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Widowed and with child, Emma Malcom is fleeing from the reward offered for her arrest. Could the strange mountain man she encounters be God’s gift to see her to safety? Misty M. Beller’s Christian historical romance This Treacherous Journey

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This Treacherous Journey (Heart of the Mountains Book 1)

by Misty M. Beller
4.9 stars – 15 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A Christian Historical Romance novel

Widowed and with child, Emma Malcom is fleeing from the reward offered for her arrest. She’s innocent of the dirty dealings her deceased husband orchestrated, but the angry townspeople didn’t stop to listen to her defense before she narrowly escaped with her life. Now, she and her twin brother, Joseph, must battle the mountain wilderness of the Rockies to reach Canada and the clean start she craves. But when a fall from the rocky cliff leaves Joseph wounded and weak, could the strange mountain man they encounter be God’s gift to see them to safety?

Simeon Grant makes bad choices. His deceased wife and twin babies are lost to him now because of his reckless decisions, and the penance he pays by living alone in this mountain wilderness is only a small piece of what he thinks he deserves. When a city woman, heavy with child, appears on his doorstep with her injured brother, her presence resurrects the memories he’s worked so hard to forget. And when she asks for his help to travel deeper into the mountain country, he can’t help wonder why God would force him to relive the same mistakes he’s already suffered through. Or maybe taking these two to safety could be the way to redeem himself.

But when their travels prove more treacherous than he imagined, Simeon finds himself pressing the limits of his ability to keep Emma and her brother safe. Can he overcome the past that haunts him to be the man she needs? Will Emma break through the walls around Simeon’s heart before it’s too late, or will the dangers of these mountains be the end of them all?

What an adventure! I loved getting lost in the Rocky Mountains with Emma, Simeon, and Joseph, and feeling the majesty and power and danger of the untamed wilderness.” 5 star Amazon review

Become a fan! Follow Misty M. Beller on BookGorilla

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Your free book search ends here! Seven Kindle freebies and discount reads to discover!

Today’s Sponsor:

For Valentine’s: A steamy nightcap novella 4.5 (No Weddings)

by Kat Bastion
4.8 stars – 27 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Savor your weekend getaway ~ $0.99 for a limited time

Valentine’s Day? We got this.

Wedded bliss. After everything Hannah and I have been through, we finally have it. Yet dark dreams from my troubled past continue to escalate as we approach Valentine’s Day.

Determined to fill our present with great memories that overtake all others, I plan a trip to New York—down to every scheduled detail. Yeah, there will even be a musical.

But Mother Nature has a few tricks up her sleeve. And the universe keeps throwing us curveballs…

Scorching (explicit) sex scenes.
Fire extinguisher highly recommended.

No Weddings Series named “Best Of” by multiple romance blogs*:
No Weddings | One Funeral | Two Bar Mitzvahs | Three Christmases | For Valentine’s

*** The No Weddings Series ***
No Weddings ~ 65,000 words
One Funeral ~ 67,000 words
Two Bar Mitzvahs ~ 75,000 words
Three Christmases ~ 82,000 words
For Valentine’s ~ A steamy nightcap novella ~ 27,000 words


Check out our Free Book Search Tool for a boatload of free books or check here for the best deals today on Kindle!




* * *

L-2011 (The Future of London)

by Mark Gillespie
4.2 stars – 27 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

What if the 2011 London Riots Had Never Stopped?

August 2011 – The London riots, coordinated by technology and social media, have brought the city to its knees. Buildings are burning. Shops are being looted. Homes and businesses are destroyed.

When the government and police fail, two alternative leaders emerge in a battle for the future soul of London.

Chester George – a masked man whose real identity is unknown, uses YouTube, punk rock and fierce intellect to spread the anarchy.

Sadie Hobbs – Reality TV star and blogger. Loathed and controversial, she urges ‘normal’ society to fight back against Chester George and the ‘feral rats’ destroying the city.

The fate of London hangs in the balance. And when the day of reckoning comes, hundreds of thousands of people, including sixteen-year-old Mack Walker, will descend upon the city for the final showdown and a day that London will never forget.

L-2011 is a ‘smart, contemporary and gripping’ alternate history novel that asks ‘What if the 2011 London riots had never stopped?’ It is the first book in the Future of London series.

* * *

Plague Wars: Infection Day: The First Trilogy: Three apocalyptic technothriller sci-fi adventures (Plague Wars Series Book 12)

by David VanDyke, Ryan King
4.4 stars – 202 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

From Hugo finalist and Amazon bestselling author David VanDyke. When the Eden Plague is loosed upon the world, the forces of order and chaos, good and evil must battle it out in a struggle for control and supremacy. A PTSD-damaged combat medic, a female Marine with no legs and a sniper with no remorse might be its only hope of survival. Can these flawed heroes drive back those who would enslave humanity? Or will the darkness spread and swallow them up?

Begin your journey through the epic saga of the Plague Wars with the gripping first three books of the bestselling apocalyptic series, for the first time in one enormous volume. Plague Wars follows in the apocalyptic tradition of Hugh Howie and Max Brooks, and the military science fiction tradition of Christopher Nuttall, David Drake, Vaughn Heppner and David Weber.

* * *

Tyson & Joey: Two Worlds Collide

by Tom Watts
4.6 stars – 7 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

This is the story of two very different young men, from two very different worlds. Tyson is from the rough streets of Trentan, a crime-ridden, drug-infested, inner-city neighbourhood. Joey is from the affluent northern suburbs, a community of privilege and opportunity. The worlds of these two young men collide through a chance encounter, and as a result, they begin to question their life situations – which are at critical points. This connection sparks a shared journey of self-development; one which brings about necessary changes for both men.

The story has a self-help thread throughout, which is inspired by the author’s personal experience of living with anxiety and depression. The text conveys the truths that enabled him to rise out of suffering, and to live a life of peace and fulfilment. The teachings are centred on the concept of “present moment awareness”, and how this can be applied to everyday life.

Finalist in the “Fiction: New Age” category of the 2017 International Book Awards.

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Stiger’s Tigers (Chronicles of An Imperial Legionary Officer Book 1)

by Marc Alan Edelheit
4.5 stars – 804 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Winner of the 2016 Independent Publisher Book Bronze Award for Fantasy!!!

The empire has endured many centuries but is now threatened by multiple wars and a major rebellion in the South.

A nobleman from an infamous family, imperial legionary officer, and a born fighter… Captain Ben Stiger finds himself reassigned from a crack legion to the rebellion simmering in the South. Placed in command of a truly terrible company, the 85th Imperial Foot, he is unknowingly sent on a suicide mission to resupply an isolated outpost, the garrison of Vrell. Along the way he must rebuild his new company, gain the respect of the men he leads, survive an assassination attempt, fight bandits, rebels, and an agent of an evil god. His companions on this journey of discovery and adventure are one of the few remaining elven rangers and a paladin on a quest for the High Father.

The battle to save the empire and the world begins here in the first book of this exciting new series!

* * *

Oui Oui, Gigi! (Nuggies Book 4)

by Jeff Minich
4.7 stars – 11 reviews
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
After getting lost in Paris, Chomper and Coco are spotted by the local dog catcher and suddenly find themselves on the run. Then they meet Gigi, a French Nuggie who offers to help them get home. Along the way they dress up in Parisian fashion, learn to speak French, and discover the sights around Paris. Will the Nuggies find their way home? Or will they stay lost in Paris? Find out in Nuggies Vol.4 ‘Oui Oui, Gigi!’

* * *

The Billionaire’s Obsession ~ Simon: A Billionaire’s Obsession Novel (The Billionaire’s Obsession series Book 1)

by J. S. Scott
4.3 stars – 3,147 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
*****A NY TIMES AND USA TODAY BESTSELLER****Down on her luck, nursing student and full-time waitress Kara Foster gets a massive blow to her already desperate financial situation that will surely find her living on the streets. Needing nothing less than a miracle to save her, Kara gets rescue from an unknown, unlikely and overwhelming source. Billionaire Simon Hudson makes her an offer that is impossible to refuse, but terrifying to accept from a man that she’s never met. Will the handsome, alpha billionaire really be a solution to her problems, or will he end up being a major complication and a danger to her emotional sanity?Reclusive billionaire Simon Hudson would rather be behind a computer creating computer games than rubbing elbows with the elite and he knows exactly what he wants…until he meets Kara Foster. Something about Kara touches Simon in ways he’s never experienced and definitely doesn’t like. For over a year, Simon watches over Kara, but stubbornly refuses to admit his desire to possess her, not even to himself. But when she ends up in a situation that could very well be her destruction, Simon steps up to help her, not realizing that in saving Kara, he might very well be salvaging his own soul.

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Blossom and the Beast (The Alder Tales Book 1)

by RS McCoy
4.3 stars – 66 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Totem animals. Arranged Marriage. A Willful Daughter. Perfect for fans of Cinder, The Star-Touched Queen, and The Bear and the Nightingale. *A Paranormal Romance reimagining of Beauty and the Beast*Blossom Frane is only weeks away from her transformation. On her eighteenth birthday, she’ll find out her future branch of society and her totem, the animal form she’ll be able to take at will for the rest of her life. Like her brothers, she’s expected to be a brown bear of the religious branch known as Terra. In the Alderwood forests, Blossom’s bear blood is a valuable asset. Any day now, a rival clan leader will step forward and offer her father a hefty bounty in exchange for her hand in marriage. Blossom can do nothing more than sit back and wait to be traded to the highest bidder.Determined to spend her last weeks exploring the Alderwood,

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A world where strong heroines are put to the task of saving their sexy heroes! Four complete novels all in a great boxed set! Girls With Guns Box Set: Complete Four Book Series by Ashley Bostock

Girls With Guns Box Set: Complete Four Book Series

by Ashley Bostock
5.0 stars – 1 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Girls with Guns Series Box Set. Entire series includes four full-length novels.

Gun Shy, Trigger Happy, Pistol Whipped, and Packin’ Heat.

The series follows four best friends as they maintain their careers in Windsor, CO. Not really looking for love, each girl finds a handsome man handed to them on a silver platter. Although they are never afraid to let a man take care of them, each girl is obviously independent but missing something more in their day to day lives.

Love at first sight? Check. One-night stand second chance? Check. Best friends to lovers? Check. Enemies to more than friends? Check.

When bad things begin to happen, watch out for the role-reversals where the women are put to the task of saving their heroes, instead of the heroes saving them.

A world where strong heroines are put to the task of saving their sexy heroes.

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When Silence and Sound Collide, Senses Explode! Get the unforgettably sweet & romantic Silent Song by Jaci Wheeler

❤️ Kindle Nation Daily Romance of the Day ❤️

Silent Song is an unforgettable tale of two vastly different people that will squeeze your heart then fill it with the incredible beauty of friendship, family, love and deep understanding.” -Ceej’s Life Reads

Silent Song

by Jaci Wheeler
4.8 stars – 37 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

When Silence and Sound Collide, Senses Explode


I’m deaf. What most people view as a disadvantage, I see as an advantage. I feel my way through life in my 1969 Ford Fairlane. The vibrations and speed sustain me, the race track is where I dominate. I thought racing was all I needed to survive, but I was wrong.


Music is my life. I inhale the melody and breathe in the lyrics. That was until I met someone that opened my eyes to a new culture. Who knew silence was all it would take for me to really experience music?

Authors and Publishers: How to Sponsor Kindle Nation Daily

Brand New Kindle Fire Giveaway for February 5: Subscribe free for your chance to win! And you can help keep the good times rolling by following today’s giveaway sponsor, Puja Guha, and checking out Ahriman!

Ahriman: The Spirit of Destruction: A Middle East Political Conspiracy and Espionage Thriller (The Ahriman Legacy Book 1) by [Guha, Puja]85% rave reviews for this Political Conspiracy and Espionage Thriller set in the Middle East!

Ahriman: The Spirit of Destruction

by Puja Guha

The Ahriman Legacy Book 1

“Like Grisham and Clancy… this title shines …though superb storytelling.” -The US Review of Books

Puja Guha is today’s sponsor of our Kindle Fire giveaway! Just subscribe FREE at bit.ly/KND-SignUp and check daily newsletters for entry links!

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Categories: Action and Adventure; All Mystery, Crime & Thrillers

Go on a roller-coaster ride through the Twentieth Century with the great-great-great grandson of Baron Munchausen! Humor & Satire: The Fantastical Adventures of Leutenlieb of the House of Munchausen by master storyteller and nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature, Shlomo Kalo

→ Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day ←

The Fantastical Adventures of Leutenlieb is the story of the descendant of the famous Baron munchausen and his adventures in some well known places and events in the 20th century,from the trenches of WW1 ,west and eastern fronts to the chaos after the war,the american wild west and many more.What stands out as you read the book,is the unique wizdem the warm compassion and the respect to values that seems to disappear slowly from our world,and there is also a touch of true honor and chivalry that went unpopular lately for some reasone. I think this book can be truly educational for children,and a good read for adults.” – Amazon Review

Humor & Satire: The Fantastical Adventures of Leutenlieb of the House of Munchausen

by Shlomo Kalo
4.8 stars – 19 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

That rarest of things, a children’s book for “children” of all ages….

In this picaresque and highly entertaining novel, Leutenlieb, a.k.a. Baron Munchausen (great-great-great grandson of his celebrated ancestor), takes us on a roller-coaster ride through the history of the Twentieth Century, introducing us along the way to a galaxy of iconic figures – from Hitler to Hemingway, from Al Capone to Greta Garbo – while describing how, with breath-taking imagination, brilliant ingenuity and technological expertise of staggering proportions (not to mention legendary modesty!) he succeeds in solving all the problems with which he is faced.

The darker side is there too – two world wars, Nazi extermination camps and Soviet labour camps – but through it all our protagonist maintains his optimism, his integrity, his belief in the power of the indomitable human spirit, and his sense of humour. The full tragi-comedy of life is there.

Master storyteller and nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature, Shlomo Kalo breathes new life into a classic tale, crafting a rich and hilarious world that will have readers tight in its grip from the first time they open the book to the moment when they turn the last page of the memorable closing chapter.

Find more great titles by this author!

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Hot steampunk fantasy! Get award-winning author Cari Silverwood’s The Steamwork Chronicles: Iron Dominance, Lust Plague, Steel Dominance – all three books in one volume, bundled together for the first time at a fantastic price!

Today’s Kindle Daily Deals!

brought to you by:

The Steamwork Chronicles: Iron Dominance, Lust Plague, Steel Dominance – all three books in one volume

by Cari Silverwood
5.0 stars -1 review
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Awarded Best Erotic Steampunk ~ The Romance Reviews
With electrodes, handcuffs, and airships, Cari Silverwood journeys beyond “steamy” in this blistering exploration of dominance and submission.” ~ Meljean Brook, author of the Iron Seas series.

Raised from childhood as an assassin, Claire finds her world knocked off kilter when Theo Kevonis, a rich, ex-Air Corp nobleman, rescues her from an airship crash. Being a soldier of a hostile nation she cannot reveal her identity, but Theo sinks his steely Dom fingers into her heart and soul, showing her the pleasures to be found in surrendering to his touch. Captivated, Claire cannot help but bind herself in lie after lie rather than risk losing the one man who’s ever loved her.

When her loathsome commander returns from the dead, her deceit is uncovered. Somehow, Claire must find a way to win back Theo’s trust and destroy the man who threatens them both.

Saving the world should be easier.

When airship captain Kaysana meets Sten, the last thing she wants is to have mad rough sex with him while restrained by ropes and clamps but fate pencils in their appointment. The lust plague strikes. From her infected crew, zombies arise.

With her ship gone, she must rely on Sten, a human clone, a man who has fought all his life to master himself. She despises his kind and detests Sten’s growing hold on her. Though he never takes no for an answer, surely it’s the plague that makes yes slip from her tongue like melted butter? Or should she blame her own traitorous heart?

Sten and Kaysana unlimber weapons, don goggles, and set a course for the origin of the plague. Yet their victory will be hollow if they cannot also solve the puzzle of their hearts.

A brilliant researcher, Sofia must unravel the ancient puzzle of the Clockwork Warrior or her career will be in tatters. Yet the tomb of the warrior is in the dangerous city of Byzantium, inside the harem of the Emperor. She knew she’d have to pose as a slave—but not that her “owner” would be the incredibly bossy, gorgeous bodyguard she’s been assigned.

A life of military duty has left Dankyo unprepared for Sofia. He’s never met a woman quite like this. She’s smart and beautiful, and she’s something that he’s finding almost irresistible—despite the way she fights against masquerading as his slave, she’s submissive right down to the bottom of her soul. And that’s bringing out every dominant instinct in his body.

But even as he realizes she’s captured his heart, the city explodes into madness. Surviving seems impossible. Can love and a Dom who will never give up overcome sheer bloody-minded evil?

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