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Fantasy & Romance Blend Beautifully Together in Katie Jennings BREATH OF AIR (THE DRYAD QUARTET) – 4.5 Stars With 16 out of 17 Rave Reviews and Now Just $2.99 or FREE via Kindle Lending Library

4.5 stars – 17 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Her name was Capri, and she was Air.

She was born with a gift she didn’t understand. A gift so strange, so remarkable that she had kept it secret for as long as she could remember, despising that it made her different when all she wanted was to be normal, to belong. As an orphan, belonging to someone, anyone, would have been an incredible blessing, one she would have given up all that she had just to get a taste of.

But the truth was that she didn’t belong in the orphanage in Virginia, or even in the United States. In fact, she didn’t belong with human beings at all. Because she wasn’t one of them, not really. She was something much more extraordinary.

She could shift the direction of the wind, create billowing clouds out of nothing, and charm birds into dancing on her open palm. She belonged to an elite group of beings, responsible for preserving the balance of nature and the safety of Earth from an underworld that deserved to be feared, and needed to be controlled. And after years of being lost, she had at last been found, and now the truth of how she had ended up so far from home was becoming horribly clear to her.

But there’s someone who doesn’t want her to return; someone who knows Capri was the only witness to an act of heinous treason and violent murder. And when she begins to search her memories for details of the night she was taken from her home, details that will implicate a killer, she finds herself the unwary target of an otherworldly dark force intent on silencing her by any means possible.

One Reviewer Notes


“Katie Jennings weaves a beautiful tale filled with vivid characters, intrigue, romance and adventure. The world she creates for the mystic beings that reside there and rule the elements around us and our very lives, is wonderfully rich. The Furies, the Fates, the Dryads, Mother Earth and Father Sky – this author can handle a large cast and each character retains their individuality, their voice. Capri is a wonderful heroine, so damaged but with such a wealth of untapped strength. She, an orphan (or so she thought), is thrown back into a world she had forgotten existed filled with people who know her, but whom she doesn’t remember. Who can she trust? Who can she love? Why do the demons want to destroy her happiness so badly?” – Amazon


About The Author

Nothing can compare to the exhilaration of discovering, at last, a mode of release for the imagination. Mine came, after years of struggling to visualize my creativity, in the form of written word. I found myself with my nose constantly in a book, absorbing the life of the characters and the beauty of the setting. It was intoxicating, to say the least, and the only thing I knew was that I wanted to give writing a shot, and take the thousands of characters and storylines in my head and put them down on paper, and form them into something real and compelling. After over ten years of playing around with short stories and plot ideas, both ones that worked and ones that failed, I finished a full novel, and then consequently four novels in the same series. The feeling of accomplishment, as any author will tell you, is unbelievable.
In truth, I’m just a girl from a small town north of Los Angeles, with an imagination for days and thank goodness a keyboard at my fingertips. And even though my husband thinks I’m a nerd and my mom is undoubtedly my biggest fan, at the end of the day I’m loving life and enjoying giving breath to the characters living in my heart, and sharing with others all the creativity I can harness.

I believe in true love, and I’ve always believed in happy endings. And that is just the beginning of the story.



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Your Brain is a Muscle & it Needs Exercise Too – Why Not Give Your Brain a Free Workout of Reading With These Free Titles: David Bishop’s The Beholder, A Maddie Richards Mystery, Pamela M. Richter’s Deadly Memories, Pat Dale’s The Quest Begins and Cindy Vine’s Survival Tips For The Suddenly Single

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And almost of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are a few books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be  favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if they looks interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Friday, July 6, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *

4.7 stars – 31 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Maddie Richards is an efficient and resourceful detective with a secret wish that she could handle her messy personal life as well as she handles her work life. As a homicide sergeant for the Phoenix, Arizona Police Department, she has one of the highest solve rates in America. Her success leads her chief of police to assign her a serial killer case. Some sicko the press calls the Beholder is killing beautiful women. Her chief describes the case as “a career maker or breaker, get me?”
She has an ex-husband she still cares for, but who was bad for her and her ten-year-old son. Her widowed mother who lives with her is both a blessing and a trial. And, oh yes, her ex-husband has married an extremely wealthy and politically connected woman who cannot give birth. So, Maddie’s ex is filing a motion to obtain permanent custody of their son, citing the risks attendant to Maddie’s police work endanger the boy.
If that were not enough, the brother-in-law of the chief of police is using his position as an administrative assistant to sexually harass Maddie. She could file a formal complaint, but the good-old-boys network in the department is watching how she handles the situation.
Further complicating Maddie’s life is two love interests: Gary Packard, a hunk who recently moved in across the street, and Lincoln Rogers, a confirmed bachelor, who lives thousands of miles away and works for the FBI.
As the case develops Maddie learns that the victims all wore the same bra size. She must decide if this is merely a coincidence or a criterion the killer uses when selecting his victims. She also finds that each of the victims is somehow connected to the Phoenix police department. This realization isolates her further as she must pursue the killer without disclosing this theory to her department because, if her suspicion is correct, the Beholder would learn she is closing in.
As the story races toward its climax, Maddie is betrayed by those closest to her, and she begins to believe her own name may be on the killer’s list.

*  *  *

Deadly Memories

by Pamela M. Richter

5.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
DEADLY MEMORIESWhat she can’t remember might kill her…

“She doesn’t remember a thing,” Rolph snapped into the phone.

Andrea froze. His back was turned away from her. He didn’t know she was there, listening.

“It’s been six months, for God’s sake. If you harm one hair on her head, I’ll contact the authorities. My father would be disgraced, but that will not deter me.”

Now Andrea couldn’t move. There was no doubt Rolph was talking about her. She wondered how his father, the French Ambassador, could be disgraced.

His voice modulated to a threatening whisper. “This is the end. Otherwise she goes directly into protective custody, and I spill my guts. You’ve lied to me, made me into a damned traitor, and I’m angry enough to do it out of spite.”

Now Andrea knew there were secrets he was keeping from her. What did he mean about protective custody? Was she in danger? The one blank spot in her mind was a mysterious car crash. She didn’t know how she had landed at the bottom of a cliff in the Santa Monica mountains of Los Angeles. She remembered the fabulous party in Beverly Hills that night, but try as she might, she couldn’t remember the sequence of events leading to the accident.

Rolph’s last words chilled her, “I have nothing to lose. I’m a dead man.”

*  *  *

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

What’s a poor little rich guy to do? Rob Ferguson has lots of money, a mansion to die for, autos, clothes; everything except the one item his estranged wife robbed him of, feminine companionship. What’s the fun of being one of Colorado’s wealthiest men if you have nobody to share it with?

Rob sets out to solve that issue and lands square in a host of other problems, but in the process discovers the lady of his dreams. Actually two of them, Molly Dennison and Randi Roscoe, as different as night and day, and his quest goes on.

*  *  *

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Do you need help after a break-up?
Survival Tips for the Suddenly Single offers easy-to-read practical advice on how to cope and get your life back on track again after a nasty break-up.
Cindy has stuck to her light-hearted style which cuts out the psycho-babble and written a book giving survival tips and strategies to use when you find yourself suddenly single. Being single after an intense relationship is a daunting prospect for many. Cindy shows how to overcome the grief experienced when a relationship ends, how to get your life back in order again and avoid making the same mistakes next time round, how to sort out your finances, how to become happy, how to avoid common mistakes made during sex and ten uses for an old photo of your ex, as well as many other useful tips.
(This is a sponsored post.)

KND brand new Romance of the Week comes from a #1 kindle best seller in romantic suspense, romantic adventure & women sleuths: Emma Calin‘s KNOCKOUT! A PASSIONATE POLICE ROMANCE – A traditional romance with a hero, a heroine, a fated love affair & of course, deception and lies – 4.1 stars with over 30 rave Reviews and now just $2.99 or FREE via kindle lending library

But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor

Knockout! A Passionate Police Romance

by Emma Calin
4.1 stars - 41 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
A #1 Kindle Best Seller in Romantic Suspense, Romantic Adventure and Women SleuthsInterpol cop, Anna Leyton, spirals down into a hopeless vortex of sexual and emotional passion as she fights to keep her professional cool. Who is deceiving who in this fast moving ride across continents? What motivates her art loving prize-bull of a lover Freddie La Salle?  The power of love and trust stands against greed and crime as conflicting forces grapple for that knockout punch.Watch the video trailer on Amazon's Emma Calin Author Pages (click on 'Emma Calin' above)Knockout! A romance novel with a twist of suspense that will take you on a roller coaster ride of passion, deception and love. REVIEWS:'A mix of relentless, buff sexuality, uncompromising, idealistic romance, and sassy, police detective mystery''Knockout writing and a perfect dilemma''The language is sensual and gripping and powerful all at once''The sex scenes are well written and actually play a part within the story rather than being thrown in for the fun of it''Knockout will surprise you with its qualities, but do not be surprised if you put it down wishing for more. I did.''What a page turner the plot was held perfectly with shocking twist n turns''The story is so full of passion, it is easy to be swept along'
Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store
Welcome to Kindle Nation’s magical and revolutionary Free Book Search Tool — automatically updated and refreshed in real time, now with Category Search! Use the drop-down menu (in red caps next to the menu bar near the top of the page) to search for free Kindle books by genre or category, then sort the list just the way you want it — by date added, bestselling, or review rating! But there’s no need to sort by price — because they’re all free!
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KND brand new Romance of the Week comes from a #1 kindle best seller in romantic suspense, romantic adventure & women sleuths: Emma Calin‘s KNOCKOUT! A PASSIONATE POLICE ROMANCE – A traditional romance with a hero, a heroine, a fated love affair & of course, deception and lies – 4.1 stars with over 30 rave Reviews and now just $2.99 or FREE via kindle lending library

Kindle Free Book Alert for Friday, July 6: 415 BRAND NEW FREEBIES in the last 24 hours added to Our 4,200+ FREE TITLES Sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Julie Smith’s JAZZ FUNERAL (Today’s Sponsor – $4.99 or FREE via Kindle Lending Library)

Powered by our magical Kindle free book tool, here are this morning’s latest additions to our 4,200+ Kindle Free Book listings. Occasionally a title will continue to appear on this list for a short time after it is no longer free on Kindle. ALWAYS check the price on Amazon before making a purchase, please! If a book is free, you should see the following: Kindle Price: $0.00
But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor
"A super protagonist, well-defined characters, and musical highlights make this essential."
Jazz Funeral (Skip Langdon #3) (Skip Langdon Mystery) (The Skip Langdon Series)
by Julie Smith
5.0 stars - 3 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
Everybody loved easygoing Ham Brocato, producer of the successful New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival; even so, he ends up stabbed to death in his kitchen on the eve of the fest. Spunky New Orleans Homicide Detective Skip Langdon acquires a ready-made suspect list from the victim's live-in lover, feisty and swiftly rising star Ti-Belle Thiebaud, and sets out to solve the murder. To complicate the case, the victim's sixteen-year-old aspiring blues musician sister has disappeared, and Skip suspects that if the young woman isn't herself the murderer, she's in mortal danger from the person who is.

Skip doesn't miss much as she probes the victim's tangled relationships, including Ariel Bruge, Ham's assistant, apparently a woman scorned; his father George, enmeshed with family members in a bitter disagreement over the family's lucrative Po' Boy chain; and Patty, the distraught stepmother.

With her long-distance love, Steve Steinman, and her quirky landlord, Jimmy Dee, to assist her, Skip trails an elusive killer through a sweltering early summer in the steamy Big Easy, a lively blend of both big city and gossipy small town, in a tale of southern kinships gone awry.
One Reviewer Notes:
"A genuinely moving mystery ... It's always a pleasure to spend time with Skip, a no-nonsense, level-headed heroine in a wild and reckless city."
The Baltimore Sun
Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store
Welcome to Kindle Nation’s magical and revolutionary Free Book Search Tool — automatically updated and refreshed in real time, now with Category Search! Use the drop-down menu (in red caps next to the menu bar near the top of the page) to search for free Kindle books by genre or category, then sort the list just the way you want it — by date added, bestselling, or review rating! But there’s no need to sort by price — because they’re all free!
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With this e-short you can immerse yourself in a week of 'recipes to restore and revive'. With a wholesome recipe for every day of the week, this is a reboot for your body and your mind (minus faddy dieting) which will leave you feel amazing.This free eshort is released to celebrate Georgina...
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A Week of Stirring Slowly: free e-short
By: Georgina Hayden
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How many times have you promised yourself that this is the last time you are ever going to binge on food? If binge eating controls your life, if you think about food obsessively, and if this is your last-ditch attempt to solve the problem, this is the book for you. Binge eating might be your...
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Miss Priscilla Morton had everything planned out for her, including her upcoming wedding with her childhood friend, but it will all suddenly fall to pieces when a tragic and mysterious accident wipes out all her memories. When she wakes up, the handsome doctor who cares for her will awaken a fire...
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Are you a fan of Indiana Jones? Have you always been curious about what archaeologists really do? Want to learn more about the world’s most significant archaeological wonders?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you... 50 Things to Know About Archaeology by JL...
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“For the brave of heart and the curious, this book is a treasure chest of the unbelievable.” —Grady Harp, The San Francisco Review of Books.Thirty feet long with several humps…It swam as fast as the boat…Dark in color, serpentine in appearance…It had a horse-like head…Its neck stuck...
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Prepare to be terrified by these real life crime stories, and true tales of history and HollywoodRead fascinating real life tales from history, Hollywood, together with real crime stories that will make your blood run cold.Strange Stories, True Stories and Tales from Hollywood presents 29 gripping...
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Three of my best-selling Regency romance stories! Delightful romances full of emotion, drama, action, plot twists, and of course, love! A Duke's Musical RomanceFollowing her father's death, the kind Edith Oldham struggles with the burden of caring for her family. However, fortune unexpectedly...
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Do you want to understand the variety of methods of psychotherapy and choose the one that is best for you?You will be able to delve deeper into the vast world of psycho-technologies and discover dozens of different schools of psychotherapy. This comprehensive guide is part of the "Psychology and...
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Between Two Worlds: A Story of Forbidden LoveAn LGBT story"Get ready for a tale of forbidden love and the fight for acceptance in "Between Two Worlds: A Story of Forbidden Love," the gripping novel by E. L. Phoenix Reid. Lucas and Alex are two neighbors who had never exchanged more than a few words...
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Between Two Worlds: A Story of Forbidden Love
By: E. L. Phoenix Reid
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His voyeuristic urges were always satisfied by watching prisoners' every move.A very dangerous prisoner came into the prison one day, and He was caught watching him.The one who was watching became the one being watched, and the one who was hunting became the one being hunted. Faced with His...
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Kindle Free Book Alert for Friday, July 6: 415 BRAND NEW FREEBIES in the last 24 hours added to Our 4,200+ FREE TITLES Sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Julie Smith’s JAZZ FUNERAL (Today’s Sponsor – $4.99 or FREE via Kindle Lending Library)

Limited time only: You depend on KND to give you a heads up on great deals for Kindle readers, so here you go: Amazon has done it again with “Beach Bag Reads for Summer,” one of the best ever with 50 must-read books by bestselling authors, starting at only $1.99!

Here are a just a few to whet your appetite, but be sure to click here on Amazon’s BEACH BAG READS FOR SUMMER page to see all of these intriguing summer reads for your Kindle by bestselling authors! 


Simone de Beauvoir


 * * *


Stephen Coonts

*  *  *


When the Legends Die

Hal Borland

*  *  *


James Gleick

*  *  *


Slots: Praying to the God of Chance

David V. Forrest

*  *  *


Writing the Novel: From Plot to Print 
Lawrence Block

*  *  *

Buon Appetito: A Taste of Italy from…

Christopher Hirsheimer, Melissa Hamilton

*  *  *


James Herriot

*  *  *


Joyce Maynard
And that’s just for starters!
Click or tap here to see all titles included on Amazon’s BEACH BAG READS FOR SUMMER page – and please remember, these prices are discounted for a limited time only.

(This is a sponsored post.)

Witches, Werewolves, and Vampires… Oh My! Katie Salidas’ SOULSTONE is Our eBook of the Day at just 99 Cents, with 4.7 Stars on 12 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample

Here’s the set-up for Katie Salidas’ SOULSTONE, just 99 Cents on Kindle:

Witches, Werewolves, and Vampires… Oh My! Add a mystical stone and a few disembodied spirits, and you have the latest, and most exciting installment of the Immortalis series, Soulstone!

Book 4 in the Immortalis series

It’s a desperate time for rookie vampire Alyssa, and her sanity is hanging by a slender thread. Her clan is still reeling from the monumental battle with Aniketos; a battle that claimed the body of Lysander, her sire and lover, and trapped his spirit in a mysterious crystal. A Soulstone.

Unfortunately, no amount of magic has been able to release Lysander’s spirit, and the stone is starting to fade. Weeks of effort have proved futile. Her clan, the Peregrinus, have all but given up hope.

Only Alyssa still believes her lover can be released. In despair, Alyssa begs the help of the local witch coven, and unwittingly exposes the supernaturals of Boston to unwanted attention from the Acta Sanctorum.

The Saints converge on the city and begin their cleansing crusade to rid the world of all things “Unnatural.” In the middle of an all-out war, but no closer to a solution to the dying stone, Alyssa is left with an unenviable choice: save her mate, or save her clan.

From the reviewers:

I absolutely love this series and Katie Salidas does not disappoint in this fourth installment to an awesome series! We find our favorite characters are back and a few new ones.  Full of action right off the bat …. – Literary Vixen

I’ve been following the series and couldn’t wait for this one to come out! It was everything I expected and more. I love Alyssa and following her journey has been an emotional one.  –  Donna Johnson

Once again Katie Salidas doesn’t disappoint! She delivered a satisfying read full of excitement and adventure to her readers.  –  Catrica Barton

What an enjoyable read. Just means I need to go back to the first book and read the rest.  — JacquieMT

Katie Salidas has another winner in Soulstone, Immortalis #4. I’ve been following the series since the beginning and have enjoyed seeing the heroine, Alyssa, grow from a somewhat naive girl into a strong and confident woman.  –  Denise Verrico

The Immortalis Series:

Becoming a vampire is easy. Living with the condition… that’s the hard part. Join Alyssa as she stumbles through the world of the “Unnatural.”

Book 1: Immortalis Carpe Noctem – Rescued from a brutal mugging on the college campus of UNLV, 25 year old Alyssa is initiated into a frightening, eternally dark world she never knew existed. The world of the vampire. Stricken with cravings of blood, and forced leave behind all she knew, Alyssa struggles with the change. And Lysander, her sexy but aloof sire, is the only one who can help guide her. There’s no turning back now. It’s either, Carpe Noctem, or final death.

Book 2: Hunters & Prey – Rule number one: humans and vampires don’t co-exist. One is the hunter and one is the prey. Simple, right? Not for newly-turned vampire Alyssa. A surprise confrontation with Santino Vitale, the Acta Sanctorum’s most fearsome hunter, sends her fleeing back to the world she once knew, and Fallon, the human friend she’s missed more than anything. Now she has some explaining to do. However, that will have to wait. With the Acta Sanctorum hot on their heels, staying alive is more important than educating a human on the finer points of bloodlust.

Book 3: Pandora’s Box – After a few months as a vampire, Alyssa thought she’d learned all she needed to know about the supernatural world. But her confidence is shattered by the delivery of a mysterious package – a Pandora’s Box. Seemingly innocuous, the box is in reality an ancient prison, generated by a magic more powerful than anyone in her clan has ever known. But what manner of evil could need such force to contain it? When the box is opened, the sinister creature within is released, and only supernatural blood will satiate its thirst. The clan soon learns how it feels when the hunter becomes the hunted.

Immortalis (Omnibus Edition: Books 1-3)

Novellas By Katie Salidas:
House of Immortal Pleasures
Halloween Fantasies
Karma & Melodies

Anthologies by Katie Salidas
Vampire Bites


Visit Amazon’s Katie Salidas Page

Katie Salidas is a Super Woman! Endowed with special powers and abilities, beyond those of mortal women, She can get the munchkin off to gymnastics, cheer leading, Girl Scouts, and swim lessons. She can put hot food on the table for dinner while assisting with homework, baths, and bedtime… And, She still finds the time to keep the hubby happy (nudge nudge wink wink). She can do all of this and still have time to write.

And if you can believe all of those lies, there is some beautiful swamp land in Florida for sale…

Katie Salidas resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mother, wife, and author, she does try to do it all, often causing sleep deprivation and many nights passed out at the computer. Writing books is her passion, and she hopes that her passion will bring you hours of entertainment.

You can find out more about Katie Salidas,and her vampire novels at KatieSalidas.com

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of SOULSTONE by Katie Salidas:


Today’s Kindle Daily Deal — Friday, July 6 – Two Great Reads for under $3 — Save 60% on David Hewson and A. J. Hartley’s Modern Prose-Format Version of Shakespeare’s Classic in MACBETH: A NOVEL, plus … Don’t miss Pardu Ponnapalli’s JUST A BUNCH OF CRAZY IDEAS (Today’s Sponsor)

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Just a Bunch of Crazy Ideas

by Pardu Ponnapalli
4.8 stars – 42 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here.

Here’s the set-up:

This book is about thoughts and ideas on a wide range of subjects. The topics include building a space elevator, new approaches to space travel, Star Trek reboot themes, ideas for energy conservation, what to do about our federal debt, modifying the game of chess and others. The following provides a quick overview of the chapters:

Chapter 1 Space Elevator
Chaper 2 Alternative Energies and Energy Conservation
Chapter 3 More Thoughts on Energy Conservation
Chapter 4 Gas Stations and filling up
Chapter 5 Luggage and Airplanes
Chapter 6 Thoughts on Chess
Chapter 7 Thoughts on Ice Hockey
Chapter 8 Thoughts on Cat Litter
Chapter 9 Our National Debt and Defecit
Chapter 10 I am overweight and so are most Americans
Chapter 11 Star Trek and Reboot
Chapter 12 Thoughts about Laptops
Chapter 13 Thoughts about Space Exploration
Chapter 14 Thoughts on the Stock Market
Chapter 15 Automatic Inform Systems for IT Workers
Chapter 16 Hikers who hurt themselves
Chapter 17 How to improve dishwashers

From the reviewers: 

“Pardu S. Ponnapalli, an IT specialist with a doctorate in physics, has devised ingenious and potentially world-changing ways to improve things. Many of Ponnapalli’s essays are intellectually challenging, short, well written and entertaining.” — Patty Sutherland, Foreword Clarion Review June 2011

“Ponnapalli’s crazy (impulsive, but fun and thought provoking) ideas cover some timely and popular topics; U.S debt and defecit, overweight, stock market, space exploration, alternative energies, cat litter and more. The book is easy to read.” — Recommended & Reviewed in The Mindquest Review of Books, by Lightword Publishing, August 2011

“The essays were well-written and mostly thought through. Based on his personal experience, they were enlightening and at times, laughable. More importantly, they make the reader take the time to think about our future, ponder on the problems, and look for the solutions we need.” — Teri Davis, BestSellersWorld.com, July, 2011

“Some of my fondest memories of university were those informal gab sessions in the common room. Just a Bunch of Crazy Ideas reminds me of those times.”Just a Bunch of Crazy Ideas presents some good ideas and some not so good ideas. Take them as you will. Laugh at them or be inspired by them.” — Tami Brady, TCM Reviews, July 22, 2011

“The act of brainstorming can result in new ideas and surprising results. The author ends each chapter with the words, “Discuss and enjoy!” That is exactly what the reader of this “bunch of crazy ideas” will do.” — Libby Grandy, The US Review of Books

From the author:

The purpose of this book is to share a bunch of “crazy” ideas. There is no claim that any careful research is done. It is more like a brainstorming session where any idea that comes to mind is presented. That is why you get a wide range of topics , from dealing with cat litter to exploring space.

You may wonder what the value of this is. Maybe the ideas are all not worth much in practical terms. Or perhaps there are some gems and some real bad ones. What’s the sense in me writing about these ideas?

Actually, I was wondering the same thing for many years. I have thought about writing this book for a lot of years , and never went through with it until recently.

I think we all start out when we are young thinking we are going to change the world. Especially in university, when I was studying physics, I had constant discussions with my colleagues about revolutionary ideas. As you get older, you settle down to a regular life that for the most part involves paying bills with the money you earn. Most of our energies start getting devoted to survival. Before you know it , you are wondering about managing retirement and you are left with a sense that somehow life passed you by.

The reason for this transformation from a wild eyed youngster with grand ideas to a well settled mortgage paying robot is fairly plain- most of us are just struggling to get by in life. Few of us have the luxury of picking and choosing what we do for a living. My own entry into the IT field was due to the inability of finding any physics related employment after doing a Ph.D. The job market was poor, and I looked around for a marketable job. I have done fairly well in my chosen profession, but I am constantly haunted by the thought that I was meant for something else. I suspect I have a lot of company in this regard.

It seems to me our sense of intellectual courage also wanes with age and seniority. We may have ideas that we think are worthwhile, but we dismiss them for the usual reasons:

People will think they are stupid (a perennial favorite).

I bet someone has thought of it already (yes, but they might not have voiced it ).

I want to stick to the safe stuff that’s in the realm of my expertise.

It all becomes a tedious cycle. We end up doing something by rote, or maybe finding just a few ideas in our chosen profession that are interesting, and being content to live out our lives without a sense of wonder or exploration.

So this book is my attempt to revive a sense of wonder and speculation.

Each day’s Kindle Daily Deal is sponsored by
one paid title on Kindle Nation. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.

and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!

Macbeth: A NovelKindle Daily Deal: Macbeth: A Novel
Authors David Hewson and A. J. Hartley have transformed Shakespeare’s Macbeth into a brooding thriller about an 11th-century Scottish lord and his beloved wife. Brimming with gripping, contemporary prose, the novel’s electrifying tapestry of characters rides a spiral of murder, treachery, and personal collapse while struggling with clan warfare.

Yesterday’s Price: $4.99
Today’s Discount: $3.00
Kindle Daily Deal Price: $1.99 (60% off)