The Day

In Pursuit of Flavor: The Beloved Classic Cookbook from the Acclaimed Author of The Taste of Country Cooking

by Edna Lewis
4.8 stars – 221 reviews
Everyday Price: $8.99
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The classic cookbook from “the first lady of Southern cooking” (NPR), featuring a new foreword by Mashama Bailey, star of Netflix documentary series Chef’s Table.

Decades before cornbread, shrimp and grits, and peach cobbler were mainstays on menus everywhere, Edna Lewis was pioneering the celebration of seasonal food as a distinctly American cuisine.

In this James Beard Foundation Cookbook Hall of Fame-inducted cookbook, Miss Lewis (as she was almost universally known) shares the recipes of her childhood, spent in a Virginia farming community founded by her grandfather and his friends after emancipation, as well as those that made her one of the most revered American chefs of all time. Interspersed throughout are personal anecdotes, cooking insights, notes on important Southern ingredients, and personally developed techniques for maximizing flavor.

Across six charmingly illustrated chapters—From the Gardens and Orchards; From the Farmyard; From the Lakes, Steams, and Oceans; For the Cupboard; From the Bread Oven and Griddle; and The Taste of Old-fashioned Desserts—encompassing almost 200 recipes, Miss Lewis captures the spirit of the South. From Whipped Cornmeal with Okra; Pan-Braised Spareribs; and Benne Seed Biscuits to Thirteen-Bean Soup; Pumpkin with Sautéed Onions and Herbs; a Salad of Whole Tomatoes Garnished with Green Beans and Scallions; and Raspberry Pie Garnished with Whipped Cream, In Pursuit of Flavor is a modern classic and a timeless compendium of Southern cooking at its very best.

Today’s Kindle Deal is sponsored by this week’s Kids’ eBook of The Week:

Max E. James: Beach Bound (Volume 1)

by J. Ryan Hersey
4.3 stars – 61 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Looking for a hilarious children’s chapter book for your independent reader? How about a read aloud bedtime story with short chapters and a few illustrations for your young reader? What if you finally discovered a series that didn’t rely on fart jokes or poor language but still entertained? If you’re still reading, Max E. James was written for you.

Max E. James can hardly wait for a fun-filled day at the beach with his big brother Cody. The boys will build sand castles, trap crabs, and maybe even bodyboard. But wait—what about that time last summer when Max was bodyboarding, and got totally body-slammed?! Does he even want to chance another face-crushing, sand-in-his-teeth disaster, just for riding a wave?

Remember the 90s? When all we had to worry about was Ross and Rachel’s romance, flannel shirts, and cigars? Go back in time with Mary Ting’s sweet, heartwarming novel: Always Be My Baby

❤️ Kindle Nation Daily Romance of the Day ❤️

Always Be My Baby

by International Bestselling, Award-Winning Author Mary Ting
4.7 stars – 25 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Always Be My Baby was previously in an anthology called 10 Things I Love About You: A Love in the ’90s Anthology.

Cammy is so furious when she catches her boyfriend kissing another girl at a frat party that she storms out of her own apartment. Letting go of your first love is not an easy thing to do, and he makes it harder by swearing he’s innocent and trying to win her back. But when Cammy meets Grayson Parker, he shows her how different some guys can be. Can Cammy trust her boyfriend and give him another chance? Or will she allow Grayson to heal her wounds and erase the scars?

“It’s the perfect love story for all ages to enjoy and love for years to come.” 5 star review

Giveaway Time! Enter to win and choose your prize! It’s that simple… Brought to you by author Bill Fortin’s cold war thriller: Medellin Acapulco Cold

Brought to you by:

Medellin Acapulco Cold: A Cold War Military Adventure Thriller (A Cold War Adventure with Rick Fontain Book 3)

by Bill Fortin
4.5 stars – 34 reviews
Everyday Price: $7.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Pablo Escobar has a nuclear weapon, and the CIA has to get it back!
In March 1987, the CIA’s Operation Acapulco Cold took on the Medellín cartel. The journey would be dangerous. The alternative for not recovering the nuke would be too horrible to imagine.

A theft occurs in direct response to President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev’s treaty agreement (START II). Russian SS-20 medium-range missiles are removed from Eastern Europe and their nuclear MIRV packages disassembled.

A KGB shadow group inside the failing Russian government steals three of the nose-cone assemblies. Geonov, a Russian operative is charged with selling one of these devices to the Medellín cartel. The asking price is $40 million dollars in cash. Pablo Escobar does not even blink when he is offered one. Operation Acapulco Cold is the detailed action taken by the CIA to address this life-altering world situation.

If you like fast-paced military espionage thrillers packed with suspense and action, you’ll love Medellín Acapulco Cold. Scroll up to start reading using Amazon’s ‘Look Inside’ or order your Kindle or paperback today.

Go to Giveaway Central to enter and get the scoop on our weekly giveaways where you pick the prize!

And to say thank you here is a bonus entry word: cartel

Conforming only leaves people feeling unsuccessful, unhappy and unfulfilled. Rebel against society’s rules and begin creating the life you were born to live! The Success Rebellion by Ryan Jackson

Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day

The Success Rebellion: Begin Creating the Life you were Born to Live

by Ryan Jackson
5.0 stars – 6 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.89
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
The Success Rebellion invites you to rebel against society’s rules – because conforming only leaves people feeling unsuccessful, unhappy and unfulfilled. Instead, choose The Success Rebellion – a new, dynamic approach to living your best life. Join the movement that’s transforming lives and learn key principles that will empower you – unlocking the shackles of limitation and disbelief – to transcend your current reality. The Success Rebellion is about discovering who you truly are, recognizing what has failed you and harnessing your innate abilities. The Success Rebellion is your wake-up call – and a call to action to live the life you’ve dreamed of.Ryan Jackson, serial entrepreneur and world leading success mentor’s share his expertise and knowledge in order to better serve society and help others to create remarkable lives allowing them to truly express themselves from a place of abundance and wellbeing.

“Guarantee to succeed with this guide. A great book.” 5 star review

If you have a toddler, you need this book! Raising Happy Toddlers: How To Build Great Parenting Skills and Stop Yelling at Your Kids by Celia Kibler

Today’s Kindle Daily Deals!

brought to you by:

Raising Happy Toddlers: How To Build Great Parenting Skills and Stop Yelling at Your Kids!

by Celia Kibler
5.0 stars – 17 reviews
Everyday Price: $15.95
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

YOU can change your life and change your child’s life as well.

YOU can find joy, patience, calm and laughter while being the best parent you can be.

From certified child behavior expert, children with special needs educator, preschool and toddler teaching authority, mom of five (through a blended family) and grandma to nine, Celia Kibler, comes the must-have guide that all parents of toddlers need, Raising Happy Toddlers: How to Build Great Parenting Skills and Stop Yelling at your Kids.

Parenting trends and fads come and go, but their ill-conceived teachings and poor priorities can have a drastic lasting effect on kids.

These trends contribute to children becoming entitled and out of control with little compassion, empathy, kindness, or self-regulation.

Through Raising Happy Toddlers, parents get back to the basics by:

  • learning tactics to follow through with intentional parenting
  • pro-active nurturing
  • ways to empower your kids and regain control
  • setting boundaries with consequences
  • teaching core values
  • understanding children’s limits
  • practicing patience
  • attention to emotional development

These important elements, when applied to earnest and loving parenting, will last a lifetime. Parents will actually enjoy being with their children and their children will feel safe, stable, supported, proud, and loved.

This book reads like a long-desired manual for parenting your toddler.

You will get easy to implement tools and strategies for:

  • Dealing with toddler tantrums
  • Potty training your toddler
  • How to communicate with your toddler
  • How to improve your patience
  • How to get your child to sleep
  • How to raise a spirited child
  • Help for picky eaters
  • Breaking habits
  • How to deal with your child’s aggression
  • Understanding your child’s Emotional development
  • Discipline and consequences
  • Boundaries and limits
  • Schedules and routines
  • The importance of play and fun
  • How to listen to your child and get them to listen to you
  • How to empower your child and your family
  • How to build the best parenting skills to create calm and cooperation

This book covers everything you need to Raise Happy Toddlers!

YOU can be the parent you have always desired to be and no longer feel like a failure.

Raising Happy Toddlers: How to Build Great Parenting Skills and Stop Yelling at your Kids was created from experience, deep knowledge, and proven success from someone who knows kids. It’s written in Celia Kibler’s real voice and language, one that comes from active involvement in coaching parents and teaching the youngest children of all different and unique abilities. It is based on more than thirty years of real-life parenting, first-hand contact and successes of thousands of happy, focused, and empathetic children.

Trendy parenting philosophies and helicopter-parenting are on the wane. Parents need practical advice on raising compassionate, stable, kind and empowered kids without losing their own parental control. Celia Kibler provides the manageable tactics that all families can implement to reduce the chaos in their household and ultimately raise future adults who are grateful, patient, confident and self-secure.

As Theodosia sickens with the fatal disease that will finally kill her, Mary and Burr are drawn together… The Secret Wife of Aaron Burr by Susan Holloway Scott

The Secret Wife of Aaron Burr: A Riveting Untold Story of the American Revolution

by Susan Holloway Scott
4.7 stars – 218 reviews
Everyday Price: $9.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Inspired by a woman and events forgotten by history, bestselling author Susan Holloway Scott weaves together carefully researched fact and fiction to tell the story of Mary Emmons, and the place she held in the life—and the heart—of the notorious Aaron Burr.

He was a hero of the Revolution, a brilliant politician, lawyer, and very nearly president; a skillful survivor in a raw new country filled with constantly shifting loyalties. Today Aaron Burr is remembered more for the fatal duel that killed rival Alexander Hamilton. But long before that single shot destroyed Burr’s political career, there were other dark whispers about him: that he was untrustworthy, a libertine, a man unafraid of claiming whatever he believed should be his.

Sold into slavery as a child in India, Mary Emmons was brought to an America torn by war. Toughened by the experiences of her young life, Mary is intelligent, resourceful, and strong. She quickly gains the trust of her new mistress, Theodosia Prevost, and becomes indispensable in a complicated household filled with intrigue—especially when the now-widowed Theodosia marries Colonel Aaron Burr. As Theodosia sickens with the fatal disease that will finally kill her, Mary and Burr are drawn together into a private world of power and passion, and a secret, tangled union that would have shocked the nation . . .

Praise for I, Eliza Hamilton
“Scott’s devotion to research is evident . . . a rewarding take on a fascinating historical couple.” 
Library Journal 
“Readers will be captivated.”
Publishers Weekly (starred review)
“Packed with political and historical as well as domestic details.”