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From the Kindle Nation Mailbag: Another way to do higher math using the Kindle

Thanks to faithful Kindle Nation subscriber Bob for this helpful follow-up to this week’s Kindle Nation post, Kindle DX Secrets: It’s a Calculator!

Hi Stephen,

In your most recent Kindle Nation, you mentioned how to do basic Math on the DX. There is another way that I use on my Kindle 2 by going online.
Most folks do not know that if you go to Google and type in ANY complicated Math expression into the search bar, Google will automatically give you the answer at the top of the search list. (Google folks are heavily into Math.) You can do the same on the Kindle.
Go to Experimental, Basic Web, Bookmarks, Google. Type in 5*log(32) by using the SYM button to put in the parenthesis and the * symbols where * means multiply, and then click on search. You’ll see the first result listed is 5 * log(32) = 7.52574989
If you type in 5^32 (on a calculator, the carat symbol means to perform an exponent, so this is 5 to the 32nd power),
you’ll get back the answer 2.32830644 x 10 to the 22nd power.
I’m not sure how many people would use this, but it’s may come in handy some day for someone.
Love the newsletter!


Free Kindle Nation Shorts – I:3, 6.12.2009 – "Mr. Penumbra’s Twenty-Four-Hour Book Store" a short story by Robin Sloan

Welcome to Free Kindle Nation Shorts, No. 3, a striving-to-be-regular Friday feature of the Kindle Nation Daily Blog. As we continue to form new bonds with indie-minded authors and publishers, I am very pleased to have connected with author Robin Sloan, who has graciously granted his permission to share his “short story about recession, attraction, and data visualization,” Mr. Penumbra’s Twenty-Four-Hour Book Store. If you like the story, I hope you will visit Robin’s website and make a connection there. In addition to being a talented indie fiction writer and self-described “media nerd,” Robin is also one of the creators behind one of the smartest videos ever uploaded, a future history of the media circa 2014.

(We also hope and intend to send this as a PDF file within the next 24 hours for your convenience. If you have any trouble transferring the story to your Kindle, I should mention that this Free Kindle Nation Shorts feature is part of the added value for subscribers to the Kindle Nation Daily blog in the Kindle Store. Subscribers will find that Free Kindle Nation Shorts are sent automatically and seamlessly to their Kindles. )

Mr. Penumbra’s Twenty-Four-Hour Book Store
Robin Sloane

This short story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living, dead, or undead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author. Copyright © 2009 by Robin Sloane


I’m sitting in a book store next to a strip club.

Not that kind of book store. The inventory here is incredibly old and impossibly rare.
And it has a secret-a secret that I might have just discovered.

I am alone in the store. And then, tap-tap, suddenly I’m not.

And now I’m pretty sure I’m about to snap my laptop shut, run screaming out the front door, and never return.

* * *


I lost my job in the slumped-over spring of 2009. I applied for dozens of replacement gigs but was rebuffed, again and again. And I took only the coldest comfort when the companies doing the rebuffing were, themselves, forced out of business months later. I probably couldn’t have turned them around single-handedly. Probably.
The job I lost was at the corporate headquarters of the New Amsterdam Bagel Bakery. I designed bagel marketing materials. Menus, coupons, posters for store windows, and, once, an entire booth “experience” for the bagel industry trade show.
I also ran the website.

Now, months into my unemployment, I’d started watching for “help wanted” signs in windows, which is not something you really do, right? I was taught to be suspicious of those. Legitimate employers use Craigslist.

And sure enough, the 24-hour book store did not have the look of a legitimate employer:

Now, I was pretty sure that “24-hour book store” was a euphemism for something. It was on Broadway, in a euphemistic part of town. I spotted it on my way to a bar with a “recession special” happy hour. The place next door had a sign with neon legs that crossed and uncrossed.

But inside-yes, of course I went inside-it wasn’t sketchy at all. Just the opposite: It was stuffy.

Stuffy and claustrophobic. Imagine the volume of a normal store turned on its side: It was absurdly narrow and dizzyingly tall. And the shelves went all the way up-five stories of books. The whole place was dim and dusty; you couldn’t even really see the ceiling.

There were ladders that clung to the shelves and rolled side-to-side. Those usually seem charming, but here, stretching up into the gloom, they just seemed ominous. No way would I even touch one of those ladders.

Unless, of course, I filled out the application for the open clerk position, and pressed it into the wrinkled hands of Mr. Penumbra, the shop’s owner, and pleaded my case, citing my senior thesis on Swiss typography (1491-1519), and started to argue for the graphic novel as serious literary form (as well as boon to a bookseller’s business, because you know, kids these days, they’re growing up with manga, and I could help you out with that, I could stock a whole new section)-

In which case, if I did all that, old Mr. Penumbra might have pinched his eyes, looked me up and down, and said, “Well, that’s all fine… but can you climb a ladder?”

If all that happened, I might then, hypothetically, find myself on one of those ladders, on the third floor, minus the floor, of Penumbra’s 24-Hour Book Store.
The book he’s sent me up to retrieve, “de Guilford’s Inquiry,” is about 130% of one arm-length to my left. Obviously, I need to return to the ground and scoot the ladder over. But down below, Mr. Penumbra is shouting: “Lean, my boy! Lean!”

And boy, do I ever want this job.

* * *


Now I’m the night clerk at Penumbra’s, and I shimmy up and down that ladder like a monkey.

You should see me lean.

If I’m retrieving two books, I’ll place the ladder halfway between them, dash up, and then, forty feet off the ground, I’ll clamp a hand on one of the rails, and lean way out so

my arm
my body
and the ladder

form a skinny right triangle.

If I do this on both sides of the ladder, I can stretch across a span of a hundred books. It’s fun.

Unfortunately, I am not required to do it very often
Let me tell you: Penumbra’s 24-Hour Book Store does not operate around the clock due to an overwhelming volume of book-buyers.

In fact, whole nights go by without a single customer. Just me, my laptop, and the dusty heights.

But oh. That single customer.

There is, I have learned, a community of very strange men clustered in this part of San Francisco. They visit the store late at night. They come wide awake, and completely sober. And they are always nearly vibrating with need.

For example:
The bell on the door will tinkle and before it’s done, Mr. Tyndall will be shouting, breathless, “Kingslake’s! I need Kingslake’s!” He’ll take his hands off his head (has he really been running down the street with his hands on his head?) and clamp them down on the front desk.

“Kingslake’s! Quickly!”

Mr. Penumbra has a database, believe it or not. The books aren’t shelved according to title or subject (do they even have subjects?) so the database is crucial. It runs on an old Mac Plus, but I copied it onto my laptop and, over the course of a few customer-free nights, mapped it onto a 3D model of the store. (If this sounds impressive to you, you’re over 30.)

So now I will just type in K-I-N-G-S-L-A-K-E and the model will rotate and zoom in on aisle 3, shelf 13, which is only about thirty feet up.

“You have it? Oh thank goodness, thank you, yes, thank goodness,” Tyndall will say, almost whimpering. “How much?”

And this is the crazy part. I haven’t sold a book in this store for less than two hundred dollars. Many are much more expensive than that. Penumbra’s database will tell me that “Investigations” by Reynold Kingslake is $1,800.

Not a blink.

After I do my monkey business on the ladder, Tyndall will write a prim check and slide it across the desk. “Thank you,” he will breathe, and then the bell will tinkle again as he hurries back out onto the street. It will be three in the morning.

* * *

THEY ALWAYS PAY. Not one has ever balked. Where do these weird old men get all this money?

This is one of the things I ask myself when I sit here alone, after Mr. Tyndall or Mr. Raleigh or Mr. Fedorov has left. I think I know them all at this point. I think of them as a strange fellowship, but I have no evidence that they know each other. Each comes in alone, and never says a word about anything other than the object of his current, frantic fascination.

I have no idea what’s in those books they pay all that money for. In fact, it’s part of my job not to know. After the ladder test, back on the day I was hired, Mr. Penumbra said:

“This job has three requirements, each very strict.”

1) “You must always be here from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. exactly. You must not be late. You cannot leave early.”

2) “You may not read, examine, inspect, or otherwise touch any of the books in this store-unless you are retrieving it for a customer.”

I know what you’re thinking: Dozens of nights alone, and you’ve never cracked a cover?

No, I haven’t. For all I know, Penumbra has a camera somewhere. If I sneak a peek and he finds out, I’m fired. My friends are dropping like flies out there; whole industries, whole parts of the country, are shutting down. I need this job.

And besides, the third rule makes up for the second:

3) “You must keep precise records of all purchases. Time. Amount. The customer’s appearance. His state of mind. How he asks for the book. How he receives it. Does he appear to be injured. Is he wearing a sprig of rosemary on his hat. And so on.”
I guess under general circumstances, this would feel like a creepy job requirement. Under the actual circumstances-selling rare books to mad scholars in the middle of the night-it feels perfectly appropriate. So, rather than spend my time staring at the forbidden shelves, I spend it writing about the customers.

The basics-which book was purchased, its price, the time-go into the database. The rest goes into a giant, leather-bound logbook. It’s all mine; Mr. Penumbra pulled it out from under the front desk on my first night, heaved it open, and, on the first page, he wrote my name.

I have to say, I feel pretty proprietary about this book. I try to take clear, accurate notes, with only an occasional literary flourish. On quiet nights, I describe the weather.

Sometimes I draw pictures, like this one, of Mr. Tyndall tonight:

So I guess you could say rule number two isn’t quite absolute. There’s one book I’m allowed to touch in Penumbra’s 24-Hour Book Store. It’s the one I’m writing.

* * *

MR. PENUMBRA WORKS THE DAY SHIFT. He starts at 6 and finishes at 10 p.m., if you can believe it. That’s a long day for an old man. I see him every night and every morning. If we’ve had a customer, he usually compliments me on my observations, but then probes even deeper.

“Very good rendering of Mr. Raleigh,” he’ll say. “But tell me, do you remember, were the buttons on his coat made of mother-of-pearl? Or were they horn? Or some kind of metal? Copper?”

I have to admit: It does seem strange that Mr. Penumbra wants all this information. But when people are over a certain age, you sort of stop asking them why they do things. It feels dangerous. What if you say, so Mr. Penumbra, why do you want to know about Mr. Raleigh’s coat buttons?, and he pauses, and scratches his chin, and there’s an uncomfortable silence-and we both realize he can’t remember?
Or what if he flies into a rage and fires me on the spot?

It’s true that I can’t really imagine him enraged. However, it’s also true that my roommate Dan just got laid off last week and he’s probably going to move back to Sacramento. In this economic environment, I prefer not to test old Mr. Penumbra’s boundaries.

Mr. Raleigh’s coat buttons were jade.

* * *

DURING THE DAY, after my shift at the store but before my vampiric afternoon sleep, I spend a lot of time at the cafe down the street from my house. It’s called “Supply and Demand.”

The gimmick is that during the day it’s “Supply,” a coffee shop, and at night it turns into “Demand,” a bar. The bar is a total meat market, but the coffee shop is efficient and well-regulated.

So that’s where I was, sitting at a tiny table, slurping one of those giant mugs the size of your face, working on my 3D model of the store.

I’d souped it up so it could show you not just where the books were located, but which were sold, and to whom. They lit up like little lamps in the blocky 3D shelves. They’re color-coded, so the books purchased by Mr. Tyndall lit up blue, Mr. Raleigh’s were green, Fedorov was yellow, Imbert orange, and so on.

But now the shelves were disappearing when I rotated them too far. So I was sitting there, trying to figure out why, when a voice piped up from over my shoulder:

“Are you into data visualization?”

I turned. Why yes, girl with chestnut hair cropped to your chin and a red t-shirt with the word “BAM!” printed in mustard yellow, I am into data visualization.

“Me too,” she said. “Actually, I do it for a living. I work at Google.”

Google! This girl must be a genius. Also, one of her teeth is chipped in a cute way.
Well, take a look at this, I said.

She sat down and I showed her the bug in my book store. Soon her hands were on the keys, fluttering through my code, which was a little embarrassing, because my code is full of comments like “hell yeah!” and “now, computer, it is time for you to do my bidding.”

But Kat (her name was Kat) thought it was cute, and she was, in fact, a genius. She tracked down the bug and fixed it in the time it took me to drain my mug. And then, tap-tap, she made the shelves render more realistically, with a cool sort of wood-grain texture.

Then she said, “Have you thought about doing a time-series visualization?”

This sounded like a nerd’s way of asking another nerd out on a date, so I said I hadn’t, but that I was super interested. We made plans to meet at Supply and Demand the next day.

* * *

THAT NIGHT, AT THE BOOK STORE, I started working on the new visualization, thinking I could impress Kat with a prototype. I am really into the kind of girl you can impress with a prototype.

The idea was to animate through the purchases over time instead of just seeing them all at once. I got a simple version working by midnight, and immediately I noticed something.
The lights were following each other.

Mr. Tyndall would buy a book from the top of aisle 3. Three days later, Mr. Raleigh would do the same. Not the same book (Penumbra’s has only one copy of anything), but one very close. Another week, and Mr. Fedorov would follow-even though Mr. Tyndall had already come in again and gotten something from the bottom of aisle 1. He was a step ahead.
I’d never noticed the pattern because the purchases were so spread out. Imagine hearing a piece of music with six days between each note. But here, sped up, it was obvious. And it was as if they really were all playing the same piece, or dancing the same dance, or solving the same puzzle.

Maybe some were just better at it than others?

The bell tinkled. It was Mr. Imbert-solid, compact, with his bristly black beard and sloping newsboy cap. In a hurry, I scrubbed through the visualization to find his place in the pattern. An orange light bounced across my laptop’s screen, and before he said a word, I knew he was going to ask for a book right in the middle of aisle 2. Maybe a book like Prokhorov’s-
“Prokhorov’s Interpretations!” Imbert wheezed. “It is essential!”

Halfway up, I felt dizzy. What was going on? No daredevil maneuvers this time; it was all I could do to stay on the ladder as I pulled the slim, black-bound volume off the shelf.

It was a bargain at $300. The bell tinkled, and I was alone again, and for the first time, Penumbra’s 24-Hour Book Store felt not just strange, but sinister.

* * *

BACK AT SUPPLY AND DEMAND. The air is crackling with wi-fi; Kat and I are having the only spoken conversation in the entire place.

She’s wearing the same red-and-yellow “BAM!” t-shirt as yesterday, which means a) she slept in it, b) she owns several identical t-shirts, or c) she’s a cartoon character-all of which are appealing alternatives.

I don’t want to come out and confess that I work at the official book store of the da Vinci Code, but I do want her mega-brain applied to this problem. So I just play the visualization.

“You made this last night?” she says. “Impressive.”

We watch the lights curl around each other. We watch again. And again.

Kat bites her lip and thinks hard, which is very attractive. “You know,” she says, “something about this looks… recursive.”

I have nothing to contribute at this point.

She says: “But there aren’t that many data points. We might just be making up the pattern. Is there some other series we can add to the visualization?”

Well, I say, I’ve got this big leather logbook. But it’s not really data… just descriptions. And it would take forever to type it all into the computer, anyway.

Kat’s eyes light up. “A natural language corpus! And an excuse to use the book-scanner! Want to bring it down to Google tomorrow?”

Her lips make a pretty shape when she says “corpus.”

* * *

NOW, MR. PENUMBRA HAS NEVER specifically forbidden me from taking the logbook home.

But he hasn’t specifically forbidden me from inviting all my friends over for an after-hours book store party, and I’m pretty sure that’s not allowed, either.

Anyway, he only checks the logbook if I tell him something interesting happened during the night.

Nothing interesting happens during the night.

There’s a tiny flashlight attached to my keychain, and I shine it around the store, looking for the tell-tale glint of a camera lens. (They do this in movie theaters, to find pirates! And in the army. To find snipers.)

Not a single thing glints in Penumbra’s 24-Hour Book Store.

I can’t stop squirming. If fidgets were Wikipedia edits, I would have completely revamped the entry on “guilt” by now, and translated it into six new languages.

Finally, it’s quarter to six. The thinnest tendrils of dawn are creeping in from the east. Friends in New York are logging onto the internet and posting funny links.

I close my laptop, sweaty palms flat on the lid. Here’s the plan: Instead of returning the logbook to its slot in the front desk, I’m going to put it in my messenger bag, in the laptop compartment. My laptop will stay at the book store today, tucked into the logbook’s slot.
I have a hundred explanations (with branching sub-plots) if Mr. Penumbra nabs me.

The bell tinkles. “Good morning,” he says. “How was-“

No customers quiet night gotta go Mr. Penumbra see you later. I say it in one breath, already moving. I try to look ill, which isn’t hard, because I feel terrible.

He pauses, then smiles a lopsided old-man smile. “See you tonight.”

I’m out the door, and twenty minutes later, I’m on the train to Mountain View, clutching my bag, and my book, to my chest.

The rumble and sway puts me to sleep.

* * *

WHEN I WAKE UP, Google is nothing like I imagined.

The main campus is a crystal castle, spiking up out of the gray lawns of Silicon Valley and glinting blue-green in the morning sun. This isn’t a metaphor. It’s really crystal, and it looks organic, not architectural. Google grew it.

Kat is explaining all of this to me right now.

Offices started as tents and pavilions. Roads and sidewalks were marked off with chalk and string. The crystal grew over and around all of that, like a coral reef. But it’s not for looks, and it’s not structural, either. It’s functional. The crystal is somehow computer memory, processing power, and fiber-optics all in one. It radiates wi-fi. It runs on sunlight.

Kat points a long, brown arm towards the tallest crystal spike, gleaming at the very center of the campus. “That’s one of our database shards,” she says. “Your email is in there. Along with every video on YouTube. A bunch of DNA sequences. And almost every book ever written.”

Mr. Penumbra’s shelves don’t seem so tall anymore.

Wide walk-ways curve into the crystal campus. Kat leads me to a low, rectangular tent. There’s a hand-written sign pinned to the canvas: “BOOK-SCANNER.”

* * *

The inside of the tent feels like an army field hospital. The hardware is all very hard. Lots of wires and clamps. Harsh flood-lights look down on an operating table surrounded by long, many-jointed metal arms. The air stings like bleach.

And there, patiently waiting, are the books. Stacks and stacks of them, piled high on metal carts. Big books and little books. New best-sellers and old tomes that would fit in at Penumbra’s.

The Googler presiding over all of this looks like a college freshman. His name is Jad.

“Kat warned me this might be a challenge,” he says. “But we’ll see. The scanner’s pretty good.”

He sets my logbook up on a metal frame and tells us to step back. His fingers go tap-tap behind a bank of monitors, and the book-scanner leaps into action.

The flood-lights start strobing, turning everything in the tent into a stop-motion film. Frame by frame, the scanner’s spidery arms reach down, grasp page corners, peel them back. I’ve never seen anything at once so fast and so delicate. The arms-I can’t tell if there are four or eight or sixteen-stroke the pages, caress them, smooth them down. This thing loves books.
At each flash of the lights, two giant cameras snap images in tandem. I sidle up next to Jad, where I can see the pages of my logbook stacking up on his monitors. The two cameras are like two eyes, so the images are in 3D, and I watch his computer lift the words right up off the pages. It looks like an exorcism.

Jad’s fingers go tap-tap again. “Wow, we need to allocate more processing power,” he says.
Because the data is so complex?

“No,” he says. “It’s your handwriting. It’s really bad.”

Okay. I walk back over to Kat, who’s leaned over as close to the book-scanner as you can get without risking a metal arm in the eye.

“This is awesome,” she breathes.

It really is. I feel a pang of pity for my logbook. All of its secrets, coaxed out in five minutes flat by this super-smart hurricane of metal and light. Books used to be pretty high-tech, back in the day. Not anymore.

* * *


Which is to say, I walked away with the knowledge that the high-resolution images of my logbook, along with the digitized text and Jad’s analysis of that text, were waiting for me in Google’s crystal database, accessible anywhere, anytime.

Like right now.

It’s 11 p.m., I’m rested after an afternoon of strange, spidery dreams, and I’m ready to visualize.

I retrieve Jad’s analysis via an unprotected wi-fi network from next door named “bootynet.”
Now, computer, it is time for you to do my bidding.

By 2 a.m., I’ve got the new data piped into my visualization, and by 2:02 a.m., I am ready to run screaming out the front door of the store.

* * *


1. The store, looking very nice in 3D, with a convincing wood-grain effect.

2. Just as before, a swarm of colored lights bounce through the shelves; each one is a customer.

3. But now a set of symbols have joined them: a tiny fedora for customers with hats, a cartoon rose for customers who smell (good and bad), a little Eiffel Tower for customers who mutter to themselves in French. There are a million ways to describe these guys; Jad’s algorithms have read them all out of my logbook and organized them into categories. So now I see those categories move through the shelves, too.

The lights and the symbols all leave trails. The trails are like brush-strokes. And if I rotate the 3D model so that, on my screen, I’m viewing the store from the perspective of the front desk-from where I’m sitting right now-the brush-strokes fit together. They form a picture.

It’s a face.

It’s a face I know.

It’s a picture of Mr. Penumbra.

* * *

THE BELL TINKLES and he walks into the store. A coil of fog follows him.

Why I haven’t fled, I don’t know. Dark curiosity, maybe. Or a lingering sense of clerkly responsibility.

Tonight, a computer program showed me a picture of Mr. Penumbra. A computer program that I did not design to show me pictures of people. And definitely not pictures of wrinkled, old-

Actually. Wait. I realize now, as I see him in the gray morning light, that I have made the common mistake of assuming that all old people look alike. The picture drawn out by the data on my screen isn’t Mr. Penumbra. Same nose, but Mr. Penumbra’s mouth is wider. His cheeks are rounder.

“Good morning,” he says. “How was-“

I have to tell him. It’s a terrifying thought, but the alternative is to sit quietly at my desk as a vortex of weirdness spirals around me. (That describes a lot of jobs, I realize, but this is potentially a special kind of magick-with-a-K weirdness.) Well, that or quit.

So I swivel my laptop and tell Mr. Penumbra I have something he should see, if he’s interested, but if not, you know, no big deal, we could always do it tomorrow, and-
He’s interested.

He holds his glasses at an angle and peers down at my screen. At first, his face is slack, and I’m afraid he doesn’t understand what I’m showing him, or that the tiny lights have given him a tiny stroke.

But then he says, quietly: “Hello, Elzevir.”

* * *

I THINK HE’S ABOUT TO FLY INTO A RAGE. He looks like I feel when I’m about to fly into a rage: skin pulled tight across the cheeks, mouth not working like it’s supposed to. I’m not afraid of him-leaning in close like this, I’m reminded how old he is-but maybe I should be.
The bell tinkles. We both turn.

It’s Kat.

“Oh… hey,” she says. She can tell something’s up; there’s tension in the air, to go with all the dust.

Mr. Penumbra turns back to me with narrow eyes.

“Go,” he says. “See you tonight. 10 p.m. sharp.”

* * *

I EXPLAIN EVERYTHING to Kat over waffles. I’m feeling particularly warm towards her at the moment, as her timely intervention might have saved my life. Or at least my job.
I show her the new visualization, and the creepy old face. The face of Elzevir.

“Well,” she says, “this is probably a world-record. Most labor-intensive steganography ever.”

“Putting a hidden message where nobody would think to look for a hidden message. This qualifies, big-time. Sure, it’s amazing that these guys are acting out this picture, week after week. But who would even think to record their habits in the first place?”

Well, technically, that would be Mr. Penumbra. See: rule number three. My job.

She pokes her fork at me. “There’s no question, then. You were supposed to find this.”

Funny. The look on Mr. Penumbra’s face didn’t exactly say “congratulations.”

* * *

THE NIGHT THAT FOLLOWED was my last at the book store.

When I arrived, Mr. Penumbra emerged from the shadows of the shelves and dropped himself down at the front desk like a sack of potatoes. The oldest, thinnest sack of potatoes you have ever seen. The sack of potatoes you would never buy at the store, even if you were going to a potato party and just needed a lot of potatoes, no matter what.

“This is very strange,” he sighed, “but not entirely surprising.”

I thought, but didn’t say: Oh, I’m pretty surprised. By the ancient human face on my computer screen.

“You realize,” he said, looking up at me with those narrow eyes again, “it doesn’t work this way. There are no shortcuts.”

I said nothing.

“An investigation of the fellowship must be done on paper. It must produce a book.”

Please allow the following series of question marks to represent the blankness of my stare:


Mr. Penumbra cocked his head. He said, “Haven’t you read any of the volumes here?”

Of course not! Mr. Penumbra, that’s rule number two! Don’t read the books. My cousin just moved to Florida because they’re closing the state of Michigan! I follow the rules.

He laughed a little, and shook his head. “I guess it’s one thing for a computer to help you find the answer,” he said. “But we’ve now arrived at a point where you don’t even need to ask the question anymore.”

Well, what, uh, what’s the question?

“The book store is the first question,” he said, and raised his arms, as if to circle the strange space around us. “Why does it exist? Why does Mr. Tyndall buy a book at midnight on the 9th of June, and why is he wearing green rubber boots when he does it? You’re obviously curious.”

I nodded.

“But the final question,” he said, “is how do you live forever?”

* * *

“WELL,” Mr. Penumbra said, “I need to consider what comes next.” He stood. “This will be your last shift. Please close the store in the morning. I will send your final paycheck.”

The bell tinkled. He disappeared into the fog.

No. No! He didn’t fly into a rage, but I still got fired.

There were no customers that night. When it was time to go home, I flipped through the bank of light switches-I didn’t even know there were light switches-and watched the gloomy shelves disappear, one by one.

It felt like dousing a lighthouse.

* * *


It was for $300,000.


There was also an invitation. Written in Mr. Penumbra’s hand, it said: 303 Clement Street. Friday. 10pm.

* * *

IT WAS A BURMESE RESTAURANT called Mega Mandalay with a sign on the door that said CLOSED FOR SPECIAL EVENT. Inside, everything was warm and golden.

They were all there. Mr. Penumbra at the head of the table, flanked by Tyndall, Raleigh, and old Fedorov. There were many more I didn’t know, men who seemed even older still. Some in crazy costumes: tunics, tuxedos, salwar kameez. Even a few women; one had her gray hair styled in a sort of Vulcan bowl-cut. They were all jabbering at each other, waving their arms and laughing. They all seemed happy.

Penumbra saw me as I walked in. He rose: “My brothers and sisters! Here’s the one who didn’t bother to write a book!” They all clapped, and there was some cheering, and Imbert whistled.

Penumbra motioned for me to sit beside him. I expected everyone to stay focused on me, as I had clearly just solved some Indiana Jones-caliber mystery of the ages. But they were all still jabbering and laughing. It felt like a reunion.

“You are in the presence,” Penumbra said, “of a fellowship more than 500 years old. We have been around for as long as books have.”

Tyndall leaned in from Penumbra’s other side: “A brotherhood bound by binding!”

“It was conceived by Mr. Elzevir,” Penumbra continued, and motioned to the other end of the table, where the ancient face from my computer screen was grinning and hoisting a tall glass of beer. Wow.

“He imagined a society devoted to the great promise of the book: That by writing, you can earn a kind of immortality, as your words pass into other minds, far removed from your own by distance and time.”

“And,” Fedorov said, his mouth full of rice, “when accompanied by certain numerological rites”-pause to swallow-“bibliographic longevity can be converted to biological longevity, as well.”

“Yes,” Penumbra said, “I suppose that’s the important part.”

“No kidding,” I said quietly.

“Some would say our society has, ah, devolved,” Penumbra said, “for we now read only the books written by our membership. Books which are filled only with observations of other members. And references to other books filled only with observations. And so on.”

Tyndall leaned in: “No Proust here!”

“But the formula persists,” Penumbra said, “and so do we.” He was silent a moment. “Until now.”

* * *

I TOLD THE STORY TO KAT later that night. The tea-leaf salad hadn’t quite soaked up all the beer, and she was a little confused and weirded-out when I rang her doorbell at three in the morning, but now I was trying to be as clear as possible:

Mr. Penumbra knew that books wouldn’t last forever. He knew something else would come along. But for the longest time, nothing did.

If I’d gone to work at the store ten years ago, or a hundred (it wasn’t in San Francisco then; it was in London) maybe I would have started noticing the patterns without the help of a computer. Maybe I would have started sneaking peeks at the books, copying out passages, finding connections. Maybe I would have drawn Elzevir’s face in pen, on paper. (It would have taken years.)

If I’d done all that, maybe I would have joined the fellowship. Maybe I would have become one of them.

Instead, I used a laptop. I used Google’s book-scanner. I made something fundamentally incompatible with 500 years of history: a computer program.

I broke the spell.

“I don’t get it,” Kat said. We were sitting at her kitchen table, cradling mugs of tea. “Why couldn’t the visualization just be your ticket to immortality?”

I was surprised that she asked, because even I knew the answer. Computer programs don’t have the same longevity. It was doubtful somebody could get my visualization to run in six months, let alone six years, or six hundred. There was something very special about the book and the way it lasted. The way it got passed from hand to hand, from mind to mind.
Until now.

There was a long silence.

“So,” she said softly, looking down into her mug, “what happens to Mr. Penumbra? And the rest of them?”

He said he’s closing the store. He said the fellowship would fade away-not all at once, but gradually.

And then he said one more thing, as we were all leaving the restaurant.

* * *

“HERE’S THE TRICK, MY BOY,” Mr. Penumbra said, wrapping his long, thin arm around my shoulder. The halo of gray hair around his head was a little messed up. He was a little drunk.
“Forget the store. Forget the numerological rites. Just make something that will last. And then, in a hundred years, or a thousand, someone will find it, at three in the morning, exactly when they need it most. And you’ll live again.”

I must have looked dubious, because he said:

“Just because it’s changing doesn’t mean it’s over. Your Google genius and her friends will build new kinds of books. All of us in the fellowship, we’ll live again. We’ll meet here, at this restaurant. There will be samosas, and tea-leaf salad, and more beer-“

(Tyndall heard this from further up the sidewalk, and shouted to the sky: “More beer!”)
“-and we’ll all live again.” He paused. “But your place at the table isn’t assured. Not yet.”
He let me go, and smiled. “You’d better be there.”

And then they all disappeared into the fog.

* * *


There’s a FOR LEASE sign stuck to the front of the 24-hour book store. Inside, it’s empty.
I’m dating Kat, and I try to talk about things other than strange old men and immortality.
I spent my huge Penumbra payout on an apartment. A tiny, tiny San Francisco apartment.
And I found a new job, just part-time, making animated web advertisements for the one insurance company that’s still in business.

With the other part of my time, I’m researching the life of a guy named Ajax Penumbra. I’m trying to piece it all together, trying to understand him.

It turns out he knew a lot of people in this town. It’s just that most of them died in 1906.

But I’m following the clues, one by one. What will I make of it all? A book? A movie? Super Book Store Bros., the video game? I don’t know yet. But I’m going to try to make it so wonderful that somebody else will want to carry it into the future for me. And then hand it off to somebody else. And somebody else after that.

Because I’ve got to meet old Mr. Penumbra for dinner.

* * *
* * *
* * *


Thanks to Rachel Leow for a tweet on November 15, 2008: “just misread ’24hr bookdrop’ as ’24hr bookshop’. the disappointment is beyond words.”

Thanks to Andrew Fitzgerald for feedback on an early version of this story.

Thanks to Betty Ann Sloan and Jim Sloan for feedback on an early version, and for special investigations into book-leaning.

Kindle DX is Back in Stock on Its Release Date — What’s Up with That?

Was the Kindle DX ever out of stock?

Since last week the new Kindle’s Amazon product page has been stoking the flames of gadgeteer anxiety with messages claiming that freshly placed orders would ship within 7 to 10 days. New orders placed yesterday, June 9, showed a delivery date of June 16 (June 15 with one-day shipping). Naturally, Amazon exposed itself to various forms of criticism, most notably:
  • customer frustration that the company seemed not to have learned from the recurring stock-out problems that delayed Kindle 1 shipments from November 2007 to April 2008 and again from November 2008 to the launch of the Kindle 2 in February 2009; and
  • suspicions that Amazon was purposely raising the specter of a Kindle DX stock-out problem to gin up sales of the new model, and get as many orders as possible in the pipeline before the announcement of the iPhone 3G S and the intriguing Iceberg Reader app for the iPhone and the iPod Touch this week.
Whatever the underlying problems or motivations, Amazon now appears to have solved the problem before it even begins shipping the Kindle DX today.

Three additional tips, while you are at it:
  • Don’t forget to order the Amazon Kindle DX Leather Cover while you are at it. The new Kindle is too large, ungainly, and vulnerable to use without a cover, and unlike the Kindle 1 the cover is not included.
  • I’m not recommending the $109 Kindle DX two-year warranty, but you should be aware, if you want it, that it must be ordered within 30 days of your new Kindle DX ship date.
  • Finally, don’t mistake I made on my original Kindle DX order. Amazon will let you set up a Kindle DX order using your bank account (as opposed to a credit card), but then will unceremoniously cancel your order a few days (or now, perhaps, a few hours) later without any useful communication, customer service assistance, or opportunity to change your payment method. I’m guessing they’ve probably thrown out about a half a million dollars worth of Kindle DX orders with this snafu, but what’s a half a million dollars?

Update: Just to verify one other thing. Kindle DX orders placed this morning with one-day shipping are indeed now showing a delivery date of June 11.

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Try ManyBooks, one of the favorite websites used by Kindle owners to find and transfer free books for their Kindles. As you can see with the image above at the right, ManyBooks and its current catalog of 23,905 free books is also nicely optimized for viewing on your Kindle or on any other mobile device.

Just follow these steps to make ManyBooks a regular part of your Kindle browsing, all at absolutely no cost:

  • Use your Kindle keyboard to type mnybks.net from your home screen or from within any content you are reading on your Kindle. This is the ManyBook mobile URL. If you are reading this piece as a Kindle Nation daily blog article directly on your Kindle, you can go to the ManyBooks mobile site directly just by clicking here.
  • Push your 5-way (Kindle 2 or DX) or scrollwheel (Kindle 1) to the right to select “go to” or “google” to enable the Kindle’s web browser to bring you to the ManyBooks website or a Google listing of ManyBooks links.
  • No need to type a prefix such as http:// – the Kindle will take care of that.
  • Use the category links or keyword search feature at the ManyBooks mobile website to find a book, and click on it to begin downloading it directly to your Kindle via Whispernet.
  • Click on the “Mobipocket/Kindle” download option from the next screen, and you will see the screen prompt above, at right. Click OK to continue, give the book a moment to download, and you should find the title on your Home screen when you check for it.


An excerpt from

Beyond the Literary-Industrial Complex:

How Authors and Publishers Are Using the Amazon Kindle and Other New Technologies to Unleash an Indie Movement of Readers and Writers

By Stephen Windwalker

Copyright 2008, 2009, Stephen Windwalker and Harvard Perspectives Press.

Now that we have seen how technological advances such as the Kindle, CreateSpace, and [insert Next Big Thing here] make it possible for authors and independent publishers to bring their work to readers (and, yes, “to market”) without any significant financial investment (except for the obvious fact that time is money), it is important to bring the focus back to where we started in this book: to issues of quality and distinction.

Have you ever wondered how, before the rise of the publishing industry and the New York Times Book Review, cultures managed to confer distinction on quality literary work? Who told the Beowulf poet, if not to keep “writing,” exactly, then at least to keep composing? Who told an earlier bard: “Keep up the fine work, Homer! You’ll need a good editor, but I think I hear a single!”

The processes by which cultures filter and distinguish between quality artistic work and lesser efforts are constantly subject to their own reversals, second-guessing, and border wars. At times these processes are not so different either from a game of “king of the mountain” among ten-year-olds, or from the process by which religious sects confer the status of “messiah” or “madman” on someone who walks the earth making unexpected pronouncements.

One’s acceptance (or not) of a jury’s judgments will always be intrinsically tethered to, and will sometimes inform, one’s considerations about that jury’s composition. Controversies over who gets to serve as a culture’s jury become especially fierce when the culture is undergoing major structural changes as a result of changes in audience, artistic process, and the means of production and dissemination employed by the culture’s various media.

But this relationship between the “what’s worth reading?” question and the question of “who thinks so?” is not a simple one. Even if we could agree on what constitutes excellent writing (which we can’t), there would be myriad other considerations of lesser or greater importance to individual readers. Beyond the domain of the relatively small number of books that become bestsellers, there are hundreds of thousands of books and authors with smaller but still significant followings based on genre, topic, style, personal loyalties, their linkages with other books and reading communities, and, of course, their quality as received and registered by individual readers. In a “long-tail” literary world where there is a seemingly limitless choice of individual titles, what we must do to find the books that we want to read is changed dramatically and depends on the ways in which we, and the cultural marketplaces that we frequent, are organized into tribes and sub-tribes of readers and writers. But before we explore that Googlezon present and future, a look at where we have been may help us to be clear about what there is to lose and to gain in the transformations that are shaking the 21st-century publishing world.

In the grand early- and mid-20th century world of American publishing, the Olympian judgments of venerable publishing houses such as Scribners and Alfred Knopf were accepted, by and large, by writers, readers, and other gatekeepers and tastemakers of the book trade such as critics and booksellers. Most authors trusted editors and agents to give fair consideration to their submissions and to make selections that corresponded in some discernible way to their relative quality, even if anti-artistic censorship led occasionally to the temporary suppression of distinguished efforts such as Ulysses, Lolita, Lady Chatterley’s Lover, or Howl. The fact that the publishing industry was overwhelmingly a white man’s world was but a sad mirror of similar barriers that flawed the society at large. And although it frequently did not deliver on its promises, “the life of the writer” often seemed to promise a way out of many ghettoes of race, gender, class, and psychopathology.

Authors such as Hemingway and Faulkner enjoyed special status as literary celebrities, with face time on the cover of Time and work excerpted or serialized in widely read magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post or Collier’s. This mass culture validated, reflected, and extended the literary culture, and several such authors enjoyed the kind of popular status that later became the terrain of rock stars, respected at times for literary achievement but just as often for their legends as rugged (or not) individualists who rose by their own remarkable efforts to live lives that inspired a kind of Lifestyles of the Literary Rich and Famous envy or emulation.

The fact that the mass culture was able to provide fair representation of the literary culture is testimony to the poverty of each in their common homogeneity. Still and all, 20th century literature often broadened and illuminated the human experience, helped us to fathom if not always to embrace the ghastly and lovely and banal range of human behavior, and seemed often to anticipate or give form to nearly every preoccupation of the species. The incubation and development of writers has never been precisely a democratic process, even with respect to opportunity, but these paths appeared accessible to so many that “to become a writer” became at once a lifestyle dream, a therapeutic cure (or enabler), and one of the world’s most glorious and widely held career objectives. The overall selection processes seemed fair or seamless or logically Darwinian enough that both authors and audience tended to trust and accept the roles of editors, agents, and other gatekeepers. Such trust was based on several key assumptions:

· manuscripts submitted to agents and editors would usually get a reading, and a fair reading to boot;

· agents would make a serious effort to sell any work they arranged to represent;

· there would be a rough and uneven yet still plausible correspondence between those works accepted for publication and those deemed to have either literary quality or commercial viability or both, underpinned by a widely shared if sentimental trust that the publishing world was well-populated with individuals genuinely committed to pushing the equation whenever possible in the direction of literary quality; and

· once a book was accepted for publication, its publisher would make a serious effort to market it so that it would stand a fair chance of getting inclusion and notice in the thousands of independent bookstores that were as ubiquitous then as hardware stores and in the literary periodicals that reviewed a much larger selection of literary work than they consider nowadays.

None of the foregoing assumptions has survived recent dramatic changes in the publishing industry. Only a tiny percentage of outsiders’ manuscript submissions sent to agents and editors gets even a cursory reading now. Pragmatic agents often see it as a quixotic enterprise even to submit literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, or other good work to the major publishing houses unless something about them nearly guarantees bestseller status. These houses are so driven by the need for scalable revenues and high turnover bestsellers that literary quality or enduring cultural value usually takes a distant back seat to considerations about whether an author has a marketable brand-name (think Paris Hilton, Danielle Steel, Jenna Jameson, or Tom Clancy) or a powerful cross-media sales platform (think Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, Dr. Phil, or Sean Hannity).

These failures of the mainstream publishing industry and its gatekeepers to meet the cultural and economic needs of readers and writers might lead in any event to challenges to the traditional roles of judge and jury in our literary culture. But part of the publishing companies’ power also accrues from a mighty self-censoring tendency among many writers, a walking-on-eggshells phenomenon that Jonathan Franzen, in his essay collection How to Be Alone, has aptly described as “the idea … that cultural complaint is pathetic and self-serving in writers who don’t sell, ungracious in writers who do.”

Underlying these issues of fairness and sensibility is a more fundamental sea change that guarantees the continuing transformation of the publishing industry. Whatever its grandeur, much of American culture in the middle decades of the 20th century was built on assumptions of stunning homogeneity. In music, literature, film, television, and politics the only significant differences recognized by the mass culture were generational, and any cultural expressions on the “other” side of the culture’s primary racial divides were, to white audiences, for all intents and purposes “underground.”

In contrast, we now swim in a sea of limitless cultural choices. Although the explosions of the internet and digital technologies are the primary enabling forces for the existence of this long-tail world, its mere existence is not its most significant distinction. More importantly, a remarkable confluence of forces has created an active appetite for such a wide array of choices. These forces include the early indie movements in music and film, the political ferment of the sixties, changes in educational approach and, most importantly, the growth of the internet as a social and cultural networking infrastructure.

While the mainstream mega-publishers seem bound by economics and their own retrograde pre-occupation with bestsellers to fall short of satisfying the growing appetite for choice, independent publishers and entrepreneurial indie authors are well-situated to respond. Small, fast-moving publishers and authors can respond to niche needs and tribal tastes not only in fiction, poetry, and literary nonfiction but also in a wide array of other nonfiction categories.

At the most recent turn of the century, important advances in technology and the marketplace were empowering independent-minded writers and pushing the publishing world toward, if not a precipice, a significant tipping point:

· First, digitized print technologies made quality short-run book manufacturing so inexpensive that an independent publisher could surpass the production break-even point with a printing of 2,000 to 3,000 copies of a paperback original and a sell-through of as few as a third of the print run; and

· second, such publishers gained easy, inexpensive access to a gathering critical mass of sales and distribution channels including their own websites, the Amazon Advantage program, the Internet’s thousands of independent third-party booksellers, and a critical mass of independent bookstores and libraries. Wholesalers such as Baker & Taylor and Quality Books began to work proactively with small publishers and some short-run book manufacturers began to offer their small-publisher customers reliable bundles of ancillary services such as warehousing, fulfillment, distribution, order processing, regular inventory and sales reporting, and collections.

More recent developments have only intensified the velocity of change: with the advent of the Amazon Kindle and Amazon’s CreateSpace publishing platform in 2007, authors and publishers can bring literature “to market” at little or no cost, and even more importantly, with immediate connectivity to potent established markets and distribution channels that lead to millions of readers.

Each of these developments is likely to subvert traditional gatekeeping roles in the publishing industry. Will they also subvert the literary culture itself by committing it to a relentless downward spiral in quality, cheapening and “democratizing” what is available in book or any other form to the point where quality written work goes begging because it is lost in a swamp of mediocrity? Although I personally welcome, and include myself in the ranks of, an independent publishing movement, I do not diminish the importance or reasonableness of this concern about quality. I must admit to being less sanguine on this issue than former Random House editor Jason Epstein, one of the most respected elders of the American publishing industry, who wrote in his thoughtful 2001 volume, Book Business: Publishing Past Present Future, that “these new technologies will test the human capacity to distinguish value from a wilderness of choice, but humanity has always faced this dilemma and solved it well enough over time…. The filter that distinguishes value is a function of human nature, not of particular technologies.”

But we are fortunate to have particular technologies to give human nature an assist. The internet offers a viral post-advertising expansion of communication channels and platforms by which readers may communicate not only with each other but also inter-actively with writers, publishers, booksellers, and librarians about the content and quality of books and other media. Within these protean networks all advertising is forbidden but almost any medium can carry, in its DNA, an acceptable alternative to marketing.

There is much for an indie publishing movement to emulate in the processes by which the “do-it-yourself” spirit in music and film during the last two or three decades has broken through to build a kind of positive if generic “brand” distinction for “indie” maverick movements in their own right, as compared with the self-publisher’s “vanity press” stigma that must be overcome by independent book publishers. It is no accident that one of the more articulate voices promoting an indie book publishing movement, editor-in-chief Johnny Temple of Akashic Books, would write in a recent Poets & Writers article that “I entered the book business through the portal of underground rock music.

“The idea,” wrote Temple in describing the musicians’ indie movement, “was that hardworking bands, upstart record labels (often launched by musicians) and dedicated fans could forge a vital, idealistic alternative to the mainstream music business.” The importance of those “dedicated fans” should not be underestimated; writers, publishers, booksellers, librarians, and mindful readers should seek out every available opportunity to cultivate vehicles for reader communication, reader-writer contact, and reader self-identification with an indie movement of writers and publishers. Both in the physical world of reading groups, bookstore readings, library discussion groups, and Oprah segments and in the web world of book blogs, meet-ups, online social networking sites and Amazon customer reviews, the potential for such interaction is exploding far more dramatically than the population base of physical or digital book readers is atrophying. Writers’ groups, which tend as it is to function simultaneously as readers’ groups, would do well to seek out any chance to broaden their base and replicate or extend themselves as reader-writer affinity groups. One can easily imagine the Kindle itself, with its huge (and mostly still untapped) potential for file-sharing, annotation, and networking, as a primary hub for such communities if future price breaks and next-generation input enhancements allow.

Even in a cultural environment such as the blogosphere – a seeming narcissist’s paradise where the ego-gratification of traffic and comment is instant and almost every reader is also a writer – literary culture is braced by forces that are, in one sense, as old-fashioned as book discussion groups or the knowledgeable independent bookseller whose recommendations join her wide reading experience with her understanding of her customers’ reading interests and tastes. Yet as old-school as they may be in basic form, the internet recapitulators of these natural outcroppings of human nature can be almost unimaginably more powerful because they are also viral, instantaneous, and global.

Readers and book browsers in every age have wanted to know, in evaluating whether to take a chance (either with their time or their money, or both) on a book, how many others are reading it, who they are, and what they think of it. This information serves not only to send signals about quality; it also feeds a deep and powerful tribal urge for many readers. They want to read books (or see movies or hear music) that will spark and perhaps elevate their social and intellectual interactions with others, and when they read good books they want to seek out people with whom they can discuss the books, their ideas, their characters, and so forth. Disclosing one’s reading, musical, and film tastes has become such an automatic self-branding ritual that, in addition to helping to bring you new recommendations for a book to read on Sunday morning, the act may also help you to find a date on Saturday night.

Just as buzz breeds buzz, the process by which sales success breeds sales success is not limited to those permutations that involve readers (or all the book trade’s gatekeepers) noting a title on the New York Times bestseller list and then making room for it in their own plans. On the internet, whether in book blogs, among the apparently democratic and accessible book review and rating templates to be found on Amazon.com or its emulators, or in countless other venues yet to be imagined, the information that a title is selling well is instantly available, easy to use, and all the more likely, because of its own seemingly transparent and unmediated character, to serve as a quality filter or signaling system for readers and for all the other aforementioned gatekeepers of the book trade. The natural consequence of these processes in our hit-obsessed culture will be to ensure that we will always have bestsellers, perhaps even long after we have book publishers in the traditional sense, even if over time the sales requirements for attaining such status are somewhat moderated.

For all of its fertility as a vineyard for individual creativity and differentiated voices, the web is also an elegantly complex yet exquisitely simple binary world where, as with the inner meta-biology of the human brain, content and process may eventually be equivalent. Every word that is typed, read, linked, or clicked becomes traffic and velocity, and every hit is its own unmediated form of comment, and therefore of content. Every time we tag, visit, rate, buy, link, bookmark, download, sample or otherwise engage content, let alone when we write a comment or customer review or include it in our blog or blogroll, we are buzzing: asserting that certain content appeals to us or appalls us or bores us and may have a similar effect on others in the various tribes or networks to which we belong. We often choose these groups on the basis of the shared appeal of certain content; indeed they often spring up on an ad hoc basis around certain authors or books, certain musicians or films, etc. Importantly, given the leisure-time deficits with which many of us live, the bar of participation can be set as high or as low as we like.

These processes are as important for audience as they are for artists. It is obviously my intention here to be an advocate for the kind of cultural citizenship or activism that helps to define and organize the tribes and literary affinity groups of which we have been speaking, and to sort and distinguish the work of authors and other creators. I will always encourage people to exercise their rights as audience members in these ways and to recognize that the infrastructures of Amazon, Google, YouTube, iTunes, MySpace and countless other websites are so effective and seamless that – in ways that are so automatic that they may deserve the phrase “whether we like it or not” – we are all buzz agents.

What was that I called you? Well, pardon my presumption. You may not have a marketing bone in your body, but you are a rare individual if you haven’t weighed in with others on a few of the following topics: books, politics, music, film, cars, television, technology, destinations, sneakers, swimming holes, food, restaurants, bars, businesses, business models, magazines, babysitters, schools, fashion, driving directions, or plumbers. We learn early on how to influence others and how to find value for ourselves in the influence of others, with varying degrees of mindfulness and vigilance about the process depending on the forum in which it is occurring, the self-presentation of others, and our individual natures. Increasingly, as our culture gets meaner and more cynical, we are distrustful of influences that appear to be directly commercial, only to find that the marketing wizards are spending billions on buzz that is indirectly commercial. We may think that it is at the point when we have to stop and apply a bullshit detector to all this buzz that we have left Eden, but the truth is that we have not been to Eden for a while.

Being a lover of books and reading, a bibliophile, early in the 21st Century, often means being a pro-active and curious inquisitor, scouting out writers that appeal to you among the offerings of trusted authors, small presses and literary magazines, the remaining independent bookstores, reading groups, Amazon reviews, and book blogs. It often means making early commitments to the careers of authors you love and tracking every printed or digitized word they produce. It may even mean giving up a smidgen of your intellectual privacy, whether to your local bookseller or librarian or to the algorithm aces at Amazon.com, in order to allow them to use their gifts at what the marketing mavens call “collaborative filtering” to help you, who loved the book of Richard Ford stories you read on the beach last summer, to find a Ray Carver selection to read this summer.

I have no doubt, as one who has satisfied his own reading appetites through various combinations of these and other means for the past few decades, that a large part of what motivates us as book scouts and buzz agents is the joy of discovery and then the gratification and validation of sharing what we discover with those with whom we sense some common ground: “Eureka! I’ve been reading the most wonderful book! I’ll pass it on to you as soon as I’ve finished.” However much we may experience the reading itself as either solitary or, in connection with the author, dyadic, it can also become, with our bibliophile soul mates, satisfyingly social. And in our internet age, we can carry out these interactions either locally or globally.

As with most other scouting enterprises, scouting for good books to read – and especially for books that suit our very individual reading needs — is often a two-way street. The more we “speak,” the more we will “hear.” The more we listen, the more we will know about who we want to speak to, what to say to them, and what to ask them about. Along the way, we even learn a fair amount about how to conduct the conversation. One of the remarkable things about cultural marketplaces such as Amazon is the way in which they seem to train their visitors to become better and better at using the wealth of material that exists there to get their needs met.

Of course, to raise concerns about quality as if they only applied to the new forces in publishing is to beg the question regarding the performance of the traditional publishing institutions as defenders of literary quality. I am far from being the first writer to experience the relationships between authors (or, for that matter, readers) and the mainstream publishing industry as adversarial. I suspect that most of us, either chronically or episodically, are inclined to view almost anyone who tries to regulate our creative and cultural lives with some mixture of annoyance and contempt. If the issues that annoy us seem increasingly to be systemic rather than personal, then it is entirely appropriate for us to develop a sense of mission about the need to make things right. The mainstream publishing industry and its more Olympian apologists may prefer to cast such struggles as occurring between the guardians of publishing excellence and the rabble of artistic democracy, with the subtext that those in control, as much as they might like to suffer a thousand new flowers to bloom each publishing season, are, at the end of the day, the last remaining protectors of literary quality.

But all one must do is look around, in any chain bookstore or on the latest bestseller list, to conclude that, while the mainstream publishing industry may in some places have the elitist trappings of snobbish self-importance, it is not meritocratic in any way that is connected to literary quality. We note, without taking any pleasure in it, the fact that the quality filtering process that helped to make a bestseller of such a magnus opus as Jenna Jameson’s How to Make Love Like a Porn Star or the latest scribblings of Paris Hilton or Rush Limbaugh is something less than meritocratic to begin with.

Once one determines that the big publishers could care less about quality at the expense of blockbuster bestsellers, it follows naturally that any renegade movement to allow independent creative people to make more of the decisions about what to publish and how to get that product into the hands of interested and discerning readers could be, and should be, less about artistic democracy than about artistic meritocracy and literary freedom. As growing numbers of writers accept the gifts and challenges of new technologies and our ubiquitous American entrepreneurial spirit and embark upon non-traditional publishing ventures to get their work before the reading public, we would be wise not to leave these issues of quality filtering, of “the cream rising to the top,” either to the happenstances of human nature or to the vagaries of an untended marketplace. Along the way, some of us will be able to bring the universe of choices into smaller scale by connecting, if you will excuse my overburdening of that “cream to the top” metaphor, with consumers who prefer soy milk, goat’s milk, buttermilk, and so forth.

For the self-interested author who believes that she has just self-published the next Great American Novel, the admonition in the previous paragraph may seem to be just another way of saying, “Don’t just sit back and wait for the orders to start rolling in.” But I mean to make a broader point: readers and writers, and especially those of us who locate ourselves vocationally anywhere in the literary culture, stand to benefit both directly and in a more general cultural sense by doing all we can to nurture those networks and informal associations that in one way or another honor, advance, and extend the market viability of literary work of distinction, of writing that is thoughtful, interesting, edgy, experimental, or, in the best sense of the word, ambitious. Perhaps this has always been true, but the stakes are higher now because the publishing industry at large is failing so miserably at these tasks and because, to be blunt, of the sheer volume of choices when something in the ballpark of 300,000 new titles is being printed each year.

There is already quite enough angst and hand-wringing about this flooding of the marketplace; I don’t mean to suggest that any of us should posture or anoint ourselves as some sort of high-culture quality police. We can celebrate the candles without cursing the darkness, and I am much more troubled personally by the market flooding that is the result of the vast overprintings of individual titles, to the detriment both of the planet and of that quaint old phenomenon known as the mid-list title.

From here onward, there will be many good works, some in book form and some in shorter form that, because of the opportunities provided through the Kindle, the CreateSpace print-on-demand feature, and other yet-to-be-realized technologies, will be available “forever” and, absent any marketing, will sell usually in trickles of one or two each month, several each quarter. We can embrace this good fortune and, at the same time, be pleased that, much further out along the farthest reaches of the long tail, there will be works of the least significance and distinction, supported by the weakest of networks or no networks at all, that will exist only as onesies, twosies, or seldom-transmitted digital files. In the utter absence of buzz, quality, or usefulness, there will be only the sound of trees not having to fall in the forest because there is nobody there.

The moment may even come, as the role of the large commercially drive publishers declines, when one of those unreadable and unsellable titles will indeed be one that in another era might have been printed, remaindered, and ultimately destroyed by the hundreds of thousands. Of course we will never know when that elegantly silent moment occurs, but even without our being able to circle a date, I suggest that we should be able to celebrate its advent.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author or publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, article, book, or academic paper.

Unattributed quotations are by Stephen Windwalker.

ISBN 0-9715778-6-2

First Edition, 2008; First Printing, 2008

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Windwalker, Stephen.

Beyond the literary-industrial complex: how authors and publishers are using the Amazon Kindle and other new technologies to unleash an indie movement of readers and writers / by Stephen Windwalker. – 1st ed.

Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-9715778-6-2 (trade pbk.: alk. paper) 1. Self-publishing—United States.