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I’ve Never Seen A Bull: Children’s books To Help Kids Sleep with a Smile (Everything I’ve never seen. Bedtime book for kids 2)

by Sigal Adler
5.0 stars – 2 reviews
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
If you’re like most people today, you know kids who don’t like to read, or feel discouraged by how challenging it can be. Maybe even your own kids.
And who can blame them? Today’s world is full of stimulation, bright colors, TVs, computers, phones—and they all take up so much time in our lives that and as a result, our kids are reading less.
But reading and interacting with the environment have been proven to have a powerful impact on children’s educational attainments and even on acquiring basic life skills. So it’s more important than ever today to help our kids love reading by themselves, even from the earliest stages.
How can we teach kids to read? How can we help kids read better? And how can we instill a love of reading in today’s kids so they’ll want to read more and more?
Sigal Adler has developed this interactive series, Everything I’ve Never Seen, out of the belief that despite the fact that the importance of rhyme isn’t emphasized in schools when learning to read and write, this is a method which has come into use more and more over time.
Children with dyslexia, for instance, find it much easier to understand words when they rhyme rather than dissecting them into letters and syllables.
Meeting with children in kindergarten and the early grades, Sigal has met many children who have succeeded in learning to read and write thanks to rhyme. It’s simple, enjoyable – and it works.
Now you and your kids are invited to learn together… grow together… laugh together, as you explore the hilarious interactive world of Everything I’ve Never Seen!

Check out our Free Book Search Tool for a boatload of free books or check here for the best deals today on Kindle!




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Dearest Stalker: Part 1

by J. S. Scott
4.5 stars – 87 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

What happens when a woman falls in love with her stalker?

I’m not the type of woman who actually inspires passion in any guy, much less one who makes it a habit to watch me because he’s obsessed.

I’m a curvy, plain Jane. I like my chips, chocolate, and junk food, and it definitely shows.

I’m an educated geek who would rather have my nose in a computer instead of a fashion magazine.

But none of those things seem to matter to Stalker. He sees something in me that I don’t see in myself, and I don’t know why.

I’m terrified, yet I’m inexplicably intrigued.

I’m cautious by nature, but something makes me want to know who he is, and why he gives a sh*t about somebody like me.

I know falling for a man I’ve never seen in the light of day is dangerous.

Does he stalk me because he wants to own me, control me, and make me into the woman he thinks that I am?

Does he want to hurt me, or is he just a lost soul like me?

And why did it feel so good to touch him under the cover of darkness?

Is he my nightmare or my dearest stalker?

Getting to know him might be foolish, but for some reason, I just can’t walk away…

Author’s note: This is a red-hot, sexy, curvy girl serial romance with an obsessed, alpha male stalker. Read at your own risk. The stories will come out in quick succession so you won’t have to wait long for the conclusion.

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Jack Be Quick (Strike Force Book 2)

by Fiona Quinn
4.6 stars – 53 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The Prayer On Her Lips Is Jack Be Quick

It’s been months since ex-Navy SEAL Jack McCullen last saw his fiancée, Suz Molloy. He was on the other side of the world involved in a grueling black ops mission for Iniquus Corporation at the behest of the US government. Mission fail meant a special flight home, and an ambulance ride to the hospital where Suz should have been waiting for him.

˃˃˃ Something Is Very Wrong, And Lynx Might Be His Only Hope

When Jack rouses from his surgery to find Suz missing, he knows something is very wrong. Led by the psychic “knowings” of his Iniquus colleague, Lynx, Jack risks everything as he desperately tries to reach Suz in time to thwart the terrorists’ plot and save her life.

This time, his mission is for more than love of country; it’s for the love of his life – his heart and soul.

˃˃˃ USA Today Bestselling Author Fiona Quinn Takes Readers On Another Thrillride!

**Jack Be Quick is the second book in the Strike Force Series. It can be read as a stand alone.

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Claiming Mia (Dot Com Wolves 1) – New Adult Paranormal Romance

by Alisa Woods
4.4 stars – 388 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

I’m a mess. Broken. Lost my mate and almost myself. In no shape to help anyone.

Then the sexy girl serving me drinks stumbles into trouble with a bunch of wolves who are bad business—I should know. They’re the competition. And they’re as dirty at dot-com investing as they are predatory on young things like her. So I save her. Because I may be broken, but I’m not an ass.

Only she shows up the next day at my office. As my intern.

And now the Red pack is after her, putting us square in a pack war—one she doesn’t even understand. I’m in no shape to claim a mate—not happening—but if I don’t, the Red’s jackass of an alpha will.

I’m just trying to earn my degree and dig my way out of poverty.

I was born a shifter—more of my bad luck—but I’ve kept that a secret, so it doesn’t ruin my life. Shifters are monsters. Criminals. And I’m trying to make something of myself. This internship at the hottest internet business development firm in Seattle is my ticket out… only the boss is a wolf. And insanely hot. And he saved my life.

I’d break all the rules for this guy—except he wants nothing to do with me.

The wolves who do are the Big Bad Wolf kind. The kind I’ve always heard about.

I’ve got nowhere to turn… but to the one guy who doesn’t want me at all.

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Deathload: The Highway of Destruction

by Cy Young
3.8 stars – 4 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
When his Marine son is killed in Desert Storm by friendly fire, Ex CIA operative and truck magnet Vincent Fazio builds two massive trucks, fills them with state-of-the art firepower, and sends them on a killing spree across the country blowing up Air Force Bases in retaliation for his son’s death. Manny Breen, Phoenix cop whose sister is killed early on by the two behemoths, joins forces with Phoenix P.D. Chopper Pilot Sharon Kramer to track and destroy the two massive killers. Will he stop them before they reach the White House and the President? Ride with us on this thrilling trip to a mind-blowing climax!

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Piper must prove herself worthy of the sheriff’s badge, and that won’t be easy… especially now that’s she’s faced with a grisly murder…
The Dead of Winter: A Piper Blackwell Mystery by Jean Rabe

The Dead of Winter: A Piper Blackwell Mystery

by Jean Rabe
4.9 stars – 67 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

In a deceptively peaceful county, a murderer hides in plain sight…

Fifty-eight minutes into her first day on the job, twenty-three-year-old Sheriff Piper Blackwell is faced with a grisly murder—the victim artfully posed amid decorations on his lawn. Drawing on former military training, Piper must prove herself worthy of the sheriff’s badge, and that won’t be easy.

Chief Deputy Oren Rosenberg, Piper’s opponent in the recent election, doesn’t like her and wants her to fail. She doesn’t like him either, but she needs Oren to help catch the killer before another victim is discovered. Too late!

As Piper leads the manhunt, another crisis hits close to home. Her father, the previous sheriff, is fighting for his life, and she is torn between family and duty. Facing personal and professional threats, Piper has to weather a raging storm, keep the sheriff’s department from crumbling around her, and reel in a killer during the most brutal winter sleepy Spencer County, Indiana, has experienced.

Talk about a page turner! I was hooked from the start reading the first Piper Blackwell Mystery. As if the characters weren’t engaging enough, Jean Rabe spins a mystery that will have you gasping and going, “ewwww”, all at the same time.5 star review


How well do you know the people you love? and How far would you go to protect them?
Fragile: A Novel (Jones Cooper Book 1) by Lisa Unger

Don’t miss today’s Thriller of the Day

Fragile: A Novel (Jones Cooper Book 1) by [Unger, Lisa]Here’s a BookGorilla Encore from the bestselling author of BEAUTIFUL LIES and DIE FOR YOU!

Fragile: A Novel (Jones Cooper Book 1)

by Lisa Unger


Everybody knows everybody in The Hollows, a quaint, charming town outside of New York City. It’s a place where neighbors keep an eye on one another’s kids, where people say hello in the grocery store, and where high school cliques and antics are never quite forgotten. As a child, Maggie found living under the microscope…

Today’s Bargain Price: $2.99

Everyday Price: $7.99
Categories: All Mystery, Crime & Thrillers; Bestsellers

Fabulous five-star romance! Can they make the ALMOST of the past into the future they always wanted?
Almost (Iron Orchids Book 2) by Danielle Norman

❤️ Kindle Nation Daily Romance of the Day ❤️

Almost (Iron Orchids Book 2)

by Danielle Norman
4.4 stars – 173 reviews
Everyday price: $3.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Some people are unforgettable.
The first guy to kiss me senseless on the hood of a car,
And the one man to promise me forever.
That was Carter Lang,
And he was unforgettable,
Seared into my memory–and heart.

But that was long ago,
A forever that I was forced to walkaway from.

Now I’m back,
And wondering if,
In all of these years, have I crossed his mind.
Can the ALMOST of the past turn into the future we always wanted?

“This story will definitely pull at your heart strings. To go through their journey with them, you cannot help but root for Sophie and Carter. They both pined for the other for ten years, never losing that connection. Throw in the girls and Zephie’s cousins, and you have a fun and loving story. Plus a very interesting twist at the end.” 5 star review

Riff is virtually transported inside the deadly world of his favorite on-line game. Will he find a way out before the servers are shut down and he dies for real?
Into The Game: Dungeon Crawl Quest by C A A Allen

→ Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day ←

Into The Game: Dungeon Crawl Quest (Wizard Warrior Quest Book 1)

by C A A Allen
3.5 stars – 2 reviews
Everyday price: $3.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Live real. Play real. Just try not to die for real.

Riff Jenkins is having a bad day. He’s behind on his college tuition and is getting kicked out of his dorm. His girlfriend just broke up with him for playing computer games too much. And if that isn’t bad enough, Riff hasn’t been able to beat the goblin boss in Dungeon Crawl Quest despite months of trying. His brother Mack says it’s a glitch-that DCQ is unbeatable-but Riff knows there’s a way.

When a mysterious package arrives from the recently deceased DCQ developer, Riff finally gets his reward for being one of the game’s top players: a special Grimoire and an invitation to one of LA’s premiere gaming dens.

But the Grimoire is much more than it appears. When Riff syncs it to a computer at the den, he’s virtually transported into the game. And his bad day just got worse, because the company that owns DCQ will be shutting down the servers at midnight if Riff and his band of misfit players can’t beat the goblin boss and save the game.

Oh yeah, and if the servers go down while they’re in the game, they all die for real.


Blizivision Studios is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software.

Blizivision was founded by former Artoon employee Shigoshi Kojimoto and former Sir-Tech employee Andrew C. Woodhead in September 2009. It is headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan but has subsidiaries and offices in Bellevue, Washington, and New York City, NY. The company has produced many video games, among them: DCQ, Wizard Hunter, The Saga of Ryzom, Antonio vs the Despacito Spiders, Battle for Wesnoth, and LOL Ball Shooter.

Andrew C. Woodhead – Co-founder and Chief Development Officer
Shigoshi Kojimoto – Co-founder, President and CEO
Dr. Kurht Knaud – Developer, Programmer, Designer, and Director
Asheron Paragon – Program and Design

As a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), Dungeon Crawl Quest enables thousands of players from across the globe to come together online – undertaking grand quests and heroic exploits in a land of fantastic adventure.

DUNGEON CRAWL QUEST – A Brutal Land Is Ahead…
Embark into Dungeon Crawl Quest and join thousands of questers in an online world of beasts, magic, and unlimited adventure. Twisted musty labyrinths, misty winding canyons, corpse-ridden dungeons, mysterious runes, unwelcoming towns-an endless smorgasbord of experiences await. Will the evil creatures that inhabit The Kingdom of Fear keep you from opening the new world portal?

Into The Game: Dungeon Crawl Quest (Wizard Warrior Quest Book 1) by [Allen, C A A]

She came back for vacation. If she’s not careful, she might leave in a body bag…
COYOTE: Jessica James Mysteries Book 2 by Kelly Oliver

Today’s Kindle Daily Deals!

brought to you by:

COYOTE: A Suspense Thriller (Jessica James Mysteries Book 2)

by Kelly Oliver
4.3 stars – 57 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

She came back for vacation. If she’s not careful, she might leave in a body bag…

“The Jessica James Mysteries are edgy, thrilling, and simply captivating.” —Chicago Tribune

Ivy League student Jessica James isn’t thrilled to be back home in Montana. But her boring summer break becomes a nightmare when her cousin dies at the local sawmill. Devastated by the death, she can’t help but draw connections between the supposed accident and her own father’s unsolved demise…

With the mill’s owner pushing hard to start fracking on Native American Blackfeet land, Jessica starts to connect the dots between the killings. And when two young girls go missing, Jessica calls in her posse to fight blood with brains.

Can Jessica expose the town’s dirty money, or will she too end up as sawdust?

COYOTE is the second standalone novel in the action-packed Jessica James mystery series. If you like laugh-out-loud entertainment, fearless heroines, and a dash of real-world issues, then you’ll love Kelly Oliver’s riveting tale.

Judith Krantz, Best-Selling Author and Journalist, Dies at 91

Judith Krantz, Whose Tales of Sex and Shopping Sold Millions, Dies at 91. Margalit Fox from The New York Times has her obituary:

Judith Krantz, who almost single-handedly turned the sex-and-shopping genre of fiction into the stuff of high commerce, making her one of the world’s best-selling novelists if not one of the most critically acclaimed, died on Saturday at her home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles. She was 91.

Her publicist, John Tellem, confirmed the death.

Though she did not publish her first book until she was 50, Ms. Krantz reigned for decades afterward as the international queen of poolside reading. Her 10 novels — beginning with “Scruples” in 1978 and ending with “The Jewels of Tessa Kent” in 1998 — have together sold more than 85 million copies in more than 50 languages.

Most became television movies or mini-series, many of which were produced by Ms. Krantz’s husband, Steve Krantz.

What drove Ms. Krantz’s books to the tops of best seller lists time and again was a formula that she honed to glittering perfection: fevered horizontal activities combined with fevered vertical ones — the former taking place in sumptuously appointed bedrooms and five-star hotels, the latter anywhere with a cash register and astronomical price tags.

A hallmark of the formula was that it embraced sex and shopping in almost equal measure, with each recounted in modifier-laden detail.

“Recklessly she flung herself out of her clouds of chiffon plumage only to appear in her resplendent flesh, lying totally naked on a pile of horse blankets, laughing softly as she watched Stash Valensky, momentarily bewildered and taken by surprise, struggle out of his dinner jacket,” Ms. Krantz writes in her second novel, “Princess Daisy” (1980). “Soon, very soon, he was as naked as she. He savaged her abandoned flesh with an urgency, almost a cannibalism, he hadn’t known in years.”

Elements of Ms. Krantz’s formula had existed piecemeal in earlier fiction for women, conspicuously in the work of Jacqueline Susann , the author of “Valley of the Dolls” (1966) and other steamy novels of the 1960s and ’70s. But Ms. Krantz was almost certainly the first writer to combine the steam and the shopping in such opulent profusion — and to do so all the way to the bank.

Read full post in The New York Times