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Exclusive: Our own Len Edgerly interviews Amazon’s Jeff Bezos live in the KND Kindle Chronicles Interview

Article of Faith: “If people read more, that is a better world”

(Ed. Note: For any publisher or journalist, there are few things that feel as good as a great “get.” So this week, as we join contributing editor Len Edgerly in celebrating four terrific years of podcast interviews, we congratulate him for this week’s “get” of Amazon and Kindle founder Jeff Bezos, and we congratulate ourselves for our “get” of the highly esteemed Mr. Edgerly. –Steve Windwalker)

By LEN EDGERLY, Contributing Editor
I traveled to Seattle this week to sit down on July 26th with Jeff Bezos for an 18-minute conversation about the Kindle. We met in an unadorned conference room at Amazon’s fast-growing campus of nondescript buildings. He’d brought a dish of cottage cheese and a paper cup containing something to drink. As I tested the audio levels on my Olympus LS-10, Bezos offered this disarming advice: “Usually my laugh eventually blows out the microphone, so hopefully you’re set for that.”

In appreciation for this opportunity to better understand how the Kindle looks to the man who leads the team that created it, I am pleased to present the following complete transcript of the interview:

Len Edgerly: It’s been seven years since you did the early design for the Kindle.

Jeff Bezos: Yes.

LE: When you think back to what you saw then, what’s been the biggest surprise in how it’s all unfolded?

JB: The biggest surprise by far is how quickly it has grown. When we did this, we were very optimistic that Kindle would eventually be a success and that it would accelerate the adoption of eBooks. But what has actually happened, happened so much faster than any reasonable person would have expected.

Today eBooks have become a huge fraction of the books sold, and we wouldn’t have anticipated that. That’s a big surprise.

LE: It sold out in like the first hour and a half  [it was actually five and a half hours]. At that point was it evident that this was going to be a faster ride than you thought?

JB: Yeah. We were very surprised right from the beginning. And all throughout that first year actually, we continued to be surprised. So you may remember that not only were we out of stock in our first holiday season, but we were also out of stock in our second holiday selling season. That’s not a good time to be out of stock. And so we continued to be surprised by the adoption rates. That’s a good, high-quality problem, but it’s still something that I look back on and marvel at.

LE: How has the Kindle changed your own personal reading habits?

JB: I think like a lot of our Kindle customers, the biggest thing is that I end up reading more. So, it’s just easier to read more. I can have more books with me. I travel. When I’m traveling I don’t always know exactly what I’m going to be wanting to read from time to time. I can also get new things when I want to, when I hear about them. So if a friend tells me about something, I can get it right away, or if I read about something in a blog somewhere, I can get it right away. I just read more.

LE: I’ve been surprised by how much I read on the Fire, because I was such a lover of the E Ink. What’s your ratio between reading on the Fire versus with reading on the E Ink devices.

JB: Well, I carry both devices, and I really like to read periodicals on the Fire. So magazines and newspapers—I find the Fire experience to be preferable. When I get into a long-form book, reading a novel, I really prefer the E Ink device, I think in part because it weighs less, it’s lighter. It’s easier on my eyes. For extended reading sessions and right before bed, I find I gravitate towards my Kindle, and then for lots of other things I use my Fire.

LE: What do you think will be the same five to seven years or further out about the way we read, never mind how the technology advances?

JB: I think one thing that you can count on is that human nature doesn’t change. The human brain doesn’t change. And so one thing that seems to be very, very fundamental is that we like narrative. We like stories. So I don’t think that any amount of eBook technology is going to change the fact that we humans like narrative. And so I think that linear narrative, where somebody has really put a lot of work into guiding us along in a great story—a great storyteller, that’s what they do. I think that’s going to stay the same.

LE: Do you think that at some point the all-text story will be kind of an historical anomaly because the digital editions, the enhanced audio video and all that will just create a more compelling experience of a story than all text?

JB: I doubt it. We sort of have done that experiment in a way already, because sometimes really good books get made into movies. And even if the movie is a good movie—there’s also the case where they get made into bad movies. But even if they’re good movies, there are things about the book that never get replicated in the movie.
And I think the all-text story, as you put it, is its own medium, and I think that is likely to continue. I don’t think, for example, that audio snippets would make Hemingway better.  I’m not sure multimedia would make Hemingway better. So I think it’s its own thing.

Now will there be new kinds of things invented that take advantage of these new technologies? Yes. Just like movies, moving pictures, was a completely new medium. But you didn’t try to do books with moving pictures—they might be derived from a book. But it’s its own art form, and they had to invent all the things that make movies good—all the different ways from cutting from one scene to the next—and it didn’t displace books. And I think that’s what you’ll see happen here, too.  There’ll be new kinds of multimedia offerings that people can interact with on Kindles, but they won’t displace all-text stories.

LE: When you’re reading an all-text story, your mind is filling in so much, and that’s part of the pleasure.

JB: Exactly. Part of the pleasure is that you’re imagining your version of that story, all the details and all the richness.  And multimedia takes some of that away.

LE: Plus it’s kind of a distraction. There’s a thread that gets broken when you’re tempted to go somewhere.

JB: I totally agree. And I would also say that a lot of what makes long-form books such a good format is there’s a lot of inner dialog that can happen in a book that you can’t really capture in multimedia. It can’t just be a glance at somebody’s face. It has to actually be that whole thread of what’s happening inside their head.

LE: The two core features back in the early days of the design that you emphasized were keyboards for searching books easily and also the automatic 3G, so people wouldn’t have to mess with WiFi. And the two Kindles now don’t have either of those. So what changed there?

JB: The key thing about the keyboard is that the electronic ink display technology finally got fast enough and responsive enough that we could do a reasonable onscreen keyboard. That also ends up making the device lighter. But the big difference, the big change over time is that the electronic ink display technology has gotten faster and more responsive.

We do still offer our 3G version of the Kindle. And that is a very popular choice, in fact people who buy that Kindle are the people who read the most.

LE: Why do you think that is?

JB: I suspect it’s probably some that they are the more serious readers, so they want the very best Kindle. But we also see that their reading increases even more than people who buy the other Kindles. And the reason, I think, for that is that it makes getting books even more frictionless, makes it even easier. You don’t have to look for a WiFi hotspot. You can just get them wherever you happen to be. And it roams globally at no charge, so people can figure that out, too, and get it wherever they are, even if they’re traveling around the world.

LE: It’s amazing how that small of an additional convenience would translate into more sales and reading.

JB: Exactly right, and we see this in everything. Many years ago we did this thing called One-Click Shopping, and tiny, little improvements can drive people to do more of something, just because you’re making it easier. And we’re all busy here in the early 21st Century.

LE: You’ve innovated with steady improvements to the Kindle platform  since the introduction in November of 2007. And, as you’ve said, not every experiment succeeds—otherwise it wouldn’t be an experiment. Which blind alley that you’ve gone down in the last seven years taught you the most about how your customers want to read?

JB: That’s a great question. I would say one example of that would be location numbers. So one of the things that we did early on is we looked very hard at page numbers and how should we deal with electronic books? How should we do page numbers? You have to keep in mind that when you change the font size, everything changes. So you can’t really just count pages or screenfuls. So we came up with location numbers, and location numbers are the same no matter what font size you set your Kindle to. And by the way, being able to change the font size is something customers love about Kindle. That, and looking up words—there are a bunch of little things that people really love. They seem like small things, but they’re actually big features that people use all the time.

So after working with location numbers for many years, we got lots of feedback from customers that there are a lot of use cases where they wished that they had page numbers that matched the page numbers in physical books. So, for example, if you’re having a book club, and some people have the physical book and you have the Kindle book, you still want to be able to refer people to the real page number. You can’t say to your friend, “Turn to Location, you know, 2015.” (Laughs)

And so we used our cloud-computing expertise and our machine-learning expertise, and we actually built a set of algorithms that can look at the scanned pages of physical books and match up the words and find with pretty high confidence when you’re on your Kindle, what is the real page number that you happen to be on? We’ve implemented that for many, many of the books now in the Kindle catalog.

LE: That was good, because even though I can’t feel the pages, to know I’m on page 200—there’s a reference to the way I used to read that’s helpful.

JB: Exactly. Because we’ve all grown up reading physical books, we have kind of an internal clock or something that keeps track in page numbers, and that’s much harder to translate into something like location numbers. Maybe it would be akin to trying to figure out how much something costs in Yen when you’re in Japan. You can eventually figure it out, but it’s not something that you can do with intuition.

LE: Do you think we’ll ever reach a time when 60 seconds just seems like too long to download a book?

JB: I can tell you that most of the downloads now take way less than that. So we advertise books in 60 seconds, but actually it’s much faster.

I can also tell you that one of the things that gets me up in the morning is knowing that customer expectations are always rising, and I find that very exciting. You know, this is a team of missionaries, and we like to rise to those kinds of challenges.

LE: You like to be a little bit ahead.

JB: Maybe it should be books in one second. (Laughs.)

LE: Whoah. I’d buy even more.

JB: Exactly. Very good.

LE: Now, Stephen King has been very future-leaning on eBooks. In fact he helped you launch the Kindle 2. I was disappointed, because his upcoming book, Joyland, is coming out in print only, and he was quoted in the press release saying, “folks who want to read it will have to buy the actual book.” Any idea what happened there?

JB: No, I don’t know what that’s about. I can tell you one thing, though. If you’re Stephen King, you can do what you want. (Laughs.) As you pointed out, he’s been a great friend of Kindle. He wrote some exclusive content for us and came to one of our press conferences, and he’s a very good guy.

LE: Compared with the Kindle Fire and the Kindle apps, the E Ink Kindles still maintain their role as kind of the Cadillac of purpose-built reading devices.  There are things you can do on the E Ink Kindles that you can’t do on the Fire. Do you think the appeal of purpose-driven eReaders is likely to diminish as the all-purpose devices get better and better at reading?

JB: No. I think that for serious readers, there will always be a place for a purpose-built reading device, because I think you’ll be able to build a device which is lighter, which matters a lot to people, has better readability if what you’re doing is reading text. You know, as soon as you have to make a device do a bunch of things, it becomes suboptimal for doing the one thing. And so while I think the tablet, LCD devices like Kindle Fire will continue to get better and better and better, I think that purpose-built reading devices, like our electronic ink Kindle will also continue to get better and better and better.

Can you go hiking in tennis shoes? Yes, but if you’re a real hiker you might want hiking boots. And so both things, I think, will continue to coexist.

LE: You’ve said your passions choose you and not the other way around. Can you trace back the passion that led to the creation of the Kindle in your life?

JB:  Well, I have been a lifelong reader. My wife is an author. We started Amazon with books. We are missionaries. All of our products here at Amazon, products and services, are built by missionaries. And I call it missionaries versus mercenaries. Missionaries build better products, because they’re not doing it just for the business results. They’re doing it because the love the product or they love the service.
And it turns out Kindle is a really easy product to attract missionaries, because a lot of people care about reading. A lot of people care about inventing the future of reading. And so it’s super-easy for me personally and for our whole team to be passionate missionaries about Kindle.

LE: Because of that love of reading.

JB: Yeah, absolutely! I think it’s the love of reading personally and it’s also that we on the Kindle team take it as an article of faith that reading is important for civilization. So we feel this powerful mission, and it’s exciting.

LE: Your mission is every book ever published in every language, available in 60 seconds anywhere in the world. How would the world be a better place if you achieve that?

JB: First and foremost, I would take it as an article of faith. I think if people read more, that is a better world. So I would posit that as an article of faith.

But, you know, we humans, we co-evolve with our tools. We change our tools, and then our tools change us. And if you look at the digital era, almost every kind of media as it’s gotten digitized, more people have been able to access it. And most of what has happened with the digitization of text has been on short-form, so it’s things like blog posts. It’s short articles, short newspaper articles and so on.

And really, until Kindle, nothing in the digital era really made it easier to read long-form. People didn’t want to read long-form on their laptop. We tried that actually. We offered eBooks to people to buy as PDFs and other ways. You needed an electron microscope to find sales. Nobody wanted that.

In that sense that we’re co-evolving with our tools, one of the things that Kindle does is make it easier for people to read long-form. I personally believe that that also means that people will have longer attention spans. You know, one of the reasons that people sense that attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, a lot of it is because a lot of the digital media are shrinking the scale of the media. So YouTube videos are eight minutes long, and blog posts are two paragraphs long. So it’s not surprising. If that’s what you consume all day, that’s what your brain gets accustomed to consuming. And Kindle helps to push in the other direction.

LE: Which has got to be a good thing just for understanding and knowledge.

JB: That’s exactly what I think.

LE: Last question. When you spoke to the graduates at Princeton, you asked what convictions would enable them not to wilt under criticism. That interested me, and it made me think of your willingness to be misunderstood within the publishing industry. What conviction, personally for you, do you hold onto to avoid wilting under the criticism that comes your way, specifically in the publishing arena?

JB: What I hold onto and what I tell our folks here at Amazon is, if you’re going to invent, if you’re going to do anything at all in a new way there are going to be people who sincerely misunderstand, and there are going to be also self-interested critics who have a reason to misunderstand. You’ll get both types.

But if you can’t weather that misunderstanding for long periods of time, then you just have to hang up your hat as an inventor. It’s part and parcel with invention. Invention is by its very nature disruptive. And if you want to be understood, if it’s so important for you to be understood at all times, then don’t do anything new.

lenKindle Nation Weekender columnist and contributing editor Len Edgerly blogs at The Kindle Chronicles where you can hear his interview with Jeff Bezos in its entirety at 11:45 of this week’s Kindle Chronicles episode 208.  

Amazon Releases Quarterly Financials and Stays the Course: Sacrificing Short-Term Profits in Its Successful Pursuit of Increased Market Share and Astonishing Sales Growth

Amazon.com (AMZN) announced second-quarter financial results today, with net sales increasing 29% to $12.83 billion, compared with $9.91 billion in second quarter 2011. Nothing surprising there, as the company has been on an astonishing tear of sustained sales growth for several years.

The big surprise for many was that, in a strong sign that investors are finally beginning to understand what the company is all about, the stock market did not react negatively to the company’s news that its net operating profit fell 96% to $7 million, from $201 million in the year-ago quarter. Amazon also said it expects to lose money in the third quarter or 2012.

It was not long ago that such a financial report would have sent Amazon’s share price plummeting, even if only for a few hours. As of 7 pm EST today, Amazon shares had risen over $2 to $222.40 in after-hours trading, after closing the regular session up $2.96 to $220.01.

For the last couple of years especially, Amazon has been shaving product prices wherever possible in order to build its customer base and market share, while plowing large investments into product fulfillment centers, physical and virtual distribution channels, and manufacturing infrastructure for its various Kindle and Kindle Fire units.

We’ve been saying here at KND for well over a year that Amazon is positioning itself to capture something very close to an unprecedented 50% retail market share across all formats in the U.S. book trades by the end of 2013. In addition to whatever it is accomplishing across its remarkable and relentlessly expanding array of other product lines, we suspect that that kind of market share will have far more lasting benefits for Amazon and its investors than a few million here and there in 2012 quarterly profits.

Attaining that kind of market share will also mean continued and increasing scrutiny of Amazon by the same folks at the Justice Department who currently have their sights trained on Apple and the agency model publishers. Ironically, it’s the combination of that scrutiny and Amazon’s own corporate commitment to innovation, efficiency and its big-tent, customer-experience business model that provides some basis for optimism that its growing market dominance will actually continue to have positive effects for readers, authors, and consumers.

Here are the guts of Amazon’s press release this afternoon:

Amazon.com Announces Second Quarter Sales up 29% to $12.83 Billion

SEATTLE–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Jul. 26, 2012– Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) today announced financial results for its second quarter ended June 30, 2012.

Operating cash flow was $3.22 billion for the trailing twelve months, compared with $3.21 billion for the trailing twelve months ended June 30, 2011. Free cash flow decreased 40% to $1.10 billion for the trailing twelve months, compared with $1.83 billion for the trailing twelve months ended June 30, 2011.

Common shares outstanding plus shares underlying stock-based awards totaled 468 million on June 30, 2012, consistent with 468 million one year ago.

Net sales increased 29% to $12.83 billion in the second quarter, compared with $9.91 billion in second quarter 2011. Excluding the $272 million unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the quarter, net sales would have grown 32% compared with second quarter 2011.

Operating income was $107 million in the second quarter, compared with $201 million in second quarter 2011. The unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the quarter on operating income was $8 million.

Net income decreased 96% to $7 million in the second quarter, or $0.01 per diluted share, compared with net income of $191 million, or $0.41 per diluted share, in second quarter 2011. The second quarter 2012 includes $65 million of estimated net loss related to the acquisition and integration of Kiva Systems, Inc.

“Amazon Prime is now the best bargain in the history of shopping – that is not hyperbole,” said Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon.com. “We successfully launched Prime seven years ago with free unlimited two-day shipping on one million items. The price of annual membership was $79. Since then, Prime selection has grown to 15 million items. We’ve also added 18,000 movies and TV episodes available for unlimited streaming. And we’ve added the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library – borrow 170,000 books for free with no due dates – it even includes all seven Harry Potter books. What hasn’t changed since we launched Prime? The price. It’s still $79. We’re very grateful to our Prime members, and thank them whole-heartedly for the business and for the word-of-mouth that has made this program grow.”


  • Kindle Fire remains the #1 bestselling product across the millions of items available on Amazon.com since launch. Over this same period, the top 10 selling items on Amazon.com were digital products – Kindle, Kindle books, and accessories.
  • Kindle Owners’ Lending Library has grown to over 170,000 books available to borrow for free as frequently as a book a month, including many titles exclusive to Amazon. Additionally, customers can now borrow all seven Harry Potter books in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish.
  • During the quarter, 20 of our top 100 bestselling Kindle titles were from Kindle Direct Publishing authors.
  • Amazon expanded its catalog of title offerings for Prime Instant Video to more than 18,000 movies and TV episodes, announcing licensing agreements with Paramount Pictures and MGM, for titles including Braveheart, Forrest Gump, Mean Girls, Nacho Libre, Clueless, Moonstruck, Rain Man, Silence of the Lambs, Species, Stargate and many more.
  • Amazon.com announced that Prime Instant Video is now available on the Xbox 360 console. Customers can now access Amazon video content through Kindle Fire, PlayStation 3, Mac or PC, or on a TV using either a compatible connected device such as a Blu-ray player or a Roku or directly on compatible Smart TVs.
  • Amazon’s LOVEFiLM, the leading European film and TV subscription service, announced new multi-year agreements with Twentieth Century Fox Television Distribution and NBCUniversal International Television Distribution, providing LOVEFiLM members in the U.K. exclusive streaming access to movies and TV series from the studios, including Despicable Me, Green Zone, and Robin Hood. The agreements are the latest in a long line of exclusive content deals announced by LOVEFiLM, including agreements with Disney, Sony Pictures, Warner Bros., Entertainment One and STUDIOCANAL.
  • North America segment sales, representing the Company’s U.S. and Canadian sites, were $7.33 billion, up 36% from second quarter 2011.
  • International segment sales, representing the Company’s U.K., German, Japanese, French, Chinese, Italian and Spanish sites, were $5.51 billion, up 22% from second quarter 2011. Excluding the unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the quarter, sales grew 28%.
  • Worldwide Media sales grew 13% to $4.12 billion. Excluding the unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the quarter, sales grew 15%.
  • Worldwide Electronics and Other General Merchandise sales grew 38% to $8.16 billion. Excluding the unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the quarter, sales grew 42%.
  • Amazon.com announced that developers can now submit mobile apps for distribution through our upcoming appstore launches this summer on the Company’s U.K., German, French, Italian and Spanish sites. In just over one year, the Amazon Appstore on www.amazon.com has grown to tens of thousands of apps and games. For additional information, visit https://developer.amazon.com/welcome.html.
  • Amazon.com introduced “GameCircle,” an all-new gaming experience for Kindle Fire, and released a series of APIs for developers to add this new experience to their games. GameCircle offers gaming customers a series of features such as achievements, leaderboards, and sync that make gaming even more fun, convenient and social on Kindle Fire. The newly-released GameCircle APIs will help game developers quickly and easily integrate their games with GameCircle, allowing them to grow their business by reaching new customers and keeping them engaged. For additional information, visit http://amazon.com/gamecircle.
  • AWS relaunched AWS Support with the expansion of free support for all AWS customers, a reduction in pricing on premium support plans and adding multiple new features to help customers better interact with and improve their use of AWS, including chat functionality and proactive alerts when opportunities exist to save money, improve system performance, or close security gaps. The price reduction marked the 20th time AWS has lowered prices since its launch in 2006. For additional information, visit http://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport.
  • Amazon announced the Amazon Career Choice Program, providing employees with a resource for building the job skills needed for today’s most in-demand and well-paying careers. For employees who’ve been with Amazon as little as three years, the program will pre-pay 95% of the cost of courses such as aircraft mechanics, computer-aided design, machine tool technologies, medical lab technologies, nursing, and many other fields.

Financial Guidance

The following forward-looking statements reflect Amazon.com’s expectations as of July 26, 2012. Our results are inherently unpredictable and may be materially affected by many factors, such as fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, changes in global economic conditions and consumer spending, world events, the rate of growth of the Internet and online commerce and the various factors detailed below.

Third Quarter 2012 Guidance

  • Net sales are expected to be between $12.9 billion and $14.3 billion, or to grow between 19% and 31% compared with third quarter 2011.
  • Operating income (loss) is expected to be between $(350) million and $(50) million, down from $79 million in the comparable prior year period.
  • This guidance includes approximately $275 million for stock-based compensation and amortization of intangible assets, and it assumes, among other things, that no additional business acquisitions, investments, or legal settlements are concluded and that there are no further revisions to stock-based compensation estimates.

A conference call will be webcast live today at 2 p.m. PT/5 p.m. ET, and will be available for at least three months at www.amazon.com/ir. This call will contain forward-looking statements and other material information regarding the Company’s financial and operating results.

These forward-looking statements are inherently difficult to predict. Actual results could differ materially for a variety of reasons, including, in addition to the factors discussed above, the amount that Amazon.com invests in new business opportunities and the timing of those investments, the mix of products sold to customers, the mix of net sales derived from products as compared with services, the extent to which we owe income taxes, competition, management of growth, potential fluctuations in operating results, international growth and expansion, the outcomes of legal proceedings and claims, fulfillment center optimization, risks of inventory management, seasonality, the degree to which the Company enters into, maintains and develops commercial agreements, acquisitions and strategic transactions, and risks of fulfillment throughput and productivity. Other risks and uncertainties include, among others, risks related to new products, services and technologies, system interruptions, government regulation and taxation, payments and fraud. In addition, the current global economic climate amplifies many of these risks. More information about factors that potentially could affect Amazon.com’s financial results is included in Amazon.com’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including its most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent filings.

Our investor relations website is www.amazon.com/ir and we encourage investors to use it as a way of easily finding information about us. We promptly make available on this website, free of charge, the reports that we file or furnish with the SEC, corporate governance information (including our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics), and select press releases and social media postings.

The KND Kindle Chronicles Interview – In the Margins: Cheryl Strayed Walks Her Way to the Wild Rewards of a New Kind of Writer-Reader Collaboration … with Oprah! Len Edgerly Interviews Cheryl Strayed, author of Wild, first selection of Oprah’s Book Club 2.0

By LEN EDGERLY, Contributing Editor

The other day someone asked Cheryl Strayed if she had her best-selling book, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail, on the family iPad.

Cheryl Strayed“I didn’t even know that I could,” she confessed in our interview this week. In fact, the author whose memoir convinced Oprah Winfrey to launch a digitally hip Book Club 2.0 has never even read an eBook.

Which doesn’t mean Cheryl has an attitude against digital books. She just gets tired of looking at screens all day and prefers the feel of reading a printed book.

While talking with her, I did not feel provoked or defensive on behalf of eBooks. Instead, I garnered some lessons about transformation from the way she talked about her 1,100-mile hike, her writing, and her wild ride as an Oprah-selected author.

Let’s begin with the hike. Cheryl had not been even a casual hiker before she set out on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) in 1995 when she was 26 years old, four years after the devastating loss of her mother to lung cancer. Her first set of boots was a size too small, and her pack, which she named Monster, was nearly too heavy for her to lift, never mind to haul up and down mountains from Mojave, California, to the border of Oregon and Washington.

What I learned from her hike is the power of putting one foot in front of the other. Her superbly written account filled that common phrase with unforgettable details, like a toenail turning black before she pulled it off. That happened six times. You’ll be glad to know they all grew back.

“Walking lends itself to metaphor,” Cheryl explained in the interview. “In a literal way, that is how you get from one place to another—you have to do it one step at a time and put one foot in front of the other.”

The word “metaphor” in Greek actually means “to transport.” Cheryl sees what she did in describing her heavy pack, the burden she couldn’t bear, as transporting meaning from one realm to another, from the literal realm of the PCT to the emotional realm in which she tried to bear grief that also seemed unbearable.

It’s a nice turn, and when an author dives all the way into her life, risking judgment or misunderstanding, meaning does in fact get transported, and we feel more in touch with what makes us human.

Step by step; that is how a transformation takes place.

Another lesson I took from Cheryl involves openness to change. I like to think of myself as an early adopter and big thinker, but how about if I’d worked on an extremely personal book for a year and a half and someone said they wanted to select it for their omigod-powerful Book Club, with this little detail: the eBook version would contain margin notes sprinkled through it by the Book Club creator.

“Well, it was a big conversation,” Cheryl replied when I asked her how that idea first struck her.  She and her editor at Knopf are book people, who have always considered a book to be something written by an author, so that what you find in the book are the author’s words. Period.

“I thought about it,” Cheryl said, “and really pretty quickly I realized that I thought it would be really cool and interesting.” She had a chance to see Oprah’s notes before they appeared linked to underlined passages of the eBook and did not request any changes.

That openness has served the author well during the whole wild ride of being an Oprah pick. She has replied to readers’ questions in short, eloquent videos online. She has engaged with readers on Twitter. In the process she has realized that, though she wrote the book, it’s the readers who define what the book is in the world.

And so Oprah’s margin notes, along with all the other digital engagement from Book Club 2.0, led this non-eBook-reading author to step with curiosity and open-mindedness into an entirely new experience of what it means to publish a book.

As an indication of how Cheryl’s open attitude rubbed off on an eBook evangelist who sometimes sees traditional publishers as obstacles to the advance of digital reading, I want to say that it pleased me greatly to receive a signed hardcover copy of Wild from Oprah’s social-media-savvy staff in response to some tweeting I did. I won’t read it, but I love having it.

And when Cheryl talked about the inspiration and skilled guidance that she received from her editor at Knopf, I experienced new appreciation for all it takes to bring writing of this quality into the world.

How will we get there, this new place we are going as people who love books and always have?

One step at a time, with an open mind.

That’s what I learned this week from an author who has never read an eBook.

And by the way, when I asked if she might bring a Kindle with her on her next long trip, Cheryl Strayed said maybe, and added, “Maybe I need to hike the Pacific Crest Trail all over again, so we can answer this question for sure.”

lenKindle Nation Weekender columnist Len Edgerly blogs at The Kindle Chronicles where you can hear his interview with Cheryl Strayed in its entirety at 24:05 of this week’s Kindle Chronicles episode 207.


17 Features Amazon Must Add to the Next Kindle Fire, After Google Raises the Bar with the Nexus 7 Tablet

If you happened to read my post earlier this week on Google’s new Nexus 7 tablet, you know that it’s probably the biggest rave review I have ever given to a Kindle competitor. Not to go all Oldies on you, but when it comes to the basic value proposition of hardware design and initial cost, the new kid on the block is now the leader of the pack. We like it. We like it a lot. You get the picture?

If tablet development were frozen at this point (unlikely) and every consumer shopping for a tablet had the opportunity to test drive a $499 iPad, a $199 Kindle Fire, and a $199 Nexus 7 before making a purchase (very unlikely), the Nexus 7 would quickly take a dominant position in sales. It’s certainly off to a good start — currently sold out on Google Play, just as the original Kindle was sold out for over half of its first 15 months of existence.

So why not just change the name over the door to Nexus Nation Daily? (I mean, aside from the fact that it sounds bad?)

Because the real winner in this new stage of the tablet wars will be us, as readers, viewers, listeners, players, and consumers. We may let Google, Apple and others fill up our dance card, but it says here that our best move will be to save the last dance for a brand new Kindle Fire sometime between now and November. Amazon is a big winner every time someone buys any tablet or smartphone that can run its free Kindle apps, but the company is continuing to make huge investments in building its video, music, and apps catalogs, and for those sectors it needs to hold onto its position as the leader in non-Apple tablet sales.
We won’t get swept up in every rumor about price, drop date, and features between now and November, but based on the early success of the Nexus 7, we’ll focus here on the improvements that Amazon must bring to a new Kindle Fire 2.0 to maintain its current strong position among Android* tablets.

  • Slim It Down: Someone on the web called the Fire “beefy,” and that seems an apt description now although it’s only about 2.6 ounces heavier than the Nexus 7 and over half a pound lighter than the iPad. The Nexus 7 form factor, slimness, density and weight distribution feels ideal in my hands.
  • Higher Screen Resolution: The Kindle Fire screen display and resolution is terrific, and I for one believe that Apple may be fudging the science in support of slightly exaggerated claims for the iPad’s “retina display” resolution. But the Nexus 7’s 1280×800 display (216 ppi) is gorgeous across a 7-inch screen, and Amazon should at least match that with its next Fire release.
  • Faster Processor: Google’s video presentation for the Nexus 7 clearly takes aim at the Fire when it says pointedly that “we’ve declared war on lagginess,” and for now at least they have certainly won a pivotal battle with its fast, crisp Quad-core Tegra 3 processor. That’s where the bar is set now for a $199 tablet.
  • Improved Web Functionality: The Fire may be almost everything it should be when it comes to running Amazon’s content consumption channels for ebooks, music, video, and apps, but despite the company’s claims for its Silk web browser the Fire is often laggy and clunky on the web. A big part of the problem is that Silk often pushes users into truncated, feature-limited, mobile versions of websites so that, for instance, you can’t use pinch and pan gestures to zoom in and out on many sites. For readers who have been drawn to the Kindle platform because they can adjust font sizes for easier reading, the tiny font sizes on many Silk-rendered sites is a big fail. On the Nexus 7, for instance, it’s easy to use an email service such as Gmail from within the Chrome browser (rather than from within the Gmail app) and thus to be able to pinch, swipe, pan, etc. to personalize the experience to suit one’s eyes. Similarly, Google Docs/Google Drive documents have very close to full input/output functionality on the Nexus 7, and that’s where the bar should be set for a new Kindle Fire.
  • Curb Appeal: The Fire doesn’t look bad, and it has a nice personality, but the Nexus 7’s combination of chrome, faux leather and scratch-resistant Corning glass is the new standard for sleek design. It looks a lot like what I expect we’ll see with a mini-iPad, and may inspire a similar level of gadget lust.
  • External Volume Button: The Nexus 7 volume buttons are ideally located on the upper right edge, and that’s just where they should be on the Fire.
  • Camera(s). The Nexus 7 has a relatively low-resolution front-facing camera, which frankly is not much of a plus unless you really want to take pictures of yourself. Amazon should go further and give the next Fire a camera capability similar to that on the iPhone. If the camera could shoot a brief video it could have the further virtue of being able to sync up with Amazon’s invitation for its customers to create video reviews.
  • Siri/Iris Capability: Do people really use Apple’s Siri and Google’s Iris beyond making joke videos about them and asking them “sexual” questions? I imagine many people do, and I’ll absolutely grant that they constitute a cool feature when you first try them. I suspect Amazon — the company that brings us shopping-enhanced Wikipedia — could actually improve on Siri and Iris by tying a service both to information and to commerce.
  • Microphone: If a new Fire is going to have a camera and a Siri-like service, of course, it will need a functional microphone.
  • Text-to-Speech: One of the reasons I prefer my Kindle DX to my Kindle Fire for reading is that I can easily switch to text-to-speech on most books, periodicals, and personal documents. There’s no good reason why the Kindle Fire shouldn’t offer text-to-speech, and now that the Nexus 7’s rudimentary text-to-speech shows that it can be done, Amazon should prove that it can be done well.
  • Power Switch Placement: Many Fire owners find the bottom-edge placement of the power switch a bit counter-intuitive, and it would make sense to move it so that it is above the volume buttons (that we suggest should be) on the upper right edge.
  • Greater Personalization and Customization: The desire for this kind of thing may vary widely among users, but my teenage son Danny (who was a great help to me in developing this list) tells me that the Fire display is “boring” because he can’t easily create his own wallpaper and he has to look at “those ugly shelves.” So some customization would be nice for some users, it seems.
  • GPS. Why not? It’s in there somewhere anyway, so it might as well be fully functional.

For the most part, the list above is composed of items where the Nexus 7 has raised the bar and the next Kindle Fire must match or better the new standard. But here are several additional items where Amazon could regain the advantage by raising the bar on its own initiative.

  • True Android Compatibility and Access to Google’s Android Market: It’s all well and good for Amazon and Google to be running competing app stores, but in keeping with the big tent retail strategy espoused by both companies (when they care to espouse it), we would like to see open access to each other’s app stores, maximum Android platform compatibility (so that, for instance, a new Kindle Fire could run Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) rather than a skinned version of the platform, and maximum access to all content stores. The Nexus 7 runs Kindle, Amazon MP3/Cloud Player, Audible.com, and Netflix, so it’s not clear what the rules are that are (for now at least) keeping Amazon Instant Video off the Nexus 7. We expect to see tremendous ebook price wars between the Kindle and Google ebook sales later this year, so it may be silly to even suggest that Amazon should allow Google Play content stores on the Kindle Fire, but, well, can’t we all get along? We are approaching the point where these tablets could really replace portable/laptop/notebook/netbook personal computers, and nobody in this day and age would suggest that personal computers should come with built-in barriers to certain digital retailers’ content, would they?
  • 3G or 4G Option for Free, Cheap, or Not: Part of the reason Amazon gained such a foothold with the original Kindle was that it came with free 3G connectivity, something that seemed truly amazing in November 2007. While few of us complained when the original Kindle Fire arrived with wi-fi only, because there were few initial Fire uses where 3G would really make a difference, the uses of the Nexus 7 (or a Fire with the features suggested above such as GPS and a Siri-workalike) is such that an affordable plan for 3G or 4G coverage could be a huge boost to a new Fire’s market share.
  • SD Card Slot: As the cloud becomes more important, storage becomes somewhat less important, but any device that depends on wi-fi for content consumption needs to have sufficient storage so that it can be stocked with content prior to travel, and an SD card slot would be helpful there.
  • Price: It’s one thing for Amazon to get into an ebook price war with Barnes & Noble, and quite another to get into a device price war with deep-pocketed Google, but Amazon has shown great willingness to be aggressive on pricing, and a move into the $149-$189 territory for the Kindle Fire might be worthwhile. That said, it is also worth repeating a point made in last week’s review, that the true cost for the Google tablet is about $225, not $199, because of sales tax and a rather expensive shipping charge levied by Google.

How great would all these enhancements be? Well, I think they could be pretty great, but it’s always important to remember that, just as it is not all about the hardware, it’s also not all about the sheer quantity of features so much as how they fit together and how intuitive, user-friendly and elegantly simple a gadget is.

After all, it’s a device that should be meant to improve quality of life.

It’s not a pizza.

Which reminds me of something I heard the other day….

The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop … and says …

“Can you make me one with everything?”

Publetariat Dispatch: E-Ink Devices – The Fastest Invention In History To Become Old-Fashioned

Publetariat: For People Who Publish!
In today’s Publetariat Dispatch, author and publisher Alan Baxter muses on the disruptive speed of technological advances in books and publishing.

I’ve been noticing that more and more people are reading e-books from  tablets and fewer people are buying e-ink devices like the original  Kindle. When I straw-polled this perception on Twitter, it seemed that I  was right. While we are seeing more Kindles and Kobos than ever, the  number of iPads and other tablet devices seem to far outstrip the e-ink  growth.

Further chatting and some links supplied by friendly  tweeters backed this up. When I tweeted: “I predict that e-ink devices  could be the fastest invention in history to become old-fashioned”,  futurist Mark Pesce replied:

@mpesce: They’re already charmingly quaint.

From  a shiny new technology to obsolete and replaced in very short order.  Already, the Kindle is “charmingly quaint”, like a gramophone player or a  phone with a cord and dial. I’m a bit disappointed about this, because I  love my Kindle. The thing I like most, apart from the very easy on the  eyes e-ink screen, is that it’s a dedicated reading device. No  distractions. It holds books and other documents that I need to read and  that’s all. There are enough interruptions everywhere else – I don’t  need them in a book too. Plus, the battery lasts literally weeks.

But  I do have a slight issue in that I love my comics. I’ve read comic  books forever and still buy several titles a month. I’d be happy to move  to reading those digitally, but for the colour and graphic delivery I’d  need a tablet like an iPad. I’ve yet to be able to justify the expense  of an iPad purely for reading comics. But if it was for all my  e-reading… And that doesn’t even begin to address the multi-media  reading experience, with linked footnotes, video content and so much  more that tablets make so easy.

But here’s where another problem  presents itself. Reading novels (or other straight, unadorned text) from  a tablet is problematic at the moment. It’s hard to see outside in the  sunshine. The tablet has a terrible battery life, compared to the weeks  and weeks I get from my Kindle. The backlit display is more tiring for  the eyes. And herein lies the reason tablets are taking over – all those  things are being addressed and improved at a furious rate. The tablet  is starting to achieve all the positives of a dedicated e-ink reader,  along with all the other things it does, making the strengths of e-ink  irrelevant.

It’ll be a while before the tablet screen, ink, battery life and so on are as good as, say, a Kindle, but not that long a while. It will happen.

What  this boils down to is actually something bigger. The device itself is  becoming irrelevant. The beauty of the tablet is that it is a convergent  device. You carry one thing and it does everything you need – reading,  writing, web surfing, social networking, etc. This leads to a paradigm  shift in content creation and delivery. As Eoin Purcell said on Twitter during last night’s conversation:

Things will be sold, but selling will take different forms. Subscriptions, memberships, ads, events, readings etc.


His  point being that the content will be in the cloud, the creators and  publishers will earn through the things he mentions in the quote above  and that content will be consumed on a variety of devices. The device  itself becomes irrelevant – all it needs is access to the cloud and a  comfortable reading experience. That’s the tablet with the battery life,  screen resolution and daylight clarity I talked about above. The  implication here is that not only does the device itself become  irrelevant – as long as you have one, any one will do – but the concept  of an ebook is also irrelevant. You don’t buy a book. You subscribe to a  publisher and access their content, whenever, wherever. I’m not  entirely sure how I feel about this…

So the dedicated e-reader,  like the Kindle or Kobo, is already dead. It just hasn’t stopped kicking  yet. Amazon know this, so they’ve released the Fire, which is a tablet  device. Others are following suit. For those of us who prefer a  dedicated e-ink device, we should make the most of it now. Before long  we’ll be the hipsters of the digital reading world, congregating like  those people in record stores who still buy vinyl and talk about what  stylus they prefer. I wonder if half the people reading this even know  what a stylus is.

(For further reading, I’d recommend this article on the subject by Eoin Purcell. Interestingly, this article is already more than two years old.)


This is a cross-posting from Alan Baxter’s The Word.


The KND Kindle Chronicles Interview: It’s a Great Time to Be a Reader, So Enjoy the Ride! Len Edgerly Interviews Jeremy Greenfield, editorial director, Digital Book World

By LEN EDGERLY, Contributing Editor

Jeremy Greenfield is surprised by how much his new beat, the book publishing industry, seems like a war zone.

Jeremy GreenfieldHe has been at it for nine months now as editorial director of Digital Book World, whose mission is “Digital Publishing News for the 21st Century.” He brought with him solid experience as a financial journalist, having spent three years at Dow Jones/The Wall Street Journal.

“One of the most surprising things to me,” Greenfield told me in this week’s Kindle Chronicles interview, “is that everyone in the industry…has very, very strong opinions about how everyone in the industry should go about their business.”

To illustrate his point, he chose a photo of a soldier standing in silhouette, armed with a rifle, for a recent Digital Book World post titled “Commenting on the Publishing Wars of 2012.

“It’s been challenging for me covering the industry as a result,” Greenfield wrote in the post. “At Digital Book World, we try to be objective as we cover the news but it doesn’t stop people from thinking we’re secretly in cahoots with one party or another in the publishing industry debates.”

He never mentioned Amazon in his thoughtful consideration of the book publishing industry, so I asked him for an objective description of the party often portrayed by traditional publishers and The Authors Guild as a ruthless enemy in a war of survival.
“Amazon is, no doubt, the most important company in publishing right now,” Greenfield replied. “So for me, it’s the most important company to cover. Amazon sells more books than anybody else.  Amazon, I believe, sells more eReaders than anybody else, and Amazon has controlled the way the business has been conducted in the industry to some extent over the past several years.”

That very control by Amazon, however, is what summons The Authors Guild, as an example, to the battle stations. Amazon was mentioned 142 times in the Guild’s objection to settlement terms proposed by the Department of Justice in DOJ’s lawsuit against Apple and five major publishers charged with colluding to fix eBook prices.
“Amazon has engaged in baldly anticompetitive practices for years,” The Authors Guild wrote. “Its approach to destroying competition is sophisticated, data-driven, and endlessly creative.”

On the other side, you will hear fighting words from Amazon supporters like my friend Stephen Windwalker, creator of this very Kindle Nation Daily site. His letter supporting the proposed DOJ settlement stated that the defendant publishers “arrived in the 21st century very poorly prepared for the future either in their fundamental economic cost structure or in their commitment to invest in innovation.”

Greenfield in the interview suggested that combative opinions flow from a level of passion unique to books.

“People don’t get into the publishing industry for the money,” he said. “They get into publishing because they love books.” He added later, “So that passion, I think, spills over into people having very strong opinions about everything in the industry.”
I’ve noticed a similar level of passion among listeners of my podcast, who tend to be voracious readers. They love their Kindles, they love reading digitally, and they love the astounding level of customer service they receive from the Kindle’s creator.

Many of them would be able to relate to my wife Darlene’s decision this week to buy a Kindle version of a book, even though she’d been given a free paperback of the title, to read for a book club. My wife just doesn’t read print books any more. Neither do I–and we’re reading more books than ever.

To the extent that traditional publishers appear to be resisting or trying to slow down the transition to eBooks in the name of keeping Amazon from getting too powerful, Kindle lovers can get more than irritated. Or at least I can.

All of which means that I get how challenging it is for a serious journalist like Jeremy Greenfield to present objective information about the book publishing business. I was glad to hear that he has good access to executives at Amazon, as well as at the major publishers, and that he reads sometimes on paper and sometimes on the Kindle that he purchased before reporting to work for Digital Book World. I find his reporting to be original, balanced, and useful in staying on top of the industry.

I especially liked his reply when I asked for his advice to readers.

“My advice to readers is ‘Enjoy the ride,’” he said. “I think this is one of the greatest times to be a reader, right now. There are more books, more widely available than ever before.”

Even in an industry that sometimes feels like a war zone, I don’t think you would find many people who would disagree with that.

lenKindle Nation Weekender columnist Len Edgerly blogs at The Kindle Chronicles where you can hear his interview with Jeremy Greenfield in its entirety at 26:20 of this week’s Kindle Chronicles 206.

The KND Kindle Chronicles Interview: From Homer to Homer: Unnatural Acts, Words Like Loaded Pistols, and Rewiring Our Brains for the Pleasures of Reading – Len Edgerly Interviews Marshall Poe of New Books Network

By LEN EDGERLY, Contributing Editor

If you are like me and most other people, you seldom read a book published by a university press. Which is a shame, actually.

When you consider the intelligence of the authors and the variety and depth of topics represented by this slice of the publishing world, it makes me wish there were a convenient way to explore them.

Or, with my Kindle Fire or other .mp3 player, maybe there could be a way to learn from scholarly authors without even having to buy and read their books.
It turns out there is a way to browse such work by scholars. It is the creation of Marshall Poe, a professor of history at the University of Iowa, and it’s called tmpoehe New Books Network (NBN).

Poe (photo at right) started his podcast-based project by doing smart, unhurried audio interviews with fellow historians about their books. He has since expanded the effort to other disciplines, so you will find about 50 active podcast channels at New Books Network, covering (alphabetically) everything from African Studies to World Affairs. In between, you can browse Anthropology, Buddhist Studies, Critical Theory, Islamic Studies, Music, and Secularism, among others.

This is a helpful way to organize a daunting catalog of interviews, because you can browse through categories and drill down to specific books and authors you might like to hear about.

For example, if you are interested in Sports, you will find a channel devoted to that topic, and in it you will find an interview with Rob Fitts, author of Banzai Babe Ruth: Baseball, Espionage, and Assassination During the 1934 Tour of Japan. Like many of the books featured at NBN, this one is no bargain. It’s available from the University of Nebraska Press at the Kindle Store for $19.22.

Bruce Berglund interviews Fitts with a light touch, giving the author plenty of time to tell how, starting out as an archeologist, he came to write a book about a tour of Japan by Babe Ruth seven years before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Ruth and the players traveling with him were thrilled with their reception in Japan, where hundreds of thousands of fans lined the streets to greet them. Ruth’s connection to Japan led to a deep sense of personal betrayal on December 7, 1941.

Although I am not a baseball fan, I thoroughly enjoyed the Fitts interview. It lasts just under an hour, and it offers a highly original look into Japanese-American relations leading up to World War II.  In this case, the interview was enough, and I did not decide to purchase the book.

You might or might not find a Kindle book you want to buy while hanging out at New Books Network. In fact, about 40 percent of the titles discussed are available, sadly, only on paper. What I can guarantee is that you are not likely to find these books featured elsewhere. And this goes to Marshall Poe’s mission.

“There’s a lot of good stuff in these books, and these people are very eloquent and very intelligent,” he told me during this week’s Kindle Chronicles interview. “It can be quite a joy to listen to them talk about their books.”

What frustrates Poe is how poor a job university presses do in distributing their books. They have few marketing channels, and they price the books at a premium.
“University presses should just stop printing books—full stop,” he said. By comparison, eBooks may bring new audiences for scholarly works, but even they face this fundamental challenge: the difficulty of getting people to read anything.

“Although we often forget it, reading is a profoundly unnatural act,” Poe wrote in “Every Monograph a Movie,” a provocative article he published in March of this year in The Chronicle of Higher Education.

“We were not evolved to read,” he argued. “Eyes are for seeing, ears are for hearing, but we have nothing specifically designed for reading.”  This means we have to rewire our brains to learn to read. In addition, Poe wrote, even if we have learned to read well, the activity is “often not physically pleasurable.”

I found it shocking to read those words in a scholarly article by an academic. But even as I consider myself to be an evangelist for the joys of reading eBooks with ever-improving digital devices, I will admit to a gnawing doubt. What if the future bends inevitably toward “enhanced” books that do provide pleasure for eyes and ears more in tune with millions of years of human evolution?

I will try to stay nimble and explore such enhancements, of course. It is a good strategy for aging with energy and wit. Meanwhile, I am always looking for great books to read, using my rewired brain that long ago learned to love the way words on a page or screen mysteriously dissolve into story and meaning.

I love bestsellers and popular books. But now and again I like to challenge myself at the outer edge of my comfort zone. That’s why I am going to enjoy listening to more of NBN’s author interviews. I will close by mentioning a book that I found in the Language section that actually did lead me to a one-click purchase for my Kindle.
The title is Words Like Loaded Pistols: Rhetoric from Aristotle to Obama by Sam Leith, available for $14.84 from Basic Books. Chris Cummins’s chat with the author hooked me into wanting to learn more about centuries-old tools of persuasion that are on full display, for those who recognize them, in modern political campaigns.

It begins—and I’m reading from my Kindle Fire here—with this promising scene from The Simpsons:

MARGE [sings]: How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?

HOMER: Seven.

LISA: No, dad, it’s a rhetorical question.

HOMER: Okay, eight.

LISA: Dad, do you even know what “rhetorical” means?

HOMER: Do I know what “rhetorical” means?

Good question, Homer! And thanks, Marshall Poe, for getting it onto my Kindle.

Kindle Nation Weekender columnist Len Edgerly blogs at The Kindle Chronicles where you can hear his interview with Marshall Poe in its entirety at 10:57 of this week’s Kindle Chronicles Episode 205.